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Old r63 FlimFlam Story

By Guest
Created: 2022-01-06 00:29:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Creaking bed springs, the wet slaps of flesh banging into each other, muted moans - even through closed doors and windows ponies passing by the cheap hotel at the outskirts of Appaloosa could easily guess what kind of business was happening on the inside of one of its double bedrooms.
  3. Shim and Sham, the two wayfaring tradesmares with a bit of a reputation for shady deals were currently in the middle of easing some of the stress their current state caused them. Late into their pregnancies and with raging hormones the two sisters more often than not found themselves to becoming quite frisky. Luckily the horny sales-duo quickly managed to discover that plenty of towns hosted a variety of hard-working stallions with a kink looking to blow off some steam. A clever salespony always knows how to turn a profit, after all!
  5. "Oh, ooooh, oh sister of mine, this was uhhnn such a great idea!"
  7. Shim, the younger of the two sisters, was currently lying on her back on the cleanish hotel bed, legs spread apart. The large swell of her twin-sized pregnancy towered over her figure, gently rocking back and forth with each thrust of the stallion who bought her services. Between her legs sloshed a milk-filled udder, hidden from her view by her gravid middle, but very noticeable due to its weight and how sensitive the skin of her engorged teats was. Her vest, part of the outfit both mares wear for their tradeshows, was riding up her widened figure. Even with the lower button undone there was simply no chance it would fit over her gravid middle any more.
  9. Looking over her shoulder towards the head of the bed Shim saw that her older sister Sham was currently too entranced to even register what she just had said.
  11. Sham was only supporting her forelegs on the bed. While Shim opted to lie on the bed simply because her heavy womb made long workdays like these exhausting on her legs, Sham loved the raw power of a stallion hammering her from behind. Hindlegs spread apart and somewhat bow-legged, she moaned like a whorse in heat every time her stallion's hips slammed into her thick rear, his sweaty balls slapping into her engorged teats adding an extra sensation to the mix as droplets of warm milk splashed onto the carpet. Sham had given up any pretense of appearing decent, with her west being completely undone, framing her low-hanging pregnant belly like short curtains while her middle was rolling and swaying with the gyration of her hips. Her buttocks were delightfully jiggly, a result of both mares adapting the same diet despite Sham being pregnant with only one foal compared to her sister's twins. A fact her client evidently enjoyed very much, as his hooves kept rubbing her wide and soft hips while groaning in excitement. Sham eagerly bounced her chubby ass into the stallion's lap, loving all the attention her newly developed broodmare-body got her.
  13. The sharp pain of a butt-slap cleared the fog on Sham's mind for a moment, finally prompting a reply from the horny mare.
  15. "AH! Yes sister, this is the best!"
  17. She turned around to look her customer in the eye. Despite still panting heavily, her voice became cold and focused.
  19. "Slap me again and -oof- it will be ten extra bits for -uhn- rough play."
  21. The stallion gritted his teeth, sweat dripping down his name.
  22. "Just ten bits -phew- for all the slaps?"
  24. Sham shook her mane and bit her lip.
  26. "Oh yeah, just for you. Ooh, special offer!"
  28. The stallion responded by delivering another slap to Sham's cutiemark, watching the impact wave travel through the mare's soft flesh for a second, before playing the bongos on her reddening buttocks and pushing into her tunnel more rapidly. He grunted, throwing his weight behind every thrust to make sure he drives his rod as deep and hard into the mare as possible.
  30. "Oh Celestia, I love me a horny broodmare with a fat ass."
  32. Sham ignored the rude comment and gave in to the renewed pleasure coursing through her system with every rough thrust and slap. Her tongue was now lolling out of her mouth and her eyes widened, her head lowered onto the mattress. She was drooling onto the bedsheets, her arousal dripping onto the floor under her and mixing itself into the small milk-puddle.
  33. The poor cleaning-mare will have a heck of a task ahead of her on the next day.
  35. "Oh wow, look at them go!"
  37. Shim bit her lip at the lewd display, idly rubbing her belly. All this action had awoken the foals inside her womb, tiny little kicks visibly distorting the taut shape of her stretched skin. What she lacked in cushioning compared to her sister she easily made up with the sheer size of her middle and her udder, which has swollen up to the size of spraying milk-fountains.
  39. "Oh buck that is so hot!"
  41. A particular hard kick guided Shim's attention away from her sister's raunchy display. As she looked down over her pregnant belly at her customer she realized the comments she thought was about her sister's and her customer's lewd behavior at first was actually aimed towards her. The stallion was completely fixated on Shim's large, twitching, twin-sized middle. He licked his lips before placing both his forehooves on the sensitive skin, rubbing wide circles all over the surface of her gravid belly, which caused Shim to moan from from the tingling sensation this caused on her big swollen orb of a belly.
  43. "Oooh that feels good -uhhnnn- don't stop!"
  45. After a few seconds of this she felt his thrusts becoming more erratic and his breath more labored.
  47. "Oooh I cannot wait any longer!"
  49. There was a sudden slicking sound as the stallion pulled his length out of her.
  51. "What are you do-"
  53. Without missing a beat he placed his erection between Shim's jiggly teats, rubbing it up and down between the soft flesh. The underside and tip of his length drifted along the underside of her belly, prodding along the barely visible linea-nigra of her fertile swell. Droplets of precum splattered out of his shaft, feeling hot as some even graced her popped-out belly button.
  55. "H-Hey! Crotchboobjobs are 20 bits extra!"
  57. The stallion didn't listen, instead putting some pressure on Shim's engorged udders with his hooves, forcing sprays of milk to shoot at his lower belly and all over his shaft, lubricating the feral titfuck he was engaged in.
  59. "Oh bucking BUCK! HNNG!"
  61. Shim yelped as thick ropes of cum started to shoot out of the stallion's length, plastering her belly with hot and sticky white strands, a few managing to shoot far enough to reach over her round belly onto her chest and face, soaking onto her vest and cute little bowtie. She was panting heavily, face flushed red from being even more riled up than before after this heavy petting act on her sensual womb and soft udder.
  63. Sham on the other hand was having the time of her life. Her moans had transformed into lewd groans. She was biting down on some of the bed-covers, her eyes rolled up and her mane in a mess.
  67. Her stallion was playfully biting her ear. One of his forehooves was reaching past her swaying belly to play with her belly button.
  69. Sham was the first to finish, her muscles tensing up in her entire body as the hard orgasm shook her entire body. Just as her legs started to give out her customer pushed extra hard one last time, with enough force to lift her forward onto the mattress. A deep groan escaped his throat as he felt her tunnel clamp down on his length, finally pushing him over the edge aswell. Wetness splashed against his contracting ballsack as both rode out their combined orgasms, cum drenching Sham's twitching insides before dripping out her winking entrance.
  71. "Best...idea...ever..."
  73. Both slumped onto the bed on top of each other, completely drenched in sweat, before nearly immediately passing out into a wild-sex-induced nap.
  75. Shim looked over to her customer, who was just laying down next to her, his erection softening already after having spent his load all over Shim's dome of a belly.
  77. "Hey uh, I'm just gonna lay down a bit..."
  79. An annoyed groan escaped her lips. Instead of her customer taking care of her itch she got all riled up, worsening her already flustered state.
  81. "Oh no you don't!"
  83. In a surprising display of momentary mobility, the heavily pregnant mare rolled over to the sleepy stallion, first plopping her heavy womb onto his stomach, before slowly rising up to sit up, straddling his lap.
  85. "Oof, wait-"
  87. His length was trapped under Shim's big belly, nestled between its underside, her swollen teats and his lower belly. Shim started to slowly grind herself onto his groin, her winking foal-box drenching the base of is rod and his balls with wet arousal.
  89. "You! Mmhm...you entered a trade agreement with me."
  91. With her large belly slowly pushing back and forth in front of his face, the sight was simply too enticing for the stallion to resist. Ignoring his exhaustion for the moment, he lifted his forehooves up again and started to massage the fertile swell with renewed vigor.
  93. "Oh buck yes, worship my fat tummy. Oooh."
  95. The pressure squeezed Shim's udder, causing the ripe and engorged teats to leak warm rivulets of milk with every gyration of her hips, drenching the stallion before soaking into the mattress.
  97. "...You payed -unf- to satisfy me."
  99. Her grinding quickened, her belly lifting up slightly every time she arched her back, crashing down onto her customer's hardening erection with wet-sounding plops every time.
  101. "We -oof- don't do refunds! So. You. Better. Ah! Hold up..."
  103. Shim was now grinding herself in a circular fashion over the stallion's crotch, smearing her juices all over him, faster and faster.
  105. "..the end. Oooh! Of. Your.."
  107. She was sweating heavily, her legs stinging with pain of having to lift her swollen orb up and down. The hooves on her belly were driving her wild. Rough hooves gently scratching the skin that was constantly shifting from the tiny kicks rocking her womb. Her clit was winking wildly against the stallions hardening erection, making her feel his heartbeat pumping up his rod more rapidly by the second.
  109. "BARGAIN!!!"
  111. Shim fell limp for a moment, slumping forward before tensing up and moaning one last time as her orgasm came. With a weak push of her forelegs she managed fall off her seat to her side as she rode out her climax, strong kicks delivering small pangs of pain to her oversensitive system. With her exhaustion causing her to drift off to sleep she failed to notice the nervous stirring of her customer next to her, his now full-sized mast standing proudly into the air again.
  113. "Uhm miss Shim? Are we done already? I kinda have a situation here..."
  115. She opened one eye, a coy smile on her face. One of her hooves rubbed along the curve of her pregnant belly, small circles across the taut surface.
  117. "Oh my. Tell you what, five more bits and you can jerk off to my big tummy. I know you love it."
  119. The stallion blushed, his hooves already wandering down.
  121. "D-Deal!"
  123. ---
  125. And so the next day came. Both sisters managed to make a hefty sum of bits with their services and were now enjoying a large breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Sitting at a small table loaded with all kinds of breakfast-related items they were constantly fidgeting around, readjusting their positions. Leaning forward their bellies got into the way, pushing into the table and also squishing their engorged udders under their bellies, which caused trickles of milk to stain the floor and chairs. Leaning backwards on the other side pushed their backs against the backrests of the chairs, while their increased weight put uncomfortable pressure on their backsides.
  127. While these chairs were the worst, at least the food was very nice. The local populace consisted mostly of farm workers, so portions were generously sized and loaded with energy.
  129. The result of this mix was two mares repeatedly groaning as they readjusted their posture after every other bite, trying to ignore the constant need to fluff up pillows and sliding them back and forth in all kinds of manners to find that one comfortable position.
  131. Both Shim and Sham counted themselves to be lucky enough to be unicorns, which massively helped with eating in a somewhat dignified manner despite their advanced sizes.
  133. It was during this extended breakfast that Shim started to wonder about something. She was absolutely sure that the plan she and her sister hatched was brilliant, but for some reason she could not remember what it actually was.
  135. "Say, Sham, I know we had this great idea and all, but I have been asking myself...could you remind me again how shoveling all this food into our bellies and being pregnant and incredibly horny all the time actually helps us in the long run? I don't think we're reaching our possible profit goals here."
  137. Sham levitated a fork-load of pancakes into her mouth before responding.
  139. "Oh that is easy, sister of mine. First of all look at all the attention these horny stallions give us. Were making off like bandits from fleecing these perverts out of their bits...besides it is a lot of fun for us, too."
  141. Both mares shared a small laugh. Life was surprisingly good for them, given their current status. Sham fanned some air to herself with her hoof. Just thinking about the sexual encounters they've had since they started their little scheme made her all flustered again.
  143. "I won't deny this whole endeavor has been quite profitable for us, sister, but..."
  145. Shim rubbed her large belly for a moment, a tender kick reminding her of the life growing inside her.
  147. "...what do we do after the little ones are born?"
  149. Sham had focused on the breakfast again. She took a little sip of tea before loudly munching on a buttered piece of toast. She only responded after the piece was gone.
  151. "Alimony, of course! We'll just go back to the little place where we picked our little packages up and demand to be compensated. It's foolproof. With the bits we'll get from the unsuspecting fathers we can finance their care easily. Then when they are grown up a bit we'll teach the little ones our trade. We're going to be a big family business! Imagine the kind of deals we could pull off with the help of some little fillies and colts! Customers love cute little foals!"
  153. "I see...hm."
  155. Shim leaned forward and lowered her voice, holding her hoof up to whisper towards her sister.
  157. "Sham, dear sister of mine...I might have to confess a little something."
  159. Now Sham was also leaning forward, carefully listening to her sister's words.
  161. "I...I do not have any recollection of who the father of these two is."
  163. Sham's eyes widened.
  165. "Are you serious? Sis, I thought you took notes!"
  167. Shim shook her head.
  169. "I thought you did! You did come up with the plan after all!"
  171. Sham rolled her eyes.
  173. "Why would I be responsible for taking notes when I was the one to come up with the plan!?"
  175. Both mares were silent for a moment, trying to remember that fateful night nearly ten months ago. Try as they might, only vague imagery of a dozen of stallions nearly climbing over each other for their turn, a tidal wave of cum and waking up all sticky inside a kiddy-pool came to mind. The only clear memory was of a mob of angry wives and girlfriends chasing the sisters out of town.
  177. "Oh dear sister of mine, I think we might have miscalculated some steps in our planning."
  179. "It does seem like we managed to overlook some minor or major details in the heat of the moment."
  181. "Indeed, for future planning we should avoid taking on major projects during spring time."
  183. Their thoughts were interrupted by a stinging pain. Having been leaning forward like that had pinched their tender teats under their bellies, an unpleasant feeling for the gravid mares. Both mares leaned back and started to comfort the sensitive spots, Sham by idly rubbing her udders with a hoof under the table while Shim tried to sneakily use her magic to ease the pain. Sham felt a familliar warm wetness on her hoof, evidently she was leaking milk again.
  185. She paused, looking around the restaurant room to see if anypony was paying attention to the pair of pregnant sisters. Feeling sure she wasn't being looked at, she slowly raised her milky hoof to her face. Again she hesitated for a second, before she stuck her tongue out and gave her milk a tentative taste. A little hum escaped her throat as she felt the creamy sweetness touch her tongue, her eyes widening. She noticed Shim was staring at her. The awkward silence grew more uncomfortable when a small cup filled with creamy white liquid slowly floated upwards from under the table, gripped by Shim's magic.
  187. "Shim, are you pondering what I am pondering?"
  189. "Change of plans?"
  191. "Change of plans."
  193. The sisters immediately went to work. Schematics had to be drawn, supplies to be ordered, builders to be contracted. A catchy jingle was written, revised, rewritten and then discarded for an improved version. Regulations would have to be circumvented, the product to be sold as regular product under false pretense. Next on the plan was the trading route. Which towns and villages promised the biggest profits?
  195. The pregnant mares planned while absent-mindedly snacking all day, this time making sure to take plenty of notes. In the evening they had prepared a nice stack of documents and a big blueprint for their new sales mobile.
  197. "So what do you say to the Super Speedy Milky Squeezy 6000?"
  199. "I still think the name is a bit too on the nose."
  201. "We can work on it as we travel. The most important bit is that it is time for the Shim Sham sisters to enter the dairy market!"

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