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My Little Demon

By afterpaste
Created: 2022-01-19 03:47:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Asking for a little filly for Horsemas."
  2. >"And you even opened her up... before Nightmare Night."
  3. >"You sure are naughty huh?"
  4. >"Gee whilikers Anon, well what did you think would happen?" ending with big smile giggling into her hooves.
  5. >Mulling the situation over, you never paid much attention to superstitions
  6. >Maybe you should have?
  7. >Whatever you thought was going to happen, sure didn't.
  8. >You've been swapping back and forth between talking to yourself in and out of your head, even though you don't have the luxury of privacy right now.
  9. >Since you're Anonymous and now you're currently having a chat with a possessed My Little Pony in your kitchen on the night of Halloween's Eve.
  10. >At least that's what she /says/ she is... but of course you're not so easily convinced she's not just trying to play a game with you.
  11. >Kinda crazy how the horse holidays all line up with ours, or do they? You'll have to ask her later.
  12. >Can't deny that there is a kind of living, moving, and talking pony that was in your living room, now sitting on your kitchen table as you rummage through your fridge.
  13. >You didn't have her a few days ago, and when you did pull her out of the box she wasn't this active before.
  14. >Didn't really seem like anything was out of the ordinary, wasn't moving at all, and sure wasn't as chatty.
  15. >Just like a normal stuffed animal.
  16. >Yup that's how it was before, everything normal.
  17. >Back to the present pink elephant in the room, even though she was neither pink nor an elephant.
  18. >You pictured that image in your head for a second and chuckle to yourself while she swung her legs back and forth offering moral support from behind, aww how nice.
  19. >"But you should get something extra special, like a big dessert"
  20. "Maybe you're right GG."
  21. >"Finally..." it sounded like she was relieved letting off some air.
  22. >You looked over everything indecisively before giving up and going for something sweeter, plunging your hand into the freezer blasting with cold air before.
  23. >That's what you wanted, but right now you just want to shove some garbage down and chill out.
  24. >Chill... hmm
  25. >A late night snack sounds good.
  26. "Yeah, that's the ticket."
  27. >"And don't feel too bad about it, I mean it IS called /Devil's/ Night..." her sweet voice trailed off.
  29. >You instinctively move to grab two bowls out of the cabinet before she stops you.
  30. >"Oh no... You really outdid yourself sooo, why don't you take all of it?"
  31. "Really, all of it? You don't want any?"
  32. >Shaking her head "It's no trouble at all, I think you really deserve it Anon"
  33. >She sits up and lightly trots over to the edge of the table motioning you over "Now you sit down and enjoy.
  34. >"Maybe anypony else would have known better, but it's not your fault"
  35. >"You're just one of those greenfigs Anon, it's OK you were just born this way!"
  36. >Greenfigs... wonder what that is? You'll have to get some later.
  37. >"But now that I'm here we can get things started back on track and fix that!" raising her hoof up in the air in victory
  38. "Hmfr, get what started?" you talk with half your mouth full of the frozen treat.
  39. >Before her hoof fell flat down again. "Don't... you know?"
  40. >"Hello, Petshop Cemetery curses ringing any bells?"
  41. >You spoon some more ice cream into your mouth and ponder for a moment.
  42. >Ponder how delicious it is that is.
  43. "Nah not much of a Goosebumps kind of guy, besides... don't you need to be a pet for that?"
  44. >"Huh Goosebumps? What's that got to do with anything?"
  45. "Oh, some book series really good sh-"
  46. "..."
  47. >"Good.. what?"
  48. >No. You won't cross that line.
  49. >You stopped yourself from cursing in-front of
  50. >Even for one that had her reputation
  51. "Good stuff I've heard."
  52. >"Are you suuure that's what you meant?"
  53. "Yup"
  54. >You nodded to yourself with your hands on your hips.
  55. >Wildly off-colored Cozy Glow frowned, looked like she was upset
  56. >You'll have to do something about that.
  58. >Not-So-Cozy-Cozy sat down on her haunches questioning you
  59. >"Umm really? Flesh eating rotten corpses, the undead, do I really need to keep going?"
  60. >She pressed on tracing out of the air an imaginary square with her hooves.
  61. >"You know the Big Black Book... WitchponyCraft, the voodoo-hoodoo?"
  62. >"I know you grownups are supposed know this kind of scary stuff and you're just testing me, but you can stop pretending now!"
  63. >You listen and nod as she lists off generic horror tropes in the background, everything you've heard of and probably some stuff you haven't.
  64. "That's quite the list you're building."
  65. "All scary stuff, but do you know what's even scarier?"
  66. "..."
  67. >"..."
  68. >The silence must be deafening. So you take that as your invitation, getting up close to the filly.
  69. >Your presence absolutely dwarfs her.
  70. >Putting your hands on her soft shoulders... pull yourself in close and... you whisper into her tiny ear.
  71. "There might be a spooky skeleton inside you right now... !"
  72. >You pull back and note the expression of shock was burned into your mind, just like a photo flash going off.
  73. >Conveniently timed lightning illuminating the room sure was helpful.
  74. >Patting yourself on the back, these kind of things only present themselves once a year, you gotta save your ammo for when the big guns come out.
  75. >You've been saving it for while, but you won't tell her that.
  76. >"Skeletons..." she deadpanned and repeats again while you went back to devouring "Skeletons."
  78. >You corrected as lightning boomed with thunder shaking the walls.
  79. "You really gotta use a doominous tone, it's like ominous except more DOOM."
  80. >"Umm, are you feeling OK?"
  81. "Don't worry I can teach you."
  82. >You nod sure of yourself while she ignores your idea thoroughly confused
  83. >"Do I look like I have a skeleton, did it feel like bones when yo-"
  84. "'-hugged me'?" pointing your spoon at her with a grin.
  85. >"Hey, don't interrupt me!"
  86. >Despite jumping at you for cutting in line, it looks like she had a little trouble getting the words out after you derailed her.
  87. >"..."
  88. "Well?"
  89. >Shaking her head "...picked me up. I was going to say pick me up before you jumped in."
  90. "Just helping out"
  91. >"Are you sure Greenfigs don't just like to put things in little filly's mouths?"
  92. >You do know one thing that you wanna put in a mouth, staring back at your tub.
  93. >Formerly tub, now half-empty tub.
  94. >How things change, you'll weep for your loss.
  96. >The frozen goodness helped getting back on track.
  97. "Anywhy ahn dnt thnk we hffd ny pnny pets, so can't be Pet Cmrtrry"
  98. "Want some?"
  99. >you shake the container lightly enticing her.
  100. "It's rocky-road"
  101. >She looks down at your spoon with her brow creased.
  102. >It's clear that you're not really listening or taking this serious to her.
  103. >Something else was on your mind.
  104. >Like this fucking great ice cream, you gotta hand it to her for this idea.
  105. >You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  106. "No?"
  107. >"This is serious business Anon!"
  108. "Oh really what kind of serious?"
  109. >"What do all of those things have in common?"
  110. >"It's all EVIL stuff Anon!"
  111. >She pats her chest in emphasis with her hooves. "It's what I've been trying to tell you, I'm Evil with a capital E.!"
  112. >You've been playing this pony's game for a while but this is too much.
  113. >You burst out laughing.
  114. "Sorry, sorry! I know you want me to play my part but I can't take it"
  115. "Trying to sell me on the idea that you're some great terror, but you couldn't even get up on the table yourself."
  116. "Don't you think you're just the teeeeeniest bit overestimating yourself?"
  117. >If plushies could blush out of embarrassment her face would be a burning red right about now.
  118. >Instead the light bluish-teal kind of color filly mumbled something to herself
  119. >"Well maybe if you didn't ruin everything.."
  121. >You notice that she was getting down in the dumps.
  122. >Not this time.
  123. >Springing into action and gasping dramatically, you set the tub down fast and hard.
  124. >Sure enough to make her jump before you came rushing over.
  125. "Golly Gee! We've got an emergency!" shaking her in panic
  126. "Nurse! Nurse!"
  127. >You change voices like a seasoned pro
  128. "Yes Doctor!"
  129. "What's the condition?"
  130. "I'm afraid it's a serious case of Scrunch-face-itus"
  131. >Then put on your best solemn face grimacing with your teeth turning away.
  132. "It-it's... chronic, unless we get it treated right away thing's can take a turn for the worse."
  133. "What can we do Doctor, is there anything that can save her?"
  134. "Don't worry! I've seen this in the field countless times, it's taken my whole career, a lifetime of research but thankfully we have the cure."
  135. >"Are you schizo? Why are you talking to your se-hey!"
  136. >You sweep her off her hooves with your hands tucked under her barrel.
  137. "It's upsies!"
  138. >"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
  139. "Miss Glow, please I'm a professional let me do my work."
  140. "Upsies!"
  141. >"Quit it!"
  142. "No can do. Until that frown is upside down we can't discharge you."
  143. "Upsies!"
  144. >Lightly tossing her body up and catching her, each time a little higher
  145. "Upsies!"
  146. >She reached a high point in the air time enough for her wings to unfurl
  147. >Flap, flap, flap, and now falling.
  148. >But with enough force, you can kind of a floaty feeling.
  149. >One more time, with gusto
  150. "Upsies!"
  151. >Bingo.
  152. >That must be what she was going through right now, judging from the surprise.
  153. >Even if was fruitless and she couldn't actually fly, for a glimmer of a moment she looked like it.
  154. >Her defenses were down
  155. >You caught her into a little cradle and go for the critical hit.
  156. >A boop right in the nose!
  157. "And hay is for horses little lady"
  159. >Without a word more you stood up from the table with your arm hooked under her barrel and head off with your pocket-sized pony in tow.
  160. >It was time to go punch down on some encrusted keys after firing up your PC.
  161. >"Put me down! I can move on my own!"
  162. "Cozy Girl, I've only known you for less than a day but if I know my Golly like I know my Golly she'd follow around like a puppy."
  163. >"Hey! I'm not a puppy, I'm a pony!" she protested proudly, plushy or not.
  164. "I know, but I'd leave you alone in the kitchen, be sitting in my chair... then hear the pitter patter of little hooves..."
  165. "You come in."
  166. "Then the trap would be sprung"
  167. "And like a villain, I'd make a fancy scene out of it"
  168. >She hung silently before you swung her up over your shoulder for a nice perch.
  169. "Figure that since since we're all being upfront about our feelings and everything I'd just cut straight to the chase."
  170. >That was enough to get a little quip out of her "You? You're a villain?" *Snrk*
  171. "Psh oh yes, stick around kid and we'll have some fun tomorrow night."
  172. >You wink a super cheesy and obvious wink.
  173. >It could only be cheesier if you narrated it out-loud.
  174. "Count on it"
  175. >"Well, I'll guess I can think about it.." Tapping her chin while a tiny smile blossomed while the little gears began to work in her little head.
  176. >"You so sure make it sound good, and I could give you some tips on your villainy."
  177. "That's the spirit!"
  179. >The night inches on.
  180. >Despite your earlier bonding and proposition for future funtimes, Miss Glow had chosen to sit down on your night table to the side.
  181. >Once you sat down the filly had struggled and squirmed right out of your hands, keeping her distance and guard up while you shitposted away.
  182. >You know what's going on, she was just far enough away to be out of arms length.
  183. >But now with a groan it seems like your newest patient couldn't really decide on what kind of treatment she wanted.
  184. >"Anon you've been at this for so long, what are you doing and why can't I see?"
  185. >You know better than to let impressionable young minds get corrupted by the deepdarkest web.
  186. >You glanced over seeing her her hooves buried into her muzzle.
  187. >But more importantly, has it really been that that long?
  188. >You swing your chair back to face her.
  189. >You just smile with your hands on your knees leaning forward.
  190. "Has it really been that long...?"
  191. >"Yes, it's been a really long-"
  192. >Your brain had tuned out her complaining fading away into happy thoughts as your dimples creeped up, ready to spring
  193. "Since..."
  194. >"Since..."
  195. "I haven't given you some upsies!?"
  196. >Really caught her off guard with that one, you watched her stumbled back on her hooves in shock a step or two
  197. >Hooves went up defensively "W-Wait hold on mister!"
  198. >You reached for her but it was too late, the best you could do was call her as she tumbled over the edge.
  199. "G.G. NO!"
  200. >There was a painful pause, you are almost scared to go see.
  201. >A moment later a ruffled mane peeked out from behind the wooden corner to your relief
  202. "Oof. You okay girl? That was quite a spill."
  203. >"Uohhh" The only response was a dizzy one.
  204. >You cursed yourself for being to slow.
  205. >And damn gravity for existing.
  206. >Sure it's useful most of the time...
  207. >But in the ONE moment that it could hurt your Golly, it shouldn't have.
  208. >"Uhhgh no thanks"
  209. "..."
  210. "No... upsies?"
  212. >Weighing your options here as she nodded. "No... upsies... No more upsies..."
  213. >Seems like something was making her a little nauseous, cringing holding back a gag.
  214. >But that doesn't sound right.
  215. >For the first time you had a frown on
  216. >She must still be dizzy, and not thinking right.
  217. >You stood up slow and make your way over to lift her up out of her daze before you froze in place.
  218. "HHHHG"
  219. "Hold that thought, Golly!"
  220. >Your hands went straight for your head and gripped it your temples, keeling over
  221. "UAAAAAAGHH!"
  222. >"Oh golly what's happening now??"
  223. "It's TERRIBLE GOLLY"
  224. >You're now crawling on the ground towards her with one hand cupped around your prized icecream.
  225. "The dreaded... BRAIN FREEEZE"
  226. >"Well stop eating it, what's wrong with you?!"
  227. >You couldn't bare parting with your sweet treat anymore than you can part with your bittersweet Golly.
  228. >You managed to muster up a silver hedgehog quote, appropriate for the situation.
  229. "It's no use!"
  230. "There's only one thing you can do for BRAIN FREEZE before it takes over.."
  231. >"Well what is it? Hurry up Anon, and tell me I didn't mean for this to happen"
  232. "It's company!"
  233. >Her mouth opens to comment, but you slipped a big spoonful right into her mouth before she got even one more syllable out.
  234. >Scrunch
  235. >Well she did react, almost instantly too, but that's not the kind you hoped for.
  236. "Nothing?"
  237. >She won't reply just keeps on scrunching and turned away, it looks like the disease was getting worse for your poor Golly girl.
  238. >She might have a case of the Tsunderes
  239. >You sigh defeated for the moment.
  240. "Yeah, maybe rocky road isn't your thing..."
  242. >You had taken a break from furiously typing away for who knows how long, and abruptly stopped with an explosive end.
  243. "Aha! I got it!"
  244. >You had sat the girl down off to the side, and while still in dazed your outburst caused her to jerk up.
  245. >Snapping your fingers, finally an epiphany had hit you!
  246. "Definitely a mint fan, might even say..."
  247. >You rub your stubble with a sly smile.
  248. "A minty one."
  249. "You wanted to know right? What I was up to."
  250. >That got her to perk up a bit more attentive, but skeptical
  251. >Who ever said you can't get horse to drink after being lead to water never met any ponies.
  252. "Are you sure?"
  253. "You know what they say right, curiosity killed the cat"
  254. >"Well I'm not your pet puppy." recalling your earlier comparison "And I'm not a kitty with only nine lives either" "I'm a pony, so it'll be okay!"
  255. >You nod your head sideways
  256. "Almost right, you look more like..."
  257. >Studying the smol pegasus and giving her a once over, you narrated your thoughts out-loud.
  258. "-A filly!"
  259. >You boop her nose and watch her head spring back into place.
  260. "The cuyutest filly in the whole world."
  261. "Cute fwuffy wings"
  262. "Cute wittle bow"
  263. "Cute big bwight eyes"
  264. "Cu-"
  265. >"-Would you q-quit saying that word before everything, and quit saying stuff like you're talking to a baby"
  266. "Hmm? what word"
  267. >"You. know. what. word. Gee I mean I know how I look but-"
  268. >Her daze now fully shaken off, what returned back was the full-form pout-attack.
  269. >Now it was at double power with the extra blow to your heart she has turned away, the dreaded cold-shoulder might come next unless you do something about it NOW.
  270. >Thankfully you had planned ahead a full five minutes for that crisis to be avoided, wew
  271. "/Do/ you know how you look?"
  272. >The little pony looks over her tiny shoulder with morbid curiosity and squeaky voice "Uhh... what do you mean?"
  273. >You tilted the screen toward her and leaned back into your chair so she can soak it all in.
  274. >It's hard to tell with all the wrestling facial movement of expressions she went through, but you guess it ends for her in confusion.
  275. >On the screen you had typed in one of your frequently overused URLs and pulled up a pony, of course what else?
  276. >But not just any pony... the bringer of socks.
  277. "Minty Glow."
  278. >Her ears snapped back in an instant and her heart fell on the floor, mouth agape.
  279. >The Scrunchâ„¢ now taken over by a deep frown etched into her plush snout.
  280. "I think it's a it's a pretty sweet name"
  281. >"No sirree, no how, that's not me."
  282. "Why not? Minty had a lot of fans and she was one of the big waifus back in the day."
  283. >She scoffs and recoils "But that IS the problem!"
  284. >"Gee whizz Anon, a-are you blind?"
  285. >Aww how cute, she just needs to warm up to filling a bigpony's horseshoes... must be super shy
  286. >A hoof slaps her soft haunches in an effort to gain your attention "Look!"
  287. "Your... but?"
  288. >Her eyes dart to the side "No, no! Not that, what's on it dummy."
  289. "Oh! your cutiemark of course, what about it?"
  291. >"You don't see anything you know... weird about it, like it's-?"
  292. "You want me to get a closer look at a filly's stuffed plot?"
  293. >Flustered puffed up cheeks, she shoves your face away with tiny-plushy-power "Golly, will you stop saying stuff like that! I'm right here!"
  294. >You laugh it off but scratch your neck, it looked a little off but nothing too serious. Just the neck of the rook was a little thinner than usual, making it look more like a blunt fork.
  295. "Sorry Gee, never paid much attention to fillybutt."
  296. >Sighing "Gee whilikers Anon, don't you know anything? would you look at me?"
  297. "OK, OK, let me put on my thinking cap..."
  298. >You mime an invisible hat onto your head and pick up the filly, arms under her hooves.
  299. >For once Cute Cozy doesn't protest or say anything, just waiting for your brain cells to finally clock in for work.
  300. >You think hard giving the little filly a once over, and cross referencing everything everything in your head while you stare into space.
  301. >The suspense was murder for both of you, what will Anon come up with?
  302. >You finally come to the climax at long last.
  303. >Of course! It's the only thing that makes sense it had been staring you right in the face all this time.
  304. >You gently bring her in close,
  305. >So close...
  306. >Almost booping noses close!
  307. "You are..."
  308. >Seeing her blue eyes staring back at you, it's clear now.
  309. "...adorable."
  310. >The light of hope fully extinguished that You could muster more than one train of thought as you swung her back at full arms length.
  311. >She lost the staring contest you didn't know you were having until this very minute with several blinks.
  312. >A loss for words with that brain-shock.
  313. "A bright redhead with a blue colored dress? That sounds like Raggedy Ann, a pure classic everyone loved, and you said you weren't tailor made for cuddle sessions."
  314. >"And where did you got that from?"
  315. "All thanks to my thinking cap!"
  316. >"And what was with your face? Sticking your tongue out at a vulnerable filly... Golly, I thought you were going to do something else with it!"
  317. "Secret technique, helps you think" you winked.
  318. >"Well... You didn't even put anything on, you just faked it."
  319. "Hey just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there"
  320. >She didn't have a retort for that, finally clamming up while you beamed and the implication shock-wave caused her nose to crinkle up hard,
  321. >But she still finally fought back your point with pouty denial "Well I'm not."
  322. "OK I'll admit the difference IS quite striking..."
  323. >You leaned on your elbow and stretched out your hand.
  324. "I would have thought such a cutie would love to get complimented."
  325. >She tore her eyes away from the monitor, that iconic green horse still burned into her
  326. >"C-come on mister, a bright red? You need to get your eyes checked. My coats' all mangy, and dirty, and dull."
  327. >"And my mane's ragged and not that colorful so I cant look anything like Raggedy Anne, o-or that green mare" she quickly added at the end

It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia (By Anon)

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