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Dash Gets NTR

By Guest
Created: 2022-02-01 00:42:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Based off an NTR story, but changed to have pony elements.
  4. >My wife and I have been married for a year and we recently decided to have a baby.
  5. >While I was getting magical enhancements to be able to impregnate her, my pegasus wife was trying to earn some additional money to help with all of the new expenses by working a second job.
  6. >Ironically, just after we decided we wanted to start a family we stopped having sex. [spoiler] Ironic. Her husband could fuck others, but not herself [/spoiler]
  7. >Rainbow Dash was just too tired when she got home, she would work all day as a Wonderbolt and then would go to town to do oddjobs, so by the time she got home Luna would have already risen the moon.
  8. >Due to all this, we were planning a special get away weekend and we planned to spend the entire day lovemaking then.
  9. >Things got a little complicated however, just before our little get away.
  10. >Unfortunately, my wife didn't realize that the Wonderbolts had a strict policy against moonlighting due to the fact that they were a government agency.
  11. >Spitfire, her boss, called her in and told her that there was a zero tolerance policy that required Spitfire to report the incident and terminate Dash's career.
  12. >Rainbow Dash told her boss that she was just trying to earn a little extra to help pay for the baby. How being a Wonderbolt meant everything to her, how she wanted to be one since she was a filly.
  13. >Just when she thought Spitfire was going to show mercy and overlook the issue she got the surprise of her life.
  14. >Spitfire told Dash that she had always had a thing for me and that if I would agree to have sex with her all would be forgotten.
  15. >Dash was flabbergasted and when she realized Spitfire wasn't joking she became furious and started to storm out of the office.
  17. >Spitfire called her back and offered a compromise, that she wouldn't go all the way. That perhaps I would be willing to give her a 'cameltoe or stripper slide' instead.
  18. >There would be no penetration or kissing.
  19. >Dash was a fairly vanilla mare who had never heard of a cameltoe slide and asked Spitfire to explain.
  20. >Spitfire explained that a cameltoe slide was a form of sex without penetration.
  21. >The stallion (or man in my case) lies on his back the mare straddles her stallion and grinds herself back and forth along the his erect penis. While also having one lip of her vagina on either side of the his shaft.
  22. >Spitfire told Dash to think about it and let her know what she decided tomorrow.
  23. >Dash stormed out and headed to the bar. She couldn't believe it! One of her idols was nothing more than a sleazeball!
  24. >Rainbow Dash ordered drink after drink and cursed her out, how Spitfire was a disgrace to the uniform and how life was unfair.
  25. >Eventually she had one to many drinks and got into a brawl with somepony. Soon the guards came and she was charged with a drunk and disorderly conduct.
  26. >The morning after, I had to go and bail Dash out with our meager savings.
  27. >On the way home she told me about Spitfire's offer and how the whole reason she was in jail was because of her.
  28. >Our plans were unraveling fast. The whole world seemed to be against us.
  29. >Dash was about to lose her job, the one she tried so hard to get, the one that she wanted since she was a foal.
  30. >Not to mention we had the added expense of the lawyer and the court fees for her disorderly charge.
  31. >To say I was pissed was an understatement.
  32. >Dash got to the office late and when Spitfire asked her where she had been Dash told her about the D&D charge.
  33. >Spitfire asked her if she thought about the offer and Dash spat in her face that she wouldn't ask me to do it.
  34. >Then Spitfire reveled that she had a friends at the ponice department who could 'lose' Dash's case file so that she would never be prosecuted.
  35. >Spitfire reiterated her offer and added that Dash could have a fellow Wonderbolt be in the room to make sure Spitfire kept her word. After all, Rainbow Dash couldn't get more reliable than a fellow Wonderbolt, could she?
  36. >Perhaps Fleetfoot?
  38. >That evening Dash told me about Spitfire's offer and while it was disgusting, I stated that I was willing to do it if Spitfire agreed to let Dash keep her job and keep the D&D charge off of her record.
  39. >Dash wasn't happy about it either, but I knew that losing her position in the Wonderbolts would be devastating for her.
  40. >I kissed her and told her that no matter what happened I would always love her. She kissed me back and soon things became heated, but when I tried to put my penis inside her, Rainbow Dash came.
  41. >Unfortunately I wasn't able to, but I told Dash not to worry about it, after all it must have been the stress.
  42. >She kissed me goodnight and I spent a few hours awake.
  43. >In the morning Dash told Spitfire we would do it. Dash arranged for us to come by Spitfire's house the same weekend we had planned our get away.
  44. >We decided our personal vacation would have to wait.
  46. >On Friday I received a delivery of two boxes from Spitfire.
  47. >The first was a large box from a high priced fashion store with red ribbon tied around it. Dash wasn't home yet and I wondered if she knew Spitfire had sent a present.
  48. >I pulled on the ribbon, a satin ribbon no less, and it came untied almost effortlessly.
  49. >When I lifted the lid of the box I could smell the perfumed paper cradling the contents. I peeled back the first layer of tissue and found a black socks and an embroidered pair of boxers. The material was very thin and fragile, but had a tag on them that said they were from Prance.
  50. >I found myself being impressed that Spitfire had gone this far.
  51. >I then placed them to the side and removed the next layer of tissue revealing a very expensive looking black suit.
  52. >The suit was a two button piece and had a deep cut v-neck. It was also something I rarely wore.
  53. >When I first got to Equestria I had been wearing a suit, but with my size and unusual shape (compared to ponies) it was expensive to get a new one tailored.
  54. >In time it became too tattered to wear.
  55. >Even with my wife's friendship with Rarity, it was still beyond Dash's income to allow me to purchase such fine items of clothing.
  56. >The second box contained a bottle of scented body lotion and a pair of designer black dress shoes.
  57. >I slipped the shoes on and to my surprise they fit perfectly. I had no idea Spitfire knew my shoe size with me being a human and all.
  58. >I removed my clothes and put on the suit, and for the first time in a long while I felt worth.
  59. >Rainbow Dash wasn't somepony who gave out compliments often and it had been so long since I felt this way. I knew it was wrong to feel this way so I tried my hardest to squash those feelings.
  60. >I began rubbing the lotion all over my body. It was warm and made my skin tingle.
  61. >I had never heard of the product before, but it felt amazing and smelled even better.
  62. >Next I put on the socks and boxers and stood in front of the mirror. I looked great.
  63. >The boxers were as soft as velvet and were held together by the thinnest string that I could hardly feel them. The silk material was almost paper thin. I wasn't sure they would hold up for an entire evening, much less in the wash.
  64. >They were snug and seemed to leave a rather easily noticeable bulge on the front.
  65. >Finally, I tried on the black suit. The fabric was very expensive and it slipped over my skin with ease.
  66. >God it felt good to be back in one of these.
  67. >It was shorter than I was used to -- I guess it was clearly too short, but when I looked at myself in the mirror I was impressed by Spitfire's eye. She managed to get the trim mostly right, and the two button piece really brought the whole outfit together.
  68. >Who knew she could put together such an outfit. I could feel myself getting turned on and as a result my dick started to harden.
  69. >It could be seen clearly through the loose thread the boxers were made of.
  71. >When Dash got home we got our tickets and rode the hot air balloon to Spitfire's house.
  72. >It was a large home, a real one, at least three times as bigger than Rainbow's cloudominium.
  73. >Spitfire opened the door and the awkwardness began.
  74. >Spitfire gave me a kiss on the cheek and welcomed me in. Dash also followed after she gave a mean look toward Spitfire.
  75. >The living room was well furnished and had an actual separate kitchen.
  76. >Spitfire offered Dash and I a drink, a glass of Lipizzano Rosé. But Dash turned her down and asked about Fleetfoot.
  77. >Spitfire said that she would be arriving shortly and asked me to change into the outfit she had given me.
  78. >This was the first Dash had heard of this, and she was furious about the suit, but I managed to calm her down and convinced her we could get through this.
  79. >After I went to the bathroom and changed, I accepted Spitfire's offer of a few drinks while we waited for Fleetfoot to arrive.
  80. >Spitfire was surprisingly cultured and asked me many questions about Earth, and our culture. It was surprising to hear she was interested, the only other ponies who cared were Twilight and Celestia, though the latter soon lost interest.
  81. >We both drank too much while discussing art, history and philosophy while we were trying to get through the evening, Dash however refused to drink and took every opportunity she could to needle Spitfire.
  82. >She insulted her for caring about such pointless topics, and tried awkwardly to shift the conversation back to herself and sports.
  83. >Soon enough Fleetfoot arrived and she was dressed in a red velvet dress, and had black stockings on.
  84. >She looked gorgeous, it reminded me how little Dash wore anything that spectacular. She would always complain those things were "too girly"
  85. >It took a huge argument between us before she agreed to wear a dress for the wedding.
  86. >Dash asked Fleetfoot why she was wearing such an outfit and told her not to try any funny business, to which Fleetfoot ignored her and introduced herself to me.
  87. >Soon Spitfire asked if I was ready to join her in the bedroom. I looked at Dash and took Spitfire's hoof as she led me away.
  88. >Dash stood up and told Spitfire that enough was enough. She wouldn't allow this mistake to happen and damn the consequences!
  89. >Just as she was making her way to Spitfire though, she was grabbed from behind by Fleetfoot.
  91. >I was surprised that she was being restrained by Fleetfoot, after all weren't they friends?
  92. >Try as she might, Dash couldn't break her grip and was soon being led away by Fleetfoot.
  93. >"Don't worry bothth," Fleetfood said " I'll 'educate' our friend here on proper mannerthz."
  94. >Spitfire grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. She indicated that she had no idea why Dash was so angry.
  95. >She promised that after a chat with Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash would calm down and find the whole thing understandable. We would all soon share a laugh at this misunderstanding and everything would be water under the bridge.
  96. >I looked back to see Dash's mouth was being covered by Fleetfoot and there were tears starting to form in her eyes, but Spitfire soon began running her other hoof over my pants as she dragged me upstairs into her bedroom.
  97. >When she saw me look back she said Dash would be fine, after all she brought (you) here didn't she?
  98. >Soon we entered her bedroom. It was a fairly large one, decorated with Wonderbolt memorabilia and a large bed. A real bed, not simply one made from clouds.
  99. >On the bed there was a small package that Spitfire asked me to open. Inside I found a beautiful gold chain with the symbol of the Wonderbolts on it.
  100. >I knew it was real, and it was beautiful. Spitfire told me she would put it on if I took off my suit.
  101. >After a bit of hesitation I took off my suit and dropped it around my feet.
  102. >I was standing in nothing but Spitfire's leather dress shoes, tissue thin socks and boxers as she flew behind me and helped me put on the necklace.
  103. >I could feel her breath grow heavy and felt the hot air of her exhales on my neck.
  104. >A tingle of excitement went through my body, but I kept myself forming showing any outward signs of this.
  105. >Spitfire showed me to her full-length mirror so I could see the necklace on. It was an ornate thing, that looked like something from the Victorian era and had a silver frame holding the mirror up.
  106. >She then removed her clothes and flew next me. She put her head on my shoulder so she could see the necklace on.
  107. >She told me I looked handsome as she ran her hooves over my abs and chest.
  108. >Spitfire unfastened her bra and let it drop to the floor. She then pulled my boxers down and I stepped out of them.
  109. >Standing naked with only the necklace and the dress shoes on was exhilarating. She pressed her small frame against mine and I could feel the heat from her vagina.
  110. >I turned around and grabbed the her sides before pressing her bottom against my quickly hardening penis.
  111. >We were soon in a standing position, where she was the little spoon and I stood behind her. I pushed my dick onto her thighs and told her to close her legs.
  113. >My dick quickly hardened and grew more than usual.
  114. >My penis never got this huge and I couldn't help but think on why that was the case. It was so big that it was physically painful to maintain it.
  115. >As if every fiber of my body longed to ejaculate as soon as possible.
  116. >Spitfire laughed and she commented on the girth and length of my penis. She said she always liked a stallion with a lot of spunk in him.
  117. >She asked if Dash could even take something of this size, or if she was tiny on the inside as well as the outside.
  118. >Spitfire put her hooves on my hands and led them toward her tits as we leaned back against the mirror.
  119. >I was grabbing hold of her waist and pulled her hips against me so I could feel the pressure of my penis against her vagina.
  120. >I felt so naughty it was intoxicating.
  121. >Slowly, ever so slowly I pumped back and forth along her thighs, occasionally kissing the entrance of her cunt with the head of my penis. It was agonizing not to be able to penetrate her, but I remembered Dash and just about kept myself from crossing that final line.
  122. >After all this was fine right? This was all for Rainbow Dash's sake.
  123. >I had to endure it.
  124. >"Ha" Spitfire panted, is this really all you want? Don't you want to spurt that seed of yours deep into my womb? Don't you want to paint my very essence white with thick wads of your cum?"
  125. >I answered back that the deal was I'd only give her a thigh job nothing more.
  126. >She looked back at me as I felt my penis pressing against her dripping vagina.
  127. >"No the deal was" she said before she threw her entire weight against me "that I'd get a stripper slide."
  128. >When she pushed against me we both fell backwards onto her bed. However with Spitfire being able to fly she quickly changed positions so that she was the one on top.
  129. >She soon straddled me and had the lips of her vagina on my shaft, they were so moist that she had an easy time getting traction and soon I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my limit.
  130. >With thoughts on Rainbow Dash going through my mind, Spitfire turned my head up to face hers and kissed me.
  131. >I wasn't thinking and I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her back. I was still picturing Dash and forgot that she was downstairs.
  132. >I kept wondering what was appropriate and inappropriate in this situation.
  133. >What was Dash expecting of me?
  134. >She stopped her grinding once she saw I was close to the edge.
  135. >Spitfire grabbed something from her bedside drawer and showed me a tube of KY. She told me she was going to spread it over my penis.
  136. >She squeezed the KY into her hooves and began rubbing it over my cock. Up and down, left and right, she would even add twists and jerks into the mix.
  137. >It fealt heavenly and was something Rainbow Dash rarely did.
  138. >And then she used her wings and I came all over her face right then and there, splurt, splurt, spurt.
  139. >Three wobs of hot sticky semen all over her face and coating her wings.
  141. >God that felt good, wingjobs were something I always had to beg Rainbow Dash to do, and even then she would only do so begrudgingly.
  142. >I didn't want this to end.
  143. >Just then it hit me like a ton of bricks that I wanted to feel myself inside of her.
  144. >I wanted to see if my penis could even fit inside of her tight snatch. I wanted to grab her hips and pound away until we broke the bed. I wanted her to squeal my name in pleasure and ecstasy.
  145. >Spitfire pulled me forward till I was in a seated position and began sucking the the cum still on my penis. She grabbed my hands and placed them on top of her head while she started to deepthroat me all the way to the base.
  146. >I was so turned on!
  147. >I was starting to get hard again so I held onto Spitfire's head and forced her down as hard as I could.
  148. >She started choking and had tears starting to form on her eyes but even still I could feel her tongue working away like the trooper she was.
  149. >Finally at long last I shot another wave of semen deep into her throat. My hands grasped her fur hard enough to nearly rip it off.
  150. >Spitfire came back gasping for air but she then showed me her mouth filled with me seed. Slowly, she made eye contact with me and swallowed the whole lot.
  151. >Unsurprisingly after seeing that I started to get hard again, something that I rarely did after so short a period. But with how much I had been backed up I still felt the need to do more.
  152. >Spitfire asked me if I was ready to take things to the next level.
  153. >Before I could answer she turned around and sat herself on my lap, when she did, I could feel the head of penis directly against Spitfire's vagina.
  154. >If I went a little farther the head would be right at the entrance to her vagina and would slide right in.
  155. >I kept teasing myself, bringing my penis right to the entrance before pulling back. I would directly connect with her labia and trace circles with my dick, her dripping wet cunt providing all the lubricant I needed.
  156. >Spitfire was clearly enjoying herself as well, as she started to moan loud enough to be heard throughout the house.
  157. >I leaned down and kissed Spitfire which was a little difficult with her being in a reverse cowgirl position but with my larger size I just about managed it.
  158. >When I did, my penis pressed against her vagina and instead of pulling back, I pushed the head of my penis inside.
  159. >Spitfire's eyes went wide.
  160. >The feeling was completely different than when I had sex with Rainbow Dash.
  161. >I didn't stop kissing Spitfire, and she pressed back against my penis slowly causing me to penetrate her. It was as if she impaled herself directly on me.
  162. >She was taking me in, inch by inch with my wife just a dozen feet away downstairs.
  163. >When I was almost all of the way inside of her I sat up and looked over at the door to find Fleetfoot and Dash.
  164. >Dash hadn't noticed that I was inside of Spitfire.
  166. >She was rubbing her eyes and looked ruffled. She saw me look over at her and told me she understood now what friendship meant.
  167. >Fleetfoot asked her if she wanted to stay in the room or go downstairs.
  168. >Dash looked embarrassed, and had range of emotions go through her face but then she whispered something to Fleetfoot.
  169. >They both sat down on nearby chairs and started to slowly rubbing their vaginas.
  170. >I looked at Spitfire's back and started grabbed her hips to bounce her on my cock, back and forth slowly at first.
  171. >Soon I couldn't contain myself and began slamming her faster and faster.
  172. >I looked over at Dash who was now jacking off furiously.
  173. >I wondered if she realized I was inside of Spitfire. I looked down at Spitfire and she told me I was amazing.
  174. >I leaned down and began kissing her neck and she asked me to fuck her missionary style.
  175. >Complying with her request I flipped Spitfire over and just as I did Dash ejaculated all over the chair she was sitting on.
  176. >Dash stood up and managed to tell Spitfire to stop.
  177. >Spitfire didn't listen and lowered herself onto my penis until I was balls deep into her.
  178. >Rainbow Dash took a step forward and our eyes met and Dash told me she was sorry.
  179. >Her vagina was dripping onto the floor and as she apologized one last pulse of marecum came out and dripped onto her leg.
  180. >She looked pathetic.
  182. >I turned back to Spitfire and started pumping harder and faster into her.
  183. >Now it was impossible not too see me and Spitfire were having full on sex. Being in the missionary position allowed me to squeeze Spitfire's toned thighs and knead her perky little breasts.
  184. >Dash saw what were doing and told Spitfire she had to pull out.
  185. >She explained that I was on magical stimulants and was able to get a mare pregnant. How we would be having a child together soon.
  186. >Spitfire assuaged her worries and said she would stop before I came.
  187. >Then Spitfire leaned forward and hugged me so that we were face to face.
  188. >She whispered into my ear that she was ovulating. And I whispered back my approval.
  189. >I asked her if she wanted me to cum inside of her.
  190. >She asked me if that was what I wanted. To cum inside of her. To get a real mare pregnant.
  191. >I didn't answer, but I lowered my mouth to capture hers and I felt her wrap her legs and wings around me and saw her close her eyes.
  192. >Dash was getting worried and reminded me I had to pull out. She started panicking at the sight of us kissing and her tone was undercut with chokes that forced her to pause several times.
  193. >"Please Anon, I. I thought we lov—" But her voice cracked. Well cracked even more than usual.
  194. >She stepped closer to the bed and Fleetfoot stood up and put her hoof on Dash's shoulder and prevented her from getting any closer.
  196. >I reached over and put my hand over Dash's hoof and told her it was okay and pushed her away.
  197. >Dash stepped back and I begged her to try to understand. She looked conflicted and reminded me that I was on the magic enhancements. She just kept saying that over and over like a broken record.
  198. >Spitfire grabbed my face and turned it away from Dash and towards her. She soon reached up and captured my lips.
  199. >As I kissed her back I felt my semen fill her womb. Her walls were milking me dry, greedily sucking every last drop into her uterus until her walls were stained white.
  200. >Spitfire arched her back and let me fill her.
  201. >Dash collapsed back into the chair with her hooves covering her face while Fleetfoot stood guard.
  202. >Spitfire dropped backwards onto the bed and was left panting. Her face was red and she was sweating.
  203. >I pulled out and saw my semen leaking out of her. There was so much that it started to ooze out of her onto the covers.
  204. >Spitfire saw me admiring my work and formed her wings into a peace sign
  205. >The only sound that could be heard was Rainbow Dash's light sobs and Spitfire's pants.
  206. >I turned to Dash and apologized but said that Spitfire was just too good. She was the best lay I ever had and really knew how to treat a man.
  207. >At this Spitfire grabbed onto my arm and said that I deserved a real mare, one who wasn't such a beta. One who had the means to actually support a child and husband and one who didn't have a micro wing span.
  208. >Fleetfoot came up to my other arm and said she was still raring to go, she turned to Spitfire and whispered something into her ears.
  209. >Spitfire nodded and got up. She went over to the sobbing mare in the corner and said that she was going to go escort Dash back to her house and asked me if I wanted to stay here, in a real home.
  210. >I looked down at Fleetfoot who lifted her dress and showed me her sopping wet pussy and my mind was made up.
  211. >Toying with my new Wonderbolt necklace, I apologized to Rainbow Dash but said that I was going to stay the night over with Fleetfoot and Spitfire.
  212. >In fact I was going to spend every night over with them from now on.
  213. >Spitfire and Fleetfoot broke out into huge smiles and Dash just started sobbing even harder. Spitfire soon grabbed Dash by the mane and dragged her out of the bed room.
  214. >As for me and Fleetfoot, we started to grope each others bodies, soon things would continue but for now we satisfied ourselves by shoving our tongues into each others mouths.
  215. >And several months later would find me being a proud father to two wonderful little colts.
  216. END
  218. Sorry about not showing Fleetfoot getting involved but I can't really justify continuing this story at this point. If anyone want's to continue I give full permission to edit and continue this green, you won't here me going autistic like that one guy in /nmp/

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