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By Guest
Created: 2022-02-04 18:10:33
Expiry: Never

  1. 1
  2. >While nearly all pegasi were naturally athletic, none could compare to those in the Wonderbolts
  3. >Each mare and stallion in those lofty ranks were the best of the best
  4. >Stronger, faster, better; they were nothing less than the pinnacle of their tribe
  5. >Even so, their bodies, as elites as they might be, needed proper maintenance and care
  6. >Flying at high speed took a toll on the body, and high speed was a Wonderbolts life
  7. >Because of this, their training and housing hub, known as Thunder Plaza, was at the forefront of athletic science
  8. >Everything from chambers full of liquid rainbow to yak-fur blankets soaked in shaman potions were a common sight
  9. >There was also an army of staff to see to the crew
  10. >Each one was in the top of their field, who's sole duty was to see to these elite ponies
  11. >From injuries to diet to bowel movements, everything was carefully watched and recorded
  12. >For all of this cutting edge technology, and all of these skilled workers, the true secret to the athletes' success might have been the best kept secret that was held above the clouds
  13. >This secret, this creature, had helped cut injuries, fatigue, and stress for each mare and stallion by eighty percent at least
  14. >The stallions of the team tolerated him
  15. >The mares loved him
  16. >One such mare, lieutenant Fleetfoot, second only to Spitfire in leadership and seniority, found herself splayed out on the creature's massage bench
  17. >The room that she was in was a dark blue
  18. >The only light were candles that surrounded the room
  19. >There was a scent of vanilla and lavender that tickled her nose with each breath she took
  20. >All in all, just what would make up an average spa experience
  21. >What wasn't average, even a little, were those appendages turning the muscles in her back and haunches into butter
  22. >Fingers they were called
  23. >Long and slender
  24. >They looked weak at first glance, but she knew they were strong enough to dislocate a mare's ribs and subsequently pop them back in with little effort
  25. >He liked to do that to the newbies, if they got a little too fresh or grabby
  26. >Most learned quick
  27. >She had not, and even now she couldn't help but flick her tail at him on occasion
  28. >While it would hurt like a bucker for a few moments--even longer if he was particularly annoyed and didn't pop it back in right away--that pain would quickly disappear
  29. >Those hands of his were better than any spell, any potion
  30. >Every ache and pain left wherever he touched
  31. >Fleetfoot let out a groan as she felt those wonderful hands sink into her flank
  32. >Her back leg twitched
  33. >Her wings, stiff and pulsing, gave a little flap
  34. >She was leaking onto the bench
  35. >She always did
  36. >All the troopers always did
  37. >The newbies were always horrified about it, especially when those hands would give them a squealing orgasm by accident, but the veterans were used to it
  38. >Their otherworldly massuer was a complete professional, and didn't give a horseapple how big a mess they made
  39. >There was no judgement, no disgust
  40. 2
  41. >It was just seen as something that sometimes happened in this room
  42. >That meant Fleetfoot could just relax, close her eyes, and enjoy herself
  43. >Her massuer's hands went all the way down to her hooves, then back up
  44. >Every inch of her was poked and prodded
  45. >If tension was noticed, the spot was attacked relentlessly
  46. >His technique was slow and methodical, often using the meat below his thumbs to knead her muscle
  47. "Hmm~ Could you get my left joint again? I think I twinged something lifting."
  48. >Those hands raced up her back
  49. >Fleetfoot groaned again, wiggling from side to side
  50. >Those fingers dug into the pit of her wing, sending a jolt of relief and pleasure down the length of her body
  51. >The smell of her own arousal hit her nose, and she attempted to stretch like a cat
  52. >A hand found itself on the small of her back, pushing her back down
  53. >She let out a whine of protest as the hand went back to her wing
  54. >It went up the length, up the humerus and ulna
  55. >Fleet felt wings being pushed into their proper place
  56. >She sighed, the entirety of tension in her body disappearing
  57. >She became to relaxed that even moving her ears seemed to difficult
  58. >The only thing that refused to relax was her tail dock, which stayed stubbornly raised
  59. >The pegasus drifted in and out of conscious, just riding the wave of relaxation
  60. >That was, until a finger flicked her side
  61. >"Sit up," a deep, brassy voice said, their accent just... alien. "Get on the edge table."
  62. >It took two more flicks to get Fleet out of her stupor, but the mare eventually sat up, her lower belly soaked with her own arousal
  63. >She could see him now
  64. >The human Anonymous
  65. >As usual, he wore a masseur outfit, with Wonderbolt colors
  66. >His green eyes seemed to shine in the dim light
  67. >Predators eyes
  68. >Annoyed predators eyes, staring right at her
  69. >She quickly sat on the edge of the table
  70. >The giant of the stallion began rubbing her chest, fingers digging into her chest fluff
  71. >It took all she had no to purr like some dirty gryphon as those hands made their way to her neck
  72. >"Three, two, one..."
  73. >There was a crack as her head was suddenly twisted one way
  74. >She let out a snort; she had been expecting it, but no matter how many times he did that it was somehow a surprise
  75. >"Three, two, one..."
  76. >Her head was snapped the other way
  77. >She let out a shudder, her eyes slowly closing
  78. >She might have fallen off the table, if not for the hand on her shoulder
  79. >"You all good? Any other problem areas I should know about?"
  80. "Na-huh..."
  81. >"You sure?"
  82. "Ah-huh..."
  83. >Anon stepped away
  84. >"Then get going," he said, patting her side. "I need to clean up."
  85. >Like a drunk, Fleetfoot hopped off the table
  86. >She took a few steps, before turning toward the human, who was already washing his hands of the massage oils at his personal sink
  87. "Anon?"
  88. >"Yeah?" he said, not bothering to look at her
  89. "I know I've said this before, but I swear to Celestia I'll suck your dick if you want," she said. "All that stuff you do with those claws of yours, it'd only be fair."
  90. 3
  91. >The human snorted
  92. "No joke. It doesn't even need to be sexual," Fleet insisted. "I just..."
  93. >"I get more than compensated, lieutenant. Trust me," Anon said. "The offer is noted, but not needed. Now get going and get yourself cleaned up. I believe you have your fourth meal of the day in a few minutes."
  94. >Fleet, staring at him, slowly nodded her head
  95. "Alright, but seriously, the offer still stands."
  96. >"Goodbye, lieutenant. Make sure you close the door behind you."
  97. >Not wanting to upset the human--doing so was always a REALLY bad idea--Fleet quickly fled the room
  98. >It was a shame
  99. >She could have had any male in Equestria if she wanted
  100. >Barely legal or dilf, single, married, unicorn, earth pony, or pegasus
  101. >Not Anon though, who she was pretty sure made triple what Captain Spitfire made
  102. >Eh...
  103. >Maybe someday...
  104. 4
  105. >Being a masseur for the Wonderbolts could be a messy job
  106. >A lot of ponies got... excited
  107. >After most sessions, everything within arms reach needed to be thoroughly wiped down
  108. >With a lot of the stallions, a bucket was needed to be placed underneath the table, where there was a hole for "comfort", so that any fluids would be collected and immediately disposed of
  109. >Some stallions were much worse than others, but you could deal with them
  110. >The pony you really couldn't deal with was Rainbow Dash
  111. >The mare was an eager beaver
  112. >A hair trigger if you will
  113. >Every ten seconds, you'd get a screaming, squirting orgasm out of the pegasus
  114. >She's soak everything
  115. >You, the floor, the table, the fucking ceiling somehow
  116. >It didn't matter where you touched her, or how hard you'd touch her, there'd be an orgasm
  117. >Once, just curious, you just flicked some hairs on her mane to see what would happen
  118. >Just like clockwork; orgasm
  119. >After most hour sessions, she might have close to fifty or sixty orgasms in a row
  120. >Honestly, you were more amazed than upset by the end of the session, as the mare would expel more fluid that her body should have been able to hold
  121. >You always did her appointments last, as a cleaning crew would need to spend the night with your room
  122. >Your clothing, of course, was burned as well
  123. >Was it annoying?
  124. >Absolutely
  125. >You were a professional however, and never said anything to the mare about it, just urging her to drink some goddamn water whenever she crawled off of your table and left
  126. >Just a hazard of the job you supposed...
  127. 5
  128. >The mare cum was easy to get rid of
  129. >Just take your cum bucket--as you began to call it-- over to the sink and dump it
  130. >With a bucket full of stallion splooge, you were forced to get a little more creative
  131. >Just like on earth, stallion spunk was worth considerably more than gold
  132. >Mares wanted the best, and there was no better stock than Wonderbolt stock
  133. >There were no other workers on the base that you could trust
  134. >Even the stallions would take it to be sold to some rich mare that wanted a world class filly or colt to brag about to her friends someday
  135. >It was one of the main reasons why you were paid so much, so you wouldn't start selling colts' cum
  136. >And there were buyers
  137. >Dozens of them, all offering stupid amounts of bits just for an ounce of fluid
  138. >Some were so desperate that offers of bits became threats
  139. >Twice, "hit ponies" had tried pushing you off the edge of the base
  140. >Unfortunately for them, you weight like ten times more than a pegasus, and are a lot stronger
  141. >Things were so bad that you just dumped a cup of hydrochloric acid into the bucket and mixed it up real good
  142. >Stunk to high heaven, and the base needed to get a special tank to dump the concoction into, but at least there was no bastard foals running around Cloudsdale and Manehatten
  143. >The team's stallion were eternally grateful
  144. >During Hearth's Warming and your birthday, they all came together to get you some killer presents
  145. 6
  146. >Like the other bolts, the mareliest mare military captain Spitfire cums herself raw from her mandatory post flight wing massages.
  147. >They had become mandatory for her because she kept skipping them due to her embarrassment.
  148. >Eventually this ended in her getting in a nasty crash from a pulled muscle, putting her out of commission for weeks.
  149. >Now if she skips a session you have the authority and obligation to capture her and give her a massage, right where you catch her if necessary.
  150. >One would think the added embarrassment would curb her behavior, but instead it only made her skip MORE massages, making you hunt her down around the campus almost after every flight.
  151. >It wasn't particularly hard to find her, her work was scheduled the same for each day, the tricky part was getting a hold of, and subsequently pinning one of, if not THE strongest and fastest pegasi in the world.
  152. >Your only real chance was to ambush her, or corner her in a room with a low ceiling, difficult to do as she mostly stayed outdoors, so you've had to become creative.
  153. >One of your most successful captures was when you hid inside the dizzitron, waiting until her back was turned to creep up and pounce on her in front of the cadets.
  154. >As you ripped off her little uniform, she had almost begged for you to take her to the massage room, but your mercy and patience was drained, the little fucker had evaded you for over a week and was paying for it by cumming her brains out in front of everyone.
  155. >The cadets learned that day what happens when you skip too many sessions, and that just because you were slow didn't mean you couldn't get your hands on them eventually.
  156. >These search and capture sessions had started to make Spitfire paranoid, avoiding bushes and enclosed spaces if she could help it, her office window always open for an easy escape route.
  157. >You felt a little bad for her, now whenever the marely commander saw you she starts shaking in her horseshoes, her wings flaring and eyes scan for exits even if she already had her session.
  158. >Still, you don't feel too guilty, if she just came to you in the first place none of this would have to happen.
  159. >You were also starting to suspect she was getting a thrill from it, her... enjoyment seeming to have intensified in the last few weeks.
  160. >That didn't mean she made it easy for you, but her nervousness around blind corners and human sized cover was now accompanied by a hiked tail and a wet trail behind her.
  161. >Plus, when you caught her, she'd all but roll over and show her belly to you with how submissive she had become, no longer caring about her colty screams and lewd phrases she uttered even when right in front of her teammates and cadets.
  162. >You didn't have enough schooling to be a psychologist, but you think hunting her down and inadvertently forcing her to cum somewhat against her will, routinely, might have had an adverse effect on her mental state.
  163. >You just hope the other mares don't have their only two synapses fire and copy her.

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