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The Failed Field Trip (asd, edited by Pan)

By Guest
Created: 2022-02-15 04:08:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Dinky sat nervously at her seat with Cheerilee giving her and her classmates a stern lecture.
  2. Her teacher had taken the class on a to field trip to the Whitetail woods today. Unfortunately, her classmates and and even Dinky herself (much to her shame) decided that this was a good excuse to misbehave.
  3. It got so bad, that Cheerilee called off the trip and marched the kids back to school. And now she was lecturing them.
  5. Dinky sighed, lamenting the loss of this field trip. She, and most of her classmates have been looking forward to it.
  6. Suddenly, Cheerilee opened the drawer of her desk. Dinky gulped, everypony knew what this meant.
  7. A wooden paddle was pulled out.
  8. Cheerilee didn’t use the paddle too often, but every now and then a naughty colt or filly would feel its impact on their backside. Dinky never got that particular punishment before and wanted to keep it that way.
  10. ”Ice Breeze, please come over here.”
  11. Ice Breeze was Cheerilee’s oldest student. Dinky had never seen her get paddled before. Maybe she was getting it because she was the oldest.
  12. After a bit of hesitation, the filly bent over Cheerilee’s desk as ordered. She did not resist as everypony knew that it would just make it worse.
  13. Dinky wondered if Breeze would be the only pony getting it.
  14. She certainly hoped so.
  16. The young filly winced at the loud impact of the paddle. This was something she always did when somepony got it.
  17. Breeze took it pretty well. Silent grunts and small shakes were her only reactions. Dinky didn’t count how many licks Breeze got, but guessed it was around ten or eleven.
  18. ”Go outside to the back of the schoolhouse and wait for me there, please. Muzzle on the wall.”
  20. Dinky raised an eyebrow. Why would Cheerilee make her wait outside?
  21. Breeze was also visibly confused, but dared not question her teacher, so, after a quick butt rubbing, she did as she was told and trotted outside, showing the class her newly marked bottom. Ice Breeze's lower-butt was especially scorched. Dinky cringed at the sight of it, that paddle must have packed a punch.
  23. ”Tula Tulip, come here, please.”
  24. Dinky shifted her gaze to her teacher, she had never paddled two students one after another before. Tula seemed just as surprised as she asked Cheerilee if it was indeed her that was called.
  25. Upon Cheerilee’s confirmation, she awkwardly walked to the teacher’s desk and, just like Breeze, was made to bend over it.
  26. And indeed, she got the same punishment her classmate got. Dinky could hear a few whispers from her classmates. This was unusual indeed. Tula took her paddling about as well as Breeze, although she was a tiny bit squirmier.
  27. When Cheerilee was finished she told her to wait outside and put her muzzle against the schoolhouse, just like with Breeze. Tula trotted by and Dinky could clearly see her bright red backside.
  29. Once Tula left the schoolhouse Cheerilee, much to the shock of Dinky, called an older colt to the desk.
  30. Dinky was very confused now. Why was Cheerilee giving out so many paddlings?
  31. Did she mean to… No, that was impossible. She probably just wanted to teach a lesson through the older students. Colts were always causing trouble so Cheerilee had to make sure he got his due.
  32. Just like the previous two, the colt was sent outside and another student was called up.
  33. Dinky felt bad for the older students. This was going to be one of their last field trips in Cheerilee’s class before graduating, and this is how it ended for them.
  35. Another colt was called up and given the same treatment as his compatriots. Dinky couldn’t help but still wince at some of those paddle whacks. She’d definitely be crying her heart out if she got spanked like that.
  36. Two more students later and the oldest ones were waiting outside. Dinky thought that it was over now and Cheerilee would take the class to join the punished ones to finally explain why they were sent outside.
  38. “Archer, come here, please.”
  39. Huh?
  40. ”Huh?” Archer seemed to be just as surprised.
  41. ”Come here, it’s your turn.”
  42. It wasn’t just the older students who were getting paddled?
  43. Dinky watched as the teal filly made her way to Cheerilee. Archer was in tears before she even got to front of the class. Archer never took her punishments easily, as a goody-four-horseshoes each one made a definite impact. Dinky then watched Archer's teal tush getting paddled just like the older students.
  45. Archer took it noticeably worse than them. Not a surprise. Grunts became whines and small shakes became squirms. She also seemed to get fewer swats then the others, but it still had the intended effect. She danced from hoof to hoof and tried to rub out those red paddle rectangles that never go away before a lesson is learned. And just like the others, she was sent outside to wait for… whatever it is that Cheerilee wanted.
  46. Dinky couldn’t help but get a little nervous. Just how many students was Cheerilee gonna spank?
  48. ”Twi-“
  49. ”Miss Cheerilee!” Interrupted Scootaloo with a hoof held up.
  50. ”Yes, Scootaloo, what is it?” Asked Cheerilee, displeased with the interruption.
  51. Meanwhile Twist reeled back, eyes wide. It was obvious that she was to be next.
  52. ”Um, are you g-gonna… um…” Scootaloo was too nervous to talk under the teacher’s gaze.
  53. ”Yes, Scootaloo, I intend to paddle you all.”
  55. This declaration caused almost all the students to simultaneously either express their shock, or to try and beg Cheerilee for mercy, Dinky included. Everypony was quickly silenced by the experienced teacher and was told that any further misbehavior would earn them extra.
  57. ”Now then, Twist, if you will?”
  58. Twist gulped, and obeyed, knowing that her parents would eventually spank her a lot harder if she didn’t.
  59. Dinky was in shock, even as Twist was getting paddled. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Cheerilee just said that she would paddle everypony, and that would-that would mean…
  60. She’d be spanked as well!
  62. The young filly let out a panicked gasp at that revelation. She had never gotten spanked before, let alone paddled. What would mom say? Would she spank her as well?
  63. In her self-pity, Dinky didn’t even notice the next few classmates getting their own sessions. It was when Cheerilee called out Silver Spoon did Dinky finally pay attention once again.
  65. It was obvious to her that Cheerilee was spanking from oldest to youngest, and Silver Spoon was an age group above her.
  66. Was her own turn so close?
  67. She looked around and noticed how scared most of her still unspanked classmates were. Feeling the same herself, Dinky could understand them.
  68. She could at least say that she wasn’t exactly the first to start tearing up at the anticipation.
  69. She was just one of them.
  71. Right now, Diamond Tiara was squirming on the now dreaded desk.
  72. Dinky wondered if she’d be acting like that as well.
  73. If the older kids had these reactions, surely hers would be much worse.
  74. On hindsight, it was a good thing that she wouldn’t have as many witnesses.
  76. ”Sweetie Belle!”
  77. The white filly, like the rest nervously walked up to Cheerilee. It amazed Dinky how nopony dared disobey the teacher. Then again, parents would eventually find out anyway.
  78. Sweetie wasn’t very good at taking her spanking if Dinky was being honest. She was squirming and whining about as much as Diamond did. She couldn’t really blame either of them though, even a pony who had never felt its sting before could tell how much the paddle hurt.
  79. Dinky wondered how many times Cheerilee had used it on naughty bottoms before.
  80. She probably learned how to swing it in teacher school.
  82. ”Apple Bloom!”
  83. As the farm filly got up, Dinky could see Scootaloo getting noticeably more tense. This made sense as it seemed like Cheerilee was paddling the Cutie Mark Crusaders one after another. Those three were always together.
  85. Dinky wanted to look away from the spankings, but she just couldn’t stop watching her classmates struggles to stay still under the paddle. But no matter how much she looked, she couldn’t get used to the sight of it and couldn’t stop imagining how much it would hurt.
  87. A small part of her wished she was next so as to finally get it over with.
  88. ”Scootaloo!”
  89. ”Knew it.” Scootaloo muttered as she got up.
  90. But for the most part, Dinky wanted to drag her turn out as much as possible.
  92. Scootaloo, most likely fueled by her desire to “look cool” took her paddling the best out of her age group so far. Dinky almost wanted to applaud her. She was one tough filly.
  93. Scootaloo's face looked as if she was holding something in, but other than that and her occasional gasps during the chastisement, you couldn't even tell she had been spanked. Once she was let up and directed outside, Dinky noticed some tears in her eyes.
  94. Just like she would cry as well.
  95. But probably harder.
  97. ”Rumble!”
  98. Rumble was already blushing before he crossed the classroom to his doom. Dinky had never seen him come to class with a punished butt before, which probably meant he was only paddled at school. It must be embarrassing for him, Dinky thought. Just like it will be for me, she felt with dread.
  99. Dinky couldn’t help but still wince at the paddle hits on occasion and this was no different with Rumble.
  100. She wondered if being a colt made it any easier.
  101. Colts are tougher, the way they roughhouse.
  102. Their heinies must be tougher too.
  103. She was also getting increasingly anxious as her turn was getting closer and closer. Soon her bottom would be getting reddened just like her classmates. Involuntarily, her bottom started shaking in anticipation.
  104. Maybe Cheerilee would go a bit easier on her because she was younger.
  105. Probably not.
  106. Rumble’s way of trying to resist the swings was to raise his head up, cross his legs and clench his butt cheeks. He still shifted left and right as his rear-end was assaulted.
  107. Dinky couldn’t help but find the sight a bit funny.
  108. It stopped being funny when she thought of how she would look in his place.
  109. Cheerilee finished with Rumble, giving him one parting swat after he got off the desk, for being "obstinate". Dinky would have to ask Cheerilee what that word meant once her teacher was in a better mood.
  110. As the wood cracked into the stuck-up colt's ear-end, he shot off from a self-pitying walk with his head hung low to a full gallop, head sprung in surprise with a blushing shade of pink across both sets of cheeks.
  112. ”Berry Pinch!”
  113. Berry was already up before Cheerilee said her name, she knew it was her turn.
  114. It was then that Dinky realized that the slightly older filly was the last in her age group.
  115. Which meant that she could very well be next!
  116. The thought of it made her shiver with fear.
  118. She would soon be getting the first school paddling-no; the first spanking of her life.
  119. What would mom say? Would she spank her as well?
  120. Dinky wasn’t sure, she’d have to beg her not to.
  122. As cruel as it sounded, and as guilty as she felt about it, Dinky hoped that Berry’s punishment would go on longer.
  123. It didn’t, of course and the crying red filly with the redder bottom trotted out of the schoolhouse.
  124. As she did, Dinky could only think of one thing.
  125. Pleasedon’tbemepleasedon’tbemepleasedon’tbeme…
  126. ”Dinky Hooves!”
  127. She was next.
  129. ”Dinky Hooves!” Cheerilee repeated.
  130. Dinky gulped, she knew there was no getting out of this, so she shakily got up, and slowly walked up to her patiently waiting teacher, shaking all the way. The spanking hasn’t even started yet and she was already crying.
  131. This made her blush as well.
  133. ”You know what to do.” Cheerilee said, tapping the paddle where she was supposed to scoot on the desk.
  134. Dinky nodded, and looked at the desk for a few seconds before bending over it. She was a bit smaller than the older foals, so she had a more awkward time getting into position. Her blush deepened as she felt something pressing into her bottom, she realized this was Cheerilee scooting her heinie forward on the desk. None of the other foals had this happen, she must really be a baby.
  135. It was then that Dinky decided that she would try to take her turn better than the others would.
  136. She steeled herself, she could at least handle the first lick silently.
  138. ’CRACK!’
  139. Dinky let out a yelp, she wasn’t expecting it to come so soon. So much for taking it silently.
  140. ’CRACK!’
  141. The second hit wasn’t as shocking as the first, however pain it brought was much more noticeable to the poor filly.
  142. CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  143. So far, Dinky was taking this worse than all of her classmates before her.
  144. ’CRACK!’
  145. The paddle didn’t disappoint. It hurt just as much as Dinky anticipated, if not more.
  146. ’CRACK!’
  147. Dinky cried out in pain, tears freely flowing down her face. There was no way she could take another one.
  148. ”Done.”
  149. Thankfully, she didn’t have to.
  151. ”Go join the others outside!”
  152. Dinky got up from the desk and obeyed, rubbing her sore fanny.
  153. As she got outside she could see her spanked classmates. There was almost no room left on the schoolhouse, it was surrounded by naughty, reddened butts. Eventually she found a gap between two of her classmates and squeezed in, muzzle obediently pressed against the wall. After just five seconds she felt silly; crying like a foal and sent to time-out like a baby.
  155. ”Dinky!” said her wall neighbor.
  156. ”How was it?” the colt asked.
  157. Dinky thought back to what the paddling was like and gave an answer.
  158. ”It wasn’t that bad.”
  159. Weather or not the filly was sincere, we’ll never know.
  161. While Cheerilee dealt with the last of the students Dinky was chatting away with her friends.
  162. She wondered how they were taking it.
  163. One by one the last of the sorry looking colts and fillies came outside, ending with Pipsqueak, whom Cheerilee escorted out.
  164. "Now this is a sight to see. Twenty red rumps for twenty naughty youngsters."
  165. Dinky heard a few clicks of a camera but did not dare move.
  166. "Tails stay up in time-out, fillies and gentlecolts. You know the rules."
  167. More clicks.
  169. "There! This should make for a funny yearbook spread."
  171. ”Alright class, gather around!” The teacher called.
  172. The students stood close in front of Cheerilee.
  173. ”When I give you an order, I do it for either your education or safety!”
  174. What followed was a lecture on listening to the teacher. Dinky wanted to roll her eyes, this was the same lecture Cheerilee gave before the paddlings.
  176. ”So will you listen to me from now on?”
  177. ”Yes miss Cheerilee!” Came the chorus of colts and fillies.
  178. ”Good, now follow me and stay close.” She trotted off.
  179. The students were understandably confused; their teacher wasn’t going back inside the schoolhouse.
  180. ”Where are we going miss Cheerilee?” Asked Rumble.
  181. ”Back to the Whitetail woods, of course, the school day isn’t over!”
  182. The kids stood silent for a moment, then let out a cheer and followed Cheerilee.
  183. The mare added:
  184. ”With everypony looking like this, we should call it the ’Redtail woods!’”
  185. Dinky was glad to have this field trip after all, and so were her classmates.
  186. There was one caveat, however.
  187. They had to walk through town.
  189. It was quite a sight seeing the groups of red-bottomed children following the local schoolteacher.
  190. With the threat of another dose looming in the air, Cheerilee ordered her class to keep their tails high until they entered the woods.
  191. Between the ponies they passed and the foals in the death-march, some ponies giggled, some cringed and some (probably parents) sighed.
  192. Some of the foals with fried fannies wore their warm backsides as a badge of honor.
  193. ”It didn't hurt!”, they lied. Not a single foal, young or old, filly or colt, left that schoolhouse with dry eyes.
  194. They joked about it, with some teasing that other ponies looked better with red on their coat.
  195. The class clowns, with the surprising poise of a fashion model confronting paparazzi, asked passerby if they liked what they saw, smugly jerking their tails to draw attention away from their rumps and the others.
  196. As if to say ”don't stare, bub.”
  197. A dark grey stallion who must have been Rumble's father admonished him in front of everypony.
  198. ”We'll have a ’talk’ about this at home,” was all he said, and it was enough to make Rumble gulp.
  199. Dinky was embarrassed, but at least she wasn't the only filly with a spanked behind that day.
  200. It wasn’t too bad, at least the trip was fun.

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