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Spank wrestling by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-03-03 21:26:11
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:46:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Spank wrestling by Anon
  3. (03/11/2021)
  6. ---
  8. >A full alicorn spanking would be epic. Foal gloves are off.
  10. >gloves are off.
  12. >Luna hears that and totally misinterprets because 1000 years moon
  13. >Sets up Cadance & Twi's elaborate punishment for fucking up
  14. >They are summoned to...what?
  15. >Canterlot Municipal Arena?
  16. >Well, okay.
  18. >Two junior tier alicorns arrive
  19. >It's dark, suddenly the light come on
  20. >There's a wrassling ring set up
  21. >There's a cheering crowd of thousands
  22. >Ponies, anycreatures, VIP's and celebs from every land
  23. >Celestia & Luna are in the ring, dressed in ridiculous spandex and luchador masks
  24. >A ring announcer unicorn starts the show
  25. "Mares & Gentlecolts, it's time for our Main Event;
  26. "Tag-Team Spanking!
  27. "Lets get ready to Padddddlllllleeeeeeee!"
  29. >The bell rings, Twilight is thrown in with Celestia first
  30. >It's just like a wrestling performance
  31. >But instead of doing stunts and playacting, Celestia is really spanking Twilight
  32. "Whhhaaa! Cadance, HELP!"
  33. >She flails her arms and hits Cadance's outstreached hoof
  34. "Oh crap!"
  35. >Now it's Candy Butt getting whacked
  36. >Celestia is getting tired, so Luna tags in
  37. >Just then, the ref is "knocked out"!
  38. >Celestia passes her sister a paddle
  39. >Twilight yells from her corner, trying to wake the referee up
  40. "Foreign object! Foreign object! They should be disqualified!"
  41. >But Luna just keeps going to work on Cadance's butt
  42. "WHHHAAA! Twilight, tag me, tag me PLEASE!"
  43. "Eh...but I don't wanna go back in there!"
  44. >It goes on like this for about ½ hour.
  45. >It's weird that Twi's parents and Shining Armor are in the audience
  46. >They have front row seats
  47. >They're cheering as loud as any pony
  49. ...
  51. >Snot nosed colt
  52. >Everypony knows wrestling is fake!
  53. >Still likes it
  54. >Gets front row seats
  55. >His dad is rich
  56. >Heckling about how fake it is
  57. >Then
  58. >What's this?
  59. >He's being called into the ring...?

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