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The daily life of Cozy Glow

By Guest
Created: 2022-03-05 01:19:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >Story tags: Non-consensual foalcon (mare on filly), sadism, abuse, torture, mind control, scat eating, pee drinking, diapers, enemas, suppositories, spankings, anal rape (with toys and draconequus on filly), anilingus, cunnilingus.
  3. ---
  5. >Having retired to their crystal mansion in Silver Shoals. The two sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Had ordered Cozy Glow released from her stony imprisonment.
  7. >After being freed from the statue the filly was immediately sent to the sister’s private mansion. Few knew why, and even fewer cared enough about the evil pegasus to ever consider asking.
  9. ---
  11. >Sitting back in her comfortable chair and enjoying her alone time. Celestia reminisced back to when Cozy Glow had first arrived to her. Now almost three years ago to the day.
  12. >The dazed filly had temporarily been placed behind bars in their basement. Chained down to the floor with heavy bolts and latches.
  13. >Still, she hadn’t really been worried about her escaping. As Luna had taken it upon herself to vigilantly watch over her. Never once leaving her side.
  15. >But before anything could’ve been *done* to their young prisoner. She needed to first finalize a special rune collar—that both herself and her sister—had been working on at the time.
  17. >The collar was to be charmed with powerful magic. Magic that was not only dangerous to inscribe but also forbidden by Equestria’n law.
  18. >The enchantments on it were to serve two distinct functions. The first function linked Cozy Glow’s life energy to her own. Ensuring that she wouldn’t age as long as she wore it. And the second function sealed away select portions of her individuality. Making her subservient to her and Luna.
  20. >And to Celestia’s great relief. The rune collar, once properly secured around Cozy Glow’s neck, had worked flawlessly. Making her completely safe to be around.
  21. >And thus she was allowed to roam around the mansion. Doing their various *requests* throughout the day and night.
  23. ---
  25. >Groaning Celestia placed her half-eaten plate of cake aside. Setting it down amongst the array of empty ones.
  26. >For the last few minutes her upset stomach had been demanding her to take a bathroom break.
  27. >Unable to ignore her bodily calls any longer Celestia, with a strain, got up from her comfortable chair. Venturing forwards and into the appropriate room.
  29. >Entering her impressive lavatory she saw Cozy Glow sitting quietly in the middle of it. Precisely where she’d left her about two hours ago.
  30. >”Hello my sun goddess,” she said whilst bowing and greeting her politely with a smile.
  32. >Of course Celestia knew it was just an act on her part. Having been ordered to be well-mannered at all times.
  33. >These days she couldn’t quite discern whether it was fear or hate that simmered within the girl. She would know if she simply asked her. But she never did.
  35. >Instead Celestia simply patted on the pegasus head like she would a pet, before seating herself down on the marble toilet just infront of her.
  36. >The large but otherwise unassuming toilet had a plastic insert that would catch anything that fell into it. Removing the need to flush.
  38. >And with her broad posterior now over the seat. Celestia, without preamble, started squeezing and grunting unabashedly on it. Both urinating and defecating noisily into the catch below. Sighing contently as the disturbance within her slowly worked its way out of her system.
  40. >Celestia was well aware that it was never sensible of her to eat two full cakes back-to-back. But the delicacies were an age-old weakness of hers. Never able to hold back despite knowing what they would do to her inner workings. Choosing to gladly pay the worthwhile price for her weak resolve.
  42. >And as Celestia relieved herself she briefly glanced forward and saw the worried expression now on Cozy Glow’s face.
  44. >Winking back at the filly she spread her hindlegs open. Giving her a better view as she continued filling the toilet.
  46. >A moment later and Celestia eventually finished going. Feeling both much lighter and better as a result.
  47. >Standing up from the seat she then took two steps away from it. Turning around and with a wide stance, hiked her tail up. Exposing herself to the filly behind her.
  49. >Immediately after seeing Celestia turn and lift her tail up. Cozy Glow got up from the floor and rushed over to her side.
  50. >Once next to her she took out the short, stepping stool that was always present besides the toilet. Placing it down on the floor just behind Celestia’s waiting hindlegs.
  51. >And with it she got up and under her flowing, ethereal tail.
  53. >Cozy Glow with her muzzle now inbetween Celestia’s white haunches. Let her tongue out.
  54. >Gingerly dragging it over her marehood and catching any stray droplets there. Before continuing further north.
  55. >And as she reached her stained tailhole she stopped. Concentrating on the plump, round muscle she began licking any and all brown traces away from it.
  57. >”Mnhhh~," Celestia sensuously purred. Enjoying as her probing tongue *wiped* diligently both on, and around her grimy star. Feeling herself clench and unclench whenever she slipped deeper inwards.
  59. >After a couple of minutes had passed by the intense slobbering slowed down. And she received a curt kiss on her anus instead. Signalling that the *clean-up* chore under her tail was done.
  61. >Getting the message Celestia then reached around herself and took hold of Cozy Glow’s ear. Leading her firmly infront of the recently used toilet. Holding her head just over the white seat.
  63. >”Now, once you’re done taking care of *that*. I want you to wash your muzzle and go see Luna. She’ll be waiting in the library.”
  65. >Cozy Glow found herself wanting to urgently plead. To beg Celestia for mercy as she saw today’s grim offerings below her. The vile stench and the sheer amount was staggering. Making her eyes sting and her stomach cramp up badly.
  66. >Yet all she managed to do was mewl feebly for a few seconds. Before nodding defeatedly to her. Reluctantly sinking her head into the toilet bowl.
  68. >Once inside of it she opened her mouth up and slowly began eating the reeking, wet mush within it. Taking her time and chewing properly on any larger bits that she came across. Just like she’d been told to do years prior.
  70. >”Good girl. Never rush and remember to saviour the taste,” Celestia said whilst gently stroking Cozy Glow’s curly, light blue mane. Hearing her miserably eat and swallow from her warm pile below. Noticing how her shallow sobs grew louder with each mouthful.
  72. >Celestia with her stomach now settled—and not wishing to be next to her own odorous smell any longer—turned and hurried out the door.
  74. ---
  76. >After her sordid dinner Cozy Glow wobbled out into the long hallway. Wanting to vomit but was forbidden to do so by the collar.
  78. >Lightheaded and with uneven hooves she slowly ventured out towards library. All the while dreading what Luna had in store for her this time around.
  79. >Silently hoping that the dark alicorn was in a lenient mood today. Or just very tired. She usually didn’t hurt her *as much* if she was tired.
  81. >Her occupied thoughts provided little respite as she eventually neared the double doors that she'd been fearing. Approaching them she wanted to stop and run away. Now fighting the collar to intentionally miss them somehow.
  83. >But despite her efforts she found herself opening and entering inside the massive library. Standing in the entryway she nervously looked around herself.
  84. >Not immediately seeing Luna anywhere she continued further inwards, heading for the reading lounge at the far end.
  86. >Passing by several large bookcases and crossing under an oak archway. She eventually found Luna sprawled out on a red couch. Reading causally from various history books next to a lit fireplace.
  88. >“Mistress Luna you requested me?” Cozy Glow said humbly as she neared her.
  89. >”That is correct,” Luna flatly answered, closing her current book. “I want you to lie down on the stone. On your back with your hindlegs spread open. Anywhere is fine.”
  90. >”O-of course my night goddess!”
  92. >Cozy Glow hurriedly walked off the lush carpet she was on and laid down on the cold flagstone floor.
  93. >Rolling onto her back she then spread her legs outwardly. Revealing her fillyhood for her to see.
  95. >Placing her book down on the table Luna quietly got up and moved over to the splayed filly. Stopping just infront of her opened form.
  96. >And then, focusing on her magic, she located and teleported over a black flail whip from her bedroom.
  97. >The whip was one of her favourites. It was heavy with multiple thick tails attached to it. The ends of which had metal wire discreetly woven within them.
  99. >”Do note that we’re in the library. So be sure to tame your voice. As I won’t be tolerating any screaming in here.”
  100. >”Y-yes mistress….”
  102. >With the whip now in her right hoof, Luna threateningly hovered it above Cozy Glow’s delicate nethers. Letting the hard strands loosely grace against her vulva.
  103. >”Make sure to thank me after each lick,” she cautioned before snapping the whip back—and then down with substantial force—directly onto her bare folds.
  105. >*Crack!*
  107. >Supressing a shrill scream the filly smiled back at her dark queen and thanked her.
  108. >”Th-thank y-you mistress!”
  110. >*Crack!*
  111. >”T-thaank youu mi-mistresss!”
  113. >Shaking and whimpering loudly Cozy Glow continued to hold her legs widely open for her. Making herself easy to hit as she despairingly waited for the next strike to come.
  115. >*Crack!*
  116. >”Thha-nnkk 'fhwah' y-you… 'haah' mistrhess!”
  118. >And by the forth lash Cozy Glow started to scream and cry hysterically from the painful hits. And everytime she did, Luna brought the whip down even harder between her legs. Punishing her defiance.
  120. >*Crack!*
  121. >”Aahhhhaaaahhhaaa! Ghhhaahhhaa-ahhhaaa, ffhuaaaahhhaaaa!”
  123. >”Are you deaf?! I said no screaming!”
  124. >*Crack!*
  126. >Yet the filly was unable to quell her wailing voice. Causing the whipping to get progressively worse with each violent strike. Until the ruthless hits eventually started breaking her skin open. Flaying her most sensitive area.
  128. >*Crack…! Crack…! Crack…!*
  130. ---
  132. >Feeling the stinging buzz on her collar Cozy Glow abruptly awoke from her slumber.
  133. >She didn’t exactly remember when it had happened. But at one point or another she must’ve passed out from Luna’s continuous flogging. Finding herself back in her bed somehow.
  135. >Looking out the window she could tell it was early morning. And so, with a painful limp, got out from her small, canine bed.
  136. >Her uncomfortable round bed was placed on the floor. Directly next to Celestia’s own luxurious royal bed.
  138. >Climbing up on the spacious bedding—and ducking under the fine covers—she crawled up and inbetween the sleeping alicorns hindlegs. Quickly locating her heady marehood.
  140. >And once over her mature sex she carefully brought her muzzle down next to it.
  141. >Letting her tongue out she then started licking her awake. Washing her morning dampness away.
  143. >The serene dream landscape currently occupying Celestia’s mind. Started to alter and fade as a warm tingle swept over her. Beckoning her gradually awake.
  144. >Stirring, and with a red flush, Celestia let out a pleased yawn. Leisurely stretching her front hooves and rubbing her eyes softly.
  146. >Now aware of her bedroom surroundings, spread her haunches open and guided a hoof under her duvet.
  147. >Taking hold of Cozy Glow’s head from the back she then pressed her face firmly against her wet folds. Smothering and grinding against her muzzle like a cheap masturbation toy.
  149. >And once she felt awake enough, lifted the covers off with her magic.
  150. >Looking down Celestia saw the ruffled, pitiful state Cozy Glow was in. Her face half-buried within her folds and struggling to properly breathe.
  151. >She then rubbed herself up and down on her face a few more times before loosening her grip and letting her go.
  153. >Coughing and clearing the mare juice out of her eyes, Cozy Glow looked up and courteously greeted her owner.
  155. >”G-good morning my goddess. Did you have a pleasant rest?”
  156. >”Yes I did, thank you for asking,” answered Celestia back, noticing the severely bruised areas around her waist.
  157. >Tapping on the bed she calmly said, ”lie down next to me, on your back.”
  159. >Doing as instructed the pegasus settled next to her on the bed.
  160. >And as she did Celestia brought a hoof down and parted her bruised hindlegs.
  161. >Areas of dark purple could be easily seen scattered, randomly about, all over her lower region. From her small teats to her dock.
  162. >Numerus cracked and clotted scabs were dotted everywhere. With fur and small pieces of her labia missing here and there.
  164. >”Did my sister need to heal you afterwards?”
  165. >”I think so miss, I was bleeding alot. But I can’t really remember.”
  166. >”I see. Well you look fine for the moment. I’ll restore your genitals later. For now you may continue between my legs.”
  167. >”Yes of course!”
  169. >Returning to below her waist Cozy Glow gently spread Celestia’s cleft open.
  170. >And whilst holding her vulva spread, lowered her muzzle between them and messily lapped at her moist entrance. Slurping and greedily drinking everything she could find from the older mare.
  172. >With a strained breath Celestia laid back on her pillows. And once she was comfortable took a hoof to Cozy Glow’s curly mane. Casually petting and twirling her hair around as she ate her out.
  174. >By this point not even the alicorn herself knew how many hours Cozy Glow must’ve spent between her legs.
  175. >As every morning started the same way for her. Thus ensuring that the filly was *more than* intimately familiar with her privates.
  176. >Having her not only memorize her feminine taste and shape, but more importantly, how to precisely please her.
  178. >Focusing on her task Cozy Glow’s expertly switched between her clitoris and her vagina. Using her lips to catch and suck on her winking love-bud a few times. Before releasing it and returning down again; to kiss and lick inside of her warm tunnel.
  179. >And everytime she switched places she could hear Celestia gasp and strain above her. Pulling and tightening her grip on her mane.
  181. >Cozy Glow couldn’t quite decide what she disliked more in the mornings. Being forced to depravedly pleasure one of her greatest enemy’s. Or the distasteful things that would always transpire afterwards, in her bathroom.
  182. >And judging by how much her dripping marehood was twitching and winking against her now. She feared that the second part of her *morning routine* was close.
  184. >Breathing heavily Celestia was finding it harder and harder to hold her haunches open. Looking down she saw the filly skilfully trace her slit lengthwise with her tongue. Gracing the sides of her soft, inner walls. Before diving back inside of her snatch. To explore and stimulate her from within. Pushing her ever closer to the edge.
  186. >A minute more and Cozy Glow had completely replaced Celestia‘s previous gasps of pleasure with throaty, carnal moans.
  187. >And hearing her openly moan above her, and knowing she was close, returned back to her clit.
  188. >Holding the swollen protrusion with her lips she teasingly circled it with her tongue. Not letting it wink back this time.
  190. >Already at her limit Celestia tried fighting back the wonderful twinges of delight that surged through her. Wanting to draw out her pending orgasm for longer.
  191. >Unsuccessfully she instead cried out like a mare in heat.
  192. >Haunches and hips shaking, braying in ecstasy she doused Cozy Glow’s mouth with her love fluids.
  194. >Feeling her suddenly climax in her mouth Cozy Glow quickly fixated her lips over her peehole. Swallowing her cloudy discharges as best she could.
  196. >And after several, short bursts Celestia slumped down on the bed. Lying still and panting softly. Recovering from her euphoric high.
  198. >Separating from her sex Cozy Glow momentarily looked down at her now flush and swollen folds, before leaning down and licking up any obvious wetness that she’d missed.
  200. >Celestia shuddered as the filly gently brushed up against her now oversensitive marehood.
  201. >Eyes closed she focused solely on her breathing. Waiting patiently for the filly to clean her off.
  202. >And when she felt a brief kiss on her sensitive clit, pulled herself upright on the bed.
  204. >”That was lovely Cozy. I know you’d put even the best brothel workers to shame.”
  205. >”Thank you miss….”
  206. >With a laugh Celestia stood up. “Now come along. I know you must be parched from all the shouting and crying done yesterday with Luna. And I doubt what I just gave you was enough.”
  207. >”I’m… grateful for your g-generosity,” Cozy Glow abjectly answered.
  209. >Helping the filly off the bed Celestia then led her into her bathroom. Closing the door behind them she lifted her up onto a changing table. Having her sit upright on it.
  211. >With her smaller frame now on the table, Celestia first took out a towel to dry-pat Cozy Glow’s sticky muzzle. Leaving her indecent mare scent clear on her.
  212. >And then, using her magic, she levitated over one of her larger baby bottles. Unscrewing the nipple cap before floating the container behind herself. Pressing and holding the rim lightly against her puffy vulva.
  214. >Relaxing into it Celestia filled the bottle up to the brim with her urine. Not wanting the acrid liquid to overflow she stopped herself just in time. Then reached for the nipple cap and reattached it.
  216. >”Here’s your favorite baba~!” Celestia playfully teased as she raised the full bottle up with her right hoof. Invitingly pressing the transparent nipple against Cozy Glow’s lips.
  217. >“Don’t worry little one, your yummy *formula* should already be at body temperature,” she continued saying whilst pushing the fake teat inside of her mouth. Seating it and tilting the lukewarm bottle slightly upwards as she did.
  219. >Holding the bottle steady Celestia watched with perverse glee as her filly began suckling on the nipple. Extracting the bronze-tinted pee out from it and into her pursed mouth.
  221. >And when the first drops landed on Cozy Glow’s tastebuds she bit down on the soft nipple with a frown. Whimpering from the sickly sour tang she swallowed and resumed her nursing. Feeling queasy after just one sip.
  223. ---
  225. >Later that day the still limping filly had found herself outside on one of the sisters four large balconies. Currently lying across Luna’s lap whilst the two princesses were chatting and drinking tea above her.
  227. >Her dark mistress had a hoof on her rear and was stroking her cheeks in a taunting manner.
  228. >And ever so often she would reach between her rift to pull on the thick, bumpy dildo lodged within her sore tailhole.
  229. >Retracting most of its length out before leisurely forcing the rough toy inside of her anus again.
  231. >Luna enjoyed the tight resistance of it. Having forgone any lube she trusted that the friction would rub her unwilling hole raw each time she drove it in or out of her.
  232. >And given how loudly Cozy Glow winced whenever she moved the dildo. She knew she was causing her significant pain and discomfort.
  234. >The sisters had received more letters than usual this week. Mostly invitational tickets to various galas and operas. The rest were an eclectic mix of political messages, proposals and simple drawings from their youngest fans.
  235. >Celestia calmly sorted through the stack of letters before her. Enjoying and commenting on some of the more interesting depictions of herself.
  236. >And once she had gone through all of them. Placed the letters with the drawings aside. Intending to write back to them later.
  237. >Lifting the rest up with her magic she levitated them over the balcony railings. Igniting and burning them away in a bright, singular flash.
  239. >Thirty minutes later the princesses decided to end their afternoon tea. Spotting a few darker clouds creep in overhead.
  240. >Luna with Cozy Glow still on her lap. Pushed her seat backwards and nonchalantly withdrew the dildo completely out from her inflamed tailhole.
  241. >Holding the dildo up she spied mostly blood on it, but also small specks of feces at the very tip of it.
  243. >”What’s this?!” Luna angrily stated. Showing her the dildo. “I told you to clean yourself properly! Obviously you weren’t listening!”
  244. >”I-I am so sorry m-mistress! I thou— ”
  245. >”Silence! You’re not sorry yet!” she threatened as she took hold of the bleary-eyed filly.
  247. >”Will you please excuse us dear sister. I have an impertinent foal to take care of.”
  248. >”By all means. But try not to get too *excessive* with her this time. She is quite injured enough as it is. And I’d like her to atleast be able to walk. The east garden still needs tending to.”
  249. >”Yes, I know sister. Don’t worry.”
  251. >Leaving with an angry grimace. Luna took Cozy Glow upstairs to one of her more imposing studies. Opening to door she then threw the filly down onto the oak floor. Making her tumble twice.
  252. >Walking up to the hurt filly Luna promptly kicked her over. Cracking a rib in the process.
  253. >Standing over her she coldly said, “wait here, or I’ll misalign your wings again.”
  255. >Terrified and in agony Cozy Glow got up on her trembling hooves. “Y-yes m-mistress. I’ll g-gladly wait!” she said whilst bowing submissively. All the while trying to ignoring the pain in her side.
  257. >The dark alicorn then left her momentarily. Entering an adjacent room she grabbed a stiff cane and small steel ball. The ball had eight semi-blunt spikes surrounding it. All of which were evenly spaced apart from one another.
  259. >With the two items she returned back to the filly. Placing the items down on a stand by the door.
  260. >Afterwards she approached the anxious filly and took her by the mane, dragging her over to the end of the room. Where a wide desk awaited her.
  262. >Once at the desk Luna grabbed her collar and pulled her further up on it. Forcing her to lie down on her stomach with her hindlegs jutting out from it.
  263. >Happy with her vulnerable position she then concentrated inwards for a moment. Searching and pulling forth several dark, jagged tendrils from her own mane.
  264. >And with four of them she took hold of Cozy Glow’s hooves. Surrounding her fetlocks and immobilizing her to the desk.
  266. >Now that she was firmly secured Luna levitated the spiked ball over. Taking it in her hoof she felt the familiar coldness of it. The algid enchantment on it was the same type that she used on many of her *instruments* against Cozy Glow. The enchantment was based around a simple rune that absorbed ambient warmth. Leaving the altered item always cold to the touch.
  268. >”Cozy you are not to utter a single word to my sister about the object I’m about to place within you. Is that understood?”
  269. >”Y-yes m-mistress, I w-won’t.”
  270. >”Good, I’ll remove it after a few days.”
  272. >Using the tendrils around her hindlegs Luna then forced her haunches wide. And with everything held visible, reached down with her free hoof and parted her underage slit open. Checking inside of her pink interior for a few seconds, before summoning forth six smaller tendrils.
  274. >And after lining the smaller additions up with her narrow entrance, she then slid all six rudely inside of her. And once they were in she quickly spread her open the same way a speculum would. Making her whelp from the sudden stretch.
  276. >With her vagina now stretched completely open Luna brought the spiked ball towards her opening and gradually pushed it in. Needing to twist and turn the ball a few times to get it to enter.
  278. >When Luna felt the biting coldness outright disappear from her hoof. She stopped pushing and instead lowered her hoof to the floor. Peering down she could easily see how the spikes were pressing up against Cozy Glow’s sensitive, inner walls. With that part done she retracted her tendrils out from her slit. Letting her lips close up around it.
  280. >”And remember, not a word to Celestia about it!”
  281. >Luna, eager to get the second part underway, reached back and hastily drifted the cane over. Taking it in her hoof she tapped the rod against Cozy Glow’s rump a few times. Letting her feel the thickness of it.
  283. >”Try to atleast hold back *some* of your vulgar squeals this time. I shall be back here until you learn.”
  285. >As she finished her bleak warning Luna pulled the filly’s tail painfully high with her magic. Holding it up she then raised the cane away from her rear. Waiting until she saw her unclench. And when she relaxed, viciously flicked the cane across her exposed cheeks.
  287. >*Snap!*
  288. >”Ffwhhaah!”
  290. >Immediately as the cane landed on Cozy Glow hind she involuntarily clamped down as hard as she could from the searing contact. And the instant she did, the spikes now wedged deep within her, dug excruciatingly into her delicate flesh.
  292. >*Snap!*
  293. >”Aaffuuahhh!”
  295. >And as the caning progressed on. Blood eventually started pooling on the wood below her shaking hindlegs. Dripping out from her torn rear, and from her fillyhood.
  297. >*Snap…! Snap…! Snap…!*
  299. ---
  301. >Three weeks later and Princess Twilight Sparkle dropped by the sister’s mansion for an impromptu visit.
  302. >She usually did so whenever she was particularly stressed from dealing with the Canterlot nobles. Needing a day or two for herself to unwind.
  304. >And just like always Celestia was accommodating and understanding of her venting needs. Being well aware of the difficult facets that came with ruling over Equestria. And so, after a brief catch-up, offered Cozy Glow to her.
  306. >Passing her the filly Celestia would always ask which *special* guest room she’d prefer staying in. Her own playroom or her sister’s *readjustment* room. Knowing what she could expect to find in either one.
  307. >And this time around she opted for her playroom. Taking Cozy Glow with her as she left.
  309. >Roughly an hour afterwards Celestia went upstairs to check on her former student. Wanting to know if she’d be needing anything else for the evening.
  311. >Standing outside the playroom door she gently knocked on it a few times. Before opening and entering inside.
  313. >And as soon as she did, she was immediately hit by the rank smell in it.
  314. >Entering she saw Cozy Glow seated in the middle. Strapped into an adjustable highchair for baby foals. Her four hooves secured with locking belts.
  316. >Her curly, light blue mane had several colourful ribbons in it. And around her neck hung a white bib with a spill catch.
  317. >On the feeding tray below her lay one of her adult, plus-sized diapers. The undergarment was well used and spread open. With its messy innards on full display.
  318. >And infront of the filly stood Twilight. A fresh diaper covering her plump hindquarters. Ready to be used again.
  320. >Walking up to the pair Celestia first thought Cozy Glow was squirming because of her soon to be dinner. But then she noticed the discarded manebrush on the bed.
  321. >That, together with the light coughing and snivelling she was still doing. Made it abundantly clear what had just occurred prior.
  323. >Celestia, now standing behind her former student, placed a hoof on her puffy diaper. Trailing downwards she stopped just over her marehood. Digging into the crinkling padding and groping against her folds.
  324. >”My my, don’t you look absolutely adorable~,” she endearingly teased. ”I’m sorry for barging in and disrupting your playtime. I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.”
  326. >Blushing and breathing intensely, Twilight slowly turned to face her mentor.
  327. >”No, I think I’m f-fine for now… thank you mo— Celestia,” she said, trying not to stutter.
  329. >”Good, you know where to find me if you do.” Leaning forward Celestia then nuzzled sweetly against her. And as she withdrew from her, whimsically kissed her on the muzzle.
  331. >The kiss caught Twilight off guard. Flustered and bumbling she spun around. Only nodding vaguely to her in response.
  333. >Giggling at her cute reaction Celestia briefly glanced back to the seated filly.
  334. >Focusing she teleported over a circular punishment mat from the bathroom besides them.
  335. >The hard mat had several plastic highpoints sticking up from its surface. Some longer than others. Excruciating enough by itself to sit on, let alone when recently spanked.
  337. >With her magic the white alicorn momentarily loosened the straps around Cozy Glow’s hindlegs. And then slid the mat underneath her raw bottom. Retightening the straps down.
  338. >Once done with her Celestia leaned in, over Twilight’s shoulder. “After you’re done feeding her, I want you in my nursery~,” she whispered hotly, nipping her ear.
  340. >As Celestia turned away from her swooning counterpart she flicked her colourful tail against her diaper. Causing Twilight to shiver from the impact.
  341. >With a swaying saunter she then exited the playroom. Closing the door with a not so subtle wink.
  343. >Twilight let out a heavy sigh as she heard the door snap shut behind her. Closing her eyes she tried regaining her composure.
  344. >Her beloved mentor—even with just a few playful words—could make her heart flutter wildly. Reducing her momentarily to a nervous schoolfilly again.
  346. >A few seconds later and Twilight found herself in control again. Successfully fighting off the fiery bloom on her muzzle.
  347. >With her heart quelled she opened her eyes up. Seeing Cozy Glow tearing as she struggled anxiously on the uncomfortable mat.
  348. >Smiling calmly she stroked her troubled face. And then reached for the plastic spoon on the tray.
  350. >Taking the spoon with her hoof she lowered it into her soiled diaper. Then dipped the shallow oval into her awaiting mess. Loading the utensil neatly up with her reeking dung, before bringing it over to Cozy Glow’s quivering lips.
  352. >“Now open up little one. Naughty foals need to take their bitter medicine!” she said in a giddy tone.
  354. >With a horrified look Cozy Glow obediently opened her mouth up. Accepting the filthy spoonful of manure inside.
  355. >And immediately as her tongue met the foul-tasting muck, her face scrunched up from the revolting avalanche of flavours. Gruesome flavours that never got any easier to contend with.
  357. >Drooling she did her best to chew and swallow the slimy morsel down. Even though her mind was reeling and fighting her to spit it out.
  358. >A pointless battle as anything she missed would simply get scooped up from the spill catch around her neck. Then get deposited back into her mouth.
  360. >And as the minutes slowly ticked away. Twilight unhurriedly continued to bring her spoonful after spoonful. Cooing and humming happily along as she imagined all the exciting things she and Celestia would be doing together later.
  362. ---
  364. >Three days later and Twilight Sparkle returned back to her castle. Exhausted but refreshed, and with a slight hitch in her step.
  365. >During her visit she’d spent most of her time playing and relaxing in Celestia’s private nursery. Seldom leaving it.
  366. >And after having said their goodbyes. Luna went upstairs to fetch Cozy Glow from it. Knowing it was her turn to be alone with her.
  368. >Even though Luna enjoyed teasing the younger alicorn. She also respected her special relationship with her older sister. Understanding that there were certain things she only wanted to do together with her.
  369. >So, for most of her three-day visit, she’d kept herself away from the trio. Letting her sister *care* and *nurture* for both of them without interfering.
  371. >Only bring them refreshments every now and again. Knocking and leaving a small service cart outside by their door.
  372. >However, one time she had done this, Celestia surprised her by opening the door. Dressed in a sunny, light-green apron she kindly greeted and thanked her for the much needed drinks. And then asked if she could take the cart inside while she changed.
  373. >Thinking nothing of it Luna led the cart inside with her magic. Walking behind her sister she noticed the smeared strap-on dildo that was swaying and dripping below her barrel.
  375. >Once inside the room she glimpsed Twilight in the corner. Standing and snivelling with her muzzle planted firmly against the wall. Her tail held high and her bottom soundly spanked. With an oversized glass plug protruding out from her tailhole. The short, frilly skirt she had on did nothing to cover anything up.
  376. >And on the spacious crib bed in the middle she saw Cozy Glow. She was lying on her back with a completely soaked diaper tied over her face. Her hindlegs were spread by a bar and a hollow dilator sound had been inserted into her urethra. Leaving her peehole tightly open. At her bound fetlocks waited a small set of cylindrical cleaning brushes.
  378. >Parking the cart Luna then witnessed her sister switch to a very rough looking strap-on dildo. The girthy shaft was covered with multiple high ridges and round bumps that travelled irregularly alongst its impressive length. And a cone flared base—meant for serious stretching—could be seen at the very hilt of it.
  379. >Although she was an alicorn herself, nothing about its jarring shape seemed even remotely pleasant or comfortable to take. Feeling quite thankful she wouldn’t be on the receiving end of it.
  381. >Luna watched with intrigue as her sister secured the hefty dildo inbetween her powerful hindlegs. And as she finished doing so, Celestia turned and pointed towards a plastic table next to them. “Luna dear, do you mind giving me one those bottles?”
  383. >”Certainly sister,” she casually replied as she went up to the table. And on it were three different types of anal lubricants to pick from. A regular silicone based one, a *mint & menthol* based one that had a picture of an ice cube on it. And a bottle called *hot love* with a burning fire symbol on it. The two exotic designer lubes were from a brand she knew only produced extreme kinds.
  385. >Reaching forward she was about to take the regular one. Being mindful of how punishing the effects would be with the other two options. Believing most would rather go without any lube at all; than be subjected to either one of them.
  386. >But then she stopped herself and instead grabbed the bottle with the ice cube on it.
  388. >”Here you go Tia!” she said with obvious amusement in her voice. Placing the bottle in her sister’s outstretched hoof she then nodded to her and quietly left the humid room.
  390. >And as she shut the door behind her, she overheard Celestia call over to Twilight. Telling her that it was *”time for her friendship lesson,”* and to *”bend over the bed.”* Smirking she didn’t stay to listen in on the pleading cries that she knew would soon ensue.
  392. ---
  394. >Now standing outside the same nursery door days past. Luna prepared herself for some rather *impure* sights and smells.
  395. >Opening and entering inside the brightly coloured room she tried avoiding the wet sex toys scattered randomly about on the soft carpet. Spying several of her sister’s extra-large stallion models. Most of which were slick with displeasing colours.
  397. >Walking up to the large crib bed in middle where she had last seen the filly. Luna now only spotted empty bottles of baby powder and lube besides it. The bedding distinctly damp and tinged. But no Cozy Glow.
  398. >Shrugging she turned and walked over to the closed bathroom door. Side-stepping the enclosed playpen area and a stack of spelling blocks getting to it.
  399. >Once at the door she quickly opened and peered into it.
  401. >But just like before, Cozy Glow wasn’t inside of it either. Only the completely full diaper pail in the corner, and the discarded enema bags on the white tiling. Stood out to her.
  402. >Surprised by her disappearance Luna closed the door and existed the nursery. Focusing on Cozy Glow’s collar she sensed that she was somewhere in the basement. Next to somecreature that definitely wasn’t her sister.
  403. >Recognizing whom it was she sighed loudly in annoyance. His foul magic was unmistakable anywhere.
  404. >Shaking her head she unhurriedly made her way down into the basement.
  406. >Arriving at the basement and venturing inside of it. Luna saw Cozy Glow tied down to one of her punishment racks.
  407. >And Discord, with both of his claws around her flanks, was aggressively thrusting in and out of her tailhole.
  408. >Panting like a wild animal he jutted the wide base of his knot out from her ass. Pulling out just enough for his bulbous knot to completely leave her. Then quickly forced it back in again. Violently stretching her anus open each time and causing her to cry out gutturally.
  410. >”Discord! How many times have we told you to—'ask us first'—before you breed her?!”
  411. >”A few,” he huffed out dismissively.
  412. >Switching from fast to powerful thrusts he started slamming himself between her soft cheeks. Drawing more of his now red-slicked phallus out. Before re-entering her reluctant passage.
  413. >And as he did Cozy Glow started to scream uncontrollably. Prompting Discord to snap his claws. Summoning a ball-gag into her mouth.
  414. >Having silenced her, he imminently resumed rutting her abused hole. Holding nothing back as pain and terror grew increasingly more apparent on her frantic features.
  416. >“More than a few!” Luna said annoyed, watching the crude scene unfold. “And you better not pee inside of her posterior again! Neither my sister, nor myself enjoyed that surprise last time!”
  417. >”No promises!” the draconequus answered. Grunting and laughing at the same time.
  419. >Feeling an unpleasant headache coming on the dark alicorn walked back towards the basement door. Well aware that Discord would be at it for hours. But more importantly she didn’t wish to witness the insane, bestial creatures he’d soon summon to help ravage the filly with. Even though Luna was used to seeing such abominations in nightmares. His twisted manifestations tended to be abit *much* for her personal liking.
  420. >Watching a writhing mashup of bloated, feral animals make wanton use of every available orifice that her little body had to offer. All at once no less. Only made Luna feel disgusted for days afterwards.
  421. >The wet, ghoulish smells that they radiated and the incessant swine-like bellowing they did when mating. Would undoubtedly traumatize any lesser onlooker.
  422. >And so, not wanting to fend off any bad dreams of her own today. She left and retired to her bedroom.
  424. ---
  426. ---
  428. ---
  430. >Day: 1114
  432. >As the duo arrived inside of the guest playroom, Twilight led Cozy Glow up to the double bed in it. Motioning for her to sit down on its covers.
  433. >”Wait here Cozy, I need a moment to get ready,” she said as she walked away from her and into an adjacent bathroom.
  435. >As Twilight entered the tiled room she spotted two shelving units that lined the rightmost wall.
  436. >And just like last time she was here. The shelves were stacked full of assorted goods for any playtime scenario imaginable. Containing everything from sex toys, diapers, baby bottles, catheters, rectal thermometers, incontinent drugs and much more.
  438. >Seeing all the explicit items infront of her caused a cascade of giddy and lustful emotions to surge within her. Especially as she saw the more *taboo* items on display.
  439. >Licking her lips Twilight walked up to a small box of lactation inducing drugs. Turning the box over she started to blush as she remembered back to her previous play session with Celestia.
  441. >Back then she had found herself dressed in a pink onesie. With padded, pink mittens covering her hooves and a white, half bonnet on her head. Lying sideways with her head resting comfortably on Celestia’s soft lap. Happily suckling and drinking from her perky teats as a gentle, loving hoof stroked her mane.
  442. >The back flap of her onesie had been left open as an enema bag—that hung above her—slowly filled her thickly diapered behind.
  443. >However, it wasn’t until the following morning. After breakfast with both Celestia and Luna. That she had gotten her diaper changed.
  444. >She didn’t know what had been more humiliating at the time. Being bounced on Luna’s lap whilst Celestia took away the empty dishes. Or being changed infront of her aswell as she teased her throughout.
  446. >Embarrassed Twilight placed the box back on the shelf. Swallowing hard she wiped her forehead with a hoof. Feeling her marehood dampen at her past memory.
  448. >Walking away from the shelves and into to the middle of the room. She ignited her horn and pulled off one of the changing mats that were hanging on a wall-mounted bracket.
  449. >Placing the plush mat down on the floor she took a final look around herself, before lying down on it.
  450. >Once comfortable she levitated over a big, mare-sized diaper and two suppositories from an open jar.
  451. >Lifting her hindlegs up she slid the diaper underneath her rear. And then inserted both suppositories into her tailhole. Using her magic to push them far inside.
  453. >Content that everything was in order, she then lowered her legs back down onto the mat. And with a hoof reached for the diaper cover. Folding it up and over her marehood. Joining and taping the sides shut.
  455. >Judging by the warning label on the jar Twilight knew the suppositories were fast acting.
  456. >So, with no time to spare, got up and walked over to a smaller corner shelf by the door. Perusing the selection of various spanking implements on it. Before opting for a simple manebrush. The same kind Celestia usually used on her own poor hide.
  457. >Satisfied with her choice—and already feeling her stomach begin to protest—she quickly exited the bathroom.
  459. >Walking up to Cozy Glow she could easily hear the audible crinkle of her diaper.
  460. >Normally she’d be self-conscious of such things, but currently there was no reason for her to be. Seeing the frightened look on Cozy Glow’s face as she neared her with the manebrush, only reinforced that notion.
  462. >”Cozy I want you to scoot up on the bed and lie down on your back for me. I need to use my diaper.”
  463. >”Y-yes miss,” she obeyed. Shuffling further up and lying down in the middle of it.
  465. >Soon after Cozy Glow saw the alicorn get up right besides her. She nervously watched as her much larger frame turned around and straddled over her.
  466. >Looking up all she could now see was her padded rear hovering just above her eyes.
  468. >And as she got situated Twilight felt her stomach aggressively bubble and churn from the melted suppositories. Groaning from the sharp cramps she lowered herself further down. Pressing her diapered rump against the filly's muzzle she purposefully aligning the pointed end of her nose directly up with her exit hole.
  470. >Not a moment later the princess suddenly felt herself burst below. Expelling noisily into the diaper without any control of her own bowels. Gruff, unladylike moans escaped from her throat as she filled the dense backsheet up with numerous semi-solid horse apples. Transforming the white fabric brown with the added mass.
  472. >Whilst going in her diaper the harsh cramps that had been bothering her subsided away with her waste. Leaving her both empty and with better control of her insides again.
  474. >Then, noticing that nothing else was forcing its way out of her tailhole. The now much-relieved mare, in turn, started to rock back and forth on Cozy Glow’s face.
  475. >Using her muzzle she proceeded to spread the smelly mess out. Coating the entirety of her plush backside with manure.
  477. >It wasn’t until after Twilight sensed a pleasant, lumpy warmth all over her bottom. That she lifted her mushy hind away from the pegasus buried face. And in doing so caused the filly to instantly cough and sputter loudly. Drawing in as much fresh air as she possible could. The colour seemingly drained from her.
  479. >Lying down next to her Twilight patiently waited until she finished recovering.
  480. >”I’m very happy that you’re here Cozy. I didn’t really get a proper chance to use my bathroom before leaving the castle,” she said whilst reaching around herself and squeezing on her full diaper. “Would you like to assist me with the *clean-up* aswell?”
  482. >”Y-yes… I’d l-love to miss….”
  483. >“Such a helpful filly, I knew you wouldn’t mind. But unfortunately, you’ve also *misbehaved* a great deal in the past, haven’t you Cozy? And so I believe a warm hiney will help remind you to always stay true and virtuous. Don’t you agree?”
  484. >”A-absolutely, thank y-you for your guidance.”
  486. >Supressing a snicker Twilight wordlessly got off the bed. Wanting to first feel her used diaper before anything else.
  487. >Walking over towards the end of the bed she could feel her bulging diaper shift and stretch on her flanks. Its crammed interior trying to adjust and compensate for the alicorns large mess.
  488. >A good portion of the warm dung tumbled downwards as she walked. Gathering just below her marehood. Pressing teasingly up against her folds.
  489. >That, combined with the thickness of the diaper. Gave her an awkward waddle whenever she moved.
  491. >Flustered, Twilight reached the end of the bed. Sitting down on the edge with a crinkling squelch. Needing to *accommodate* for her soiled diaper by re-positioning herself a few times.
  492. >And once she was comfortable enough. She waved the filly over.
  494. >With timid reluctance Cozy Glow crawled up to her.
  495. >And as soon as she got close Twilight lifted her up and over her cushioned lap.
  497. >To Cozy Glow the foul smell came back in full force as she was placed down on her diapered lap. The overbearing stench of it filled her nostrils no matter which way she leaned or turned her head. Making each breath a struggle.
  499. >”Good, now listen closely Cozy!” Twilight said in a surprisingly stern voice. All the while intrusively fondling on, and inbetween her hind cheeks. ”You’re allowed to beg, yell and fuss about. However, no reaching back to me or trying to get away. Understood?”
  500. >”Y-yes m-miss.”
  502. >Eager to begin Twilight didn’t acknowledge her. Instead she removed her groping hoof from Cozy Glow’s young slit and pulled her tail up, and to the side. Fully uncovering her pert bottom to her.
  503. >Tucking her tail against her own body she then picked the manebrush up on her right.
  505. >Now holding her close she took the manebrush to her rump. Tapping and caressing both mounds with it a couple of times. Enjoying the cute little flinches from the filly below her. Before withdrawing the brush backwards.
  506. >And then, feeling herself wink against the manure in her diaper, slammed the brush down with resounding force. Flattening her rightmost cheek.
  508. >*Smack!*
  509. >”Eyyhah!”
  511. >With wide open eyes Cozy Glow loudly yelped as she felt the hit register on her defenceless seat. Unprepared for the cruel force behind it. Previous worries quickly changing to fears.
  513. >To Twilight the contrast was undeniable. Normally when spanking colts and fillies back home she’d exercise *some* restraints and limits to her physical punishments. And even though she secretly delighted in hearing the little ones snivel and cry beneath her. She would atleast *try* to balance their needs for education and discipline; with her own enjoyment of spanking their soft bums. This was especially true if the child came from someone she knew, or was from an influential family.
  514. >But unfortunately for the filly below her today. There was no need to hold back or consider anything at all.
  516. >”Bad girl!” Twilight yelled. Excitedly striking her left cheek just as hard. "You’ll be good! Say it!"
  518. >*Smack!*
  519. >”Owffahh!”
  521. >”I-I’ll be good!”
  523. >*Smack!*
  524. >”Uuffhhhaa!”
  526. >”I-l’ll 'h-ah' be g-good!”
  528. >”Then let’s make sure of it!” Twilight scolded. Gripping the manebrush harder.
  529. >And with a firm hold of it began paddling her pink cheeks repeatedly. Dancing the brush back and forth on them. Alternating her hits evenly and squarely.
  531. >*Smack! Smack! Smack!*
  532. >”Aahhhhhhiiiiieee!”
  534. >Cozy Glow wailed piercingly as the faster strikes impacted on her hide. The smarting blows landing with barely a second apart from one another. Hitting her on the same central spot on her round glutes each time, making her twitch and buck her legs out in reflex.
  536. >*Smack! Smack! Smack!*
  538. >”I-l will be—'ahhhaah!'—be g-good! Ohof! Ow, pl-please 'fwha-ahhaa!' it h-urts!”
  539. >Disregarding her pleas Twilight instead shamelessly rolled her diaper back and forth on the bed. Pushing and rubbing the mess against her slick folds.
  540. >Pleasuring herself whilst stacking more and more oval-shaped bruises underneath the filly’s fur.
  542. >*Smack! Smack! Smack!*
  544. >Unable to take the rough blistering Cozy Glow pounded on the bed and bit into the sides of her hooves in desperation. Maddeningly wanting to get away but was uncapable to even try.
  545. >Nothing she could do would ease the stinging pain currently being delivered on her already throbbing behind. And in less than a minute she gave up. Breaking down completely she covered her eyes up and started sobbing and crying foalishly.
  547. >”Uwhhahhhhh, wahhhahhhh uwhhaaaahh-wahhaahhhhaaaa!”
  549. >*Smack! Smack! Smack!*
  551. >Yet her anguished cries were completely outdone by the sharp sounds of the manebrush still crashing down hard on her burning rear.
  552. >As her tormentor was in no rush to end the chastisement early. Relishing both the spanking and her stained diaper too much to stop.
  554. >*Smack! Smack! Smack!*
  556. ---
  558. ---
  560. ---
  562. >Day: 1115
  564. >“Mommy 'oughf' i-it’s a bit much!” Twilight exclaimed with a strained groan. Watching and feeling the last trickle of her rather substantial enema, pour into her plugged tailhole. The foamy solution leaving behind several big soapsuds in the otherwise clear bag. Making it appear cloudy.
  566. >“Oh? Are you implying I don’t know how much your cute little hiney can take?” Celestia replied with mock hurt.
  568. >“N-no, sorry, I-I didn’t mean it like that!” she worriedly answered, knowing she was on thin ice as it was. Having reached back twice during her spanking. A big no-no for her.
  570. >”You should know better,” tsked Celestia. Unhooking the now empty enema bag with her magic. And using her golden aura around the bag she proceeded to tear the topmost part of it open. Before hovering the bag behind herself. Holding it just underneath her wet marehood.
  572. >And with a sigh she emptied everything she had into it. Filling the large bag up by a whole fourth with her warm pee. And once she was done she brought the bag up again, fastening it to the enema stand above them.
  574. >Then, reaching besides the toilet, Celestia grabbed the rubber bulb that connected to Twilight’s retention plug. Pumping on it a few good times she caused Twilight to 'eep' and jump with each squeeze. Expanding the already massively inflated silicone plug in her bottom way past her comfort point.
  575. >The almost buckball sized expansion now lodged within her rectum ensured that nothing could leak out from her. No matter how much she pushed against it. Unless it was first deflated.
  577. >”There we go, all snug~. This way you won’t be having any unhappy accidents,” Celestia sweetly cooed. “Now you just sit tight and enjoy that for te— no fifteen minutes. I’ll be back once I’ve *prepared* Cozy Glow for us.”
  579. >”Y-yes mother….” Twilight meekly answered. Already sensing the stinging urine slowly enter and bloat her full bowels further.
  580. >Yet she didn’t get up or attempt to reach for the release valve on the rubber bulb. Even though her painfully overstretched hole and spanked cheeks were telling her to.
  582. >Whimpering from the immense pressure building internally. Twilight looked up just in time to see Celestia lean down over her. Placing a hoof under her muzzle she quickly brought her white frame forwards. And in a swift motion Celestia had locked her lips around hers. Slipping her tongue in she passionately slurped inside of her mouth. Leaving no spot untouched she coiled and twisted her tongue erratically about. Licking behind her teeth and under her tongue. Drinking everything the purple mare had to offer like a water-starved animal.
  583. >And just when Twilight thought she couldn’t take anymore. Celestia suddenly pulled away from her with a wet pop. Both gasping for air as she parted.
  585. >”N-now try to relax my love, you have a long day ahead of you,” Celestia finished saying with a blush.
  586. >Turning away from Twilight she then walked up to a nearby pail. Levitating up a dripping, stale diaper from it. And with the wet diaper trailing behind her in the air, exited out the bathroom.
  588. >Still sitting on the toilet Twilight was left utterly starstruck from the intimate prench kiss. Wearing a happy, addled expression on her face she was seemingly lost in her own little world.
  589. >That was until several deep, cramping pangs reminded her of her current predicament.
  590. >Sweating and grunting she shook her head and gazed up. Only to see that the enema bag was now nearly empty once more. The yellow pee taking most of the remaining soap with it.
  592. ---
  594. ---
  596. ---
  598. >Day: 1152
  600. >Whilst doing some late evening dishes Cozy Glow had accidently dropped a wineglass. Breaking and shattering the fragile glass against the kitchen floor. Sending shiny shards of it everywhere.
  601. >It wasn’t her fault per say as Luna had silently walked up behind her. Using her own shadow to mask her presence she waited until she saw her pick up the dirty dishware. And the moment she did, Luna unfurled her wings besides her. Revealing herself and surprising the filly, making her drop it.
  603. >”Clumsy knave!” she had shouted at her. Walking over the broken glass and crushing several pieces beneath her hooves like nothing. “Its late, you can sweep this mess up tomorrow. For now, go see my sister and tell her what you did.”
  604. >Then, before the startled filly had a chance to respond she was teleported outside of the kitchen area and into the dark hallway.
  605. >And after orienting herself Cozy Glow began trudging upstairs to Celestia’s bedroom. Her heart pounding with each step she took on the broad stairway.
  607. ---
  609. >”So you broke another glass? Again?” Celestia inquired with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve gotten rather clumsyhoofed in these last few days. Slipups are unavoidable yes, but I did expect you to be more careful after our last *talk*. It seems I was mistaken.”
  611. >Whimpering and wanting to speak out about Luna’s involvement, Cozy Glow was instead enveloped in Celestia’s radiant magic. And before she could comprehend what was happening to her. She was unceremoniously spun around in the air like a weightless doll and spread over the alicorns lap.
  612. >And just as quickly she heard several items teleport into the room. The items dropping-in behind her hindlegs on the bed where she couldn’t see them. She counted no more than three or four items in total.
  614. >She then felt Celestia reach to her right and grab one of the items. Placing down a flat, tin case besides her so that she could easily see it.
  615. >”If you don’t feel like heeding my advice little one. Then perhaps you’ll learn better this way.”
  617. >As she finished her statement Celestia opened the case up. Revealing two rows of medium sized suppositories within it. Even in the dim, candle lit room Cozy Glow could still make out the difference in colours between them.
  618. >The top row had six white suppositories with a thin, blue line running across them. And the bottom row had six red ones with a strange triangle mark stamped in the middle of them. Size wise both were somewhat thicker and longer than what she was used to seeing.
  620. >And as she tried to discern their composition better. A hoof reached out for one in the top section. She nervously stared as it got picked up and brought under her muzzle.
  621. >Yet even before the tapered pill could reach her nose. She could smell the detestably strong, perfume-esque fragrance coming off it.
  623. >”That’s right Cozy, I realize you must've grown *accustomed* to your regular suppositories by now. Just as you apparently have with your soap sticks and ginger capsules. As they no longer seem to be sufficient enough to make you reflect upon my wishes. So, with that in mind, I went ahead and acquired some new ones for you. Comparatively speaking I believe these inserts will provide you with an entirely *new experience* altogether, from what you’re used to. And for the remainder of the week you’ll be receiving several before your bedtime. Hopefully you'll become more wary of your surroundings until then.”
  625. >Hearing the grim news Cozy Glow’s entire body tensed up. She wanted to scream her lungs out, but only a worried whinny escaped her throat. Choking on her own breath she hurriedly scanned the large room. Hoping for a sudden miracle to appear and aid in her hapless situation.
  627. >Yet nothing changed, it never did. The rune collar around her neck remained where it was. And instead she felt an eager hoof reach out and pat on her hindquarters.
  628. >”Lift your tail Cozy,” Celestia said, not bothering to hide the growing mirth in her voice.
  629. >And as acting on instinct she immediately raised her curly tail high for her.
  631. >”Good girl~,” Celestia teased. Reaching to her side again she took out a bottle of clear lube. Opening the plastic lid she then squeezed some of the viscous liquid out and onto her right hoof, before bringing it under Cozy Glow’s hiked tail.
  633. >Without giving the filly any warnings she took her lubricated hoof and rudely pressed it up against her anal opening.
  634. >Taking her time Celestia then began fondling her supple tailhole. Unrestrictedly kneading, rubbing and probing its round shape. Sensuously feeling the pleasant warmth of her pliant ring give and push under the frog of her hoof.
  636. >The miserably gasps and shudders from the filly as she exploited her vulnerable body. Made the alicorns own desires gradually flare and heat up. Urging her to do so much more to her. And for a moment she even contemplated stopping what she was doing. And instead bring out one of her rougher strap-ons. Just to see how truly loud and *apologetic* she could make her.
  638. >However, she stowed that temptation aside for another day. And in turn ignited her horn, taking out two more suppositories from the tin case. Two white ones and a red one now hovered in the air infront of them. Just as an inflatable butt plug did.
  640. >”Let's start you off with these three and see how you fare by tomorrow,“ she said with devious delight, reaching for the red capsule first. “Remember to clench Cozy. You know what happens if you leak on my bed.”
  641. >Using her hoof Celestia then brought the red pill next to her now glossy exit. Nudging it up against her round anus she slowly slipped the suppository inside.
  643. >And in less than a minute Cozy Glow could tell that something was different. The unfamiliar suppository dissolving in her bottom was not only making her insides lurch, but it also burned ferociously hot aswell. Significantly more than she could have ever prepared for. Quickly making her feel both nauseous and feverish at the same time.
  645. >Celestia did her best not to outright laugh as she watched the filly below her begin to sweat and squirm. These newer suppositories were some of the worst on the market that she could find. Intended to only serve as a *painful reminder* or threat; for ponies in domineering herds. As the mere mention of them would usually make anypony think twice before acting out.
  646. >The red ones were particularly insidious she had read. Full of powerful capsaicin powder and long-lasting laxatives. Far more potent than the corrective peppermint-chloride pills she would occasionally give Cozy Glow. And she had bought a full crate of them no less.
  648. >And so, ignoring the now rapid panting from the filly, Celestia reached out for another rounded capsule. Grabbing one of the white ones she guided it under her shaky tail. And just like before, she ushered it smoothly into her anus. Letting her butthole swallow and close up around it.
  650. >Unlike the red ones these white suppositories didn’t have any burning agitates added to them. They did however retain the same laxatives. But in instead of capsaicin powder their shell was made from sickly-sweet detergents that would bubble and froth once they came into contact with any moisture. Usually overwhelming the recipient with the need to expel.
  652. >Celestia could easily gauge the effects of the second suppository. The involuntary flinching and the dire noises emanating from her stomach told her everything about their cumbersome effects.
  653. >No doubt the need to void would be extreme either way due to the laxatives in them. But with both pills now resting in her hind and slowly melting away. It would effectively be impossible for her to hold back for much longer. Regardless of her previous reminder.
  654. >So, not wanting to deal with any messing’s right now. The alicorn quickly took the last white suppository and promptly inserted it into her clenching star.
  656. >Done with the three suppositories she then swiftly reached up for the inflatable butt plug lingering in the air.
  657. >Celestia didn’t believe herself to be as cruel as her sister. But when time was of the essence she didn’t mind cutting *some* corners. Even though she had preferred lubing the plug up properly first. But given the current state of Cozy Glow she knew delaying for anything now was risky.
  658. >Because of that she simply seized the plug by its flat base. And with the plug in her hoof she led it behind the filly’s pink rear. Aligning the deflated tip directly up with her struggling anus.
  659. >And in a continuous motion she then forced the blunt length inside of her rectum. The widest part of the plug needing a strong shove at the end, to get it past her small muscle.
  661. >Cozy Glow winced and groaned loudly throughout the mostly dry penetration. But shrieked out as the last part was suddenly driven into her with a thrust. The forceful insertion pushing her slightly to the left on her lap.
  663. >”Gahhiiiee!”
  665. >Now that the plug was fully seated within her rump. Celestia wasted no time and usurreptitiously inflated it. Using the rubber hoofpump that came with the adult toy. Rapidly inflating the plug as much as she could to prevent any overnight leakages. And when she couldn’t easily press down on the pump anymore. She detached it from the base of the plug. Teleporting the small kit away and into one of her locked drawers.
  667. >Celestia, finally done with her preparations for tonight, fleetingly looked up at the golden clock above her chamber door. And then took a hoof under the filly’s hyperventilating mouth. Tilting her head upwards and meeting her red, tearful eyes.
  668. >Strain and surreal discomfort was plainly visible on her clammy countenance. All of her natural urges would be revolting against her by now she understood. Demanding her to gallop to the nearest toilet.
  670. >”Shhh, its alright, you can relax your little bum-bum now~. Nothing will be leaking out from it tonight, I promise.”
  671. >”Thha-ank youuu ’ouoofffhhh’ my go-ddess!”
  672. >”You’re most welcome child. And are we learning anything important from today's little mishap?”
  673. >”Y-yess ’uhah-haahh’ ab-solutelyy misss!”
  674. >”I’m glad to hear it, however it seems we still have a few minutes left until my bedtime~.”
  676. >Celestia concluded playfully as she moved her hoof up in the air. And with perfect aim, brought it firmly down between the crack of Cozy Glow’s butt. Landing it just over the painfully inflated plug in her tailhole.
  678. >*Clap!*
  679. >”Ahaahhh!”
  681. >The heavy spank caused the plug to jerk and dig inwards with the hit. Further stirring her bowels up and making her insides violently contract and spasm. Which only worsened with each subsequent spank.
  683. >*Clap!*
  684. >”Oofhhahh!”
  686. >In no time at all the quiet in the bedroom was replaced with the filly’s hysterical screams and sobs. Instantly being reduced to a blubbering mess over Celestia’s lap.
  688. >”Whahaaaahhhhhhaaa, uwahhhaaaaahh, whahhaaaahhhhaaaa!”
  690. >*Clap…! Clap…! Clap…!*
  692. >Cozy Glow’s broken, disjointed cries lasted long into the night. And when the meticulously thorough spanking did finish. Celestia noticed that the pegasus was unable to stop her loud screaming as she dropped her down into the patchy, canine bed on the floor. A problem she easily solved by using a silencing spell on her.
  693. >And as stillness returned to the room—Celestia sprawled out onto her own majestic bedding. Blowing all the candles out with her magic she then freely submitted herself to Luna’s control. Letting her sister give her another lucid, orgy filled dream with cute stallions and a certain purple princess.
  695. ---
  697. ---
  699. ---
  701. >Day: 1176
  703. >Celestia had been feeding her a lot of regular food today. Which greatly worried Cozy Glow as it could only mean one or two bad things. Either she was going to be sitting in a smelly diaper for several hours. Or Celestia was getting her ready for a *potty bouncing* session.
  705. >Dreading the second option she set out to find her alicorn owner as her stomach began to cramp badly. She had tried stalling as best she could but she knew she couldn’t wait for much longer. And it was never worth risking a mess without a diaper on.
  707. ---
  709. >Soon after she managed to find Celestia in her painting room. She was standing next to Luna and talking about some complex motifs she’d never heard of.
  710. >And as she approached the two alicorns they turned and looked down at her.
  712. >”I-I’m so sorry to disturb you both,” Cozy Glow said humbly whilst prostrating herself. “I don’t deserve to be anywhere near your graceful perfection.”
  713. >”No, you don’t,” Luna replied maliciously. Almost growling at her.
  715. >”Now now, be nice sister. You know frowning like that only ruins your youthful complexion.”
  716. >”Oh, come off it Tia. We’ve had this discussion before. I’m basically as ancient as you are. There is nothing *young* about me.”
  717. >”That’s not what the delivery stallion last week seemed to think. He hardly looked at me yet he tried his utmost to catch a glimpse underneath your tail.”
  718. >”S-sister please! Not infront of the *her*. It’s embarrassing.”
  720. >With a sly giggle Celestia turned away from her sister. Taking her gaze towards the waiting filly.
  721. >”Well?” she said expectantly, already knowing what Cozy Glow wanted but preferred hearing her say it out loud.
  723. >”May I… p-please go and poop miss?” she stammered out, her muzzle turning bright red with each word.
  724. >Luna immediately broke out in laughter as she heard what she needed permission to do from her older sister.
  725. >”Does the little foal need a helping hoof to wipe behind her hindlegs aswell?” Luna continued to ridicule and mock her. Watching the filly turn crimson and shift on her hooves.
  727. >”Don’t mind her Cozy,” Celestia interrupted. Draping a gentle wing over her. “And no, there won’t be any need for that. Let’s go and get you ready for your potty bouncing~.”
  729. >”Potty bouncing?” Luna asked curiously. “Should I even ask?”
  730. >”Its part of her *special* toilet training. I don’t think partaking would be of much interest to you. But you’re more than welcome to come and watch if you’d like?”
  731. >”No, I believe you are right. Let’s convene later at lunch instead? I’ll have warm pancakes ready for us.”
  732. >”That sounds wonderful Lulu. I’ll see you in a little while then.”
  734. ---
  736. >Shortly thereafter Cozy Glow found herself together with Celestia inside of her private nursery.
  737. >Both of them were sitting upright on the crib bed. With the filly straddled over Celestia’s lap. Facing the alicorn with her small hooves clinging onto her ample barrel.
  739. >And whilst in this *hugging position* the filly was forced to ride on Celestia’s smooth, strap-on dildo. Taking the dildo hard in her tailhole she nimbly rolled her small hips up and down against the alicorns. Wildly bouncing on the shaft and pushing it up into her rear as far as it would go.
  741. >While Cozy Glow continued to spear herself on Celestia’s strap-on. She was also forced to deliberately moan like a hungry mare enjoying a pleasurable rut throughout.
  743. >”Ohhh yesss Celesttiiia! I l-love your thick ’gah-hha’ rod in m-yy tight little tushie! G-ive me ’fhahha’ more of y-your ’oofhh’ perfeect cock!”
  745. >The intense, vulgar squelching from her anal penetration, combined with her wanton begging for more. Formed a salacious melody that would make any listener standing outside the door jealous.
  747. >And then, as the shaft below her got progressively covered in her own manure, Cozy Glow had to pause and climb off it.
  748. >Reaching down for it she instead opened her mouth up and took the dildo into her throat. Giving the fake member oral sex she sloppily sucked and licked it clean of her slick, horrible tasting waste. All the while being required to gaze deeply into Celestia’s provoking eyes.
  750. >”Mmm~, s-soo… tashfty ’urgffh’ ahnd b-hbig!” she gagged out with the length still in her mouth. Washing and dragging her tongue all over it.
  752. >When the shaft had been mostly cleaned from any dung, Cozy Glow let go of it and swallowed with a noticeable shudder, before quickly climbing back into Celestia’s lap. Once in her embrace again she seated herself down on the upwards-pointing dildo. Adjusting her tailhole over the toy she slowly let it re-enter her back passage. Sinking down on it until her fur meet Celestia’s.
  754. >And once Cozy Glow had fully embedded herself on the dildo, she returned her hooves onto the alicorns upper frame, leaning into her for support the same way a lover would. And then she began steadily rocking the toy in and out of her rump again. Vigorously working the stiff member and quickly giving the phallus another layer of brown.
  756. >However, just before she started leaking too much over Celestia’s coat, she had to stop and climb off it like earlier. Leaning down she took the smeared dildo back into her mouth. Both straining and moaning whorishly around the shaft as she sucked and swallowed the bitter mess away from it.
  758. >This process continued until an hour later when little of Cozy Glow’s excrement could be gathered from the strap-on dildo anymore.
  759. >And as a good portion of her previously full bottom had been emptied—and now returned into her stomach—the need to expel was momentarily forgotten. Replaced by burning shame and soreness instead.
  761. ---
  763. ---
  765. ---
  767. >Day: 1491
  769. >”Nice diaper,” Luna derisively said as Cozy Glow entered the spacious living room. The filly was dressed up like a baby foal. Wearing a flowery green dress that didn’t reach far down enough to cover up her poofy diaper. And her mane was bunched up in two with the help of rubber manebands, giving her a typical twintails look. Around her neck hung a pacifier that swayed as she walked.
  771. >”Aww, such a precious little foal~! Yes, yes, you are~!” Celestia endearingly said as she took Cozy Glow within her magic and lifted her towards them. Gently placing her down into Luna’s lap on the couch with a crinkle.
  773. >”Yes, very *adorable*, ” Luna stated as she took a hoof to the blushing filly’s diaper. Squeezing and patting on the crinkling shell to humiliate her further.
  775. >”Tia I’ve noticed that you’ve been keeping her in diapers for several days now. Not a rare sight by any means but I’m guessing there’s something more to it?”
  776. >”Yes, that’s correct sister, as observant as always. But its one of *those* activities again. Quite the challenging one I might add.”
  777. >”I figured as much. Yet I fail to see how this *continuous wearing* could be all that punishing for her. Or entertaining. I’m sure I’ll regret asking, but do appease my curiosity?”
  779. >”Very well Luna. She’s currently undergoing what I call *dinner stacking*. Its when she repeatedly consumes her own messes for a number of consecutive days in a row. Recycling her diaper fillings until her soil becomes markedly dark and foul.”
  780. >”Wow that is… surprisingly severe sister, and gross for that matter,” Luna remarked with astonishment, before looking down at the filly in her lap. “Are you enjoying your little meals Cozy?”
  781. >”Y-yes mistress Luna. I-I love them….”
  782. >”I’m sure you do,” she said with a laugh, bouncing the filly hard in her lap. “And what exactly happens when she gets to her last *dinner?*” the alicorn continued asking.
  784. >”Oh, that won’t be for a while yet. But at that point I’ll send after Twilight. She’ll come and pick her up. And then she’ll take her back and parade her around the castle in her cute getup for a few days. Letting everycreature there see her dark, and very smelly diaper.”
  785. >Hearing this Luna erupted in laughter, needing a full minute to calm herself down.
  787. >”I can scant imagine a worse fate for her, but are you sure that’s wise sister? The staff and dignitaries might disclose the event to the commoners.”
  788. >”Not to worry Lulu, our younger protégé has done some rather interesting changes to the castle of late. With adjustments and privileges exclusively for us royals to enjoy. You honestly should visit her more often.”
  789. >”What kinds of changes exactly?”
  790. >”Well, for example you could go up to one of the attractive guards stationed there and stroke them to relief on the spot, in front of everyone. And the tabloids would be none the wiser.”
  791. >”R-really? Why haven’t spoken about this sooner sister?” she said incredulously, trying to get her stiffening wings under control.
  793. >”It would have been more fun if you’d discovered it for yourself, would it not? As I just suggested, you really should visit Twilight more often. She does care for you alot you know. And I’m positive she would like to thank you for all the pleasant dreams that you’ve given her.”
  794. >”That may be so, but she loves you and not me. It would be wrong to int—”
  795. >Celestia took her hoof and gently shushed her sister with a blush.
  797. >”You’re not incorrect dear, but she’s not the shy thing she once was. So as long as you’re amiable. Then I know she’d love to have you for a night or two.”
  798. >”Are you… are you truly sure?”
  799. >”Absolutely, just give her a smile and a few hints. And she'll be under your nightgown in no time—with her very talented—and very attentive tongue.”
  800. >”Tia! H-have you no modesty left?!” Her voice ruffled by the comment. ”Gahh, fine! I’ll go. But not because of anything you said about her tongue or the stallions.”
  801. >”I’m sure sister.”
  803. >”And as for you,” Celestia directed to Cozy Glow. “I’m guessing you came to us for a reason, no?”
  804. >”Y-yes miss, I need to… make a s-stinky again,” she sputtered out with a flush.
  805. >”That so?” Luna said thoughtfully whilst digging her hoof deep into the back of her diaper. ”Tia I would like to see for myself how *far along* she currently is. If I’m going to Canterlot I might aswell bring her with me. So, would you mind letting me change her for you?"
  806. >”Go right ahead Luna. I’m merely happy you wish to partake in our fun games for once. However, I implore you to be considerate about my coming intentions for her. I want her whole and alert for her fashion display. Twilight wishes as much herself.”
  807. >”Yeesh, fine! I get it. No hanging her from the roof by her wings. I promise.”
  808. >”Exactly dear, thank you for understanding.”
  810. ---
  812. >Ten minutes later, and just as she had promised, Luna carefully brought the filly into her own bedchambers. Making her stand and wait while she gathered the select few items she needed from her sister’s guest nursery.
  814. >And once the dark alicorn had located the only two changing supplies she wanted—a yellow changing pad and a thick diaper—she summoned them into her bedroom. Balancing both in the air to her right.
  816. >With some minor annoyance Luna then placed the plush changing pad down on her bedroom floor. Deeming the oak floorboards here to be more than adequate for Cozy Glow’s changing needs.
  817. >Nevertheless she didn't wish to provoke her sister's ire by deviating too much from a regular change. Not when an upcoming arrangement was near. Knowing Celestia wouldn’t hesitate to discipline even her blue posterior, if she ruined one of her *eccentric* plans.
  819. >So, with that in mind, Luna cast a basic odour nullifying spell on herself and went up to the nervous filly waiting for her.
  820. >”We are done with your preparations. Spin around and lift your tail up. You may fill your undergarment,” she said impassively.
  821. >”Y-es, thank you mistress!” she replied back towards the towering mare. Trying to avoid her judging gaze.
  823. >With her muzzle red Cozy Glow then quickly turned around and hiked her tail up as ordered. And with her tail raised high she inadvertently moved the last bit of her diminutive dress away in the process. Uncovering herself and giving the alicorn an unobstructed view of her diapered bottom.
  825. >Concentrating on her embarrassing task Cozy Glow took a few deep breathes. Well aware that Luna was looking directly at her padded rear from behind.
  826. >After a brief moment of trying to relax she slumped her head down closer to the floor and began pushing and grunting where she stood.
  827. >And while she struggled to squeeze anything out, flatulence instead forced its way out from her clenching tailhole. The shameful noises making her pout in frustrated disgrace as she strained to go.
  829. >A minute later of her undignified pushing and her anus finally opened up enough for her. Allowing her to drop several surprisingly dark, and hard horse apples into the backseat of her diaper. Noticeably swelling and tenting it outwardly with the new load.
  831. >”Pee,” Luna added out of nowhere. And immediately after the alicorn could easily see the back of her now stained diaper, turn from a murky brown, to a dull wet colour. Her urine soaking and tinging the plastic cloth further. Mixing and softening the warm manure already within it.
  833. >”Pathetic foal,” Luna heartlessly said aloud to the humiliated filly. Staring at her discolored behind as she finished going. “Can’t even use your *widdle diapers* without proper guidance. Now can you?”
  834. >”I-I’m… a useless f-foal mistress,” Cozy Glow sniffled out in response. Tears forming in her eyes.
  836. >”No, you certainly have your *uses*, and I’m sure you’ll experience alot with Twilight in a few days. I heard she has a very *extensive* checklist set aside just for you. And when she’s done. I’ll make sure she throws you into the guards latrine tank for a day. Where you belong.”
  838. >With a disgusted sneer the alicorn took ahold of the mortified filly and placed her down on the changing pad. Resting her withers on the cushioned surface.
  839. >Then Luna grabbed her rear fetlocks with her magic and lifted her hindlegs skyward. Nonchalantly spreading her legs wide for better access.
  841. >And whilst holding Cozy Glow’s legs up and spread, Luna drew the green dress that she was wearing backwards. Loosely bunching and pinning the fabric above her waist.
  842. >With the dress now out of her way Luna continued the changing by ripping the four binding tapes that were keeping the full diaper together.
  843. >Once they were all open she carefully lowered the topmost cover of the diaper down, gazing at the sickly dark muck within it.
  845. >”As revolting as I had thought. Fortunately I can’t smell anything. Though I am sure you are utterly enamoured by the scent. Moreover, I can’t even begin to fathom what the taste must be like. Already looks rather fetid to me. But I’m sure you’ll clarify in a moment.”
  847. >Luna then lifted the filly’s legs slightly higher. Magically pulling the hefty diaper out from beneath her dirty rump. Setting it aside slowly to avoid any undesirable spills.
  848. >Afterwards she brought the new and unused pair forwards. Using her aura around the disposable attire she first unfolded it. And then she slid the diaper underneath the pegasus raised bottom. Replacing the old with the new.
  850. >Using no wipes, nor any powders or oils for that matter. Luna quickly closed the fresh diaper up and around Cozy Glow’s pink haunches. Taping and sealing it shut.
  852. >”There we go, all *clean* and *secure*,” the alicorn said whilst trying to imitate her older sister. “I’m sure all of this excitement has made your tummy rumble. So, let’s take care of that little issue, and the remaining *laundry* together.
  854. >Grabbing the filly in her blue aura she levitated her and the dirty diaper over to a broad chair. Placing Cozy Glow infront of the chair before gently lowering the diaper to the floor, between her and the filly.
  856. >Sitting down on the chair Luna moved a pillow from her bed towards her. Seizing it from the air she placed it behind herself, using it as backrest. Adjusting and getting as comfortable as she could.
  857. >And once she was perfectly happy with her position. She hovered a bottle of fine wine over and poured herself a glass. Placing the bottle to her side on small table.
  859. >”You may begin your feast,” she then told Cozy Glow with a sinister smile. “And be slow about it. If I suspect otherwise I’ll fetch you something far worse from *every* pail we have.”
  861. >Sipping on her wine Luna reclined back somewhat into her chair and watched with amusement as the already woozy filly infront of her; drearily lowered her muzzle down and into the putrid diaper.
  863. ---
  865. ---
  867. ---

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