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Principal Celestia’s Bad Day

By Guest
Created: 2022-03-10 06:15:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Story: Principal Celestia’s Bad Day
  4. >the principal called for a general assembly in the gym
  5. >mostly it was about the new elevator and how it was closing too soon, and tearing articles of clothing
  6. >another was to lecture a certain group of students for making fun of those who wore too tight clothing
  7. >this went on for a while, but then you noticed something
  8. >Principal Celestia's pants were pretty loose
  9. >a little too loose
  10. >you could already see them starting to slide down her legs.
  11. >she was too busy with her speech, she didn't seem to notice
  12. >once her notorious pants gave way enough, you could clearly see her bright yellow panties
  13. >other students started noticing, pulling out their phones and taking as many pictures as possible
  14. >Twilight tried raising her hand to tell Celestia of her situation, but she just cut the egghead off
  15. >eventually, her pants found their way to her ankles, fully exposing her yellow panties, and her long legs
  16. >once she was finally finished, she didn't realize at first why everyone had their phones out
  17. >then she felt a cool breeze between her legs
  19. >Celestia stands there for a moment, the shock of the realization freezing her in place.
  20. >Then comes the panicked attempt to both cover herself and return her pants to their proper position at the same time.
  21. >A misguided attempt to use her leg to lift her pants to within reach of her arms causes her to lose her balance, sending her careening off the stage, and right into one of her many underage admirers.
  22. >As if being recorded tackling one of her students in her underwear wasn't enough, the tumble had caused her to leave her pants behind on the stage.
  23. >The stage which she would have to navigate her way through a thick crowd of horny, young, cameraphone-toting idiots to get to.
  24. >What a day this was turning out to be.
  25. >See Celestia, this is why we try clothes out before buying them.
  26. >That way, you don't buy a pair of pants two sizes too big.
  27. >Well, at least you wore a tight shirt, so that isn't likely to fall off.
  28. >Of course, it also makes it impossible to cover your lower half with anything other than your hands, so... maybe that's not such an upside, after all.
  29. >Celestia begins the arduous task of pushing her way through the crowd, trying to ignore the show she's giving everyone as she uses her arms to push people out of the way.
  30. >But it's hard to ignore it when so many people just keep commenting on your body.
  31. >She can hear the students whispering to each other about her rear, her legs, even something about a cameltoe.
  32. >If Celestia knew what that was, she'd blush even harder.
  33. >Of course, the one whisper she didn't hear, was that of the boys who had gathered right behind her.
  34. >The ones who were reaching for the back of her shirt; the ones who grabbed the thin fabric and pulled with all their might.
  35. >The ones who exposed her half-bare bosom to the world.
  37. >After deafening half the student body with her shriek, and desperately trying to cover herself with her hands once again, Principal Celestia decided to abandon her red-faced journey to the podium.
  38. >Instead, she ran.
  39. >Who cared if she knocked down a few students? The important thing now was to find some cover.
  40. >And find it she did, in the form of an oversized poncho that someone had left in the lost and found.
  41. >For once, Principal Celestia thanked the school for having a Taco Tuesday.
  42. >While the food may cause her tongue to catch fire, and the end result of said food causes the janitors to threaten striking, at least the novelty costumes were enough to cover her shame.
  43. >Now, if only she could catch those responsible for her shirt being ripped open.
  44. >It didn't take long for Celestia to remember all those phones with their cameras pointing directly at her, recording her every move...
  45. >...and the moves of everyone even remotely near her.
  47. >Less than an hour later, a small group of shamefaced teenagers are getting a stern talking to from a half-naked amazonian in a poncho.
  48. >They stand there, not quite believing their eyes, as Celestia calls the parents of each and every one of them, seeing to it that they're grounded for at least the next decade.
  49. >Even the embarrassment of wearing the ridiculous garment in front of all those parents doesn't phase her, the fury in her heart burns so intensely.
  50. >Now, to track down the rest of those recordings…
  52. >Some say that god came to reap the sinners that day.
  53. >Others say that it was just Principal Celestia cosplaying as Raiden from that one baffling scene in Mexico.
  54. >No matter what the truth might be, one thing is for sure: No physical evidence of the incident that sparked this wildfire of justice remains in Canterlot High.
  55. >Against all odds, Celestia managed to track down all recordings of the event, and erase them from existence.
  56. >It took more than a little doing for our heroine to achieve her ends, however.
  57. >The number of students that ran when they saw her coming is uncountable, but she managed to chase down every last one of them.
  58. >Her long legs turned her into a superhuman runner, the sheer speed generated by her sprinting lifting up her poncho to expose her backside to the whole student body once again.
  59. >But that was nothing compared to the bargainers.
  60. >Some students were more crafty than the others; they didn't try to run, they just talked.
  61. >Their silver tongues earned them a few hall passes, even a few pardons from detention.
  62. >One particularly tricksy boy even got a shot of what he though was going to be a nipple, only to discover at the last second that Principal Celestia is the kind of woman who makes a habit of wearing nipple tape.
  63. >Even if it was more than Celestia wanted to show, it was far less than he had hoped for.
  64. >And that was good enough for her.
  65. >There was one student who proved to be more wily than all the others, though.
  66. >She had led the Principal on a campus-wide chase, from the halls, to the gym, and even to the air vents.
  67. >That was almost where she lost Celestia, her poncho-sporting figure being far too large to deal with those tight metal confines.
  68. >Then, barely a few moments later, the fugitive had fallen through the ceiling, right on top of the Principal.
  69. >A short scuffle later, and Celestia had finally eradicated the world of all recordings of her most shameful speech.
  71. >The worst moment of the day came when she made the horrible decision to ride the elevator back up to her office.
  72. >Too late, she remember the speech she was giving earlier that day.
  73. >Too late, she realized that her poncho was stuck in the doorway.
  74. >And that she was stuck in there with her sister.
  75. >One long, grating gigglefit later, and the Principal was once again rooting through the lost and found for something to wear.
  76. >Unfortunately for her, all she could find this time was a tiny gym uniform.
  77. >The shorts didn't even reach mid-thigh, and the shirt failed to cover even her bellybutton.
  78. >If she thought that the poncho was awkward, she was dead wrong.
  79. >Lucky for her, she has a car she can drive home in.
  80. >Now, where did she put those keys…
  82. >Now, let's see...
  83. >Oh, right! She'd left them in her pants.
  84. >The same ones that had caused this whole mess in the first place.
  85. >Presumably, they were still where they had dropped, on the stage in the gym.
  86. >Hopefully nobody had moved them.
  87. >A short and embarrassing walk later, and Celestia could confirm that someone had most definitely done that exact thing.
  88. >Was it a student or a disgruntled janitor, she wondered?
  89. >There was only one way to find out.
  90. >The janitors were an obstinate bunch, not to mention pervy assholes.
  91. >They could barely even be bothered to keep eye contact, the bastards.
  92. >But, if they knew anything about the location of her pants, they didn't show it.
  93. >So back to her office the Principal went, enduring the stares of her pupils along the way, to ask the student body to return her pants and their contents as soon as possible.
  94. >Despite asking them nicely, and waiting out the rest of the school day for someone to answer the call, nobody came forward.
  95. >Principal Celestia was now in a bit of a bind.
  96. >She had no access to her car, no money, and no way of getting home other than walking.
  97. >Actually, no. That's not right.
  98. >She could always ask Luna for help.
  99. >Luna might be a bit annoying, but that's just how little sisters are sometimes.
  100. >Surely she'll help a sister in need.
  101. >But, to the dismay of our pink-skinned protagonist, Luna was gone.
  102. >Her office was shut, the blinds drawn, with no signs of life to be had.
  103. >It looked like our fair Principal was going to have to hoof it.
  104. >Fortunately for her, she kept a spare key in a rock outside her house.
  105. >Unfortunately, that house was five blocks away, easily a half hour walk.
  106. >She could maybe half that time, if she ran.
  107. >Those days of track and field back when she was younger were finally going to pay off.
  108. >Well, more than they have already, what with the whole chasing down half the students in the school thing.
  110. >Staring out the front doors of Canterlot High, Principal Celestia could see just how much of a ghost town the campus becomes after school hours.
  111. >There was nary a student to be seen, or even a passerby on the sidewalk.
  112. >Aside from the occasional car driving by, it was almost as if the entire city had ceased to exist.
  113. >It was a very promising view, in her opinion.
  114. >Less people means less eyes gawking at her half-nude form, and less possibility of someone important spotting her.
  115. >Of course, that was going to change as she got closer to home, she knew that much.
  116. >But, in the meantime, she could at least move about in relative peace.
  117. >Celestia takes a tentative step onto the concrete outside, and almost immediately jumps back through the doorway.
  118. >As it turns out, the afternoon sun had turned every square inch of footpath in the city into what might as well be molten rock.
  119. >It took only that one step to convince Celestia to stick to the grass from there on out.
  120. >Despite having to hurriedly cross a large patch of superheated concrete, Celestia soon made her way to the roadside, where the grass mirrored the footpath the whole way down the street.
  121. >Only a few blocks of running, and she'd be home.
  122. >Sure, she'd have to run across the asphalt here and there, but it wasn't a problem her legs couldn't handle.
  123. >Forgoing stretches, Celestia simply began to jog, a smile growing on her face as she realized this horrible day was going to be over soon.
  124. >That smile lasted all of half a block, before the fabric of her tight gym shorts gave way with a sickening shred.
  125. >Celestia stopped in her tracks, her arms flying to her rear where the tear originated.
  126. >From what she could feel, the new and unwelcome opening extended along the entirety of her rear end, from the waistband to the point where the stitching met in between her legs.
  128. >It's only now that Celestia realized how perilously tight her choice of clothing was.
  129. >The shorts were so tight that, even with the entire back ripped open, her vulva could still easily be made out through the fabric.
  130. >Her shirt wasn't faring much better. While her bra and nipple tape stopped her nipples from being shown off, the outline of her breasts was still clearly visible to anyone who cared to look.
  131. >The blush on Celestia's face merely intensified at this revelation.
  132. >Celestia knew she couldn't go back to the school.
  133. >There was no one to help her there, and nothing in that lost and found box that could hope to cover her.
  134. >Now the principal was left with a choice.
  135. >She could keep running, and risk tearing her shorts even further, or possibly even damaging her shirt.
  136. >Or she could walk home with her hands covering her rear, and lengthen the amount of time spent showing off her embarrassment to the world.
  137. >It didn't take long for her to make her choice.
  138. >Her long legs began pumping at as fast a pace as Celestia dared, quickly taking her to the end of the block, where she made the first of her turns.
  139. >Rounding the corner, a thankfully empty street comes into view, and the Principal prays to herself that it stays that way.
  140. >Every stride forward feels like a death sentence, as if she's just daring her clothing to give out on her.
  141. >After all, that's exactly what she's doing.
  142. >Despite the fact that the back end of her shorts exploded so quickly, the rest of her outfit appears to be holding together rather well.
  143. >It's almost as if it's waiting for something.
  144. >Whatever that something is though, it doesn't make itself known for the rest of the block.
  145. >Two blocks down, three to go.
  147. >The single glimpse of the next street is enough to stop Celestia in her tracks.
  148. >Apparently, someone chose today of all days to move house.
  149. >A procession of burly men are moving things into a place about a third of the way down the street, directed by a man who Celestia assumes to be the owner of the place.
  150. >Our Principal knows she isn't going to get by that without someone spotting her panties, even if she were walking on the other side of the street.
  151. >So she chooses a different path.
  152. >Celestia knows that, at this time of day, most people are still going to be at work.
  153. >Meaning that nobody is going to be watching their backyards.
  154. >If she can leap the fences between them, then no one will see her in her shameful state.
  155. >Well, provided there's no one at home, anyway.
  156. >With fingers crossed, Celestia lifted herself over the first of several fences between her and the next street over.
  157. >Almost immediately, she can feel the pressure her movements are putting on her already damaged garments.
  158. >Perhaps this wasn't the best of ideas.
  159. >On the upside, no one appeared to be in this particular backyard.
  160. >The lush grass of the lawn felt much more pleasant underfoot than that roadside scruff, Celestia thought.
  161. >It was obvious that it was well cared for.
  162. >But all too soon, she was at the next fence, vaulting her gargantuan legs into the unknown.
  163. >Which, fortunately enough, turned out to be just another expanse of grass.
  164. >This one had a swing set, though.
  165. >As inviting as playing on that might have been, Celestia had places to be.
  166. >And so she pressed onward, vaulting yet another fence.
  167. >And another, and another, until she'd finally come to the last one on the block.
  169. >Her attempt to vault this one, though, did not end as well as our heroine would have wanted it to.
  170. >As she pulled herself over, a sharp crack sounded, and she felt something around her chest come loose.
  171. >The moment her feet touched the ground, she reached around to her back to discover what it was that had broken.
  172. >To her disbelief, she found that the metal hooks that fastened her bra had both broken from the strain of climbing.
  173. >Celestia knew her underwear wasn't built for this kind of thing, but for it to be this frail?
  174. >She found that rather unbelievable.
  175. >But, no matter the problem, she must press on.
  176. >There were only two blocks to go, and she'll be damned if she'll let this stop her from reaching some clothes that actually fit her.
  177. >Attempting to ignore both the large gap in her shorts and her now freely-swinging breasts, Celestia once again began her run toward sanctuary.
  178. >This road was, luckily, just as clear as the first two.
  179. >But that wouldn't last for long.
  180. >Clock-out time couldn't be far away, and her trip through those backyards had cost her precious minutes.
  181. >This entire neighbourhood would be home and ready to judge her any time now.
  182. >She had to be fast.
  183. >But speed has it's price, one of those being the advanced level of destruction Celestia began wreaking on her clothes.
  184. >The seam of her shorts began opening up along the front, exposing even more of her panties to the world, while her shirt began splitting apart under the armpits.
  185. >Her entire outfit was becoming useless in a hurry.
  186. >And that was when Celestia heard the cars coming.
  187. >Around the corner, the first of what was sure to be many vehicles could be heard puttering along toward her.
  188. >Celestia shot across the street toward her block, sprinting as fast as her legs would allow.
  189. >Each step brought her closer to the home stretch, and closer to full-on streaking her way through her neighbourhood.
  190. >But she couldn't worry about that now, not when she was so close to being discovered.
  192. >A hop, skip, and a jump later, Celestia was catching her breath in the backyard of one of her neighbours.
  193. >This house belonged to a nice couple, if she recalled.
  194. >They and their kids always went carolling around christmas.
  195. >Hopefully they won't have their innocence ruined by a barely-clothed middle-aged woman running across their property.
  196. >Across the lawn and over the next fence Celestia went, landing directly in front of a rather cute-looking dalmatian.
  197. >A dalmatian that immediately began growling at her.
  198. >Celestia quickly ran to the next fence, but she simply wasn't fast enough.
  199. >The dalmatian went straight for her shorts, mistaking the dangling threads for its chewtoy, easily dragging them off with a single hard tug.
  200. >The shorts almost manage to take Celestia's panties with them, they were so tight.
  201. >Her underwear had been dragged all the way to her knees, and was threatening to drop back into the yard with the dog.
  202. >In an effort to cover herself as quickly as possible, Celestia flipped herself forward over the fence, landing hard on her exposed rear.
  203. >The grass felt cool and comfortable against her bare bottom, but it was still an uncomfortable reminder of the fact that she was half naked in a strangers backyard.
  204. >Fortunately, nobody appeared to be home.
  205. >Quickly pulling her panties back into position, Celestia quickly made her way over to the next fence, stopping to make sure the coast was clear this time.
  206. >For once, it wasn't.
  207. >A pair of children's voices can be heard from beyond the wooden barrier, playing some unknowable imaginary game.
  208. >Whatever it was, it required a lot of screaming.
  209. >Celestia looks around for a way to get past without them spotting her.
  211. >It doesn't take long for her to find it.
  212. >A drainage ditch connects the back of all of the properties along the row, leading all the way down to her house.
  213. >Normally, the fences block off access from one backyard to another, but this one looks like there's enough of a gap to crawl through.
  214. >The only problem is that the whole ditch is overgrown with greenery.
  215. >But Celestia is a big girl. She can handle a few plants.
  216. >The gap under the fence is a tight squeeze, but Celestia manages it, even if it almost takes her panties off again.
  217. >An treacherous journey lies ahead for her.
  218. >Nothing but the ditch hides her from the view of the rest of the backyard, meaning that she could be discovered by anyone who comes close enough.
  219. >To make matters worse, the roots, weeds, and other assorted vegetation in the ditch keep stratching and grabbing at her clothes as she crawls forward.
  220. >One fiesty root finds its way into her shirt, tearing the last of the stitches on the right side, leaving the fabric to dangle uselessly off of her arm.
  221. >Celestia is almost all the way across when she hears the voices of the children come closer, yelling something about the ditch.
  222. >A rush of adrenaline fills her as she desperately crawls forward as quickly as she can.
  223. >She knows she needs to leave before those kids find her.
  224. >Otherwise... it's best for her not to think about it.
  226. >But the plants don't want her to leave, and her shirt becomes more and more torn with everything it encounters, until one stray branch catches under the collar.
  227. >Celestia, lacking the time to unstick herself, instead pulls forward with all her might, ripping open the right arm of her shirt, and slipping her way out of its useless remains.
  228. >She quickly ducks under the other half of the fence, the coarse wood tugging her panties down to her ankles.
  229. >But as long as she avoided being seen by those kids, its alright.
  230. >Celestia sits in the ditch a moment, composing herself, catching her breath, and most importantly, making sure that she hasn't been spotted.
  231. >As far as she can tell, nobody's home.
  232. >She sighs deeply, before standing up, and slowly trudging her way to the next fence.
  233. >The loss of her shirt is a problem.
  234. >Without the clasp, her bra is near-useless at covering her breasts.
  235. >If she wants to keep it in place, she has to hold it there, which would make climbing the fences nearly impossible.
  236. >Thankfully she's still wearing the nipple tape, meaning at least nobody's going to see the entirety of her breasts.
  237. >What a hollow sentiment, Celestia muses.
  238. >Removing her hands from her bra, Principal Celestia reaches for the fence, and once again pulls herself over the top.
  240. >Attempting to keep her body from prying eyes, she keeps her front half flush against the fence, not bothering to check the ground behind her.
  241. >Better she be spotted with her modesty somewhat preserved, than to simply flash the entire backyard of a neighbour.
  242. >Turning away from the fence, she spots an empty patch of grass, but feels something much worse than a occupied one could ever be.
  243. >A nail had hooked her panties as she lowered herself from the fence, and had shredded the whole left side when she pulled away from it.
  244. >Celestia's underwear now lay in tatters around her ankles, baring her most private of areas to the world.
  245. >Her only solace was that her bush managed to cover at least part of her up, but it was by no means a replacement for the fabric that had covered her so completely.
  246. >With another resigned sigh, Celestia made her way to the next fence, peeking through it before vaulting over the top.
  247. >Through the fence she spots a lawn mover and a half-cut lawn, with no sign of the person who's driving it.
  248. >They must have gone back into the house for something.
  249. >A glass of water, perhaps?
  250. >Whatever they're doing, they're not here now.
  251. >Which meant that, if she was quick about it, she could get herself to the next fence without being seen.
  252. >...
  253. >It's a risk, but it's one worth taking.
  254. >With a mighty heave, Celestia vaults herself over the fence, her legs closed to protect as much as possible from being seen.
  255. >Upon landing on the other side, she immediately breaks into a sprint, moving as fast as her legs will allow towards the next yard.
  256. >She swears she can hear a man coughing, but she daren't look around.
  257. >The next fence looms, but it barely even breaks her stride, and Celestia catapults herself over, just in time to spot a portly man making his way back to the lawnmower from the around the side of the last house.
  258. >He doesn't look like he's seen her, fortunately.
  260. >Celestia breathes a sigh of relief, just in time for her to divebomb her way into a pool, shocking what remains of her breath out of her.
  261. >The splash from her impact is enormous, reaching even the rear of the house, and the sound is presumably enough to alert anyone nearby.
  262. >Even worse, upon surfacing, Principal Celestia discovers that her impromptu dive caused her already loose bra to come clean off.
  263. >As fond as she might be of skinny dipping, doing it in a strangers pool is never a good decision.
  264. >A quick scan of her surroundings turns up nothing.
  265. >Celestia's bra is nowhere to be found, there's nothing present that she can cover herself with, and to make matters even more dire, the water has caused her nipple tape to begin peeling off.
  266. >It was only a matter of time until this happened, Celestia had to admit.
  267. >But now she had to get home, trespassing on other people's property, while both completely naked and soaking wet.
  268. >Life is not kind to our fair Principal.
  269. >Celestia makes her way to the next fence, water falling off her nude form in torrents.
  270. >She squints for a moment, before realizing that she recognizes the next house. It's only two properties over from her own.
  271. >She's almost home.
  272. >A genuine smile finds its way to her lips for the first time in the last hour, as she hops the fence into yet another empty yard.
  273. >One more, and she's home free.
  274. >Peeking over the next fence, Celestia discovers that it's not going to be quite that easy.
  275. >A woman lays face down on a chair, clad in nothing but a bikini and a pair of sunglasses, tanning herself in the afternoon sun.
  276. >Her face can't be seen from Celestia's position, but she appears to be napping.
  277. >In any case, there's no way around her property.
  278. >Celestia has to sneak past, whether she likes it or not.
  280. >Slowly, Celestia pulls herself over the fence, her still-moist body glistening in the sunlight.
  281. >Ever so gently, she lays her feet down on the ground, lowers herself down toward the ground, and begins tip-toeing her way over to her own yard.
  282. >She makes it only a few steps before a loud ringing alarm is heard from the direction of the tanning lady, and she's forced to find cover.
  283. >The only thing that could hide her is a small shrub, and Celestia dives behind it just as the tanner turns herself onto her back.
  284. >She shows no signs of having spotted the Principal, but Celestia still has a big problem.
  285. >The shrub she's chosen to hide behind has an almost completely unobstructed view of the road.
  286. >Meaning that if anyone were to pass by, she would be completely exposed.
  287. >No matter how she covered herself, she could never truly hide from any prying eyes.
  288. >But if that lady spotted her, then there's no telling what could happen...
  289. >Celestia decides to take a peek at the tanning lady, slowly moving her head from behind the shrub.
  290. >She appeared to be asleep again.
  291. >But with those sunglasses, it was hard to tell anything.
  292. >The lady could be watching her right now, and Celestia wouldn't even know it.
  293. >Looking back at the road, Celestia decides she'd rather take her chances with the lady.
  294. >Who knows? If she does catch her sneaking through her backyard in the nude, maybe she'll sympathise with her.
  295. >Or maybe she'll just call the cops.
  296. >Celestia begins her crawl toward the fence, the cool and smooth grass being dragged across her breasts and stomach.
  297. >It's an odd sensation, but not an unpleasant one.
  298. >The situation, however, is very unpleasant.
  299. >Even though the woman appears to be asleep, Celestia feels as if her eyes are burning into her, scanning across every inch of her exposed flesh.
  300. >It's enough to make her queasy.
  302. >But that thought is soon banished, and replaced by a far more urgent one.
  303. >A tickling sensation creeps over Celestia's underside, and it's not the fault of the grass.
  304. >She takes a peek downward, and immediately regrets doing so.
  305. >Ants have found their way onto her, and they crawl across her belly, hoping to find something of worth to carry back to their nest.
  306. >But all they've found is a petrified Principal, torn between desperately trying to get these filthy things off of her, and not alerting her tanning neighbour.
  307. >Cooler thoughts prevail however, and Celestia begins slowly crawling to her goal once again, trying to holding back the screams which threaten to burst out of her at any moment.
  308. >What feels like an hour later, she arrives at the fence that divides her from her own house.
  309. >A look back at the tanning woman confirms that she's not paying Celestia any mind whatsoever.
  310. >And so, with her heart racing at a million miles a minute, our pink protaganist stands up and leaps the fence, landing in her own backyard, safe and sound at last.
  311. >Except, of course, for the ants crawling all over her.
  312. >Celestia begins furiously swatting at her naked self, making sure to sweep off every last one of the offending insects.
  313. >Her hands fly about, and she openly curses the foul things that dare creep their way across her being.
  314. >She only stops when she hears the voice of a woman asking if she's okay.
  315. >Celestia's arms fly to cover herself, causing the anonymous person to laugh boisterously.
  316. >The Principal looks up, only to see her tanning neighbour peeping over the fence, her head thrown back in laughter.
  317. >She tells our protaganist that there's nothing to fear, that she won't tell anyone.
  318. >And she also tells her that she enjoyed the show the Principal gave her, crawling across her lawn in the buff like that.
  319. >With another laugh, she disappears back behind the fence, presumably to return to her tanning.
  321. >Celestia just stands there for a moment, her hands gripping her private parts forcefully and her face lit up like a christmas tree, trying to calm herself down.
  322. >So what if the neighbour had seen her? They weren't going to tell anyone.
  323. >Or at least, she hopes they won't...
  324. >For now, she decides to concentrate on just getting back into her house.
  325. >Then she can have a nice, hot, relaxing bubble bath, make a cup of tea, get a nice book, and just pretend her life isn't falling apart for an hour or two.
  326. >After a few moments, her heartbeat begins to slow, her breath becomes steady, and she slowly relaxes her arms, letting them fall to her sides.
  327. >Celestia is at peace.
  328. >Right up until she remembers that the key she needs to unlock the door is hidden under a rock on the side of the house that faces the street.
  329. >And that there's nothing on that side of the house to block the view from the street.
  330. >Principal Celestia's heartrate skyrockets back up as she realizes what she now has to do.
  331. >As if being seen naked by her neighbour wasn't bad enough.
  332. >Celestia steels her resolve for the task ahead.
  333. >She risks being seen by everyone on the street if she does this.
  334. >But if she doesn't, she'll be stuck out here until nightfall.
  336. >The sound of a passing car sets Celestia's hair on end as she approaches the front of her house.
  337. >There's a little fence here, enough to hide her crouching form from any prying eyes.
  338. >She takes a peek over the fence, spotting only a paperboy making his rounds down the street, his back turned to her.
  339. >He's headed down the street, though, and is unlikely to spot Celestia without someone pointing her out.
  340. >A moment goes by before Celestia leaps over the waist-high picket fence, sprinting towards the rock that contains the key she so deperately needs.
  341. >The hands covering her private areas release their grip as she picks up the rock, almost toppling over in the process.
  342. >Her body completely uncovered in full view of the street, Celestia frantically tries to pry the key from the ornamental stone, scratching her fingernails against its rough surface.
  343. >After a few seconds, it comes free, flying out of her hands and into the grass.
  344. >Celestia throws the rock aside and begins frantically searching for the key, crawling around her front lawn on all fours.
  345. >Then she notices a sparkle out of the corner of her eye, grabbing the source and quickly making her way to the front porch.
  346. >She tries to jam the key in the lock, but her nervous hands keep missing
  347. >She calms herself for a moment, before ramming the key home, turning it in the lock, throwing open the door, and leaping into her home.
  348. >Celestia closes the door behind her as fast as she can, before sitting with her back against it, and catching her breath.
  349. >This was not a fun day, in her opinion.
  350. >Though it was her opinion that it was time for a wind down.
  351. >A bath would do.
  352. >Good thing she was already dressed for one.
  353. >A chuckle escapes her as she thinks of that line.
  354. >It turns into a giggle, and then into a belly laugh, as the fact that she made it settles in.
  355. >She was home! Sanctuary at last!
  357. >And that's when she saw it.
  358. >Her pants from the speech, with her keys sitting on top of them, all neatly folded on a chair in the dining room.
  359. >Celestia walked over to them, refusing to believe her eyes.
  360. >How did they get here? Who would have brought them?
  361. >Those questions were answered by the note that sat on the table, written in an infuriatingly familiar style.
  362. >It read: "Hey, big Sis! I thought you looked cute in your little running outfit, and I also thought that you might enjoy actually running in it. I trust you had fun! Lots of love, Luna."
  363. >Thoughts of pranks, revenge, even the occasional murder scenario flitted through Principal Celestia's mind at that moment.
  364. >But, quickly enough, they subsided.
  365. >Revenge is for future Celestia, she thought.
  366. >Now it's time for a bath.
  367. >She can clean herself, and relax, and use the time when she isn't doing either of those things to devise something capable of ruining Luna's life.
  368. >After all, what goes around, comes around.
  369. >And holy hell did Luna have a shitstorm coming her way.
  371. >A few minutes later, in the tub, a knocking from the is heard from the front door.
  372. >Principal Celestia, even in her state, wasn't going to leave her front door unanswered.
  373. >Hopefully it wasn't anything too horrible, like someone with footage of her escapades.
  374. >That would be life-ruining.
  375. >Celestia grabs a large towel, wrapping it around herself, and makes her way to the front door.
  376. >Opening it, she finds the paperboy she had seen earlier staring up at her.
  377. >Now, what could he want?
  378. >The paperboy, upon observing this dripping wet half-naked amazonian, looked ready to pass out.
  379. >But he weathered the loss of bloodflow to his brain well, saying his piece with a surprising amount of eloquence.
  380. >Something about him wondering if you were aware that a tall, naked, pink-and-brown woman had broken into Celestia's house earlier.
  381. >Well, at least he doesn't know it was the actual Celestia.
  382. >She assures him that nothing was stolen, before ushering him off, walking out onto the front porch to wave him goodbye.
  383. >So of course the wind choose this moment to gust, slamming her door shut on her towel and shoving her naked, sudsy self out onto the lawn.
  384. >This was not Celestia's day...

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