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T-shirt mare

By Guest
Created: 2022-03-22 03:23:59
Expiry: Never

  2. >Your package just arrived
  3. >You ordered her from
  4. >She is perfect
  5. >Her mane, tail, eyes, and hooves are the brilliant orange of her passionate love
  6. >Her coat is of soft color, with a light stripe on her face and belly
  7. >Her beauty, a balance of tenderness and intensity, is felt in her gaze as she spreads her wonderous blue wings with their orange flare
  8. >Her ears are long and elegant
  9. >Her mane is adorned with mystical ivy
  10. >You can barely contain your excitement as you open the box
  12. >She does not disappoint
  13. >You just stand there in awe
  14. >The mare of your dreams...
  15. >remember that she is just a T-shirt
  16. >Contemplate if it's worth living in a world with no mare
  17. >Finish morning routine
  18. >Time to go to work
  19. >Put on the T-shirt you ordered
  20. >Walking to work
  21. >Muscular negro is staring at you and motioning for you to come over
  22. >Do your best to ignore him
  23. >"HEY YOU!"
  24. >Oh please no
  25. >keep ignoring him
  26. >"HEY WHITE BOY!"
  27. >You want to keep moving, but you just freeze in place
  28. >Shit
  29. "Uhhh... me?"
  30. >"Yeah, you, ma little faggot. You will neva get tha bitches like me"
  31. >Notice two gauche woman next to him snuggling up on his shoulders and looking at you funny as if to emphasize his point
  32. "What do you want from me?"
  33. >"What do you want from me?" he repeats in a mocking tone
  34. >You have no response
  35. >"You iz a pastey ass cracka going around in ma hood with dat faggot ass T-shirt"
  37. >Probably a mistake to say that, but you couldn't hold back
  38. >An insult to you is OK, but nopony messes with the best mare
  39. >"Damn nigga, iz you stupid or iz you dum?"
  40. >"You call dat a T-shirt? I calls it a T-SHIT!"
  41. >His bitches laugh
  42. >That's it, no holding back now
  43. >Remember that negros are hypersensitive about their mothers
  44. "Well you can talk shit all you like, but at the end of the day I'll be wearing this when I fuck your mom"
  45. >The negro looks stunned
  46. >His mouth agape
  47. >Completely frozen in place by your weak insult
  48. >After the longest 20 seconds of your life, he moves
  49. >His face contorts to one of pure rage
  50. >He starts making incoherent monkey noises
  52. >He lunges at you, tackling you to the ground
  53. >He removes your T-Shirt and manages to regain some composure
  54. >"Ma little faggot haz seen his precious mare fo tha last time"
  55. >He tears your shirt in half
  56. >Time freezes
  57. >Your heart stops
  58. >You can't hear people speaking any more, even though their lips move
  59. >You just wail endlessly as tears flow
  60. >A bright light is glowing brighter and brighter behind the negro on top of you
  61. >The negro goes flying over you and your mare appears before you
  62. >Sweet Celestia
  63. >Your tears stop immediately
  64. >She is even more beautiful in person that you could have ever imagined
  65. >Her voluptuous beauty has you frozen in place
  66. >She breaks the silence
  67. >"Hi anon, you poor poor thing, let me help you out"
  68. >She waves her mystical ivy over the negro's bitches and their eyes glow green
  69. >You, your mare, and the bitches have a foursome right in front of the powerless negro as he cries
  70. >He just keeps crying and calling you a racist
  71. >Doesn't feel as good to take it as to receive it
  72. >You just respond by calling him a bitch ass nigga

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