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Deceptive Danger - Chrysalis in EqG

By TyrianPurple
Created: 2022-03-28 12:00:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >Chrysalis still hasn't gotten over losing Shining Armor to Cadence.
  2. >This is shown by her room being stalker-tier scary, lots of photos of Shining as he was at Crystal Prep, on the football team, spelling bees, etc
  3. >Still hasn't really given up but is starting to lose hope.
  4. >Checks her social media
  5. >Sees the Rainbooms defeat Vignette Valencia
  6. >Gasps and notices Twilight is one of them, Shining Armor's little sister!
  7. >"They have magic! Perhaps with magic, I could steal Shining Armor from that hussy!"
  8. >"Oh wait, I don't have magic."
  9. >But she is wrong, Equestrian magic seeps in and infects Chrysalis's makeup brush (or something better, placeholder for now)
  10. >cut to next morning
  11. >Chrysalis getting ready for the day, thinking about Twilight and how she wants the magic
  12. >uses her brush
  13. >changes appearance to Twilight!
  14. >Stunned, then laughs manically! This is perfect! She can infiltrate and get the Rainbooms magic!
  17. >cuts to Canterlot High, where everyone is having a normal day at school.
  18. >Sci-Twi and her friends are enjoying lunch at the cafteria.
  19. >When VP Luna calls over the intercom
  20. >"Attention: Twilight Sparkle please report to my office immediatly."
  21. >Looking a little concerned, Twi leaves her friends table and heads over.
  22. >In VP Luna's office is none other than Dean Cadence! VP Luna says,
  23. >"Dean Cadence has informed me of a discrepancy in your academic record that needs discussing with you. I have some business to take care of in the library, you can use my office to sort things out.
  24. >Thanking VP Luna, Cadence turns to Twi once alone with her.
  25. >"Hello Twilight! Please, come with me."
  26. >Cadence has Twilight follow her outside the back of school, ignoring Twilight's increasingly confused questions of what is going on.
  27. >Just as Twilight is starting to clue in that something is wrong, "Cadence" shoves Twi into bushes and ties Twi up with rope, snatching her geode and taping her mouth
  28. >Cadence reverts to Chrysalis
  29. >"Don't panic too much Twilight dear, I wouldn't let my future sister in law come to harm, just rest there and I'll untie you later when my business here is done!"
  30. >she's completely insane, realises Twi
  31. >Chrysalis then disguises herself as Twilight and heads back indoors, briefly waving and a-okaying with VP luna as luna returns to her office.
  33. >unfortunately for Chrysalis, she forgot about Spike.
  34. >Spike starts chewing his way out of Twi's bag
  37. >meanwhile inside "Twilight" heads back to the cafeteria
  38. >sits down, briefly explains the boring reason she was called to VP Luna's office
  39. >Sunset notices Twi seems a little unusual already. Twi has come a long way since she was a social recluse and picked on, but the casual confidence Twi is oozing at this point belongs to someone else. Twi doesn't smirk as much as this either.
  40. >Sunset's eyes narrow, she's paying close attention to her friend.
  41. >Lunch ends and everyone returns to class. "Twilight" then asks where her next class is.
  42. >Getting odd looks from all her friends now, Twi pleads late night up as an excuse for forgetting. Shrugging, most nod and Fluttershy quietly says "Gym is our next class Twilight".
  43. >Perfect, thinks "Twilight", her hands rubbing with glee, I can snatch the geodes while we're doing gym, and return the fake ones I brought with me after doing so.
  44. >So gym class begins, and Twilight is awfully clumsy, falling over onto her friends, bumping into them, and being a nuisance.
  45. >Sunset takes Applejack aside and remarks on how odd their "friend" is behaving.
  46. >"Yeah, she tore my necklace right off! It ain't like her to be this clumsy!"
  47. >Necklace? The geodes? Uh oh.
  48. >Noticing now that Twilight's behavior doesn't seem so random after all, Sunset heads over to confront her.
  49. >"Did your late night affect your balance?"
  51. >Chrysalis as Twilight is now really at her wits end. She has had to go to increasingly bizarre lengths to "accidently" acquire each of the Rainboom's geodes,
  52. >nearly screaming outloud instead of internally when Pinkie joined in the "clumsy Twilight fall over hour" she was referring to this gym period as
  53. >having to flat out run away for a while from Rarity's anger at having her hair mussed up so badly from her collision with her
  54. >honestly having trouble bringing herself to collide with Fluttershy, even Chrysalis finds it difficult to do that, and actually apologised even after swapping Fluttershy's geode for a fake one
  55. >Applejack was not a featherweight, the girl was strong and bumping into her nearly winded Chrysalis
  56. >Rainbow Dash was so hard to keep up with, she was almost exhausted
  57. >so being confronted by Sunset at this point, so close to having all of them, nearly made her snap
  58. >"Late night! My balance? N-no, I-"
  59. >Sunset was having none of it. She reaches out to Twilight and grabs her, using her talent to see Twilight's mind
  60. >except it isn't Twilight
  62. >she sees a gawky and unusual looking girl pining over the school hunk
  63. >seething with jealousy over the budding romance between said hunk and a pretty pink girl who everyone loved
  64. >except her
  65. >the girl became a young woman and never let this go, she was obsessed
  66. >ruined her high school senior prom by trying to steal Shining from Cadence, even dressing the same as Cadence
  67. >shows the opening with Chrysalis's plan again
  69. >shocked, Sunset lets go of the fake Twilight
  70. >unfortunately, letting her guard down.
  71. >Chrysalis as Twilight snatches Sunset's geode while Sunset is processing what she saw
  73. >Meanwhile Spike has finally gnawed Sci-Twi's ropes off of her, and with a quick pat on the head, Sci-Twi runs back into the school, briefly stopping in VP Luna's office to let her know what happened
  75. >"Twilight" starts to cackle, the students, fearing a return of Midnight Sparkle, back away quickly
  76. >the rest of Sunset's friends come to her quickly and face down "Twilight"
  77. >Chrysalis sheds her disguise and clutches the geodes with glee!
  78. >They're glowing with power but Sunset notices not that brightly...
  79. >"Soon I will have Shining Armor and I'll have my happy ending!"
  80. >The Rainbooms look at each other with "what the actual hell" expressions
  81. >The gym door bursts open, the real Twilight with the VP and Principal Celestia run in
  82. >Chrysalis laughs and says "Hello sister! Come to congratulate me?"
  83. >"You won't get away with this!" cliché line of the year from Twilight, her friends nodding along with her.
  84. >"I already have! Look!" replies Chrysalis
  85. >She tries to use the geodes
  86. >A sad pfft of magic happens, Pinkie's just sort of sparks a bit
  87. >Looking frantic, Chrysalis panics
  88. >"No no no, they are the magic! No!"
  89. >The girls get together and power up, and stare down Chrysalis
  90. >"The magic was in us the whole time!"
  91. >Chrysalis looks around and then shrieks "Catch!", chucking the geodes at the girls
  93. >she makes it outside the exit
  94. >Rainbow Dash chases her full speed
  95. >gets outside
  96. >class has ended
  97. >she can't see Chrysalis anywhere
  98. >her friends join her, and mutual confusion reigns
  99. >no one notices the extra Derpy with uncrossed eyes smirk and exit the school...
  101. >The girls get together with VP Luna and Principal Celestia, understandably shook up at this deception
  102. >"We really need a code word or something incase this happens again."

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Deceptive Danger - Chrysalis in EqG

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