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Pine Ponder & the Lost Scarf

By TyrianPurple
Created: 2022-09-27 16:22:57
Updated: 2022-09-27 16:24:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >What a day it has been. So many new pinecones collected! thinks Pine Ponder
  2. >And the sun is starting to set, it's time to get home...
  3. >Are those voices I hear? They sound like fillies...
  4. >"-lways losing your scarf Niv!"
  5. >"But I stand out too much wearing it! I can't hide with my scarf on!"
  6. >"Yeah and now we're looking for your hidden scar-"
  7. >The fillies have walked into the small clearing where Pine is, and hush.
  8. "Hello there fillies, Evergreen, Niveous, Podzol! Looking for Niveous's scarf again?" says Pine.
  9. >"Yes Pine Ponder" they all assent, Niveous looking abashed, the others exasperated.
  10. "Well, lets try and find it together, yes?"
  11. >"Thank you Pine!" responds Niv, the other two nodding.
  12. "Come on now, help me with these pinecones"
  13. >The fillies help with her baskets.
  14. >So Pine and the fillies begin to look, Niveous's bright red scarf remaining unfound
  15. >Niveous is sniffling, and says "My mother is going to be disappo- disapp-"
  16. "She won't be disappointed Niveous, we'll find it, don't worry!"
  17. >Smiling again, Niveous eagerly looks around, Podzol rolling her eyes but also smiling.
  18. >Sadly, the sun is nearly set...
  19. >Well, its silly but maybe it will work, thinks Pine
  20. "Fillies, lets stop for a moment, I have an idea!"
  21. >The fillies stop, and look curiously at Pine.
  22. >She begins to sort through the baskets of pinecones she had collected, shaking her head at some
  23. >Until she finds one that seems to meet her approval!
  24. >The fillies wonder what makes one pinecone different from another...
  25. "Ok fillies, touch your hooves to the pinecone, and think "scarf"!"
  26. >Giving her puzzled looks, the fillies comply, touching their hooves to the pinecone
  27. >"What are you going to do Miss Ponder?" asks Evergreen, a polite snowfilly
  28. "Watch and see!" replies Pine, beaming a smile that reassures the fillies.
  29. >Closing her eyes, Pine spins around on her hindhooves, and chucks the cone gently
  30. >The cone lands facing a collection of snow covered logs
  31. "Lets go check there!" says Pine.
  32. >The fillies share a look, but follow Pine over.
  33. >"Its not here" sighs Niveous.
  34. >"It is, it is!" Evergreen shouts, and the merest corner of the scarf is showing under a log
  35. >"Wow, thank you Pine!" Niveous hugs Pine Ponder, and so do the others.
  36. "You're welcome Niveous! Now lets get you fillies home!"
  37. >"Oh no, we're late!" the trio chorus, looking at each other in panic.
  38. >Smiling to herself, collecting the baskets of pinecones, Pine follows the exuberant fillies back to the village, the moon rising over them lighting their way.

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