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Fluttermom and Mayor

By Guest
Created: 2022-03-28 17:01:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Fluttershy's son Angel
  2. >Named after her favorite rabbit she ever had
  3. >You're in your second year in high school
  4. >After you got home from school Mom squeezes you in an affectionate hug like she often does
  5. >Her large chest making you feel somewhat uncomfortable because you're ashamed of how it turns you on
  6. >Though you still love basking in her affection too much to try stopping her
  7. >"My sweet angel~... Welcome home!"
  8. >Greeting you as she kissed your cheek
  9. >"There's a volunteer work fair going on today, and I think you should go. Volunteer work would be very good for you. It helped me find my passion in life, and I think you could find yours too!"
  10. >You actually had thought about doing some volunteer work, but just hadn't yet because you weren't sure what exactly you wanted to do
  11. >Maybe something would catch your eye there
  12. "Okay, Mom, but where is it?"
  13. >She hugs you tighter very happy you agreed to go
  14. >"That's okay, I'll drive you."
  15. >Excited to get you there she lets go before leading you by the hand to the car
  16. >Turns out it was at the town center
  17. >Would have been quite a walk if she hadn't driven you
  18. >As you get out of the car she blows you several kisses
  19. >"Have fun, Angel! I know you'll do great! Though let me know if you need anything!"
  20. >Encouraging you before heading off back home
  21. >Walking around nothing catches your eye immediately
  22. >At least until you see a woman behind a desk with no banner burred under paperwork
  23. >Well, not literally buried, but she looks so worn out and in need of help
  24. >She looks like she has no idea what to do
  25. >It's just terrible
  26. >You think you actually recognize her as they mayor
  27. >Approaching her you politely get her attention
  28. "C-can I help you?"
  29. >She looks up at you wearily
  30. >"Did you come to participate in the volunteer job fair?..."
  31. >You nod quickly
  32. >"I'm sorry if I bothered you, but it just seems like you could really use some help."
  33. >She thinks for a moment
  34. >"I really could use an assistant. Do you have any references?"
  35. >You don't really have any professional references
  36. >"Wait... Are you related to Fluttershy by any chance?"
  37. >You beam at being recognized
  38. >"Yeah, I'm her son. It was actually her who encouraged me to come here."
  39. >She sagely nods with a look of confidence
  40. >"I can definitely see the resemblance. She does great work at the animal shelter. I don't think any further vetting is needed. You're hired!"
  41. >Well, that was easy
  42. "So, what should I do first?"
  43. >You ask eager to get started
  44. >She has you help sort out her papers before rounding up people at the event she needed to talk to
  45. >Basically you help her actually run the volunteer job fair
  46. >When the event is over it's starting to get dark
  47. >"Thank you for your hard work today, you did good."
  48. >She pats your head, and you're sure Mom will be happy with you
  49. >"Would you like a ride home?"
  50. >She offers, and you accept
  51. >The mayor has a very nice car, and drives you home in no time
  52. >Seeing you arrive home with the mayor Mom gets worried
  53. >"He's not in trouble is he?"
  55. >The mayor dismisses Mom's concern
  56. >"Not at all. He offered to help so I let him do volunteer work as my assistant, and he did a great job too. I hope to see him tomorrow too."
  57. >Mom is ecstatic as she pulls you into her trademark hug
  58. >"I'm so proud of me sweet Angel~!"
  59. >She cuddles you and repeatedly kisses your cheek
  60. >You feel a bit embarrassed because of how she's doing this in front of your boss
  61. >Though she just chuckles and doesn't seem to be bothered by it
  62. >"Good to see you're keeping in high spirits, Fluttershy."
  63. >She comments before getting back in her car with a wave before leaving
  64. >Mom continued to shower you with affection before making your favorite for dinner
  65. >Definitely making any fatigue from the work worth it
  66. >You'd work twice as hard tomorrow even to keep getting this level of approval from your sweetheart mom
  67. >She tucks you into bed extra lovingly
  68. >You definitely feel too old to be tucked into bed, but it's not like you'd tell her 'no'
  69. >She kisses your cheek good night
  70. >"Love you, my Angel! Good night."
  71. "Love you too, Mom. Good night."
  72. >She then goes back to her own room
  73. >You actually feel kind of excited to see what you'd accomplish tomorrow
  74. >It was a normal day of school the next day
  75. >Though the mayor was there to pick you up after school
  76. >She teaks you straight to her office to help with her daily work
  77. >You do your best helping with whatever she asks with a smile
  78. >Knowing Mom would have a very warm reception for you at home if you did good
  79. >Especially since the more you helped her the more she seemed happy with you
  80. >So she'd definitely tell Mom you're doing good
  81. >In fact one time when you were delivering her a stack of forms she needed she gives you a hug to show her appreciation
  82. >She definitely seemed less stressed at the end of the day than when you came in
  83. >When you're about to head home she hugs you again
  84. >"If only I could keep you here more, but I'm sure you've got to head home..."
  85. >You reflexively nuzzle into her embraces because it feels like when Mom hugs you
  86. >She strokes your hair a little before suddenly letting of you altogether
  87. >Almost like she decided against what she was doing for some reason
  88. >Then she takes you home like she did last night
  89. >Mom is of course waiting for good news
  90. >"He of course did very good today too. Didn't know how much more bearable my workload could be with just a little help."
  91. >You were showered with affection and rained with kisses on the cheek as your reward by your mom
  92. >They mayor actually seems quiet this time as she pauses watching it before leaving
  93. >Mom makes your favorite for dinner again
  94. >She's the best, and you'd do just about anything for her
  95. >When you're put to bed she praises you some more
  96. >"My sweet, sweet Angel~... You're working so hard!"
  97. >You smile before responding
  98. "I do it for you, Mom. I love you so much."
  99. >She gives you a big hug before kissing you good night
  100. >"I love you more than anything~!"
  101. >Reassuring you before heading to bed herself
  103. >The next couple days helping the mayor go by without incident
  104. >Though she does seem to act funny
  105. >Like sometimes she seems sad for some reason you can't figure out
  106. >As though she's insecure about something
  107. >Other times she's super happy to receive your help of course
  108. >On Friday at the end of helping her for the day you wonder what you'll be doing this weekend
  109. >Yet it looks like she's not looking forward to her weekend slumped forward on her desk looking depressed
  110. "Is something wrong?"
  111. >You ask her because you're concerned
  112. >She breathes deeply before responding
  113. >"Do you think I'm a good mayor?"
  114. >Is she really that worried about it?
  115. "I'll admit I don't think I fully understand what you do, but I know you work very hard."
  116. >You reassure her while patting her back
  117. >She cheers up a little before asking another question after seeming unsure if she should ask it
  118. >"Also, do you think I'm too old?"
  119. >What does she mean?
  120. "Too old for what? You're a fine woman, and you're doing good too."
  121. >Reassuring her some more she perks up more
  122. >"Really, you think so?"
  123. >Why is she being so hard on herself?
  124. "There's no need to be so hard on yourself. Has anyone been mistreating you?"
  125. >You ask because you hadn't seen anyone being rude to her
  126. >"It's just that I'm always worried about re-election, and..."
  127. >She trails off gazing into your eyes
  128. >Then looking away for a second before looking back to you
  129. >Suddenly she reaches up to your face with a hand gently cradling your cheek in her palm
  130. >You close your eyes for a moment because it feels innocently affectionate
  131. >Feeling the weight of your head supported by her hand with care
  132. >You're completely caught off guard when you suddenly feel her lips on yours
  133. >Your eyes shoot open to see her sitting at her desk looking up at you
  134. >Almost like nothing happened, but you're pretty sure she just kissed you
  135. >"Do you think you could stay at my place this weekend?"
  136. >She asks you kind of nervously
  137. >Your face feels hot as you think about why she might be asking that
  138. "I-I think I'd have to ask my mom..."
  139. >You respond with a stutter
  140. >"Please?... It'd really mean a lot to me..."
  141. >She pleads as you take out your cell phone
  142. >Calling Mom she picks up right away
  143. >"Yes, my Angel?"
  144. "Say... Do you think I could stay at the mayor's place this weekend? It seems like there's something important she wants my help with."
  145. >Mom seems unsure and takes a while to respond
  146. >"Okay, but let me know if anything happens. I love you!"
  147. "Love you too, Mom."
  148. >You say before hanging up
  149. >They Mayor looks ready to celebrate as she practically bolts out of her chair
  150. >Pulling you by the hand to her car like the building is about to explode
  151. >In the car she can't wait to get to her home with you
  152. >"It's going to be so great having you over!"
  153. >She exclaims excitedly as she starts to the car and takes off
  154. >When you arrive her Mayor's residence looks fancy, but is barely bigger than your house
  155. >She excitedly pulls you inside with her
  157. >The inside is finely decorated as well
  158. >She takes you to a lovely sofa
  159. >Before pushing you onto it
  160. >She then hungrily slides on top of you on it
  161. >Pinning you underneath her wither her chest in your face, and one leg over your midsection
  162. >You blush a deep crimson while unconsciously squirming a little underneath her
  163. "S-Sooooo... What did you need my help with?"
  164. >You say despite starting to get the idea, but hoping she might say something else
  165. >She places a hand on your cheek while gazing into your eyes more confidently
  166. >"Let's talk about us, cutie~."
  167. >She then leans in and kisses you once
  168. >You stammer a bit feeling overwhelmed
  169. >"I'm giving you a promotion from 'assistant' to 'boyfriend"~. We have all weekend to talk about the details of that~."
  170. >Her boyfriend?!
  171. >Oh my...
  172. >You've never been in a relationship before
  173. "B-but...:
  174. >You stammer as she cuts you off with a finger to your lips
  175. >"No need to be shy or nervous about it. It's very clear you want to be mine~."
  176. >She shifts herself on top of you so she's more directly on top of you
  177. >"So... Now... You... Are~!"
  178. >Saying slowly and seductively before booping your nose
  179. >Can you even be her boyfriend?
  180. "A-aren't you my boss though?..."
  181. >You ask nervously pointing at one reason why it might not be allowed
  182. >She chuckles a little
  183. >"Your tittle was never official. You silly little cutie cute~."
  184. >Now that you think of it you never went through any official hiring process or signed any papers
  185. >With her looking at you even more hungrily you don't know what to do
  186. >"Do you know what comes next~?"
  187. >Your throat feels clogged as you try to answer
  188. "S-s-sex?..."
  189. >Your heart is beating out of your chest shocked you actually said that, but it's what she seems to be moving towards
  190. >She strokes your cheek playfully
  191. >"Maybe someday, but not now. Do you have any idea how much of a scandal it would be if I got pregnant from a high school boy? I'd get booted out of office immediately."
  192. >You feel a bit of relief
  193. >Though she moves her face way up close to yours
  194. >"I know you must be disappointed, but there are plenty of other ways we can have fun this weekend~."
  195. >Saying teasingly before kissing you again
  196. >"Let's just kiss for right now. I'm sure that won't be too much for my sweet and adorable little boyfriend~."
  197. >She then presses her lips to yours initiating a more sustained kiss
  198. >Your mind is swimming in pleasure and excitement despite feeling like you shouldn't be doing this
  199. >Though the longer this goes on the more you feel like maybe she's right about you being her boyfriend
  200. >She breaks the kiss and looks down at you
  201. >"Have you ever had a girlfriend before~?"
  202. >She asks you teasingly
  203. "Well... Uhhmmm... No..."
  204. >You answer despite wanting to lie and say you have
  205. >She squeezes you tight
  206. >"You're just wayyyy too cute!"
  207. >Kissing you again before continuing
  208. >"To think I might have had to go the whole weekend without seeing you."
  209. >Was that really the reason she seemed bummed out about the weekend?
  211. "is that really why you seemed sad about the weekend?"
  212. >She squeezes and cuddles you before answering
  213. >"Of course! You scurry around so adorably doing your best for me because you like me so much, and it's the best having you with me! If I had to go without you it'd have ruined the whole weekend!"
  214. >You were doing your best to praised by your mom though
  215. >Yet you feel like it'd be rude to correct her on that
  216. >It also feels like it'd be dishonest not to tell her
  217. >She continues though
  218. >"Seeing your affection for me also made me realize how lonely I'd really been..."
  219. >Sound a little sad before perking back up
  220. >"Now that I have you though I won't have to be!"
  221. >Cuddling some more as she takes a few deep breaths to relax
  222. >Then she seems to realize something suddenly
  223. >"I haven't actually heard you say you're mine... It's just been one sided from me so far. You are actually mine right?"
  224. >She pauses for a response as you feel put on the spot
  225. >The mayor grabs the sides of your face before staring you down
  226. >"I want you to say it if you are. Say you're my boyfriend."
  227. >You feel like you're supposed to say it, and even like you should
  228. >Yet you can't, you're just too nervous about it
  229. >Trembling like a leaf despite yourself she looks annoyed before taking a deep breath
  230. >"It's okay to be scared to commit. Just take as much time as you need to admit you want to be my boyfriend."
  231. >She's still so sure you do, but it's also not like you're a playboy with hordes of girls waiting to be in the running
  232. "It's just so sudden. It's just that my mom wanted me to do volunteer work, and I always want to make her happy."
  233. >You start to admit the truth spitting it out faster than you can think
  234. "You just really looked like you needed help. I wasn't really thinking about what I would be helping with or anything. I just saw someone in need, and wanted to help..."
  235. >You veer back to talking about her in a way you think she'd like
  236. "Sure, you are plenty good looking, and being your boyfriend sounds nice. It's just I hadn't considered that you might feel that way about me before, and it really does feel like a big deal to just come out and say something like 'I'm your boyfriend now'. Like maybe I am, but saying it out loud would feel embarrassing."
  237. >She keeps looking into your eyes while processing all of what you just said
  238. >Seeming a little satisfied, but also there was a hint of something else
  239. >Jealousy...
  240. >"What does Fluttershy have that I don't?!"
  241. >She asks angrily before thinking about it for a second
  242. >"Actually, don't say it!"
  243. >Is she actually jealous of your mom?
  244. >Sure you do actually think your mom is hot, but does she need to be jealous?
  245. >Also it's not like you called your mom hot just now
  246. >She hugs you tighter before kissing you passionately
  247. >"I'll make sure you feel more confident in being mine! I'm not letting you slip away!"
  248. >Squeezing you harder like she actually expects you to try to leave
  249. >You reach up and stroke her hair worried you hurt her feelings
  251. "There, there, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere."
  252. >You calmly tell her in a cooing voice
  253. "Really?... You'll stay with me?"
  254. >She asks with doubt in her voice
  255. "Well, I did agree to at least stay the weekend. I've definitely got to go home eventually..."
  256. >She gives a purposeful cough as she composes herself
  257. >"Yes, yes of course."
  258. >Actually making it sound a bit like there was part of her hoping you would just stay with her permanently
  259. >After a moment of awkward silence she goes back to kissing you
  260. >Making out with you for a while as you start to get used to it
  261. >Even catching yourself kissing her yourself
  262. >Then you're both caught off guard when the doorbell suddenly rings
  263. >You're pretty sure you could almost feel her heart jump in panic
  264. >With a finger to her lips she quietly motions for you to stay while she answers the door
  265. >She slides off of you and goes
  266. >Although you feel less restricted without her pinning you, you still don't dare move
  267. >After a moment Mom barges in holding a bunch of stuff
  268. >You recognize it as a lot of your stuff after a second
  269. >"I realized you forgot to bring anything with you to stay the weekend somewhere! Don'y worry Angel! I brought everything you need!"
  270. >You sit up as she sets everything down before coming over to you
  271. >Practically tackling you as she embraced you worriedly
  272. >"Have you been doing okay?! I hope you aren't too homesick..."
  273. >She keeps fussing over you and worrying even though it hasn't even been a single night
  274. >You hug her back and nuzzle into her a little
  275. >It is comforting having her here even if you do feel babied
  276. >The Mayor returns looking none too pleased by the sight
  277. >She's definitely being jealous of your mom
  278. >Coming over she pulls you away from Mom before holding you possessively
  279. >Mom isn't having it
  280. >"What do you think you're doing?! Don't hold him like that!"
  281. >Yelling before pulling you back into her own arms
  282. >Now holding you in a similarly possessive way
  283. >"Was this what it was about?! I thought it was work!"
  284. >Mom starts really getting angry
  285. >"I can't believe you'd do this! Trying to take advantage of my Angel's innocent nature to corrupt him! I really thought you were better than that! Shame on you!"
  286. >This was without Mom even hearing about her declaring you her boyfriend
  287. >The mayor actually does look taken aback like she is a little ashamed of what she'd been doing after being called out
  288. >Rubbing her arm while unable to look Mom in the eyes
  289. >"I'm... I'm sorry..."
  290. >She starts before continuing after a short pause
  291. >"It's just that he's so sweet and adorable. I thought he really liked me... I couldn't help myself when I was sure he wanted a relationship with me..."
  292. >Mom softens a little hearing her pour her heart out, but is still mad
  293. >"Even then he's too naive and innocent! You should have known better!"
  294. >Actually, now you feel a little insulted
  295. >Even if it feels true
  296. >"What about you then?!"
  297. >The mayor retorts
  298. >"The way you carry on shoving your chest in his face and kissing him all over!"
  300. >Mom is upset at the accusation
  301. >"I never do anything inappropriate with my angel!"
  302. >The Mayor definitely looks like she wants to get combative
  303. >"Don't play innocent! You treat him like he's your boyfriend!
  304. >Her face scrunches with annoyance before she continues
  305. >"Where do you even get off playing innocent with a chest like that, that you clearly use to full effect?!"
  306. >Even right now as Mom holds you her chest is against the back of your head
  307. >"Look at him blushing because you're pushing your chest into the back of his head right now! You can't convince me you aren't doing that on purpose!"
  308. >Mom gets flustered and holds you closer
  309. >Pulling your head back right into being between her breasts
  310. >"Why would I do something like that?!"
  311. >Mom yells out refusing to acknowledge the point
  312. "Mom?!"
  313. >You try to get her attention to what she just did as you look up and back at her from between her breasts
  314. >She notices but refuses to let go
  315. >"It's not my fault! How can I hug my son without that happening?!"
  316. >"That's like asking how you can kiss him on the mouth without it being inappropriate! You don't always hug like that do you?!"
  317. >Obviously she doesn't
  318. >"Well... He's my son!"
  319. >"I think you're confusing 'son' with 'boyfriend'!"
  320. >Mom fumes while renewing her grip on you
  321. >"Quit saying 'boyfriend'! What's with you and boyfriends?!'
  322. >She retorts immediately
  323. >"What?! So you can keep acting like he's your boyfriend without admitting it?! I want him! He's far too sweet and adorable to be stuck 'dating' his mom!"
  324. >Mom murmurs before giving a new response
  325. >"It's not a choice just between dating his mom or you! He's a kid! He can just stay single!"
  326. >You definitely don't know what you'd say if you jumped in
  327. >Especially here
  328. >"He's not a kid anymore! He has needs!"
  329. >The mayor says as you'd agree with her if you could without sounding bad
  330. >"Did you know he only wanted to do volunteer work to make you happy?! I bet he was hoping for a blowjob from you if he did good!"
  331. >Mom squeezes you so tight it's hard to breathe
  332. >"He doesn't think like that! He's pure and innocent!"
  333. >You weren't thinking specifically of a blowjob, but you were definitely hoping for affection...
  334. >The Mayor pouts before looking down a bit
  335. >Then she suddenly pulls down your pants
  336. >Revealing you have a rock hard erection
  337. >"Think he's so 'pure and innocent' now?!
  338. >Mom freezes up staring at it
  339. >"Don't just stare! What are you going to do about it?!"
  340. >Then Mom stammers while becoming increasingly nervous and anxious

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