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Fatelocked Unit X

By Aftercase
Created: 2022-03-30 18:15:32
Updated: 2022-04-01 21:39:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Shallow Grave
  2. >Ex grave digger, lead researcher of unit X.
  3. >You feel a beer bottle hit you in the side of your gut, inches away from your sheath.
  4. >You bolt awake only to find a hangover descend upon your body.
  5. >A headache forms around your forehead, as you lap your dry lips.
  6. >You slowly lift your head to find your unit leader, Lumin Nights, frowning at you.
  7. >She huffs and flicks her short jet black mane that contrasts against her light brown coat, “Shall, get up we got an assignment.”
  8. You groan and roll back over, “Buck off. It’s my night off.”
  9. >Lumin flicks another bottle at you, this time lightly hitting the back of your head, but mixed with your headache it felt like a sledgehammer has hit you.
  10. “Ow!” You rub the back of your head and wince, “I told you it’s my night off!”
  11. >”And I’m calling the full unit on this one”
  12. >You think back to the reports on the said assignment from yesterday.
  13. “It’s a small house, other than an old mare died in her bed there, I don’t think there would be any vengeful spirits.”
  14. >” Hmm, yes. And I supposed you glossed over the part the ‘old mare’ used to be the graveyard keeper? Hmmm? Or the house is built on the yard's grounds? Hmm!?” Your unit trots over to you, “I think you saw the word graveyard on the report, done the bare minimum research then tossed the assignment paperwork to one side. Poor Shaddy had to do your work in the end.”
  15. You shrug dismissively “...Yeah, it’s probably some stupid foals playing in the graveyard, knocking some graves then stirring up spirits. It’s the same old manure.”
  16. >”So a Dullaláir or Helhest wouldn’t be a concern?”
  17. You groan, and sit up and idly brush down your grey fur and stretch out your brownish leathery wings, “You find a Dulla’ on old country roads, besides I don’t think I’ve seen any black mares with an exposed spine trotting around there…Or any sudden cases of blindness for that matter. Did you know Dullaláir just means Dark Mare in-”
  18. >”-And a Helhest?” Lumin cuts you off.
  19. You sit in thought for a while, “That's why you...You want me to go isn’t it.” You slowly glance away from her.
  20. >”...Shall, we need you on this one…” Lumin speaks in a softer tone, “By your cutie mark graveyards are your thing…”
  21. You flop back down into your bed, resting your chin on the pillow, looking idly at the headboard, “You know my history Lumin, send me to Blackhoof instead, I will rather be there then deal with one of those things.”
  22. >” But you know how to lay it to rest, you’re from a family of graveyard keepers for Luna sake…Shall a pony is already dead, because she visited a grave a little too late last night.”
  23. The news stirs you inside, but your fear keeps you away from agreeing, “Then close the graveyard at night, find the damage done, repair it in the day and make an offering.”
  24. >”There’s no damage done, it was checked this morning while you were sleeping, besides the Helhest is inside the house.”
  25. You furrow your brow at that news, “Are you sure?”
  26. >“The mare died facing a window, and she left a smear on the glass, presumably from her breath and muzzle.” You feel a weight push down the bed as Lumin sits next to you. “I knew this case would be hard for you, that's why I asked Shaddy to look into it before-hoof…She is not bad researcher for a Rune specialist.”
  27. “Why? we both spend most of our time buried in books…”
  28. >Lumin sighs, then lightly taps in the cheek, “Anyway, I’m done playing nice and I’m still the unit leader, get up, get ready, and get going.”
  29. >You groan into your pillow as Lumin trots out your bunks door.
  31. >You reluctantly follow orders and drag your hungover body out of bed.
  32. >It’s didn’t take long to put on your armor and gather your supplies. Having the floor as your bunk locker makes easy readiness.
  33. >Though it doesn’t help when your armor stinks of stale ale.
  34. >After a few minutes of brushing up, you head towards the mess room, within the unit's base. Like the other, they are underground, stone walls, stone floors, iron doors, most even have a similar layout where the bunk rooms lead off from a long corridor with the mess room at one end and the unit's office room or “closet” at the other.
  35. >The office room is where you all stuff all the unwanted paperwork and forget about it. Hence why is sometimes referred to as the closet.
  36. >You grab some dry toast from the mess room and head to the stairs up to the surface, that’s where the briefing normally takes place.
  37. >As assured Lumin and Shaddy wearing their gear are waiting for you.
  38. >Lumin stops talking to Shaddy as you approach, “There you are. Finish your supper and grab your Salt blaster,” The unit leader motions to the grey stone wall beside her.
  39. >You groan at the thought using those things, the trigger system is awful, the flared muzzle causes it to be too loud and spread the salt too wide. Let alone it fills the area up with thick smoke.
  40. You look at the weapon then back to Lumin, “If it’s a Helhest, you’ll be dead before you even get to chance to pull the trigger. Ready, Aim, Dead.” You say the last three words as flatly as possible.
  41. >”You and I know we use them for the last resort Shall,” Lumin snap back, “Besides, Shaddy here got us some sage,”
  42. You turn your head to the faded blue mare with a dull red mane standing next to you, she smiles back beaming with excitement in her bright blue-green eyes, “Sage? Huh, well that’ll keep it away from us, hard to find this far north.”
  43. >”Well I-” Shaddy starts to explain where she got the sage.
  44. “I didn’t ask for your life story Shaddy…”
  45. >”I wasn’t goin-”
  46. >Lumin cuts in, “Shaddy, there’s time for chit chat after the briefing.”
  47. >”But-”
  48. “Shh!” You hush the blue batmare.
  49. >Shaddy droops her wings.
  50. >”Well, anyway,” Lumin continues with the brief, “Tonight we will be investigating the old graveyard house, as Shall explain earlier, an old mare died in that house, and yesterday a mare was found head outside the house, it appears that she died instantly when looking into a window. Her body shows no sign of struggle, bruising, or any indication of how she died. Though the autopsy is still ongoing. The only clue is that she left a print on the window as she slid down upon her departure from this world. From Shaddys research it could be a Helhest in play here.”
  51. “Being actually inside the building, still baffles me,” You chime in, “A Helhest only patrols the graveyard if graves are disturbed…Even then, the graveyard has to be older than the great unification…”
  52. >Lumin cocks her head, “Why does that matter?”
  53. “Early unicorns, had a ritual when a new graveyard is built. A mare, mostly captured from earth pony tribes, was buried alive in the first grave, but before she was buried, she had to be prepped, the mare is given strong narcotics before one of her back legs was cut off, then the grave is dug, with no coffin, she is thrown in and quickly buried…After that the cut off leg is burnt and the bone ground to dust to be sold for black magic use.”
  54. >Both mares stare at you in silence.
  55. >” That’s messed up…” Lumin finally speaks, “I guess you know this from your previous work as a gravedigger?”
  56. You nod, “I thought it was an old mare’s tale us gravediggers like to frighten the new workers…”
  57. >Lumin gives you a sympathetic look, she knows how you know it’s the truth now.“You don’t need to explain Shall,”
  58. You fall silent, “I don’t want to do this assignment Lumin…”
  59. >Half expecting Lumin to start laying the law, she instead sighs, “We’ve been through a lot Shall, and you’ve been though more, but we still got a job to do. If we had a fourth in our unit I would have been happy taking three…”
  60. “...I fear if I go we’ll lose another…” You look where the belated operative used to stand during the briefings.
  61. >Lumin follows your gaze as she speaks,” We all seen our fates upon joining PHEER, none of us is dying tonight…Unless one of you is lying about your vision.”
  62. “Yeah, after looking into that dammed skull, I saw myself falling down some stairs, get caught up in some party banners that were intertwined around the banister, as I choke to death all I see is ‘Happy eighty-third birthday! I don’t think I could make that manuer up…” You say bluntly.
  63. >Shaddy starts to stutter when she speaks up, “I-I die because no pony never wants too-”
  64. >Lumin waves her hoof to hush Shaddy, to which the hushed mare sighs and makes her way outside, “Always talk talk talk that mare…”
  65. “...How many words does she have left?”
  66. >Lumin sighs and pulls out a blue gem from her armor pocket, “Around thirty thousand, before losing her voice, good job that twin from unit C sung so much…”
  67. You nod, “Yeah, else we wouldn’t even know she had been double hexed.”
  68. >”Death hexed if you find out you’ve have a hex ongoing…It’s going to be hard telling her that we’ve only been telling her shush for a reason once her words run out upon the hex completing...I don’t want to deal with Fae ever again…”
  69. “Yet you’re making -me- deal with a Helhest…”
  70. >”-We- are dealing with a Helhest Shall…We…”
  71. You groan as you grab your salt blaster and tuck it under your wing, “If I die I’m haunting you.”
  72. >”Good luck with that. You’re not dying without my permission.”
  74. >After pushing the heavy iron gates open, the three of you step into the gravy yard.
  75. >The said yard house sits off the left, even though a small single floor cottage-sized house, the structure towers over the graves and mausoleums.
  76. >You draw a long breath of the cool night air then proceed to huff.
  77. >From your past career you know this graveyard doesn’t feel right. The air is cool but heavy, and a sense of something foreboding watching you between the graves.
  78. >You adjust your padded black armor, and ready your salt blaster.
  79. >You barely used the weapon, but tonight has you on edge.
  80. >Without saying a word, you Lumin and Shaddy make your way to the yard house.
  81. >The two mares glance over the crooked old graves as they walk by as you fixate on the gravel path in front of you.
  82. >All you can think of how quiet the atmosphere is. Not even a single cricket dared to chirp nor an owl to call or slap its wings.
  83. >This place of the dead has been disturbed. As an ex grave digger, you know too well.
  84. >With Lumin the lead, she approaches the old house, door, even though had a lick of cheery paint in the past, the shadows casting on the ancient, bronze, pony skull knocker reminds you what could eventually be.
  85. >Lumin rummages through her saddlebags for a key, upon finding it she pulls it from her bag and stops.
  86. “Is something wrong?” You ask as your unit leader seems to be frozen in time.
  87. >Lumin tilts her head as she inspects the door latch, “It’s already open…Some pony already broken into this place…” She replies, lightly pushing the door with her hoof.
  88. >As the door swings open the latch clatters on the floor along with wooden splinters.
  89. >A rush of ice-cold air hits your face, making your wings shudder and your neck fur stands on end.
  90. >Shaddy slowly passes you and pokes her head in, “I don’t hear anypony…”
  91. >Lumin hushes her and pulls her back outside, “Remember what we are hunting Shaddy!...” The unit leader shakes her head at the mare then starts to give orders, “I think tonight we won't make a base camp, everypony, Ki-meters. Eyes only on your meter. Try not to look up, follow the floor. Remember, one look at this thing and you drop.”
  92. “You don’t have to remind me,” You mutter pulling out your version three Ki-meter.
  93. >You’re glad the ki-meter had a redesign, the last two versions you had to hold with a hoof, but this one, the wooden unit neatly staps onto your front leg. Even the dials and gages now glow a soft green for non-bat ponies to easily see the readings in the dark.
  94. >After strapping the Ki-meter on you adjust the dials on the side of the device.
  95. >The top needle of the three gauges, the gauge that measured Ki, life force, slides to zero as you count in the life forces of Shaddy, and Lumin.
  96. >After you look down at the next two gauges, Zen and Tau.
  97. >Zen reads Harmonic or Chaotic magic, and Tau read Light and Dark magic.
  98. >A magic reading system that magic unicorns weep.
  99. >But that doesn’t matter, the main use for the device is to know whether it's safe or to run.
  100. >Lumin pushes past Shaddy and takes the first reading of her Ki-meter, “Reading, Ki expected, Zen two and Tau six…”
  101. >In other words there is a small amount of background Dark Harmonic magic.
  102. >Those readings mean there is something here or a unicorn has previously cast dark magic and you are just picking up the residual energies from the spell.
  103. >The latter is unlikely. Dark magic is kept under tight wraps by the Crown.
  104. >You follow Lumin and Shaddy into the house.
  105. >Taking Lumin’s common sense approach to keeping your eyes on the well-worn oak wooden floor, you follow the back hooves of Shaddy who is walking in front of you.
  106. >Shaddy hooves stop dead as Lumin whispers to halt.
  107. >You quickly give a dangerous glace up to see a door next to Lumin who has her ear pressed against a door that leads off from the hallway.
  108. >Lumin lowers her head with her chin inches from the floor and sniffs, “I thought I heard something-”
  109. >Bang!
  110. >The front door slams behind you.
  111. >From years of experience everypony just accepts the happening. Wind or ghost, it happens so regularly you always half expect it.
  112. >Still.
  113. >Not one of you dares to look behind.
  114. “Was it that windy outside?” You ask, glancing back down that the floor.
  115. >”A light breeze, nothing strong enough to slam the door like that…” Lumin replies, “Shaddy have you got the sage?”
  116. >Shaddy says nothing as she rummages through her saddlebags.
  117. >She pulls out something wrapped in a papery cloth the passes it to Lumin with a match.
  118. >The unit leader put the match in her mouth then strikes it on the wall before lighting the sage.
  119. >Puffs of smoke bellows from the wrapped cloth as Lumin waves it along the bottom of the door then proceeds to blow the wispy smoke under the small gap beneath the door.
  120. >You wriggle your nose, you never like the smell of sage. The ashy herbal, peppery after taste you get from breathing the fumes can linger at the back of your throat for hours.
  121. >Lumin stubs out the sage, like a griffon cigar on the floor then tucks it into her saddles bags before placing her ear back on the door.
  122. >Slowly, she opens the old heavy door and pushes it open with a loud creak that reverberates through the old walls.
  123. >Lumin steps in, “No Ki spike, clear. Small room, keep eyes to walls, no glances across.”
  124. >Shaddy starts to move into the room and you start to follow.
  125. >As you were to take your first step you notice an extra set of hoof steps.
  126. >You flick your ears trying to locate the source.
  127. >Clack-Clack…
  128. >Clack…
  129. >Clack-Clack…
  130. >Clack…
  131. >Those hoofsteps, they sound like someone limping behind you…
  132. >You glace at your K-meter, Ki is measuring at one. Meaning there is an extra presence.
  133. >Clack-Clack…
  134. >Clack…
  135. >The hoofsteps stop behind you.
  136. >You hear a voiceless gaspy breath right at the crook of your neck, your ears flick wildly as the unnatural ice-cold air beats against them.
  137. >You feel your body tense up and your tail tuck underneath you.
  138. >Then you smell it, the familiar smell from all those years ago.
  139. >The unholy marriage of rotten flesh and damp earth.
  140. >Your body protests as you try and move forward, fighting all instinct to turn around and meet your end.
  141. >If this Helhest is this close to you, then the sage has no effect. That’ll be something to add to the reports if you survive this.
  142. “L-Lumin…” You call with a shaky voice, “Behind me…Can’t move…”
  143. >”Luna strike the stars!” You hear Lumin reply from the room, “Hang on Shall, Shaddy! Hold my tail!”
  144. >You see Lumin emerge from the room with her eyes close, with one hoof out she searches for you.
  145. “Over here…” You once again struggle to talk out of sheer fear from the ghoul lingering over you.
  146. >Lumins ears flick to your position as she makes a beeline to you.
  147. >She touches your face and sniffs the air, “Damn…Why don’t the paranormal ever smell like roses?”
  148. >Some do, but this isn’t the time to correct her.
  149. >”Alright Shall, follow me, eyes on my face. Shaddy pull me back!” She orders grabbing your hoof as Shaddy pulls you into the room.
  150. >As Lumin pulls you into the room, she slams the door behind you.
  151. “Shall! Salt the door!”
  152. >You feel your body start to co-operate once again.
  153. >Taking no time, you grab the Epon’ salt from your bag.
  154. >You tear open the paper top with your teeth and start to pore the salt along the bottom of the door, crossing the entire frame.
  155. >You look up and see Shaddy drawing a rune onto the door itself with a stick of chalk in her mouth.
  156. “Thanks…” You say turning around with your back sliding down the wall with the door next to you, “...Haven’t been that scared in years…” You give a weak chuckle even though your heart is pounding in your chest.
  157. >Lumin speaks up, “At least we know it’s here, if need be, we can escape from the window, but we should investigate this room,” The unit leader looks around the room, then back to you, “you were surprised when I mentioned the Helhest is inside…Why?”
  158. “Never heard of one being inside, they protect graveyards from grave robbers and vandals…”
  159. >”Is it possible for this house to be built ontop of the first grave?” Shaddy asks.
  160. >This time neither of you hushes her.
  161. “You did the research Shaddy, when was this place built?”
  162. >”Four hundred years ago, though it was built on old ancient foundations. Archeologists believed it to be a temple for unicorn wakes…Though it’s still debated…”
  163. “Then the first grave would’ve come after when the previous building was built…Ancient unicorns built temples to the old gods to bless the land, something that is wise to do for building a graveyard…”
  164. >”If this graveyard is ancient then why aren’t there more graves? Surely the number of ponies that lived around here throughout time would’ve been…I don’t know, at least the cemetery would be huge…” Lumin chimes in.
  165. “Ancient by-law still in practice today, after a hundred years, the grave is dug up, then the bones are burnt…Well if the coffin was well made…If they were poor, then the tombstone is removed, you can guarantee everything six feet under has rotted. Though this doesn’t apply to mausoleums, they’re there until the end of time.” You state, though, in reality, you are rambling trying to forget what just happened.
  166. >Lumin frowns at you, “Then how do you tell if they’re poor?”
  167. “Type of tombstone, if it's stone, then they’re poor, if it’s marble or granite then they’re rich- Anway, can we get back to business?” You tap the door next to you, talking isn’t calming you down, your heart is still beating hard, “The sage didn’t work, I’m still not sure if the salt would hold up either...I don’t wish to go through that again…”
  168. >Lumin nods, “You seem to be holding up quite well, I thought you would go awol after an event like that… to be absolutely honest.”
  169. “I think I’m still in shock…or denial of what's happening…” You give another weak chuckle, “But like I said, let’s get a plan going before I truly freak out.”
  171. >You push yourself back to your hooves and look around the room.
  172. >Quickly confirming it's a bedroom you inspect the furniture while Lumin and Shaddy do the same.
  173. >Shaddy trots over the old oak framed bed, dust sits in the finely carved woodwork muting the shiny varnish. After sniffing the bed Shaddy frowns at the odor. She quickly yanks back the faded dusty bedsheets.
  174. >The three of you circle the bed and stare at the darkened pony shape stain on the bed.
  175. >”I can see the day guards and mortitions have been doing their job…” Lumin grimaces at the dried boldly fluids. “They could had changed the sheets…”
  176. “How long was this mare been dead before she was discovered?” You ask, “With a stain like that composition must had been heavily set in…”
  177. >” Around a month…”Shaddy replies bleakly, “It was in the local papers, sadly the mare didn’t have any relatives to check on her.”
  178. “Have you got your research notes on you?”
  179. >Shaddy nods.
  180. “Pass them here,” You hold out a hoof.
  181. >Shaddy pulls out her paperwork from her bags and then passes them to you.
  182. “Thanks,”
  183. >You move over to the other side of the room and sit under the wooden framed window.
  184. >You straighten the paper and start to pour over Shaddy’s notes.
  185. >It seems the old mare who died here, had no friends or family, truly a lonely life. The guard found no foul play and the cause of death was natural causes.
  186. >A bang echoes from the hallway outside the door causing you to lookup. The front door comes to mind, as you hear the knocker rattle with the latch.
  187. You quickly shuffle through the notes and newspaper clippings. “Why do you think the door was damaged?” you ask the two mares, “I don’t see anything that the guards had to break in to recover the body.”
  188. >Shaddy turns around from a chest of drawers and answers, “I thought that too-”
  189. >Lumin cuts in, “I picked up the key from the Night Guard, they always had a spare for the house and the yard. I don’t see why the day guard would had broken in while the a key was easily assessable.”
  190. “Maybe they thought the mare was still alive?”
  191. >Shaddy: “Doubt it, the new paper said a barreled local knocked on the door to enquire about a grave plot, after knocking for a while she peeked through the letterbox to find a few week's worth of mail on the floor…Then-”
  192. >Lumin, “Just cut to the chase Shaddy…”
  193. >Shaddy groans, “She looks through that window, “She points toward it, “And sees a rotting corpse…” Shaddy huffs, “I liked when you both were my friends…”
  194. >You and Lumin look at each other.
  195. >Lumin walks to Shaddy, “We are you friends, Shaddy. You have no idea how much we care.”
  196. You nod, “Don’t ever think we hate you…”
  197. >” Then why do you always tell me to shut up!” Shaddy stamps on the floor.
  198. >Lumin, “Not now Shaddy. Don’t do this now.”
  199. >” Then just explain why!”
  200. “Because we can’t!” You interject, “Shaddy we can’t…Please…We deeply care for you, all I can ask is to trust us.”
  201. >Shaddy frowns at you, “If you want me to leave the unit then just say! No point in lying!”
  202. >Lumin grabs Shaddy in her hooves, “Listen, we don’t want you to leave, die, or whatever. But we are on assignment. I promise you there will be a time, I’ll explain everything to you, but that time isn’t now. Are we clear?”
  203. >Shaddy stares at Lumin for a moment before her face softens, “I just want to know why?”
  204. >Lumin sighs, “We can't. I’m sorry. But please, know that we care…Now can we continue the job at hoof?- Just a simple nod will do.”
  205. >Shaddy slowly nods, being now more confused than angry.
  206. >With the situation with Shaddy temporarily defused, you return to the paperwork.
  207. “None of this makes sense, logic would entail that the old mare would be haunting this place, though, if she died in bed, then it would have been a peaceful passing…” You shake your head trying to make sense of the situation.
  208. >Lumin doesn’t reply, she walks around the room looking for clues. She stops at the nightstand and pulls open the drawer. After rummaging through the items she pulls out a small box.
  209. “What is it?”
  210. >”Trinket box,” Lumin shakes the box, it doesn’t rattle, “Empty.” The unit leader thinks for a moment. “Shaddy, check the drawers, look for anything of value.”
  211. “Are we robbing the place now? We been over our expenditure limit for years now, why the worry now?”
  212. >” Not to steal you moron,” Lumin huffs, “It might explain the broken lock.”
  213. >Shaddy pulls open the last drawer in the room, “Nothing. Just clothes, medicine, and false teeth…Hmm..” Shaddy trails off as she continues searching.
  214. “So somepony broke in and looted the place?...Maybe the mare wasn’t the one to show her weath.”
  215. >”Found something,” Shaddy says, opening a very old jewelry box.
  216. >Shaddy opens the lid and a chiming tune starts to play, “Empty…” The rune specialist closes the box immediately interrupting the music.
  217. “It is a bit odd for them to be empty…Still doesn’t explain the Helhest inside the house.”
  218. >Lumin thinks for a bit, “No, but a crime may have been commited here…If that lock was broken after the body was removed, then I suspect a pony knew the locations of these boxes, look around…” Lumin points a hoof around the room, “Nothing else is out of place, normally opportunistic looters would have turned this place upside down.”
  219. >You are just about to reply until you all hear hoof steps in the hallway.
  220. >Clack-Clack.
  221. >Clack
  222. >Clack - Clack
  223. >Clack
  224. >You all follow the noise to the bedrooms door.
  225. >Lumin mutters, “I guess it doesn’t like us searching the old mares belongings…”
  226. >Bang!
  227. >You all flinch, the door rattles in its frame.
  228. >Bang!
  229. >”Shaddy! Rune that door now!”
  230. >Shaddy runs towards the door, quickly pulling some chalk from her bag, she draws a square rune with a triangle inside, “Energy draw…Hopefully- Ah!”
  231. >The door bangs again, causing Shaddy to stumble back.
  232. >Bang!
  233. >You all watch the door with dread.
  234. >The door bangs again, but this time much weaker.
  235. >Bang!
  236. >The door starts to rattle and knock, then stops.
  237. >You all stare in silence at the wooden door.
  238. >Lumin is the first to speak up, “...I can say, runes and salt works…”
  239. “We are dealing with an ancient spirit, I suspect the rune and salt are simply buying us time…”
  240. >You get up and place Shaddy’s research papers into your bag.
  241. “What’s the plan Lumin?”
  242. >The unit leader slowly peels her sight from the door, and starts debriefing “Our only escape if from that window, searching the other rooms is too risky…The paranormal anomaly has been confirmed a Helest, There is a suspected theft, maybe it could be the cause of this haunting…Other than that- I’m calling this assignment off till further notice…We are currently not equipped to neutralize the haunting…”
  243. >You and Shaddy nod in agreement.
  244. >Lumin continues, “I’ll contact head office for an exorcist specialist, I’ll brief the Nightguard office on the situation, hopefully, they can close this graveyard off to the public till we return.” The unit lead trots towards the window and pulls it open.
  245. >A cool breeze floods into the room filling it with the fresh night air.
  246. >Lumin waves a hoof to the window, “Everypony out.”
  247. >You let Shaddy exit first as she wriggles out of the window.
  248. >Next it’s you, you give on the flap of your wings then tuck them in before pulling yourself through.
  249. >Outside, you turn around to help Lumin out, as you do the window slams shut.
  250. >Lumin stares wide-eyed through the glass, “RUN! LOOK AWAY NOW!”
  251. >All you can do is quickly turn away as the bedroom door behind her shoots open.

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