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Dance Revolution

By Guest
Created: 2022-04-02 09:10:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Pinkie Pie: I don't care who the IRS sends, I am not going to eat fewer sweets!
  2. Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie, your blood sugar levels are just TOO DAMN HIGH! I have no idea how you don't have diabetes right now, but if you keep this up you're gonna get SUPER-DIABETES or something!
  3. Pinkie Pie: Says Ms. Hayburgers! You probably just want to keep all the jawbreakers and lollipops for yourself!
  4. Twilight Sparkle: Shut up! By the authority of my royal decree I am hereby GROUNDING you from eating any more sweets!
  5. Pinkie Pie: Royal decree?!? You're not my Princess! I declare a revolution! A dance revolution!
  7. So the princess doesn't want you
  8. To eat as much toffee as you can
  9. Come to terms, 'cause we don’t have to
  10. Follow her, 'cause I've got a plan
  11. In the castle at midnight
  12. Bringin' me and my crew
  13. Sparkle's looking for a fight,
  14. (And she better get ready, 'cause)
  16. It's a dance revolution; bring your funky moves,
  17. 'cause we're not stopping 'til the battle for our chocolate is through
  18. It's regime evolution; stick it to the feds
  19. 'cause we are burnin' down the house and putting Sparkle to bed.
  20. Chaos and confusion, strength of funky fight
  21. Yes we party for our licorice, fighting for our rights.
  22. It's a dance revolution; carpe-ing our day
  23. You want my chocolate well then Pinkie-funking molon lave.
  25. You know I didn't want to,
  26. But takin' my taffy's a step too far.
  27. Now you're forcin' my hoof,
  28. And my groovin' will leave scars.
  29. Oh, you shoulda knew,
  30. But now you got nowhere to go
  31. So you're gonna catch these moves,
  32. (And it ain't lookin' too good for you.)
  34. Pinkie Pie: You never should've messed with Ponyville's number one party pony!
  35. Twilight Sparkle: Shut up! You are GROUNDED!
  36. Pinkie Pie: Ha! Get a load of this pony cam! You can't ground an Earth pony!
  38. Fillies and gentlecolts! It warms my heart to see you all gathered here today!
  39. The Princess Sparkle wants to seize our caramel! Our gumdrops!
  40. She wants to make sure our foals will never taste almond joy!
  41. But we're never gonna let that happen! We're gonna take control! We're gonna fight for what's rightfully ours!
  42. So today I ask you to dance with me… as we move on the castle!
  43. Viva la revolucion!

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