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Momlestia/Kid Anon prompt archive

By Guest
Created: 2022-04-05 07:51:08
Expiry: Never

  1. An archive of prompts for writers to get ideas. Roughly sorted by pony mom. Also used for Kid Anon in Equestria. Feel free to suggest more ideas.
  2. ***** stars denote new prompt for that pony
  3. - hyphens denote continuation of previous prompt, think of them as potential sequels or chapters in the established setting of the previous prompts
  5. General Prompts (Use any pony you like)
  7. *****How about we just take a story from antiquity and remake it with momlestia characteristics? Like for example the Odyssey, from the perspective of a young Anon.
  8. He believes he's on this great journey to get back home, but in reality it's just him having to walk across the street after he spent the afternoon with a friend.
  10. *****Youngnon tries to sneak into work with mom. For example Celestia is hosting a diplomatic meeting and kidanon sneaks in and interrupts. Or Bon Bon is selling sweets and Anon wants to sneak in and eat some of them.
  12. *****When Anon is feeling a little under the weather, mom decides it's time for a Doctor's visit.
  14. ***** Mom and Anon deciding on how to spend Nightmare Night and what Anon will wear for it.
  16. *****When your Mother needs to go out she hires a foalsitter to look after you despite the fact that your a teen now and totally don't need one Mom! Gosh!
  17. ----- What's even more embarrassing is that it's one of your friends whose been hired for the job, god that's the last thing you need, she'll think your totally lame! (This is an addition you can use to the previous prompt or you can disregard it. Your choice on who the foalsitter is, perhaps a member of the CMC?)
  19. Celestia (Face of the general)
  21. ***** Celestia is afraid you haven't been able to make friends due to being the crown prince/alternatively worried about you being bullied (writer's choice on whether this is actual bullying or "3rd grader who has a crush on you" bullying)
  22. Gets overly worried and transforms into a kid to infiltrate your class at school. Pretends to be a new transfer student in hopes of figuring out what's going on
  24. ***** The difficulties of being royalty. Kidanon is obliged to travel along with Celestia to see the affairs of the realm, along the way Celestia tries to impart lessons on leadership and diplomacy. (A road trip with Mom, with a royal flair)
  26. Luna Mom (I guess Nightmare can also use her prompts)
  28. *****Before she was banished Luna was pregnant but didn't realize it, due to magic the child's development is also frozen when during her whole imprisonment. After she comes back however she realizes she is actually pregnant and worries how she will deal with being a mother.
  30. *****Luna is shocked to learn her child is a bully, she realizes she must prevent her son from walking down the same dark path she once did.
  32. *****Due to Luna's manner of speech you grew up speaking old Equish just like her. When this starts to get you bullies at school, Luna decides to step in.
  34. *****Luna and Anon spend Nightmare Night trying to decide if they should be insulted or not. In the end Luna decides to simply go with the flow and have them both dress up and attempt to scare ponies.
  36. Twilight
  38. *****Twilight is experimenting with dimensional magic. Dangerous experiments on the edge of cutting edge magic eventually lead her to a breakthrough, but oh no! Something's gone wrong, a portal opens and, there rests a strange little boy sound asleep against the cold stone floor. Cue Twilight having to take care of him and deal with trying to get him back to his family/dimension. Think of it sorta like Monsters Inc.
  40. *****Twilight never imagined she would be a mother, she is lost and confused on what to do. Deciding to ask for help, she visits each of her friends and the Princesses on advice on how to raise a child. Predictably, each one has their own ideas on what the right way to raise a child is.
  42. Flutter mom
  44. ***** kidnon shows up in Everfree forest(remember that trope?) and is feared by most ponies. Only Flutters see him for what he is, a scared kid. Eventually decides to adopt him and get him accepted in Ponyville. A feel good story with plenty of fluff.
  45. ----- kidanon is amazed by this new world once he gets over his fear of being in a new place, he asks many questions ie.
  46. >"Mom if Ponies are like people are Horses like monkeys?"
  47. >"Who raised the sun before Celestia?"
  48. >"How come you have doorknobs if nobody has hands?"
  49. >"Is Mayor, mayor mare's actual name?"
  50. >"Why doesn't Miss Rarity have a last name?"
  52. Pinkie
  54. *****Cooking treats with Ponkmom.
  56. *****Pinkie has to learn to deal with the fact that her son is not like her in any way, he's bookish, serious and straight laced. She wonders if she and her son can even get along, let alone be family.
  58. Rarity
  60. ***** After being adopted by the most generous pony in Equestria (you) struggle to be the perfect little boy she expects you to be. Having to take piano lessons, learning proper etiquette and learning all the ropes of being a "proper" member of the landed gentry (or so she says) when in reality all you want to do is go outside play hoofsball, get into fights and try to impress Apple Bloom. (A story of a "delinquent" kidanon being brought up to be a gentleman)
  62. Applejack
  64. ***** Working hard everyday on the farm is something you never expected to do, but it's worth it to ease the strain on your mother's face. Still you yearn to find ways to make things easier on her, studying hard you wish to become an accountant to help ease the financial strain on the farm. Applejack however does not approve of your studies and wishes you to instead continue working and eventually inheriting the farm. (Think of October Sky)
  66. Spoiled Rich
  67. ***** You are adopted to be Diamond Tiara's brother, her parents wish for her to have more friends and you're just the answer. While they don't particularly care for (you) they don't hate you either and are happy to shower you in gifts, provided DT is looked after. Diamond Tiara however is none to pleased by this new arrangement and decided it's her mission in life to get rid of you. (A story on having to deal with siblings, we don't really get too many of those greens. Also an exploration on what it means to be family.)

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