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By YuriFanatic
Created: 2022-04-08 05:34:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Sil, where did you go? Everypony was singing."
  2. "I-I just remembered that I had something important to do."
  3. >"Don't lie to me! You've been missing every single time a pony started singing."
  4. >Diamond Tiara stepped fourth, knowing her best friend too well to fall for her typical bullshittery.
  5. "It's nothing to worry about Dia, really."
  6. >"So there is something!"
  7. "It's nothing!"
  8. >"It's always something Sil, especially when it comes to you."
  9. >Dia paused to sigh, before lowering her voice.
  10. >"What is it Sil? This is so unlike you. You always tell me what's wrong. And if there is something you can't tell me, whether it's time-shenanigan related or something, you'd just say so."
  11. "It's not that-"
  12. >"Then what is it Sil? Why do you always run away when there's singing? Are you nervous?"
  13. "No it's just-"
  14. >"Nopony will judge you if you have a bad singing voice. Plenty of ponies have bad singing voices."
  15. "Dia it's not-"
  16. >"You could always get better at it too. Ponyville has singing lessons and my mom takes me there all the time! You could come with me-"
  17. "I can't sing!"
  18. >Sil yelled out, before having water in her eyes and her ears dropped low.
  20. >Dia paused at this, before smiling with optimism.
  21. >"Of course you can sing Sil, anypony can sing-"
  22. "No Dia, I can't sing."
  23. >Sil emphasized the word in particular.
  24. "I physically can't sing. I-I."
  25. >Sil grimaced to herself, knowing what she would have to explain to Dia.
  26. "I'm not like you ponies."
  27. >This brought a confused look from Dia.
  28. "I-I mean, I'm not like everypony. I don't... I don't have Harmony."
  29. >This surprised Dia, causing her to take a couple seconds to process this information.
  30. >"You don't have... Harmony?"
  31. "Yes! I don't have Harmony!"
  32. >Sil said through her strained voice, almost on the verge of incoming tears.
  33. >"I can't just go out and sing like everypony. I can't join a chorus or hear the music like the rest of you. Animals are afraid of me and run away on sight! Grass doesn't spring back up when I walk on them. Doors always creeks when I open them! I'm Harmonyless!"
  35. >Sil's outburst has brought her to finally shed some tears, before she angrily wiped them away with her foreleg.
  36. "Look Dia, it's not that big of a problem. I'm fine like this. I'm always like this. I've lived this long without Harmony so I'll be fine without it."
  38. >"Without Harmony..."
  39. >Dia repeated those words. It was unbelievable. As a pony, living without Harmony. It was almost as unthinkable as living without being able to feel love or to care about another pony. 'Harmony' was one of, if not the most important aspect of what makes a 'pony' a pony. You just can't live without Harmony.
  41. >"Sil you, lived without Harmony all this time."
  42. "Yes Dia! And I'm fine like this. Nothing is wrong with me!"
  43. >"I never said that something was wrong-"
  44. "Good! I don't need constant reminders why I need to be able to do any of those things."
  45. >"Sil, have..."
  46. >Dia paused, carefully gauging her friends emotional state.
  47. >"Have you tried seeing a therapist?"
  48. "Hah, like a therapist can help something like this. And I don't need any help, from anypony."
  49. >Sil turned around, trying to face away from her friend.
  50. "Dia, I know you mean well but really, it's fine like this. I'm fine like this. There's nothing for you to fix here."
  51. >"But you can't live without Harmony!"
  52. "I was born without it! And there's nothing anypony can do about it."

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