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>Gilda watches impatiently from the other side of the table as you finish your meal.
>Her plate had been empty for several minutes and the conversation had inevitably died out.
>That being said, you would consider your fifteenth date to be going quite well.
>She hadn't even insulted you all evening.
>"I wish I was watching paint dry, it'd be less painful than watching your puny teeth try to eat those pork chops."
>And there it is.
>You smirk and finish chewing.
"You can't blame me for savoring it! I haven't had meat in ages, this is amazing!"
>She rolls her eyes and avoids your gaze as a blush tints her white cheeks.
>For as gruff and mean as she appeared, she certainly had a soft spot under that sharp gaze.
>You'd only seen it a few times, but that was all you needed to get hooked on her medicine.
>A genuine compliment or caring smile from her felt like the most valuable currency in the world.
>Probably because it was so damn scarce.
>You weren't even sure what convinced her to ask you out in the first place.
>Or the second place, or the third...but here you were, fifteen dates later, still dealing with the same grouchy birdie that you met on day one.
>Of course, you knew she was genuinely interested in you.
>Otherwise she wouldn't have subjected herself to the 'sappy' charade so much.
>It's cute, actually.
>"Are you gonna stare at me all night, or are you gonna finish your meal?" She growls.
"Both, eventually. You're really pretty you know. I like what you did with your topfeathers!"
>The compliment catches her off-guard and she looks surprised.
>"W-whatever! Just finish up so we can get back to my place!"
"In a hurry to have me to yourself, are we?" You tease.
>She turns even redder and looks away with a scowl.
>"Keep it up if you don't wanna get laid tonight, dweeb!"
>It was your turn to blush.
>You start to finish your meal as fast as you can, prompting a teensy little smirk from her.
>She may have been pulling your leg, but it worked.
>The promise of un-intimate as she made it sound, worked wonders for your appetite.
>In a minute your plate is scraped clean and you're on the verge of choking on your mouthful.
>You find her eyes as you finish chewing.
>To your surprise her smirk had grown into a smile and softened somewhat.
>There it is.
>Mushy moment number six.
>The rare curl of her beak filled your chest with a warmth that made your heart skip a beat.
"I'm re-eady when you are!" You manage after a painful swallow.
>She snorts with her forelegs crossed, her soft smile turning more competitive.
>"Typical stallion, you only got one thing on your mind don't you?"
"Well...I mean--"
>"--Shutup and get moving! I'll pay the bill."
>You obediently slide out of the corner booth and she moves behind you, escorting you to the front.
>Despite being a head shorter on all fours she was easily dominant in her posture.
>It wasn't that you were a bitch.
>It's just that there wasn't a way to not be one with her in the room.
>You swear she had more testosterone coursing through her than a country bar full of biker gangs.
>You wait by the front door as she pays the receipt and brushes past you through the exit.
>Despite being gruff, she was adamant about her duties as a hen when it came to courting.
>It's just that the traditional female role in Griffon courting basically amounted to emotionlessly going through the requisite steps to get to sex, and presumably, marriage.
>And apparently 15 dates equaled sex.
>This was sex night.
>You briefly wondered if she would mount you dry and rub your dick raw, or whatever the equivalent was for females forcing themselves upon males here.
>But you somehow doubted it could be bad.
>After all, you're the one with the penis.
>And holy shit, you're actually excited.
>You've been dreaming of tapping her bird butt ever since you saw her.
>The brown butt in question sways in front of you as she leads the way back to her place.
>She glances back, snorts, then purposefully stops her natural hip-rocking motions and moves stiff as a board.
"Oh come on! Are you like, asexual or something? Just loosen up a little!"
>You catch up with her and throw an arm around her neck.
>She just grumbles.
>"You're gonna be loosening up plenty when we get back."
"Oh is that so? I think you might have that backwards..."
>She smirks at you in a way that made you second guess yourself.
>Was she planning on pegging you?
>You gulp.
>Not that it would be unwelcome,
"Alright, so...maybe a bit of both."
>"Don't get too carried away, you might not be so eager when we get it on."
>You quirk a brow at her odd tone.
>It sounded like a typical Gilda-ism...downplaying everything to undermine its significance.
>But you detected something more, something...nervous?
>Was she nervous?
>You try to catch her gaze as she walks in sync with you.
>Her eyes peek up at yours before snapping away.
>Her topfeathers tuck and she blushes ever so slightly.
>Nervous and a bit embarrassed, it seemed.
>Dang, you never would've guessed.
>Deciding to keep the little morsel to yourself, you place a hand on the back of her neck.
"If there's one thing I know, Gilda, it's that I want to get to know you better, so don't worry about what I might think when we get down to it."
>To your surprise, the risky public display of affection isn't immediately shunned.
"I wouldn't be going out with you if I didn't like you too, you know."
>She glances up at you with timid, but grateful eyes.
"Thank you sweet Anon, I don't know what I'd do without you?" You go to finish for her.
>She slugs your leg, making you wince.
>"You know what I mean!"
"No, I'm not sure I do."
>"Arrrgh! I'm just not used to this lame feelings stuff. Getting laid's about feeling good!"
>She seems to be trying to convince herself more than you.
"I'm not sure you'll be so confident about that once we get it on." You rebut with a dangerous smirk.
>Her blush only grows.
>It was just a matter of time before you cracked open that tough outer shell and got to the gooey goodness inside her.
>Just to prove you couldn't be so easily dissuaded, you casually run a few fingers down her back--right in between her sensitive wing girdle.
>The front door to her place opens and you stumble inside, the griffon atop you and violating you with a very sloppy and inexperienced beak-to-mouth kiss.
>It wasn't as weird as you imagined it being, but it took some getting used to.
>Your lips caress her firmer beak and she opens, trying to poke her tongue into your mouth.
>You suck on the slender appendage and savor the umami flavor as you stumble towards the bed.
>You were a bit nervous that she would have bad breath or taste super gross, but she didn't.
>She had a unique taste for sure, unlike the mare's you'd kissed who had barely any flavor at all besides what they last ate.
>Her beak also made a lot of spit.
>Like, a lot.
>Griffin slobber coats your lips and part of your left cheek, it drips off your chin as you struggle to contain it around the imperfect seal of lips on beak.
>She's strong, and heavier than you anticipated.
>But her claws were sharp but calculated so as not to harm you.
>You trip on the mattress and tumble onto it with her.
>Your teeth painfully bounce off her beak with a clack.
>"Are you okay, did I hurt you?" She asks, her voice full of a foreign tone of concern.
>You quirk a brow at her, but don't question her sincerity.
"N-no it's just...your beak is kinda hard."
>You can't tell if her concern is genuine, or she's just teasing you because she thinks that'd turn you on.
>"It's gonna take forever to get off if you're gonna be so sensitive with everything."
>Filled with righteous indignation, you go to respond.
>Until you notice a mirthful light in her eyes.
>She was teasing you.
>It was just difficult to tell since she sounded exactly like she did normally.
>Unless...her normal gruff demeanor was a tease as well.
>What if she actually isn't annoyed with everything you do, and she just appears that way because that's the only way she knows how to show affection?
>You eye's match the griffon's and try to read her soul.
>It was impossible to be sure, but you swear that somewhere deep down, she was begging you to love her.
>The poor bird just didn't know how to express it.
>Fortunately for her latent desire, you're not about to get discouraged yet.
>Fifteen dates of abuse...what's one more hour to get to the prize?
>Loving the unlovable has become your mission.
>Taking her claw into your hand, you surprise her with a kiss on the tip of the beak.
"There's nothing wrong with taking it slow."
>She gulps, not expecting you to be so forward, as usual.
"We've got all night to learn how to make each other feel good...that's like, twelve, fourteen hours if we don't go to sleep."
>Her eyes widen and a full blush tints her cheeks.
>Cute birb.
>"W-what do you mean there's no way w-we can. I mean w-we're not gonna last t-that long!"
"With your sexy butt? Of course not."
>Another kiss on the beak, another shared breath.
"But we can just do it again, and again, and again until the sheets are soaked and your place smells like a Wonderbolt's locker room."
>Your hand was on the side of her face, rubbing her feathered cheek.
>Everything was new for you. She'd almost never let you touch her before.
>You study the contours of her body as you feel her under her plumage.
>The griffon shivers.
>"W-well...I'm not sure." She looks down, seemingly shy about something.
>She almost looked disappointed.
>You draw her eyes up to yours.
"Cut the shit. Tell me what's bothering you."
>She studies your face for a moment, trying to make up your mind if she can really trust you.
>Deciding she can, she takes a deep breath.
>"You gotta promise you won't tell anypony or laugh. I'll kill you if you laugh."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
>Shakily her eyes travel south and she lifts a hind leg.
>Your own erection springs to life in your pants at the hint of her revealing her privates.
>Much to your surprise, she brings a claw down and pulls at her belly button.
>Only it's not her belly button.
>A sudden, piercing smell fills the room as a cherry-red appendage begins to swell and emerge from its musky pocket.
>All the attention on her nethers was giving her an erection, and if you didn't believe your eyes, you had to believe your nose.
>It spicy, burning, and pungent, like an aged wine.
>To be honest, it stunk.
>But it stunk the same way dentist cleanings a good way.
>You were filled with an instinctive draw to it that you couldn't explain.
>It was so ripe, in fact, that you could've classified it as morbid curiosity.
>Her tapered penis slowly emerges, its barbed end glistening and twitching as a canine-like bulb plugs up her sheath and halts her growth.
>The four inches of veiny mucosal membrane pulses with her heartbeat and with tempered excitement.
>Her sheath, a loose pocket of lightly-furred skin, had reached the limits of its flexibility and covered what you assumed to be her swelling knot.
>Below that sat a few loose wrinkles, and below that, two apple-sized testicles which seem to have descended from up in her crotch.
>You had no idea she was packing all this.
"'re a guy?"
>She furrows her brow.
>"What? No dumbass I just have a dick!"
>You'd heard of futanari females before, but you always thought it was just a fantasy.
>You'd never seen or heard of one in real life.
>Until now, apparently.
>She sighs, "Ugh! Forget it! I knew this wasn't going to work!"
>She rolls to her paws, standing up, her cock still hopefully throbbing under her.
>You grab her foreleg, prompting an annoyed look.
"I never said it wouldn't work...I'm just surprised is all."
>She rolls her eyes and huffs.
>"Yeah, whatever. You don't need to let me down gently, I know stallions don't like it."
>You hold onto her as she tries to pull away.
"Well, I'm not a stallion."
>That gives her pause; she doesn't look at you, but she doesn't retreat.
"I'm a human, and where I come from, actually considered really hot."
>"Oh please!"
"I'm serious!"
>She grumbles, but all her breathing stops the moment she feels your fingers on her rump.
"I can see you don't believe me, why don't you let me prove it to you?"
>You pull yourself against her, one hand scratching her butt and the other slipping under her chest, in between her forelegs to ruffle her plumage.
>Hope finally gets the better of her, and she breaks her composure with the same needy look in her eyes.
>You weren't about to let her down.
>A kiss on the side of her beak and she tumbles back onto the bed.
>You kiss her square on the mouth while your hand rubs her belly, circling lower and lower until you feel her skin start to bulge upwards in a few thick rolls.
>Reaching out, you gently touch the base of her sheath.
>Breaking the kiss, you look down at her trembling cock. It dribbles drops of watery precum as you start to knead her base.
>"Wait." She commands.
>A claw traces down the center of your button-up--popping all the buttons and exposing your chest.
>You aren't about to complain.
>Helping yourself out of your ruined shirt, and then your pants, you toss them aside.
>"Take it all off...I wanna see you naked."
>Doing as she says, you feel a light blush at how erect you were.
>As it stands, your penis was larger than the griffon's, though that wasn't counting what you suspected was her knot still packed into her sheath.
>Not like any of that mattered.
>If you were going to be in a mutually satisfying relationship, it was probably better this way.
>Gilda licks her beak and takes your sensitive meat into her claws as you return to the bed.
>For a moment, you sit like that, soaking up the sight and smell of each other's penises as you feel one another up.
>You meet her with a smile.
>She smiles back, then catches herself, "Y-you have a weird shape."
"Heh! That's rich coming from you!"
>To prove your point, you reach up to the layer of clammy sheath skin covering her knot.
>You glance back at her expression to make sure she's not about to freak out as you slowly start applying pressure to the skin.
>Bit by bit, it starts to stretch over her firm bulb.
>Naked white-streaked red meat starts to appear as you roll back her natural hoodie.
>She grimaces and sucks in a deep breath; she adjusts as if she's about to stop you, then decides to let you continue.
>You reach the halfway point where her skin is stretching the farthest.
>It's actually difficult to continue pulling, but you really wanted to expose her full organ.
>Her talons grip the sheets and her eyes are filled with a measure of trepidation that you'd never seen before.
>Your eyes tell her to trust you.
>With one more soft tug, her sheath finally peels back from the girthiest part of her knot and piles up around her very base.
>If she weren't embarrassed about having her full dick on display for you, she ought to have been embarrassed about the smell.
>It wasn't as if there was anything she could do about it, though.
>She looked well-kept.
>There was just no way to thoroughly wash out such a tight little pocket.
>And even if there was, it'd probably cause more irritation than it's worth.
>You knead the soreness out of her meaty pile of deflated sheath, ignoring the obnoxious squelching it causes.
"I bet that feels better, doesn't it? Your poor penis was stuck in there."
>You doubted she did much with her dick, she probably didn't even realize that it wasn't normal for her skin to be so tight like that.
>"Y-yeah...thanks." She sheepishly mutters, watching cautiously as you play with her privates.
>Her pink, glistening griffon cock looks surreal sprouting from her tan fur.
>It looks like something that isn't meant to be out in the open air, or under direct light.
>It looks extremely sensitive.
>So sensitive that you're worried about touching it with your hands.
>So you decide not to.
"You've been a good girl lately, you haven't bitten or scratched me. You haven't even called me a bitch in a week. I think that deserves a reward."
>She gulps nervously as you bring your face to her middle.
>Dear Celestia it stinks.
>But in a good way.
>You look into her eyes as you extend your tongue and tickle the bitter bulb of her cock.
>Jets of watery precum spritz out and coat her chest feathers with glistening droplets of musky, pheromonally-charged fluid.
"Atta girl, don't fight it, just let it happen."
>Taking hold of her powerful thighs, you spread them and lay a fat lick from her base all the way to her tip.
>"Goah! Fuck dude!"
>Sheets stretch and tear under her cinching claws.
>The barbs near the tip of her dick flare outwards under your tongue--giving you a taste of the salty little pockets underneath them.
>Dipping back down, you bury your tongue near her very base--slipping it into the folds of her sheath.
>Your eyes water from the odor, but her little squawks and squeals were well worth it.
>The poor creature looked like she'd never gotten a blowjob before.
>All the more motivation to make her day.
>You swallow the bad taste on the back of your tongue and plant a few sucking kisses on her slimy knot before another lick brings you back to her tip.
>You take the pointed end into your mouth and immediately feel her barbs extend.
> They weren't sharp. They felt like little cartilage tentacles. Only they didn't wiggle.
>Poky was the right word.
>They were also distinctly angled backward.
>It seemed that evolution had provided for the possibility that a griffon hen wouldn't want to feel such a thing inside her.
>The barbs were there to keep the penis anchored until orgasm.
>That had some uncomfortable implications, but despite that, you wonder if she'd picked you because she knew your cock wasn't like hers.
>You shrug off the irrelevant thought and take another inch of her dick into your mouth.
>"Mmm-uungh! Right there bitch!"
>You're tempted to pull off of her just to teach her a lesson, but judging by her moans and trembling, she wasn't really in her right mind.
>So you give her a pass.
>Even worse, you start blowing her.
>Your tongue presses the salty spire to the roof of your mouth where her barbs actually tickle.
>Your lips seal around her and you suck down enough to draw some unexpelled precum through her urethra like a straw.
>Your own erection was proof enough that you were loving this.
>There was something so enthralling about bringing out this side of the big badass griffon.
>Making her moan with pleasure.
>Making her love you.
>That drive is more than enough to get you past the toe-curling stench of her crotch and the burning flavor of her fermented cock.
>Her wings reach full mast and stiffly flap.
>You brace on her inner thighs, pinning them to the mattress.
>Pushing yourself farther. You go right up to your gag point and withdraw.
>Her little barbs pop out and snag on your soft palate.
>You try to breathe past them and only get a whiff of her spit, dick-musk, BO mix.
>A foreleg presses down on the back of your head, forcing your lips all the way to her bulb.
>You gag, hard.
>But she doesn't let up.
>Your eyes water and you push off of her crotch, but you don't have enough leverage.
>A hand moves down to massage her nuts as a hopeful consolation prize while you try to close your gullet and seal out the throbbing erection.
>She finally decides to stop torturing you and releases her grasp.
>As you go to pull off, her barbs flare and lodge in your throat.
>"Fuck you feel good!"
>You push back down to try and fold the pesky barbs flush. Her tip bounces off the back of your throat.
>Pulling off a second time, you manage to succeed in dislodging her from your throat.
>The barbs flare again, but by the time they do, they're on the back of your tongue and you can easily spit her out.
>Slavor runs down her erection and mixes with your tears to drip on her crotch.
"Agh! *gulp!* That was rough...*cough! cough!*"
>You swallow the mix of precum and Griffon dickwater.
>Did you ever tell her that she stinks?
>"Tolda I was gonna stretch you out!" She smirks.
"And I told you-*cough!*...that I was gonna stretch you out too!"
>She quirks a brow.
>"Alright...but you gotta earn it first!"
>Her hindlegs kick you off.
>Not enough to hurt, but enough to send you sprawling back onto the bed.
>You lay there on your back as she approaches, prowling like a lion stalking its prey.
>Oh wait.
>She pounces with an un Gilda-like giggle. Her talons land next to your neck and her beak nips at your chin.
>"Relax dude, I'm not gonna hurt ya."
>You didn't realize you'd flinched until she mentions it.
>You take a deep breath and bring your hands to her nape.
>Her tongue explores your, licking up the side of your face, across your brow, around the edges of your ear.
>You sigh out, letting her know she's doing a good job.
>Her talons move to caress your cheek and you wince.
>"Anon..." Her tone commands your attention.
>"Chill out dude...Griffons protect their mates, we don't hurt them."
>Her tone is sincere enough for you to believe her wholeheartedly.
>She caresses your cheek again, down your neck, across your collar bone.
>"I know I've been kind of a bitch. Let me make it up to you."
>She lowers her hips and brings her throbbing erection between your cheeks.
>The natural lubrication combined with your thorough slobbering wets your buttocks as she angles for the position.
>You knew what was coming, but you weren't worried.
>For the first time in forever, you were confident in Gilda's intentions.
>She wanted to pleasure you as much as you wanted to pleasure her.
>Perhaps more so, by the looks of things.
>Her tapered tip easily tracks into your orifice and starts to penetrate your clench.
>You squirm, and she pauses--studying your face for signs of discomfort.
>You nod and she continues.
>Inch by inch her griffon penis disappears behind your back door.
>Only after your anus is seated snugly against her knot, does she let out a breath.
>You realize you're clinging to her barrel like a scared filly.
>Your face is buried in her thick chest plume and your legs are helplessly spread for her.
>You'd never been this vulnerable before, with anyone.
>Let alone a hundred fifty pound Griffon who could kill you in a dozen ways with their claws alone.
>But somehow, that wasn't of concern.
>Your body knew it, on some instinctive level. It knew she could turn you inside out on her dick if she wanted to, and there would be nothing you could do about it.
>But your mind prevailed.
>You trusted her to take care of you.
>You knew this big, predatory gal, as bitchy as she could be, wasn't going to hurt you where it mattered.
>She appreciated your acceptance of her, and as a result, she was going to make love to you.
>Slowly, almost imperceptibly, her cock starts to hump.
>In and out, in and out. A half-inch at a time.
>You can feel her barbs flaring with each thrust, and she exerts the utmost care not to pull on you harder than she needed to.
>It's actually not a bad feeling, it's like scratching an itch you didn't know you had...over and over and over again.
>Only the one scratching it is another creature.
>And she's doing it with her stinky bird cock.
>Oh Celestia this is so fucking hot.
>You bite a mouthful of chest feathers and groan.
>"Heheh! You like that? I thought you would..." She strokes your hair, her voice soothing and dripping with affection.
>After a bit, you gain the courage to clench, and you're rewarded with a pleasured squeal from Gilda.
>You do it again, this time evoking an uncontrollable jerk of her hips.
>Her barbs abruptly tug on your innards before sinking back into your depths.
"Mmgh! Oh shit!"
>Breathing heavily, she looks down at you, stroking your hair as she does it again.
>You clench again.
>She humps once more.
>This time, her cock pushes against a spongy lump on the top of your tract.
>Instinctively knowing what it is, she drops her hips to get a better angle and thrusts against it directly.
"Oh yeah!"
>"Heheheh! You like that?"
>You nod and grimace as her barbs tug before her cock batters your prostate.
>You throw your hips back into her and she thrusts harder into you.
>Your eyes meet as you pick up pace and start to fuck in earnest.
>The sensations are more than you could bear, you didn't even know you had that much sensation down there, to begin with.
>"Mmgh! Anon I'm...I need to...ngh!"
"I-Inside Gilda!"
>You reach back and grip her buttock, pulling her into you.
>You're helpless against her strength and it does nothing to prevent the next couple of thrusts, but finally she hilts.
>You feel her cock worm it's way deeper and deeper than it's ever been before.
>You feel your entrance stretching and straining.
>A sharp pain accompanies her grunt of instinctive exertion.
>Her throaty growl comes just in time to mask your yelp as her knot pops past your anus and promptly swells to the size of a lemon.
>You clench desperately around her base which was thankfully smaller than even her cock shaft.
>A ticklish sensation gives you butterflies as you feel her semen lace your innards.
>She goes on for what seems like twenty seconds of straining and grunting.
>Somewhere in that sweaty mess of fluttering feathers and writhing flesh, your orgasm sneaks up on you.
>Ropes of human semen splatter the Griff's belly and disappear into her thick plumage--leaving dark spots that were sure to itch when they dried.
>But for now, that's the last thing on her mind.
>Seeing her mate explode from her stimulation alone makes her happier than she ever thought she could be.
>Collapsing on you with your cock still spitting, she pierces your mouth with her tongue, rolling it around and licking you for your raw taste alone.
>"Mmpf...I Anon!"
>Her confession isn't lost on you despite the swelling knot blowing your ass out.
>You bring a hand to the back of her head and dig into her beak, sucking down on her tongue as you caress her.
>Eventually, she breaks the embrace and hovers above you. Her knot was still swollen and likely would be for the next thirty minutes or so.
>But that's ok.
>That just means more time for bonding.
"What happened to my grouchy griffon girlfriend? What'd you do with her?"
>At this, she blushes and offers a shy smile.
>"I...I-I'm not always like that, you know."
>Your rub her foreleg.
"I'm alright with that."
>She smiles even wider and tries to hide by looking down at your chest.
>You lift her beak.
"I love you too, Gilda."
>Her eyes sparkle with moisture and she lunges forward, wrapping you in a tight hug.
"Ooof take it easy!"
>"Only if you promise not to when you mount me next time."
by Oneshots
by Oneshots
by Oneshots
by Oneshots
by Oneshots