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Weird Dream Arc

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2022-04-11 10:44:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Silver Spoon.
  2. >Well more like her subconscious.
  3. >I'm currently dreaming, but I am completely lucid of the fact.
  4. >Been lucid for a while actually, as I've just been poking the white sand with a stick for what felt like hours.
  5. >Been listening to the humming sound of a didgeridoo the entire time too.
  6. >Decided I had enough of this.
  7. "Okay I give up. What the hell are you doing?"
  8. >Nightmare Moon stops humming into her didgeridoo. "If you must know, I'm dream scrying across thousands of dreams." Then she continues humming into the instrument.
  9. "You get all your information from dreams?"
  10. >The Queen of Nightmares paused her instrument before sighing. "I'll admit yes, it is inconsistent. However I can get a rough idea of what's happening in Equestria from comparing dreams and seeing their shared consistencies."
  11. "Oh." I stayed silent for a moment.
  12. >Ever since NNM saved me from those 'Nightmare Forces' she's been insistent on having me be here every time I sleep.
  13. >Apparently since she can't erase my memories, she simply had me move here in her own dreamscape on the moon as it's the one place the Night Terrors won't ever dare approach.
  14. "So you just do this... all the time?"
  15. >"More or less. Now quiet, I need to focus." NNM proceeded to hum once more into her horned instrument.
  17. >A couple more hours had passed. The time of passage within dreams are a lot more lengthier compared to the time that had passed outside. Apparently this is especially so when you're lucid.
  18. "Urgh, it's so boring. How can you stand this for hundreds of years?" I complained.
  19. >"You're *still* complaining? I already materialized that stick for you to play with. Is that not enough?"
  20. "Of course not?! How can you stand this monotonous noise without doing anything else?"
  21. >NMM paused. "Well, I *do* occasionally enter the dreams of fillies and colts to frighten them. However since those Nightmare Forces started appearing they made the whole thing a lot less appealing."
  22. "Nightmare Moon scaring kids? Wow who knew?" I sarcastically remarked.
  23. >"It's a lot more cathartic than you make it out to be." NMM explained.
  24. "Really now?"
  25. >"Of course. Hold on a second." The Queen of Sleep Deprivation dropped her didgeridoo and caused her horn to glow.
  26. >Soon a dream portal tore open the fabric of this dreamscape and led a new passage to another one.
  27. >"Follow me."
  29. >"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Silver rolled on the floor holding her stomach in her own laughter. "I can't- I can't believe she was scared of that!"
  30. >The Princess of Scaring the Shit out of Ponies smiled proudly as her dream apparition towered over a cart. It's from being a giant black bunny.
  31. >"Indeed. The smaller ones tend to be the most easily frightened, but the older ones tend to have the most extreme reactions." She said as she peered through the bushes to see Carrot Top holding onto her cart of carrots and throwing them at the giant monster.
  32. >The monster easily opened its gaping maw and devoured each carrot one after the other, causing the mare to loose all the colors in her coat.
  33. "Hey, can I try doing that? I know plenty more terrifying things than that.
  34. >"Hmm." Nightmare Moon pondered this for a second, thinking back to how those Nightmare Vestiges formed back to when they were chasing the silver filly. "I suppose I *could* teach you how to influence the dreamscape. Very well."
  36. >"Princess Celestia!" Twilight barged through the castle doors into the Sun Goddess' throne room. "I've found something really important that you should know!"
  37. >"Twilight?" Celestia was initially startled, but raised a brow seeing the panicked expression of her most faithful student. "Is something the matter? What is so important that can't be written and sent in a scroll?
  38. >"Your highness, I just found it really important!" The book horse pulled a scroll from her satchel, listing all kinds of tally marks and equations. "I've been recording the rate of nightmares ponies have lately in an attempt to study their effects on ponies. However something just happened that exceeded all expectations! For the past couple of days, the rate of nightmares that's been appearing has doubled!"
  39. >Twilight then levitated the scroll in front of Celestia's muzzle. "See! This means something big his happening. The Mare on the Moon, Nightmare Moon, she's planning something sinister. I sense we're on a precipice for disaster!"
  40. >Celestia levitated her student's scroll down and sighed. "Oh Twilight, you know I value your diligence and trust you completely."
  41. >Twilight puffed out her chest in pride.
  42. >"But you simply must stop reading those silly foal books."
  43. >"Huh? B-But Celestia!" Twilight stuttered.
  44. >"Twilight, nothing terrible is going to happen. I assure you, these nightmares are nothing to be concerned about."
  45. >"But Celestia, you can't honestly believe that those nightmares mean nothing."
  46. >"Relax Twilight. Look, if it calms you, I'll look into these increased rates of nightmares myself. Please go back and rest, your eyes are showing bags under them."
  47. >"But-"
  48. >"Twilight." Celestia said firmly.
  49. >"...Yes princess."
  50. >Then the purple unicorn left the throne room doors, leaving the Sun Princess all by herself once more.
  51. >Looking out the window and on the moon, she muttered. "...You are growing restless sister. For what horrible fate did you have planned for Equestria?"
  53. >A lullaby echoed within a humid and damp chamber of pipes and leaking steam. Water spurted out a boiling stream as it landed just barely in front of a stallion. "Eeek!"
  55. "One, Two, Silver's Coming For You
  57. Three, Four, Better Lock Your Door
  59. Five, Six, Grab A Teddy Bear
  61. Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again~"
  63. >I reached out with an extended claw protruding from my hoof as I walked upright down the hallway.
  64. >The ear piercing scrapes of metal resounded across the room as steam blocked the stallion's view.
  65. >However the silhouette of a small filly wearing a fedora and a stripped red and black sweater stepped forth from the smoke.
  66. >A horrible fire-scorned expression peered through the veil with beady eyes and an insane glare.
  67. "You're in my realm now *bitch!"*
  68. >**"AHHHHHHHHHHH!"**

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