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Eating Luna's virgin ponut, by Anon

By Guest
Created: 2022-04-17 01:27:44
Expiry: Never

  2. >One second you’re about to step into a freshly-drawn bubble bath and the next you’re whisked away in a flash of blinding light and deposited in a luxurious bedroom.
  3. >You appear by a window, offering you a view of the moonlit mountainside that tells you immediately you’re in Canterlot.
  4. >You’ve just about gotten used to Unicorns teleporting you about the place, but you’ve never known a pony powerful enough to blip you all the way from Ponyville to Canterlot.
  5. >Turning suddenly, your confusion is laid to rest.
  6. >You’re in Princess Celestia’s chambers, with the broad flickering fireplace, silk curtains and tapestried rug.
  7. >Celestia stands in the center of the room, nodding hello, while her younger sister lays sprawled out on a chaise lounge. She doesn’t even meet your eye.
  8. >It takes about a second to realize how distinctly clotheless you were before Celestia teleported you, and a quick whip of wind from the window chills your gonads and reminds you that you’re currently standing buck-naked in front of the most powerful ponies in Equestria.
  9. “Aah!”
  10. >In a panic you grab the first thing in reach, a vase, and shield your privates from view with it.
  11. >But Celestia doesn’t seem to care, and Luna’s visible discomfort seems to be coming from another source.
  12. >Either it’s that nudity doesn’t have much meaning in Equestria, or your equipment is really that unspectacular.
  13. >”Forgive the intrusion, Anonymous.” Says Celestia in a mild-mannered tone, “I wouldn’t usually drag my subjects halfway across Equestria while they are, *ahem*, otherwise occupied… but this is an emergency.”
  14. >Luna’s cheeks turn crimson and her anger reaches boiling point.
  15. >”Sister, it is not an emergency! Honestly, to make such a big deal over something this trivial!”
  16. >”Ignore her.” Celly dismisses her sister with a hoof wave, “She’s just embarrassed.”
  17. >You can’t possibly think of what she wants you for.
  18. >The only thing you’re an expert in is being a hopeless degenerate.
  19. >Celestia draws closer, leaning in until you can feel her breaths against your face.
  20. >”She’s a ponut virgin.”
  21. >”There is no such thing!!” Luna bellows, stomping a hoof into the plush of the couch.
  23. >”Come now, Luna, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You were up on that moon for an awful long time after all. Stands to reason you would have missed out on some of life’s finer pleasures.”
  24. >”And who was it that put me there?”
  25. >The sister squabble is background noise; you’re still stunned to hear the word ponut on Celestia’s lips. Do Princesses even have them?
  26. “And why exactly did you bring me? Uh, your majesty?”
  27. >”Do you forget my younger sister here can see the dreams of every subject? Apparently ponut guzzling is a frequent subject of yours.”
  28. >Celestia winks and giggles.
  29. >”I told you that in confidence, sister!”
  30. >”Oh, shush. Now, Anon, what do you say to taking her on together? I’ll bet you’ve dreamed of an opportunity like this all your life. All of that pent-up desire will be most useful.”
  31. >Celestia looks at you, awaiting an answer.
  32. >Luna still looks anywhere but you. She’s absolutely ashamed of this entire situation but she also hasn’t dashed out of the room so you sense she’s not wholly opposed to it.
  33. “Well… I guess I don’t really have much of a choice, do I?”
  34. >”That’s the spirit!” Celestia cheers, shoving you toward her sister with an ever-so-gentle magical force.
  35. >She plucks the vase from your grasp and returns it to its pedestal.
  36. >”Now, Luna, lift your tail. Anon and I shall take care of the rest.”
  37. >Luna’s tail doesn’t budge an inch.
  38. >In fact it remains firmly planted over her rump. She pouts, face still redder than a pomegranate.
  39. >”Oh, don’t be so uptight!”
  40. >Celestia grabs Luna’s tail with magic and thrusts it up, revealing a sleek, tight slit below that velvety soft ponut.
  41. >Luna cries out in shock and extends her wings. She complains some more and fidgets, but still lets Celestia get away with it.
  42. >She wants this, clearly, she’s just far too embarrassed to admit it.
  43. >It’s pretty cute, actually. Seeing a Princess all sheepish like this.
  44. >”F-Fine! If you so insist!”
  45. >”Well?” Celestia turns to you.
  46. >”You are our guest, it’s only polite that you start.”
  47. >Now that you’re put on the spot you freeze up a bit.
  48. >Funny that you’ve fantasized about this a million times, but now that there’s a real alicorn ponut served up for you on a silver platter you’re all nervous.
  49. >Not wanting to keep either sister waiting, you nod and ease in.
  50. >As you near Luna’s tush the scent of it reaches your nostrils.
  51. >Dark, exotic. A bit like roasted fruits and fresh dew, with a palpable hint of nervous sweat.
  52. >Her sphincter gives an anxious shrivel the closer you get, contracting in with a quiet squish then blooming out again.
  53. >Luna’s entire body is shaking.
  54. >You pucker up and very lightly press your lips to the surface of her silky ring. You feel each wrinkle against your lips, and then feel its reflexive, frightful clench.
  55. >”Nnh… I can feel him b-back there!”
  57. >From behind you, Celestia clicks her tongue.
  58. >”Seriously! You call that a kiss? Get in there, human.”
  59. >Her magical force manifests at the back of your head and jams you right into Luna’s derriere.
  60. >Your lips force open and wrap around the entire knot, the tang of sweat and crinkling flesh flooding your tongue.
  61. >”Wah!” Luna jolts.
  62. “Mmh-mm!”
  63. >The shock soon subsides and you let your primal urges take over, tonguing Luna’s tender little donut, enjoying that slight rubbery flavor.
  64. >Luna’s so embarrassed she just squeals and buries her face in a pillow, but that doesn’t stop you from smacking your lips around the orifice and driving your tongue inside.
  65. >Or at least, trying to.
  66. >The tip of your tongue knocks at the entrance (or rather exit), but in response it tightens up.
  67. >No amount of brute forcing helps it relax. Her anus is sealed so tightly you can feel the muscles trembling.
  68. >It’s at this moment that Celestia’s hoof taps the back of your head.
  69. >”May I?”
  70. >You pull back, your mouth tied to Luna’s ring via a thick rope of drool.
  71. >Celestia dives in in place of you, far more aggressively.
  72. >She opens her mouth wide and spills a warm, fervent breath onto her sister’s quivering ponut.
  73. >”Ahhh… open sesame…” She giggles.
  74. >But it remains closed.
  75. >Celestia’s wide, elegant tongue rolls out her mouth and jousts the pit of Luna’s pucker, somehow managing to puncture her defenses and sliver deep inside her with a muffled squelch.
  76. >Luna unleashes a deep groan into her cushion as her older sister thoroughly frenches her asshole, letting her salvia dribble down her chin and onto her sister’s snatch.
  77. >”Mmh. There. I’ve loosened it up for you.” She purrs.
  78. >Moving in beside her, you resume your previous duty and curiously poke your tongue inside the now lax sphincter.
  79. >The taste only intensifies as you dig deeper and deeper.
  80. >Her walls contract around you and her ponut tightens, but never enough to push you out of her sensitive canal.
  81. >”Mmmh!”
  82. >Something elbows in beside you, it’s Celestia, letting her much larger tongue dance around yours and penetrate her little sibling’s heinie too.
  83. >Now there are two intrusive tongues swirling inside her, keeping those sensitive walls nice and relaxed as both you and the Princess mine those delectable deep flavors.
  84. >Both at the same time, you pull back and admire her anus; your combined efforts leaving it open for a few moments before it squelches and closes again.
  86. >Celestia’s back against it in an instant, running her narrowed tongue around the edge of the cute little butthole. Every bit of contact from her bumpy tastebuds stiffens Luna’s flesh, forcing her hole to squeeze tightly shut.
  87. >You come in with a wide, lolled tongue, and start at the top of her leaking pussy before scraping your way up over her twitchy hole and to her dock.
  88. >A stronger taste of salty sweat fills your mouth as you slurp on the little fleshy nub, then return to her ponut where both you and Celestia’s tongues waltz over the distended donut.
  89. >You even meet in the middle and Celestia guides you into a lovely kiss over Luna’s exit.
  90. >Luna can’t handle any more. She roars into the cushion, hind legs trermoring as you hear fluids trickle against the fabric of the chaise lounge.
  91. >The poor thing blasted her juices everywhere, but her sister is considerate enough to give her winking lips a thorough lick to clean up any mess.
  92. >The both of you stand back and appreciate your tonguework.
  93. >Luna’s ponut is nicely-polished. It meekly puckers and shrinks and she closes her tail over it again, bringing her flustered face out from its cushiony shield.
  94. >”Th-Thank you for that.”
  95. >”Oh, don’t mention it, sister. Now…”
  96. >Celestia looks to you.
  97. >”I think there’s another issue that needs some attention.”
  98. >Her eyes glide down to your crotch.
  99. >You remember you’re still completely naked.
  100. >Ohfuck.exe

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