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Flower sisters floral ponut scent, by anon

By Guest
Created: 2022-04-17 02:46:11
Expiry: Never

  2. Do you think they would have ponut "breath" mints? Add a minty aroma and perhaps a slight tingly sensation for the pony.
  4. They have flavoured plugs and beads for that, depending on how deep you want the smell and taste reach. Some ponies however, dont have such problems and a blessed by naturally enchanting musks in both taste and smell. The flowersisters are one such example, although you can still see them wearing buttplugs, although for other reasons
  6. >walk into the flower sister's shop under the pretense of getting some flowers to spruce up your home, again
  7. >they see right through you, hiking their tails and casting back salacious glances any chance they get as they show you their floral stock
  8. >you're spellbound eventually by just how long they're able to flex their ponuts, and the way their plump rings bulge just so over the jeweled lip of their plugs
  9. >thoughts of pressing your lips around them, feeling them wrestle your tongue as their serenade of marely titters fills your ears set your heart aflutter, and after one particularly lurid and revealing "stretch" from Roseluck you faint
  10. >some time later you awaken, laid upon a soft bed, arms and legs bound to its four posts as the lazy warmth of the late spring sun spilling over your unclad form
  11. >a stream of marely giggles flutters up from under your chin, the tickle of coats and manes against your bare skin, and you bring your gaze down
  12. >there they are, all smiles, burning cheeks and half-lidded eyes, all staring knowingly straight back at you
  13. >"You think you're so clever, Anon," Roseluck said, "that you could hide the reason for your little visits behind the spring bloom."
  14. >Daisy stifled a snicker. "As if it wasn't obvious enough! Anypony with eyes would think you were trying to smuggle out a cucumber in your pants!"
  15. >"A big-" Lily paused to messily lick her lips "-juicy cucumber."
  16. >"And, well," Roseluck carried on, "we figured it high time you repaid us for all the free 'entertainment'."
  17. "Uhhhh, there should be some bits in one of my pants pockets..."
  18. >the flower trio bursts into laughter
  19. >Roseluck looks to Daisy. "The poor thing must be confused!"
  20. >Daisy nods and looks at you. "It's not bits we're after, honeysuckle."
  21. >"It's your pretty little mouth," Lily finishes, biting her lip, eyes never once breaking away from your own.
  22. "Isn't this, I dunno, illegal? Like... rape or something?"
  23. >"You can't rape the willing," Roseluck says.
  24. >"And if there's one thing we know," said Daisy, swirling circles on your chest with a free hoof, "it's just how much you really want this."
  25. >Lily sat up, straddling your midriff, leering hornily down at you. "Whether you're willing to admit it now, or later."
  26. "Later? Don't you mean--"
  27. >in an alacritous flash Lily, still straddling your torso, has her back to you, her tail hiked high, fat dock taut and plugged ponut perched precariously in your face, flexing eagerly
  28. >Roseluck slides up next to you, smugly satisfied, hot breath layering a wet sheen over your ear and neck as she spoke. "She knows what she said."
  29. >Daisy, meanwhile, had made her way southward, evidenced by the warm, kissy snoot nestled in the space between your rod and hangers
  30. >The heat and scent radiating from Lily's ponut ravage the remains of your resistance, but a shred of dignity holds you back
  31. >"It looks to me like you," said Roseluck, head resting against Lily's flank as she rested a hoof on top of your head, "could use a guide."
  33. >there's nothing you can do to resist Roseluck's gentle tug, even less as your mind fogs with Lily's floral musk
  34. >your mouth presses against the jeweled plug, and Roseluck is biting her lip
  35. >"Go ahead," she says, "pull it out. With your mouth."
  36. >for a moment the ghost of defiance flits over your consciousness, but a hum from below and peppering of smooches along your rigid length send it moaning into the abyss
  37. >carefully you spread your lips around it, and nudge your teeth behind its rim
  38. >Lily's mouth hangs in a slack smile as she watches, and Roseluck lovingly strokes your head
  39. >you manage to get a good grip on it and start pulling, but half-way through you hit a road block, it won't budge
  40. >Lily nickers into a free hoof as she delights in your struggle, and after a minute of panting frustration she grants you mercy
  41. >the plug slides out, slick and smelling potently of her, to rest right next to your head
  42. >"Good boy," Roseluck says, hoof once again guiding your head as she adds, "now for your treat"
  43. >your lips are pressed up against Lily's waiting ponut, and some unevolved part of your brain summons a lusty growl that sents a jolt of pleasure up her spine
  44. >Lily sways her plot slowly side to side, savoring how your lips never slip from her juicy pucker, then drives the futility of your former resistance home as she makes a willing seat of your face
  45. >her dock tickling the tip of your nose, the coils of her tail keeping your senses swamped in her rapturous perfume as instinct takes the reins and you lick and kiss and suck at her beautiful star, her love winking against your chin and drenching your neck and chest in affection, you can hardly think
  46. >Roseluck leans in close, watching with glee as you work, whispering breathy encouragements in your ear between the plans they have for you
  47. >"We're going to take turns," she said, "one after the other after the other. All day. Every day. Until all it takes to get you off is the thought of servicing our ponuts. Until your whole world revolves around our pretty pony plots. Does that sound good to you, anon?"
  49. >you can't string enough thoughts together to nod, can't even really tell what she just said, head so full of mare scent and mouth filled with soft ponut flesh, Lily's earthy and slightly sweet taste filling every corner of it like the mark of a land claim, the cacophony of experiences drowning out everything but the all-encompassing word mare
  50. >you had been lapping at her with your tongue for a minute when lust demanded you give it a little probe, and the gentle pressure under which it gave, the rich taste of natural mare it rewarded you with, left you in such a state that it never crossed your mind to pull back out
  51. >not that you could, the moment your tongue passed her entrance Lily had locked onto it, her powerful muscles goading it along until your lips formed a perfect seal around its new home
  52. >Lily's ponut flexed tightly, she drew her plot upward, and hungrily you followed
  53. >she drew it down, and again, without a thought, you followed
  54. >"I'll take that as a yes," said Roseluck, planting a kiss on your cheek. "Good boy."

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