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By Guest
Created: 2022-04-18 13:29:27
Expiry: Never

  2. >Dipping sauce drips down from my lips hatefully.
  3. Don't you guys GET that I *HAD* to put him up my poopie hole? huh? HUH?!?
  4. >Sob
  5. Now I'm ALL alone..
  6. >You stop crying, immediately. Beginning instead to smile.
  7. >You were never actually sad, these overdone reactions get you GREAT views though.
  8. Well...not COMPLETELY alone, guys, you won't believe WHAT I found today!
  9. >But you know something that will bring you more views.
  10. Everyone-or should I say EVERYPONY (hehe..)
  11. >You grab your camera, tilting it down and pulling back to reveal your mare.
  12. Say hello to Marble! You guys remember Marble right?
  13. >She sits sadly atop her pizza throne, the italian's delight long since having gone cold, it shames her greatly.
  14. >She hates being in these videos, though she's been in very few so far.
  15. >You've begun to gradually use her more and more for them.
  16. She's the mare I rescued from the streets! When I picked her up she was FILTHY, but now she's delicious and beautiful. Isn't that right sweetie?
  17. >You bought her from the slave markets.
  18. Right, sweetie?
  19. >She says nothing, doing everything she can to not look at you or the camera.
  20. >You'll have to fix that at some point.
  21. Well, everyone might have left me and you guys are killing me but atleast MARBLE loves me.
  22. Anyway, lets go ahead and eat all sixty eight of these pizzas! Mmm~
  23. >Your dark work begins, you eat one pizza after the other greedily. The slices barely go into your mouth with each bite, instead primarily rubbing against your face and neck as if you were being gang banged by endless italians splurting tomato sauce onto your greasy pig textured skin.
  24. >
  25. >You molest the food more than it molests you, somewhere god weeps, knowing that life had been destroyed to make something that should nourish and preserve.
  26. >But instead would be used to destroy and be defiled.
  27. >The video proceeds until all pizzas are gone, save for marble's.
  28. >You don't take hers.
  29. >You have better ideas.
  30. >Soon the pizzas are gone.
  31. >When they are, you end your video with a rambling good bye.
  32. >Sitting in your bed there after the camera is off, is quiet, impregnating the air with a thick and unnatural silence.
  33. >Marble is not comfortable, she wishes you would stop, that she could go home to her sisters.
  34. >But she never will.
  35. >And you will never stop.
  36. >You grip a box of buffalo wings, popping them open. You hold back the immediate undiscerning lust you feel to slide these into your gaping throat one after the other bone and all.
  37. >The thought of doing which, makes you sweat profusely.
  38. >And become incredibly erect.
  39. >But you have plans.
  40. Marble?
  41. >...
  42. >Says marble.
  43. Sweetie, I have a question for you?
  44. >There is quiet.
  45. >But now the quiet is uncertain.
  46. >She lifts her head up barely, looking cartoonish and sad on her throne. Her hair is greasy, hanging lightly in her face.
  47. >Miserable, alone.
  48. >Uncertain.
  49. Do you..
  50. >You take a moment to look at your reflection in an open packet of garlic butter, slicking your hair back with your hand to maintain your look.
  51. Want a snacky wacky?
  52. >Marble's heart drops into her stomache when the words dribble past your lips.
  53. >You feel flush.
  54. >"Mm-mm!"
  55. >She shakes her head no rapidly.
  56. >You rub your erection with your left hand clumsily through your shorts.
  57. >The fat in your hands makes it hard to maneuver your fingers the way you used to.
  58. >But every pound gets you more views.
  59. >So you don't mind.
  60. Marble..honey I'm worried about you sweetie. You haven't had anything to eat since last time.
  61. >Marble can feel her heart clenching.
  62. >She does not move from her seat.
  63. >You take the box and shamble yourself closer to her.
  64. >Clumsy, awkward, like a lurking obese hippopotamus ready to bite the shit out of a young egyptian man.
  65. >Marble eyes your erection fearfully, pupils flashing to it jiggling back and forth lazily through your loose shorts.
  66. >Then she looks back up to you, her body shaking unmeaningfully.
  67. Don't you know I'm worried about you..?
  68. >If she were able to talk, she would beg you to stay back.
  69. >But she doesn't.
  70. >So you come closer until you're infront of her.
  71. >She does not leave the pizza.
  72. >She knows better than to do this.
  73. >She's a good girl.
  74. >She wants to be away from you more than anything in the world.
  75. Now, we've just GOT to do something about that! I want you to open up your pretty little muzzle and say 'ah'.
  76. Understood, Princess?
  77. >She shakes her head no, uneasily.
  78. Aww...c'mon..wont you do it? For me?
  79. >She shakes her head no meekly.
  80. Wow,
  81. >Your boner throbs.
  82. I cannot FUCKING believe you would do this to me. Don't you understand how much I care about you?
  83. >You loom over her.
  84. All I do is work for you. I bought you from the pony market so you could HAVE a life! I didn't have to do that! I didn't NEED to bring you into my nice pretty house. I could have just let my boyfriend live here,
  85. >"Nnnn.."
  86. >Marble feels the hairs on her body stand up.
  87. >She should run.
  88. >But she does not.
  89. >She is a good pony.
  90. But I took you in out of the kindness of my heart. Now you want to starve yourself so *I* get in trouble, don't you? Did you ever stop to consider how much I'm hurting myself to save you.
  91. >Marble casts her eyes down away from you, the grease of the pizza making her soft underbelly sting.
  92. Of course you didn't. Because you never do, because you are nobody. You stupid shit. Selfish fucking cunt.
  93. >Your pony is quiet, but you are good at reading emotions. You always have been.
  94. >You know you got to her.
  95. >Just a little more now.
  96. Would your parents want you to starve yourself to death?
  97. >"Nnnnnhh..."
  98. How about your sisters..?
  99. >That one causes her to almost stop shaking in fear of you.
  100. You know, I could always go back and pick them up but if you're just going to waste away then..
  101. >Her head shoots up to look at you, standing up on her front hooves to try and lean closer to you.
  102. >She opens her mouth to speak,
  103. >"Please!"
  104. >Is all that comes out. Quiet, barely audible.
  105. >You've got her.
  106. I can get them,
  107. >She looks so hopeful.
  108. But...we need you to get back to a healthy weight.
  109. >There it is.
  110. >That little reaction, the realization.
  111. >Her hope starts to fall away.
  112. >She knows what you're going to do to her.
  113. Now,
  114. >"..."
  115. Will you eat? For your Daddy, Marble?
  116. >She sits back onto the pizza.
  117. >A long second passes which seems to marble like hours, but she relents and she nods.
  118. Good girl! Good girl.
  119. Now, get yourself ready, ok?
  120. >She needs no further prompting, she rolls herself onto her back, feeling the cheese move and slide around ontop of the dough and tomato sauce. Her legs splayed open and eyes looking up to the ceiling. Her mare bits on display, a light purple and puffy area.
  121. >Miserable and unhappy.
  122. >You grab your box of buffalo wings, setting them on her chest.
  123. >You lean over her.
  124. Say "ah" Princess~
  125. >"A..Ahh.."
  126. >She opens her mouth.
  127. >You grip a buffalo wing and dip it into the garlic butter.
  128. >You raise it over her face and notice the pimples beginning to form underneath her velveteen coat.
  129. >Last weeks play time seems to be starting to set in, very good.
  130. >You move the buffalo wing a few different directions, making airplane noises, your erection throbbing horribly still.
  131. >Eventually it finds it's way into her mouth, in fact coming into her gaping hole so quickly that she nearly chokes in the process, spittle dripping down her chin as she catches her breath.
  132. >Marble is unsure, as she always is during play time.
  133. >You quirk your perfectly trimmed brow and make sure she is aware of your silent judgement.
  134. >She whimpers,
  135. >Then begins to suckle on the buffalo wing like she's supposed to.
  136. >You take the buffalo wing, swirling around the remnant of a once living being inside her mouth. The taste is foul to marble, as her species is vegetarian with the exception of eggs.
  137. >You love that.
  138. Good girl..that's my Princess..
  139. >You can barely breathe you're so excited.
  140. >Keep yourself under control, don't want to give yourself a heart attack.
  141. >You thrust the buffalo wing inside of her mouth a few times, reminding her not to bite until you say so.
  142. >Marble is a good girl, built for sucking. She gives a blow job to her first wing with style, the scene dragging on far longer than it should. But that's the point you suppose. Breaking a horse can't be done quickly.
  143. >She slobbers the meat product unhappily, before eventually you tell her it's almost time to be done.
  144. >There is a moment where she hopes it really is done, that you'll just take it out of her mouth and let her go away to her room.
  145. >But she never remembers that she has to actually bite down, and when you tell her to start eating the wing she looks ready to cry.
  146. >Every bite tastes disgusting, nearly throwing up when she swallows finally.
  147. >Only barely managing to hold back. She remembers what happened the last time she threw up.
  148. >She doesn't want that to happen again.
  149. >You grab another wing, and slide it into her mouth with one hand.
  150. >She suckles it like a pacifier.
  151. >You grab another wing.
  152. >Marble wonders what you're going to do with it.
  153. >She stops wondering once your free hand begins to grip her pussy lips.
  154. >She thrashes about wildly like an angry ferret, trying her best not to spit out the wing to catch your ire nor to swallow it.
  155. Hey!
  156. He-
  157. >You fight to keep her still.
  158. >She fights to get away.
  159. >Your other hand holds the wing for dear life.
  160. I said hey! Calm down!
  161. >'Oh Celestia,'
  162. >'Celestia please help.'
  163. >'Please,'
  164. >She prays in her own mind.
  165. >But Celestia does not come today.
  167. >She freezes.
  168. If you keep moving I'm going to have to punish you. Do you want to be punished? Do you want me to correct you, Princess? I don't want to have to make you learn why being a squirmy wormy is a bad thing.
  169. >Her shoulders feel like they have ice in them.
  170. >She stops squirming, her eyes stinging she looks up at the ceiling.
  171. >She resigns to her fate.
  172. >You take the greasy sauce covered wing to her pussy, and begin to rub it against the outer folds.
  173. >This causes marble to shiver.
  174. >She hates it.
  175. >You make sure to cover her outer folds with sauce and grease as much as possible. When more of it is on her than the wing, you give it a dip before returning back to her parts.
  176. >When it meets her lips, you begin to press into her hole, sliding the meat inside of her.
  177. >Marble feels something in her chest break.
  178. >And she begins to cry, globules of tears cascading down her face.
  179. >She tries to remember being a filly, anything to take her away from this place. From the influencer who owns her.
  180. >But all she can focus on is the buffalo wing violating her.
  181. >Your heart beats hard.
  182. >You take a calming breath.
  183. >Gripping the buffalo wing as if it would fly away if you didn't, you proceed to slide it back and forth inside of her.
  184. >Though marble does not want it, her body reacts to the invader, clinging to it and flexing around it.
  185. >She can't stop crying.
  186. >Your cock rubs against your thighs viciously, as every last ounce of fat jiggles around in your body with every thrust of the wing.
  187. >Your breath is heavy, haphazard, the pony cries so hard you wonder if she's going to choke on the wing.
  188. >She better the fuck not, you paid good money for that pony. You'd hate to have to take her to the doctor.
  189. >Though, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Could be a great video.
  190. >Your swollen cock throbs against the makeshift vagina that is your thighs and pendulous avocado shaped testicles underneath it.
  191. >Your heart pounds.
  192. >Stay cool.
  193. >It feels like a train trying to run it's way out of your chest.
  194. >Your head is swimming in the air.
  195. >Just breathe.
  196. >You feel a familiar pressure building in your nethers.
  197. >And another in your chest.
  198. >You slide the wing inside her violently, then yank back only to receive the bone.
  199. >The meat was de gloved, staying inside her.
  200. >Marble feels disgusting.
  201. >But the pressure tips over, you groan and shoot your load into your shorts.
  202. >Then fall backwards.
  203. >You can't breathe.
  204. >Your sweat feels cold.
  205. >Everything hurts.
  206. >Marble is crying, she looks over to you.
  207. >You don't notice this.
  208. >She feels an almost childlike sense of wonder as she beholds the way you struggle to cling to life.
  209. >Was this it?
  210. Were you going to die?
  211. >Celestia, let him die.
  212. >Please.
  213. >Please let it be over.
  214. >Make it all go away.
  215. >For a moment, you stop moving.
  216. >The pain subsides.
  217. >The jizz feels cold against your thighs.
  218. >You sit up slowly, Marble despairs with this.
  219. >You tell her to clean up, finish the food, and that you're gonna go shower.
  220. >If she's good, she might even get a treat before bed time!
  221. >When you leave, closing the door behind you, the buffalo wing leaves her mouth with a wet pop loud enough to hear outside the door.
  222. >The crying is quieter now, more resigned. Like something was broken inside of her fundamentally, and she could only mourn it's loss now.
  223. >You giggle and head off to the shower.
  224. >You've got a new raspberry shampoo sample to try out!
  225. >Being an influencer is great.

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