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Fixing Moondancer's Autism

By yehlux
Created: 2022-04-21 13:33:33
Updated: 2022-04-21 13:38:46
Expiry: Never

  2. >You don't know what its like being a virgin anon.
  3. >Nopony, not even mares want to even look at me in any suggestive manner.
  4. >Even during estrus season I don't get so much as a glance.
  5. >You have no idea what its like to be unloved and alone!
  7. When's the last time you showered?
  8. >"What?"
  9. Simple question, come on.
  10. >"Well not today, but if I'd known you'd be by-"
  11. You'd have come up with an excuse to not be around and avoided showering for another day.
  12. >"Yeah..."
  13. Right, step one, shower daily, or at least every other day.
  14. >"I mean, I don't really leave the house for m-"
  15. Not important, just make it a habit.
  16. Now, what do you think a stallion WANTS in a mare?
  17. >"Good looks, cute personality, being shorter than he is, being able to cook, being seductive and not being an emotional wreck?"
  18. 100% wrong, just look half decent and know how to carry a conversation.
  19. >"So literally everything I'm NOT?"
  20. Yes, but that's fixable, ditch that weird haircut you've got and brush it once in the morning and you'll be just about perfect.
  21. >"What about my glasses?"
  22. Don't worry about them, they look kinda cute.
  23. >"Y-You really think they're cute?"
  24. Yeah, now about talking to stallions, how would you open a conversation?
  25. >"Uh..."
  26. Yeah that's gonna need some work.
  27. Just say something generic, 'how about this weather?' or something along those lines, but get creative with it.
  28. >"Uh, alright."
  29. >*Ahem*
  30. >"Well, it's pretty nice out today, isn't it?"
  31. Bingo, if they respond like 'Yeah it a nice change from all the rain we've had the last little while' you're in, just keep following the topic and talking about things tangentially related, if they say something like 'Uhuh' that's not them saying 'you're an unloveable monster, stop talking to me' they probably just aren't in the mood to talk.
  32. >"Okay... that makes sense, but like, how does that, ya know, lead in to, uh, 'it'?"
  33. Sex?
  34. It doesn't just yet, but you gotta work your way there, wait for a topic to come up that you can use to lead in to something flirty, if they shut you down play it off like a joke and just keep talking until the conversation's done and give him your number then go your separate ways, if they DO bite though, THAT'S when you start aiming for a one night stand.
  35. >"This all seems kinda complex..."
  36. Yeah but you're smart, once you try it a few times you should be able to nail it consistently.
  37. >"You uh, wanna like, do a little, uh, 'role play'? J-Just so I can get used to it."
  38. Sure, just grab a shower and brush your hair first, I've got no plans for tonight so I can drop by around 4-ish and we can keep working on your game.
  39. >"C-Cool! I'll see you at 4 then."
  40. Deal.
  42. >4PM Equestrian Standard Time
  43. >Moondancer's house
  44. >It smells of coffee, books and repressed sexual frustration
  45. >*Knock knock*
  46. >"JUST A SEC!"
  47. >Hoofs thunder against the ground from inside the house
  48. >The door swings open
  49. >"Hey! Anon! Glad you made it!"
  50. >Moondancer's mane is tied back in a pony tail behind her head, as opposed to the strange 2nd horn look she seemed to be going for before
  51. Glad to be here.
  52. >The inside of the house is remarkably tidy compared to it's usual state
  53. Nice to see you're keeping the place clean, love what you did with your mane too.
  54. >"Y-You like it? I tried to do something fancier but it was still kinda wet so I figured I'd just tie it off and let it dry."
  55. So you're saying you're NATURALLY good looking?
  56. >Moondancer's cheeks run bright red
  57. >"Heh, uh, ye- m-maybe?"
  58. Best way to answer that one is to just be modest.
  59. >You provide headpats for the flustered NEET horse.
  60. >She almost seems to shiver with pleasure as you do.
  61. >Entering her home, you both make for the living room
  62. So, you wanna order food while we work things out?
  63. >"Uh... yeah! Is uh, pizza good?"
  64. Sure, that'd be perfect.
  65. >One quick phone call later
  66. So, think you've got a rough idea how to talk to a stallion now?
  67. >"Kinda? If I'm changing the subject, it needs to be something related, and I shouldn't be put off if they don't want to talk because it's probably not my fault?"
  68. Right on the money, but what about if he brings up a topic you REALLY don't want to talk about?
  69. >"I uh, just put up with it?"
  70. Nah, he'll know you're not really interested in the subject, so try to follow along, let him do most of the talking, but change the subject as soon as you can.
  71. >"Alright, that seems simple enough..."
  72. Here's the important part though, once you get to know a stallion, you can just be direct about most things, and I cannot stress this enough, THAT IS THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION.
  73. >"So, if I know him, and I wanna, ya know..."
  74. Just straight up ask, no sane stallion is going to take one look at a cute mare like you, hear her say 'BREED ME' and NOT be at full mast in seconds.
  75. >Moondancer's face goes red once more, her eyes wide as she seems distracted with her thoughts
  76. >"I-I see."
  77. Keep in mind though, that's AFTER you get to know him, you can't just start a conversation with 'ayyo gimme yer fat horsedick'.
  78. >Moondancer snorts loudly
  79. >"Yeah I figured that much on my own."
  80. And the kind of guy that WILL work on probably isn't the kind you wanna be getting into a relationship with.
  81. >The doorbell rings
  82. >You look out the window
  83. >Strapping young stallion, pizza in hoof
  84. Ah, this should be a good test.
  85. >"Wait, can't you just-"
  86. Nah, you go answer it, don't do anything wild, just try to strike up a conversation.
  87. >"A-Alright."
  88. >Moondancer gets off the couch, making her way apprehensively towards the doo
  90. >Moondancer opens the door, bits in hand
  91. >"H-Hey." she starts
  92. >"Evening, you order the 2 pepperonis with extra cheese?" the delivery pony asks
  93. >"Yup!" she responds
  94. >"Great, that's 5 bits."
  95. >"Nice, uh... exact change." she chuckles sheepishly, handing over the money along with a reasonable tip
  96. >He takes the change and and begins to dig out the pizza from his bag
  97. >"L-Lovely weather we've been having today, huh?" Moondancer awkwardly sputters
  98. >He hands her the pizza
  99. >"Yeah, sure beats the rain we've had the last few days." he groans
  100. >"That must suck, I can imagine it's, uh, not great having to deliver in the rain." Moondancer improvises
  101. >"Yeah, but on the upside, ponies tend to tip a lot more when they see you drenched from the downpour AND you're still getting their food to them on time." he responds casually
  102. >"That's fair, hopefully it doesn't rain again tonight though." she remarks
  103. >"Yeah here's hoping." he responds, looking at the clouds to check "Anyways, I gotta run, got two more orders to drop off. Have a good night, and enjoy the pizza."
  104. >"Th-Thanks, you too." she responds
  105. >She closes the door and begins bringing the pizza back to the living room
  106. Nailed it.
  107. >"R-Really?"
  108. Yep, that's about as good as it gets for casual conversation.
  109. >"Well, that was actually kinda easy."
  110. Exactly, told you it wouldn't be that hard.
  111. >Moondancer sets the pizza on the table as she sits herself down on the couch once more
  112. >"So how exactly do I go from that to, well..."
  113. Fucking?
  114. >"Yes, that."
  115. Well you usually don't do that with the pizza guy unless you're staring in a cheesy porno, but that first conversation is key.
  116. >"Well yeah, I didn't plan on fucking the delivery guy."
  117. Yeah, same here.
  118. >Moondancer chuckles
  119. >You both start consuming the pizza at a startling rate
  120. Anyways, point is, if you can get that first conversation going, that helps you learn more about him, lets you figure out if he's your type or not and if you two would work together.
  121. >"So you're saying literally every conversation I have with a stallion is just to scope out a potential mate?"
  122. Oh nonono, I'm just saying that if you're talking to someone you MIGHT want to get together with, that's what you SHOULD be doing.
  123. >"Aaaaah, okay."
  124. Start a casual conversation, talk for a bit, ask them about themselves, listen, comment on what they say and once you think know enough make a choice.
  125. >"And then what?"
  126. Then set up a time and a place to meet, share contact info and go from there.
  127. >"Alright, and then we fuck?"
  128. Man, are you this horny all the time?
  129. >"W-Wait, I didn't mean it like tha-"
  130. I know, I know, but no, usually you SHOULDN'T get in bed on the first date, gives the wrong impression, wait for the 3rd, if he doesn't stick around that long he wasn't going to commit to anything long term anyways.
  131. >"Alright, so that's how I tell the difference between guys that just wanna get it on and guys that actually enjoy spending time with me?"
  132. Exactly.
  134. >"So, like, on the subject of that whole 'sex' part..."
  135. Well that's a bit of a broad topic, anything in particular you wanna ask about?
  136. >"Well, does it hurt?"
  137. It shouldn't, as long as you relax and he knows how to deal with foreplay it should only really hurt the first time but if you ask him to be gentle it shouldn't be an issue.
  138. >"O-Okay. And what about, like, actually doing it? Is there anything I should be worried about?"
  139. Not really, once you actually START fucking you'll more or less just kinda know what you're supposed to do, which is mostly laying back and taking it.
  140. >"So like, how does that usually go?"
  141. C'mon, you know how sex works right?
  142. >"I mean, I've seen porn and read some steamy romance novels but like, that's not really how it works right?"
  143. Kinda, real sex tends to be a lot wetter and involve a lot more emotion.
  144. >"S-So like, if you and me were to do it right now on this couch, how exactly would that work? H-Hypothetically speaking."
  145. Well, I'd start with a hot, passionate kiss, slip a hand between your hind legs to see how wet you were, then run a finger over your clit until you're soaked enough to fit it in, then whip it out and take you missionary until we both finish.
  146. >Moondancer tucks her forelegs tightly against the space between her hind legs, her face bright red
  147. >"I-I see, th-that sounds pretty easy to uh, follow along with."
  148. Yeah, I mean, it'd be your first time still so might as well keep it fairly vanilla.
  149. >"Y-Yeah, totally."
  150. >You think you can hear her panting softly
  151. >"Hey, uh, Anon."
  152. Yeah?
  153. >"I-I've known you for a a while right?"
  154. More or less.
  155. >"You uh, you enjoy spending time with me right?"
  156. Totally, you're always good company.
  157. >"So, it's okay if I'm to the point with you right?"
  158. Sure.
  159. >Moondancer gulps loudly
  160. >"Well, here goes nothing..."
  161. >She looks you straight in the eye
  162. >"I want you to take my virginity."
  163. Are you sure?
  164. You wouldn't rather have some handsome stallion take you by the firelight after a fancy dinner?
  165. >"Anon, I'm a NEET that spends her days reading books and getting off to steamy romance novels, this IS my fancy candle light dinner."
  166. I just wasn't really expecting you to be interested in me to be honest, I figured you'd be after someo-
  168. >You pause for a moment
  169. Fuck it, I love you too.
  171. >"Wha- I- Uh- I'm sorry I-I just got so worked up I-"
  172. >You pounce the small NEET pony before she can say another word
  173. >Moondancer shrieks as you pin her forelegs to the couch
  174. >Locking lips, you can feel her heart pounding out of her chest as you press against her
  175. >She moans as you make out with her, like a life time of pent up sexual frustration being unloaded on you
  176. >You reach your hand down between her hind legs
  177. >She's completely drenched all the way down her thighs
  178. >She moans as you run your fingers over her slit, her lower body quaking as you make contact with her clit
  179. >You break the kiss
  180. You want me to take it slow?
  181. >She stares into your eyes
  182. >"BREAK ME!" she begs
  183. >You throw your pants off, your member solid enough to be a lethal weapon
  184. >You press against her entrance
  185. >Her eyes roll back as she moans
  186. >With a single thrust, you force yourself in half way
  187. >Moondancer screams with pleasure, her whole body shaking
  188. >You can feel her leaking all over your member
  189. >She already came
  190. >"I..." she pants
  191. I noticed.
  192. >"I'm sorry..." she says, on the verge of tears
  193. >You kiss her on her forehead
  194. No worries, we're only just getting started.
  195. >You force yourself in the rest of the way
  196. >Moondancer moans uncontrollably as her eyes roll back into her head
  197. >Good god is she tight
  198. >You might not even fit if she wasn't drenched
  199. >You pull back, starting to thrust as you hold her tight
  200. >"D-Don't stop!" she slurs, still intoxicated from her climax
  201. >Picking up the pace, you smash in to her tight hole, your body slapping against her soaked crotch as you glide in and out effortlessly
  202. >The sounds echo throughout the house
  203. >Her mane bobs up and down as you fuck her senseless, slowly becoming drenched in sweat
  204. >You can feel a sensation building up inside you, a rising sense of pleasure
  205. >Her hole tightens around you, her legs shaking
  206. >"I-I think I'm-"
  207. Me too.
  208. >You lock her into another kiss
  209. >Another rush of marecum coats your thighs
  210. >Finally, you feel your member explode with pleasure, unloading like a fire hose deep inside your partner
  211. >You both sit there for a moment, panting and dripping with sweat and cum
  212. >Moondancer looks at you with a warm smile
  213. >"Thankyou..." she coos
  214. >You hold her close against your chest
  215. The pleasure was all mine.
  216. >Looking down, you see the massive stain in the couch she's left
  217. Actually, maybe just 'mostly' mine.
  218. >Moondancer blushes
  219. >"I enjoyed it too." she moans
  220. >She reaches up and plants a kiss on your cheek
  221. >Holding on to her, you lay yourself back on the couch, the cute, cumdrunk mare resting comfortably on your chest
  222. >Slowly, you drift off to sleep, arms firmly wrapped around Moondancer

Fondling Sweetie Belle's Marshmallow Butt

by yehlux

Fixing Moondancer's Autism

by yehlux

Hey, this one is exactly what it sounds like

by yehlux