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>Be Anon
>The CMC asked you to join them for their next team meeting at the clubhouse, and you decided that it wasn't worth the heartache of declining them
>Because sad filly expressions are a weapon of war that Celestia, and every other official you've confronted, refuses to acknowledge
>This isn't the first time you've sat in on one of their official get-togethers
>But it's the first time you've seen them do anything besides than plan their next outing
>This time, they're brewing potions
>When asked of their purpose, they become very dodgy and insist that it's better left as a surprise
>Curious, you start paying attention to the ingredients they add
>No luck, as there seems to be no rhyme or reason for what goes in
>Deep in thought, you're startled when they joyously exclaim upon finishing the first potion
>"We did it, girls!" Shouts Apple Bloom, holding the mysterious mixture as high into the sky as she can reach. "Now she'll finally leave us alone!"
>The other two dart their hooves to cover her mouth, as if such an action will undo the sentence
>Just as you're about to ask, a voice speaks up from outside of the clubhouse
>A voice that you loathe having to hear, as it's attached to a pony you'd very much like stomp out
>If only because of the misery she and her lackey put on these poor girls constantly
>She also calls you a monkey any chance she gets, which does little for her image in your mind
>"Are you three finished in there?" She asks, clearly holding back her favorite nickname for the group in question. "If not, our deal is officially over"
>The CMC look mortified at the vague insinuation, and talk over each other to placate the impatient filly
>Once she's seemingly satisfied, the three huddle together for a minute, discussing something that seems urgent
>You're actually able to make out a couple things
>Sweetie Belle pipes up and says something to the effect of "we don't have time to make the other one", before being shushed
>They must be talking about–
>"The potion!" Yells Scootaloo, shoving the bottle into your face. "You should try it, quickly!"
>You grab it, looking curiously at the strange liquid through the clear container
>Apple Bloom rushes to Scootaloo's side, followed by Sweetie Belle, and they look unsure for a moment before agreeing
>You ask why it's so urgent, and they stumble for a moment before reasoning that it's effects won't work unless it's consumed shortly after completion
>You decide that you won't drink it unless you know what it does, first
>And then...
>Oh no, sad filly faces!
>You look away, but they keep entering your field of view
>When trying to close your eyes, you hear a horn light up with magic, and your eyes are slowly pried open by the magically-inept Sweetie Belle
>You wave her off, opening your eyes consensually when you imagine your eyelids being torn off upon further resistance
>Fear in your core, and another heartstring clipped, you upturn the bottle with shaky hands
>As the surprisingly tasty liquid makes its way down your throat, your young nemesis decides that now is the right time to make her entrance
>You hear her start to chew out the CMC, but stop short
>You sigh, the potion regrettably consumed, and start to feel a change immediately
>Holding your head, you question the girls desperately as you begin to feel your motor functions leave you, and receive only looks of pity and regret in return
>Unable to muster the strength to do much else, you slowly tumble backwards and hit the floor, unable to move your arm to rub the soreness that the impact caused your head
>The CMC cry out in terror, but you see Diamond Tiara stop them from assisting you, laughing her evil laugh all the while
>Still able to move your eyes, your gaze catches Sweetie Belle's, and you detect shame in her eyes before she turns away; heading for the exit at the pink filly's command
>The other two follow, and all three hold their heads down the whole way to the exit
>Diamond Tiara waves them off, smiling with what she assumes to look like innocence, reminding them to close the door on their way out
>You meet their collective gaze one last time as they turn to do so, with what you assume to look like disappointment, and they recoil slightly, before the door is finally shut by Scootaloo
>Sighing, she turns to face you, a cold smile adorning her punchable face
>You think she meant it to be warm
>"It's about time!" She exasperatedly exclaims. "I was beginning to think that those three blank-flanked whorses were flaking out on me, but even I can be wrong from time to time"
>She giggles, walking up to you and giving you a once-over
>Of course, your attempt to move away out of disgust is met by silence from all of your un-firing muscles
>Grinning like a miniature maniac, she leans down and starts licking your face, and even stealing a few kisses while she's at it
>Fucking weirdo
>She laughs, straddling your chest and staring at your face
>"Ahh, this is great" She moves her hooves along your body, tingling at the freedom she has. "I may just have to thank those three, later"
>Your fists desperately want to clench, and anguish floods your mind when you're unable to do so
>You don't know what to think of them anymore
>You don't want to think of them anymore
>She steps off for a moment as she pushes your shirt up, reveling in the new sensation that contact gives, as you're revolted by it
>Her excitement is evident in the wetness you feel when she plants herself back onto you
>This filly is sick
>And not in the cool way
>She grinds back and forth, each movement making you question why you were brought to this damn planet to begin with
>Once she gets bored of that, she hops off and begins dragging you to the nearest wall
>After a non-trivial struggle, which you found amusing in spite of the circumstances, she props you up against it
>Much to her dismay, gravity does you a solid for once and causes your shirt to cover you again
>Pouting, she turns her eyes lower and settles her gaze on your pants
>No, this isn't possible
>How could she know about Johnson!?
>Wait, don't lose your head, dumbass
>She might not know
>"Well, if I thank them for anything, it'll be for telling me where this is..." She giddily trots over and begins the process of removing your most vital piece of armor.
>How could they have possibly known–
>That time when you were walking through the streets with them, helping them put up flyers for their 'Cutie Mark Crusader's (legally-sanctioned) Bare-Bottom-Boxing' event, and you realized that all the mares you were passing were completely naked
>You thought you had them fooled when you said that the bird was calling out in desperation to all the bees it had to ignore, but it seems they did their homework and solved your foolish riddle
>Returning to the present, your pants are now off
>Nowhere in your riddle were instructions on how to undo a buckle
>Rarity has fucked you for the last time
>With every cell in your body screaming in a language your muscles no longer recognize, she rests on your legs and buries her tiny muzzle in your crotch
>Taking a deep breath into her nostrils, her eyes fall closed and she starts brushing your equipment tenderly with her muzzle
>Your eyes go hazy as you try to think about anything else
>The time Fluttershy locked you in her cottage and said that you weren't leaving until you pet her bunny
>The time Twilight strapped you into a chair in her basement and said to just let the truth flow out
>The time Lyra–
>Oh dear God, she's taken Johnson into her mouth!
>The small, pink succubus makes noises of satisfaction as she savors every inch of its salty surface
>Cursing inwardly at your body's sudden, but inevitable betrayal, you watch in horror as it begins to rise
>At ease, Private!
>Her gasp of surprise is muffled as her mouth is suddenly filled, then she giggles at her victory and goes back to enjoying her treat
>The time Applejack caught you and Apple Bloom bucking, and decided to teach you how an experienced farm-pony does it for the next several hours
>The time Lyra–
>She takes several deep breaths as her mouth finally stops engulfing your untimely salute, a tendril of sticky saliva refusing to acknowledge the disconnection
>As much as you don't want to admit it, your AWOL Private might be contributing to the stickiness
>Not giving you time to retreat into your vague, yet somehow not lewd, memories, she crawls up to your midsection
>She's trembling in anticipation of what comes next, and bites her lip as she hovers above your traitor of a penis, her young body raining its never-ending excitement onto it
>She directs her lust-filled gaze into your eyes for a moment, and neither of you are sure what she saw before both of your hips are joined with a wet thud, sending her head reeling back
>The only sounds that escape her are tiny squeaks, and her body is going haywire as it tries to assess the sudden entry
>That is to say, her small, confused cooch is spasming and clenching you very tightly
>She recovers enough to look down at where the action is happening, and squeaks more as she starts moving her hips back and forth
>Despite your best efforts, which doesn't amount to a lot in your vegetative state, your body begins sending terrible, terrible signals
>And Johnson, the bastard, receives them happily
>A few agonizing moments later, she leans forward and rests against your chest, hugging you as her breathing starts to regulate
>Dashing your hopes that she'd passed out, she slowly raises her rump, her mewling accompanying the sickening sound of your combined fluids as your hips part ways
>Their reunion comes all-too-soon as she slams her rear back onto you, a cry of several different emotions being muffled as she buries her face in your chest
>Having gotten a taste for the addictive pleasure, she starts riding you with abandon; the telltale sounds of rabid lovemaking filling the air of the once-innocent clubhouse as she loses herself in the activity
>The time Rainbow Dash...
>You can't do it anymore
>It's too hard to focus with this unhinged filly bouncing on you like this, making noises that should never come out of someone so young
>Your body refuses to see it from this point of view, however, and only cares about its natural instincts
>And those are telling it to ravish the female in front of it until its satisfied
>The only blessing you've been given this day is that your body can't betray you any further
>She continues to move despite the sweat covering her small frame, her tongue hanging free and eyes glazed over as her body shifts over as many processors to pleasure as it can
>With her cries increasing in volume, and her movements becoming more erratic, it's clear that she's getting close
>Sadly, so are you
>You became very self-aware when Cadence told you that she sees you when you masturbate
>You were too afraid to brush off the silly notion, so it's been months since you've gotten any relief
>Damn you, Cadence
>Damn you, Cutie Mark Crusaders
>And damn you, Diamond Tiara
>With one last, shrill cry, she slams her rump onto your crotch for the final time, hugging you tightly as you both tip over the edge of climax
>She trembles against you, whimpering at every pulse as her young womb is flooded to the point of overflowing
>Once your bodies have finally settled down, she simply rests against you; fully exhausted
>Once she catches her breath slightly, she plants her best impression of a passionate kiss on your lips before speaking
>"I love you so much, Anon" She says, a tired smile on her sweat-matted face. "I can't wait to bring you home and do this every day"
>Before your mind can process the horrific contents of what she said, the door to the clubhouse flies open
>Her mother, Spoiled Rich, takes in the scene as she struts in
>The CMC follow at a safe distance, looking even more distraught than when they left you here earlier
>Well, you're in no position to explain why you're hilted in her daughter's, now filled, puss, so you consider your life forfeit and wait for the end
>She gives you both an indifferent look, even as she realizes what just went down, and calls her daughter's full name with all the authority of a mother
>The daughter in question jolts upright, only now aware that you aren't alone anymore
>She turns her head to face her mother, still straddling your soaked lap
>"M-mother!?" Her eyes go wide with fear. "What are you doing here!?"
>Spoiled turns her muzzle upward, as she does
>"I am your mother, and I've been looking all over for you, so why don't you answer that question first" She states, rather than asks. "Before I get upset"
>You don't know what the hell is going on anymore, and you can only watch with fear-tinged curiosity as it continues to play out
>"No, well, I-I was just..." She trails off, her mind racing to come up with any plausible conclusion
>Seeing that there's no way she can possibly explain away this absurd situation, she opts to bury her face in your chest once again, hugging you as if you're about to disappear
>Spoiled looks as if she's about to explode, before suddenly sighing and approaching the both of you
>Fuck, here it comes
>She goes to grab Diamond Tiara by the neck with her mouth and pull her off of you, but takes one look at her sweat-covered body and decides not to
>"Diamond Tiara, we're leaving, and I will not take no for an answer" She stands right next to you, gesturing to her withers. "Now!"
>She flinches at the small outburst, and tries to hide herself by sinking deeper into you
>You hear a horn revving up, and everyone's attention, except for Diamond Tiara's, is directed at Sweetie Belle
>After some visible strain, and what looks like barely-contained anger, Diamond Tiara starts to glow in Sweetie's aura, and is lifted off of you with a squelch
>With seed spilling out of her the whole way, she's placed, flailing, onto her mother's back, who grimaces at her daughter's filthy body as she's forced to carry her
>"Noooo, my love!" She cries. "Can't I bring him with me, mother!?"
>"Absolutely not" She replies, trying not to shake any more fluids out of the filly as she trots carefully, yet swiftly, out of the clubhouse. "The rest of your day will be spent explaining this to your father, and to all the ponies who stop us on the way home"
>Her wail upon hearing those threatening words carries until they're both out of sight, leaving you with the original crew
>Plus one vegetable
>Seeing that you're in no state to make the first move, Scootaloo pushes Apple Bloom towards you
>She's holding what looks like a potion, and you start to panic
>She opens her mouth to speak, but pauses for a moment to gag when she sees the mess that was made on your lap
>"Uhh, hey, A-Ah know that we have no right to ask ya' to forgive us after we kinda paid DT off with yer body, an' all, but..." She trails off, shaking her head when the sentence hits her own ears. "Umm, n-never mind, just drink this and you'll be able to move again"
>Eyeing the mixture with skepticism, and rightfully so, she hastily explains herself
>"After we left, we went straight to Zecora's and begged her to brew a potion that would undo the effects of the first one" She turns around, calling to said Zebra, who seems to have been waiting outside during the whole encounter. "Thankfully, Sweetie Belle also had the idea to bring her with us in case you didn't trust us"
>You give Zecora what you hope is a quizzical look, and she simply smiles and nods, seeming rather amused at the whole situation
>Realizing that waiting for your consent is kinda fruitless, Apple Bloom puts the bottle to your mouth and sends the liquid déjà vu down your throat
>Within moments, function starts to return to your aching body
>Immediately reaching for your pants, you pause when you remember how much of a mess you are, and don't want to walk home caked in yours and Diamond Tiara's juices
>As if reading your mind, Apple Bloom pulls out a second bottle and promptly pours it on your crotch
>Doing your best impression of a scared little filly, you cry out when it makes contact, and the tingling sensation makes you fear for the safety of Johnson
>He has no dignity left, but you don't want him to evaporate
>Once it clears up, it's as if you were never even violated to begin with
>Small victories
>Standing up and reclaiming your pants, which did fuck-all to protect you, you walk silently towards the exit
>Even if you somehow find it in yourself to forgive them in the future, you'll never forget this
>The time you were fed narcotics by three little fillies, and a fourth one decided to take a ride on the Cock Carousel without permission
>Hey, this one is exactly what it sounds like
The End
by yehlux
by yehlux