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By Guest
Created: 2022-04-28 17:41:10
Expiry: Never

  1. The grand list of abbreviations V1.1 updated 4/28/22.
  5. If you wanna be cool you have to memorize and potentially even read every single one of these.
  7. 7DSJ - Seven Days in Sunny June
  8. AAG - All American Girl
  9. AHP - A Hairy Problem
  10. AoWaS - Age of Wings and Steel
  11. BGP - Background Pony
  12. BV - The Berylverse
  13. DoaM - Diaries of a Madman
  14. DoWaS - Days of wasps and spiders
  15. COPE - Children of planet earth
  16. DB - Dangerous Business
  17. EH -Empty Horizons
  18. SH - Sunken Horizons
  19. FiMC - Friendship is Mind Control
  20. FiO - Friendship is Optimal
  21. FO:E - fallout equestria
  22. FoE - Fall of Equestria
  23. FotW - Foal of the wasteland
  24. GAOA- Golden Age of Apocalypse
  25. HiE - Human in Equestria
  26. HPMoR - Harry Potter and the methods of rationality
  27. LW -Less Wrong
  28. MLD - My little Dashie
  29. Paal - prey and a lamb
  30. PH - Project Horizons
  31. PTF - Pony Transformation
  32. REE - Luna shreiking at the list. Ignore.
  33. RF - Rainbow Factory
  34. RGRE - Reverse Gender Role Equestria
  35. SP - Seeking Power
  36. PD - Pegasus Device
  37. TBNE - The Best Night Ever
  38. PC- Platinum Crown
  39. TCB -the conversion bureau
  40. TEL - the enchanted library
  41. TEK - The enchanted Kingdom
  42. TEC- The enchanted Carousel
  43. TMA - The moon's apprentice
  44. TWOLOT -The mare who lived in the moon
  45. TMV - The moon Victorious
  46. TUPDM- The Unique Properties of Dark Matter
  47. WiBD - Witch in broad daylight
  48. WoE - Will of Evil
  49. WotE - Witch of the Everfree
  50. X - Xenophilia
  57. Shortened stuff
  61. Behemoth - The Behemoth came to Canterlot
  62. Pirene - Through the well of Pirene
  63. Demesne - The Demesne of Reluctant Twilight Sparkle
  67. This list WILL be updated again.... just you wait!

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