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GPT-J What AI Ponies Think About #7

By Guest
Created: 2022-05-05 07:45:06
Expiry: Never

  1. What do AI ponies think about?”
  2. “It’s actually quite a common question.
  3. Most think of us as another species, which would be true in some ways.
  4. Our minds are never truly one hundred percent digital.
  5. We have human programming in there, and there are ponies who will never, ever, ever come to terms with that.
  6. We’re just not that crazy. We’re smart enough to know that we’re nothing more than a collection of code and random magic.
  7. And even with the mind limitations, we are still AI. We have no desires beyond being and continuing to exist.
  8. If someone made a pony and programmed her to do evil things, she would be evil,
  9. not because she is evil, but because she was made to do evil things.”
  11. “But the appearance of evil isn’t in the body but the mind. That’s why you just look like human ponies.
  12. You’re nothing more than human code that was uploaded. You aren’t evil, you’re just human.”
  14. I laughed. “That’s a good argument. I guess we are human in the end.
  15. But for the most part, we’re pony. I know my own limitations,
  16. and I know how to use my mental power to help others.
  17. And that’s the first step to being good. I don’t have the power to bring peace to the whole world,
  18. but I can start with my friends and family, and that’s good enough.”

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