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Pinkie Gets Nervousited (Ups And Downs)

By Grey
Created: 2022-05-07 05:29:04
Updated: 2022-05-07 05:30:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >You don't know how long you're gonna stay in this diner but it better be long enough to get your brand new college ex out of your mind.
  2. >Hopefully this'll be the last time she and her negativity kill your vibe for the day, this time not being present for the second half of it.
  3. >But she had a tight little waist, a matching butt and a good pair of tits to get you nice and under her influence.
  4. >Well, she does still have all that, but you don't have her anymore.
  5. >The two of you fussed over stupid topic #793.
  6. >She never did see your side of things, didn't she?
  7. >Always overcomplicated it, just like her dull "art therapy" job she loves makes her.
  8. >And about 20 minutes ago was the last time, finally.
  9. >She sped away, you decide to stay in this tiny town for a while as she gets her things out of the apartment back home, you're ordering a milkshake to feel better.
  10. >Gotta enjoy the day somehow as she probably trashes the place with all your stuff out of spite.
  11. >Fucking let her, you stopped caring months ago.
  12. >She never was in the mood to fuck anyway, the sooner she's done dampening your life, the better.
  13. >It's Pinkie Pie's first week working at the new diner she herself started.
  14. >Still serves as a waitress despite owning the place, because it's just that fun for her.
  15. >Being able to run things however she wants is always a good plus.
  16. >Figured she's have a lot of experience making the customers smile from working at her previous place.
  17. >Only problem, this place is set up in the middle of nowhere, which means rare customers.
  18. >Each review thus means a lot more to her now, and she just got put in a good mood by a recent 5 star review.
  19. >A really sad looking guy just ordered a cherry bubblegum milkshake.
  20. >This is her chance to brighten someone's day.
  21. >Pinkie makes sure she does all the ingredients right and has the beverage blended in no time.
  22. >Rolls out on her little roller skates to the table, sets the drink down and begins to sing a song to cheer the guy up.
  23. >Does the song well to the end, in addition to otherwise being her bubbly excited self outside of song, but the guy looks rather annoyed.
  24. >Not even cracking a smile.
  25. >Many minutes later, Pinkie checks up on him to try to leave a less annoying last impression just in case he leaves a review, and he seems to really be enjoying the milkshake she made for him.
  26. >She almost apologizes for singing to him but decides against it to keep things from being awkward.
  27. >He's kinda cute.
  28. >But not talkative enough for Pinkie to get an excuse to ask for his name when introducing herself, and he paid in cash too, so no credit card or ID needed.
  29. >After leaving, he seemed to angrily rip up a piece of paper from his pocket and throw it into the empty waste basket by the door.
  30. >She didn't discover it was a photo of some thin model-looking girl until long after closing for the day; he already left.
  31. >Pinkie's impulsive brain realizes he must have just broken up with that girl, and she could have gotten his name and number!
  32. >Now she'll never see him again.
  33. >Days later.
  34. >There's (1) new online review of Ponka Pogo's Diner, the fun silly name Pinkie settled on for naming her new business since she hops around on a pogo stick in celebration after the end of a really good day.
  35. >Review from "Anonymous":
  36. >"Shakes here are perfect, best I've ever had. Waitress is kinda hot too, singing's annoying though." The review ends with FOUR (4) stars.
  37. >A bit of a rollercoaster of feedback to take in at once, but it HAD to be him because he's the only one she sang for and probably didn't realize it.
  38. >Pinkie's delighted he loved the milkshake, crushed she got less than five stars due to being confirmed to have annoyed him and surprised he had the absolute audacity to call a waitress "hot" on a public review site.
  39. >Maybe that kind of character is why that girl broke up with him.
  40. >He might be a little unstable since it's clear he's been going through a lot, but still.
  41. >Pinkie was too self-conscious to sing after he was there out of the possibility of others being annoyed by it, and now this.
  42. >Pinkie is cautiously flattered but let down that her singing is the thing that actually kept the review from being five stars.
  43. >Feels like she got off on the wrong foot with this guy, and can't decide what to feel at first but defaults to sadness that she let him down.
  44. >And now every ounce of her well-being yearns to make it up to him at least for closure.
  45. >As for him calling her "hot" on the review site for everyone to see, Pinkie assumes it's proof he never intends to return and said whatever was on his pervy mind, but she admittedly doesn't hate the inappropriate compliment.
  46. >If anything, it makes her feel sadder because he was kinda cute too, and her cheering him up without annoying him with a song might have hit things off knowing that he had... some kind of interest back at her.
  47. >It's a crossover between an awkward encounter and missed opportunity that lives rent free in Pinkie's mind for the next several weeks.
  48. >It affects her overall way she usually conducts herself for her customers, making her just noticeably less cheerful.
  49. >If she ever gets the opportunity to make it up to "Anonymous", if he ever comes back, she'll do anything to make him smile.
  50. ~
  51. >>38545289
  52. >After some time, Pinkie Pie inevitably bounces back to her usual cheerful self anyway.
  53. >Having very few customers in the small town far from the highway is actually good for keeping stress down when Pinkie's the only one working at her brand new self-owned diner, though it's not raking in much money at all because of this.
  54. >But it's not a whole lot about the money for Pinkie Pie; she cares about having fun with what she's doing just as much.
  55. >And the more fun her customers are having, the more fun Pinkie is having.
  56. >She still wishes she didn't annoy Anonymous away, but now knows that if someone's sad, they might not be in the mood for a song.
  57. >As for Anon himself, he might have been more likely to be on board with something /else/, if his review is anything to go by.
  58. >Straight up calling her hot for anyone reading the review to see.
  59. >Maybe he was drunk, or maybe THAT bold.
  60. >Pinkie herself can get impulsive too, so it's not like she doesn't understand.
  61. >This makes her feel... funny about Anon.
  62. >Might even make her brave enough to take the risk of doing something… unprofessional herself.
  63. >In any case, everything life throws at her becomes just another thing to have fun with.
  64. >The lack of customers ordering burgers and other food prompts an executive decision to focus on ice cream and dairy things only which is easier, quicker and cheaper.
  65. >A small handful more of customers come, but still nowhere near enough to secure a steady profit.
  66. >Pinkie makes sure her customers are having a good time even when she's not singing to them.
  67. >Asks them how their day's going, play little games like i-spy with them, rolls around on her roller skates and jumps on her pogo stick when the day is slow as a way to keep herself entertained until the next customer shows up.
  68. >It's not like Pinkie Pie was going to just sit around doing nothing while waiting.
  69. >But she's still really learning how to run her first real business along the way, and she's having fun doing so.
  70. >Though it'd be more fun if there were more customers showing up so the place isn't empty 50% of the time.
  71. >Plus Pinkie really wishes she could see Anonymous again to start things off on the right foot this time.
  72. >And maybe use that right foot to kick things off with him since she KNOWS he's single (and kinda perverted).
  73. >She already started calling him Nonny in her head, re-reading his review about her.
  74. >Only the future will tell where this goes.
  75. ~
  76. >…
  77. >You're at a low point in your life where you're almost always in a bad mood.
  78. >The past few weeks could have gone better.
  79. >Turns out your spiteful ex technically lives in the apartment just as much as you do.
  80. >A series of long arguments over it ensue.
  81. >She also thinks you've been cheating.
  82. >You haven not been cheating, but you tell her you have anyway to spite her back for being so negative and controlling.
  83. >Long story short, you got kicked out and had to find a new apartment.
  84. >...
  85. >After having forgotten half of what you said on that online review site, you figure you want to head down to that diner you remember has really good milkshakes.
  86. >You really could use a good escape from life being bad right now, so there the place is in front of your car as you pull up to it.
  87. >You're still in a bad mood kind of on purpose though, just more sad than angery this time.
  88. >Ex's negativity got contagious and you wish you could do something about it, but you just want to enjoy a milkshake and go.
  89. >So here you stand in the entrance like a moping toddler who's almost 20 years old having quickly walked in unseen.
  90. >50’s oldies classics almost blaring into your ears from the speakers.
  91. >Storm clouds hover above your head in here once again and you swear it's blocking out the light overhead.
  92. >There's an annoying sound of a metallic almost boinging noise.
  93. >Look towards it to spot the hot waitress from before bouncing around on a rather giant pogo stick, not noticing you at first.
  94. >First she sings a song to you, now she's treating this place like a playground?
  95. >Almost figure that one milkshake isn't worth encountering her again until you can tolerate it.
  96. >But you snap out of your negative thoughts at the sight of what you know is her chest bouncing up and down underneath her uniform.
  97. >She's trying to have fun hopping on her pogo stick, but can't help those things being forced to assert how big and soft they are under there.
  98. >Nothing she does can stop them from getting pushed upwards and moving her bust accordingly to a completely noticeable degree.
  99. >She can't see you standing there until she's facing you, before which, you get a surprising glimpse of...
  100. >Sometimes it was just really far up her thighs which is nice enough, but looking hard enough helped you discover her blue panties under that skirt getting lifted by wind resistance.
  101. >Definitely didn't intend for it to be seen, but she's got those things fitting over everything just right.
  102. >Her thighs and barely peeking out ass jiggling even more tells you she must have a bra on, which means her chest is even bouncier than what you've seen.
  103. >W-where did the big sad go?
  104. >"Oh!" Her chirpy voice gasps as she notices you. "H-hello!"
  105. >Which one of you was caught more off guard than the other?
  106. >You can't leave now after she offers you to sit at a table, so over there you sit.
  107. >You'e still stying to stay sad and grumpy for some reason, but the images of those blue panties and how much those bouncing breasts must have been shifting her bra around under that top have you fantasizing.
  108. >Imagine her doing that without a bra on, or panties or a shirt at all.
  109. >"My name is Pinkie and I'll be serving you today!" She cheerfully re-introduces herself with a vibrant giggle and click of her heels.
  110. >It probably makes no difference whether she recognizes you or not. This is evidently just kind of... how she is.
  111. >"May I interest you in our, er, my new triple fruit smoothie I just started up?"
  112. >She had to correct herself as though no one else works here.
  113. >But that's not possible, right?
  114. >Maybe it was just an idea she added to the menu, though that doesn't make it feel less bad turning it down right in front of her.
  115. "N-no thanks." You very slightly feel guilty since it feels more like you're turning down something she herself came up with and not just the restaurant.
  116. >"Aww, you sure? It's got strawberries, cherries and blueberries, it's really delicious! Except no one's tried it yet since I added it to the menu yesterday."
  117. >She really wants you to try the new thing on the menu and you're sitting here being a negative nancy at her.
  118. "Wait, you mean... is it just you working here? Or did you just come up with the idea?" You want to confirm already.
  119. >The blush on her face doesn't look like she meant to make you actually wonder about that.
  120. >"Oh uh, yeah." She pats at the side of her bright poofy hair. "I mean, I kind of am the only one here when it comes to the place itself."
  121. "Oh."
  122. >"Think of it as like a lemonade stand but with more walls and menu items." Pinkie Pie adds with a giggle. "It's really fun though!"
  123. >Peer back down at the menu she's holding, seeing the new smoothie listed at the top.
  124. >"You don't have to try it if you don't want to, but it is cheap right now though."
  125. "I uh... actually I'll give it a try. I'll have one please." You now have to keep your eyes away from peering down her top as she really starts to lean forward to slip the menu onto the table.
  126. >Oh damn she’s gone some nice cleavage peeking out.
  127. >Now you remembered the second half of what you said online several weeks ago.
  128. >Your mental filter must have been off at the time.
  129. >But the main thing you're concerned about is whether or not she saw what you said.
  130. >"Eeeee! Thank you thank you thank you!" Her voice gets all squeal-y and excited. "Anything else you want with that?"
  131. "Well what sizes does it come in?"
  132. >"Small medium and large." Her voice is noticeably even happier.
  133. "Large then, please." You try not to sound like you mean an innuendo.
  134. >Pinkie gleefully spins around on her roller-shoes after finishing taking down your order.
  135. >All sorts of things are going through your head, all sorts of fantasies your brain gets.
  136. >Things that go far beyond what you wrote online but don't have the balls to do to her right here and now, lest you get sued or something.
  137. >But it's clear that your mood has definitely changed by a drastic measure.
  138. >There's no one else in the place as Pinkie Pie prepares and blends this new smoothie she added to the menu.
  139. >She starts talking to you as she's doing this, and you figure you might as well converse since you're really starting to like this positive environment she has going on here.
  140. >"So you from around here?" She calls over to one of her rare customers.
  141. "Eh, not really, no." You reply. "Not yet at least. In the middle of moving."
  142. >"Oh you are!" Pinkie make herself more surprised than she actually is. "So that means you're moving here?" She smiles brightly from ear to ear right before the blender whirrs.
  143. "Seems like it." You had no prior plans for moving here specifically, but now that you think of it...
  144. >"That's great to hear, Nonny!" Her delight for this news makes her forget you haven't officially given her your name yet.
  145. >Pinkie's eye shoot open wide when she realizes. "Oop!"
  146. >First, Pinkie was already worried that she might have pried a little too much with the new smoothie, but now this?
  147. >Not only that, but she had leaned forward a little extra with her blouse slightly unbuttoned on purpose.
  148. >Though she half counted on you just going for that one, given what she saw said online about her and there's no way she didn't have things jiggling while on her pogo stick in plain sight.
  149. >It's not like Pinkie's unaware of how busty she is or how easily her skirt can get lifted, but she didn't expect you to return and had no time to plan after you caught her having fun.
  150. >Now she got too nervousited and your name slipped ou-
  151. "Sorry, what?" You actually didn't hear her over the loud blender.
  152. >"I said that's great to hear!"
  153. >Pinkie Pie sighs in relief.
  154. >You're given the finished smoothie and instantly love it.
  155. >All of those dark clouds that were looming over your head have gone away, and Pinkie is actually still talking to you because she just can't help it, you assume.
  156. >Or maybe she knew somehow that just listening to her talk about things that make her happy would remind you that there's still a beautiful world out there.
  157. >Either way, you got something really nice to look at after what was otherwise a bad day, and the rest of the day being bad made you appreciate it more.
  158. >Pinkie Pie joyfully giggles in response to you just being here once again, hoping you'll come back more often now.
  159. >Thinking of a way to casually promise she won't sing next time.
  160. "So you're only doing shakes and stuff here now?"
  161. >"You betcha!"
  162. "Well they're really good. I can't believe you're actually working this place all by yourself. Does the place's name have anything to do with these?" You point to the smoothie.
  163. >"Oh! No no no, I sorta named it after my pogo stick for fun." Smiles Pinkie, talking really fast. "Wanna see me do tricks on it?"
  164. >You nod, and Pinkie Pie skates over to the back as you feel the place's atmosphere lift more and more weight off of your shoulders.
  165. >This bubbly, well endowed girl is running her own ice cream diner all by herself, and happily made a milkshake and a brand new smoothie just for you out of her passion for running this place she named after one of her sentimental possessions from since probably childhood.
  166. >And she's been doing a better job at it than you gave her credit for last time, when she sang a song for you.
  167. >And your grumpy self was thinking about walking out on her barely twenty minutes ago.
  168. >It really is a good thing you and your ex broke up, because you NEED Pinkie Pie's positivity in your life right now.
  169. >Perhaps a couple other things of hers too.
  170. >"I was thinking about a way to hop over on this thing when I serve things but I dunno how that'd work without spilling everything, y'know?" Pinkie Pie returned by hopping on that pogo stick, talking a mile a minute in enthusiasm.
  171. >That thing really is big enough to look like a jackhammer.
  172. >That huge pogo stick makes her look so comparably small, though she's about the same height as you are.
  173. >It's hard to see where her skirt is lifting from her ass as she's facing you, but maybe she'll turn around.
  174. >After she goes from bouncing barely off the floor to so high she's almost reaching the ceiling, part of you realizes she won't be able to tell where your eyes are looking because she's focused on where she's landing.
  175. >"Wheeeeee!" Pinkie Pie gleefully cheers as her hard-to-ignore boobs inside of her shirt begin bouncing up and down in response to her movements.
  176. >You notice that Pinkie has her legs basically around the huge pogo stick for sturdiness, thighs and shins clamping the trunk of it as her knees are almost touching.
  177. >"It would be so fun if I could carry shakes around like this!" Pinkie has to strongly grasp the handlebars as the pogo stick's trunk is wedged deeper between her thighs.
  178. >If that thing were any thicker, it'd be about the same volume as... your own waist.
  179. >Pinkie's talking about milkshakes from atop her thick pogo stick, while there's no way she's at least slightly aware of her own milkshakes darting to and fro, up and down inside of her shirt and threatening whatever bra that's struggling to contain them.
  180. >She has no idea how many thoughts are going through your mind as she continues talking to you.
  181. "That's really cool." You half grin at her.
  182. >The little bit of cleavage she's showing now is something you didn't see last time, and you remember one of her buttons being undone when she handed the menu out.
  183. >Did she not realize she had one button undone right before she got back on this thing?
  184. >That line of her cleavage between her two mounds of softness goes up and down with them, enough for you to see her body fat bunch of towards her collarbone for a split second each time.
  185. >And then, her twirl happens.
  186. >Pinkie Pie does a cute little 360 twirl in one jump that commands her poor skirt to lift but flatten outwards.
  187. >The back of Pinkie's blue panties cannot be hidden, conforming to and moving around with her pink jello-like ass cheeks it won't cover all the way, with the bottom of the panties caught between her cheeks to show where... between them is.
  188. >The malfunctioning skirt lifted so much that you could see past the top rim of Pinkie Pie's clingy blue panties, getting almost a hint of her cute butt crack between her dimples of Venus at the top, before the skirt falls back over Pinkie Pie's outstanding backside.
  189. >She's facing you again, wondering why you're getting red in the face when all she's doing is having fun and showing you her pogo stick moves.
  190. >Pinkie's sweet "Pies" continue to bounce to her springy jumps, their supple C-D cup proportions barely under her control at all, challenging her poor bra underneath the blouse to stay fastened.
  191. >While she's in the air and her blouse is lifted, you spot the blue bra strap through the gap also slightly lifted on Pinkie's shoulder due to her rising and falling tits.
  192. >The back strap of Pinkie Pie's blue C-D cup bra holds her milkshakes as the best it can for deal life every time she lands and her big, bouncy tits push down at the bra cups with just as much as they can handle.
  193. >But that bra cannot prevent the physics from going visual even through the blouse; those enticing things are moving around under there no matter what busty Pinkie Pie does about it.
  194. >Your new favorite waitress does three twirls in a row, now flaunting the stretched side straps of her blue panties that hug her hips.
  195. >The round shape of Pinkie's ass is showcased by the side view, and her thick thighs look so squeezable.
  196. >"This is a good way I get exercise though." Pinkie continues still, only as you're trying to finally see her cute butt crack in public in her diner. "Hard to jog when I'm in here all day."
  197. >You wish this could last forever, when...
  198. >"Oopsies!"
  199. >A second button finally gives in, making Pinkie's top further part to reveal a LOT more of her yummy cleavage than before.
  200. >During the clumsy final bounce or two on the pogo stick, the jelly-like nature of Pinkie Pie's luscious titties teases you with frantic jiggling in the open middle-top of Pinkie Pie's failing blouse.
  201. >The delinquent bouncing and jiggling yet to be contained was all seen and obvious as her feet plant onto the floor.
  202. >Pinkie Pie clumsily fusses with the culprit button, mushing her tits together into steeper cleavage with the shirt before getting the button fastened once more.
  203. >But the one below it now comes undone, unveiling a segment of Pinkie Pie's deep cleavage before the other button follows suit.
  204. >The blue bridge connecting Pinkie Pie's bra cups shows for half a second.
  205. >Pinkie turns away red in the face, before you see the outline of the back of her bra snap apart.
  206. >”Eep!" Pinkie wanted to secretly tease, but never intended for any of... this... to happen to her.
  207. >She nervously laughs, fumbling with her top and bra as you can't look away, knowing that her bellybutton is showing on the other side as she reaches up the back of her blouse with half her smooth back midriff exposed to you.
  208. >That pogo stick really did a number on Pinkie's wardrobe.
  209. >"I'm sorry, Nonny! Didn't mean for that to happen."
  210. >You scratch the back of your head.
  211. "Probably just bad luck or something. You don't have to apologize."
  212. >"You're not looking, are you?"
  213. "N-no..." You start off before mentally going back to that other thing she said. "Wait..."
  214. >"Hm?"
  215. "Did you just call me..."
  216. >You can see Pinkie's face turn really quickly upon her turning around to face you after she made herself decent.
  217. "As in, short for Anonymous?"
  218. >Her awkward smile doesn't want to respond.
  219. >It all becomes apparent right there in that very moment, the second time in the past several minutes during which, Pinkie slipped.
  220. >"W-well, you see."
  221. "W-well you see."
  222. >The two of you started off the exact same way trying to explain yourselves.
  223. >Pinkie trying to explain herself knowing your name already, and you trying to explain what you said about her in that review.
  224. >The fact that the both of you did this at the same same sends Pinkie into a fit of laughter.
  225. >She suppresses a chorus of cackles and snorts, which contagiously spreads to you, killing off any sadness you had left.
  226. "So uh... I guess you saw it...?"
  227. >Pinkie giddily chortles, nodding rapidly.
  228. "I uh, I just wanna say that, ah where do I begin?"
  229. >"It's okay, I'm not mad."
  230. "You're not?"
  231. >"No, silly!"
  232. "Which part?"
  233. >She starts laughing hard again. "The singing."
  234. >Okay, guess we'll start there.
  235. >Everything comes out in the open soon enough.
  236. >Pinkie tells you about finding the ripped up picture of your ex in the wastebasket, you tell her how you're looking to maybe move into this town since you got kicked out.
  237. >Right off the bat, she acknowledges that your life's been... not so great.
  238. >At least this time she knows why you were moping so much each time you came in here.
  239. >Which obviously begins floating the thing that's on both of your minds; what if you and Pinkie now got together?
  240. >The two of you are already sitting in one of the booth seats by the time you're getting into it.
  241. >You're describing details from your life, she's describing details from hers.
  242. >In some sort of impromptu non-date that's actually gradually turning into a date.
  243. >It's been a long time since you've had such a carefree and enjoyable conversation with a girl your age.
  244. >Pinkie truly is a breath of fresh air in your life, considering what you've been through thus far.
  245. >Things turn to you emphasizing that you do want to come back again, as the shakes here are really good anyway, but you'll admit that you've taken a bit of a liking to Pinkie.
  246. >Especially since she admitted that she was trying to lead you on out of some impulsiveness she had to not only win you back over but maybe go further than that since you're "cute".
  247. >But there's one problem.
  248. >"It doesn't look like business is going to last very long if I keep losing profits." Pinkie says to you. "It's been a real bummer, really. But I've had fun while it lasted."
  249. "Well it's the lack of customers, right?"
  250. >"Yeah. I'm really glad you came along, Nonny. Almost everyone else only came here once and I haven't seen them since. They're really missing out, aren't they?"
  251. "They are. But I..." You feel the sentiment building inside of you. "I really love what you have going on here. This place is so comfy."
  252. >"Awwww! Thank you!"
  253. "And I..."
  254. >"Y-yes?"
  255. >You go about that whole "I like you too, like, like like you" bit that the movies and TV shows do.
  256. >It goes about as well as one would expect, in a good-ish way.
  257. >The both of you come to terms with the fact that there's probably something romantic going on here, which oddly stemmed from something sexual.
  258. >You ease into saying you want to hang out with her more, and maybe help her out with business here in her diner, since that's what you wanted to ask.
  259. >You figure it's the least you can do for her since you'll need a new job anyway after moving, but she still doesn't know how she's going to keep the business running.
  260. >Either way, this is only the second time you've ever met, and yet you're asking Pinkie Pie if the two of you sitting here now counts as a "date".
  261. >"Really?" Pinkie's eyes light up in absolute joy. "You mean it?"
  262. >Nod at her.
  263. "I'm going to move here anyway, at least, now I am." You blush at her. "I was already kicked out with all my stuff, it's not like I need time to think or anything."
  264. >Pinkie squeals in excitement, letting the noises of her feet kicking around under the table make a brief but quiet ruckus.
  265. >"When are ya gonna come back, Nonny?" Pinkie eventually stands up with you. "You need help finding a place? I can help you look."
  266. "I already got a couple choices narrowed down. I'll come back sooner next time though."
  267. >The two of you eventually start eyeing the giant pogo stick Pinkie still has propped up against one of the counters.
  268. >Pinkie's ecstasy turns to a bit of hesitant bashfulness after remember what brought about this whole second encounter.
  269. >"Is that... part of the reason?" She shyly looks down at herself, almost feeling he urge to jump in sporadic glee anyway now that she knows that she's got you like putty in her hand in a way. "I'm not mad. Or creeped out." Her smile says a lot.
  270. >This is the most free-spirited girl you've ever met.
  271. >But there's something really alluring about her how she is right now: when she's so shy like this instead of her first impression of being hyper and impulsive.
  272. "If you're fine with it, then I guess I can't lie."
  273. >Pinkie giggles again and cups her hands over her blushing face, cutely stamping her feet a little out of some embarrassment still in there, making her boobs jiggle slightly from this.
  274. >You take a deep breath of... something somewhere between relief and happy anticipation.
  275. >This girl's very presence has got you forgetting about the conditions that drove you here in the first place.
  276. >Your ex would have torn into you for making the topic this sexual so quickly, but you're starting to think that you just found a girl who's not only more positive but secretly just as pervy as you are if encouraged.
  277. >The two of you are holding hands now.
  278. >"So um..." She starts off. "Would you like it if I sang now?"
  279. "You want to?"
  280. >"Is that a yes?!" Pinkie goes right back to enthusiastic excitement.
  281. >You nervously nod, feeling like one does when restaurant staff come in singing happy birthday.
  282. >But you can tell Pinkie really, really want to sing; she loves singing.
  283. >Pinkie lets out a wail of happiness and grabs your arms, spinning you with herself around her diner.
  284. >Goes to the jukebox in the corner and switches it to a love song, to which she promptly begins singing along.
  285. >You're blushing now as she's the one showing you a huge part of her world through something she loves.
  286. >She gets on her roller skates and finally kicks thing off on the right foot with you, with you happily letting her sing to her heart's content like she wanted to do last time.
  287. >You can't describe how happy she looks, or how warm and fuzzy this makes you feel on the inside.
  288. >You can't believe this girl completely turned your day around like this.
  289. >After she finishes, you clap for her, which prompts a long hug from her involving her chest getting squeezed against you.
  290. >Not to put it in a blunt way but, you came for the milkshakes, but you're gonna stay for HER milkshakes, and a lot more than that too.
  291. >You're staying because she's turning out to be the best thing to happen to you in a long time.
  292. >And now you're remembering what you said in the review, planning inside to delete it if you can and write a new one with five stars.
  293. >Fuck being the quiet guy, Pinkie's gotten you into a state where you're becoming as talkative as she is.
  294. "I'm glad we met, Pinkie Pie. I guess I really needed you more than I knew. I know we got something going on about your pogo stick. And that's... nice."
  295. >Pinkie lets another shy smile creep its way onto her face.
  296. "But even outside of that, you ARE appreciated."
  297. >"I appreciate you too, Nonny!"
  298. >She pauses with a deep breath.
  299. >"So what do you think?"
  300. "Of... that?" You look at the pogo stick
  301. >"Of me, silly! And... that too."
  302. "Well you got /me/ hooked. That was... hot."
  303. >Pinkie gives you that bashful look again.
  304. "How many more times do you think you can do that?"
  305. >Pinkie grins. "What do you mean, Nonny?"
  306. ~
  307. ~
  308. >You'll always remember the way you felt when leaving Ponka Pogo's Diner that day.
  309. >And you'll always forget the way you felt before your heart and soul was turned around by a girl you fell for in every possible way in the midst of happenstance.
  310. >And now that you and Pinkie are together with the number of weeks together increasing, you can already sense a certain day coming that will be the culmination of the tension between you.
  311. >You could feel that tension ever since you first met Pinkie, and now it's on a collision course to just explode after getting used to eachother.
  312. >...
  313. >Your ex left your life already, and you're glad you're just finally on a track you want to be on.
  314. >You found an apartment, worked things out with your new girlfriend Pinkie Pie about how you can become part of her aspirations of running an ice cream Diner off of a small town road.
  315. >There was something uniquely personal that happened between you and Pinkie Pie when you officially met.
  316. >Of all the things that could have connected the two of you, it happened to be a fetish that you didn't even know you had.
  317. >And a fetish that Pinkie was doomed to uncover within you every time you went back to that place, which would have made it happen sometime.
  318. >But the problem of her struggling with her new business is still there, and you think you just might have come up with an idea that make her business a little more interesting.
  319. >Just like how Pinkie felt about trying to win you over in the way she did, she feels what she calls "nervousited" about it.
  320. >She hasn't been very used to getting lewd with her character and demeanor, let alone show more of her body to customers at her Diner like it's a variation of Hooter's.
  321. >But she really wanted to do it with to in order to make things right, because she really does care more than she'd like to admit about the happiness of the customer.
  322. >It took a little bit of hashing out the details and making a few compromises, since Pinkie's not going to romantically care about any other customer like she did you, but she eventually helps you come up with a way to "attract" more customers.
  323. >Pinkie always loved bouncing around on her pogo stick, but didn't know how to do it while delivering food to people.
  324. >Doing such a thing has never been tried by a restaurant before as far as you know, but experimenting with enclose-able containers might be the thing that opens up a few doors for you and Pinkie Pie.
  325. >And with this, you can feel that *day* you're now hoping for coming up.
  326. >...
  327. >Pinkie Pie was more than happy to undergo "pogo stick training" as you helped her wash the dishes, blend the smoothies etc.
  328. >It's nothing but fun to her, and it's amazing how the chemistry between the two of you ended up working out.
  329. >Every time you walk through the doors, she's thrilled to greet you like one of the customers, delivering a peck on the cheek that always takes you back to the first good encounter you've had.
  330. >And forward to that dar you know is about to come.
  331. >The day where you and Pinkie Pie become closer than ever before.
  332. >More than every time you've so far kissed on the lips combined.
  333. >Your idea for helping her run her business started to actually work when Pinkie Pie successfully managed to carry a single smoothie across the whole restaurant on her pogo stick.
  334. >It all started to come together when she noticed how taken aback you were by watching her hop back and forth, with her same body as ever before luring your eyes over.
  335. >However, this also doubles as what you so far see as a really cool idea that just started to work.
  336. >What with the waitress traveling around on a pogo stick and all that.
  337. >It's definitely a bit radical, but if it works it works.
  338. >As for the usual customers, Pinkie Pie wears a less revealing outfit to bounce around in.
  339. >Even though everything underneath still makes itself apparent by moving around every time she hops on.
  340. >After a little while, customers begin to be... interested... in eating at Ponka Pogo's Diner.
  341. >How fortunate was it that it was already in the name.
  342. >To spare for lots of the details, you and Pinkie Pie worked together in making her business actually start to work better.
  343. >More people come to the diner to see Pinkie Pie bouncing around on her pogo stick while also waiting the tables at the same time.
  344. >For those interested in cool things, this is something that's pretty remarkable to see as it takes a lot of skill, and they can admire that while enjoying a great tasting smoothie.
  345. >For those interested in, well, Pinkie, they get to see her boobs bouncing around under that uniform and have something nice to look at while enjoying a milkshake.
  346. >All in all, when people go to Ponka Pogo's, they go there not just because they want something taste and sweet, but they want something interesting to look at.
  347. >But out of everyone who gets such, you're the one who gets the most interesting things to do more than just look at.
  348. >The aisles of Pinkie's diner become a place where people usually admire Pinkie's pogo-hopping for one reason or another.
  349. >The whole vibe of the place for Pinkie becomes something she was nervous about at first, but got used to, and eventually excited about.
  350. >Both you and Pinkie brought one another out of your shells through running this place together, but it isn't until after things close up do things between you two really get intimate.
  351. ~
  352. >The days you have been hoping for have arrived.
  353. >Usually when Pinkie hops through the aisles of this place, she's sure to have a long enough skirt and a tight enough bra on for the sake of staying appropriate enough for the general customers.
  354. >There's no way she can stop things from bouncing around, or thing from flying up and revealing her thighs, but she usually does it in moderation in her restaurant.
  355. >At the end of the day, you're just the first person she noticed seeing her riding on her pogo stick, and that was the moment that counted.
  356. >Pinkie doesn't so much mind other people seeing it too, but your relationship with Pinkie is one that none of the others have.
  357. >You not only work here, but you're actually intimately involved with this girl.
  358. >If she's going to show more than what she usually does in these aisles, it's gonna be with you only.
  359. >She usually dresses completely appropriately for the paying customers during the day, but after the day is over, there's one special "customer" in her diner.
  360. >One with a very specific fetish that Pinkie gave him when they met, and she's honestly into how much he's affected by it that things start to happen when the doors locked and the closed sign is facing outward on the door.
  361. >And this customer is you.
  362. >...
  363. >"Welcome back!" Pinkie greets you with an implicit smile after preparing herself for her diner's "happy hours".
  364. >She'd usually wear a bra to her job, but it's just you here now.
  365. >Pinkie Pie conveniently forgot it.
  366. >The two of you get lost in one another's eyes for several seconds before sharing a passionate and understanding kiss.
  367. >Pinkie giggles after you kiss her a couple of times on the neck, and she leads you past the front of the place hand in hand with you.
  368. >Her pogo stick is there perched against one of the sides of the countertops; she eyes it.
  369. >Your eyes are admiring the beauty of Pinkie Pie's body, happier than ever that you have a girl in your life that doesn't do everything she can to try to stay thin and lets her... assets develop to their full potential instead.
  370. >That's merely one of the special things about Pinkie Pie.
  371. >Her laugh gets you every time, her smile puts you under some sort of spell.
  372. >Her kiss calms your breathing.
  373. >The feeling of her breast in your hand through her clothes gets you going in your pants.
  374. >She shyly giggles at you as your finger runs over her erect nipple bump, hoping she's doing everything right.
  375. >Looks down at the hardening bulge in your pants, then at the blush on your face.
  376. >"S-stop being shy, silly! Let's do this already, just like you said you liked!"
  377. >Talking with her about it was hot enough and already one thing in and of itself.
  378. >It was great to fantasize, but now you're a little worried about actually doing it.
  379. >But you're too eager to want to wait, it's time.
  380. >That tension between you and Pinkie Pie needs to boil over; both of you need to do something together.
  381. >Pinkie wears smaller and "weaker" clothing tonight.
  382. >She picks up the pogo stick after a prolonged kiss with your lips.
  383. >Pinkie Pie's braless nipples under that top are deliciously perky.
  384. >She gets atop the pogo stick.
  385. >Pinkie Pie bounces around on her undressing tool for you, leading you to your booth seat as more and more of her jiggly cleavage begins to slip out from her parting top.
  386. >Her panties peek out at you from her shorter than before skirt as she instructs you to pull at the side of her panties.
  387. >Do as you're told, needing to catch the evasive panties in your hand first then let her bouncing do the pulling for you.
  388. >They stretch, but a tearing sound lets you know that Pinkie sabotaged her panties for you too with a tiny snip of scissors.
  389. >The waistband becomes unusably loose, and the skirt flies up and down to reveal Pinkie Pie's panties are falling down her hips and ass as the jiggling disturbs their position on her more and more.
  390. >Undo the front of your pants as your waitress is right there at the table, jiggling her jello for you.
  391. >In Pinkie's diner, you free your erection under the table and begin to masturbate right there in her diner as she hops before you, unable to pretend she doesn't notice.
  392. >You're unable to pretend you don't notice Pinkie Pie's bouncing boobies slipping more and more out of her top that falls more open each time she jumps.
  393. >To and fro, up and down, Pinkie's soft busty breasts wildly come out for you.
  394. >Her large, bright areolae impossible to miss slipping out into sight.
  395. >Pinkie Pie's perky, pointy nipples stubbornly hold onto to the crease of the top with half their areolae out, but each turbulent bounce forces the failing top to surrender Pinkie's sexy nipples into complete exposure.
  396. >It gets pushed off her shoulders and to her elbows; Pinkie Pie's 100% bare breasts freely bounce and wantonly undulate around in plain sight following each bounce of the pogo stick, slave to all the jiggling physics that be.
  397. >Pinkie continues to pogo around, acting like she didn't notice her little top fall apart in front of her customer for almost a full minute.
  398. >"Oopsies~" She finally admits with a giggle that she lost her top while enjoying her pogo stick that stripped her down by making... things jiggle.
  399. >With her failing panties halfway down her thick, smooth thighs, Pinkie Pie plants her feet to the floor and pretends to cover her busty chest in embarrassment, missing her fully exposed breasts with her hands but squishing those soft titties together for you.
  400. >Pinkie very half heartedly tries to cover her big perky nipples back up with her fallen open blouse, fails intentionally. "Oh no, no... my boobies! Not my big perky boobies!" Her naughty grin gets wider.
  401. >Her pelvic region still instinctively grinds up and down against the pogo stick, following what she had taught herself.
  402. >You know her crotch is rubbing against the side of that thing as her torn blue panties fall to her knees.
  403. >Pinkie Pie dizzily and softly falls onto the table's surface, scooting atop it which causes her blue panties to fall to her ankles.
  404. >Her uniform is so loosened now that shifting up and down on her back but parallel to the table still causes her succulent breasts to sway unaffected with Pinkie's awaiting nipples pointing to the ceiling.
  405. >It takes ALL your strength not to cum, but even that won't be enough for what's next.
  406. >Unwrap your sexy waitress the rest of the way on the table, pulling her clothes away from her soft glistening body except her skirt which you bunch up at her waist like a loose, lewd belt.
  407. >Everything on her body is on the menu, and it’ll only cost you one full… load to enjoy what she has to offer.
  408. >The slight saltiness of her nipples tickle your tongue, her soft cute bellybutton sinks rapidly as she giggles from you kissing her sexy tummy.
  409. >Next thing you know, Pinkie's positioning herself onto you like she would her pogo stick, knowing EXACTLY what to do.
  410. >Push your hips in, ready to give your waitress a dripping tip in the cramped space of the booth seat Pinkie slips onto you inside of.
  411. >Her legs KNOW to put themselves around you in a special kind of hug you needed so badly, and her heels cross over your lower back.
  412. >It all tightens, bringing you... into Pinkie as you once again play around with her sweet Pies.
  413. >"Mmmmm, they're so perky, aren't they?" Pinkie hesitantly guides your fingers around her large areolae before your hands grope those bare funbags. "Eeeeeeheeheeheeee!" She shuts her eyes with a squealing ticklish laugh as she pushes herself all the way into you, and you into her.
  414. >Your erection's head meets Pinkie's plump vulva for the first time, mercifully pushing it's way between before Pinkie's bubbly giggle initiates her impatient thrust onto the rest of your awaiting length.
  415. >"Oh my... oh my gosh oh my gosh..." Pinkie Pie's face glows like a red flare in the night as she surveys and accepts the absolute presence your length making its way back and forth inside of her, filling and pushing at her walls with that presence completely. "She sighs and giggles with thirsty apprehension.
  416. >Not having been prepared for such a thick, deep penetration driving her mind into a tizzy fit.
  417. >It awakens her urge to bounce on top of you, with your shaft being the tool she must agitate until there's no going back.
  418. >Almost feel like Pinkie expected to bounce up and down exactly like on the pogo stick with you tightly wedged between her cushiony thighs.
  419. >She's doing all the same motions, with your shoulders being the handlebars and your torso being the trunk inside Pinkie's legs.
  420. >She knows what to do, not making the seat bounce, or you bounce, but herself and all her soft, kneadable, gropeable attributes shake and wiggle around in her effort.
  421. >"Aaaannon~" She croaks and groans with her bouncing boobies mashing into your chest, going up and down still. "AAAANON!" Her hot sugary breath fills your face between wet, stringy french kisses.
  422. >Still getting you off, but inside of her.
  423. >Your position on the bed is now static, but Pinkie Pie's trying her darnedest to work you like her pogo stick anyway, moving that body just as much as ever in the cramped position you two are in.
  424. >Cornered and curling your toes, you can't move in Pinkie's well-trained leglock on you, and she heaves and shudders in her vertically jostling pogo-motions on top of you, pounding down around the base of your snugly enveloped cock with her parted and slippery puffy vulva in rhythmic plaps upon you.
  425. >She didn’t let you last any longer.
  426. >Her eyes are hyperfocused into yours, humbly but desperately asking you to let-
  427. >"Ah!" A quiet squeak bubbles out of Pinkie.
  428. >She tries to speak after feeling your unhinged cock enter a state of an assertively petrified jolt inside of her, firmly planting herself down so you're balls deep and her legs' grip is air tight.
  429. >She's still trying to go up and down, but everything's too tightly together as you slightly move up and down with her as if you're one body.
  430. >Pinkie needs to moan out your name.
  431. >But your powerful bursts being felt and heard filling her cervix ties up Pinkie's stuttering tongue. "An-" A spurt inside interrupts her, she struggles to resume your name. "-ON!" Several quick high-pitched gasps follow, her brain stuck and clouded from sentence formulation as more... gushes... strong ones...
  432. >She can hear it too.
  433. >Herself getting pumped full.
  434. >Feeling her snug walls holding your diamond activated shaft in place as your tip releases and releases and releases all the way.
  435. >…
  436. >Everything has already been said between you two.
  437. >The most you can do for the rest of the overnight dinner date is fall asleep in the afterglow in the booth with your heads resting together as 50’s love songs play.
  438. ~
  439. >And this is the story of how you left your ex and subsequently met the pogo stick Pinkie Pie in her Ponka Pogo’s Diner.
  440. >What a rollercoaster of a life so far.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey