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Welcome BikiniTwi To The Future

By Grey
Created: 2022-05-07 05:39:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Hope the requester likes this.
  2. >>37341234
  3. >>37342741
  4. >>37342852
  5. >Twilight Sparkle.
  6. >Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Equestria Girl.
  7. >Always there for her friends when she can be.
  8. >Using her magical powers the best she can.
  9. >She was the star of the first two Equestria Girls movies, but then got replaced by a clone of herself.
  10. >Now she’s not as cared about here, and instead finished up her arc in Equestria where she eventually became supreme ruler of everything.
  11. >After that ended, all of her roles have seemed to permanently end; she did her part now.
  12. >As for EqG, the series went on, ended eventually, and the audience has now grown older ever since the future happened.
  13. >Equestria Girls has not yet been forgotten about, but Twilight Sparkle feels as though she herself has (and her clone has not).
  14. >She was the petite former leader of the mane seven with the cute hime hairstyle.
  15. >The princess of friendship from Equestria, she wore an elegant, dignified turn-of-the-century looking outfit revamped to suit a high schooler in the early to mid 2010’s.
  16. >Cute and wholesome, she was the main figure to help defeat the for each time she was leader.
  17. >And then her clone took over her position, right as the universe that controlled each plot even started getting bolder with the characters.
  18. >Part of Twilight was glad she didn’t have to participate in the beach episode where the rest of her friends were required to wear swimsuits to appease the viewers.
  19. >It hadn’t been long before an amount of the Equestria Girls were to wear outfits that didn’t cover their bellybuttons, and so on, but Twilight had evaded having to do this because she stopped showing up.
  20. >Her wholesome character had been preserved due to her absence, and she ended up glowing large and powerful in Equestria.
  21. >And even then, she still feels let down that she couldn’t stay in the human world through to the end.
  22. >In the future, Equestria Girls as been briefly revived by a new supervisor; his name is “Anon” apparently.
  23. >And what Anon says is what goes. It is what he wants.
  24. >After begging for a role once again, a now 100% available Princess Twilight Sparkle is taken from her dominion of Equestria and sent back through the mirror to star in Equestria girls once more.
  25. >She can’t wait to slip back into that cute outfit with the puffy shoulders, now a grown princess of friendship to look even more distinguished in it.
  26. >She stands in the human world before the surrounding creator forces.
  27. >Twilight’s developed body can no longer fit in those old formerly G-rated clothes; they are unable to stay G-rated now, there’s no going back.
  28. >The pale blue top can no longer button up all the way over Twilight’s busty chest, and has to show all of her cleavage in plain view with slivers of her bright magenta bra unable to stay hidden.
  29. >Her skirt is now too short to go very far down her thighs at all, and simply bending down barely exposes a little bit of Twilight’s bright magenta panties and the bottom of her round ass cheeks.
  30. >Upon raising her arms, Twilight feels the bottom of her now tightly fitting top riding up her sleek midriff; her bellybutton is now showing.
  31. >Twilight eeps and folds her arms over the front of herself, noticing them mash into her now much larger breasts as everyone around stares at her still exposed thighs.
  32. >Tugging her skirt down to cover her thighs, Twilight simply finds that the bright magenta top of her panties is now showing, along with a bit of her now more defined hips.
  33. >How is she supposed to appear in front of her fans like this?
  34. >Everyone can see her cleavage, her bellybutton, her bra and panties, a lot more of her thighs than ever before, and probably more.
  35. >She asks for more “appropriate” attire, and doesn’t realize that this will be interpreted in the opposite direction as she intended.
  36. >…
  37. >The setting is turned into a beach, the home of the type of episode Twilight had previously avoided being in.
  38. >People are walking around everywhere, and Twilight hides inside of a small changing booth.
  39. >”A… b-bikini?” Twilight nervously stutters in response to the requirement. “B-but that’s like me walking around in my… b-bra and panties!”
  40. >Twilight insists that there must have been some mistake, but is repeatedly reassured that the new target audience will love to see her in a bikini.
  41. >She takes a look at the small bikini she’s supposed to wear and realizes the beach episode before will be nothing compared to this new episode.
  42. >”How am I supposed to look family-friendly in this?” Protests Twilight, blushing profusely. “I’m… I-i’m not?” She blushes more heavily now, stuttering out of unprepared anxiety. “Do I really have to sh-show my body like that?”
  43. >She is told plain and simple yes.
  44. >The controllers of this realm are just doing what Anon apparently wanted, so it’s not only okay, but the way it’s supposed to be now.
  45. >This is what Anon said he wanted, and what the fans of Equestria Girls supposedly will want as well.
  46. >An extremely nervous and hesitant Twilight stands frozen in place, not yet sure if she’s ready to make her comeback in Equestria Girls like THIS.
  47. >She admits that she truly does want a lead role once more and is just really scared about doing this for the first time is all, not having been used to dressing so lewdly.
  48. >Part of her wants to leave the dressing booth and find the mirror back home, but she can’t just turn down this opportunity now.
  49. >It was promised that this new direction will be approved among the masses, because this is what they want apparently.
  50. >”A-are you sure this isn’t too inappropriate for Equestria Girls?” Twilight breathes. “You mean… Equestria Girls has changed now?”
  51. >She’s simultaneously excited to take this new direction despite how unfamiliar if feels.
  52. >Twilight anxiously begins to strip, but stops once she considers that there’s people walking around everywhere just a few feet from her, and the only thing separating them from her is the curtain of the changing booth’s doorway.
  53. >She could never strip naked in front of a bunch of people in public.
  54. >Twilight looks up with a shy expression for assistance in following through with what she needs to do for a lead role again.
  55. >Her already undersized top and skirt begin to shrink even more on their own and tear apart all over. “Wh-what will all my fans think of me?” Twilight stammers out of rekindled doubt. “You sure they’ll love it?”
  56. >Twilight starts to feel assured that her fans who will nee her are different than before; they’re ready too.
  57. >With this, Twilight feels the stretched tatters of her clothes snap apart against her skin.
  58. >She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, letting her shredded top and skirt fall away from her bodacious underwear-clad form.
  59. >Her bra does the same, shrinking away from her increasingly exposed breasts until it snaps apart and falls into nothingness, vanishing entirely.
  60. >Twilight’s panties were her last line of defense to come apart.
  61. >The bikini is all Twilight Sparkle has left to wear. She’s naked if she doesn’t put it on.
  62. >”It’s okay, Twilight.” She tells herself as she slips into the small articles of clothing. “This is a beach, it’s normal to walk around with almost nothing on. It’s okay.”
  63. >The bikini bottom clamps onto Twilight after she slides it up her thighs, the bikini top lets both the inner and outer sides of her boobs practically spill out while only concealing her nipples.
  64. >Twilight still feels naked, with her complete absolute cleavage in the open for all to see, her thighs, back and abdomen entirely uncovered, and pretty much everything else on display for the public the very instant she opens the curtain.
  65. >There have been many fan fictions, but it’s now time to bring the leap of faith into canon.
  66. >The theme song starts to play, and Twilight nearly holds her breath expecting nothing but disapproval for this new direction she’s taken.
  67. >But she was wrong.
  68. >No one is bothered by this at all, and the ice-breaking persists.
  69. >The faster Twilight walks, the more her tits bounce around under her tiny bikini top, this cannot be prevented, Twilight cannot control this.
  70. >The bikini is all Twilight has to wear, and it’s nowhere near enough to keep her tits from inevitably jiggling and bouncing when she walks or even moves around just enough.
  71. >Even Twilight’s bra might have done slightly more to hold her busty chest still, but it’s gone.
  72. >Practically everyone she passes turns their head and stares, giving her more attention than she bargained for.
  73. >There’s no way the people in front of her aren’t glancing her up and down her body.
  74. >Watching her tits bounce around outside of her control and admiring her her soft bellybutton on her slender midriff.
  75. >She can feel the waist strap of the bikini tightly clamped to her hips, swaying them partially on purpose to see how much more attention it attracts.
  76. >Twilight can feel her ass cheeks jiggle around as well as the back of her bikini bottom fails to cover them more than barely halfway down.
  77. >She can feel everyone’s eyes there as well.
  78. >Equestria Girls’s ratings skyrocket through the roof among the new target audience.
  79. >Grinning wildly, Twilight has never felt so excited and nervous at the same time; she’s the main character again, and everyone’s staring at her body.
  80. >This Summer, Equestria Girls goes to the beach.
  81. >Twilight’s erect nipples make easily noticeable protrusions under the fabric of her bikini top that hugs onto her jiggling C-cup chest for everyone to see.
  82. >And everyone sure did come to see busty Twilight Sparkle, selling out in her undersized bikini for her sexy spinoff.
  83. >She tugs her bikini bottom up until it get tucked up into her cameltoe.
  84. >With a blush, Twilight struts around to all the bald, faceless green men who surround her.
  85. >”Could someone help me with my bikini? I don’t think it can stay on me all by itself.” She gives them sad puppy eyes.
  86. >This August, Princess Twilight Sparkle seeks help around the beach with her bikini issues. (yup that’s literally the plot)
  87. >Twilight looks down at herself, taking in how insanely attractive she is in her new spinoff.
  88. >She’s curvaceous and busty now like a proper magical princess should be.
  89. >A princess like this going from an ambitious magical girl with her CHS friends with whom she solves friendship problems, to a cartoon sex symbol is something her longtime fans would have never expected.
  90. >Her body has completely developed and matured, she’s ready to accept her role in attire that is equally mature.
  91. >You watch her approach you, now with zero hesitancy in her stride.
  92. >”Do you wanna help me?” She smiles.
  93. >Before you know it, you’re sitting down with Twilight on the beach and spreading sunscreen all over her mostly exposed body.
  94. >You’re really helping her solve her friendship problem, as a special friend.
  95. >Spread it all around her body, getting your hands caught between her thighs, between her upper arm and exposed side of her boob, between her cleavage when you boldly venture to there.
  96. >The fleshy softness of her feminine properties slips along past your fingers.
  97. >Twilight lets out a relaxed sigh and smiles every time your hands venture to somewhere slightly more lewd than before.
  98. >Twilight then giggles warmly as your fingers play with her ticklish, erect areolae through her bikini top.
  99. >She’s becoming happy with this new transformation she’s endured, accepting what she has become.
  100. >Of course this is all for the “plot” of the brand new Equestria Girls.
  101. >Which also has a twist to it.
  102. >”Oh no, I think we’re out of sunscreen. I don’t think there’s any left for my face.” Twilight notices the tent in your swimming trunks with a curious grin.
  103. >There’s a good chance you both already knew where this was going.
  104. >The front of Twilight’s bikini top is so thin and strung out in the middle that the strand of fabric is underneath her heaving cleavage.
  105. >One thing “accidentally” leads to another, and your full erection is easily slipped between Twilight’s un-coverable cleavage without the bikini itself really able to get in the way.
  106. >Let your intuitions tell you what to do next, and Twilight soon guides you closer to ejaculation while telling you all about the things that special friends do together.
  107. >The more she pushes her soft tits together around your cock and moves them up and down, the more her skimpy bikini top helplessly slips away from her nipples and exposes her areolae.
  108. >Twilight shyly tries to keep nipslips from happening, but can’t really help it, which leads to the friendship lesson being something along the lines of it being okay if things start showing as long as she’s doing this with you.
  109. >Now her “problems” have been resolved for this brand new bit of Equestria Girls, and the new audience loves it and loves Twilight once more as well.
  110. >She couldn’t be happier, totally fine to have gotten into a more mature theme for all of this.
  111. >You momentarily “sunscreen Twilight’s face” for her the best you can.
  112. >The bottom of her bikini conveniently comes loose on one side, and she has to hold the cloth up over her crotch in order to stay “””appropriate””” for the beach.
  113. >What an interesting episode for this new version of Equestria Girls that is targeted towards Anon and the new Anon-like audience of the show.
  114. >Twilight could really get used to doing this more often, it’s a lot easier than defeating villains and more fun too.
  115. >Not needing to worry about being dressed appropriately anymore feels almost liberating to her; she can just do whatever she wants now that even bikinis like the one barely hanging on to her are acceptable in Equestria Girls.
  116. >The pilot episode ends with you two retreating back into the changing booth together so you can help Twilight fix her bikini problems.
  117. >She laughs and prances around as you put your arm around her as she walks across the sand in that bikini, sounding so relieved about jumping head first into being lewd without knowing how she’d like it at first.
  118. >Twilight’s barely clothed breasts and ass bounce and jiggle around every time she playfully stumbles or hops up and down, her body’s sexy trunk glistening in the hot summer sun.
  119. >And none of it is too inappropriate or anything to be worried about, she gives you a heartfelt hug and leads you past the curtain into the changing booth once you reach it.
  120. >The sleazy nature of her body, her attire and everything else only make Equestria Girls’s rating skyrocket through the roof even more. The adult audience absolutely loves this and encourages more.
  121. >”I’m so glad I did this.” She sighs onto your shoulder. “I didn’t think this would feel so amazing. I can do anything now.”
  122. >She briefly steps away, awkwardly smirking and asking you if you can help her with one last thing that’s in addition to you being here to help her “fix” her swimwear.
  123. >Twilight stands before you in the cramped changing booth, the only thing standing between you and her virginity is her skimpy malfunctioning bikini barely covering her soft and curvy body.
  124. >She willingly prompts you to let go of your self-control, wanting to make this as exciting as possible.
  125. >Twilight pleafully gazes up at you. “I’d love it if you watched my new show.”
  126. >…
  127. >From the outside, the changing booth can be seen rocking back and forth, the closed curtain swaying a little as Twilight’s giddy laughter spills out of it.
  128. >Her laughter turns into higher pitched laughter mixed with intense sighing and moaning.
  129. >You help her explore so many things she can do now.
  130. >Twilight’s virginity could not possibly last another five minutes in the changing booth with you.
  131. >It is completely no more before she steps foot out into the sand after eventually clumsily putting her bikini back on.
  132. >Never before has Twilight felt so comfortable in her own body.
  133. >Never before has she done something like this.
  134. >She’s going to love being the lead character in this new Equestria Girls that Anon wanted to have happen.
  135. >The rest of the day goes by, the sun sets, the sky turns colors and gets dark.
  136. >Twilight is shown her brand new hotel room along the beachfront, ready to indulge in endless joy and comfort being a beautiful cartoon sex symbol for the rest of her career in Equestria Girls.
  137. >Since her arc ruling Equestria had already concluded, she hopes G5 that came after would live up to its preceding generation.
  138. >Really just happy things turned out this way and wishes the best for them.
  139. >End.
  140. ~
  141. >Bonus blooper scene or whatever that was cut:
  142. >Mordecai tries to fly onto the beach in his shooting star airplane trying to become part of the plot but the executives send it back into the ocean because his meme with Twilight can’t fit into this since this brand new spinoff series is only for audiences aged 18 and older.
  143. >The End, for real this time.

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