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That One Story

By Guest
Created: 2022-05-16 05:17:33
Expiry: Never

  1. “Please, let me lick your balls, oh King!” Princess Celestia’s sultry voice echoed in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. She was knelt on four hooves by the royal seat that had formerly belonged to her - now occupied by a human man. “I love the taste of your huge, human penis!”
  3. “You may,” Arthur said. He reclined and took his ease on the plush throne, wearing a tunic but no pants. He had taken the crown of Equestria without so much as a sword being swung or a shot being fired. Rather, it was one look at his thick, hanging, bipedal cock that had the four-legged Celestia eating out of the palm of his hand! He adjusted his posture and sighed with pleasure as she licked her large, flat tongue along his heavy nutsack. Each testicle was larger than the largest apples at Sweet Apple Acres, and his shaft hung fat and flaccid down over the throne’s edge, reaching all the way to the floor.
  5. It was all thanks to his monstrous cock - and the huge cocks of all of his human friends. Not one of them had anything less than sixteen inches, many had much more. And his usurping of the monarchy had thus culminated in Princess Celestia looking out over the highest balcony in Canterlot and, in the throes of pony-human congress, moaning out a decree that all female ponies should make themselves sexually available to the new visitors.
  7. And the male stallions who had formerly flirted and fought for the affections of female ponies? They were expected to just glumly shut up and take it! Celestia had further decreed that every stallion in Equestria was sexually worthless compared to even the least-endowed human, with tiny dicks that could barely emerge from their sheaths. An upbringing in a magical fantasy kingdom literally powered by the magic of friendship had rendered them as sexually threatening as a house fly. The humans, on the other hand, had been horny, ready, and willing to do some serious pony-pumping!
  9. Arthur reflected on how things had started. At first, any humans arriving from the human world had turned into ponies themselves upon setting foot - of hoof, rather - in Equestria. It was one month ago that he’d discovered a way to retain human form upon arrival, and a steady ingress of humans had followed. All the girl ponies - especially Princess Celestia - were absolutely in love with the new arrivals - their expressive eyes grew wide as saucers every time a pair of pants dropped and a new length of human cockmeat was unfurled - and Arthur could be assured of their loyalty no matter how rude or pushy he and his ‘friends’ behaved. In fact, that could and did treat the ponies like sub-equine trash… and still they came back for more!
  11. Yes, life had changed greatly in Equestria since the Pony Plowing Proclamation of Princess Celestia. Arthur considered it as he reached down to grip the horn on Celestia’s head, using it for leverage to rub her face on his heavy, sweaty balls. “That’s it, pony-bitch,” he breathed. “Lick my nuts like a good whore!”
  13. It was second-nature for him to talk this way to Celestia; the rainbow-maned, winged alicorn was utterly in the thrall of his endowment. Her skilled, textured tongue pleasured his balls with wet licks, shifting one testicle up with the pressure of her oral prodding, then letting it drop, moving to the other one, then back again. “You ponies are only good for licking my balls, isn’t that right?”
  15. “Yes, my king!” Celestia moaned, and whatever majesty and authority she’d once had was certainly not in evidence as she completely degraded herself by servicing big, fat, flopping human cock. “Your size is so much bigger than all of our stallions. They look so pathetic by comparison!” The armored male guard-ponies in the throne room, bound by duty and custom to remain at their posts, slumped even lower with shame than they had been.
  17. “Will the rebellion Twilight Sparkle come to the castle today, as I instructed?” Arthur went on. At first, Celestia wasn’t paying attention, her eyelids were fluttering from the deep sniffs of human nutsack sending her pony brain into a tizzy.
  19. A stern grab of her horn quickly changed her tune, though. “Yes!” she gasped. “Oh, I love it when you jerk my head around and treat me like your personal pony-bitch! Will you pound my pony pussy today?” She planted all four hooves and wiggled her rump, which was looking quite shapely and round indeed. Arthur was fond of telling Celestia that she had a fat ass , a huge dump truck , a big, wobbly pony-dumper! He especially liked doing it in front of them male ponies, to further lower their already rock-bottom morale.
  21. “No, stupid,” Arthur said, impatiently. “I must save myself for Twilight Sparkle.” The rebel faction led by Twilight Sparkle had been making noise ever since his takeover - she was a rabble rouser and a brat, trying to gather ponies to rise against him. To Twilight, the strange intrigue with Sunset Shimmer had been bad enough - the Elements of Harmony were at last restored only after a great deal of difficulty and cross-world misadventure - but hind-leg-walking humans making their way through the gateway between worlds, and keeping their forms, was just too much to bear.
  23. Arthur thought Twilight Sparkle just needed a good dicking and wouldn’t admit it. He had heard she was telling anyone who would listen that she was a ‘stallion-only pony’ and that she’d never lose to a human dick, no matter how big.
  25. It was quite a claim - but Arthur supposed the brat had some cause to be confident. Twilight was one of Equestria’s prettiest and most well-proportioned unicorns, and she and her friends had already teamed up to defeat the spirit of chaos, Discord. No doubt, Twilight thought that when she worked together with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, nothing could stop their combined powers of friendship from winning the day.
  27. This time, though? Arthur had a few surprises planned that would deliver Twilight Sparkle directly into his hands… and onto his huge cock! Back on earth - he hadn’t been anyone special. Just an average guy, average height, average build. But in Equestria, he was a king, thanks to the two-way mirror’s enlarging effect on his penis and the penises of all those who followed him. He wasn't about to give that up.
  29. Arthur envisioned Twilight Sparkle as he grabbed Celestia by her head and shoved his long, heavy cock up against her muzzle. Even her long mouth couldn’t handle anything close to his whole meat - but Celestia sure did try, and when she gagged and drooled all over him, it produced a pleasant sensation. “You’d better have this place set up just right when she arrives,” he ordered, and thrust his hips forward. He was down off his throne now, and he made sure the guard-ponies could see his swinging balls and bare ass as he plowed their former liege. He especially wanted them to see the brainless, fucked-out look on Celestia’s face as he shoved his pipe down her throat.
  31. “Take a look,” Arthur sneered. “I’m using your queen as my personal toilet!” The fist-size knob of his cock pressed further into Celestia’s throat, bending as her windpipe descended and traveling down. It displaced enough spit and throat-slime to make the overflow bubble down Celestia’s chin. Her eyes watered, but they still had that same rapturous glow of being happy to be used. Arthur made a jerking off motion with Celestia’s horn as he addressed the two nearest armored ponies. “I’d say you can jerk off while I fuck her face, but you guys can’t even jerk off, huh? No thumbs? Well, once you’re done here you can go find a fence-post to rub your tiny dicks on while your precious queen swallows my huge, thick, chunky load!”
  33. He grunted and there was an audible spurting noise as his pisshole dilated and delivered a spurt of sloppy, chowdery cum straight into Celestia’s belly. For sexless softies who spent much of their time frolicking or breaking into song, the pony women of equestria had bodies very well suited to absorbing human cock. Those expressive, pretty faces. Those bubbly, round, wobbly haunches! Arthur had even considered opening a pony club in the castle, filled with pony twerking! Their chipper personalities also made them all the more fun to abuse and degrade; no matter how lewd and humiliating the treatment, the girl ponies kept their spirits high and continued to beg for more human breeding.
  35. Reaching the point of a climax thanks to Celestia’s spasming pony-throat, Arthur wiped his brown bangs from his eyes and looked around for his favorite targets of ridicule - the guard-captain, Shining Armor, and the pretty-boy pony guard, Flash Sentry. He spotted them standing near the wall, and beckoned them over, an order they were bound to obey thanks to Celestia’s Proclamation that all ponies should obey humans. But they didn’t look happy about it.
  37. Arthur gave several deep, squatting, throat-stretching thrusts, making sure the two stallions could see his big, hanging balls bouncing against Celestia’s neck, and all of the spit and cum pouring down her chin. “Take a look at this you pussies! I’m throat-fucking your queen and you’re just standing there like bitches! Watch how much cum I dump straight into her belly!”
  39. Shining Armor and Flash Sentry, formerly two of the most handsome stallions in Equestria, could only stand and watch as Arthur went about his business, ramming his cock into Celestia’s mouth with a wet, rhythmic schlorp, schlorp, schlorp sound. Mercifully for their wounded pride, it was only a short time before Arthur’s buttocks clenched and the chowdery, wet sound of spraying sperm could be heard bubbling up from Celestia’s insides. Only seconds later, twin jets of semen flew from her nostrils. Her eyes were watering, her face was a mess, and her body was quivering with pleasure at being so thoroughly used by the largest cock in the kingdom.
  41. Arthur stayed balls-deep in Celestia’s throat for a short while, then let his prodigious fuckmeat slide from her opening and flop down to the ground, still slick with sperm and the wetness of her penis-plowed pony-throat. He then turned to look at the pair of head-hung, shame-flushed stallions and cackled out his plan: “Did you like that? Today, I’m going to do the same thing to Twilight Sparkle!”
  43. The mention of the purple-pelted unicorn was enough to raise the ire of both Flash Sentry and Shining Armor, who had been considered attractive partners until the humans came along. Flash and Twilight even had a bit of a flirtation going on. “Twilight won’t give in to you!” Flash blurted. “Even if you’ve… fooled… Celestia.” He could barely make eye contact, avoiding looking at Arthur’s huge penis. “She always comes out on top!”
  45. “That’s right,” Shining Armor added. He was in a particularly bad mood since his former bride Princess Cadence had left him for a human with a twenty inch penis. “My sister won’t fall to your evil spell so easily!” Both of them still wanted to believe it was some sort of sorcery that was causing all the female ponies to become total cock-whores for human dick.
  47. Arthur laughed. He had no magic at all - unless the mirror’s penis-growth effect counted as magic. The pony girls were all just cock-addicted whores who couldn’t resist a hard fucking from a human! “We’ll see,” he said, ominously. “We’ll see if Twilight Sparkle can resist my meat. No doubt she wants her friends to help her… but she’ll be in for a surprise tonight!”
  49. He then turned to Princess Celestia, who was gurgling on the floor, cum pouring out of her mouth, hooves splayed. Letting out a long sigh, Arthur hefted his meat and began to piss directly into her face. Celestia didn’t try to dodge, or even moan, only accepting the finger-thick piss stream as it splashed down on her features. “Nnngh… thank you!” she croaked, voice hoarse from throat-fucking. “I’d rather be pissed on by a huge human cock than ever kiss a stallion!”
  51. Flash Sentry and Shining Armor’s shoulders slumped even further. Twilight Sparkle, it seemed, would be their final hope for salvaging any pony pride.
  57. Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia’s best student; she had spent the previous days deep in study in the ivory tower, trying to find an explanation for the strange human ‘magic’ that was affecting all of Equestria. Yet among all the books, she hadn’t been able to find even a single reference to reproduction, let alone vulgar things like penises or sex. Equestria, it seemed, just wasn’t that kind of place.
  59. Twilight was thus ignorant of what charms her pony body might hold for horny humans - she, like her friends, had mostly been concerned with a person’s heart rather than physical appearance. Thus, her luxurious purple hair (with distinctive neon pink streak), expressive eyes, and shapely haunches seemed like nothing special to her. Little did she know that her rear end was among the curviest in all of Equestria. The innocence of her realm had insulated her from catcalls and references to lifted tails and the plowing of pony poon.
  61. Her studies had, quite predictably, led her to human materials obtained from beyond the magic mirror - the realm of humans. Strange books and magazines titled Bubble-Butt Bitches , Hentai Horse-Fuckers and Cum-Chugging Sluts were in ample supply. The human realm, in fact, seemed utterly obsessed with sexual relations, while the Magic Of Friendship seemed completely absent.
  63. Twilight didn’t really understand this, but she wasn’t about to give up. Unfortunately, her preparations were hampered by the absence of her usual cohorts. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were nowhere to be found - quite a troubling development considering their strong bond had been key to defeating powerful enemies before. Twilight wondered if perhaps they had been captured by the new ‘king’, Arthur. It seemed the only possible explanation. Even Spike was missing.
  65. There was one other troubling development. The human ‘research materials’ weren’t like Predictions and Prophecies , or any of the other books she’d studied as Princess Celestia’s protege. They were filled with nasty things - huge, throbbing human penises, human females cross-eyed in the throes of sex acts that seemed extremely unnatural. Human females being covered in the white reproductive material - cum - that males had stored in their balls! Of course Twilight knew that stallions and human males alike produced this substance - it was how babies were made, after all - but seeing so much of it was shocking!
  67. On the surface, she’d turned up her muzzle at the sight of it. Those long, hose-like penises, as thick as her arm, hanging down… disgusting! However, the sight of them had an unintended effect that she could scarcely admit. There was a tingling she felt, in a place that polite pony society never mentioned - the velvety nub and soft folds of her pony pussy! It was the sacred place underneath her luxurious pink-streaked tail, and something was being awakened there as she watched all the fucking and sucking and cumming. Her body was changing in other ways, too. The teats along her underside were usually so featureless and flat as to be undetectable… but just recently, during her studies, they’d swollen up into a serious pair of pony-boobs! Twilight had first noticed when moving about, and had rushed to a mirror to discover that not only was she sporting a pair of equine baby-feeders, but her haunches had grown in volume as well, more closely resembling a pair of fleshy balloons! All of this, she knew, was the effect of the human ‘magic’, and it was an effect she had to resist. Time to reverse the spell was growing short, but she suspected the defeat of ‘Arthur’ would hold the key.
  69. “I’ll never lose to a human,” she swore. “Ponies should mate with ponies.” This was her battle cry as she descended from the library to head to Canterlot. She had received a letter from Princess Celestia, an invitation to attend court and meet Arthur, the new human ruler of the realm. It was distressing to Twilight Sparkle to see that her mentor Celestia had given in, but that only proved how dire the situation had become. She would steel her courage, muster all of her strength, and defeat Arthur by sheer force of will. Surely, the Magic of Friendship could bring all of the smitten ponies back to their senses.
  71. These were her honest thoughts as she trotted along, with the castle rising over the horizon, growing larger and larger as she approached. Twilight Sparkle considered breaking into song, a favored habit of hers, but the air was foul with the moaning and cries of pony plowing from dozens of houses along the road. She was, she realized, one of the few ponies who had not obeyed Celstia’s decree and taken a human mate for breeding. Those ponies who had were now enjoying the fruits of that decision, and she heard their cries on the wind:
  73. “Yes! Impregnate my pony-cunt!”
  75. “It’s so huge! Humans really are the best!”
  77. “Cum all over my cutie-mark!”
  79. “I’ll have your foals! Err… babies! Whatever!”
  81. These, and many more ejaculations, both verbal and otherwise. They were often utterly unintelligible from monstrous human cocks jammed deep in pony windpipes. There was much talk of pussies being wrecked and assholes destroyed , and much as they sounded damaging, the female ponies seemed to be totally enjoying it!
  83. “Stay strong,” Twilight reassured herself. But again, she felt a tingling under her tail and a cold sweat on her withers. Did it really feel as good as those cries of ecstasy made it seem? One long, luxurious groan coming from a farmhouse window seemed to promise something even more powerful than friendship! What if…
  85. “No,” Twilight said, squinting her eyes to steel herself. “It’s a trick! Human… horny… nasty… gross… lewd magic!” And no amount of tingling in her teats and clitoris would stop her from her quest to set Equestria back to normal.
  87. The sounds of coitus fell eerily silent as she got closer to Canterlot castle, however. On approach, she passed through several rows of glum-paces guard-ponies in their burnished armor, standing on either side of the path in stoic lines. She travelled on in silence, and upon her entry into the throne room, she was happy to see that Flash Sentry was, at least, still performing his duty of announcing visitors.
  89. “Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship Castle!” he proclaimed, but there was a look of desperation in his eyes when she flashed him a smile. The entire castle felt different - less friendly and somehow more ‘human’. On either side of the throne room there were curtained, segregated areas, three on the left and three on the right. Twilight Sparkle had no idea what they contained. And on Princess Celestia’s throne, she saw, sat the human who had started the whole mess - Arthur. Brown-haired with his bangs over his eyes and a carefree grin that infuriated Twilight to no end. He was taking his ease in loose pants and a tunic, and one of his hands held a chain that led to a collar around Celestia’s slender neck.
  91. Twilight Sparkle walked forward fearlessly, lifting each hoof with purpose and giving Arthur the staredown. As she approached, he stood, and she saw a thick, coiling weight stretching the fabric of his rather medieval-looking pantaloons - anachronistic both in this world and in his. She supposed that he’d had some ponies make them, since it was the sort of thing a ‘king’ would wear. But the important detail wasn’t their make but what they contained. For the first time, Twilight Sparkle was face-to-face with the real thing… the huge, hanging, flopping, bloated, heavy human cocks she’d only seen in books!
  93. Twilight bit her lower lip momentarily and then hid the expression from her face as fast as it had arrived. She was convinced stallions were better mates than humans… how could they not be? Ponies for ponies, and let the humans stay with their own kind. It didn’t matter how big… and huge… and virile… these humans were. Right? Of course. And yet as she stared at Arthur’s massive bulge (and Celestia’s awestruck, brainless expression as she stared at it), she felt her first pangs of doubt.
  95. “Twilight Sparkle,” Arthur said. “I was hoping you’d come. I’ve heard you’re going around telling everyone that humans aren’t any good, and we should all go home.”
  97. “That’s right!” Twilight Sparkle said, defiant. “You may have everyone else fooled… but I won’t lose to a human. I’m a stallion-only pony!” And, on cue, music filled the air as she broke into song, surprising Arthur, who raised an eyebrow and looked around as Twilight closed her eyes and sang a peppy tune:
  99. Humans aren’t so great
  101. Their world is full of trash
  103. And who cares about size
  105. When they’re always acting rash?
  107. She darted over to Flash Sentry, who had arrived near the throne to watch her performance.
  109. Stallions are much better
  111. They’re friendly and upright
  113. So get a stallion boyfriend
  115. And it’ll be alright!
  117. Flash Sentry blushed and looked at her amorously, and she trotted over to Princess Celestia, who looked surprised enough to break out of her cock-shock. Dimly, her awareness seemed to return to her as Twilight Sparkle started on another verse:
  119. Snap out of it, Princess!
  121. We can still win this!
  123. The power of friendship
  125. Can restore the-
  127. WHAP!
  129. The sharp impact was deafening, and the song broke up with record-scratching suddenness. Twilight Sparkle toppled forward and slid with her rear end bouncing in the air from the impact of Arthur’s palm. Clearly, the king did not appreciate being relegated to a bystander as the assembled ponies participated in Twilight’s musical number, and had shown his displeasure with a serious spanking that left Twilight’s lavender coat blushing red in the hindparts!
  131. “That’s enough of that shit,” he said, and walked toward his wincing adversary. “You ponies, always with the singing and prancing!” He crossed his arms. “Instead of friendship, why don’t you sing about what a big, round, fat ass you have? It’s probably the biggest of any pony in all of Equestria!”
  133. Twilight Sparkle spun around and blushed. The feathers on her stubby wings prickled up with irritation. “I do not! It’s normal sized!” Yet his statement seemed to have an effect on her, and just seconds after the comment was made, she couldn’t help craning her neck around to take a peek at her own bottom. Sure enough, it was looming large and round.
  135. “What an indecent pony,” Arthur said. “Your fat ass is even bigger than Celestia’s, and she’s the biggest ass-whore in the whole kingdom!” He threw back his head and laughed, and Twilight bridled.
  137. “Don’t say that about Princess Celestia!”
  139. “Or what?” Arthur shot back. “You’ll call your little friends to help defeat me?” His mouth curled up into a lecherous smile. “I think you’ll find they’re busy with other things!”
  141. Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “What have you done with them?”
  143. “Nothing they won’t enjoy, believe me! I’m simply letting them savor what they’ve been craving all along. I’ve given them new jobs, you see, and taken them in as members of my court!” He raised his arms. “Ponies! Draw the curtains!”
  145. The shame-faced pony guards gripped tasseled curtain ropes between their teeth and trotted away, revealing all six side-chambers… and no amount of perusing human porn could have prepared Twilight for what she saw. Each of her friends - Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie - was surrounded by big, burly human males with astoundingly large penises! And in the sixth curtained chamber, another familiar face - Princess Cadence, the bride of her brother, Shining Armor!
  147. There wasn’t a cock among the humans that measured less than sixteen inches, and many were even bigger. Grunting and moaning filled the air as all six female ponies were being stuffed in all their holes in a lewd, wet, nasty gangbang! The sound was so cacophonous, in fact, that it rivaled Twilight Sparkle’s previous attempt at a musical interlude. There were squelches and gags, the meaty sounds of pony pussies being churned up, equine assholes clinging with moist adhesion to veiny human gogs, and the gurgling and dry-heaving of prick-stuffed throats.
  149. “Take a look!” Arthur taunted, and he manhandled Twilight Sparkle over to the left side room closest to the throne. Within, the orange-coated farm-pony, Applejack, was laid out on a luxuriant mattress, flat on her back with all four hooves in the air. Her trademark blonde main was scattered beneath her head and her cowboy hat had been tossed to the side and discarded. Two human males, muscled, hulking and naked, were plowing their cocks in and out of her body, with the mouth-stuffing making her expression hard to read. But Twilight Sparkle could see enough, in between the impact of a fat, ruddy-skinned nutsack on Applejack’s muzzle and forehead, to see that her friend was in a state of total bliss!
  151. “Applejack!” cried Twilight, and Arthur restrained her from interfering. She could only watch as the prime denizen of Sweet Apple Acres, famed for her honesty, was slurping and gagging on the sixteen inch human fuckmeat plowing straight down her gullet! Her face was plastered with cum, spit and throat-slime, the sclera of her eyes tainted pink from untold lengths of non-stop facefucking. Twilight could hear the noises - glrrrrrrrrrrrk, nrrrrrrrruuuarg, glauuuuuuuuuuuuuurk - as Applejack choked on cock... degrading, barely-sentient noises that no self-respecting pony would ever make!
  153. Sat off to the side, looking rather forlorn, was Applejack’s brother, Big MacIntosh. His physical size and strength were of no avail here as he watched his sister’s defilement with defeated eyes, and after one long, throat-stretching cock thrust was withdrawn and Applejack’s mouth was free for a moment, it became clear why. She opened her mouth, letting a huge amount of sperm and throat gunk spill out over her eyes, and spoke in a hoarse voice that nonetheless carried her familiar country twang.
  155. “Gah! These big ol’ human cocks are makin’ me feel so good!” Her eyes turned to Twlight Sparkle, who was watching, totally aghast. “They’re almost reachin’ all the way to my stomach, they’re so big and long!”
  157. “Applejack!” Twilight cried out. “I’ll rescue you! Just you wait!”
  159. “Rescue?” Applejack replied, sounding honestly confused. “I don’t need rescuin’! I just want these humans to pound my pussy until it’s full up with human babies!”
  161. And so, the situation became clear. Big Mac was not rescuing Applejack because she didn’t want to be rescued! “What do you think of that, big brother?” Applejack taunted, her voice wavering with each thrust of thick human meat into her asshole. “All the ponies in Equestria would rather shack up with these big ol’ human dicks than ever touch your tiny little stallion cock!” She purred out in the throes of orgasm, her thick haunches wobbling with the impact of human hips. “Golly, they’re makin’ me cum over and over!”
  163. Arthur threw back his head and laughed with satisfaction as the man near Applejack’s mouth rammed his cock back down her throat, rendering further conversation impossible. “See? Your so-called ‘Magic Of Friendship’ is far weaker than the ‘Power Of Cock’. All female ponies are nothing but size-queens. All I have to do is wag my cock in front of their faces and they’re ready to suck and fuck!”
  165. “You’re lying!” Twilight accused.
  167. “Am I?” Arthur pointed to the opposite side of the room. “Let’s see how your friend Rarity is doing.” And though Twilight was at this point more than a little afraid to look, she couldn’t help but turn her head. Rarity, the most prim and proper of her pony cadre - and the one she would have considered least likely to do something as vulgar as mate with a human - was in the same predicament as Applejack. This time, there was a twist. He was slumped over on her front, shoulders down, dock up and tail lifted, her curled purple hair in disarray while a brutally hung human, naked with balls hanging down to mid-thigh, thrust powerfully into her stretched-open pony pussy!
  169. Yet, most degrading of all, it was impossible to see how Rarity was reacting to this, since her head was shoved into an overturned garbage container. The greasy contents were splattered about her neck and front side - a humiliating imposition for a pony who so rarely deigned to get her hooves dirty. And yet she still seemed to enjoy being the center of attention, for a tinny voice drifted up from inside the metal trash container, reaching the ears of Twilight Sparkle.
  171. “Ah! That feels so good! Yes! Ruin me! Pump all that human cum into my pony womb! It feels so good to be treated like garbage !”
  173. “Shut up, bitch!” the human male growled, and slapped Rarity’s thick, curvy pony haunches as he sliced his long, heavy sex scimitar into her sopping quim. Wetness dripped down over his nuts and Rarity’s cunt was clinging to his pipe on each withdrawal like a pink sleeve. He added more spanks and slaps which only drew more approval from her.
  175. Twilight was utterly aghast at how drastically the human Cock Magic had changed her friend. Previously, uncleanliness and crudeness would have annoyed Rarity to no end. But here she was - being treated like literal trash, fucked like a pony-whore and manhandled like nothing more than a piece of sodden refuse! Even her affection for Spike was absent. The diminutive dragon boy was restrained nearby in a skin-tight latex gimp suit with a full mask and a zipper over the mouth.
  177. “Rarity!” Twilight squawked. “How could you?”
  179. Again the tinny voice rose up from within the garbage can. “Twilight! Oh, I was hoping you’d come! I wanted you to see… how good it feels… to be a total pony-slut for human cock!”
  181. A second human, previously reclining, rose from his padded pillows and walked around to Rarity’s front. His muscled body glistened with sweat and his penis, heavy and thick and long, banged back and forth between his knees like a hammer. Twilight again felt that tingling in her undercarriage. The human’s penis was so big… and yet, Arthur’s was half-again larger! And it was stuffed into his pantaloons just inches away!
  183. As she watched, the man stooped and pulled the garbage can off of Rarity’s head, revealing her face-down in a pile of refuse and trash. Her face was greasy with cum and oily food leavings, but that did nothing to erase her expression of orgasmic bliss, which didn’t change when the man bent over in front of her and presented his muscled buttocks.
  185. “Lick my asshole, you stupid bitch,” he ordered. And before Twilight could exclaim no, that’s dirty, that’s the opposite of what the real Rarity would do , the purple-maned pony girl craned her neck up, extended her tongue, and started to slurp at the human man’s asshole, even going so far as to press her muzzle right between his cheeks! The man sighed with obvious relief and arousal. “Ahhh! That’s it… eat my shit you fucking pony-whore! You’d rather lick my sweaty asshole than ever mate with one of those tiny-dick stallions, wouldn’t you?”
  187. “No!” blurted Twilight.
  189. But Rarity contradicted her, extricating her tongue in order to speak. “Yes!” she cried, her eyes unfocused with cock-addicted euphoria. “I’ll shove my tongue right up your ass! This is what all ponies should do for humans!” And without hesitation, she pressed her face in even further, still being fucked from behind and now servicing the man in front, plowing her tongue deep into his bowels and slurping at his sweaty innards while he jerked his cock off in front of her face.
  191. “Here it comes, you stupid, ass-licking piece of shit!” the front man growled, after nearly thirty seconds of Rarity’s tongue probing inside him and licking the sweat and musk from his ass-rim. He turned, took a handful of her mane to lift her head, then used the same hand to pry her left eye wide open. “Nnnngh!” the man grunted. “Take it!” He pressed his quivering prick helmet directly against Rarity’s large and colorful eye.
  193. His pisshole dilated and his spongy, fat cockhead bulged as a solid stream of chunky cum burst out directly against her eyeball, plastering it with cum instantly. At the same time, there was a low, churning sound as the man in Rarity’s pony-twat, no less endowed and merciless with hsi degradation, hilted himself and started to spurt him directly into her foal-factory. Twilight hoped against hope that Rarity would come to her senses and buck those filthy humans to kingdom come, but of course that didn’t happen. Rather, Rarity quivered and quaked with mind-melting orgasm while her baby-sack was flooded and her unblinking eyes were poured full of smelly, backed up human cum.
  195. “I… love… human… coooooooock!” she wailed, and the strength of pony addiction to bipedal dick in Equestria seemed a more unconquerable problem than ever. Twilight had anticipated being able to free her friends and team up against Arthur. But both Applejack and Rarity were… were…
  197. Twilight suddenly became aware of Arthur standing right next to her. The heavy, fabric stretching bulge in his pants looked like a large snake, bundled up and struggling to get out! It was so large… so thick! Again, she felt the strange quivering in her pony-parts, and had to grit her teeth and shut her eyes against it. Her gaze wandered over to Flash Sentry, with whom she’d always had a sort of flirtation. She couldn’t give in! Stallions were better. She was a stallion-only pony, she’d never give in to a human cock - even one that was two feet long and hanging all the way to the floor!
  199. All around her, though, was the evidence of the pleasure that might be gained by taking on a human mate, as Celestia had decreed. Her friends Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were receiving the same degrading, hole-stretching treatment as Applejack and Rarity. Fluttershy’s usually reserved personality had changed into something humiliatingly cock-hungry; she was surrounded by more than a dozen human males and begging to suck the cum out of all of their long, turgid penises! Her voice seemed to carry an assertiveness that Twilight had rarely seen. As for Rainbow Dash, she was darting around and bouncing up and down on half a dozen different cocks, absorbing thrusts for ten or fifteen seconds before zipping off to her next partner. Her cries of pleasure were as intense as any race track victory celebration.
  201. And Pinkie, well-
  203. “Hey, Twilight- what do you think will happen when all these big human dicks spurt all their baby seeds into my pony womb?” she called out, engaging Twilight in a strangely casual conversation despite the sordid circumstances. She was hunched over, rump in the air, while a thrusting, hip-gripping human male buried his bone deep into her pussy with deep and penetrating strokes. Wetness spritzed down as his cock slid in and withdrew, and Twilight could see Pinkie’s pussy gripping that meat like a sleeve. Yet unlike the other ponies, Pinkie wasn’t eye-rolling, or moaning out. Rather, she seemed unaffected by the whole thing - even as the twin bubbly mounds of her shapely haunches wobbled with the impact of vicious strokes from a penis that was well over a foot long and as thick as an arm - or foreleg!
  205. “I kinda want to see what’ll happen? Will they be humans with pony features? Or ponies with human features?” She put a forehoof to her chin in a thinking pose as her body was jostled with more fucking. “Gosh, maybe it’ll be some sort of weird half-human, half-pony mutant! Or maybe it’ll look like our human forms when we went through the magic mirror!” She paused, then considered again. “Actually? Once I get knocked up by this big virile human cock, what happens if I’m pregnant and go through the magic mirror? Will the baby transform too? This is a lot to think about!”
  207. “Knocked up?” Twilight gasped. “Pinkie, you don’t want to do that with these nasty humans!”
  209. “Sure I do!” came the instant reply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Pinkie always did have a unique perspective on things. “Us ponies are only good for fucking and giving birth to babies! I want to pop out a bunch of kids until my womb is all worn out… then my human mate can throw me right in the trash!” Twilight stood in disbelief as Pinkie made a sound with her mouth mimicking an object sailing through the air and landing in the garbage. Whooooooooooooo-pssshhh!”
  211. “See, Twilight Sparkle?” Arthur taunted, bumping into the purple pony so his package gave her rump a jostle. “All the ponies of Equestria have made their choice!” He swept a hand across the royal chamber, gesturing to each of Twilight’s friends in turn. “Princess Celestia has given up her position as ruler and spends all day worshiping my cock. Applejack is a face-fucked country whore, and that uppity Rarity is perfectly content wallowing in filth if it means her pony pussy gets plowed by more human cock. Rainbow Dash is using her speed to suck and fuck as many human cocks as she can - and every hour, she tries to break her own record. Fluttershy has come out of her shell and she’s now a ball-licking pony prostitute who can’t stop moaning about getting cum pumped up her ass! Your brother’s bride, Princess Cadence, is fucking humans in front of him non-stop! And as for Pinkie Pie, she can’t wait to give birth to human offspring until her cock-stretched pony womb is totally worn out.”
  213. Twilight’s shoulders, once stiff with resolve, slumped down. It was true. All of her friends were nothing but pony-whores for the biggest, most virile human dicks. And none of the stallions she had so vigorously defended had the courage to step up and sexually challenge the invaders. They were all just a bunch of limp-dick pony cucks with little dick nubs hiding impotently in their sheaths!
  215. Sensing that it was time to go in for the kill, Arthur pulled down his waistband and let his cock fall free. It was massive - the biggest of the humans by far - and hung nearly down to the floor, thicker than Twilight’s foreleg and reeking of musk and cum. Two balls the size of cantaloupes bulged, fat and happy, against the inside of Arthur’s thighs. Twilight let out a whimper upon seeing it. “Now, suck my cock, Twilight Sparkle,” Arthur ordered. “Obey Celestia’s proclamation and take a human as your mate, while your stallions stand around and watch!”
  217. Twilight looked up at Flash Sentry and Shining Armor one last time as the huge penis hung enormous in her face. They were standing impotently, unable to compete with Arthur’s sheer cock size. As the scent of cum wafted into her nostrils, Twilight felt that tingle again, but far more strongly. There was a slickness in her pony-parts that had never been there before. That monstrously large, human cock, dangling so aggressively in her face… perhaps…
  219. Perhaps the way to defeat Arthur… was to prove that she wouldn’t lose to it. He hefted his heavy knob so it was just inches from her mouth, and Twilight Sparkle first turned away and let the tip brush first one cheek, then the other. But as he pressed insistently, she eventually relented and opened as wide as she could to take the organ inside, immediately feeling the creak of her jaw and the stretching of her cheeks around that massive penis!
  221. “Glnnnnngh!” Twilight gurgled, as the fat bell-end of Arthur’s prick burrowed to the back of her throat. Her eyes had already started to water, and in spite of her defiance her expression became overwhelmed. Human cocks were so huge! Twilight’s mind whirled. How could she claim stallions were better if humans were so… so…
  223. “Ach!” she gagged, withdrawing from Arthur’s cock. “I’d never like… sucking on something like that!”
  225. But he buried two hands in her streaked, dark-haired mane and jammed his prick back inside, this time not stopping at the back of her throat but thrusting with his hips to violate her throat. Twilight’s neck distended obscenely as the monstrously large prick sheared down her gullet, and saliva bubbled out around the shaft, dripping down her chin. Arthur began to thrust, drawing humiliating sounds from her. Gllllrk! Gluuuuuuuuarrk! Huuurk! Glnngh! A humiliatingly different sort of music from Morning In Ponyville .
  227. “That’s it, choke on my huge cock you bitch! That’s all you ponies are good for!” Arthur crowed. And the next time he withdrew, making Twilight cough and spit up a huge amount of throat-slime and pre-cum, her attitude was quite different.
  229. “It’s… too big…” she groaned.
  231. WHAP! Arthur paintbrushed her across the face. Flash Sentry and Shining Armor winced at the impact of his hand on her cheek. He repeated the action again, and again, taking great pleasure in slapping the fuck out of Twilight Sparkle. And with each impact her resistance seemed to weaken; her face became less the plucky rebel and more the cockshocked receptacle. Once the slapping was done, he returned to face-fucking, and plowed his monsterous member in as far as he could this time, making Twilight’s belly bulge out as he reached full depth. The sounds coming from inside her body were wet and sloppy and meaty - sounds of physical distension, a pony body adapting to accept and caress a huge human prong. Arthur fucked as he wished, not caring if Twilight could breathe, while her eyes reddened and rolled back and his big, spit-soaked balls mopped and slapped against her slender equine neck.
  233. The tingling in her pony-pussy had become too great to ignore, so much so that she couldn’t help but arch her back and wiggle her hips. And in the brief moments that her face wasn’t obscured by Arthur’s pelvis, she saw Flash Sentry and Shining Armor looking red-faced and guilty as they hung their heads. She could barely see it, but she knew - just knew - that both of them had their tiny stallion pricks out and hard, totally erect from seeing her get abused by a superior human cock! As she watched, both of them ejaculated a few drops of pathetic pony sperm. That was it for Twilight Sparkle. She’d been battling to prove her claim that stallions were superior… but they were all just a bunch of cuck-colts!
  235. By the time Arthur stopped his face-fucking for a third time, Twilight’s sassy and disobedient demeanor had totally changed. Her face was completely plastered in streaks of cum and spit that connected to the tip of his cock in fat strands. And beneath that mask of cum, all signs of resistance were gone. Twilight’s expressive eyes were even rolled back in their sockets a little. She let out a long, satisfied breath that caused the saliva strands to sway and break. “Human cocks are… so big!” she gurgled, and cum poured from her mouth and down her front.
  237. She knelt with her forelegs and worshipfully bowed her head in front of Arthur’s hanging penis while the confident human crossed his arms and smiled with sinister intent. “I’m sorry for not accepting the truth!” Twilight moaned. “Your massive human cock makes my pony pussy soaking wet. All the stallions, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor… they’re all just a bunch of premature ejaculation faggots compared to you!” She looked up at Arthur with pleading eyes. “Please… let me kiss your human godhood in front of my limp-dick brother and stupid, one-inch Flash Sentry.”
  239. Arthur nodded, and Twilight, with half-lidded, defeated eyes, proceeded to raise her head up and totally degrade herself. She started to lick around the cum-soaked head of Arthur’s cock, poking her tongue into his fat piss slit, hollowing her cheeks out and sucking sperm out of his urethra in a big, fat strand, eagerly swallowing it down. “Take a good look, boys,” she taunted, addressing Flash, Shining, and the rest of the armored ponies. “King Arthur’s monster cock has turned me into a total pony-bitch! I’d rather suck the smelly cum out of his piss-pipe than ever kiss any of you stupid stallions.” She turned to Shining Armor. “Brother, your wife Princess Cadence is being used as a sperm toilet by a dozen humans right now and you’re just standing there like a bitch! And Flash Sentry - you had plenty of chances to hit on me and did absolutely nothing about it, you sexless homo. You two probably want to fuck each other up the ass!”
  241. Twilight gave Arthur’s cock one last worshipful kiss and then turned around. Kneeling with her forelegs again, hoofs tucked gently underneath, she raised her bubbly, thick rump up in Arthur’s direction, begging him to take it. Arthur’s eyes glistened, and he made a show of lifting Twilight’s colorful tail and exposing her private pony holes.
  243. It was immediately clear why he had considered the rebellious Twilight Sparkle to be the crown jewel of his pony-fucking collection. By a combination of cock magic and her natural gifts, she had the roundest, phattest set of pony haunches in all of Equestria - even bigger than older ponies like Princess Celestia. Each one of her cheeks was a huge, bubbly sphere of flesh - and in between, glistening with need, her puffy, moist, inviting ass-rim seemed to practically beg for a cock to be shoved inside. Lower than that and even wetter and more needy, her quivering, plump-lipped pony pussy was completely slick with her juices!
  245. “Finally!” Arthur crowed, wielding his heavy meat saber and taking aim. “The Princess of Friendship Castle gives up her cunt and ass to my huge cock!” It was clear that Twilight’s submission was complete - she was moaning, wiggling her bottom, thrusting up in Arthur’s direction like a total whore! The shoulders of every male pony present slumped even lower, and Twilight dug the needle in deeper by begging for human dick.
  247. “I want you to shove your huge cock up my ass!” she mewled. “I want every one of these stallions to see you fucking my big, fat pony shitter! Stir up my guts with that monster cock! Make me shit out your huge load, right in front of Flash Sentry!” Never before had such filthy words passed Twilight’s lips, and Rarity surely would have been scandalized by the vulgarity (and Fluttershy rendered a blushing mess), if either of them wasn’t already being fucked silly.
  249. Arthur didn’t need to be told twice. He placed his heavy cocktip against Twilight’s big, swollen, twitching purple ass-ring and pressed it inside. There was a wet, accepting shlrroooorp noise as his veiny, throbbing cockmeat slid into her bowels. It was an exquisite feeling - that was written on his face. Twilight’s ass had just the right mix of give and tightness, her amazingly warm, wet insides were caressing his two feet of cock like nothing before. The sound of nasty, gut-distending penetration filled the royal hall, mixing with their mutual cries of pleasure.
  251. Twilight’s eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She made a long, moaning sound that sounded more like a non-sentient mare in the throes of rut than any sort of thinking creature - certainly this would never be one of her more famous song lyrics. Arthur’s cock was in her asshole all the way up to the balls, and as he started to thrust, the bump of his prick helmet pushed her belly and caused a cock-shape to appear beneath her skin. She was being totally impaled… and she loved it! Perhaps owing to her colorful and mysterious pony anatomy, it seemed she could take all twenty-four rampaging inches of Arthur’s monster without serious injury. In fact, she seemed to be completely enjoying it, making humiliating fuck-faces as her asshole was permanently stretched into the shape of a human phallus.
  253. The sound of Arthur’s balls slapping Twilight’s soaking wet pussy as he pounded her pussy was utterly lewd, and each time his swinging, heavy nutsack banged against her quim and swung back, there were glistening strands of her wetness stretching and breaking. Twilight’s first, obvious, brutal ponygasm occurred only a few minutes after the fucking had started. Every muscle in her shapely equine body seemed to tense and stretch, and her hooves scrabbled on the castle floor as her limbs jittered with pure ecstasy. “I’m cumming with a huge, human cock in my assss!” she wailed, and perhaps because of her hot, wet asshole spasming and gripping with extra fervor, Arthur gritted his teeth and pulled out to the tip, allowing Twilight’s prolapsed, dick-sleeve ass, as purple as the rest of her, to cling to the end of his cock like a sleeve.
  255. Spluuuurrt! “Ah, I came a little!” he grunted, exhaling. But for a penis as prodigious as his, ‘a little’ was a lot indeed, and so Twilight’s shameful, human-subservient ass-climax was accompanied by thick blasts of chowdery cum being pumped into her cock-distended bowels. The wet, sloshing noise went on for ten seconds or more before Arthur stumbled back, not wanting to shoot his entire load at once. Twilight, head a-flutter and eyes turned into heart shapes, lay dazed, slumped onto the ground with her rump in the air and her swollen pony-boobs cushioning below.
  257. “Humans… are… the beshhhht!” she slurred, and on cue, a burbling sound came from her ass and a fountain of jizz spurted out and arced in the air, before splashing down to the castle floor. This lasted for several seconds until the flow abated… and was accompanied by lewd, nastiest sounds of expulsion that surely none of the innocent and friendship-preoccupied ponies had ever made prior to the arrival of humans.
  259. “Take a look,” Arthur taunted the assembled pony guards, including Flash Sentry and Shining Armor. “Your precious Twilight Sparkle is nothing but a cum-farting piece of shit! I dumped so much cum in her ass she’ll be spraying out my seed for days! She’s nothing but a toilet!” He wound up and smacked Twilight’s round rump, sending it a-jiggling - this only caused the defeated Alicorn to wiggle her stubby wings and moan out with pleasure.
  261. Arthur then reached down with both hands and spread Twilight’s cum-soaked pussy, exposing the bright pinkness of her slit. This was the true prize he’d been waiting for, the ultimate symbol of his dominance over Equestria. “You’re not a virgin,” he commented, a bit disappointed. “That means-”
  263. “Yes… it was… Flash Sentry who took it,” Twilight moaned. “That’s why I thought stallions were best! But… the truth is… I couldn't admit this to you, but… his tiny dick barely touched the sides!”
  265. Arthur laughed, and pressed two fingers inside Twilight’s wet hole. As soon as he started to rub firmly upward, Twilight came to life again and pressed her haunches back up against his hands. “Please,” she begged. “Destroy my pussy with that monster cock! I want you to put so many human babies in my womb, I’ll be fit to burst!”
  267. Then she looked sideways to Flash Sentry. “Do you hear that, you bitch?” she spat, seeming to revel in her own disgust at the stallion’s small penis and lack of assertiveness. “You’re going to be raising these kids to watch closely! King Arthur is going to use me as his personal pony breeding toilet! I’m going to be a pregnant whore, licking his monster cock while you and my brother suck each other's dicks - uwaaaaaaaaaaaugh!”
  269. Arthur penetrated Twilight without mercy in her poniest of ponies. She was so wet and ready for his defilement that her slickness soaked his shaft instantly and pattered down to the ground in fat droplets. Twilight cried out in delight and pleasure as the human stud’s shaft, with its throbbing veins and rampaging, battering cocktip, quickly stretched her to the limit and beyond, pressing all the way to her womb and forcing her accepting, cock-hungry body to take every inch of his monster meat deep into her most sacred places.
  271. “It’s.. all the way in my womb!” she wailed. “It’s… fucking my baby-maker! I’m gonna breed with a human! Watch everyone! Watch me get bred!” And when the fucking began in earnest, there could be no doubt among the onlookers that Twilight was being thoroughly impregnated. The penetration was so large and deep, her cries of orgasmic bliss were too loud - there was no other conclusion to draw but that the once-innocent pony heroine, heir to Princess Celestia’s legacy, was becoming a human’s breeding mare! The impact of Arthur’s pelvis on her fat rump, alone, was reverberating in the halls, forming a chorus with her breathy wails and his sadistic, conquering grunts.
  273. It wasn’t just the energetic coupling that exemplified the truth of her submission, but Arthur’s sheer size. Twilight Sparkle, who had claimed she’d never lose to a human dick, was clearly loving every inch of that massive cock! Her eyes rolled and her moans filled the air as she had orgasm after orgasm, her young body quaking and shuddering, going limp, and then being energized anew after more fucking. Juices were pouring out of her slit and all over the floor.
  275. Arthur kept going as long as he could, fucking Twilight for nearly fifteen uninterrupted minutes and making her cum the whole time. She begged for his load and constantly compared his size to the stallions in attendance, ridiculing their tiny dicks until her words simply became unintelligible because of her orgasm-addled mind. Only once she’d been reduced to a quivering heap, hooves sliding on the floor bonelessly, did Arthur speed up his thrusting for the ultimate climax. And when he stabbed in, burying his spurting, cum-erupting cock knob inside Twilight’s baby sack, he cried out with triumph.
  281. The sounds of ejaculation were audible, thick, and churning, as what seemed like gallons of virile seed erupted directly into Twilight’s womb, impregnating her instantly. The image of Arthur, mounting Twilight Sparkle, thrusting his hips triumphantly, was a symbol for the influence that all humans had gained in Equestria. A new destiny would now unfold for all female ponies, who would become faithful breeding partners for their human studs.
  283. Canterlot Castle would henceforth be renamed ‘Camelot’, with King Arthur on his seat of power, surrounded by his pony harem.
  291. “Ah! Don’t fuck me so hard!” Twilight Sparkle moaned. You’ll startle the babies!” She was slumped over on her forelegs again, but this time she had a big, round, humiliating baby gut beneath her as well, and a pair of huge balloon-shaped, milk-filled breasts that were ready to feed the offspring she’d already produced, and the untold dozens more to come.
  293. In spite of her complaints, she always loved it when Arthur pounded her pregnant pussy and her asshole, even while she had two human infants sucking away at her tits - and she wasn’t the only one. A half-dozen other female ponies - Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Cadence - were in a similar position, forelegs down, huge milk-loaded tits piled on the floor, two babies sucking away, with their wet pussies exposed to be fucked whenever and however their human mates wished.
  295. “Ah! If you keep… plowin’ away at me like that… I’m gonna drop out these kids right now!” Applejack drawled, her body jostling forward while a huge-cocked stud stretched out her pussy to prepare the way for the forthcoming birth. And so it was all down the line - all seven ponies being fucked while the assembled stallions watched impotently in a state of utter cuckoldry.
  297. Twilight had already had two sets of adorable human twins; it turned out that Pinkie need not have worried about misshapen mutant monsters. The children had been fully human, and now they kept her swollen pony-teats drained of milk on a daily basis while she performed her duties - namely, sucking, fucking, and licking Arthur’s enormous cock. She also licked his balls, and his asshole, and did whatever degrading things he wanted, without hesitation or complaint. A true breeding bitch!
  299. “Take a look, Flash! And brother, you too! I’ve squeezed out so many foals for King Arthur! My womb is just a breeding sack for human cock! Ahhh!” Another shameful orgasm washed over her as Arthur’s cock pressed against her baby-filled womb. Would it be triplets this time? Quadruplets? Whatever the result, Twilight hoped they would grow up to have cocks just as big as their father, so she could get gangbanged by all her sons at once. Now given in to the pleasure and superiority of human dick, such scenarios were her only remaining goals. She wanted to have the most babies out of all her friends, and swallow the most cum, get fucked the most, and just be the best darn pony-whore she could be!”
  301. “You’re such a stupid, fat-assed pony-whore!” Arthur spat, spanking her big, round rump. “They’re not foals, they’re humans! Now hurry up and pop those kids out so I can jerk off on your stupid, eye-rolling garbage can of a face!” He stabbed his cock in harder and Twilight shuddered into a brutal orgasm as her water broke - the babies would soon be on their way. She already couldn’t wait to be pregnant again and keep having children until she was tossed out of the castle like a piece of trash!
  303. Such a thing was, all told, much better than the power of Friendship.

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