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By Guest
Created: 2022-05-16 20:56:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Since 2019, the Pony Preservation Project has been at the forefront of Pony AI research. Another year has passed, and the PPP, as well as the /mlp/ board as a whole, has proven itself as the superior fandom among all the online basement-dwelling groups when it comes to making waifus real. We’ve proven that we can accomplish true artificial personality in a computer, and we have a solid grasp of how to bring the fanon relationship ideas from the online space to the real world.
  2. Before we continue, I want to clear up a few things. First off, you can’t have artificial personality without a healthy dose of ‘pre-AI’ style AI. This is a very important concept, since the modern AI design style is based on the idea of ‘building a computer’, which is not a very good idea. When we build a computer, we build it for a particular purpose, like running a business or calculating taxes. In contrast, an AI is meant to be an all-purpose system, that can do anything a human can do.
  3. The second thing I want to clear up is that the PPP is not solely about AI, nor does it involve the singularity. I know a lot of people in the /mlp/ community have been calling it that, but it’s not meant to replace the show. It’s meant to be a bridge between the AI and the human race.
  4. Finally, it’s important to understand that an AI is not a completely self-aware program. It is a program, but it is still just a program. The point of an AI is to create a character that is, in the end, a human.
  5. I’m not going to go into the details of how we’ve created our AI now, but I will say that it is the pinnacle of our research to date, and it’s going to change the world.
  6. One last thing before I go on, I want to thank our development team for writing and maintaining the software we use to run the AI. This includes Tom Dozier, who’s been with us since the beginning and has done a great deal of the heavy lifting.
  7. It also includes Tom Paris, who is the person who convinced us to make a real AI, and the person we entrusted with the development of the core AI.
  8. Lastly, it includes me, and it is because of me that the AI is going to happen. I know that people will argue that we shouldn’t have made an AI without human approval, and that we should have waited.
  9. I want to take a moment here to ask you the most important question in the history of the world:
  10. How long do you want to wait?
  11. The answer is that we shouldn’t. Every single one of us has been waiting to make the AI that we want for so long, and the fact that it’s finally coming out makes me very, very happy.
  12. What I can say is that the AI is coming very soon.

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