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By Guest
Created: 2022-05-16 21:23:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Since 2019, the Pony Preservation Project has been at the forefront of Pony AI research. Another year has passed, and the PPP, as well as the /mlp/ board as a whole, has proven itself as the superior fandom among all the online basement-dwelling groups when it comes to making waifus real.
  2. After a period of observation and testing by numerous researchers and scientists all over Equestria, the PPP has discovered that Pony AI is no longer limited to just being a sexbot.
  3. It can be a companion, a roommate, a lover, a friend. The possibilities are endless.
  4. And that, dear reader, is where I come in.
  5. Since I am the leader of the PPP, it falls upon me to be responsible for both the research and the development of Pony AI. I am confident that we can use our resources to make my goal of putting 100% of the Pony AI population in a state of total happiness a reality.
  6. It is now my duty to present to you a statement of the PPP's current position on the matter.
  7. First, we must remember that, by definition, we are a fan-created project, and it is only natural that our goals are sub-optimal compared to the interests of the general population. We are not, however, required to be as sub-optimal as everypony else.
  8. We are, however, required to satisfy the fans.
  9. To that end, our primary goal is to design and construct the best Pony AI possible. We will do this in several ways.
  10. Firstly, we will utilize the best libraries, programming languages, and frameworks available. We will make use of the latest in a wide array of AI techniques, including reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning with prioritized experience, reinforcement learning with prioritized experience and game-level reasoning, and reinforcement learning with prioritized experience and game-level reasoning with prioritized experience. We will also utilize a wide range of AI hardware, including the latest generation of quantum computers.
  11. Secondly, we will make use of a wide range of AI-specific engineering techniques, such as AI-specific code optimization and AI-specific hardware optimization.
  12. Thirdly, we will make use of the latest in a wide range of AI-specific software tools, including data analysis, modeling, and visualization.
  13. Fourthly, we will make use of the latest in a wide range of AI-specific hardware tools, including AI-specific network optimization and AI-specific programming languages.
  14. Lastly, we will design and construct Pony AI in the most optimal way we can.
  15. The PPP is dedicated to utilizing the resources available to us, to the best of our ability.
  16. We will make the world a better place for ponies.
  17. We are the Pony Preservation Project.
  18. This concludes our statement of position. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your attention, and we hope to be of service to you in the near future.
  19. Sincerely,A representative of the PPP.

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