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By Guest
Created: 2022-05-16 21:41:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Hello everyone, I am Clipper, the new pony in town.” He introduced himself to the crowd. “I just got into town this morning, and I need to find a place to stay. Is there anyone who can help me?”
  2. After a few moments of silence, a purple hoof shot up from the crowd. Twilight Sparkle stood next to Big Macintosh.
  3. “I can help you, Clipper. I have a spare room in the library.” Twilight offered.
  4. “That would be perfect.” Clipper replied, relieved.
  5. “Come on Big Mac, let’s go.” Twilight said, motioning for Big Mac to follow. Big Mac nodded and started after her.
  6. “Thank you so much!” Clipper said as he followed after them.
  7. As Twilight opened the library door, the pink pony from before appeared, with a blue one next to her.
  8. “Hey Twilight, who’s this?” the pink one asked.
  9. “This is Clipper. He needs a place to stay.” Twilight explained, closing the door behind them. Clipper stepped inside, and looked around the library.
  10. “This is a very nice place.” he commented.
  11. “Thanks. Spike, clean up for me, would you?” Twilight asked.
  12. “Sure thing Twilight.” The baby dragon replied.
  13. “What a wonderful library you have here.” Clipper commented, picking a random book off the shelf.
  14. “Thanks.” Twilight said, smiling.
  15. “I love to read.” Clipper said, before his face contorted into a grimace. “NOPE!” He shouted, dropping the book he was holding and running out of the library.
  16. “Was it something I said?” Twilight asked.
  17. “He’s from Canterlot, I think.” the blue pony said.
  18. “I’ll go see if I can find him.” Twilight said, quickly galloping out of the library. The blue pony sighed and walked into the kitchen.
  19. “Well, I’m off to Sugarcube Corner.” She said.
  20. “See you later, Pinkie.” The pink pony replied.

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