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We Share Everything (Part 9)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:18:45
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:31:57
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 9: Anon once again appeared at Luna's office to discuss the work of the evening, early this time per her request. He felt nervous to see her again, fearing the unexpected.
  4. "Your Highness?" Anon said as he entered Luna's office.
  5. >L: Luna looked up from her desk and smiled, brightly enthusiastic about his arrival. "Come in Anon!" She had been poring over documents and written plans at a large table in the center of the room, a table whose intended purpose was to track troop and naval engagements during a war.
  6. It was still day and in the sunlit room she appeared as a shard of crystalized night waiting for its moment to emerge and conquer. She had no dress or robe this time but she was gorgeous as before. As Anon entered, Luna walked to him and gestured to the sofa.
  7. >L: After Anon sat down, Luna took the sofa opposite him. "How are you today my love?". Her voice was calm, relaxed and filled with warm affection.
  8. "I'm well! I got a lot of sleep actually, so I'm ready to get started again with the staff. Plus, I've made significant progress on the projects you gave me last night. I'll need to discuss a few items with experts from other departments and visit the royal archive, most of which I can do tonight. In five days or so I believe I can bring them to completion." Despite the turbulence in his soul, he felt surprisingly at ease in her presence now, a feeling of assured safety. He felt enveloped in her love and that he was floating upon his own love for her. Anon noted how her countenance had changed dramatically from the last office encounter. Then, she was a sputtering wreck of awkwardness and tension. Now she was like a becalmed storm that parted, allowing starlight to penetrate to the earth.
  9. >L: While Anon spoke Luna scrutinized his attire. She was glad he chose that ensemble; he looked very handsome. It pleased her and she knew it would please Celestia as well. With elation, Luna replied, "I'm glad to hear that my love! Especially after you used up so much energy with me last night! I was afraid you would still be tired, and that I worked you over too much!" With the last statement she twirled her hoof in the air, a quirky habit Anon found endearing. "I'm actually...still a little sore myself." she added with an impish smile, partly to let Anon know covertly how well he had worked her over as well.
  10. Anon laughed. "It was energetic for sure, but I'm fine." Anon soaked up her elegance; she was an alluring and sparkly shadow in the decaying sunlight. This time their interaction was natural and smooth and he genuinely enjoyed simply being in her presence. It was the interaction of true lovers. He simply beamed at her now.
  11. >L: Luna smiled and continued "Since last night my mind has been very clear. I suppose feeling love again has that effect on me. I have finally been able to focus on my work without being overwhelmed." She turned to business for a moment. "By the way, I've met with the acting head of staff. He tells me that they expect to pull ahead of schedule in a few work-nights." A look of satisfaction shone on her face before she spoke her next words. "I don't think I need to give you any direction Anon. You are a clearly wizard at your administrative work. Just please let me know how things are going from time to time."
  12. "I will Luna. Today I also intend to check up on the few sections that were struggling last night and give them some more guidance and help them with documents." Anon's heart was filled at the contentment and ease that she now displayed. As he thought thus, she got up and came over to sit with him. Placing her fore hoofs on one side of his legs and her haunches on the other, she leaned into him to nestle her head into his chest. Anon wrapped his arms around her back and neck to hold her close in a loving embrace. "I'd like to hold you like this forever, Luna. You look resplendent today, by the way; you have a lustrous glow." He looked down into her infinite eyes, seeing interstellar space there, and continued, "It's good to see you relaxed and cheerful!"
  13. >L: "I do feel relaxed my love!" She paused to give him a tender kiss before completing the thought, "And warm." Out of a feeling of serenity and security in his arms, Luna took and released a deep breath, consuming happiness suspended in the air. She listened to Anon's heart beat and smelled his unique human scent. She nestled her head deeper, absorbing the luxury of his hands caressing her face and neck. "You know, I dreamed about you last night." After another contented breath, she went on, "We were on separate lonesome mountains calling to each other but unable to hear because of a snowstorm. Then, stars fell from above and created a path through the air between us. When we met on the path, we turned and walked away into the sky."
  14. "That's a good one. Wish I could have been consciously there to see it. Have you ever visited me in my dreams Luna?"
  15. >L: Momentarily extracting herself from his chest to look Anon in the face, Luna responded with a sad overtone, "Unfortunately not. When I am in the dreamscape I can't find you. I think it's because you are human and not of this world."
  16. "Well, I have some exceptionally bizarre dreams, so perhaps it's for the best!"
  17. >L: Laughing a little, Luna leaned back into his embrace. For a while more they simply held each other in love and warmth. Finally Luna spoke, looking up into his eyes. "Will you come see me again tonight? I simply want to be with you, to enjoy each other's company and talk. We can meet at the Palace Conservatory and go for a walk. The honey lilies are blooming, but only at night." She kissed him on the neck and nestled her head back into his chest, savoring his body heat.
  18. "That would be delightful Luna. What time?"
  19. >L: "I'll send for you towards the end of the work-night, darling."
  20. "It sound fantastic!" Anon was truly looking forward to the meeting. It had been too long since he simply had a conversation with Luna. At this thought the forum of his mind spontaneously erupted. Part spoke love to his consciousness, but the dissenters spoke of how loathsome and villainous he was for consuming forbidden fruit. Sex with Luna tonight would exacerbate this internal tumult, and Anon was glad she was more interested in emotional connection.
  21. >L: "I'll send you a letter then." Now glancing at the clock, Luna felt it was time to send Anon on his way. Though, she would rather remain and melt into his arms forever. Nevertheless, she wanted to keep her promise to Celestia and it was requisite that Anon accomplish some necessary work. She smiled internally, musing over the preparations she and Celestia had undertaken after their correspondence that morning. He will be so surprised! Sitting back on her haunches, she gave Anon another kiss. "Now you had better be on your way. The acting head of staff will be waiting for you."
  22. Anon grazed her cheek with his hand and got up to leave. "Until later tonight, darling" he said as he departed. His love for Luna overwhelmed him, as did his love for Celestia. He hated to hurt either one, and he hated himself for the fact that he was invariably destined to hurt both. Deep inside knew that he must reveal the truth to Celestia, but shirked at the certainty of being expelled from the orbit of her love. So, he suppressed his feelings, clinging to flawed hope that Celestia would not find out.
  23. >L: Savoring the impression of love his hand had made, Luna continued to lay on the sofa with a sublime calm. Levitating a pen and paper to the table before her, she began writing the letter that would send Anon to his destined meeting with Celestia.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat