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We Share Everything (Part 10)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:19:54
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:31:40
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 10: By now, Anon had met with the acting head of staff to gain a current status of preparations, to issue guidance, and to deal with a mound of paperwork before heading off to visit some of the sections that were most in need of assistance. He was returning from a visit with the decorations and floral committee, where he had inspected floral design samples and directed members to contract for more bouquets from two additional Canterlot florists, when two royal scrolls encountered him in rapid succession.
  4. Strolling down the corridor on his way back to the staff council room, Anon heard a pony calling after him. Turning to look from whence she came, he observed a pony trotting after him. She wore the unmistakable, elegant uniform of one of Celestia's personal mare-servants. His curiosity peaked. Mare-servants, were not usually dispatched with correspondence unless it was of great significance. Instantly, Anon felt an icy grip on his soul. Could this be the letter indicating Celestia had uncovered his betrayal?
  5. >Mare-servant: "Master Anon. Please wait!" Seeing Anon oblige, she trotted up to him and paused to take a few breaths of recovery. Reviving, she said, "Celestia sent me to bring you this letter. My apologies for being a bit late. I have not been in the Lunar Wing for some time and I got a little bewildered. Also, I had to visit five committees to finally track you down. You're a rather busy stallion!" Then she corrected herself. "Oh! Excuse me. I meant man." She promptly levitated the scroll into Anon's hand.
  6. "Thank you Hazel Chocolate." Anon recognized her as one of Celestia's most trusted. Trepidation was turning cartwheels in his heart as he removed the golden ribbon and broke the sun cutie mark emblazoned seal. Clearing his throat nervously while the mare-servant stood by, he read to himself:
  7. >C: "My darling Anon. A very special guest has arrived to the palace and will be staying in one of the Lunar Wing guest rooms. Luna is taking charge of ensuring the guest is well taken care of, but she will need your assistance in doing so. Please await a letter from her with some further guidance. I send you my love and a kiss! -Your Love Forever, Celly."
  8. Anon let his shoulders drop from the release of tension. Catastrophe would remain in the waiting room for now. "Interesting." said Anon to nopony in particular. The mare-servant was still standing by waiting for a reply to carry back to Celestia, as was the standard procedure among the mare-servants. Turning back to her, Anon observed her take in one last deep breath through her nostrils with her eyes closed, presumably still recovering. "Hazel, please let Princess Celestia I received her letter and I'll help in every way I can."
  9. >Mare-servant: Snapping her eyes open at Anon's voice, and at capacity with the smell of Anon that had filled her nostrils, she said with a pleasant but knowing smile, "I'll tell her right away. Have a good evening Sir!" With that she trotted back to the Solar Wing. Anon's smell had reconfirmed something to her that was until recently a point of speculation amongst the mare-servants of both wings. Regardless, that information was currently well guarded in the capable hooves of those mare-servants.
  10. "Thanks. You as well!" Her smile unsettled him, but casting it out of his mind he folded the letter and placed it in his jacket pocket. Immediately, he continued on his way to the council room, sure that another letter would meet him soon. Not five minutes later it did, being carried by one of Luna's royal guard, another indication of important correspondence.
  11. >Guard: "Sir, a letter from Princess Luna." said the stallion with severity, looking formidable in a suit of blue and silver armor.
  12. "Much obliged." Anon gracefully took the letter and read to himself as follows:
  13. >L: "My eternal love, please take a break now and go to the main guest room in the Lunar Wing. It is down the left corridor atop the Grand Lunar Staircase, the third door on the left. There, a pony of great importance has just arrived that I wish for you to meet and converse with. You will need to stop by my office first to pick up the diplomatic papers I have prepared. Also, please stop by to pick up the plate of fresh donuts that the Lunar Wing kitchen staff has made for our guest. Even though Equestria's continued prosperity has much to do with this task, the meeting itself will be rather casual. Nevertheless, please show our guest the utmost cordiality and warmth! All else I can explain when you pick up the papers at my office - Passionate Kisses, Luna"
  14. >Guard: Seeing Anon had finished the letter, the guard asked, "Is there any response you would like me to take back Sir?"
  15. "Please let Her Highness know that I will be by her office momentarily." Then as the guard began to turn away, Anon directed further, "Oh! Before that, please stop by the staff council room and let them know that Princess Luna has called me away on a separate task, but that I will come by as soon as I can." Anon watched as the guard bowed very formally and departed. Recalling that no important visitor was scheduled to arrive in Canterlot until the diplomatic conference, Anon was intrigued. Perhaps one of the delegates had arrived early. For an important guest, he should arrive with an additional minor gift of some sort. Accordingly, before heading to Luna's office or the kitchen he went back to the floral committee and picked up a choice sample vase and flower arrangement. He would simply say he brought it to brighten the room for the guest, whoever it was.
  16. >L: Seeing Anon poke his head into her office, Luna called out, "Come in Anon!". Luna had just been discussing something with one of her finely dressed mare-servants who now departed through another entrance after giving a stately curtsey.
  17. "Good evening Luna." The vase and flowers occupied one hand and the donuts another. Anon stood feeling a bit silly to be taking donuts to an important dignitary. He imagined the political faux pas that would result if someone like the British Prime Minister was greeted with donuts back on Earth.
  18. >L: Luna looked him over, gaging his preparedness to encounter a romantic evening with Celestia. This was her primary purpose; an inspection before sending him to the guest room. He was handsome in his ensemble, he was carrying an assorted tray of Celestia's favorite donuts, and he had unwittingly also brought beautiful flowers for his love. It was perfect! "Flowers too, Anon? Excellent thinking! That will go over better than you think!"
  19. "Thanks. It was a last minute decision, but I thought it might brighten the guest's room." Anon, still not knowing who he was to meet asked the question. "Luna, who is the guest and is there anything in particular you want me to say?"
  20. >L: "You know our guest, Anon. You'll recall as soon as you set foot in the room." Luna said, evading the question. "The purpose of the meeting is to share Equestria's sense of friendship and love with the guest. That's why it isn't a formal meeting. So, you need only be your wonderful, caring self Anon!"
  21. Apprehensive, Anon replied, "I'll do my best I suppose."
  22. >L: Suppressing a devious smile, Luna replied, "Your very best will come intuitively and automatically in this meeting my love! I assure you!" Now Luna straightened his jacket, removed a few specks of lint with her magic, and said, "Now go. We shouldn't keep our guest waiting." Finally, she gave him a parting kiss on his check while slipping a single sealed scroll on to the donut tray, nestled between an apple bear claw and the closest pony equivalent to a maple glaze.
  23. "I'll let you know how it went later this evening." said Anon as he departed.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat