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We Share Everything (Part 12)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:22:04
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:29:54
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 12: Following his encounter with Celestia and to finish the work-night, Anon visited a few more staff sections, giving direction and assisting with projects as he did. After several hours, the expected invitation from Princess Luna found him. He accordingly departed to meet her at the Palace Conservatory.
  4. >L: The Palace Conservatory was essentially a greenhouse strategically attached to the southern edge of the palace to optimally imbibe the sun's illumination. Its structure, which also held the many glass panels in place, was a web of functional and decorative iron beams, arches, and struts. The decorative and structural members had all been painted gold, imparting a very pleasing look to the building. Internally, it had beds for a variety of plants and flowers from all over Equestria. There was even a special section of cacti and succulents. Bubbling fountains and aesthetic, cushioned iron wrought furniture gave place for visitors to enjoy this tranquil space. Here, amongst the conservatory's starlit flowers, Luna awaited Anon while enjoying the cool moist atmosphere. Her powerful sense of smell could distinguish the fragrance of each blooming flower and her keen hearing listened to the buzz of the midnight bees as they did their work. With her mane and tail aglitter and fluttering gently, she was a flower among flowers. However, her present meditations on the beauty of the place gave way to gladness as she saw Anon approaching her from the row of flowers near the entrance. "Good evening my love!"
  5. "Good evening Luna! Had you been waiting long?" Anon asked as he sat down next to her on the divan she had been laying on. She sat up on her haunches to give space for him. He gave her a tender kiss on the cheek.
  6. >L: "Not long darling. I was just enjoying the calm when you arrived." with a crafty smile and demure tone taking hold, Luna further questioned, "And how was your meeting with our guest? It constituted your first diplomatic assignment from me, you know." Luna did not need to ask since she detected the thick aroma of vigorous sex all over him, but she wanted to see his response.
  7. "It was a total surprise Luna. I'm astonished how you and Celly pulled it off. It was amazing. Being with Celly was simply amazing! She was incredibly beautiful, maybe the most beautiful I've ever seen her, and everything was very romantic." said Anon, feeling awkward to discuss this with Luna but trying to engage in the conversation. Trying to avoid her detecting his awkwardness, he added with a laugh, "When I knocked, she answered in this thick, angry, male Percheron accent. I thought it would turn into a terrible meeting with some mean-spirited old dignitary. But, when I stepped in I nearly fell over when I saw it was Celly!"
  8. >L: Laughing and feeling a sense of achievement at the covert operation she and Celestia had pulled off, Luna leaned in and gave Anon a kiss. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Anon, and that you and Celestia could express your love for each other again. She loves you very much and missed you when she was away. You should have seen her face when I proposed the rendezvous!"
  9. "I know, and I appreciate the opportunity to have time with her again." Anon marveled at Luna's devoted concern for his relationship with Celestia. Who ever heard of a such a thing from the mare a lover cheated with? Moreover, Luna had been the one to propose the rendezvous! Anon was floored but began to reason that this was part of Luna's method to prevent Celestia from finding out. She probably calculated that If Celestia's relationship with him remained strong, Celestia would not go probing for roots of abnormalities. Luna was indeed deeply devious and it made Anon feel dirty; she certainly was a master of the dark political arts as Celetia had indicated. Nevertheless, he truly loved both her and Celestia. Loving them both felt wonderful, not just the physical, but also the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual aspects as well. Anon knew it would eventually come crashing down, but he was irreparably committed now, like it or not.
  10. >L: Marking the nuance of unconscious concern on Anon's face, Luna made a mental note that she must find out what was bothering him. Yet, for the moment she was satisfied he had reconnected romantically with her sister. Luna loved her sister, but to her analytical mind the reconnection also amounted to a box checked and now it was time to proceed forward. Now, she wanted to simply spend time with Anon for what remained of the early morning darkness. "I'm glad for you my love! Spending time with her will be easier now that she has returned from her diplomatic mission. You should shower her with your love at every opportunity!" Placing a fore hoof on Anon's leg, Luna said, "Come. Let's go for a walk! The night is beautiful and the flowers are blooming in the gardens!"
  11. "I'd like that Luna! In any case, the night air will be refreshing." Anon got up with Luna and they exited the conservatory to find themselves walking the serpentine paths of the southern garden. Together, they admired the unique flowers that preferred to open at night to tempt the midnight bees. Frogs, owls, and crickets filled the air with their chamber music, as did the babbling brook that was fed by the still melting mountain snowpack. Light-bugs, shed their romantic incandescence upon the lovers.
  12. >L: Luna, was feeling that spiritual serenity that comes with being with the one you truly love. Experiencing this for the first time in what felt like an eternity, Luna was beside herself with joy and contentment. All seemed right and perfect in the world and the colors of the night were correspondingly more vivid. She loved Anon from the core of her heart. He was much more to her than just a physical plaything. Although, he was that too! As they sauntered now through the amethyst-flower encrusted hedges of the garden's labyrinth, their conversation had turned to astronomy. Emerging from the labyrinth by the edge of the brook, they stopped to look at the heavens they had been discussing. "So, you mean to tell me that the stars are not static in their positions and are, in fact, moving about in the firmament? Forgive me Anon, but that seems absurd. Every night one can plainly see that the stars have not moved at all relative to each other. The only movement I've observed is that different seasons bring different stars into view. Or, do the stars return to their positions after their wanderings before each night?"
  13. "It's true Luna. Not only are they moving, they are doing so at speeds that would boggle your mind! It's just that they are so far away that you can't detect the motion except with precision instrumentation. It would take millions of years of such motions before you would notice the change visually."
  14. >L: Casting a playful but suspicious glance at Anon, Luna retorted, "And, I suppose your Human Earth has such instrumentation?"
  15. "We do, and we've studied stellar objects even at the edge of the known universe, objects so far away you can't see them with the naked eye in the night sky. We've developed optical systems that can see billions of miles away."
  16. >L: Conceding that the more technologically advanced human Earth knew volumes more about the heavens, Luna replied, "I wish we had such instruments. I would very much like to conduct these kinds of studies." Out of curiosity, she asked, "Is the Equestrian sky the same as on the Human Earth, Anon?"
  17. "No, it's very different. I don't recognize any stars or constellations here compared to Earth. Also, the Jeweled Belt is oriented differently compared to the points of the compass than the Milky Way on Earth." Anon motioned to indicate the dense swath of stars that cut from one side of the sky to the other. It was clearly a galactic arm, but ponies referred to it as the Jeweled Belt. "Because of that, I have no idea where I really am in the universe. Because the stars move around in time, I don't really know when I am either. Maybe I'm not even in the same universe. I'm basically lost in space-time."
  18. >L: Luna pondered in silence for a moment while she processed the vastness of those comments, then said, "I suppose one of those twinkling specks might be your Earth, Anon." As she said so, she sat on her haunches and nuzzled into his side, trying to show him she cared and that he was not, after all, alone in the universe.
  19. Smiling at Luna and placing his arm around her in appreciation at the spoken and unspoken sentiment, Anon replied, "I suppose it is, but it's not my home anymore, Equestria is." Looking into her eyes, he added, "Loving you and Celestia means I don't miss Earth either." With a short laugh, he added, "That place is pretty chaotic anyway."
  20. >L: Cuddling closer to Anon, Luna simply closed her eyes and took a deep breath of contentment.
  21. "You know," Anon continued as he sat down next to Luna, "you're immortal. So someday, millions of years from now, you can look up and see that the stars have moved. Maybe it'll remind you of me."
  22. >L: "I would never need to be reminded of you Anon. I'll carry you in my heart forever." Luna said with certainty and a fore hoof over her chest. "Besides, Celestia and I are not true immortals." Twirling her hoof, she added, "We are more like semi-immortals."
  23. Anon was perplexed. "What do you mean? I always thought you and Celestia would live and rule forever."
  24. >L: "First, while being an alicorn makes our bodies more capable of absorbing damage and surviving, we are not totally invincible." Then with a deep smile, Luna drew the curtain of reality slightly aside for Anon to take a peak at what existed beyond. "Celestia and I were born as normal mortal unicorns, but we had the special talent to raise the sun and moon over Equestria. After a time, we were transfigured into alicorns and became rulers over Equestria. But with that came a sense of time, that for us it is ticking toward a particular end point." Luna rubbed her nose against Anon's before continuing. "When the clock stops ticking, when the conditions are appropriate, our reign ends and we go...elsewhere."
  25. "Elsewhere." Anon said, squinting his eyes a little at the enigmatic language. "You mean death? That's terrible Luna. I don't want either of you to die."
  26. >L: Luna expounded calmly with an almost ethereal tone, "Not death, Anon. We go elsewhere, to places you can't reach by travel or magic, no matter how strenuously you try." She reached up and drew a reassuring fore hoof gently against his cheek, cocked her head to one side and gazed into his eyes as she pressed further down this path of unknown knowledge. "Anon, alicorns don't suddenly come into existence. Ponies don't simply become alicorns randomly. Decisions are made in incorporeal councils elsewhere according to the needs of various groups of ponies, in various places, in various epochs of history, and according to what talents exist among those ponies. Those who become alicorns, those who are selected, are the ones that have the skills, talents, and contributions to make that are necessary for the circumstances of those times. How long they rule depends on how long they are needed. When the circumstances change and different skills and talents are needed to protect and guide our little ponies, new alicorns ascend to reign. The previous rulers will graciously step down and depart." For emphasis, she added, "It's not just retirement, Anon, it is departure. They must depart." Luna awaited Anon's response, anticipating more questions.
  27. Anon pondered a moment. He now lived in a magical world. He had seen phenomena that, according to the laws of physics on his home world, should not be possible. Hence, he was inclined to believe what Luna said, especially since she had approximately 2000 years of accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Next to her, he realized he was merely a wisp dispersed in the air. "Luna, how do you know this? I have never heard this before and hardly anypony ever talks about anything like the religions we have back on Earth."
  28. >L: Nodding in acknowledgment of the fairness of the question, Luna explain cryptically, "After a pony becomes an alicorn, there are times and places where knowledge is transferred, things are made known, training is conducted, and important things are seen."
  29. Jumping in before she could continue, Anon interjected, "You mean from the Pillars of Equestria."
  30. >L: Momentarily closing her eyes and shaking her head, Luna pivoted off Anon's declaration, "True, from them we did receive some advice. After all, we did not succeed an alicorn. We inherited an Equestria in near chaos that was held together by their tireless and courageous efforts. But I am not referring to the Pillars. Also, I don't mean Celestia and I alone but also the alicorns that rule other kingdoms adjacent to us and beyond. This has been happening throughout history."
  31. Anon was now beyond curious. Her explanations ignited dozens of questions in his head. Wide eyed and ponderous, he finally asked, "If not the pillars, who then, and what knowledge was transferred? What was made known to you and what did you and Celestia see? What do you mean by 'places'? Where did all this happen and when?"
  32. >L: After a thoughtful pause Luna leaned in to kiss his forehead and then his lips before pulling away a little. Her face was lustrous with hidden knowledge and warmth as she answered without actually answering. "Some things are not permitted to be spoken or written, Anon. What is necessary and sufficient is to expand friendship and love, true love." The curtain was now shut once again. Then, seeing Anon was relaxed except for his pondering, Luna changed the subject. "Now tell me, Anon. There is something bothering you. What is it?" The intonation in her voice was now somewhat forceful; she wanted an explanation of Anon's concern for it hurt her to see him suffering under some secret pain.
  33. The sudden shift in subject caught Anon off guard. Guilt spilled over the ledge before he had a chance to damn it in and he answered forthrightly. "Luna, I am terrified that I will hurt Celestia because of our relationship. I love you deeply, but I also love Celestia deeply. I just don't want to hurt her, but now that seems inevitable. I am torn between two poles."
  34. >L: Taken aback, Luna processed this and the analytical gears in her head began to churn out solutions. With a quizzical look, Luna responded, "Anon, you love me. You love Celestia. We both love you. As long as you maintain the bonds of love between us, and us to you, there is no danger of anyone being hurt by our relationship. Not me. Not you. Certainly not Celestia. True love cannot hurt."
  35. "Yes, that makes sense, but..." Anon began.
  36. >L: Internally, Luna supposed that Anon thought he would not be able to show both princesses equal love. She addressed this directly, cutting Anon off as he started to speak. "Love is not a finite resource. So, you will find that you have enough for both of us. Just share your love freely and you cannot go amiss! The cistern of love is infinite, Anon! You can give as much love to Celestia as she needs so that she is not hurt!" Now Luna further considered that sometimes more attention would be paid to one princess than the other, and that this could be part of Anon's concern.
  37. "Sure Luna, that's true in general. However..." Anon fought to get words in edgewise.
  38. >L: But after a pause so short Anon did not have a chance finish his thought, she explained the solution, "Celestia and I have lived for more than 2000 years. We understand that the closeness between lovers is not constant, but fluctuates. Sometimes, mutual attention is intense and sometimes it wanes, especially when the world's distractions creep in. Sometimes you and I will be closer, and sometimes you and Celestia. She knows and understands this, just as I do. Nothing about flooding or ebbing closeness is unnatural to her. Indeed she would expect it. So, when closeness between you and Celestia wanes and ours grows, she will know that in time the reverse will occur, bringing you again closer to her."
  39. "While that would happen, what if..." Anon attempted again to protest.
  40. >L: However, Luna had finally reflected that Anon may be worried that she would be angry if he needed to focus on Celestia in an emergent circumstance. That was straightforwardly resolved. Again cutting him off, Luna explained, "Anon, suppose Celestia suddenly needed or wanted your undivided attention for an extended period. I would understand the need for this and support you in helping her, even if it meant we could not be together for a while. After all, I love my sister too and would want her emotions to be taken care of." Now smiling proudly, deriving a a triumphant feeling from solving the problem, Luna finished with, "So, you see Anon. If you follow these principles, there is no need to worry about hurting Celestia at all. None at all!"
  41. Anon took a moment to take all this in, realizing that he would get nowhere with Luna on this subject. Yet, what she said meant two things to him. First, she was absolutely dedicated to their affair. Second, her method to keep it secret was basically to shower Celestia with love, have a loving relationship with her, and not speak of the affair. Presently, he spoke. "Well, under the circumstances I suppose those methods will work, or at least they are the only option. But there is still the pain in my heart that won't go away and it bothers me. I mean, we're having sex and if Celestia..."
  42. >L: Hearing 'sex', Luna found an opportunity to insert herself edgewise to lighten the mood. "Of course we are having sex, Anon!" Then with an alluring look and bedroom eyes, she added, "And I assure you we will have a lot more of it in the future!" Then, softening her countenance she spoke with calculation to unbalance Anon. "But did you ever consider, Anon, that there is more to sex than just the physical?" She leaned in, closed her eyes, and whispered in his ear to finish the thought. "There are also the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aspects. This entire time we have been in the garden, we have been having intellectual and emotional sex Anon! And it was fantastic!" She planted a kiss and pressed further, "When you are enjoying a discussion with Celestia, you are having intellectual and emotional sex with her as well! What is sex except two souls getting as close as they can by the physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional means available to them? Bodies, minds, and genitalia are merely tools to accomplish this." To finish off the sentiment, she moved her mouth up and gave a short nibble to Anon's ear.
  43. At Luna's sudden philosophical take on sex, Anon could not help but smile. Turning to her, he gave her a passionate kiss and said, "If that's true we could have nearly continual sex whenever we are together!"
  44. >L: Glad at his realization, Luna breathed, "Exactly! I'm glad you agree!" Pulling away, Luna concluded this topic. "Do not worry about these things, Anon. All three of us encase each other in love and protect each other. I know my sister. Even if Celestia gets hurt somehow, I know she will forgive. True love is healing that way." Luna touched Anon's chest at his heart with her fore hoof. "And do not worry about that pain. I will help you with that."
  45. "Alright, Luna. I suppose we continue forward then. What now?" If he had known what was going through Luna's head as she finished her last sentence, Anon would have pressed her on what she meant by helping him with the pain in his heart.
  46. >L: "Now we eat, silly!" Pointing a fore hoof to the southeastern sky, she said, "Look, Celestia has just raised the sun. Let's go get breakfast. I am very hungry, aren't you?" Then getting up, she started to walk to the palace.
  47. Anon was still a little stunned from their conversations and the spinning gears in his head delayed motion. He stared into the brook for a moment perhaps trying to find some meaning in its perpetually flowing water.
  48. >L: Calling playfully over her shoulder, Luna snapped him back to the present moment. "Anon, breakfast. I'll bet Celestia is already in the kitchen. If we hurry we can lend a hoof. I think she'd like that. Also, if you like, we can talk a little more about alicorns with Celestia."
  49. Hearing Luna's prompt, Anon got up, brushed himself off and walked with Luna toward the palace. On the way, he stopped her briefly to brush the dust off her haunches, much to Luna's regal amusement. Nevertheless, his mind was continually puzzling as they walked the rest of the way.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat