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We Share Everything (Part 14)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-19 02:24:30
Updated: 2022-05-20 02:28:33
Expiry: Never

  2. Part 14: Normally Anon would go for a walk through the palace, take care of personal business, study in the library, or even visit the streets of Canterlot before heading off to bed. However, today Anon decided to go directly to sleep and awake early in the evening to get some extra work done before the work-night commenced.
  4. Anon lay awake in his bed starring at the ceiling, unable to sleep as he had intended. Upon arriving in Equestria he had been astonished by the alicorn nature of Celestia and Luna; their magic, their ability to fly, and their immortality. There was still also their connection to the earth ponies, perhaps the most mysterious of all. It was something he still did not understand and which he now reminded himself to ask Celestia about. That same early astonishment reasserted itself as he pondered the connection between alicorns and what lied beyond the veil of mortality. Anon resolved to make this a subject of intense study.
  6. None of the books in his chambers would illuminate this shadowy enigma; he would need to visit the Royal Library and Archives. Realizing that nothing could assuage his curiosity at the moment, Anon sought a remedy for wakefulness. Presently, he got up, went to his bathroom and drew a hot bath to relax. He closed the door to allow steam to accumulate in the room and thanked the stars that ponies had figured out indoor plumbing. He was also thankful the Royal Architect had seen fit to have a bathtub built that fit his human frame.
  8. Unable to withstand pure silence, Anon left the faucet valve at the sink slightly ajar to create a slow, steady drip. Immersed in the hot bath, ambient steam, and periodic drip sound, Anon allowed the intellectual wheels to spin down. Sometimes he could not get his mind to shut off and methods such as these helped. Feeling more relaxed after about 45 min., Anon drained the tub. Finding no towel, apparently forgotten on a chair in his room, Anon opened the bathroom door to go retrieve it and dry off. He took a pitcher of water and a few glasses that he had earlier left in the bathroom with him. Anon stepped through the door and right into the gaze of Breezy Leaves.
  10. >Servant: "Oh, hello Master Anon!" said Breezy with a bright friendly smile.
  11. Looking to the origin of the voice, Anon was aghast. Responding in absolute shock, he said, "Breezy! What are you doing in my room?" Stark naked and facing Breezy, who was doing something at his dresser, he had frozen for a moment in surprise.
  12. >Servant: "I'm just returning your laundry Master Anon! The normal laundry pony took a day of leave to go to his sister's birthday party and asked if I could cover for him. I even got a Swapsies Chit signed by our supervisor for it. Wanna see?" said Breezy happily as she retrieved the chit from her uniform and closed the last dresser drawer. "Though, I didn't expect to see you here at this time. The normal laundry pony said you hadn't been arriving in your chambers until later in the morning." As she spoke, Breezy was watching Anon quickly seek a place to put down the pitcher and glasses amongst the scrolls and references cluttering his table and desk. She giggled a little at his genitals flopping around as he did so.
  13. Finally finding a place to lay down the glassware, Anon now covered himself with one hand and moved to obtain his robe from a hook on the wall.
  14. >Servant: As Anon cupped his groin, Breezy donned a quizzical look that rapidly transformed to comprehension as Anon reached for his robe. "Oh! Apologies Master Anon. I had forgotten that you were bashful about being naked! Really, I didn't mean it. I just forgot. Honest!" said Breezy as she turned around to extend some privacy. She was hoping Anon wouldn't be angry with her.
  15. "Well, I wish you'd knocked on the bathroom door before assuming I wasn't here." Anon said in exasperation. Yet, he was regained his composure once he finished robing himself.
  16. >Servant: Breezy cringed inside, he was right. She had been accustomed to seeing the bathroom door shut each time she was in his quarters, and made the false assumption that because he was not in the main room he was not there at all. "You're right Master Anon, I should have checked. I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again."
  17. Having taken a deep breath and realizing it was a misunderstanding, Anon replied, "It's ok Breezy, it was just an honest mistake. No harm, no foul. I was just surprised is all. You can turn around, now." Then, he added, "I sometimes forget that ponies are so accustomed to seeing each other without clothes, that seeing another creature without clothes would be no different."
  18. >Servant: Relieved he wasn't angry, Breezy turned around displaying her indomitable smile. She responded, "Such an interesting cultural difference isn't it? When I saw you without clothes, I didn't even think anything was out of the ordinary." Then, trying to smooth things over even more, she asked, "Since I'm here, is there anything you need?"
  19. "I don't think so Breezy. I was just trying to go to bed early, but couldn't sleep. I took a bath to try and relax." said Anon as he sat down at his table, his back to a window.
  20. >Servant: Lightbulbs igniting in her head, Breezy quickly responded in excitement, "Let me bring you some tea and snacks, Master Anon! Let me make it up to you!" She beamed and added, "Anyway, a cup of tea might help you fall asleep."
  21. Anon smiled at his good friend. "Ok, Breezy. I'd like that. Bring some for you too."
  22. >Servant: "Be back in a minute!" Breezy said with a curtsy before trotting out of the room.
  23. In a flash she had returned and Anon commented, "That was quick!"
  24. >Servant: Setting a tray of tea with some donuts on the table, Breezy replied with a crafty laugh, "They've got a water heater and a cupboard full of snacks and teas in the laundry storage room just downstairs. They're not supposed to have it there, but as long as they keep it clean the supervisors look the other way." Motioning to the tray, she explained, "Didn't know what you wanted so I brought star-root, tuft-flower, sweetgrass, and peppermint."
  25. With a gracious smile as he poured some star-root tea, Anon responded, "Thanks Breezy. Pull up a chair and join me!" Seeing her about to decline, Anon raised an eyebrow and said, "I insist!"
  26. >Servant: Breezy gave in rather joyously. As she pulled up a chair and climbed into it, she requested, "In that case, may I have some peppermint please? That's my favorite!"
  27. Anon poured it for her and reflected that it made certain sense that peppermint would be her favorite; it somehow matched her character. "Sure Breezy, glad to!" Adopting a questioning look, Anon probed, "Uh, Breezy? That thing about seeing me naked. You won't mention that to anybody will you?"
  28. >Servant: Cocking her head to one side, Breezy answered, "Master Anon, even though I'm just a servant pony and you're an assistant to Her Highness, I consider you a good friend. I would never do something that would embarrass you. I don't understand your bashfulness, but I would never tell anybody if it makes you uncomfortable!" Breezy smiled sweetly at Anon before taking a sip of her tea.
  29. "Thanks Breezy! It's hard to explain; being embarrassed when naked is a human thing." Anon likewise sipped his tea, taking time to savor its aroma first.
  30. >Servant: Suddenly growing wide-eyed, Breezy leaned forward in excitement. "Master Anon! You know, I was going to tell you something. But...uh, seeing you naked made me forget. But now I remember!" Now with twinkling eyes and placing both fore hoofs on the table, she blurted out, "I've been accepted as a mare-servant! I'll be assigned to Princess Celestia first! Isn't it amazing?"
  31. "That's wonderful Breezy! I'm really excited for you! Your hard work really paid off and you should be really proud of yourself. That's an elite position! Congratulations!" Anon was genuinely excited for his friend, for he knew she had been working toward this goal for a long time. It was her dream and her family would be very proud.
  32. >Servant: "Thank you Master Anon! I'm sure your recommendation helped a lot!" Growing wide-eyed again, Breezy had more news. "Ooooo! And guess what else!" But she could not wait for Anon to guess. Her enthusiasm could not be restrained. "That stallion, his name is Star Spark, and he's soooo dreamy, asked me out on a date! he said you told him I was interested in him and that before that, he thought I was taken!" Breezy gave a cute little squeak at the end of her announcement that conveyed her happiness.
  33. "Doubly amazing Breezy! Things are looking up for you!" Anon was pleased. He had worked with Star Spark on Luna's staff and had come to know him as a very talented analyst, considerate, and an outgoing fellow. He hoped his friend would find the love she was looking for.
  34. >Servant: "It's thanks to you Master Anon! I'm grateful to you for everything!" Breezy was glowing with positive energy as she sipped her tea and took a bite of a normal glaze.
  35. Anon smiled deeply at her enthusiasm. "I'm glad to help Breezy. After all, you're my good friend!" However, Anon knew something she did not. "But don't discount your own skill Breezy." He leaned forward for effect. "You know that for your application process the mare-servants have been observing you continually, testing you, seeing how you would respond to certain secret prompts." Anon continued candidly, "My recommendation just told them you were a good-hearted mare. It was your own skills that sealed the deal, make no mistake. The mare-servants assigned to test you must have concluded that you have all the skills necessary."
  36. >Servant: Blushing deeply was Breezy's appreciative reply.
  37. "When do you begin your duties?" asked Anon after taking a drink of his tea.
  38. >Servant: "I start in two days! I can hardly believe it!"
  39. "With no additional training?"
  40. >Servant: "They didn't mention any specific training. They said it would be on-the-job."
  41. "Another reason for me to congratulate you Breezy! They must have high confidence in you to be comfortable with only on-the-job training!" Anon poured some more tea for both of them and held up his cup. "Cheers!"
  42. >Servant: Remembering that this was a human custom that meant for her to clink her cup against his, she did so and said "Cheers!"
  43. They continued their lighthearted conversation for a bit more, speaking more about Star Spark and how dreamy Breezy found him, something that warmed Anon's heart. However, Anon was attempting to formulate a way to broach a topic that had been bothering him. Finally, he decided to open the subject. "Breezy, why do you think Princess Luna is so happy now?"
  44. >Servant: Breezy became quiet, but adopted a sly smile. She realized Anon was trying to move toward an open discussion. Whispering for effect, Breezy began, "Well, I think the laundry pony's theory was correct. Princess Luna has a lover! Not that it's a bad thing, mind you. If anybody is worthy of love, it's the princesses!" Said with heartfelt love for Their Majesties, Breezy looked Anon in the eyes to say things unspoken.
  45. Anon picked up on her cryptic look. Tapping the table with his fingers and biting his lower lip, Anon pressed further, "Do you know who it might be Breezy? Not that I'm nosey or anything. I just...want to make sure her best interests are served."
  46. >Servant: With a knowing look, Breezy smiled warmly and nodded her head. "Master Anon, I know who it is. I've known for a while."
  47. Somber now, Anon asked the obvious follow-up question. "Would you tell me who it is Breezy? I mean...I wouldn't tell anybody of course."
  48. >Servant: Amused with Anon's secrecy, Breezy giggled a little and replied gently, "Why, Master Anon! Princess Luna's lover is you!" Hardly able to contain her pride in her best friend being a royal lover, she added, "And I'm glad it's you, my best friend, and not some self-important palace stallion!" Teasing, Breezy leaned in with a giggle, and said, "She really knows how to choose 'em!"
  49. Anon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His blood flushed cold, but he had mentally prepared himself for this revelation. He had suspected it. She knew about his affair with Luna, but not with Celestia. Smiling mechanically, he replied, "Well Breezy, you're right. As I said, the mare-servants must be confident in your skills for a reason. You must be adept at nuance to have figured it out!"
  50. >servant: Grinning at the complement, Breezy was glad that everything was now out in the open between them. So much so, that she missed the hidden concern on his face. There was so much she wanted to talk to him about on this subject, mostly how she was proud of him for bringing happiness to the sisters. Seeing she had his attention, she continued with effervescence in her voice, "And Celestia's lover is you too!"
  51. Anon was heavily shocked, and he stifled a gasp. This was a revelation he did not expect. How had she known? Anon was suspended in despair. Everything was sealed, Celestia will eventually find out and everything he loved would be severed from his grasp. Worse, Celestia will be emotionally destroyed. If Breezy knew, then surely others would figure it out. Keeping a cool demeanor, Anon cleared his throat and managed an "Oh?"
  52. >Servant: "Certainly Anon! I figured that one out long ago." Now with an exuberant pride in her deftness at perception, she added, "And nobody else has figured it out either, but I'm am sure the mare-servants know."
  53. Quiet and pensive, Anon's face betrayed his concern.
  54. >Servant: Detecting Anon's concern through the cloud of her enthusiasm, Breezy's countenance became more serious. Discarding formal titles and addressing her friend heart-to-heart, Breezy asked, "What's wrong Anon? You seem sad, or worried, or scared, or some combination. I thought you would be happy to be the source of so much happiness to our princesses." She extended her fore hoof across the table. "Please tell me. I'm your friend, Anon. I won't do anything that would hurt you. You can trust me. I promise." Her entreaty ended with an endearing smile.
  55. Anon was touched by her words. Despite his terror, he knew he could trust her at least. Accordingly, he opened up. "Well Breezy, obviously I am worried about hurting them, especially Celestia. How can I be a lover to both princesses and not end up hurting them both? I would lose everything. They would be hurt. Worse, if they become jealous it could drive a wedge in the government."
  56. >Servant: Breezy emanated a soothing assurance as she spoke next. "You needn't worry Anon. The princesses are not the jealous type! They put those kinds of feelings to bed long before we were even born. And, you are not the type that would hurt either one." Then raising a logical eyebrow Breezy further elaborated. "Think about this, Anon. Princess Luna would not have taken you as a lover if she thought it would end up hurting Princess Celestia."
  57. "Looking back, I actually think that I should have resisted her. I should have seen it coming and avoided it before I was alone with her! None of this would be a concern if I had. Perhaps it's not too late to end things with Princess Luna before it all gets out of hand. I could apologize to Princess Celestia; maybe she would accept it!"
  58. >Servant: Breezy broke into good-natured laughter. "Silly! There's not a chance that you could have resisted! There is not a single male in Equestria that Princess Luna could not have if she wanted him! But she chose you. She would not have done it if she didn't really love you and if she didn't think you also loved her. And it's not just Princess Luna, Princess Celestia has the same power over males but in a different way. She surely understands that you could not resist Princess Luna's charm."
  59. Anon remembered back to how Princess Luna had broken him down psychologically. She had been absolutely irresistible. Remembering even further back, he remembered how effortlessly he had fallen in love with Celestia. Perhaps Breezy was correct, but Anon still felt he might have escaped by avoiding Luna. "Hmm!" said Anon as he pondered.
  60. >Servant: Seeing she had touched an important thread, Breezy now pleaded, "Please Anon, don't end things with either princess. Just look how happy they are. Sharing your love with them helped do that. I'm happy for you and the princesses, and I am sure the mare-servants see it that way too. Only you seem upset, and it's puzzling! Just trust me! Everything will be ok! Trust Princess Luna. Like I said, she would not have taken you as a lover if she thought the relationship would end up hurting her dear sister!"
  61. Breezy's words plucked Anon a little out of the depth of despair. Perhaps there was some hope after all. If both princesses were indeed capable of overriding any resistance he could muster, it might be possible to gain forgiveness in the end. The glimmer of hope now worked its way onto Anon's face as a smile. "I'll try Breezy. I'll try." Pausing to take another sip of tea, Anon added, "For now will, promise to keep all this a secret for me?"
  62. >Servant: "Of course Anon!" she said as she patted his hand with her fore hoof. "It's a leap of faith! Just take the leap and stop thinking so hard about it!"
  63. "Thanks Breezy. I'll try."
  64. >Servant: Aware that time had passed, Breezy glanced at the grandfather clock in the room. "Anon, I've got to get going and finish up my duties. Else, I'll get scolded. What a start it would be as a mare-servant, right!"
  65. Anon did not wish to get his friend into trouble. "Of course Breezy! Thanks for the advice! And don't worry about the tea. I'll finish it and take it back when I wake up, if that's ok."
  66. >Servant: "Of course it is." said Breezy as she got up. Before she moved to leave she came over to Anon and gave him a hug. "Everything will be ok, Anon!" she assured.
  67. Anon reciprocated the hug, happy to feel her friendship. "Thanks!"
  68. >Servant: Attaining the door to Anon's chambers, Breezy turned around to convey some parting thoughts. Feeling comfortable in the confidence and honesty between them, Breezy felt she could assist him with something else that would help him feel comfortable in pony society. "By the way, Anon, if I may say so, you shouldn't feel bashful about being naked." Then becoming a little awkward she continued, "Your...ehm, equipment...looks just fine; different than a stallion's, but just fine. As a mare, I can assure you that it, an excellent size. Though, I have to be honest. It is a little funny how it flops around like that." She innocently made a gesturing motion with her fore hoof and cast her eyes up to the ceiling at the last comment. "I just thought you should know the opinion of a mare. That way you can be confident that if anyone else sees you naked, you don't need to panic or feel embarrassed!"
  69. Anon laughed at Breezy's attempt to help him further acclimatize to pony culture. "I truly appreciate your expert opinion as a mare, Breezy! I'll keep it in mind so that next time I find myself naked in front of ponies, I'll stand with confidence!"
  70. >Servant: Elated that they could end on a humorous note, Breezy gave him a luminous smile and passed through the chamber door. "I'll see you around Anon!"

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat