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We Share Everything (Part 17)

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2022-05-22 22:49:53
Expiry: Never

  2. Note: I refer to music a great deal in this part to convey emotional feelings, speaking of specific works of music by name and composers. However, I did not write with the intention that the reader listen at the same time as reading (that would be absurd given the length of some of the music). So, please do not feel constrained in that sense (though you can if you want, I suppose). I provide a list of the music at the end with the name of the musical work, its composer, and YouTube links to some of the best performances I could find. If you like what I wrote, I would encourage you to listen to the music at your leisure. They are very beautiful actually. I like to listen to them while imagining the ponies dancing. If nothing else, I recommend listening to Chopin's Sonata No. 2 and Schubert's serenade, since they have an impact on Celestia in this part. Also, I sometimes refer to the homelands of the dignitaries mentioned. The names of their homelands are taken from names of horse breeds (Friesian, for example)
  4. Part 17: It is the early afternoon of the day before the diplomatic conference. The palace guest rooms were occupied by dignitaries from far flung kingdoms and their entourages. Many were touring or otherwise milling about the palace. Save only a few bruises, Anon had recovered fully and had spent the last two days assisting the event coordinator, Fancy Pants, ensure everything was in place for the conference. Both Princesses had been extremely busy making their own preparations.
  6. Having assisted the event coordinator put the final touches on preparations, Anon had one final task for the day; meet with Princess Sparkle and give her a final briefing on what to expect, do, and observe in the conference. Her role was to stay close to Princesses Celestia and Luna in order to observe and learn. For Princess Sparkle, it constituted training and it would be the most significant diplomatic event she had participated in to this point. Anon had arranged to meet her this afternoon via exchanged letters and he now waited in the designated meeting place, which was a small salon connected to one of the palace's main galleries. He selected this salon, a small but cozy and finely decorated room with double doors, due to the fact that it contained a unique piano. This piano was one that Anon had commissioned to be built to closely approximate one on Earth. It had cost him more bits than he cared to disclose, but the workmanship was exceedingly fine and only slight deviations from an Earth piano could be detected. Choosing this room allowed him to play while he waited. Feeling pensive, he had been playing Gymnopedies by Satie. The sound of the door latch interrupted him and he stood, expecting to see Princess Sparkle enter. Instead, it was Breezy Leaves.
  7. >Breezy: With her characteristic bright smile, Breezy greeted Anon and delivered some news. "Good afternoon, Anon! Sorry to interrupt, but I have a message from Princess Sparkle. She says she won't be able to make the meeting." Then she added the explanation. "She said not to worry, though. She's spending some extra time with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for instruction. Also, the Royal Sisters wanted me to tell you that they would give Princess Sparkle her final guidance."
  8. Anon was a little surprised. "Oh. Well, that's fine Breezy. I have some documents for Princess Sparkle here, but I suppose I can just have them delivered to her room with a note. They're fairly self-explanatory. Just a few simple schedule changes for the second and third days of the conference she should be aware of."
  9. >Breezy: "I'd be happy to deliver them Anon!" she said as she levitated the documents and began to leave.
  10. Then a wonderful idea struck Anon. "Breezy, wait a moment. How busy are you for the rest of the afternoon?"
  11. >Breezy: "Nothing major. My supervisor has a few simple tasks for me, that's all. After that I'll be off shift in a few hours. I have duty today, though. So, I'll be staying in the palace overnight." Then quizzically, she asked, "Why do you ask?"
  12. "Will you ask your supervisor if I could borrow your services for a bit? Just let her know it would be to help support the upcoming conference and that I am sure Celestia would approve. All, I would need you to do is bring a full tea samovar and enough cups and snacks for several ponies, say 15 to 20, to this room." Anon smiled warmly. "Trust me! It'll be great!" Then after just a moment of reflection, he added, "Oh and once you get permission, leave your uniform behind before you come."
  13. >Breezy: "Sure, I'll ask!" Putting a hoof up to her mouth, she whispered, "The tasks my supervisor has for me a boring anyway!" She gave a curtsy. "Be right back!" she said as she turned and left.
  14. Once she was gone, Anon clapped and rubbed his hands together. "Now to work!" In short order he had thrown open the double doors and began moving sofas and chairs into the gallery, arranging them generally in an arc. Soon had had moved tea tables out as well, matching them to the furniture. He left a large space in the center that remained unfilled. Dignitaries from other nations who were enjoying the paintings, mosaics, and stained glass in the gallery watched in bemusement.
  15. >Breezy: After 30 min. or so, Breezy came strolling down the gallery with a cart. Upon it sat a lovely brass samovar, teacups, some plates, and trays of snacks and donuts. "Anon, everything's set up. My supervisor agreed." Looking at the fruit of Anon's industriousness, she asked, "What's all this?
  16. In a spirited tone, Anon replied, "We're going to play some music Breezy! Basically, a little concert!" Then his face grew very calm. "I'll play and it will attract the dignitaries in the hall here. They'll have a great time!" He paused, put his hand over his heart, and looked earnestly at his good friend. "But really, I wanted to play for you. You have been a true friend and I wanted to show my gratitude. Since you are not wearing a uniform, nobody will bother you with tasks! You can simply relax and enjoy!"
  17. >Breezy: Breezy's eyes grew a little moist. "Thank you Anon! I don't know what to say! You've been a great friend too!" Then her face became a little serious. "The way you said it made it sound so final though. Is everything ok, Anon?"
  18. Anon smiled and replied "Everything's fine Breezy. Please, take some tea and get comfortable while I wheel out the piano." In a flash, Anon had moved the piano into the center of the furniture arc he had created in the center of the gallery.
  19. >Breezy: Breezy had settled into a front row seat with some tea and was gleaming happiness.
  20. Having arranged the piano stool, Anon turned to Breezy and gave a very stately bow with a smile. Giggling, she returned his bow. With dramatic flare, he flung out his coat tails, cracked his knuckles and began to play LIszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. As the opening ominous notes filled the gallery, dignitaries took notice. After the first high tempo flourish, Anon pounded away with chords deep in the bass clef. Looks and whispers of delight passed between the several dignitaries in the hall and they began to congregate. Busy playing, Anon gave them each a nod as they arrived. It was an invitation to take some tea and snacks, and settle into a sofa to enjoy the music.
  21. >Breezy: Entranced by the power of the notes, Breezy was watching Anon intently and absorbing the power of the music. She had never been the recipient of such a gift before.
  22. Anon moved on to Prelude Op. 23 No. 5, and Prelude in C sharp minor Op. 3 No. 2 by Rachmaninoff, before transitioning into his favorite parts of the 2nd and 3rd piano concertos by the same composer. He played continuously, splicing the works together and improvising a little. The audience was enchanted. He looked at Breezy. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling blissfully. Anon mused that pony music at the court was charming. However, its generally syrupy tones lacked the power, dissonance, tension, and release of his favorite music from Earth. This was one facet of Earth life he missed. A glance at the audience told him they were utterly riveted, and no wonder. They had never heard works of music with this depth of emotion and power. His fingers flying over the keys, he ended with a several flourishes from the piano solos of the 3rd movement of piano concerto number 3.
  23. >Audience: Clapping or stomping their hooves wildly, the audience made their delight known with cheers and cries of "Bravo!"
  24. Anon was grateful for their applause and addressed them thus, "Thank you all! Thank you!" Once they settled down he continued, "We're glad to have you all as guests here at the Equestrian Palace for the conference and hope you enjoy your stay." After a pause, he continued, "However, Mares and Gentlecolts, the concert isn't over. I'd like to share some Earth music with your from a place called Eastern Europe. Being a region that has gone through severe trials, its music is known for its passion and emotional depth. Please renew your tea and get comfortable!"
  25. >Audience: There came again the sound of hooves clapping together and then a hush as Anon sat down at the piano once again.
  26. Anon know thrilled them with elaborate renditions of Ochi Chornye, Kalinka, Korobeiniki, On the Hills of Manchuria, and Polyushko Polye. He embellished them to enhance their emotional power, added repeats and alternate endings, and varied tempos as music from that part of the Human Earth tends to do. The air was filled with electricity as the ponies felt the pain, love, and anger, and happiness of this music move them. Pouring his soul into the music, Anon's mind began to ruminate:
  28. Following the night with Luna in the observatory, Anon had spent the next day bed-ridden and in pain; one of the normal servants had brought meals to his chambers. The pain and solitude forced him to reexamine much. Luna's 2000 year old acumen had been correct. Anon realized he had been inflicting pain on himself, fretting over what would happen to him once the truth came out, worrying endlessly. However, what would happen would happen. He had made a terrible mistake, and rather than worrying about what might happen he now accepted the pain of what would happen when the house of cards came tumbling down. That feeling of worry expunged, Anon had been able to realign his priorities. It was just as Luna had explained, real pain gave him foundation in reality. Accordingly, his highest priority was to limit the hurt to both Celestia and Luna that his weakness would cause. Ironically, Luna's torturous therapy had allowed Anon to resolve to end the affair and come clean. It would hurt both sisters, Celestia because she had been cheated on, and Luna because she would lose a lover she desperately wanted. Nevertheless, it was better to do so as soon as possible rather than to wait until the damage would be more deeply felt. Anon, would reveal everything after the diplomatic conference so that Celestia and Luna would not be distracted during their vital diplomatic work.
  30. Anon's mind came back to the moment as he saw that normal servants had noticed the presence of the concert. Without skipping a beat, they had eagerly set about renewing tea, bringing a wider variety of snacks, and pulling up more furniture for the guests to rest upon. This is what he desired would happen. He knew the nature of ponies. Anything that increases happiness is inherently attractive to them. It would not be long before word would spread and dignitaries in other parts of the palace would make their way to the gallery. Anon rounded out Polyushka Polye and decided to add Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre, and Promontory. Finishing those he came to a short break.
  31. >Audience: More hoof clapping and stomping. Amongst them Breezy, radiant as can be, was pointing to Anon with a hoof while happily speaking with the delegate from Lusitano.
  32. >Servant: Scarlet Dusk, one of the normal servants who was assisting, now addressed Anon. "Master Anon, would you like some tea and snacks while you play?"
  33. "Yes please, Scarlet!" He said with a nod. While she poured and placed a donut on a plate for him, he addressed the audience again. "Now, I'd like to play some of what I consider to be some of the Human Earth's most beautiful music." Anon briefly turned and asked Scarlet a favor in a lower tone. "Scarlet, will you please go fetch a stallion named Star Spark and bring him here to sit with Breezy? You'll find him in Princess Luna's staff council room. Just tell him and his supervisor that I desire him here to support matters pertaining to the conference. That should be enough." Seeing her trot away, Anon turned to the piano. Taking a sip of tea and a bite of his donut, he touched the pearl inlayed keys and began to play again. First Chopin sprang forth with the calm, romantic lilt of Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1, followed by Nocturne No. 20 in C# minor, and then haunting tone of Prelude in E minor. Here Anon paused to consume more tea and donut. Presently, he continued with Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 and Chopin's energetic Fantasy Impromptu. The beauty of the notes echoed through the long gallery as more dignitaries and palace officials arrived. Some sat and listened, others took some tea and imbibed the music while appreciating the paintings and stained glass. Anon moved on to the serene beauty of one of Liszt's Consolations before playing Debussy's Reverie, Clair de Lune, and an Arabesque.
  35. While playing, Anon reflected on his love for these ponies, for Equestria, and for the princesses. He never understood how he arrived in Equestria. Nor could he remember his name or certain details of his life on the Human Earth. Nevertheless, he was glad to be there and would not go back to Earth for any reason or for any incentive whatsoever. Ponies were phenomenally friendly, pleasant, and helpful, far from the vicious, backstabbing, fiends he remembered humans on earth being. He had deeper and more meaningful friendships here than he had at any point previous on Earth. Moreover, he dearly loved the princesses. It was a deep, pure, and true love that sought their welfare above his own. As difficult as it was to imagine, especially for immortal beings, or semi-immortal beings as Luna had referred to it, he knew that both princesses felt the same for him. All three were each seeking each others's best interest and happiness in near selflessness. It was only unfortunate for Anon that he could not love just one of them.
  37. Feeling a twinge of sadness as his mind examined these topics, Anon completed the Arabesque, finished the tea, took a deep breath and began Chopin's Sonata No. 2 movement three. The soft, somber notes of the funeral march rang out in slow tempo. They grew in terrible, dissonant crescendo and diminished only to grow again. Playing this was a gamble on Anon's part. The work was filled with immense sadness and heavy dissonant chords. Ponies were not normally inclined to such music. Nevertheless, the lamentation during the funeral march portion was offset by the sweetness of the parts between, parts that spoke about reminiscences of loved ones passed away. This gave way to alternations between the austerity of the march and visions of profound beauty before ending in somber silence. As he played, he glanced around the audience and witnessed that many eyes were watery as they lovingly remembered parents passed away, foals lost to sickness, husbands or sons taken in war. Breezy was among these, crying not out of loss, but due to the emotional impact of the terribly sad but vastly beautiful work. To anneal the sadness of the audience, to heal the feelings that had been brought to the surface, and to convert pain into love, Anon now played Schubert's famous serenade. Its sweet, romantic tone was soothing; the perfect salve for the sonata. Looking to the audience once again as he played, he could see many ponies take breaths of serenity. Also, he noticed that the Royal Sisters, with Princess Sparkle in tow, had also arrived. Anon knew that they would not be able to resist this impromptu concert. Probably they had been there through the Sonata judging by Celestia's watery eyes. He extended the length of the serenade to add healing power, repeating the more beautiful parts and adding some embellishment. Yet, he soon brought it to a close.
  38. >Audience: Breezy, now sitting with her stallion-friend, was smiling and wiping away tears. The rest of the audience was silent, lost in their emotions.
  39. "Well, I suppose I over did it" said Anon sheepishly, thinking he had offended them.
  40. >Audience: A beautiful mare delegate from Friesia spoke for everyone. "No Mr. Anon. It was beautiful! We've just never heard anything like it! Very powerful music and you play wonderfully! Earth must be an interesting place."
  41. >C: "It was wonderful, Anon!" said Celestia from behind the arc of furniture. She was amused that Anon had taken it upon himself to hold an impromptu concert for the dignitaries. It was a brilliant idea and it would set everyone in a good mood before a conference in which there would be many tough negotiations over trade and border locations. "Won't you play some more for us?"
  42. >L: "Yes, Anon. Please play more!"
  43. At the sound of the princesses' voices, Anon and the rest of the audience gotten up to give a customary bow. "I'd love to play more, Your Highnesses. How about some more lighthearted music?
  44. >Audience: The dignitaries and other ponies in the audience showed their agreement with smiles and nods.
  45. Anon nodded and sat back down. In a flash, Scarlet Dusk had filled his cup and placed some cheese and crackers on his plate. Everyone had renewed their tea and comfy chairs had been brought for Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. He raised his tea cup. "Cheers!". The crowd did the same. He took a sip of his tea and began with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and Fur Elise. He then played Brahms' Hungarian Dance No. 5. Extending and embellishing as as before, he eventually moved into playing Rondo Alla Turca and then Flight of the Bumblebee.
  46. >Audience: At these happy tunes, the audience was showing their appreciation with smiles. Some could be seen whispering and nodding to each other in discussions about the beauty of the music.
  47. Having finished Flight of the Bumblebee, Anon paused for some tea to sounds of hoof clapping and stomping. Chewing a piece of cheese, he waved to the audience and resolved to play some Jazz flavored music. He now began with the Syncopated Clock and moved on to play several works by Joplin, including The Entertainer and Maple Leaf Rag.
  49. There was a method to Anon's selection of music. The earlier heavy music was to enthrall everyone emotionally. Now he turned to lighter music to rouse the audience's spirits. He had a working plan to start playing waltzes, and invite everyone to dance. This would turn the gallery into a great dance hall and enliven all the dignitaries with joy and happiness before the conference. His chief goal overall was still to give the concert as a gift to his friend, Breezy. Judging by her reaction so far, she seemed to be enjoying it a great deal. Attracting the princesses had also been a goal, but one he was not sure would work out. Yet, here they were.
  51. Anon finished out the last of some ragtime works and stood up.
  52. >Audience: There was an eruption of thunderous applause and "Bravo!" from the audience. Everypony was happy and thrilled with the music.
  53. "Thank you! And now I'll play some waltzes for you. With the permission of their Royal Highnesses, I'd like to invite all of you to dance to the music!" Anon looked to the princesses for concurrence, as did everypony else. Celestia and Luna nodded their head in unison. Twilight looked at the princesses and then nodded her head as well with a big goofy grin.
  54. >C: "By all means, Anon!" With a nod to the servants Celestia had the furniture moved to the walls of the gallery so that ponies would have a place to sit when they were not dancing. She then accepted an offer from the Earl of Lusitano for the first dance.
  55. >L: Meanwhile, Luna had been requested to dance first with the Duke of Morab. They elegantly bowed to each other and moved into position for the dance.
  56. >T: While all this was happening, Twilight, had stealthily moved next to the piano. "Anon, do you mind if I just stand here? I...uh, actually don't know how to do these dances." she said with nervous laughter.
  57. "Sure, Princess Sparkle! But at least sit down comfortably." said Anon as he moved a comfy blue and gold chair next to the piano. A servant promptly poured some tea for both of them. Looking across the room and seeing everypony ready, including Breezy and her stallion-friend, Star Spark, Anon sat down and started to play. First he played Shostakovich's Waltz No. 2. The music set the ponies spinning and twirling across the floor, their opulent robes making the room into a painting in motion. Anon, continued on with Merry-Go-Round of Life, which he had to modify to make more continuous since it has several artistic breaks that would disrupt the flow of the dance. But, he considered it an excellent piece for dancing, so it was worth the work. Chopin's Waltz in A minor followed, and then Tchaikovsky's graceful Waltz of the Flowers. As Anon played, he was also happy to see that the servants were also taking turns on the dance floor. He smiled to himself at that. At the end of each piece the dancing ponies switched partners, some moved to the chairs and sofas lining the walls, while others who had been resting there joined the dancers. "Are you sure you don't want to go try a dance Princess Sparkle?" Said Anon after sipping some tea between waltzes.
  58. >T: "Oh, it's fine Anon. Besides, I enjoy listening to you play!" said the awkward, perky purple princess.
  59. "Well, let me know if you change your mind then." said Anon reassuringly. He then moved on, playing the stately Canon in D by Pachelbel for a slow dance. Its structure allowed him to extend the dance for the ponies, for they seemed to enjoy it. Following this, he began playing a number of waltzes by Johann Strauss II. Part way through the third of this set, the Friesian dignitary who had spoken earlier, a beautiful mare unicorn with black coat, black mane, and emerald eyes, approached the piano and waited for Anon to finish the present waltz.
  60. >Friesian Dignitary: "Mr. Anon, you have been playing beautifully! I have rarely heard music so lovely! However, you have been entertaining us for over two hours. Will you allow me to take over for you? I've been playing since I was a filly."
  61. "Certainly! Just know that the keys are a little different. They're made for my fingers."
  62. >Friesian Dignitary: "Thank you Mr. Anon! I think I'll be able to manage. Go enjoy yourself!"
  63. "Thank you very much!" Anon loved her accent. Something between Spanish and French. Looking at Princess Sparkle, Anon turned back to the dignitary. "Um, would you mind playing a few slow ones at first?"
  64. >Friesian Dignitary: "Absolutely, Mr. Anon!" she said cordially.
  65. Nodding in thanks, Anon turned to Twilight. "Princess Sparkle, would you like to dance? We'll go slow and I'll teach you. Nothing to fear, I promise!" Anon held out his hand and gave her a reassuring smile.
  66. >T: Hesitating at first Twilight finally responded with another characteristic nervous smile. "Alright Anon. I'd like that!"
  67. Anon and Twilight took their positions on the dance floor and a traditional slow pony waltz began to play. Moving slowly, Anon showed her by his movements how she should follow. Soon they were enjoying themselves and Twilight began to move with greater ease and grace, proving she was not all left hooves. She was a fast learner, despite being awkward at first.
  68. >T: After dancing with Anon for several sets Twilight addressed him during a break. "Anon, I appreciate you showing me how to dance. I was just nervous at first." Looking apologetic, she continued, "Sorry I missed our meeting earlier. I was actually looking forward to it because it has been a long time since we spoke." Her face brightened before she spoke next. "And actually, I wanted to talk to you about mathematics, physics, and other subjects with you, like we did when I was still in Canterlot. Do you remember that?"
  69. "I certainly do princess. It would be fun. We can still meet after the conference."
  70. >T: "Great!" she said. But before she could say more, one of the dignitaries approached and requested to dance with her in the next set. Hesitant, she looked to Anon.
  71. Anon, smiled to reassure her and bowed. Off they went to take their position. Anon, headed over to the sofas where Celestia and Luna were resting and drinking tea after multiple dances.
  72. >L: "Bravo, Anon! This was an excellent idea! How did it come to you?" asked Luna, happy as can be after all the music and dancing.
  73. Anon smiled with cunning and responded. "Well, after the meeting was canceled with Princess Sparkle, I thought of the concert as a way to attract your attention and bring you, Celestia, and Princess Sparkle here to me regardless. Also, entertaining the dignitaries before the conference, I thought, would help make them more amiable to negotiations. How's that for covert diplomacy?"
  74. >L: Celestia laughed at Anon's audacity and Luna's eyes opened wide in amusement. "Very clever, Anon! I think you will make a great statesman!" Then with a raised eyebrow, she added, "I can't wait to begin your training!"
  75. >C: Finished laughing, Celestia chimed in and changed the subject. "By they way, Anon, thank you for teaching Princess Sparkle to dance gracefully. Watching her dance, she seems to be doing just fine." Leaning in, she whispered, "I must admit that our attempts to teach her have not gone very well. She is a little awkward and clumsy. She has a long way to go, but she will get there in time with our help." said Celestia with a motherly smile.
  76. "Happy to help Celly! I'm not sure what training you and Luna are giving to Princess Sparkle, but if you ever need my help, I am happy to assist!" Just then Breezy approached and bowed to the princesses.
  77. >Breezy: "Your Highnesses, may I ask for a dance with Master Anon?" she said with a curtsey. Up until that point she had been dancing with her stallion-friend, but she wanted an opportunity to dance with her best friend and thank him for the concert.
  78. >C: "Of course, Breezy!" Celestia and Luna both watched as Anon and Breezy went off to dance the next set. Addressing her sister, Celestia mused, "It seems you were right little sister. Your treatment for Anon seems to have worked. He is much more jovial and it seems as though a weight is lifted off of him. Your methods seem frightful to me, I could never do them, but I must admit that they work!"
  79. >L: Luna smiled at her sister knowing that Celestia far exceeded her own ability to judge the stress and mental state of others. "It's something about males, big sister. They need it sometimes." Luna swirled her tea and took a big sip. Then she joked, "You know, without all that worry on his mind, your night with him will be that much more wonderful!" She raised her eyebrows together successively, teasing her sister.
  80. >C: Celestia laughed and gave a gentle nudge to her little sister with her hoof. "You're very naughty my dear sister!" They both laughed and embraced. Then they sat contentedly and watched the remainder of the dancing.
  81. Anon danced two sets with Breezy. At the end of the second set he spoke to her. "Breezy, did you enjoy the concert?"
  82. >Breezy: "Anon, it was wonderful, a really great gift!" said Breezy.
  83. "I just wanted to do something to show you I appreciated your friendship and advice all this time. And, I really hope everything works out between you and Star Spark." Breezy did not know it, but Anon was saying goodbye. Anon was not sure what would happen when he would reveal his affair to Celestia. He could be imprisoned, banished, maybe even executed. He wanted his best friend to know what her friendship had meant to him before any of those occurred.
  84. >Breezy: Beaming in jubilation, Breezy replied, "Anon, you've done a lot for me as well. You are my best friend! This was a wonderful evening, one of the best I've ever had!"
  85. Anon smiled and nodded. Seeing Star Spark approaching, Anon said, "Breezy, I think you and Star Spark should dance the remaining sets."
  86. >Breezy: "Thanks, Anon! Have a good evening then!"
  87. "You too, Breezy." With that, Anon bowed to the both of them and walked back to where he had left Celestia and Luna. Only, they were not there, neither was Princess Sparkle. Gone to their chambers for the night probably. Sitting on the sofa, Anon enjoyed watching the remainder of the dancing. Soon, Scarlet Dusk approached.
  88. >Servant: "Master Anon. I have a letter here for you from Princess Celestia.
  89. "Oh, thank you Scarlet." Anon took the letter, unfurled it, and read to himself as Scarlet trotted away. It read as follows:
  90. >C: "My Dear Anon. The last few days have been very busy and getting ready for the conference has kept us apart. I have thus missed you very much. Won't you come to my chambers this evening? It will be truly wonderful to spend time with you. - Your Love, Celestia"
  91. Anon did not need to think twice. He got up and made his way to Celestia's chambers. Along the way, he thanked the servants for their help. He caught the Friesian Dignitary before she started the final waltz, thanked her, and let her know not to worry about cleaning up. In short order, he was on his way to Celestia's room.
  93. >C: While she waited for Anon in her chambers, Celestia had been putting away her gown, her jewelry, and even her crown. Sometimes the burden of being a ruler was tiresome and tonight she wanted to set aside Princess Celestia, and in Anon's arms just be Celly. Luna was right. Before the conference she needed Anon. She looked at herself in the mirror, unadorned with royal regalia, it was just her staring back; the Celestia that was not a princess, the Celestia that was just a mare. Memories, perhaps stimulated by Anon's music, suddenly flooded in; her mother, her father, her many siblings - except two - and old friends long since passed away. Those were old memories. She missed them and remembered vaguely what it was like to be part of a normal family. How rarely was it, in comparison to how long she lived, that she felt anything like the family love she knew growing up? Only with her sister, a few previous lovers, and now with Anon, did she have anything like that. The image staring back at her smiled. Nevertheless, she was content. She had her sister, whom she loved as a sibling, and she had Anon, whom she loved as a lover. The kingdom was safe and prosperous. All her little ponies were happy. She was still herself though. Even though she was immortal, for all intents and purposes, she still had emotional voids that needed filling, flaws that needed constant mending, and desires that needed attention. At the top it was lonely and there was scarce little time to attend to your own needs. She wondered what it would be like when she and Luna would ultimately lay aside the burden of rule. Amidst her thoughts and the beginnings of tears, a knock rang out. Relived to have Anon arrive, she smiled and pushed away the tears. "Come in!" she said sweetly.
  94. Anon entered to see Celestia sitting at her mirror. In an instant he knew her mental state. He had seen this before. He smiled gently, closed the door behind him and walked to Celestia. "Hello my love!" he said as he sat down next to her. "How are you?"
  95. >C: Celestia smiled weakly and replied, "Just feeling a little sad, my love. Your music tonight was a bit too powerful for me I think. I've been thinking about my original family, about rule, about eternity." After a short pause, she continued somewhat apologetically, "I am not angry with your music or anything like that. Indeed, it was gorgeous! Though, that kind of music always manages to stir things up, makes me remember important things; happy things, painful things, melancholic things. It's important to think deeply about those things from time to time. It is simply that doing so also brings sadness. Are you ever sad to be separated from your family, Anon?"
  96. Anon placed his arm around her in a loving embrace. "Well, I have no recollection of them, Celly. I suppose in that sense I am blessed. You can't feel pain about being separated from people you don't know. You and Luna are my family, and Equestria is my home." Looking into her beautiful but watery eyes, he continued, "During my two days off, once I was well enough, I did two things really. I worked on calculations for Luna's observatory project, and I researched alicorns. I never realized what a terrible burden it was until then. You and Luna must bear the rule of an entire kingdom for thousands of years through wars, rebellions, economic plenty and scarcity, during times of catastrophe, good times, and hard times. And for all that, you must bear the fact that your family and friends all pass away. For us mortals there is permanence or semi-permanence. Things are approximately the same when we are born as when we die. But for you and Luna, everything is ephemeral. Through the endless years you see everything change; the course of rivers, growth and collapse of cities, even the positions of stars, everything. There is nothing you can hold on to; no security or permanence for you to stand on. Instead, you are the thing that everypony else holds on to."
  97. >C: The tears now flowed steadily from Celestia's eyes and Anon wiped them away.
  98. "I know it's not the same as having a real family, Celly, but those same ponies that hold on to you also love you and want you to feel happy and content. In a sense, they are your family along with Luna. And when the burden of rule is too great, I can be here for you to just be Celly for a while. Whoever comes after me will do the same. Even though I won't be with you forever, when I am gone I will take my love for you with me. Somewhere, in the ether or wherever it is that I go, my love for you will still exist." After a short silence, Anon added, "I am just afraid I am not worthy of you."
  99. >C: Celestia smiled and wiped away remaining tears with her forelegs. "Thank you, Anon! You are worthy, I assure you."
  100. Anon smiled, collected her up into his arms, and stood up. Stopping at her dresser to pick up her comb, a small bottle of oil, a hard-bristle brush, and s soft-bristle brush, he carried her to the rug in front of the fire place. After reviving the fire with more wood, he moved the table out of the way and pulled the sofa closer. Sitting down with a smile, he leaned against the sofa, opened his legs and patted the space between with his hand.
  101. >C: With a resplendent countenance Celestia walked over to Anon and sat down between his legs, her back to him. She was grateful for Anon's kind words and his understanding. It was wonderful to feel you had somepony to share the burden of eternity with, even if he was mortal.
  102. Without speaking, Anon began to rub her coat with the hard-bristled brush, being careful to go in the direction of her hair.
  103. >C: Under the hard-bristles and the strength of his hand, the knots in the muscles of Celestia's back, neck, flanks, and shoulders were expunged. On her legs, where the layer between skin and bone was thinner, she felt the wonderful magic of his fingers massaging out tension.
  104. Anon moved on to the soft-bristle brush, using it to gently caress her skin and remove loose and matted hair. Anon had learned that grooming between lovers was a very emotionally deep experience for ponies. Accordingly, Anon gave it great care with Celestia. He used smooth, even, and periodic strokes with just the right amount of pressure. Celestia's closed eyes told him she was enjoying it. For Anon it was meditative. He continued on in silence, voice and words would ruin the moment.
  105. >C: Anon's work with the brush had produced a feeling of calm serenity in Celestia and she was enjoying every second of it. Her stress was melting away and for a moment she dropped her entire weary load of cares there on the floor. The feeling of being unburdened for a moment was wonderful.
  106. Anon now took up the comb and started working it through her mane and tail, taking out all the knots and tangles. After that, Anon took small amounts of the light oil and applied it to her skin, rubbing it in with his hands. On the skin of ponies, this oil created a tingly warming effect that they found pleasurable. Anon found it had no such effect on his skin.
  107. >C: Beginning to feel the effects of the oil, Celestia turned on her haunches and leaned into Anon, placing her head against his chest. "That was fantastic, Anon. I really needed it." Then she looked up into Anon's eyes. "Will you sleep with me tonight my love? I just don't want to sleep alone. I can teleport you to your room tomorrow morning in time for both of us to be ready for the conference."
  108. "I'd love to Celly. It would be very nice." said Anon as he soothed her neck and upper back with his hand.
  109. >C: Smiling deeply, she turned her head up to his and began kissing him. In her relaxed state, she was feeling a spiritual connection to her lover, but as time passed her physical body was catching up and expressing itself. She wanted to feel the delicious fulfillment that both physical and spiritual intimacy could produce. She did not speak. She let her eyes and tongue tell Anon what she desired.
  110. Anon and Celestia were now kissing passionately. He continued to stroke her neck and mane with one hand, but soon the other found her flank and he began massaging. Soon he could also feel her aura moving up and down his legs. It moved over his arms and upper body under his shirt as if she was magically feeling him. It was warm and pleasant. He imagined it must be something like how she felt when he was brushing her and he felt its calming effect.
  111. >C: Celestia was content to go slow for the time being, happy to be kissing and in physical contact with each other. It was an unspoken physical conversation between them about their love for each other. However, soon her lust began to grow hot and her aura began to focus around Anon's groin. In short order, she had opened his pants, gingerly pulled out the components of his manhood, and commenced massaging and heating them in her aura. "Let's go to the sofa, my love." she said with weary, but love-laden eyes and a radiant smile.
  112. On the way, Anon removed his shirt and then his pants. He felt Celestia's aura lightly indicate that she wanted him to sit down. Once on the sofa, she climbed up and mounted him. He held her in his arms and felt her weight on his upper thighs.
  113. >C: Celestia shifted her body forward, pressing Anon's penis between his body and her vulva. Collecting Anon's testicles in her aura, she heated and smoothly tumbled them around beneath her. She began sliding her hips back and forth. Anon's engorged shaft, resting between her tender lips, was pressing hard against her clitoris. At first she felt some pain, but her natural lubrication soon began to flow, providing the salve, and pain now metamorphosed into deep pleasure. She loved the the physical sensation and the sense of anticipation in gave her. Anon was kissing her all over and massaging her flank and body. How wonderful it was to be loved cared for, to feel emotionally safe in another's arms! In love making, Anon had always looked to her pleasure first. Celestia took it as an indication of how much he cared for her and she tried to reciprocate. At the moment, judging by Anon's face, she was succeeding. Closing her eyes and letting her mouth hang open as soft moans starting issuing forth, she took solace in Anon's arms as his love filled the emotional voids left by thousands of years of reign and responsibility. For this she was deeply grateful.
  114. Anon's breathing was growing heavy from Celestia sliding along his shaft. He enjoyed the pleasure of it, but also remembered Luna's words. Body, mind, spirit, and genitalia were merely tools for two beings to use for communicating the love they had for each other. During sex, this happened all at once through physical, spiritual, and emotional means. In that way, sex was much more than something done merely for fun or pleasure. It had deep significance if done properly. Anon realized, once he had walked in the door that Celestia deeply needed to feel loved this evening. A very heavy week of work had worn down and cracked the defensive armor she had against all the emotional pain, regrets, losses, and loneliness she had endured during her reign, induced as it was by the burden of responsibility. Accordingly, he let his body and groin be the tools of communicating love to her.
  115. >C: Now highly aroused, Celestia pushed up and allowed his penis to stand on end. She gingerly placed its sensitive tip against her vulva and let gravity be the motive force of inserting it. Her now moistened pussy greeted its long-time playmate and signaled to Celestia's mind its genuine gratitude. As Anon's penis wedged her tight tissues apart, she let out an involuntary hum of satisfaction. Having hilted his shaft, she looked down at Anon with bedroom eyes and a lustrous smile. Before she began, she planted a powerful, love-laden kiss on his lips. Slowly she began to rise and fall on Anon's shaft, increasing in speed as her tissues relaxed their embrace of Anon's penis. Still massaging Anon's balls, her humpinig acquired a regular rhythm and she was moaning and humming softly, again with her eyes closed.
  116. Anon was in ecstasy and fighting climax; with Luna and Celestia he was always fighting climax. He did not consider it fair to them to climax early and deprive them of the extensive pleasure they were capable of deriving from sex. Massaging her body elsewhere, he slipped his hand down to engage her clitoris. However, he felt it prevented by Celestia's aura and placed at her teats instead. Looking up into her loving eyes, he could see that right now she was more interested in lower intensity love-making. He massaged her teats and nipples lovingly instead, initiating a barrage of kissing from Celestia.
  117. >C: On and on Celestia humped him, savoring the feeling continually and maintaining climax at arms length. Her body was hot and dripping with sweat now and she was panting hard. She was watching Anon watching her. They were locked in spiritual communication. On and on Celestia continued, almost to the point of her own physical exhaustion. Eventially, feeling emotionally filled and contented, she released the restraints on her body and let climax approach.
  118. Feeling Celestia starting to quiver, Anon tested moving his hand to her clitoris. With no aura preventing him this time, he began to stimulate her, moving his finger in circles over her clitoris and using increasing pressure as Celestia's shaking became stronger.
  119. >C: In a moment, the climax surged through her and she let out a resounding moan. She collapsed, allowed her weight to rest against Anon's shoulder, and pressed her cheek into his. For a few moments of recovery she did not stir. "Mmmmm! That was wonderful, Anon." she whispered.
  120. Still rigid inside of her pussy, Anon simply responded by kissing her and stroking her back and neck. He reasoned that the abnormally long session of humping allowed her to dispel the stress that had been building inside her. She was still rolling his balls around lovingly.
  121. >C: Presently, Celestia stirred once more and lithely dismounted her lover, spilling some juices as she did. Levitating a multitude of blankets out of various cupboards, she laid them on the ground next to the fireplace. She beckoned with her eyes for Anon to join her on the blankets. Now she wanted Anon to feel that he had control over her and for him to expend his masculine energy on her. She gave a demure look to Anon, who was now kneeling next to her. Then, maintaining eye contact, she playfully flopped down to the blankets and rolled on to her back to display her vulnerability. She let gravity open her hind legs to tease Anon with a full view of her pussy. Her wings outstretched beneath her, her mane laying lank in a halo about her head and neck, and light from the fire kissing and dancing over her body, she had done her best to give Anon the feeling that a wonderful treasure lay before him that he could pluck up at his leisure. She wanted him to work her to his own contentment. In her mind she could hear Anon's piano music from earlier. The music that played in her head was Liszt's famous serenade, though she did not know its name.
  122. Anon truly appreciated Celestia's dramatic and open invitation. Knowing the thought that went into it, he gave it the love filled response it deserved. He leaned in and applied kisses liberally and danced over her body with his hands, letting her know that he was there, that he was real, and that he would support her. As he had done before, he let his tongue glide over her teats and inner thighs. Determined to make her invitation worthwhile, he parted her curtains with his tongue and gently brought her to orgasm. Her moans were exquisite in his ears and her tensed body communicated her ecstasy through his hands. After this he slipped in his penis and began thrusting.
  123. >C: Feeling Anon's member enter her again, Celestia craned her neck to watch him with sexual fascination. His body glistened with sweat after thrusting for a while. She admired the beauty of his well-defined physique. Not a loaf-about, Anon took care of his body and exercised regularly. Between hums and moans, she smiled warmly to him to let him know her pleasure and appreciation. She basked in the feeling of being taken by Anon's strength and endurance; feeling securely under his control allowed her to drop all responsibility for a delicious moment. Sensing everything at a heightened level, she could feel Anon's scrotum rhythmically slap against her. She liked the feeling and let if continue, but she enveloped them in her aura and applied a sensual heat. The massaging of his hands on her body was euphoric, but soon she felt one hand slowly move down to her crotch, exploring her sensitive teats on the way. Her anticipation was tremendous and soon she felt Anon's fingers playing with her clitoris and lips. The feeling started to push her over the top. She felt her eyes close and moans come involuntarily. Uncontrollable spasms of ecstasy took hold and her body ignited in the flames of climax.
  124. Anon felt Celestia heave and writhe in orgasm beneath his hands and decided to stop resisting himself. The frequency of his thrusting increased as he felt cum accumulating, getting ready to be shot in. Anon continued thrusting strongly as he pumped until his testicles and penis felt pain. Having finished, he continued to thrust much more slowly and gently, allowing his still throbbing penis to smoothly massage her pussy. After a while, Anon saw Celestia's eyes open. As hers connected with his, a final spiritual communication passed between them before she smiled and laid her head down in satisfaction. At this point, Anon gently pulled out, caressed her body, inner thighs, and teats, before laying down next to her by the fire.
  125. >C: For some time they simply lay next to each other gazing into each other's eyes. Celestia spoke first. "Anon, thank you. I really needed that. Eternal life becomes burdensome sometimes. Feeling loved helps; knowing that you love me helps with all the pain and frustration of rule. It helps with the loneliness of eternity." Then with a mischievous scrunch in her nose she added, "Plus, the sex is fantastic!"
  126. Anon laughed at her joke and continued stroking her neck and mane. He was aware this would probably be the last time he would be with her. He wanted her to feel that he really did love her. Soon she would know that he had cheated, but he wanted her to know that even in that he had truly loved her. "Celly, I will always love you regardless of what happens. I am a deeply flawed man. I have made mistakes, deep mistakes, and will still sometimes make new mistakes. However, even then I will never stop loving or caring for you." After a pause he continued. "If you find errors in me, just know that my love for you does not end."
  127. >C: "We're all flawed, Anon. We must understand each other and forgive each other as much as possible." She scooched in closer to him and gave him a kiss and rubbed her nose against his. "Shall we go to bed my love?"
  128. Anon nodded, he gathered her up in his arms and took her to the bed. Together they laid down together, Celestia with her back to Anon's chest and his arm holding her close. Peacefully, the they fell asleep together in the fire lit room, covered as much in love as in blankets.
  130. Next Part: In Progress
  132. Music Mentioned in this Part (in the order it appears in text):
  133. 2. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (
  134. 3. Rachmaninov: Prelude Op 23 No. 5 (
  135. 4. Rachmaninov: Prelude in c-sharp minor op.3 no.2 (
  136. 5. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto #2 (
  137. 6. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto #3 (
  138. 10. On The Hills of Manchuria:
  139. 12. Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor (
  140. 13. Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre (
  141. 15. Chopin: Nocturne Op. 9, No. 1 (
  142. 16. Chopin: Nocturne No. 20 in C# Minor (
  143. 17. Chopin: Prelude in E Minor op 28 no 4 (
  144. 18. Chopin: Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 in E-flat minor (
  145. 19. Chopin: Fantasie Impromptu Opus 66 in C sharp minor (
  146. 20. Liszt: Consolation No. 3 (
  147. 23. Debussy: Arabesques: No. 1 (
  148. 24. Chopin: Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor Mov 3 (
  149. 26. Beethoven: "Moonlight" Sonata (
  150. 28. Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5 (
  151. 29. Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca (
  152. 30. Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the Bumblebee (
  153. 31. Anderson: Syncopated Clock (
  154. 34. Shostakovich: Waltz No. 2 (
  155. 35. Hisaishi: Merry-Go-Round of Life (
  156. 36. Chopin: Waltz in A minor (
  157. 37. Tchaikovsky: Waltz of the Flowers (

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat