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By TiberiusPonificus
Created: 2022-05-30 16:25:14
Expiry: Never

  1. It wasn’t until he was already at the front door of her house that it hit the young Tender Taps what exactly he was doing. Not when Apple Bloom suggested he bring some of his records to her place. Not when he had already picked them up and was on his way to Sweet Apple Acres. Not even when he had already knocked on the door.
  3. “I’m going to a girl’s house,” he said to himself, the feeling like stage fright setting in. “I’m probably gonna even be in her room! Alone!”
  5. He smacked his cheeks to snap him out of his fright, just as Apple Bloom had taught him before. Now was not the time to be nervous. He was around plenty of girls in dance class. It shouldn’t be any different just because it was Apple Bloom. The same Apple Bloom who danced with him and helped him conquer his stage fright. Okay, maybe she was special to him for that reason, but that didn’t mean-
  7. CREAK!
  9. The old wooden door opened up, revealing a rather large and stocky man. With orange hair, wearing a red buttoned shirt and blue jeans, he stood rather intimidatingly in the door frame. This must have been Apple Bloom’s older brother, Big Macintosh.
  11. “Uh…” Tender Taps finally managed to squeak out. “Is Apple Bloom home?”
  13. “Yup,” he uttered, before stepping aside and motioning his head for Tender Taps to come inside. Quickly taking the hint, he wasted no time walking into the living room.
  15. It was indeed an old house, everything inside feeling like it was at least a generation behind everyone else’s furnishings. An old couch sat at the corner of the room and seated upon it was a young woman. Dressed in a white top, blue jeans and an old Stetson hat on top of her blonde hair, she took quick notice of Tender Taps and smiled as she got up from the couch. This was Applejack, Apple Bloom’s big sister.
  17. “Well, howdy there!” she said in a rather loud voice that commanded attention. “You must be Apple Bloom’s friend from dance class! Tender Taps, was it?”
  19. “Mmhmm!”
  21. “Why dontcha stay put right there and Ah’ll go get mah sister?” Applejack suggested, not even waiting for a response before walking up the stairs to the second floor. Tender Taps couldn’t think to do anything but wait for Apple Bloom to come down.
  23. “Well, ain’t you just precious?” an old voice spoke from another corner, catching the poor boy by surprise. Turning towards the source, he saw an old woman sitting on a rocking chair, gray hair and all. “Now, don’t just stand there like a scarecrow. Let ol’ Granny Smith get a good look at ya!”
  25. Tender Taps walked up to the old woman and let her hold his face by the cheeks. She then proceeded to pat his shoulders and look him from top to bottom, from his orange shirt to his purple shorts and sneakers. After a moment of inspection, she only nodded in a satisfactorily manner.
  27. “Is everything okay?” Tender Taps could only think to ask.
  29. “Nah, nah. Don’t you worry none. Let’s see what you brought over, yeah?” she asked, beckoning him to give her the satchel he brought with him. Looking through the contents, she held up one of the old jazz records with a look of glee. “Oh! You got some good taste, boy! I remember seeing this band in concert! Oh, it was unforgettable!”
  31. “Really? They’re one of my favorite bands!” Tender Taps replied, suddenly not nervous anymore now that he had something in common. “I love listening to them! You’ve got a record player, right?”
  33. “Heh heh! Of course we do!” Granny Smith motioned toward the record player on one side of the room. “I know we tried to stay old-fashioned, but Applejack talked me into getting the automatic player. Said it’s better to get a load off my joints.”
  35. “Neat!” Tender Taps said, coming up to the record player. “This’ll work just fine!”
  37. “Good! Now, tell me, youngin’…” Granny Smith said, leaning with a smirk on her face, “just what are you to my granddaughter?”
  39. “Uh…” he suddenly found himself cornered, unable to give an answer without feeling like he was lying.
  41. “Taps!” a familiar voice shouted from the second floor. He looked up and smiled at the sight of the girl he came for. Her red hair and familiar pink bow bounced as she descended the stairs with a smile on her face. “You came!”
  43. “Of course I did!” Tender Taps replied, blushing slightly at being hugged. “I brought the albums too! Look!”
  45. “Ooh! These look good!” Apple Bloom said with glee in her voice. “Let’s put them on right now!”
  47. “Well, ain’t y’all eager?” Applejack said, coming down the stairs. “Big Mac and I will be out in the orchard. You two have fun!”
  49. “Okay!” Apple Bloom and Tender Taps said at once, watching the two of them step outside. After the door closed, Apple Bloom grabbed the first record and put it on the player.
  51. The sound of brass horns, woodwinds and piano filled the living room as the record played. Tender Taps and Apple Bloom quickly found their feet as they danced to the beat, Tender Taps even taking off his shoes and socks in order to get a real feel for the music. Granny Smith participated in her own way, tapping on the armrest of her rocking chair as she listened.
  53. Tender Taps could not be happier than he was at this moment. Getting to dance to his favorite songs with such a cute girl. Holding her hand as they spun around. Being so close, he could almost see his reflection in her amber eyes. It was strange, being so enamored with her despite dancing this closely with other girls in dance class. There was just…something about her.
  55. Whatever the reason might have been, Tender Taps had more fun dancing with her than any other person. Time just seemed to slip away as they danced. Eventually, the record finished, and they both collapsed onto the floor.
  57. “Ha ha ha! That was fun!” Apple Bloom laughed. “This was a great idea, Tender Taps!”
  59. “Thanks, Apple Bloom!” he replied. “Mom and Dad don’t dance with me as much I’d like them to, so I’m really glad that you wanted to listen to these records.”
  61. “Why wouldn’t I?” she asked. “Dancing’s so much fun!”
  63. “You said it! Now, what do you want to listen to next? Granny Smith? Any recommendations?” Tender Taps asked as he put the record back in its sleeve. When he looked over in the old woman’s direction, he found her sleeping in her chair. “She’s out cold!”
  65. “I think that’s a sign. I’m tuckered out!” Apple Bloom answered. She wiped the back of her hand across her brow. “Phew! I’m starting to sweat like crazy, too!”
  67. “Whoa, you’re right,” Tender Taps took notice of the dampness collecting on his shirt collar. “It has been kind of hot today. Maybe I oughta pack it up and get back home so I can change clothes.”
  69. “Why do that? I got a better idea!” Apple Bloom sprang back to her feet, almost forgetting her exhaustion. “Come with me!”
  71. Without even another word, Apple Bloom grabbed Tender Taps by the wrist and pulled him out of the living room. Not wanting to protest, he allowed himself to be pulled, quickly matching her pace. He thought she might have been pulling him towards her room, but instead, she was leading him out of the house into the backyard. What was she doing?
  73. The giant red barn, the very symbol of Sweet Apple Acres, was the first thing that caught Tender Taps’ eye as he was brought outside. Looking about, he could see the pigpen, and beyond it was the great big orchard. Apple Bloom kept a firm grip on the boy’s hand as she led him to the barn.
  75. The barn itself was rather simple. From the open door, one could see a second story to store hay and other necessities. Tools were kept to one side, along with the animal feed. As they came to the large opening, Apple Bloom let go of Tender Taps’ hand and hurried into the barn without another word.
  77. Waiting for whatever Apple Bloom was doing, he decided to look out beyond the barn. True to the name, there were apple trees as far as he could see. Somewhere in the distance, he heard a grunt that likely came from Apple Bloom’s sister, followed by the sound of a tree shaking. Apple Bloom did say they harvested the trees by hitting them, but he thought she was just gloating about how strong they were! That’s how they actually did it?!
  79. “Sounds like they’re still at it!” Apple Bloom commented.
  81. “Yeah, they sound pretty strong,” Tender Taps said nervously, trying very hard not to sound like he was scared. “So…what’s in here that you wanted to show me?”
  83. “This!” she shouted, followed by grunts as she pulled out what looked like a washtub made of tin. It was a rather sizeable one at that, deep enough to reach the children’s waists. Once she brought it outside, Apple Bloom quickly ran over to the barn wall, where a coiled water hose lay in the grass connected to a faucet.
  85. “So…what are we doing with this?” he asked as he watched Apple Bloom place the hose into the tub and begin to fill it with water. He could only think of one thing, but there was no way that it would be…that, would it?
  87. “What else would we use it for, silly?” Apple Bloom giggled. At that point, Tender Taps heard something fall to the ground. Turning around, he balked as he saw that the sound came from Apple Bloom’s overalls hitting the ground. “Ain’t nothing beats a cold bath out in the open air!”
  89. “A bath?!” Tender Taps nearly shouted. “Are you sure? I didn’t bring my swim trunks!”
  91. “Ah, you don’t need those!” she said as she continued to undress, pulling her yellow shirt up and revealing her patched up panties. At the sight of her underwear, Tender Taps blushed and quickly covered his eyes.
  93. “But that means we’d be naked!!”
  95. “So? Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before! I do this with Big Mac all the time!” she replied matter-of-factly. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to see a girl naked.”
  97. “No! I mean…I would, but…it’d be rude, you know!” he stuttered.
  99. “It ain’t rude if I let you see me,” she explained. “If I’m letting you, then what’s the problem?”
  101. As he tried to find the proper words to refuse her with, he felt something pressed against him that stopped all his thoughts. Through his shirt, he felt what he was sure was her bare chest, followed by her arms wrapping around his midsection. Chills ran throughout his body, pushing him towards uncovering his eyes. He knew she said it would be fine, but...
  103. “Is it…really okay?” he finally asked after what felt like an eternity of hesitation.
  105. “Sure! But you gotta do something for me first!” she answered, and before he could ask what that something was, Apple Bloom’s hands gripped the bottom hem of his shirt.
  107. “Wha-?” Tender Taps could only get out before his shirt was pulled up, but only enough to leave it inside out and covering his head. Surprised by the sudden blindness, he could only helplessly feel Apple Bloom unbutton his shorts and quickly pull them down along with his underwear. Then in one fluid movement, he was pushed backwards, stepping out of his lower wardrobe as he stumbled towards the tub behind him. Apple Bloom pulled his shirt off his head in only enough time for him to see the sky as he fell back into the water.
  109. SPLASH!
  111. Sputtering as he scrambled upright, Tender Taps shook his head and wiped the excess water off his face. He looked up and was about to reprimand Apple Bloom for pushing him but found himself dumbstruck at the sight before him.
  113. Looking down at him, Apple Bloom stood completely naked, wearing nothing but a smile. Her bow was undone, letting her hair flow freely, which just made Tender Taps swallow his tongue. With one hand on her hip, she spun his briefs around one finger on the other hand. Seeing her like this made his heart feel like it was going to burst out of his chest.
  115. “See? Not so bad once you actually get in, is it?” she asked before tossing his briefs to the side and climbing into the tub, sitting across from Tender Taps.
  117. “Yeah…you didn’t have to shove me though!”
  119. “Not my fault you were being a slowpoke! Learn to have a little fun, wouldja?” Apple Bloom asked, but not in an incredulous tone. “I didn’t hurt ya, did I?”
  121. “I’m fine, it’s just…being outside naked like this is kinda embarrassing, don’t you think?” Tender Taps curled up in his little spot of the tub, his hands covering his crotch.
  123. “Not really. Especially if you’re with someone you like being around!” Apple Bloom took this chance to scoot herself right next to Tender Taps, which only made him withdraw further. “Doing this with my siblings is fun, but with you, it’s…kinda exciting.”
  125. “Really?” That was a surprise for him to hear. He assumed she just thought of this as a casual thing among friends. Could it be…?
  127. “Of course! I know you feel embarrassed, but don’t you feel like this is something you’ve been wanting to do?”
  129. “Who wouldn’t want to?!” Tender Taps blurted out, before quickly regretting it. “I mean…”
  131. “Aw, Taps…do you got a crush on me?” Apple Bloom asked teasingly, poking his cheek. Tender Taps swore he felt his heart skip a beat. Was she really onto him this whole time?
  133. “…Maybe,” he sheepishly replied. A bit of a non-answer, but it wasn’t as though she felt the same way, he thought. After all, who would go this far with someone so quickly if they didn’t think they were anything more than friends?
  135. “Well, that’s a mighty fine coinky-dink, because…” Apple Bloom grabbed the boy’s face and planted a big kiss on his lips. At that point, Tender Taps went practically brain-dead, he was so stunned. It only lasted a second, and when she let go of his face, she donned a smile he hadn’t seen her have before and said, “…I fancy you too, Taps.”
  137. “You…do?” These were the only words he could think to say. So much has happened in the span of a few minutes, he needed more time to process it all.
  139. “I know you probably thought well of me after I helped you with your stage fright, and that ain’t exactly a surprise,” she said matter-of-factly. “And you know something? I think you’re pretty cute yourself!”
  141. “Cute?! Me?!” He certainly wasn’t expecting that word to describe him.
  143. “You don’t think so? Because I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day!” As she said this, she turned over so that she was right in front of Tender Taps. “Whaddya say, Taps? Wanna be my boyfriend?”
  145. “I wasn’t expecting you to just ask me straight out like that…but yeah!” Tender Taps nodded. “I’d love it if you were my girlfriend!”
  147. “Asking someone out doesn’t need to be all fancy, silly! But since that’s settled…” Apple Bloom moved closer to Tender Taps, reaching to grip the edge of the tub and pinning him in place. “Wanna try some more kissing?”
  149. Rather than give a verbal response, Tender Taps leaned forward towards Apple Bloom’s face as he embraced her lips with his. His body seemed to uncoil, allowing her to come closer until his legs were rested on top of hers.
  151. Wanting to focus on the kiss, Tender Taps closed his eyes and allowed himself to get lost in the sensations. Apple Bloom’s lips, the cool water swishing as they moved, parts of their skin touching where they don’t usually touch. Everything about this moment was amazing, and he hoped it would never end. Soon enough, they stopped kissing and gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment.
  153. “That felt really nice!” he could only say to describe the moment that just passed.
  155. “And there’ll be plenty more where that came from! But first…” Apple Bloom replied before standing herself up in the tub. The way they were positioned, Tender Taps’ face was right at the level of her crotch, permeating his view. “I’ll bet you’ve been wantin' to take a gander at this for a while! You said you’ve never seen what a girl looks like naked, right?”
  157. “Yeah. You sure it’s okay?” he asked, looking up at her face.
  159. “Sure, I’m sure! Look all you like!” she insisted.
  161. After a moment’s hesitation, Tender Taps reached up towards his girlfriend’s privates. The outer part felt as smooth as the rest of her skin, and seemingly soft and cushiony. As his fingers drew closer to what appeared to be an opening like a pair of lips, Apple Bloom shuddered, causing him to flinch back.
  163. “Careful. It’s real sensitive!” Apple Bloom told him in a tone that seemed like she wasn’t completely concerned about whether or not he continued.
  165. “That didn’t hurt, did it?”
  167. “Nuh-uh! You’re very gentle,” she replied, a smile on her face. She proceeded to reach down, gently opening the lips with her fingers. “There we go! Now you can explore more of it!”
  169. “Uh. Thank you,” Tender Taps said, unsure of what else to say. This was a very different situation than he had ever been in, but he certainly didn’t want to stop. Slowly, his fingers brushed along the inner walls, which felt slightly slick to the touch. For a moment, he thought it might’ve been because she had just been in the water, but this felt…more slippery for some reason. As he continued, he could Apple Bloom take in sharp inhales and shudder more. Was this a good thing?
  171. “Here, Taps. Try moving a little more right…here,” Apple Bloom took his hand and moved it a little further down from where he was touching. “There’s a nice big hole down here. Try seeing how deep you can get it in.”
  173. “Okay…” Tender Taps wasn’t sure about what purpose this served, but Apple Bloom suggested it, so there must’ve been something to it. Taking his finger, he managed to find the hole she mentioned. He never thought girls would have something like this! The rim of the hole felt slicker than the other parts, enticing his curiosity to slip it inside. The inside of her hole felt like the inside of a mouth too, but much softer and without a tongue. It was rather tight as well, as there wasn’t a lot of wiggle room to move his finger. As he kept going, he noticed the surface he was touching was getting more and more slick as he moved. Apple Bloom began to whimper and shake more and was almost having trouble standing up.
  175. “Is this good?” he asked, to which Apple Bloom only answered with a very frantic nod and a whimper. Curious, he slowly drew his finger out to look at it. The finger he used seemed to be covered in some kind of fluid, both slippery and a little sticky. “What is this?”
  177. “A good sign,” she replied. “It means I’m nice and ready!”
  179. “Ready? For what?”
  181. “Ohhh, have I got something to show you!” she said with a big smile. She grabbed Tender Taps by the wrist and pulled him up to his feet. Keeping his free hand on his crotch he was pulled over towards the barn. “Wait here.”
  183. Tender Taps watched, very aware of his own exposure, as Apple Bloom ran over without a care about her own nudity to one of the barn’s walls. From a shelf, she pulled out what looked like a large blanket with a checker pattern and unfurled it in the middle of the barn.
  185. “What’s that for?” he felt he should ask.
  187. “Gonna need a comfortable spot if we’re gonna have sex!” she answered with the same matter-of-fact tone she had been using.
  189. “SEX?!” Tender Taps found himself exclaiming before quickly covering his mouth, hoping no one else was in earshot.
  191. “Yeah, sex! That’s what couples do, isn’t it?” Apple Bloom asked, walking right up to him with bright eager eyes.
  193. “Well, yeah! But…out here? Like this?”
  195. “Yeah! Ain’t it romantic?” she asked with utmost sincerity. Clearly, the two of them had different ideas on what was considered romantic, but Tender Taps didn’t have any time to debate as Apple Bloom took him by the shoulders. “Hurry up and lay down!”
  197. Before he knew it, Tender Taps found himself on his back laying on the blanket. Looking over, he could see Apple Bloom moving his hands away from his crotch, allowing her full view of his boyhood standing at attention. He had never felt so much heat in his face, even with his stage fright.
  199. “I thought you said this was nothing you haven’t seen before!” he cried hoping Apple Bloom would sense his embarrassment.
  201. “I’ve seen a penis before, sure. But I ain’t seen yours up close!” she reasoned. Quickly, her fingers were all over Tender Taps’ erection, examining it with her touch. The boy had never had someone else touch it before, and what a difference it made. He twitched and squirmed as she looked it over carefully like an archaeologist looking at an artifact. While she didn’t seem to mind his embarrassment, she did take notice of how it was making him feel. “Heheh. Feels good, don’t it?”
  203. “Uh-huh…”
  205. “Well, you ain’t felt nothin’ yet! Here comes the main event!” she said as she crawled over his body.
  207. Tender Taps’ view of the barn’s ceiling was overtaken by the sight of his girlfriend’s face, smiling contently. Carefully, she straddled his waist, almost seated on his erection. The heat from both of their bodies was intense but comforting, as though this was meant to be. Sitting up and propping herself on her knees, Apple Bloom reached down and held Tender Tap’s boyhood. Slowly, she lowered herself, flinching the slightest bit as the tip of the penis touched her lower lips.
  209. “It’s really gonna go in there?” he asked.
  211. “That’s what sex is, silly!” she replied before she continued.
  213. As soon as she was sure it wouldn’t slip out, Apple Bloom let herself down. Tender Taps watched his penis disappear into her waist as their crotches were joined. He shuddered as he felt it slip inside, it was so incredibly warm. No sooner had she made their hips join did Apple Bloom begin moving hers, making her inner walls run along his shaft back and forth over and over. It was a feeling unlike anything he had over felt before in his life.
  215. “This feels amazing…” Tender Taps could only say.
  217. “It does, don’t it?” Apple Bloom replied, not stopping her movements. “It’s one thing seeing it, but doing it…ohh! It’s so much better!”
  219. “Wait, seeing it?” he might have been a little lost to all the new sensations, but he was still lucid enough to hear that. “Who’d you see having sex before?”
  221. “I’ll tell you later! Right now, I just wanna enjoy this!” she told him. Tender Taps could only look in awe at Apple Bloom’s dexterity, able to move her hips like that without supporting herself. Was this what working on a farm did for somebody?
  223. Being in this position, he was a little concerned about her hurting him, but she seemed to be managing how her waist was positioned just fine, even in the throes of passion. The weighted breaths coming out of her mouth and the glazed look in her eyes told him just how into this she was. Taking inspiration, he told himself he should try to follow this and just let himself get lost in the movements.
  225. Soon, Apple Bloom’s movements became faster, and something began to stir in Tender Taps’ crotch. It almost felt like he had been holding going to the bathroom for some time, but that couldn’t be right. What was happening? He began to moan rhythmically with her movements until he finally felt a release from his penis. Oh no! He didn’t…did he?
  227. Apple Bloom gave one last shudder before her whole body relaxed. Looking down where their hips were joined, Tender Taps could see a bit of what looked to be some kind of white stuff seeping out from inside Apple Bloom. That wasn’t what he thought it was going to be, but what was it? Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to ponder it, as her voice derailed his train of thought.
  229. “That felt really good, didn’t it?” she panted out.
  231. “Uh-huh! Sex is…really nice!” he could only think to say. “I’m really glad we’re a couple!”
  233. “Me too, Taps!” she said with that big familiar smile he loved. “Maybe in a little bit, we can try-”
  235. “There you kids are!” a voice called out, interrupting the two of them. Looking towards the barn entrance, the kids saw Applejack and Big Mac stepping in. “An empty washtub with y’alls clothes everywhere. Was wondering what you two were up to.”
  237. The color drained from Tender Taps’ face. This was the worst possible scenario: Getting to enjoy sex for the first time only to get caught with their pants down. He feared the worst.
  239. “Weren’t nothin’ much. Me and my boyfriend were just having sex!” Apple Bloom answered in an almost gleeful tone. Tender Taps couldn’t believe his ears. Why wasn’t she panicking like he was?!
  241. “Ah got eyes, Apple Bloom. Ah can see that clearly,” her sister said, walking over and lifting Apple Bloom up off Tender Taps. The white fluid dripped out from between Apple Bloom’s legs, which her sister only looked at with an arched brow. Apple Bloom only giggled.
  243. “Listen…I’m really sorry,” Tender Taps began to apologize as he sat himself up. “I know we’re probably not supposed to be doing something like this, but…”
  245. “What’s the apology for?” Applejack asked.
  247. “Huh?”
  249. “Apple Bloom just said you were her boyfriend, right?” she continued. “You two were just doing what comes naturally.”
  251. “Eeyup,” Big Mac concurred.
  253. “So…you’re not mad?”
  255. “Only thing to be mad for is if you go and break my little sister’s heart,” she answered. “You ain’t intendin’ on doin’ that, are ya?”
  257. “Wouldn’t dream of it!” he answered with nothing but honesty in his voice. “Apple Bloom helped me a lot before, and it’s thanks to her that I haven’t had problems with stage fright lately! Why wouldn’t I fall in love with that?”
  259. “That’s the kind of answer Ah like to hear!” Applejack said with a big smile. “Now…since we got this opportunity, why don’t Mac and Ah get a good look at you?”
  261. “What?” Before anything could be elaborated on, Big Mac walked over to the boy and lifted him up to his feet. Applejack walked over to Tender Taps as well, kneeling so their eyes were more even. Hand at her chin, she looked up and down Tender Taps, which only made more aware than ever that he was stark naked. He tried to cover his crotch with his hands, but Applejack quickly moved them away and kept them up, causing the boy no end of embarrassment.
  263. “Hmm…bit on the lean side. Apple Bloom did say she met you in a dance class, so I guess you’d have to be,” Applejack observed out loud. “Check out his legs, Big Mac.”
  265. “Yup,” was all her brother said as he kneeled and placed his hands at Tender Taps’ hips. The boy hadn’t realized how big this man’s hands were until he felt them on his body. He shook a little feeling Big Macintosh lift one of his legs, another hand planted right on his butt. As he felt the man’s hand run along his thigh, Tender Taps could feel a familiar tingling traveling to his crotch. Again, so soon after sex?
  267. “Oh? Look at that,” Applejack exclaimed watching Tender Taps’ penis get hard again, only adding to his embarrassment. “Looks like getting handled by Big Mac woke your little fella back up!”
  269. “Sorry…” was all Tender Taps could say. He was uncertain of where etiquette fit in at all in this scenario, but he was sure that getting stiff in front of your girlfriend’s siblings was rude.
  271. “Ain’t nothing. Ah’d say it’s rather flatterin’,” she replied with a chuckle. “Poppin’ a stiffie’s a good show of how you’re being handled. Wouldn’t you say, Big Mac?”
  273. “Yup.”
  275. “In fact…” Applejack said with a sly grin, “Big Mac and I could use a bit of fun after all that work harvestin’ apples! Would you like to help out with that, little guy?”
  277. “Uh…” Tender Taps had no idea how to proceed.
  279. “Hey! You’re not thinkin’ of hogging him all to yourselves, are ya?!” Apple Bloom spoke up. “He’s my boyfriend, y’know!”
  281. “Ah know! Ain’t no harm in just giving him a spin at least once! You’ll have him back in one piece after we’ve had our turn!” her sister joked, although Tender Taps wasn’t sure how much she was joking. “Besides, it ain’t often we get to exercise our ‘big sibling’ privilege.”
  283. “Mmmm…fine. But just this once!” Apple Bloom grumbled, crossing her arms and pouting.
  285. “Don’t I get a say in this?” Tender Taps finally asked.
  287. “Come on, now. A chance like this doesn’t come around often, little guy,” Applejack said, gently holding him by his chin. “There any other boys your age who got a roll in the hay with an older gal?”
  289. “Not that I know of…”
  291. “That’s what I thought,” she acknowledged before standing back up. “Now, I don’t think our guest has had a chance with the back door, Big Mac, so why don’t you get something to help with that?”
  293. “Yup!” Big Mac confirmed and walked out of the barn back towards the house. Tender Taps was confused once again. Back door? What stuff was she talking about?
  295. “In the meantime…” Applejack said, removing her boots and unbuckling the belt on her jeans. Tender Taps felt his heart beat faster seeing her pull her jeans down alongside her underwear. A bush of dirty blonde hair rested between her legs, a sight the boy had never seen before. Is this what girls get when they get older?
  297. Just then, he noticed Applejack’s white shirt fall behind her, prompting him to look up. A tingle came down his spine, seeing her unrestrained breasts bare and in the open. Not a trace of fat seemed to be anywhere on her body, and her legs were extremely toned. Was this really all due to farm work?
  299. “Tch. Showoff…” Apple Bloom scoffed once her sister was finished undressing.
  301. “Now, Apple Bloom, green eyes don’t suit you,” her sister reprimanded. “Ah can’t help having the gifts Ah’ve been naturally given. Besides, if our genes are anything to speak for, you’ll look this good when you’re my age!”
  303. Applejack wasted no time after that, laying herself on her back on the blanket the kids were on earlier and spreading her legs. Wordlessly, she beckoned Tender Taps to come closer, and he complied not wanting to seem impolite. Upon close inspection, Applejack’s privates looked roomier than her sister’s, so there was a little more to see. Cautiously, he went down on all fours and crawled towards Applejack.
  305. “Here I go…” he gulped.
  307. “Woah there!” Applejack exclaimed, stopping him with her foot. “Now, I know you didn’t go into my sister dry!”
  309. “That’s right, Taps!” Apple Bloom concurred. “You gotta make sure she’s nice and slick first ‘fore you put it in!”
  311. “And who taught you that, Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked, arching her brow. “Because it sure wasn’t me!”
  313. “Uh…” Apple Bloom tensed up at that question. She fiddled with her thumbs and looked to the side before she finally said, “Sweetie Belle’s sister…”
  315. “Figures,” Applejack rolled her eyes. “She’s right though, Tender Taps. If your little soldier’s gotta be at attention to stick it somewhere, then this has gotta be nice and moist. Makes sense, right? Here, let me show you!”
  317. Rather than let Tender Taps show how he did it with Apple Bloom, Applejack pulled him closer to her until he was practically on top of her. Taking his boyhood between her fingers, she rested it right on top of her vulva lips. The hair between her legs tickled his penis just the slightest bit.
  319. “I thought I wasn’t supposed to go in yet…” Tender Taps said.
  321. “Just rub your little guy back and forth there. Like you’re trying to scrub down there,” Applejack instructed.
  323. He wasn’t sure what this would do, but who was he to ignore his elder’s advice? Slowly, he moved his hips forward and back, running his shaft along her lips. It felt like it was pressing against something as he moved forward, and it seemed to make Applejack feel good from the faces she was making. Apple Bloom also looked closely, watching the two rub their privates together like they were trying to start a fire. Soon, Applejack held Tender Taps in place, signaling him to stop.
  325. “That’s good enough. We’re ready,” she said, guiding Tender Taps’ penis lower, closer to the hole he recognized on Apple Bloom. It was a slight difference from the first time, but he was quick to figure out what to do. Moving his hips forward, his penis slipped in quite easily.
  327. Once their hips were joined, Applejack reached down holding Tender Taps’ bare bottom with one hand and placing her other hand on his back. As he started to pump his hips, he could feel her hand on his butt keeping him from moving too far, likely to avoid slipping out. Her other hand ran up and down his back, offering reassurance as he continued.
  329. There was a clear difference with the size, as he felt less tightness around his cock as opposed to his time with Apple Bloom. It was still warm and slick all the same, but he had to wonder if she felt good at all. He was so concerned about these thoughts that he didn’t see it coming when Applejack brought his head down into her chest.
  331. “You don’t gotta just stare at my chest! Go for the gusto!” she insisted. “When’s the next time you’re gonna have this until Bloom starts growing hers out?”
  333. Applejack’s breasts were surprisingly soft for a woman who worked as much as she did. His head nestled between them, it felt very comfortable. Almost instinctively, his arms wrapped around her middle, as he didn’t need to support himself.
  335. “There you go! Now you’re gettin’ into it!” he heard Applejack say.
  337. In his new position, he allowed himself to go a little faster. As he kept moving, he could feel her legs closing in just the slightest bit, holding him in place with her thighs. Even though he was surrounded on all sides by Applejack’s body, he felt very comfortable.
  339. So comfortable, he felt that same feeling just before he released that white stuff inside Apple Bloom come up again. Anything else was pushed to the wayside as he pumped his hips faster and faster, bringing that feeling close to the breaking point. When he finally felt it release however, he found suddenly pushed out and away from Applejack. His senses returned just in time to see that white stuff shoot all over her stomach and chest.
  341. “Ahh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make such a mess!” he quickly apologized.
  343. “S’alright. Good thing Ah saw that comin’,” she replied. “Gettin’ all that inside Apple Bloom ain’t a problem right now, but Ah’m a different story.”
  345. “That’s right! Rarity said we wouldn’t have to worry about having a baby for a few more years,” Apple Bloom chimed in.
  347. “WHAT?! A BABY?!” Tender Taps cried in a panic. What did they mean by that?
  349. “Calm down, little fella. Ah’m pretty sure you didn’t get any of that in me, so no need to worry. But just in case, Ah’m gonna go rinse off in the tub outside.” Applejack said, getting herself to her feet. As she walked out of the barn, Big Mac was walking back in. He took a look at his sister, completely naked and with the young boy’s semen on her stomach and chest and arched his brow.
  351. “How was he?” he asked, which was the most Tender Taps had heard him say the whole time he had been there.
  353. “He’s got a good amount of energy. Good enough for his age, Ah’d say,” she answered. “Not that that’s gonna matter to you.”
  355. “Nope,” Big Mac replied.
  357. Tender Taps noticed that Big Macintosh was holding what looked like a tube of something in his hand. He was sure it wasn’t toothpaste, even though the shape was the same. As he wondered what it could be, Big Mac approached him, his hands at the buttons of his shirt.
  359. With more of his shirt opening up, Tender Taps felt that same feeling from seeing Applejack undress, looking at Big Mac’s thick shoulders and arms. All that work in orchard did the man many favors, as he had very large pecs. He didn’t quite have a six pack, but he was strong where it counted.
  361. Before the boy knew it, Big Mac’s jeans were undone and coming down his legs along with his underwear. As the older man was slipping off his boots, Tender Taps’ eyes were trained on Big Mac’s crotch, where a sizeable penis was situated under a healthy bush of dirty blond hair. Then again, he didn’t have another adult penis to compare it to but his own, so it was obviously big in comparison. Seeing this body displayed in front of him was enough to send that electric sensation into the boy’s crotch.
  363. “Oh! You’re all hard again, Taps!” Apple Bloom pointed out.
  365. “Gah! I can’t help it!” he exclaimed, covering his crotch. “I’ve never seen a grown man naked. Especially not one so…built.”
  367. “Thank you kindly. Don’t hear that often from other boys,” Big Mac said, as he brought himself down to the floor.
  369. “How does this work with two boys, anyway?” Apple Bloom asked, watching curiously. “Do you just…rub your penises together or something?”
  371. “You can,” Big Mac answered, “but this is usually better.”
  373. The man approached Tender Taps and gently laid the boy on his back. Seeing the same view with Big Mac towering over him as opposed to Apple Bloom earlier made a big difference but felt his heart beating quickly all the same. With nervous excitement, he watched Big Mac uncap the tube he had brought in.
  375. “What’s that for?” he felt he could finally ask.
  377. “You seen how girls get slick, right? Well, us guys can’t do that, so we need a little help…” Big Mac said as he squeezed the tube, taking a bit of the clear fluid that came out on his finger. “Let’s start with this, since this is your first.”
  379. Tender Taps watched nervously as Big Mac lifted one of the boy’s legs and moved it away, leaving his genitals wide open. Apple Bloom approached closely to watch, which didn’t help Tender Taps’ feelings of embarrassment. He couldn’t quite see it, but he certainly felt the man’s finger pushing against his butthole, causing him to tense up.
  381. “Woah…so is that where boys put it?” Apple Bloom asked.
  383. “Did I hurt ya?” Big Mac asked.
  385. “Uh, no. I just didn’t know how that would feel…” he answered, embarrassingly looking aside.
  387. “Just take a deep breath and relax,” Big Mac advised.
  389. Tender Taps did as he was told, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Now that he knew what was going to happen, it wouldn’t be quite so shocking. As he felt Big Mac’s finger slowly slip inside, he shuddered and shook slightly. Is this what it felt like for Apple Bloom? It went deeper until it felt like it pressed on something. He knew his anatomy, but he couldn’t figure out what Big Mac’s finger was pressing on.
  391. “How you feelin’, Taps?” he heard Apple Bloom ask.
  393. “I didn’t think sticking something up your butt would feel like this…” he answered weakly.
  395. “Y’ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Big Mac forewarned. Tender Taps opened his eyes to find the man taking more of the stuff in the tube into the palm of his hand before running it along his now erect penis. The boy’s heart nearly stopped seeing how big it had gotten. Was that really going to be put in his butt? Before he could ask anything, Big Mac went on all fours on top of him, nearly overshadowing the boy. With one hand, he lifted Tender Taps’ waist up just slightly before his own hips forward.
  397. Tender Taps shut his eyes and braced himself. Big Mac’s penis was a little bigger than the finger he used earlier, but it wasn’t as stiff as his finger either. He could feel his anus widen little by little, but it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. His legs seemed to be propped up against Big Mac’s body; it was as if his whole lower half was off the ground!
  399. As soon as he reached a certain point, Big Mac stopped before he began slowly pulling out. The boy could feel the man’s shaft as it slid along inside him. It felt so amazing, he almost forgot to take breaths as Big Mac moved inside him again. Slowly, the man picked up his pace as he was certain he wouldn’t hurt the boy.
  401. It had to have been at least a minute into the session when Tender Taps opened his eyes to look at his girlfriend. She was sitting with her knees withdrawn to her chest, carrying an expression that seemed…sad? But also bored. He couldn’t leave this alone as her boyfriend.
  403. “What’s wrong, Apple Bloom?” he asked.
  405. “You’ve had sex three times now, and I’ve only gotten to do it once! That ain’t exactly fair, y’know…” she answered. Tender Taps felt his heart sink. He had been so caught up in everything that had happened, he didn’t consider his girlfriend’s feelings! This wasn’t a good impression to make.
  407. “Is that all?” Big Mac asked, looking over at his sister. He held Tender Taps in place and slowly pulled himself out all the way. While on his knees, he pulled Tender Taps off the ground and got him to his feet, briefly checking the boy’s crotch to see he was still stiff. He then patted the ground where Tender Taps was. “Lay on your back here, Apple Bloom. I got an idea.”
  409. “Okay…” she replied, seemingly unsure of what her brother was planning. As soon as she was on the floor and on her back, Big Mac motioned Tender Taps to lay down on top of her. The two of them seemed to get the idea. “Oh, I see it now!”
  411. “You good to go again, Apple Bloom?” Tender Taps asked and was met with that same smile and a quick nod. His heart was lifted as he brought himself down and crawled on top of her like when he was with her sister. With Apple Bloom’s legs spread, he moved carefully to position his erection where it needed to be.
  413. It slipped in as easily as it had done before, with the same tightness as the first time. As soon as he was inside, Apple Bloom reached up and pulled Tender Taps close to her, embracing him. Being so close to each other, the two couldn’t help but smile at each other, feeling their bodies touching in so many places. Almost by instinct, they closed their eyes and gave each other a kiss.
  415. Suddenly, Tender Taps felt a pair of big hands on his bare bottom. He had forgotten that Big Mac was right behind him, and he had an idea of some sort. With him and Apple Bloom in this position, that left Big Mac with only one option. With one hand, Big Mac held Tender Taps in place as his penis moved towards the boy’s butt. As it slid inside, Tender Taps shut his eyes and dug his face into Apple Bloom’s shoulder.
  417. “You okay, Taps?” she asked.
  419. “Yeah. I just thought it’d be easier after the first time,” he replied and let out a few big breaths as Big Mac’s penis went deeper. He didn’t think receiving it while in a different position would feel that different, but today was a day for learning new things.
  421. There were so many different sensations to feel, between his penis inside his girlfriend and her brother inside his anus. At that point, all reason and thought left his body as he gave in to his instinct and thrusted his hips. So much skin touching and heat, he was lost in it all, just being lead along now. With the tightening grip of both Apple Bloom around his upper half and Big Mac on his butt and hips, it was all so much.
  423. As Big Mac quickened his pace, Tender Taps stopped moving himself and just let his body be pushed by the man, as the force of his thrusts was enough to push Tender Taps back into Apple Bloom. It wasn’t long before he felt the sensation in his loins rise again and Big Mac’s grip tightened more, indicating he was close too. His breaths became hurried and short as did his girlfriend’s.
  425. Finally, he felt a shooting warmth in his butt, and Big Mac’s thrusts ceased. At the same time, he also climaxed, shooting his own warm fluid into Apple Bloom. All three participants let out a contended sigh and relaxed themselves. Big Mac pulled out of Tender Taps and both he and Apple Bloom rolled onto their side.
  427. “That was fun, wasn’t it Taps?” Apple Bloom asked.
  429. “Tons!” was all Tender Taps could get out.
  431. “You both did great,” Big Mac said, reaching down and rubbing the two kids on their heads.
  433. “Yeesh. And here, Ah was worried Big Mac would be too much for you!” Applejack said, coming back from the washtub. “Guess you got what it takes, little guy!”
  435. “You hear that, Taps? They approve of ya!” Apple Bloom cheered. Tender Taps heard something else, but at this point, all the exhaustion hit him at once, and he lost consciousness. “Taps?”
  437. **********************************************
  439. The boy slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of a canopy above him. He quickly recognized this wasn’t his home and awoke with a start. Tender Taps’ memory came back to him in an instant and came to the conclusion he was still in Apple Bloom’s house.
  441. “Mmn...Taps?” he heard next to him, followed by an arm being draped across his chest. Looking next to him, he saw Apple Bloom’s face. As she rose up, he could see she was wearing an extra-large shirt, likely one of her brother’s. The collar hung low enough to show her bare chest. “There you are!”
  443. “Did I pass out after all that?” he asked.
  445. “Yeah, but I don’t blame ya,” she answered. “Not everybody could have sex three times in a row and still be standin’. ‘Specially if it’s their first time!”
  447. “I’m glad I made a good first impression,” he laughed. “I think I’m gonna have a lot of fun being your boyfriend.”
  449. “Dang right, you are!” Apple Bloom replied with the same big smile he fell in love with as she poked him on the nose. “Just promise me one thing: No matter who you have sex with, I’m the one you love!”
  451. “Ha ha ha! I promise!”

For Larrykitty

by TiberiusPonificus

For Larrykitty v2

by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus