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By Guest
Created: 2022-06-01 22:17:03
Expiry: Never

  1. "Oh but I can! I've been learning from humans for years! This is gonna be the first time I share my music with others!" Twilight said, in excitement. "The music of friendship!"
  2. "Your music of friendship?" Said Clipper. "So what you're saying is that all of these songs that are from your world, that are about friendship, they're just made up of random notes and chords?"
  3. "Well yeah, but it's not'made up of random notes and chords' it's called music!" Twilight said, in anger. "You can't just call something music and not expect it to be made up of just random notes and chords!"
  4. "And you have the nerve to call yourself a musician!?" Said Clipper. "You can't just make up some random chords, and call it music!"
  5. "Hey!" Said Rainbow, as she, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked over. "What's with the yelling?"
  6. "These two are calling my music'made up of random notes and chords'!" Twilight said. "And they're taking me down!"

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