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Unbinned Octavia Stories

By LunarLunatik
Created: 2022-06-06 15:46:19
Updated: 2022-06-06 16:04:41
Expiry: Never

Disclaimer: This paste contains finished Octavia stories which were sadly not binned by their authors. I decided to combine them in one big file rather than make a new entry for every finished story.

--- STORY 1 ---

>It had been hard
>A real challenge indeed
>Good thing you lived for challenge
>Living in the Canterlot Castle with the Rulers of Equestria was nice
>Better than your previous life at least
>There were many social events to attend to
>You weren't really appreciative of them, but they kept everyday life interesting
>Most of them had some form of musical reprieve, or maybe at the background
>The Canterlot Symphonic Orchestra usually was in charge of that, with a few exceptions here or there
>One of its performers had caught your eye
>The gray mare played with passion, imprinting emotion in every note
>She had a nice mane and exquisite cutie mark, a pink bowtie her simple attire
>But her eyes where the most beautiful
>She usually played with her eyes closed, but the moment she opened them always made you shiver
>You never could bring yourself to talk to her
>Specially when she came and went with the rest of her group of colleagues
>But that night you had your chance
>It was one of those mild parties for a few close ponies that Celestia had gathered
>The Orchestra director wasn't able to attend
>The only pony with something prepared to play by herself was Octavia, they said
>She was there, the beautiful mare, playing alone in a corner while the dignataries chatted amongst themselves

So her name's Octavia. Huh

>You sat in a chair not too far from her, waiting for the moment she took a break
>Feeling nervous, you couldn't stop fidgeting, tapping your chair with your agile fingers
>You tried thinking on what you were gonna tell her
>That just made you anxious

Maybe I should just forget about it...

>After a while, you just concentrated on her music
>It was a soothing piece, slow and steady, and heartfelt as always
>You sighed just as she stopped, finishing gracefully
>It startled you a little when she left her cello on the side and headed for the fancy snacks table
>That was your chance

"Hey, that was a lovely performance"

>You had approached, and talked to her from the other side of the table
>She didn't answer

"I was feeling a little anxious a while back, but your music sure helped me relax"

>She didn't even look at you
>Was she just ignoring you? Did you offend her somehow?

"What was the name of that beautiful piece?"

>She was in the process of turning her back to the table when you asked that
>"It's my third sonatina, it doesn't have a name" she said, with a disdainful tone of voice
>Octavia is back playing the cello before you realize
>She doesn't like you
>You find it hard to sleep that night
>Feeling like shit
>After she told you what her piece was, you thought about it
>Yeah, it did have the form of a small sonata
>But you didn't recognize it at the moment
>Because you were too enthralled by Octavia's beauty
>It was months before the Orchestra's director was indisposed again, and Octavia was the only one to service a party
>Your previous failure prevented you from trying to approach Octavia again
>Even less with her group of colleagues there to mock you
>You thought of looking for someone else, but none could match your muse
>This was your chance, maybe your last
>No fuck ups this time
>She didn't take breaks this time, just started packing her instrument

"Good evening"

>Maybe being formal would get you somewhere
>"Good evening" she answered, dry as the Gobi
>At least she answered

"I think we haven't been properly introduced"

>She looked you over, distaste showing

"I'm Anonymous, but you may call me Anon if you want"

>She sighed. "Octavia"

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Octavia"

>She was done packing her cello, and started walking towards the exit
>"Goodbye, Anon"
>Not FUCKING again


>She froze again, then turned to you

"I wanted to ask you if some day we could play some music together"

>You blurt out
>She was surprised at that
>"You are a musician?"

"Yes, I play the piano"

>You don't mention you had left it years ago
>You don't mention you can't play shit without sheet music
>You don't mention you don't own a piano in fucking Equestria
>You feel like backing out of it already, but you can't lose this chance to impress her

"What do you say I speak with one of the Princesses and ask for a private room in which we can make some music?"

>She stares at you, the disgust in her face worsening every second
>Harrumphing, she just turns and leaves without another word
>. .
>. . .


>So much for not fucking up
>Now you should seriously start thinking of any other mare
>Cause this one ain't give it to you
>But... You can't
>If no other mare has caught your eye since you reached Equestria, what are the chances of finding anypony else?

Ok, I just have to find some way to meet her and apologize

>You know she won't give you another chance to humilliate her
>So you have to come up with some cunning plan
>Maybe next time she's the only performer
>Like, weeks from now
>When she won't remember the only human in Equestria treating her like some shit tier whore

Think of something that'll reach to her, something she'll relate to

>What do you know about this pony?
>She plays the cello, solo or in a group
>Her cutie mark is a treble clef, obviously meaning she plays music
>That's about it
>Then it hits you
>What you should do
>"Thank you for attending, my loyal subjects"
>Princess Celestia addressed the ponies in the room
>Most were from the Canterlot Orchestra, since it had been invited as a whole
>"Tonight you will be witness to the first performance of this very talented musician"
>Cue muttered oh's and ah's
>"He has been living with us, your Princesses, since we became aware of his existence"
>"But it wasn't until a few weeks ago, when he humbly asked for an instrument, that we knew of his familiarity with music"
>"Without further ado, please receive Anonymous the human"
>Almost everypony clapped mildly after that introduction
>Everypony but a certain, scowling gray mare

"Thank you, Princess Celestia, for your kind words"

>You were nervous as hell, you aren't really a public speaker
>Plus people don't normally give a speech before performing

"Tonight, I will be playing the complete work of a pony I admire a lot, but rewritten by me so it can be played with a piano, the instrument I'm most comfortable with"

>Here came the important part

"Before starting, I would like to beg that pony for her forgiveness" "When we last met, I phrased my ideas awkwardly, and that led to an easily avoidable misunderstanding"

>Mixed reactions from the public, it seemed

"I hope my performance isn't too shabby for your taste, and that we can be friends"

>You sit down at the piano
>Take a deep breath
>Look one last time at the audience, trying to smile at Octavia
>Didn't find her, but you have to start playing
>Take another deep breath
>Suddenly, you play the first chord of the first piece of the night
>You used your whole body when playing
>Your fingers alone can't muster the strength to play a fortissimo, nor should they
>You wrists, elbows, and shoulders find strength from your back and your legs firmly placed on the floor
>You go through the first few pieces, trying to express with them the wide variety of emotions Octavia makes you feel
>Every pianissimo is your romantic indesicion, and your helplessness at making her notice
>Every fortissimo is your rage at your mistakes, and the power she has over you
>They were difficult pieces of music
>But your fingers ran through them with practiced ease
>Because you had practiced ever since that night
>You had asked Princess Celestia for a piano in which you could practice your craft
>At first, you couldn't even last more than a measly hour practicing the simplest of tonal scales
>After a couple days you asked the Princess for some sheet music
>By mistake, she gave you a sheet composed for a cello
>Destiny seemed to be by your side, it was made by Octavia
>You started working right away, rewritting it so it would be worthy of playing on the piano
>You couldn't compose for shit
>But you did your best to make a left hand out of the basic melody and tune of what was there already
>Once you were done, you tried showing it to the Princess
>After playing it for her, she was speechless first
>Silence filled the room
>You knew she was disappointed
>"Anon, when you asked me for a piano, I thought you wanted to LEARN!"
>Anon is confuse
>"You didn't tell me you already knew how to play such sweet and complicated music"

"I-I used to play before coming here, your Majesty"

>"So you were a very reverenced piano player in you world, then"

"Oh, no, Princess, I was just a good student. Won an award or two"

>"You won awards as a student? Your teacher must have been proud"
>Turns out you hadn't done so bad
>"Please, Anon, I would love repeating this experience some day soon"

"Oh, it would be my pleasure, Your Highness, but I'm in need of more sheet music"

>"I'll bring you more, something suitable of your expertise"

"Would it be ok to ask for more from the composer of this fine work?"

>If there even was more from her, that is
>"I'm afraid Octavia only writes music for cello, not for piano, Anon"

"I'll do my best to rework them for piano, if it please you; I need to work on that skill"

>So it had been
>The Princess gradually gave you more and more from Octavia
>You dutifully rewrote what you could so it wouldn't be boring on the piano
>You were thankful for every piece that had accompaniment
>They meant you didn't have to create a second hand from scratch
>It was hard, you had never done it before, but the Princess was pleased with your work
>You supposed she had to have some taste in music, all the music events she hosted taken into account
>Every Sunday, Princess Celestia summoned you
>You played whatever you had been able to master that week, and her favorites from the ones before
>And then it happened
>The Princess didn't have more from Octavia to give you
>There you were, on the last piece of the night
>Two breaks had been needed, considering the magnitude and length of Octavia's work
>During those breaks, the audience would chat and eat some refreshers
>But alas, the event was nearing its end
>You were tired, and almost completely drained, emotionally
>This last one was the hardest one, but your favorite
>You felt you could perfectly relate to this piece, it showed your heart as it was
>It was rapid, but not rushed
>Strong, but still gentle and kind
>Long and thick, but-
>It couldn't be
>Your fingers were having cramps
>Your arms felt like they had needles all over them
>You felt like you couldn't play for much longer, and it would be at the expense of your fingers
>And you started missing notes
>First only a few here, then more over there
>And then it would have been easier to count the ones that you actually struck correctly
>It was a disaster
>The audience noticed right away, and started whispering
>Normally, you are supposed to block them out
>But they were too close, and you were too tired
>When you reached the hardest part, the one that left the biggest impression on you
>You missed so hard you had to stop
>The whispers became audible for a split second before they too stopped
>The room was completely silent
>But then it wasn't
>The haughty sound of the cello started to play
>It was that same piece, from the start, as it was originally written
>But it sounded different tonight
>Not only gentle and kind, it was hopeful and filled with colors too
>You looked at the source of the sound
>Octavia was behind you, so as not to block the audience's view
>She had her eyes closed, but she whispered to you
>"Don't give up now, Anon"
>"And wipe those tears, they are unseemly"
>You realized you had been tearing up, and quickly wiped your face with your arm
>You started to play music again, with Octavia
>And you made music together
>Be Octavia
>The audience sprung to their hooves the moment you finished the last piece of the repertoire
>The ovation you received could probably be heard in all of Equestria
>You were panting, relieved you were able to play that piece, even if you hadn't prepared it for tonight
>But then you remembered
>You turned, looking back at Anon, who couldn't tear his eyes away from you
>In front of the most dignified attendants, you slowly closed in to his face
>And kissed him softly
>That spurred the crowd even further
>They cheered when Anon kissed you back
>But a different music played in your ears
>The music of silence
>Because you were alone in the world
>Alone with Anon, who was there for you

"To think anypony would do such a stunt to apologize for something so-"

>"Ah, but I'm not a pony, am I?"
>You kept walking in silence, admiring the view of the park, illuminated by moonlight
>The music of the creatures of the park was enough for both of you
>You also needed to think on what had happened tonight
>Anon just started playing his adulterated version of your works of art
>Or so you had thought, until you actually heard what came off his fingers
>His dextrous, strong, and (now you know) warm fingers made the most beautiful music
>He didn't ruin your precious work
>The piano had never really attracted you
>But the levels, the different voices, intricate in your simple melody...
>And the possibilities, if your cello joined him!
>But then, he had failed misserably at your most important piece of music
>Your favorite, the one you related most to
>Your soul
>You couldn't let that happen
>Not after your eyes had been opened like that
>You immediately brought your loved cello to the stage
>And when it was obvious he wasn't able to finish it, you played the piece from the top
>And then you kissed...
>"Are you ok, 'Tavi?"
>You snap out of your trance

"Don't call me like that, Anonymous"

>"Oh, sorry"
>What were you going to do now?
>What did you WANT to do now?

"Um, hey, Anon?"

>He turned and you kissed him again, more passionately than the last kiss you gave him
>After getting over his initial surprise at your approach, he returns the kiss
>"So I take you liked my performance, then?"
>He said, breathing heavily

"You should have practiced more before trying to present such difficult pieces"

>You only said so teasingly
>"I see. What about you take me up on that offer about playing some music together?"
>"And you NOW know what I mean with that"
>You giggled

"Oh, but that other interpretation sounds so much more alluring in a night as beautiful as this one..."

>Anon was taken aback
>"Do you really mean that?" he said in a hushed whisper
>Did you? DID you?

"Oh, Anon, what you did was the most romantic thing anypony has ever done for me"

>You knew it was true, nopony had ever tried to do ANYTHING romantic to you
>And then he comes to sweep you off your hooves

"Academic music is not the only music we'll make, dear"

>You shuddered, finally letting your kinky side show, for the first time in your life

"We are gonna see if those beautiful fingers of yours can play some other instrument"

>He was staring at you in disbelief now

"And if you are good enough... I'll teach you to sing"

>Be Anon
>It had been hard
>A real challenge indeed
>And it had all been worth the trouble

"Octy, wanna try some heavy metal next?"

--- STORY 2 ---

>Walk into your favorite pub in Ponyville. It's become something of a Friday ritual.
>You came early this time, in hopes to see that outgoing and flirty grey mare sober for once.
>No luck, even when you're an hour early, you can still see her sitting by her usual table, quiet, head firmly planted on the very same table, with drink in hand.
>Thinking on it for a sec, you can't help but wonder if that's all she does when she's here alone. Same table, same pose, same drink, not talking to anyone.
>The first evening over, she was the one to beckon you. You had a seat you were going for but as luck would have it, you were passing her table when she grabbed you by the arm and asked to sit.
>You weren't going to break tradition today either. It's not like you meet her any other time and you'd like to get to know her sober. But you aren't even sure if she remembers half of the goings on here.
>You come over her to table and sit down in front of her, not that she notices right away, either that or doesn't yet know it's you.
>She only raises her head when you order your drink. It's the same one every time. A mint, lime and vodka cocktail, aka the "Mojito" cocktail.
>As soon as you tell the bartender what you want, as though it were a trigger, she raises her head in anticipation and a near glee expression. Perkier than usual.
>"Anon! You wouldn't happen to be early, would you?"
>Although she already had a bit of a dazed look on her, seems like her speech is unhindered. So she hasn't been able to get herself black out drunk yet, good.

"Yeah, I decided I'd come in early today, see whether I could catch you off guard for once."

>"Me, off guard? You must take me for a casual or some such."

"Noo, never."

>No kidding, she's managed to out drink you on several occasions, while she was already drunk. Either she has the tolerance of a stone golem, or you have one of a butterfly.
>"Nhee~. So, how's your week been going?"

"Not too well. I haven't made any progress with my story and my artistic endeavors have hit flat up against the wall."

>"I keep telling you to take up an instrument and I could easily hook you up with a job that way."

"Yeah but you're always drunk when you say that, how much of it can take seriously?"

>"Hah! With me? All of it."

"Yeah yeah."

>"... Aaand the dare?"
>Aaaah yes, the dare. At the end of every evening between you two, you'd make a dare for each other. Something interesting to do within the week. Usually it's something the other can take advantage of by our next meeting. This time she asked you to try and paint something while completely naked. You would have never done it if she had just suggested it, but you had to as it was a dare. But you seriously hope she forgot the second part of the dare.

"I did it. It didn't help much. I just felt very uncomfortable."

>"Mmhm, mmhm. And the uhm. Second part of the dare?"
>God friggen...
>The second part of the dare was that you give her a picture of it. The flirtations that happen between you and this mare would make anyone baffled at the thought you two aren't together yet.

"I did that part too but do I really have to-?"

>"Yes! Yes you do. It was a Friday dare, Anon. You HAVE to."


>You take out your wallet and give her the picture. It wasn't easy convincing the photography shop owner to get that developed.
>She grabs the picture out of your hands as though it were gold and eerily giggles at it as her eyes are dug deep into it. It was a back shot, but apparently still well enough to entertain her. As she drools over the picture, your drink finally comes and you take a big sip of it right away. Knowing it won't last very long, you ask for another one right away.
>Once she's done gawking at your buttocks, you intend to ask her of her own part of the deal.

"So, how about your dare?"

>"... Hmm? Oh, right. To be honest I don't understand why you don't take advantage of this little ordeal of ours. You could have easily asked for something similar with me and my cello."

"I suppose I could. But the gentleman in me prevents me~"

>"It's either that or you're just so shy~"-she says as she slides two pictures of her own. You asked for one.
>You take the left one first, and it's exactly what you asked. A picture of her and someone from her family.
>"That's my cousin, in case you're wondering. She visited Ponyville not too long ago and I remembered your dare."
>It's not that you've never seen her smile. You've never seen her sober smile. It would take you a bit to think of something better than that image.

"It's nice seeing you sober for once, even if through a picture."

>"Well, what can I say? I come here for a limited amount of reasons."
>You pick up the second picture, hoping for another family member. To your dismay you find that there's none of that here.
>It's a picture of her with her cello, in a "draw me like one of your french girls" pose. Not that it's a terrible sight. It's a sight you have been weary of since the day you two met.
>You lower the picture to find Octavia taking a big swig of her drink. You follow suit with your own and await her response, as you're too bewildered to think of anything yourself.
>"glug... Aaaaah~. That's a great drink... Hm, well. I told you I don't understand why you never seem to take advantage of our little ordeal. And I felt sort of bad for doing the opposite myself. I thought this would only be fair."
>You give her a deadpan look, and hope that this is just a game for her. You know that's unlikely though. She's been like this since day one. You suppose it was only a matter of time till you two leave the threshold of simply having fun.

"... You know, if I didn't know any better I'd start to think you may be coming on to me." - You promptly take another swig of your drink.

>"Hm hmmh. Well, either my sense of humor and decency are a little too rambunctious to your understanding, or I really am coming onto you. Whichever way, there's only one way you can find that out." - she draws her head close to yours making your eyes meet close up.
>It's not that you're not used to her flirtations. This one's a little too obvious and strong-said to be a friendly flirt. And she knows it. She's set you up to make a move. It doesn't matter when you move, she's just made it obvious she wants you to and shifts back to looking at her drink, waiting for your reaction, smiling to herself.
>Meeting her sober, well, sober-ish may not have been such a great idea...
>You've been wondering on this. Several sleepless nights thinking on what should happen when this moment comes. You've foolishly told yourself that it would never come, or you've just figured you'd flirt it off.
>It's different when the time comes, though. Taking into account she's not drunk, there's no way you'd be taking advantage of her, this is consent.
>You look at her again, hoping to find a hint debunking this moment. No luck. She looks at you with dreamy eyes and the snarkiest of smiles-
>"Well, what's your move?"
>Oh, it's on now.
>Doing your best to not seem phased by her goings on. A moment of brilliance hits you as you grab what is now mostly minty water in your drink and down the last of it, keeping the ice in the glass.

"It's a little too early to leave now though, isn't it?"

>Her face lights up with a smile from ear to ear. Your second drink arrives almost as though it were scripted.
>She raises her glass hinting you to do the same, and you do.
>"I suppose it is, so let's drink into the night, so that we may enter it without interruption."
>Another hint of genius strikes you as you loop your arm around hers, making a motion to drink while linked.
>With your arms intertwined, you both take a sip of your respective drinks, looking into each others eyes as bedroomy as you can manage.
>She finishes her drink without the link, looks onto you and starts manically laughing.
>Once done with that -"Ahah. I didn't think you'd hold out so well. I almost feel disappointed I didn't get to see your confused face."

"To be honest I'm just as surprised as you, I guess the drinks are already getting to me."

>"It's so much easier while having a buzz, isn't it?"

"That it is."

>So this was a game. Either that or you've just delayed the inevitable. It's probably the latter though. With the amount of flirting between you two every meeting, it's just a matter of time. Friends can only be friends for so long.
>For most of the evening the theme continues. You two discuss about the art of flirting and how she enjoys your company because of your knowledge like no other.
>There are no straight forward moments throughout the night. Nothing that would make you sure she's not actually coming onto you. But that's what flirting is mostly about.
>Approximation, evasion and cunning prods. There is never any certainty. The whole conversation leaves you uncomfortable, although Octavia never seems to pick up on it. Apparently you hide it fairly well.
>As the evening starts to wind into the night, you start to feel a little outgunned in the drinking department.
>You've drank a bit more than you should have for proper though and everything that happens from a point turns into a haze.
>You lose your composure several times and straight up ask Octavia whether she wants you two to become an item. She dodges every advance seamlessly, never answering the question out right.
>Eventually you reach your absolute limit and from then on, every memory is lost.
>You just wake up in bed. But it isn't your bed, nor is it your room.
>After a moment of confusion the realization of where you are hits you like an oncoming truck.
>You panic, sit up and frantically look around. But Octavia's nowhere to be found.
>You get out of bed and put on your clothes. Luckily they were placed on a chair nearby. You refrain from thinking how exactly they got off you and on there.
>As you leave the room you note that there's an Octavia sleeping on a sofa, in the middle of what you presume is the living room.
>You sit on a couch nearby and try to collect your thoughts. Questioning whether anything had actually happened yesterday.
>It was a really bad idea coming in early...
>You figured you'd get here at some point, but you were never really ready for it.
>The whole idea of the pub friday with Octavia was that you meet up there, converse to your content and leave there till next week. Going your separate ways. It's been moths like that and you were both content with how it was going. But maybe not actually both of us?
>You feel confused, uncomfortable and unsure of what to do next.
>But before you can put much more thought into it, Octavia get's your attention.
>"Yaaaawn You know, it's usually the guys job to bring the girl back home after a heavy night of drinking. I suppose you're not as good as I gave you credit for, then."
>You look up to her to find her laying lazily with a slight smile.
>"Good morning."

"I- uuhm... Well I suppose you made me forget my limit for the evening there."

>"Giggle Well it was your own fault for coming in early."
>You laugh at that remark yourself, lowering your head again, at your own defeat.
>"... I suppose that finally breaks the ice then?"
>You look up again, to her eager face, awaiting your response. Taken aback by her words, her probably first straight forward words. She leaves no room for flirt here. She out right asked you. You knew this would come. But you never thought it'd be as painless as this. She took your job. She's the one who finally asked the question, you didn't have to. Or at least, you don't remember that you did.

"Uuuh. I- uh, y-yeah. Yeah I suppose it does."

>Her face lights up again and she sits up from her sofa and stretches while saying - "Fiiiinally! I thought we'd be stuck like that for a few more months. I wasn't sure for about two months now and it was beginning to really annoy me. Your early visit was the last drop I needed to be sure."

"W-wait, you were trying to get this out of me for the last two months?"

>"Yahuh. I wasn't sure until yesterday. I even had that picture since tree weeks ago."

"So you were just waiting for the right moment to give it to me?"

>"Ugh, yes you twit. Honestly, I knew you were a shy one since day one but never to this extent. Despite knowing how to flirt and treat a girl, you really are completely innocent. I've been acting like your girlfriend for ages, it's adorable you haven't caught up until now."

"Since day one? But you were near black out drunk!"

>"So? You must take me for a casual or some such."
>That last statement baffles you. And it takes all of your wit to keep from throwing the most defeated poker face ever. This mare is good. Really good. But you're not about to give up that easy.

"Noo, never."

--- STORY 3 ---

>Let's just skip the formalities right now: You = Anon. Equestria = IDFK, it just happened. Time here = 18 months. Hope of Return = Celestia laughed about it, realized you were serious, and laughed harder. Who's fault is it? = No one really knows, and has ceased to care.

Celestia gave you a house in Ponyville where Twi and the others can keep an eye on you. You've also got a small stipend to.. not starve on (she thought you'd be useless around there and didn't want you to just die on her). So, you've become a Handyman-about-town to earn some extra bits. Never hurts. Besides, you apparently have expensive dietary tastes, being an omnivore. Only Griffons really eat much meat. One of your regular customers has become Octavia. The beautiful mare with the ear for music. She lives with another mare with an ear for.. different music.

>Dubstep. Wubs. Dear God, it burns.

Your usual job is restringing her bow and cello. She does pop strings every now and then, and they're made of the finest materials..

>Her own hair. Why do you think she takes such stellar care of it?

Today, though, she's asked you around for tea and a few minor chores that are so much easier with hands.

>Plungers suck to use with hooves and mouths. Never mind a wrench in those tight spaces.

Once you got to her house, you could hear the usual, wonderful melody.. her practicing her cello, and..

>"TAVI, DAMNIT! KEEP IT DOWN! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" Screamed Vinyl Scratch from her room.
>The only response is Ocavia increasing the volume. REVENGE! No, more like, she needs to practice and she doesn't like hearing the complaints.
>WHY do those two live together, again?
>You knock. Louder than usual, given the volume war.
>Great, now Vy is playing her Wub-Wub music to drown out Octavia.
>You.. just.. let yourself in. They'd never hear you knocking.
>Ooop! Almost forgot the earplugs.
>And there, in the center of the front room, illuminated by the light of the sun, is Octavia, playing with such passion as to take your breath away..
>You shut the door behind you, and just lean against it, watching her play. Her eyes shut - her heart knows the tune to perfection - she plays with all her soul.
>It's a slower piece, with a long, careful middle.. soft in certain sections.. long and hard in others.
>It moves you.. the feeling of the vibrations from the cello.. you can't even hear the Wubs any more.
>Octavia finally notices you, once the piece is over..
>"Anon!" She gasped, setting down her bow. "I didn't hear you enter.." That British accent of hers. Light, airy..

"It's alright. I'm surprised you could hear anything at all with that going on." You nod above your head.

>"It is a side effect of living with a musician from a completely different spectrum." She brushes it off. "Despite our differences, she IS my best friend." A small smile was passed your way as she goes towards the kitchen. "Please, have a seat, I'll fetch us the tea.." Tea first? Interesting.
>Then, Vy came down the stairs. Her eyes were bloodshot again, she was dressed in a messed-up robe, and her hair was absolutely in ruins.
>There was a marshmallow pony that would freak if she saw this..
>"YO, Anon!" She belches out. "Ffffffffffuck, I need coffee.." She staggers towards the kitchen.
>Less refined than Octavia.. but she was nice to you, all the same.
>After a few sniping words in the kitchen, Octavia returns with a full English tea set, and sets it on the front room table.
>You suddenly feel rather under-dressed.. jeans and a t-shirt? Yeah. But, you finally have a seat.
>"I thank you, Anon, for coming over for tea.." She starts in, pouring your cup - in England, she'd be called Mother. It's.. part of the tea ceremony stuff. "Milk? Lemon? Honey? Sugar?"

"Uh, honey.. please. Just a bit." You shrug. You weren't a total mongrel, after all. You knew how to be formal and polite when the moment called for it.

>She added a bit to your cup and offered it to you.

"Thanks. Uh.. why the tea, though?" There must be a reason.

>"Because, Anon.. I like to think of us as.. well, friends.." She shot a look to Vy, who was leaning in the kitchen doorway, scratching herself and drinking coffee from a levitated mug. "..and I've already spoken to Vinyl about the matter.."
>Friends? Really? You thought she was just a really nice customer.. this wasn't the first time she made tea for you, after all.. but certainly the most formal. It didn't help that you had a bit of a crush on her.. that you felt like her music brought back all kinds of wonderful memories of home.. that you truly enjoyed her company.
>What are you saying? She's a million times your better! She'd never..

"What is it?" You sip the tea.. and it's wonderful.

>"I've.. had an offer." She set her own cup down. "But it is a huge change for my life." She nods a little. "The Royal Equestrian Orchestra has offered me a position. Third chair." She looked at her teacup, thoughtfully. "But I would have to move and travel Equestria with them. I'd not be in Ponyville any longer."
>Vy piped up. "I told her to follow the music. I mean, it's not like she's got any special somepony here, tying her down. You only really get one shot at a chance like this!" Crude though she may be, she was still good-hearted and thoughtful.
>Yeah.. no boyfriend. No family.
>She'd be going away..
>You'd never see her again.

"So.. how long do you have?" You shrug, trying to keep the thought of her leaving from showing.

>"The opening is in a month, when their First Chair retires."
>You still had time..
>Three days had passed since then.
>You told her to follow her heart, did your chores, got paid, and left.
>Since then, you've been thinking.
>Was it stupid that you were attracted to such a classy lady like her?
>It'd never work, you told yourself.
>Then again, you'd be even dumber not to try.
>A shot at Octavia? But what did that mean for HER?
>Part of you was satisfied with 'I just want her to be happy.'
>The other two thirds of you was calling you a little beta bitch for pussing out like this.
>Goddamnit, you were going to give this a shot.
>You scraped up the bits you had and went to Rarity.

"..I need a formal outfit." You started.

>"Whatever for, Anon?" She asked, with pins in her teeth. It was ball season, she was busy.

"You'd.. think its silly." You shrug.

>"Nonsense!" The pins were stuck in place. "Please, Anon, tell me."

"I want to go to one of Octavia's shows.." You started. "..and maybe ask her out to dinner, afterwards?"

>She dropped the dress she was holding up, and zoomed over to you.
>"Are you serious!?"
>'She's way out of your league, hairless ape!' You expected to hear her say.

"Yes. I.. I have feelings for her." You shrug.

>There was so much you weren't certain about - you liked her, you enjoyed her music and her company, and damnit, if there was any one of these technicolor four-legged sapient creatures you could even begin to see yourself enjoying growing old with, it was her. So, it was hard to say, in proper words, what you felt.
>"Ohhh! Of course!" She seemed excited. "Now, come here.."
>You were telekinetically jerked over to a fitting stand while she took measurements.

"You're not offended that a hairless ape has a crush on a pony?" You were a bit curious about that.

>"Spikey-wikey has all kinds of feelings for me.." She paused. ", I suppose I completely understand your predicament." She looked at you with a small grin. "The least you deserve is a fair chance, dear Anon. And because I care - and I have a few things I need done with your help - I'll even give you a few pointers about how and where to treat a proper lady to dinner.."
>She was going to HELP you?!
>And, perhaps more surprisingly, she openly talked about Spike's feelings for her in a positive, non-joking light.
>Maybe she wasn't such a bitch, after all (she had that reputation around town, among a few).
>A couple days after that, you asked Vinyl if she had a show coming up. She did, and she got you a ticket. Octavia was always trying to get Vinyl to come to her shows, so she handed her the ticket without argument.
>You were dressed up. Roseluck got you fresh flowers. Twilight used her influence to get you dinner reservations. The show was in Canterlot at the Bonare Theatre - one of those places where up-and-coming orchestral groups often played.
>You were ready. If she accepted your dinner invitation, you were going to make this the best night of her life.
>Time to escape the Friend Zone, Anon, ol' chap - if you were ever really relegated to-
>You cut the inner monologue short. Confidence, damnit.Confidence.
>Train travel to Canterlot.. you took the train right after hers, so she wouldn't suspect a thing. Or see you.
>And you'd still get there before the orchestra starts tuning up..
>You arrive as the band is starting to get itself into their seats.

"Octavia!" You announce yourself.

>"Oh! Anon.. I.. did not expect to see you here, tonight. I didn't think this was your kind of music."
>You walk over to her and bow your head a little. "Good luck, eh? Not that you need it - you're a fantastic musician." You give her a pat on the arm, and you slip a note into Octavia's music.
>"Dinner afterwards? ~Anon" She'd see it after she sat down and opened her music.
>You fuck off to the seat you were assigned just as she sits down.
>She opens her music, and the note is clearly visible.
>You get a small smile and a nod out of her - a very brief one, her director is watching.
>Dinner is ON.
>You can hardly contain your excitement. So, you sit there and let the music carry you away.
>The show lasts for over an hour.. beautiful music the whole time.
>Your eyes were locked on her, though.. the way she played.. with such passion and soul. Her eyes shut, her heart guiding her bow as it danced across the cello..
>As the last movement ended, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers. You threw the bouquet, and scored a hit on her lap just as she was about to stand and take her bows.
>She knows it's from you - they're her favorite flowers, and Vy isn't here.
>A bit later, you made your way backstage.. and there she was, cello in case and bouquet in her left foreleg.
>"Anon.. thank you." She bowed her head a little.

"So.. dinner?" You ask, with a little shrug. "I got us reservations at Abonici's."

>"HOW?! That's.." She blinked. "..that's my favourite restaurant!" And fuckin' expensive. You owed Fancypants three days of labor for the dosh to make this happen.

"Yeah, well, I had a little help." A smirk. "Come.. our reservations are at seven thirty." An this was times for a long walk along Canterlot's nicest streets.. by carriage.

>Which you escorted her out to. It was waiting for you two.
>And you'd open the gate door, and offer your hand to her hoof.

"M'Lady.." A smile.

>"Uh.. thank you." She giggled a little, totally blown away by all of this.
>The carriage ride was slow.. but you spent the time looking at her.
>"Is.. there something on my face..?"

"No." You shrug.

>'CONFIDENCE!' Your brain screams at you.

"But I can't help staring at your eyes." You shrug.

>"Oh." She blushed a wee bit.
>You get to dinner, and tell her to order whatever she pleases.
>"But.. it's so expensive..!" She protests.

"I promised Fancypants I'd do three days labor for him. Don't worry, I've got this covered." You give her a shrug and a grin.

>"Why..?" She asked, finally. "Why all this?" She motioned around.
>'DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE BETA OUT NOW, DAMNIT!' More reminders from your brain, not to be a total wuss.

"Because.. I like you, Octavia.. and since you've seem to got your heart set on joining the Royal Orchestra.. I didn't think I'd ever get another chance."

>"Chance at what?" She asks, with a slightly cocked brow.

"To give you the perfect night out." You shrug a little. "If I didn't have to keep it a secret, I would've taken you to the opera instead."

>"OH!" She blushed, now. "I had no idea.."
>No idea that you cared about her? Or had feelings for her?
>Dinner went off without a hitch. You paid in full (it was as expensive as you thought it'd be, but the food really was good), and escorted her to..
>"The Alonzo Theatre..?" She asked, very curious. "They're playing The Tragedy of King Unimore.." She looked down, then up. "My favourite play."

"Yeah. I would've started with this.. but.." You shrug with a grin. "..Vy's waiting over there, to take your cello home."

>"Anon.." She blushed again.
>You sat with her throughout the play. The reason she liked this one so much is, while it had very few musical movements, all of them made the cello the primary instrument to carry the tune.
>The story.. isn't really important, but the TL;DR is, it's a love tragedy about a Unicorn king that falls for an Earth Pony back during the 'Age of Cold Feelings.'
>It ends with the king taking his own life, after she's killed by one of his rivals.
>Oh, he shanked the dude that did it, too, who happened to be his brother.
>Typical near-Shakespearian levels of intrigue and tragedy.
>You know, exactly the sort of thing cultured ladies would eat up like candy.
>She cried at the end - the actors were perfectly on their marks, all night.
>Escorting her out of the theatre, you guide her towards the park.
>"Now what, Anon?" Lighthearted chuckle "Dancing under the stars?"

"Yes." You state, your heart immediately shooting into your throat. "The Royal Orchestra, actually, has a free show in the park this evening.. until just after midnight."

>You get there just as they start to play one of her favorite pieces. Out in a little section of grass, you bow and hold your hand out for her hoof.

"May I have this dance..?"

>A broad grin on her face, and she accepts. You dance until the orchestra stops playing.
>You then walk with her to the train station.. last train to Ponyville was 12:30.
>On the train ride back, she rests her head against your shoulder.
>"Thank you, Anon.. I never thought I'd have such a wonderful evening with anyone.."

"Me either, Octavia.. that was truly magical." You put your arm around her shoulder.

>"I never thought.. you of all people.." She blushed a bit and looked away.

"Why not? We have culture like that on Earth.. I just never really had a chance - or anyone to go with - to experience it."

>You reflect on this.. the city you came from didn't really have much in the way of GOOD orchestral music, and Theatre was practically dead unless it was that new age crap about Class Struggle and the oppression of minorities or women, people of different sexual orientations, and things like that.
>"I am glad.. that I had this chance.." She looked up at you under the moonlight. "This was really a special evening, Anon, thank you."

"Well.." You start in. "..Vy told me that you've always wanted to get out to the mountains and have a chance to play your cello.. to hear it echo through the valleys and all that. Would you consider having a picnic with me, tomorrow?" You tilt your head to her.

>"YES!" She gasps. "I-I mean.. yes, of course, sir." She nodded again.
>You got her home and bid her good night.
>No attempt at a kiss.
>Hey, you weren't certain if she was thinking 'He's just doing this to be a really special friend' or if she had a hint at your romantic intentions.
>Besides, the time wasn't right, yet, that was just the first date.
>"Oh, Anon.." She said just as she was about to go in.

"Yes, Octavia?" You stop and turn to face her.

>She gave you a hug.
>"Thank you again, for a magical evening." And a warm smile.
>You were walking on air the whole way back to your tree stump of a home.
>Be Octavia
>Magical date with the hairless ape.. dear Celestia was it amazing.
>Totally out of the blue, too.
>You get home and hugged him.
>He was so amazing about this.
>Most stallions would have tried to kiss you.
>Actually, they had..
>Oh, well, you get in just as Vy is leaving.

"Another set tonight?"

>"Yeah! It's gonna be killer.. I'll be gone until after dawn, sorry." She shrugged and got the last things she needed into her bags. "How was the romantic date?"

"D-Date?" You were caught offguard by that accusation. "R-Romantic? Vy, whatever do you mean?!"

>"DUH! What, you thought he was doing this because he thought you were a good friend that needed a night out?" She made a 'snerf' noise with her snout. "He's totally crushin' on you, Tavi!"

"I-I had no idea.." Actually, after this evening, you sorta did..

>"Of course he likes you, yo!" She shook her head. "It's so obvious."

"Really..?" You pause and lower your head a moment. "I.. never thought.."

>"That he'd totally dig you?" Pssh! "Anon's really into all that culture stuff. Why d'ya think he always drops everything whenever you need a hand?" She gave a dismissive hoof-wave. "You need to think, Tavi.."
>You supposed you did.
>A human?
>Liking a pony?
>Liking.. YOU?
>You supposed he was a very nice..
>..what are you saying to yourself? He's always been kind, always been there for you.. and now, this date?
>Still.. he was a human.. and you were a pony.. would this even work?
>You undress, shower, and go to bed, your mind swirling with more questions than answers.
>Be Anon
>You're preparing everything for the date.
>Just the right foods, and a light pack.
>You toss in your multitool and a hand axe, just in case.
>Hey, you never know. This may be a safe-ish world, but there's always Murphy around.
>Besides, maybe she'll want to have a fire going, or something.
>Time for Date #2..
>You arrive at Tavi's house dressed for a hike in the woods and mountains.
>The trip alone would take a couple hours.
>A knock, and she answers.

"Ready?" You ask, simply. "I'll carry your cello, if you want me to."

>"A-Ah.. Anon.." She looked like she'd been doing a lot of thinking.
>You know that look that girls get when they've been trying to work shit out?
>"..give me a moment." She ducked back inside and shut the door.
>You waited a few minutes, and out she came, dressed for a hike.
>Boots and a shirt, with her cello packed in its hardshell case.

"Want me to carry it?" You offer.

>"Yes. Please." She offers it up to you, the handle in her mouth.
>You take it and strap it over your shoulder, then walk with her towards the edge of town.
>The whole time, she's silent, looking at the ground.
>Had she caught on to your intentions?
>Was she just doing this to be nice?
>'CONFIDENCE!' Your brain screams. 'You are NOT going to wuss out like you did on Earth - you have a fresh start here, and a whole new set of chances. ACT LIKE IT.'
>So, you hum most of the way.
>Took a couple hours, but you finally got to the mountains.
>A nice little plateau off a hiking trail, the perfect place to set up.
>It's a cool day. There's still snow clinging to the mountain tops.
>You even set up her stand for her.

"Here you go."

>"Thank you, Anon.." She moved over to her cello, and sat against the flat rock you'd put it by.
>Instantly, she seemed at ease.. and started playing.
>That smile.. that magical smile whenever she's deep into her music..
>You listened for hours as she moved fluidly from one song to another.
>You couldn't help but sway your body in time with the music.
>Time for her present..
>..and time to eat, you could hear your tummy rumble.

"Octavia.." You get her attention.

>"Y-Yes, Anon?" She looked up, snapping out of her little trance.

"This is a picnic.. time to eat." You shrug and pull out the picnic basket and goodies.

>And your cell phone.
>"What is that, Anon?" She asks, tilting her head at it.

"A device from Earth." You had just enough battery power to pull this off.

>Suddenly, Beethoven's 5th Symphony erupts from the device.
>"Ohhh." She stares at it.

"It's hard to explain, but this device used to let me communicate over long distances.. and it plays music." You had a 5GB chip in the sucker for a reason.

>"Amazing.." She stared at it. "..the music is so lovely."

"Beethoven. He was a famous composer a couple hundred years before I was born." You say a bit softly as you pull out the food.

>Another surprise for her. The closest you can get to Earth food and still be palatable to ponies - a pizza. You had it in a warming case at the bottom of the basket, and roughly in the middle of your backpack. It was vegetable topped, no meat.
>"And this..?" She looked at it - it was still warm - and sniffed it as you dished it out.

"Pizza." A nod.

>"Your world really did have its wonders, Anon." She blushed a little and started eating.. you could tell she was mentally writing the music down in her head.

"It sure did. I'm just glad I have a chance to share some of them with you." You shrug a little and distribute drinks. Her favorite fruit-vegetable juice blend - Cinnamon-Carrot-Apple.

>"With.. me.." She nodded, and ate.
>When the eating part was done, and the song over, she finally looked up at you.
>"Anon.. I want to talk." She said, firmly.

"Oh..?" This could be good.. or bad.

>"You've shown me such.. kindness.." She didn't seem to know where to begin. Not do so and be 'formal Octavia.'

"Just say what's on your mind, Octavia.." You nod to her and gesture a little. " don't have to keep your hair up all the time." Especially around you.

>"..I have a nasty habit of thinking I do." She admitted. "I should come right to the point.." She looked down and away. "'re a human. I'm not. I'm flattered that you.. you have feelings for me.. but.." She sighed. "I don't know. I just don't know."

"What don't you know?" You didn't like the direction this was going.

>"Well, for one, I wasn't exactly in the market for a stallion.." She admitted with a small 'hah' in her voice. "..and for another, if I wanted a stallion, I would want one that I know will treat me with the respect and care I deserve. Someone that appreciates me, appreciates what I do.. and at the same time.. is brave and intelligent.." She went on about these qualities as though she sort of had an idea in her mind what they embodied.

"Do I have competition, then?" You actively choose to take this in stride.. it's not easy. This was painful to hear. But it's not like you didn't expect it.

>"Not exactly.." She continued. "..I have an ideal, is all. A sort of.. Prince Charming that I've always wanted to have come rescue me. Sweep me off my hooves, as it were.." A smile. "Not that last night and today haven't been absolutely magical.."

"But you don't think you're ready for anything serious..?" A sip of the juice. Play it COOL, man.. play it cool..

>"I suppose that's part of it.." She pulled herself in a little. "Then there's the whole.. part.. of us being two completely different species." She rubbed the back of her neck with her fetlock. "As unladylike as this may seem.. I.. do want a stallion in my life that can satisfy my.. needs." THAT left her blushing.

"I don't think you'd find humans at all a disappointment in that department.. as ungentlemanly as that may seem." A shrug.

>"R-Really..?" She blushed harder. Then tried to get herself back on track.
>"A-As I was saying.." She cleared her throat. "It's not that I don't like you, Anon.. I do.. but.. I honestly don't know if anything between us would ever work out..?" She tilted her head to the side. "I've been trying to think, all day, on how to explain this to you."

"Oh, I understand. It's not like I didn't expect to hear this." You shrug a little.

>"So.. no hard feelings, then?" She perked up, trying to repress her emotions.

"May I ask a favor?" Keep your foot in the door..

>"Oh-Oh.. of course." She nods a bit.

"You've got a bit over two weeks left here, before you have to give your final answer. May I have your permission to court you?" You tilt your head a bit at her. "You've nothing to lose, after all. If you honestly don't think we'll work out at all after that, then at least I had the chance to show you how I feel. And if you change your mind, you won't be left with the regret of never taking the chance to try." Taking chances wasn't something you did a lot, on Earth. There was just no way to stand out.. now? There was.

>"I.." She blinked. "..accept."
>JACKPOT! Well, okay, not quite.. but this was better than a total rejection. You were going over in your mind exactly what you could do to try to win her fancy. You'd already used up two big shots of A-Grade material.. what was left? You'd be thinking about this for a while, and in great detail.. it was time to ask your friends for help.
>You were going to show her exactly how you felt.. and how willing you were to do anything to be with her...
> least, this way, if you lost, you had that Fair Chance that Rarity mentioned.
>Breezing over the next week and a half, the two of you made time in your schedules to meet each other every day.
>Lunch on one day, dinner the next..
>Dinner at her place, and at yours.
>You kept it cordial.. kind.. and romantic, without being soaked in apparent lust.
>The first weekend, you two saw a play.
>The second weekend, you took her to a circus (she'd never been to one).
>You talked and talked.. you played what music you could from your phone before it died.
>She copied the notes down, and stashed them way.
>There was a promise there, she'd give you credit for them.
>Her orchestra played one of the songs one evening, and got a standing ovation for it.
>You HAD impressed her.. and the Day approached.
>On that day, she asked to meet you by the train station..
> was pretty clear that you'd failed to win her heart romantically, but by this point, but at the same time, you were now more comfortable with her as a very, very close friend.
>If she didn't make a last minute decision to stay with you.. well.. it'd be okay. She appreciated you now, in ways she didn't before, and vice-versa.
>"Anon.." She started as you stood on the platform.

"Yeah, I get it." You shrugged. "You're still not convinced."

>She hugged you. Tightly.
>"Not for a lack of trying. You made this choice almost impossible for me." She looks up at you with a blushing smile.
>Yeah, that's a smile of a woman that really ISN'T fully convinced.

"I understand. Music is your special talent. You want to be recognized for it. Your current opera group really only plays in a couple places." You shrug. "If I was as good as you are, I'd want that, too."

>"Now it's my turn to ask a favor of you." She stepped back a little.


>"I'll be taking third seat tonight, as you know. We're playing at the Royal Theatre in Canterlot. Tonight is Princess Cadence's wedding.. we're supposed to be a part of the festivities beforehand. Would you come? And have dinner with me, afterwards?"

"Of course. The least I can do is see your farewell performance." A warm smile.

>"That means more to me than you know, Anon.." She blushed and looked down at the ground.
>You could hear the train conductor call for All Aboard.

"Better get going. I'll see you tonight." A nod.

>That night.
>If you had ANY IDEA what was going to happen, you would have smuggled an AK into Equestria.
>Or a belt-fed machine gun.
>You got the formal wear on, and prepped yourself to perfection.
>If you were going to say good-bye to her, you wanted her to remember you looking your best.
>Not under her sink, dirty and with Vinyl's hair all over you, clearing a clog.
>So, you took the train..
>..and watched her show..
>..and went to dinner with her afterwards.
>Her treat, this time. She insisted.
>"You know, Anon, this wasn't easy for me to do.." She started, putting her salad fork down.

"I know." You give her a bit of a grin. "At least I had a chance at it." And smile.

>"Thank you, though. At least, if anyone tries to court me in the future, they have a remarkable standard to live up to.." Yeah, you'd impressed the fuck out of her.
>Still, music was her life. You couldn't really stand in her way. This was her big break.. she'd have a shot at First Chair in a year or so.

"I guess they do." A warm smile, and you toast her with the grape juice.. you didn't want alcohol in your system tonight. "At least I got to know you.. really know you."

>"That's not something just anypony... anyone.. can say." She blushed at that thought.
>Then, you heard screams.
>Terrible screams.
>"Wh-what's that!?" She stood up and looked out the plate glass window you were seated near - two rows from it, in fact.
>Something big and buggy suddenly slammed into the window, and shattered it.
>It was followed by two others..

"Ah.. aw.. what the hell!?" Ew. Just ew. They drool, even.

>And they start grabbing up ponies.
>Snatching them right up and carrying them off.
>One of them flies over to you..
> have your fist back, ready to clock it..
>"Cannot.. feed.. on this.." It hisses, and looks at Octavia.

"Fuck you, no!" You instinctively grab the steak knife on the table and plunge it into the side of the thing's head!

>C-Critical Hit..!
>It flops to the ground.
>"ANON!" She screams.
>You look up, and the other two have her.
>Everyone else is running for it.
>No time to think, you launch yourself over the table, and tackle one of them, crashing to the ground with it.
>It looks up at you with those bug-eyes.. tries to copy you.. and fails miserably, giving itself a headache in the process.
>You bash its head into the ground, and get up, blocking the open window..
>The last one fires a green beam towards you..
>..perplexed for just a second, you haven't time to dodge.
>It hits you for absolutely no damage.

"..that tickles! Quit it, you freak!" You slap your sides, and reach for one of the tables. "Come on, Bug Face! Let's go!" You hold it in front of you, like a bullfighter would with a cape..

>It charges you..
>"OH MY!" Octavia shrieks as it does..
>..and you know it's going to try for the broken window, so, you drop the table and grab Octavia's hoof.
>A mighty Tug-of-War ensues!

"Octavia! Bash him in the horn!"

>She smacks him, hard, twice in the face.
>It lets go, in surprise, just as the other one gets up.
>That gave you time to arm yourself with a large carving knife..

"Octavia.. they're after you.." You start in.

>"As I noticed." She snorted, and grabbed a large, decorative platter in her hooves.

"..we better get out of here."

>They charge the both of you.
>You stab the one you'd bashed into the ground. Not once, but three or four times.
>Octavia beans the third one upside the head with the platter.
>Then jams the platter on its horn, and proceeds to stomp it with her heels.
>They may as well be spikes.
>It's bleeding, squealing.. and then it was dead.
>You finished off the last one, that you'd been stabbing, by grabbing its horn (it vainly tries to magic blast you, and even copy you without success), breaking the horn off, and stabbing it backwards into the hole.
>Yeah, ouch.

"Come on, let's scram!" You grab her fetlock and made for the door.

>"You needn't tell me twice!" She yells.. but not in a panic.
>Admirable quality.. she keeps a level head.
>Out in the streets, you are both surrounded by chaos.
>Time to put all those hours playing Silent Hill to good use!

"Come on.. we'll be safer if we can get somewhere away from the main.. horde or whatever."

>That meant going through the city..
>..armed with a carving knife.
>Yeah, this is just like Silent Hill.
>Away you go, up the back alleys and over towards the south side of the city.
>"The south side..?" She queries.

"It's the closest edge of the city.." And unlike Silent Hill, the two of you CAN escape. "..hopefully, Twilight and her friends are on top of this." They were the Mary Sues.. no, sorry, the HEROINES of Equestria.

>But, you have to stop..
> you both hear screaming coming from inside a building.
>Foals screaming.
>"Anon.." She began.

"We can't leave them." You find a fallen guard, and take his spear, passing the knife to Octavia.

>" brave.." She muttered under her breath.

"What's that?" You turned to her.

>"N-Nothing.." She coffed a bit. "Let's go."
>You charge into the building, spear in hand.
>To you, it's a pretty short spear. Easy to handle.
>Inside the building, though, you see five Changelings trying to grab up Foals.
>The little shits were squirmy as fuck, though, and the Changelings are stupid as fuck, leading to a comedic scene that would have you laughing if you weren't experiencing it firsthand.


>"What's a pedo?" She cocked a brow.

"Never mind."

>They turn to the two of you, hiss in anger/hunger, and charge straight at you.
>The first one was easy to get - you jabbed him (her? It? Whatever!) with the spear, right in the neck, and impaled it - its own forward velocity taking it all the way down your shaft (my, wasn't that sexual?). You used the impaled bug as a bat to smack the second one away.
>Meanwhile, Octavia let the first one to get to her, grab her, so she could stab it in the eyes.
>The second one recoiled back at her display of hatred, and looked ready to puke..
>..which gave you an idea.


>Taking your cue, she focuses all her hatred right at the bug.
>It vomits violently, and falls over.
>Octavia walks over and stabs it repeatedly until it was dead.

"Damn, girl, you got a tough streak in 'ya!"

>"Y-Yes.. I don't often show it.." She blushed.
>The foals scurry over to the two of you and huddle around you, sobbing.

"Relax, kids. I'm Anon.. you know me, I had to unclog the toilets at your school a week ago!" You pet one of them, comfortingly.

>"U-Uncle A-Anon..?" One of the foals chirps up. "A-Are you g-gonna protect us from th-the big bad.. bu-buggies?!"

"Of course we are." You looked at Octavia.. she blushed hard and nodded to you. "We're a team."

>"Th-Thanks... Unca-Anon.." They practically cling to the two of you like glue.
>"Now what, Anon?" Octavia asks, glancing around, suddenly paranoid.

"We get out of here. Come on.. I think I know a way."

>Experience from working in Canterlot - you learned all the quick ways around town to maximize your shekel-earnings for a day.
>Out of the building, the group of you makes your way towards the large park on the edge of town.
>You can hear fighting in the distance.
>Hopefully, the Elements can finish the job.
>But you weren't the kind of guy to wait around and cower, hoping for the best, while others did things for you.
>So, you led the way.
>More bugs on the road.. they were trying to get to some other ponies that had tried to seal themselves inside of a dumpster.
>"We should help them.." She started.
>There was a guard nearby, all tied up.
>And gagged.
>You idly wonder if there's bug cum in his anus, given what this feels like - a Hentai come to life.

"Got an idea.." You look at the Foals. "Kids, hide in here." You usher them into one of those little holes that allow for basement windows in a building, and cover it up with a board.

>"Come back, Anon!" They call.
>"Shh.." Octavia gets all motherly on them. "..we'll be back, I promise."

"Same." You nod. "Stay put, okay?" You pet a freckled one on the head.

>"Thankth, Uncle Anon.." Yeah, it's 'Twist. What's she doing here? Who cares.
>"What's your plan?" She asks as we get out of the alley.

"Simple. That guard looks okay, but he needs backup. Us. Get to him, untie him, and we get those bugs together." You nod. "I'll distract them, you rescue the guard."

>"Okay... b-be careful." She makes a move, stops, and turns, planting a quick kiss on your lips. "For luck."
>Your heart practically explodes. That kiss was fantastic.
>But mind on other matters.. you march out into the street, spear in hand.

"HEY! WING-FREAKS! OVER HERE!" You yell them.. and wave your arms around.

>Predictably, they turn in your direction. And decide to zoom over to you... just what you wanted. You knew they didn't want to take you, but they would take a second or two to realize that.
>Enough time for Octavia to get over and get that guard untied.
>HIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS!! One of them sniffs and recoils from you. "DO NOT WAANT!"

"Then have this!" You swing the spear like a stickball bat, and crack him in the dome~!

>He falls flat on his ass.
>The other three turn and look at you like you were the biggest threat in the world..
>"HEY!" You hear a deep male voice.. turn and see the guard up on his feet (with no signs of >anal rape, thankfully) with Octavia at his side.
>He charged, she charged, and the bugs charged them, and you charged the bugs.
>This led to a frantic melee right in the middle of the street, with fist, hoof, and bug-hoof flying all over the place.
>All it needed was a dust cloud to make the scene complete!
>At the end of it all, the three of you stand over the crushed carapaces of these disgusting bugs.
>"Thank you for your help, Anon.." The guard nods to you, and goes over to the dumpster. "You can come out, now! The bugs are dead!"
>Who should pop his head out but Fancypants?
>"Th-Thank you!" He practically shrieks. He has two others with him.
>"Don't thank me - thank Anon. He did all this." The guard shrugged and helped them out.

"I had help." You say, proudly, patting your bug-gut-smattered partner on the mane.

>"Yes." She smirked.. and put her foreleg around your waist.
>"A-Anon.. forget the debt! Please.. it's the least I can do.." You hadn't done your three days labor for him, yet.

"No problem.." You look around and go back to the foals, getting them out of the window-hole. "Come on, you lot, it's safe, now." You help them out, one at a time.

>"Thankth, Unca'Anon!" Twist even gives you a hug.
>Octavia saw this. She smiled at you.
>"We.. what do we do?" Asked the Guard.

"Get these ponies to safety. Come on - I know a way out of town." You say, moving over to a pony(man)hole over, and using the spear to pop it open.

>"Th-The sewers!?" Fancypants protests.

"Would you rather get eaten?" You ask, tilting your head at him.

>"O-Of course not!" He whinnies in disappointment, though. His mane was going to be ruined!
>Down into the sewers you all go - Fancypants and the two others, the foals, the guard, Octavia, and you.
>The trail through the sewers was gross as fuck, but uneventful.
>You arrive at the edge of the city, and crawl out of the filthy tubes..
>"That was splendid, Anon.." The guard nods to you. "..I'll make sure Her Highness hears of this."

"I had help, as I keep mentioning. It wasn't just me." I shrug.

>Right about then was the magical blast that signaled Chrysalis' end..
> even saw her fly past you, cursing the whole way..
>..and as you held your arm around Octavia, you looked into the rising sun.
>"A-Anon.." She started in, blushing deeply.

"Yeah? What's up?" You tilt your head at her. Even filthy and covered in grime, she was still the most beautiful mare in the world to you. "You know.. even covered in grime like that, you're STILL the most beautiful mare in the world, to me?"

>The Guard stepped away, and had to DRAG Fancypants to the side, out of earshot.
>"Oh, Anon.." She lowered her head, then looked up at you. "I-Ive made my decision.."

"Oh?" You look down at her, smiling.

>"I can't leave. Not.. not after this." She looked up.. your eyes lock together.

"But it's your big chance-" You start..

>"No. My big chance is with you. You showed me that, tonight. You really are a brave, charming, and committed knight in shining armor.. and I'd like to make you mine. All mine." She leans up..
> lean down..
>..your lips get closer together..
>"JUTHT KITHH ALREADY!" Twist yells from the background.
>Octavia giggles, and pulls herself into your lips.
>It was the most beautiful kiss.. from the most beautiful mare.. ever.

--- STORY 4 ---

>It's late in the evening, and you're sprawled out on the couch with a weathered book in your hands. It's an old favourite of yours, and you're poring through it more as a ritual of familiar and comfortable routine than anything.
>A fire crackles softly in the background, throwing its warm light across the room from within its nest of brick and stone. Shadows flicker and dance on the walls, dancing in time to the music playing from at your side.
>Marking your place at the end of a paragraph with your thumb, you look up from the yellowed pages in front of you to admire the pony playing in front of you.
>Her back is turned to you, allowing you to admire the elegant sweep of black hair playing down her back, the ends nesting just above the ample curves of her waist.
>Octavia is playing a slow, beautiful sonata. Beethoofen's, you're pretty sure. The graceful notes and gentle chords fill the air of the unassuming living room, almost seeming to lend it the gravitas of an opera hall.
>You can't see her face, but you've seen her play enough times to know how she must look.
>Her eyes will be closed; she's far too practiced with her instrument to worry about keeping an eye on her hooves, and you knew with certainty that she experienced the world far more vividly through her ears than she ever could with her eyes.
>She would be relaxed, small smiles gracing her face with every phrase and bar executed.
>You could see her shoulders and arms at work, gracefully gliding the bow in its dance across the strings, hoof deftly hitting notes in perfect sequence, coaxing the maple to sing as easily as anyone else breathed or walked.
>No matter how many times you saw this display, no matter how small and quaint the performance, you never failed to have your breath taken away by the mare you were lucky enough to call your special somepony.
>As Octavia's performance drifts to a sombre close, you dog-ear your book, setting it aside as you rise from your spot on the couch.
>Octavia sets her cello and bow on their stand, and raises a hoof up behind her neck, awkwardly and gingerly rubbing the tension out of her back and shoulders.

“Here, let me.”

>You get up from your nest on the couch and move behind Octavia's seat, placing your hands on her shoulders.
>With the practiced touch gained from long seasons of administering to your special somepony's post-performance tension, you start massaging her back, your fingers digging firmly into the knots bunched around her shoulderblades.
>She visibly relaxes, slumping into her chair with a contented sigh and low murmur of gratefulness.
>You've always loved giving her massages; you were good at it, and your work never went unappreciated.
>Besides, just seeing the utterly contented look on Octavias face and her half-lidded violet eyes blinking tiredly in the sparkling firelight made it all worthwhile.
>A minute or two passes like this, before Octavia gets out of her chair to face you.
>Your hands naturally wander down to rest on her hips as she moves to lean into your chest. Her breath flutters soft and warm against you as she nuzzles your midsection affectionately.
>”How was I?”

“Perfect, as usual.”

>She looks up, eyes glinting with a long-suffering, but playful annoyance.
>”Come on, be honest.”

“Well, the pick up to the refrain was a little bit sloppy, if you really want to split hairs on it.”

>She grins mischievously up at you and elbows you in the side.

“Hey, you asked me to be honest.”

>Her only response is to nuzzle into your chest again. You let her modest weight bear you back down onto the couch, and pull her down on top of you.
>Her look of shock lasts only as long as it takes for your hands to wander back down to her hips.
>Smiling, she lowers her head down to yours, her hair falling aroud your shoulders as you press your lips to hers.
>You pull away from each other, your breathing coming out just as hard and excitedly as hers, intermingling in slim space between the two of you.
>Your right hand presses into her back, urging her to grind against you as your left combs through her hair, tangling it further with each pass.
>She presses herself against you just as urgently, every ample earth pony curve fitting against your body like a glove.
>The fire flickers and dies just over an hour later, ignored, forgotten, and unneeded as the living room and sweat-soaked couch are abandoned for the bedroom and queen-sized bed.

--- STORY 5 ---

>As the sun creeps is way into your room, as it does everyday, you feel its warmth cover you like a second blanket.
>You open your eyes to see your morning gift.
>As you watch her sleep, a wave of emotion fills you.
>Before her, you were nothing.
>You hated life and never bothered to find out why.
>As you watch her sleep you remember the first time you met.
>A man down on your luck she took you in and gave you a second chance.
>You thank her for that every day, maybe not with words but they say actions speak louder anyways.
>You are brought back into reality when she begins to open her eyes.
>You smile and become a little school child waiting to greet your special friend at school.
>She opens her eyes and is greeted by a man with warm smile on his face.
>"Good morning Anonymous."
>She says, her voice of silk is like music to your ears.

Good morning.

>"Were you stating at me while I sleep agian?"


>"You're strange."
>She turn her self over and tries to get a few more minutes of sleep before the real day begins.
>You are anonymous and you are the happiness man alive.

--- STORY 6 ---

>you are Anon
>you have been in equestria for almost a year now
>you were not well liked by the ponies
>being a predator from another world sometimes does that
>at first ponies wanted to know more about you and where you came from
>the only thing you really did wrong was tell them the honest truth
>that you are a human a species that consumes almost everything in sight
>what they cant themselves adapt to they change to fit their own needs
>needless to say you didnt see many friendly faces after that conversation
>you walk the streets of canterlot both home and bitless
>while walking you come across an old instrument shop
>its been empty for a long time, must not have had much business since the new music crazes have changed

"well, staying here is better than nothing."

>you climb in through the broken window
>its dark and messy, but better than being out in the street
>you walk over crumpled papers and old boxes
>you lose your footing and fall knocking over a desk

"fucking hell! what did i knock over?"

>you look to the now fallen towers of boxes never forget
>on the floor is a mostly intact instrument
>an old violin
>you gently pick up the old wooden piece of music creation

"so.. you have been abandoned too?"

>you examine it gently feeling the bends and strings
>memories of your childhood back home come flooding back to you
>you start to tear up
>you always wanted to come to equestria
>but now that you are here, you can only dream of home
>you scrounge around the shop and find a few replacement strings and a old bow
>after a quick fixing the instrument looks playable
>you get into your ready position, close your eyes, and dream of home. [Embed] Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow (Violin) - Taylor Davis

>after your song ends you look at the old instrument again

"even old abandoned things like us still have a future.."

>you place the violin on the desk as you turn in for the night
>morning comes far too soon
>sunlight reflecting off the glass wakes you from your sleep

"agh.. damn it sunbutt.."

>after a few more minutes of after sleep laze you pull yourself to your feet
>your stomach grumbles and your head hurts
>but theres nothing you can do about either problem
>even though you shouldnt be for some reason you are happy
>you look over to the old violin and gingerly tuck it under your arm
>its now your most prized possession
>the only thing that gives you any reason to smile
>you check to see if any guards are outside the shop
>no youre clear
>you climb out of the window carefully and continue your walk down the streets
>you remember you saw a nice large park a few blocks away
>no one ever goes there but it would be nice to play for yourself in the soft grass
>as you walk you get many glares from the ponies
>some know you
>but most only see you as a homeless beast

"fuck off! i never did anything to you"

>they think they are so much better than you..
>they wouldnt last a hour in your world
>after a few more minutes of walking you make it to the park
>as you expected its almost empty
>least you wont be bothered here..
>you walk to a large tree and take a spot in the shade
>you lift up your violin and make sure it survived the trip safely
>it did

"you are all i have.."

>you lift the violin up

"and i promise you, together we can have a better life"

>you try to think of a good song
>one comes to you.
>you start to move with the notes
>you can feel the musical magic in your fingertips
>you smile like a happy child again
>this is the feeling you expected to have when you awoke in equestria
>but this is so much better
>as you play you feel that same love for music rush back
>someone could be insulting you right now and you would just ignore it
>the hunger in your stomach fades
>the pain in your head slowly disappears
>as soon as your previous song ends you move right into another

>you have moved away from your original spot
>letting the music carry you as you walk
>you barely even notice you now have a small audience of ponies
>but you couldnt care less about any of them.
>"how can that.. gross thing play like that?"
>>"isnt that the creature that has been walking in the mud and dirty streets for--"
>soon the crowd grows a bit more
>you recognize a few of the ponies from the show
>but you still dont care, most of them just ignored you before
>but one pony seems to just be sitting nearby and all alone her eyes closed
>you see her head gently sway to the notes
>and thats who you will continue to play for
>someone who enjoys the magic of the music
>your song soon comes to a close
>you are now only a few feet away from the calm mare
>as the silence continues you take a small bow
>but you dont face your crowd
>you bow to the single listener who you feel enjoyed the music the most
>the mare slowly opens her eyes to see you bowing before her
>a small smile comes to her face
>"that was beautiful where did you learn to play?"

"i learned to play when i was a young boy back home.. music was all i had there"

>you laugh a bit

"and its the same here"

>you and the mare share a smile

"do you play?"

>you already know the answer
>the grey mare with her sliver lined black mane nods
>"why yes i play the cello"

"beautiful choice in strings"

>you begin to walk away
>back to the real world and hopefully to find some food
>"wait" [Embed] Metallica - Nothing else matters (cover violin)

>and nothing else in the world matters
>as the two of you play even more ponies gather
>most wish to hear the great Octavia play her Cello
>but you know there are others who dont care who the two playing are
>they hear the notes and let the music carry them off
>"you're very good.."
>you gently shush

"shhh... let the music talk.."

>Octavia smiles softly and continues the song
>you feel better than you have in over a year
>even on the brink of starvation you find music is magical
>here and now you couldn't desire anything more than to hear the lovely musical notes
>as the previous song ends you and Octavia slowly flow into another

>perhaps you are getting carried away
>or perhaps you are being lifted
>you start to cry as you continue the song
>not because the song makes you sad
>but because right now you have finally realized

"no matter how famous i was or will be, or however poor i might become, music will always have the same effect on my life as it did when i was a child.."

>as the song comes to an end you nod to Octavia
>and she returns the gesture

"thank you.."

>"for what?"

"this moment.. it meant more to me than anything"

>"why is that?"

"until right now, nopony has given me a single moment of their time, they have sneered insulted and broke me. but you.."

>Octavia looks at you with her soft eyes

"you made me feel like i can do anything again.."

>you smile as you two play into the night
>its been a few years since that moment in the park
>yet it seems like a lifetime ago..
>you stand there in the dark
>your hair freshly cut
>your new tuxedo fitting perfectly
>a small poster flies in the wind and lands at your feet
>'Octavia and Anonymous, this week only at Canterlot Royal Theater'
>then it goes on about times and prices..
>you walk to the very familiar spot and place your hand on the soft wet grass

"it was right here.."

>Octavia walk up next to you

"this was where my life changed for the better.."

>"this is where we met.."

"yes. like i said, my life was changed."

>you look to your violin case
>inside is the same old violin you had since day one
>its been restored, and in better than mint condition.
>a gift from the Princesses
>you cant help but cry.


>"yes Anonymous?"
>you turn to the mare and give her a soft smile

"would you honor me, with one more song tonight?"

>"Only if you return that honor.."
>the both of you take your spots. the same as you did all those years ago
>you both ready your strings for the last song of the night "i love you Octavia.."

>she softly shushes you with a smile on her face
>"shh... let the music talk.."
>you smile as you two play into the night.

--- STORY 7 ---

>Be Anon in Equestria
>It'd been only one week since you'd arrived in Ponyville
>At first, there was much confusion
>Nobody knew what to do with this strange creature that had shown up so suddenly
>Nobody knew how you'd gotten here either
>Eventually though, it was decided that you'd stay with a mare named Fluttershy
>She was timid, and very hesitant, but also very curious
>She just so happened to have a spare room in the attic of her cottage at the edge of the Everfree forest
>That room was small and sparsely furnished with no more than a simple wooden bed, a chair, and an oval window
>Those were all you needed however, as most days were spent becoming acclimated to your new world
>It was exhausting
>So many ponies and so much to learn
>Another mare named Twilight kept studious notes while a pink hyperactive pony called Pinkie Pie guided you around town
>By the end of each day you barely had enough energy to stumble upstairs before falling asleep
>Fortunately, Fluttershy is surprisingly adept at making sure her pet animals never bother you during the night
>A symphony of familiar natural noises make the darkness of a strange land less intimidating
>So, when an unusual serene note arose up in between those sounds, it stood out immediately
>You wake up listening intently
>A beam of light shown in through the window providing adequate illumination to see nothing nearby had changed
>Yet an unmistakable melody is weaving its way among bird tweets, frog croaks, and rustling leaves
>You get up, walk over to the window, and peer outside
>The full moon is sufficiently bright that seeing the surrounding landscape of rolling green hills and bushes isn't difficult
>Unfortunately, you realize each note originates from the Everfree
>You aren't supposed to venture there
>Both Twilight and Fluttershy had warned you about monsters who made the forest their home
>Mysterious magic held wood together forming ferocious beasts known as timberwolves
>Cockatrices, half-bird, half-snake abominations that could turn you to stone with a mere glance also resided there
>Such warnings didn't matter
>This music had caught you in a spell of curiosity
>Surely a short trip out couldn't hurt?
>You'd leave a note for Fluttershy, find the music's source, and then return quickly
>Having decided on a plan, you quietly get dressed
>You tiptoe downstairs, positioning your steps so as to avoid creaking spots
>A wave of musty animal smells hits your nostrils; a wonderful reminder of how crazy that yellow-pink pegasus is
>She shares her house with an unpleasant amount of fauna
>Luckily, as always, she's somehow managed to coax them all into slumber
>You slowly push open her cottage's front door and slip outside
>Cool night air surrounds your body and chills your face
>That haunting song continues
>Water trickles under a tiny bridge a short distance in front of you
>A small stream glistens in starlight
>"Now or never" you think
>Crossing swiftly over the bridge, black shadowed trees now loom a few feet away
>Nothing except darkness twisted by surreal, thick branches
>Still, chords rang out
>They are louder now
>Whatever is playing music didn't seem far away
>Conveniently, a clear path lay straight ahead
>Waiting a second for your eyes to adjust, overcoming your fear, you journey forward
>Slowly all sounds fade except for those ringing tones
>Hard packed earth phases to grass
>Branches part revealing a large, round clearing
>In the middle of this clearing stands a grey pony balancing on what appears to be a large cello
>A mare
>A mare whose violet, treble clef cutie mark is instantly recognizable
>Her fine, lithe form made distinct against a crisp green background
>Octavia Melody
>Classical cellist
>You dare not move any further for fear of disturbing her
>Focusing eyes and ears, more details pour in
>One hoof clutches a bow being drawn low across long strings
>The other dances high above, swiftly pressing on those same strings
>Years of training and dedication had honed her movements producing wondrous sound
>Perfect chords carry on the wind
>Truly a master of her craft
>"What exactly is she doing alone at night in the forest?" you wonder, crouching down
>She didn't seem afraid
>In fact, you notice her eyes are closed in concentration
>Sight and sound coalesce
>She is beautiful
>Flowing black hair drapes down her neck merging with her tail curled up on the ground
>Her flawless, clean grey coat is incredibly regal looking
>Your ears are lost in her symphony
>Before you realize, the moment is over
>Octavia raises her eyelids
>She casts her gaze in your direction
>"Impossible!" you think, "She can't know that I'm here."
>Fortunately, your fears evaporate as Octavia drops onto all four legs
>She places the bow in her mouth and ducks under the enormous cello
>Then, raising back up, Octavia somehow manages to balance that instrument on top of her back
>Maybe that's a trick she acquired after years of traveling for concerts
>Unfortunately, she turns and begins trotting in your direction
>You back up slightly
>No need to panic, an easy exit lay to either side
>You back up a tad more
>Slinking right, you quickly leave the beaten path and take cover behind some brush
>Two steps and your foot lands on a branch
>Oh shit
>A posh voice calls out just behind you
>"Hello? Is somepony there?
>It has what you might've suspected is a British accent
>Any chance you had of escaping is gone now
>May as well ask what she's doing playing music in the middle of the night in the woods
>Sure enough, as you turn around Octavia is standing directly behind you
>The Cello is still balanced on her back and her bow is tucked into a strap which you hadn't noticed before
>"Hello? Who are you?"
>She huffs

"Yes, that's me. Hey, Tavi!"

>Octavia's face shifts towards an expression of relief
>"Anonymous, what are you doing out in the Everfree at night?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

>Strangely, Octavia smiles
>"Oh, well I'm just practicing is all."

"Practicing at night? In the middle of the woods?"

>Yes, yes. You see, sometimes I like to get away from everypony. I like to play songs by myself. Vinyl can be so obnoxious."

"What about monsters? What you're doing is dangerous!"

>Octavia's smile becomes a smirk
>"That's the best part. My music calms the monsters. They don't bother me."


>A couple seconds of silence pass
>Octavia's smirk fades
>Her face is solemn
>"Anonymous, d-don't tell anypony. Being here, among nature, it helps me. If anypony else knew it wouldn't be the same."
>You nod

"Well your secret is safe with me."


"It's almost dawn. We should probably be getting back soon."

>Octavia nods

--- STORY 8 ---

>There's a knock on the door.

"Yeah, coming..." you yell from the other side.

>You rush to the door while still struggling with your most formal get-up. Even though it's the most presentable thing in your wardrobe, it's nothing more than a buttoned and collared long sleeve. It's also a bit too tight and fitting but seeing how it was Ms. Rarity's first time designing clothes for a human, you guess it turned out good. It's the first time you're wearing too, on the most important day of your life nonetheless. Well, maybe not but it is pretty special for you. After all, today's the day you 'graduate' from your tutor's music services.
>You've been taking cello lessons for a while ever since you've been warped here in Equestria. It's a surprisingly comforting feeling considering your life back at home was not exactly one to be envied upon. Okay let's be honest, you're a loser at home. In every sense of the word. One of the first thing you did after establishing to every sentient colorful horse living in this little town that you are no threat (a no easy feat especially after that pineapple incident) was to change yourself for the better. Abandon the old as it were. You've decided to take up music. You have an interest in it, you listen to it all the time but you didn't have enough musical talent to even contemplate practicing. Or rather, you were too lethargic to even attempt. But all that changes! At least you thought it would. Turns out instrument lessons are not cake walk.
>You reach out to the doorknob making last checks to your wardrobe as you do. An unbuttoned shirt, as little as that may seem, is enough of a reason for your instructor to, well, lose it. She's not exactly the friendly type. Hell, the first thing she did on her first day of supposedly teaching you was shove a cello in your hands and demand that you play it. Needless to say that you who has no experience whatsoever in music, much less playing an actual instrument within hearing distance of one who has mastered the art was not an easy thing to do.
>You still remember that moment. Grasping the bow in your hand, you fumble around with the strings. Unable to even retort against your instructors demands, you just keep making music. If music was the equivalent yapping dogs being cut in half by a rusty saw then you'd be a natural. She just sits through the whole ordeal, wearing this stern yet elegant appearance. Though her kept grey coat and long flowing hair made her appearance quite kindly, her gleaning eyes, fixated on your soul with every broken note you play made her the most intimidating creature you have ever encountered in this strange world. And after that whole shenanigan of your display of random notes flinging around aimlessly, she utters only a few words.


>Not gonna lie. That was painful.

"...You're doing it wrong."

>She took the cello from your clammy hands and stood up, and with proper posture befitting of an elegant queen, she played.
>It's as if music was an angel and kissed your very cheeks. Like a fresh meadow newborn from the season of spring chirping with life as the new morning dew covered the still misty flora. A wild wolf on hunt, prowling the covers of the thickets, leaping from shadow to shadow pulsing with vigor in every step. The peeking moonlight through the dimly lit clouds, the stars behind shown only on small openings as sky parted and closed with the passing winds. Her music told stories. Chapters. Epics. Entire novels. Far beyond that your ridiculous limerick could even manage. And then she stopped.
>She stood there staring at you, eyes as judgmental as before. You're too intimidated to even speak. She starts off.

"...Tomorrow." "Um. Ah... I-I'm sorry?" "The formal lessons shall start tomorrow." her voice was soft and comfortable but you can feel the jagged sharpness of her hidden tone.

>She gently takes the cello and returns it to its case. She nudges it towards your feet.

"I will leave this here. Give some time for practice."

>You could only stammer in acceptance.

"Uhm...Y-yes... maam."

>She gives a small nod and makes her way out the door, poised as she ever was.

"...You're just making me wait here?"

>Her voice brings you back from reality.

"Oh, sorry... on it."

>You turn the handle on the door to see this familiar grey pony standing before you. She gives a gentle smile in your direction though her eyes turn to your side, avoiding yours.

"May I enter?" "Of course"

>She paces promptly to your nearest couch and sits in the most dignified manner. Still as graceful as you've met her 6 months ago. Where has the time gone?

"Let me get you some tea and cakes. I think I have some in my kitchen." "You don't have to bother, I am quite content." "Nonsense. You're a guest."

>She sighs.

"I suppose I'll take up your offer then. Though I do not want to impose." "It's my pleasure" you say as you head to the kitchen.

>She's still formal in her speech but she's softened up to you quite a bit over these months. Likewise with you to her. You're no longer intimidated. As much. It's hard not to be when you've never met someone of this high caliber. Way better than 'that' time.

"...Why do you even attempt at this?" she speaks her thoughts as blunt as she can be.

>You've been going over the same piece for, what, 7 times already. You thought you've improved. No, you know you've improved. By a whole lot even, not just marginally. You've been at it for a month now and even doing proper practice during off-times. It's not as if you have anything better to do but point still stands.
>Your fingers already hurt from gripping the string to tightly. The bow is also awkward to hold. Your other hand is spraining. And on top of all this you instructor, in her usual self adds fuel to the burned-out fire that is your spirit.

"Your grip is loose. Your fingers are faltering. You are off key. You cannot even follow the simple tempo. Why do you even continue?" "I-I just want to learn." "For what?"

>That caught you off-guard. You never thought seriously about it before. It was just an impulse thing. You had a fresh start so you made a rash decision on the spot. It's a hobby, you guess.

"...For fun?"

>Nothing more.
>Her face contorts into something that was insulted deeply yet attempting to remain as unfazed to the outside perspective.

"Fun? Just... 'fun'? Such mockery of the art..." her voice is gentle but you can her disgusted at you with all her heart.

>You feel insulted.

"...So what's wrong if I want to learn? It's not as if I'm doing something wrong here, I'm not killing anybody for this." "You have no future in this. You have no talent. You should know your limitations."

>Spoken like a true bourgeois. A real elitist prick.

"You're an idiot if you think you can make me stop playing!"

>You pick up the cello for the 8th time and ram the bow against it. Trying your best to follow note for note the piece written before you. Your annoyed mentality can't fully concentrate thus making your 8th iteration as bad as the first, if not worse. She just stood there watching every minute of your horrendous rendition of classical music. The notes were all off. The timing's even more atrocious than before. And you press the bow so hard against the strings that it snapped of. The cello was pretty worn out to begin with. The lashed string cut your hand lightly. It's bleeding a bit.
>You hear a sigh.

"What a fool..." "You got some bloodstains on my bow, you brute. What are you even thinking?"

>Calm and concise. Though cold as ice. You'd think after that little jackassery you pulled off her voice would liven up a little. Granted pissed and raging but liven up all the same.
>You can't reply. You just sit there dumbfounded looking at your hand.

"...Such a waste of time. This will be our last session."

>She picks up her cello along with her ruined bow and stuffs it in its case. She heads for the door in a manner still as dignified and elegant you can't help but wonder if she really is that upset. But it ticks you off, her elitist attitude. Does music only belong to the talented and those attuned to listening to it in the supposedly proper way. What a load of horse shit.

"...So what's wrong with having fun in playing music?" you ask in a dead voice as if in imitation of hers. "...It's an art. The expression of which is of the utmost significance in culture and entertainment."

>She doesn't even bother facing you when she replied.

"And I'm asking you what's wrong with having fun with it?" "Simply 'for fun' is what brought the genre to its dying knees. When hipsters and other fools who don't even have an ear for the art saying that they partake in its performance just to instill into themselves a false sense of self-importance and an excuse to look down upon those that do not even share their so called 'tastes', things go badly awry. It is nothing short of blasphemy." "...But isn't the expression of something only meaningful when people are actually bothering hear it? Sure they may not appreciate it as much as others but the fact that they listen is still enough right?"

>You have no idea why you are getting so worked up. You bet she also feels the same way.

"...I just want to learn to play something beautiful so for once in my life I have something I can tell myself I have accomplished. ...Is that so bad?" "... Mend your cut, anon. Same time tomorrow..." "Do you require some assistance back there, Anon?"

>Her voice snaps you back to reality.

"Oh! Um no thanks I got this... Right, tea and cakes. Almost forgot..."

>You take two slices of that strawberry cake Pinkie makes in Sugarcube Corner along with those prepackaged teas you can buy at Barnyard Bargains and brought it to the living room. Well, the ones humans could drink anyway.
>She gives a quaint nod of gratitude for your hospitality. It's not much really but it is one of the few times you actually bothered serving her something. It's been getting more frequent lately.
>She takes sip. She's a unimpressed but she tries to hide it. You've managed to read her a bit after spending so much time together. Shame it would be ending today though.

"Surely you must be excited for later."

>You take a slice of that cake from the table.

"The audition you mean? Well not particularly..." "Canterlot's top of the line musicians, the best on their craft are going to be taking their time to watch your performance and you mean to tell me you are not the least bit giddy, so to speak."

>She's more excited than you are.

"That's the thing, I never even wanted to join their orchestra. I only got an audition slot since you know their manager and put in a good word for me without my consent. I can't even play that well to be honest." "It is not an opportunity to pass up Anon. It is a privilege only a few could receive. You musn't let it pass you. Imagine it in this manner then, if you do not make it to their standards then that's it. But if you do..."

>She's been like this ever since the time she signed you up.

"...You didn't make the cut did you?..."

>She sighs.

"Yes." "I tried to audition with them, the same way you will be. I did not meet their expectations sadly."

>She looks dejected. You can see where she's coming from.

"It's a longshot, I know of this but I saw your dedication in practice. It was passionate, honestly. The music itself was coarse and unrefined but not hopeless. And you enjoy it. Something I lost a while back possibly from the high-horsed bureaucracy that is the music industry. I envy you, really. You play a piece just simply because you enjoy it. It reminds of a time when I was but a child..."

>Great, now you feel real guilty about feeling anxious about the audition. This is unfair. You feel real down all of a sudden. But at least you got to know more about her. Even if it is something heartbreaking.

"...T-that is not to say I am an old mare, mind you. I'm still a young adult."

>She says with a blush. You've never seen her blush before. It's... cute. You can't help but snicker.
>She pouts.

"And what is so funny?" "Heh. ...Nothing.

>She sighs shaking her head. She's smiling a bit though. That's good enough.

"Sigh... I guess I'll go through with it then. Don't expect much though."

>She perks up her ears and gives you the warmest smile you have ever seen from her.

"I have no doubt in your abilities. I may not admit it before but I have the utmost faith in you. Surely you have the necessities to be accepted if you give it your all. Of that, I am dead sure."

>It feels good to see her like this instead of her usual cold self.

"Well, also, I have present for you Anon."

>She opens the case she's carrying and hands you a bow. It is threaded with jet black bristles, silky and soft to the touch. Complete with an authentic oak wood finish. It was beautiful.

"...Ms. Octavia, I..." "No words, Anon. Let me hear your gratitude in your music during the audition."

>She takes the case and heads for the door.

"Shall we leave for Canterlot while it's still early, Anon?"

>You're too dumbfounded to speak properly at this point. You just reply with a nod. She returns with a smile.
>She starts the walk as you take the time to lock the door behind you. You trail her shortly after. You notice something different with her tail. There's a snip on it. A small portion was cut off. Just a thin portion around a centimeter in width or so. You like at your new bow.
>It fits. The bristles match up perfectly. Same sheen and length of it too. It was cut from the same flowing silky strands of the pony who taught you music. You clammer up inside.
>The train ride to Canterlot was quite peaceful and calming. You talked about small things. Inconsequential and lighthearted, just the thing to calm your nerves. You talked about food, swimming, life, headwear, nature, griffons, fireworks and other things that have nothing to do with music. It calms your nerves. You hope things would continue like this. Not the stern apprentice and mentor relationship you're used to. But the idle chat of two close friends . You hope it would stay like this, really. She's grown on you. Over these past few months. but of it after? You guess it's still over though, whether you make the audition or not. It leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Even sourer as you see through the train window the scenery changing into that of a bustling busy city. As ponies with high heads and an elegant gait walked past through your window.

"We've arrived." "...Yeah..."

>The two of you head out of the train. She makes her way through the city. You trail from behind. Sh knows her way by heart. You hope every corner she takes, the destination is not lying there in wait. Every step forward wishing it was backwards. You were not particularly looking forward for this audition. Even more so now. But here you are. Right past this block you see a building somewhat of a Renaissance-esque motif. It was grand and intricate. You know it was your destination.

"Here we are. Are you alright?" "Yeah... yeah I'm fine."

>She stares at you.

"...Anon. I know I was a bit forceful in your participation in all this. Only a fool would not realize that it is my own dream I wish you to fulfill, not yours. You do not have to do this if you do feel you need to."

>She tries to smile. It's not much but it helps.
>Previously you were anxious about this whole ordeal, now you're just depressed. Depressed on what follows afterward, not the audition itself. Rather what will no longer follow afterward. She really has grown on you.

"No, I'll go through with it. You said it yourself, it would be such a wasted opportunity if I didn't."

>She looks pleased. It's worth it. You hope.
>She enters the building, you follow suit. She talks to some important looking ponies, motioning you over, introducing you and such. Soon you're now in line with all the other applicants. Each eager, waiting their turn. Everyone hopeful and optimistic. Everyone except you.

"I believe in you."

>She said alongside you.

"If you perform your best. With all your heart and soul, cliche as it may be, you will succeed. Of that I have no doubt. I will of course be viewing from the audience area."

>She's so encouraging.

"Thank you. I promise I'll do my best."

>Your tone says otherwise but you know you will.
>She smiles and heads off.
>You can hear the other ponies in line murmur about you. You are a strange creature afterall. but you're mind is too preoccupied to really care.


>And here you stand, by the stage. In front of the judging ears of those honed to perfection by music. The audience is few but of high importance. You can spot in the lone corner your mentor. She gives you a light wave. You nod to her slightly. You peer over to the judges. They seem uneasy but aware. Thankfully, Octavia has already clued them in on your species and circumstances. They sit in attention. silent and judging.No greeting was passed. No words were shared. No time was wasted. Their ears are for music and music alone and their ears, as of right now, turn to yours.
>It was now or never.
>You grasp the cello on the stage. You wrap your fingers on your bow. You most prized bow. And you play.
>You speak with your music. About your life before. About all your failures. About your resolve. About music. About life. About her. About love. It was your story. Each note you let loose told your tears. Your laughter. Your rage. You told to the best of your abilities, making the cello sing each event. It was a straightforward novel written by the skills she taught you. Your hand movements familiar with every guiding lesson she shared. Each finger new their place as the bow danced through the strings. You are pouring everything in your soul into your music.
>You glance a peak to the audience. Eyes closed, they sir there listening to your story, word for word. You look to her. She's there. Listening intently, staring at you. And though the darkness of the theater hid her, you can see her clearly. To put it simply, proud. Of your music. Of your performance. Of you. And for once in your life, you know what it feels like to have someone acknowledge of your accomplishments.
>This is as far as it goes, however. You're no longer a student of hers. What you wouldn't give to continue what you had before. You don't want things to end.
>You felt your bow. That soft silky touch. It was comfortable. As you watched it glide across the strings, in split seconds that pass, a thought happens across.
>In a heartbeat, you ram your bow, aimless for the strings. The cello screeched into an equivalent of a dying dog. It was a broken note, staggered and harsh. You kept it for a good 10 seconds. Everybody sat in bewilderment. And after that insufferable display, you take a good bow and across the stage. It took another good 10 seconds before you could hear from afar the prompting words 'next' being shout at. And here you stand outside. Under the clear blue sky, waiting for someone.

"What in the name of Celestia was that!?"

>And she arrives.
>She's furious. She has every right to be. She just stands there waiting for your response. You close your eyes and hope for the best.

"...I messed up! I still have a lot to learn! Please teach me some more!"

>And now you wait.
>Still waiting.
>You can hear your own heartbeat.

"...Tomorrow. Same time as usual..."

>You face her. You can still feel her anger from her. Again, she has every right to be. But you spot on the corner of her lips a small smile peeking up.

"Sigh... Well Anon, since we are already here, do you fancy a nice coffee with me? I know of a good place not far from where we are."


"... I would love to."

>6 months pass.

"I need a break. My hands hurt." "It has only been a few notes, Anon. I can still keep playing." "Pretty please..." "...Slacker." "Thanks haha!" "I'm going to bring us some snacks. I will be right back." "Need any help? I'm coming with you." "It is only your kitchen, Anon. I can manage myself." she says with a smile. "Yell if you need help opening jars or something."

>She rolls her eyes.

"Sigh... Will do."

>She leaves for the kitchen.
>This is nice, like this. You look at your bow. Bruised and battered. It's worn but its still reliable. You wouldn't trade it for the world.
>You glance a look at hers. It's the same as your beaten one, if not more so. You notice some stains by bristles close to the handle. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be dried bloodstains.

--- STORY 9 ---

>Softly she plays, notes low and sonorous
>Dusky moonlight shades your instrument
>Fingers poised over ivory keys
>Eyes drawn to her slate-colored form
>How she moves with the music, hips swaying, drawing as if from a wellspring, as if from her soul, that soft-glowing sound
>Bow singing gently, masterfully, across her silver strings
>It makes you tremble every time, your heart in your mouth
>Beholding her beauty and the way it radiates from her in every living moment
>Shivering as you, baseborn you, accompany her; her, four syllables, four notes, a tetrad whispered from your lips
>Sonata swelling, your part arrives - you play the chords, fingers tapping, overlapping, singing along
>She's taught you well
>"If you have the will, you can learn," she'd told you
>All those months ago, you could never have believed it could be possible
>Playing here beside her, joining with her in music
>Using the hands you'd always thought talentless
>An impossible fantasy, when you'd kept those hand folded in your lap, quivering, when for the first time you'd perceived the vast yawning chasm that was her talent
>The great divide that separated her from all others
>No one could hope to match her skill, her drive, her will
>The passion that burned in her soul, the silent blaze behind those violet eyes
>Never could you have imagined that those eyes would ever fall upon you
>Cello notes rise and fall, the dynamics following a winding curve
>Yours is a simple part, just following, guiding, waiting
>Playing the simple chords
>Throat tightening, anticipating what's to come
>When the cello fades, notes high and tenuous, shivering in the moonlight
>Octavia drawing her bow across the strings, and waiting for your continuance
>Your fingers pick up speed, following the movement where she left off, continuing the curve
>"Do not fear," she'd whispered to you those months ago, her breath warm in your ears, her hooves guiding your hands. "Just play..."
>What pleasure it was, when the dream slowly became real, unfolding before your very eyes
>How even now, after all this time, her touch makes your heart pound; and her closeness, ah, her closeness -
>Heart leaping when she joins you again, her music folding and melding with yours, her cello sounding out in unison with the notes of your piano
>Sneak a glance; it's impossible not to
>See her standing with head bowed, thick dark hair in her face; her calm, beautiful face
>How she moves, how she dances! Together you descend, F#-B F#-B F#-B
>Feeling her within you, in your arms, your fingers
>Pulse pounding in your ears as she leaps, acciaccatura, acciaccatura, across the octaves
>You play with her, knowing that your hands are novices' hands, your ears novices' ears
>But your spirit... she has awoken it within you
>Her fire, violet fire, spilling from her and alighting the flame within your soul
>Sweat, you feel it upon your forehead, on your skin beneath your clothes
>Feeling the range of your ability, your developing skill, pushed to its edge
>Ostensibly the piano is in the guiding role, but she is pushing you, driving you
>Her cello owns the sonata, and you merely follow
>But you can feel her, master of her craft, master of teaching, palpating your skill, your drive
>How her flame follows you, catches you, crackling heat
>You feel it as the music takes you, as the playing becomes automatic, fingers rising and descending before the thought to move them even occurs to you
>A direct connection of your heart and mind, interface between piano and soul
>Nagging fear: Can I keep up? Am I worthy?
>Both questions burned to ash, fading to nothing, as you feel her beneath your fingertips, see her in your mind, feel her breath upon your skin
>She surges ahead, the dark curtain of her hair having fallen wild, obscuring her face
>Hair waving as she throws herself into the movement's final surge
>A climax you share together, hoof on shivering strings, fingers on keening keys
>Triumph wells in you, a pure unbridled joy the parallel of which you have never experienced
>Rivaled only by that day, so long ago, when Octavia had promised to teach you how to play
>"I will show you, what I see in you," she'd said, "and one day, you will play beside me, as I know you can."
>And then she had kissed you softly
>Showing her heart to you, when you'd never thought such a thing could ever happen
>How surprised you had been, how your body had trembled from the shock of it
>Your arms wrapping around her, holding her in your embrace
>Her soft moans as her feelings were requited, the screwing up of her brows, the pleasure on her face - Octavia...
>You'd never known she'd harbored such feelings for you
>Until that day
>That day you realized that there was a will inside you, a passion that for so long had been dormant
>The passion that now spilled from your hands, as you and she returned to the sinuous curve, the gentle, slow winding music with which the movement had opened
>Your shared notes sound, reverberate, and slowly fade
>First movement complete, as perfect and beautiful as the love you shared
>You drop your hands in your lap and look to her
>See her looking back at you, purple eyes shining, as she slowly lays her instrument upon the floor
>Bounds to you, and throws her forelimbs around your neck
>Kissing you, kissing you
>Laughing, such happiness, such music to your ears
>Even novices' ears could not mistake the treasure you now held in your arms
>"That was beautiful," she says, shakily, voice swollen with emotion. "Beautiful..."
>Simple words, leaving so much unsaid, but carrying in them all her pride, all her love
>Her kisses a hundredfold better to communicate her feelings
>Wrapped up in one another, embracing one another so tightly, sharing this moment - this music
>There is no greater joy that either of you could ever imagine
>"I love you," she whispers, tearfully, and you reply in kind, holding her in the moonlight

Luna Story Archive

by LunarLunatik

Octavia Story Archive

by LunarLunatik

3DCG Piracy

by LunarLunatik