Small list of useful archival tools by some faggot on the internet.
-- Download websites --
HTTrack (https://www.httrack.com): simple easy to use website downloader if you don't want to deal with wget (wget archival guide here: https://dheinemann.com/posts/2022-02-05-archiving-a-website-with-wget)
Archivebox (https://archivebox.io) : Acts as your own version of the wayback machine, requires a bit of effort to setup if you don't know anything about selfhosting.
-- Youtube archive script --
Requires you to have yt-dlp (https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) or youtube-dl (https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl) installed (if you're going with youtube-dl just replace 'yt-dlp' at the beginning with 'youtube-dl'.
yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best --download-archive archive.txt --merge-output-format mkv -i --all-subs --embed-subs --add-metadata --write-annotations --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --write-description -o "%(uploader)s/%(title)s %(id)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist $channelURL
Note that you can replace '$ChannelURL' with a video's URL if you only want to back up that particular video.
-- Booru downloader --
Gallery-dl (https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl) will download anything off of boorus.
Example usage:
- go on your favorite booru, look up some tags, copy the URL and feed it to gallery-dl:
- in this example I've chosen the tags ' pony ', ' safe ' and ' cute '
gallery-dl https://examplebooru.org/search?q=pony%2Ccute%2Csafe '
Don't forget to include the safe tag while you're looking up stuff if you don't want to also include porn.
-- Patreon archiver, or more specifically kemono.party archiver --
Kemono-dl (https://github.com/AlphaSlayer1964/kemono-dl) as it says on the tin, allows you to save stuff from kemono on your computer.
-- Keeping everything tidy and synced --
Syncthing (https://syncthing.net) syncs your files (duh) between all of the devices you have that can run it (virtually any).
Czkawka (https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka) duplicate finder: quickly finds duplicate audio and video files as well as images.
-- Encrypting your shit --
VeraCrypt (https://www.veracrypt.fr/code/VeraCrypt) guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxo8xosH_TI
Picocrypt (https://github.com/HACKERALERT/Picocrypt) same thing as above, but small and cute
Cryptomator (https://cryptomator.org/) allows you to upload encrypted files onto the cloud
Zulucrypt (https://mhogomchungu.github.io/zuluCrypt) Veracrypt alternative for linux if your distro's giving you a hard time with VeraCrypt
-- Utilities --
Hard drives price tracker (https://shucks.top)
AFICK (http://afick.sourceforge.net/): File integrity checker, time to download that obscure fetish stuff, again...
-- Special OSes --
TrueNAS Core (https://www.truenas.com/truenas-core): A NAS os you can install on a shitty PC you have lying around, just pump the thing full of hard drives and you're set!
TrueNAS Scale (https://www.truenas.com/truenas-scale): same thing as above but debian based and allows you to run docker apps, if you want to do that I'd advise you give TrueCharts a look (https://truecharts.org) (Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/c/TrueCharts)
OpenMediaVault (https://www.openmediavault.org) same as TrueNAS but less complex
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