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Sgt. Reckless

By Guest
Created: 2022-06-24 13:02:01
Expiry: Never

  1. A green from Sgt. Reckless threads.
  2. by Rockatansky/ANON882
  4. >"PRIVATE! Another *hiccup* bucket of beer, if you would!"
  5. >God damn it.
  6. >Being stuck with looking after Sgt. Reckless duty was the worst, but to be fair you weren't good at much else
  7. >You dutifully dump the contents of another beer bottle into her bucket with a sigh
  8. >"What's wrong, Private?"
  9. "D-don't you think you're drinking a bit too much, Sergeant?" you ask hesitantly, sitting down next to her
  10. >"Of course *hiccup* not, Private! Can't a mare just enjoy herself?"
  11. "Well, are you sure the Warrant Officer is alright with this?"
  12. >"Y-yeah, *hiccup,* why wouldn't he?"
  13. "Maybe because you're supposed to be doing other things besides getting drunk?"
  14. >"You're asking to many questions, Private! *hiccup,* Why don't you brush my mane again instead?"
  15. >You roll your eyes.
  16. >Of course.
  17. >"Don't make me hit you with a *hiccup* subordination charge, Private!" she says jokingly, noticing your bored demeaner
  18. >How did you end up in an Army tent serving beer to a horse who's a higher rank than you in the middle of the Korean War?
  19. >Life could be very strange sometimes..
  20. >When you first joined the Marine Corps, you figured you'd be blasting gooks away with a BAR M1918, not waiting on some pony
  21. >Sgt. Reckless was always nice and sweet to everyone, except you of course
  22. >She always seemed kinda mean to you, but being a Marine you didn't really let it get to ya
  23. >But maybe you should do something about this
  24. >You'd really rather be fighting with the doughboys on the front lines
  25. >But what were you supposed to do?
  26. >You look down once more at the drunk pony lying on her side next to you
  27. >She had eaten your blankets, drank all your beer, and one time even ate your poker chips
  28. >But could you really bring yourself to rat out your Sarge?
  29. >"W-what're you *hic* looking at, Private?" she says drunkenly. "See something you like?"
  30. >Yeah, you definitely could.
  32. >Warrant Officer Peter McCain's tent was a bit more lavish than yours and Reckless's, but Peter always stood by the fact that he was just as much a soldier as anybody else
  33. >He was busy writing a field report when you walked in, his M1 Carbine leaning on his desk
  34. >Once you had made sure Reckless had passed out drunk, you quickly walked to pay the Warrant Officer a visit
  35. >He looks up at you and gives you a nod of acknowledgement
  36. >"Hey there, Private. Shouldn't you be watching Reckless or something?"
  37. "Well, that's just what I wanted to talk about."
  38. >Peter raises an eyebrow questioningly
  39. "All she does is get drunk, sir. Couldn't I be more useful working somewhere else?"
  40. >"She's.. getting drunk?"
  41. "All the time, sir, and I'm just stuck being her personal bartender."
  42. >WO Peter brings a palm to his forehead
  43. >"God damn it, I thought I told her to stop that. She's a good horse, Private, but I can't just have her continuously getting wasted like that. We're in a war for Christ's sake, and she needs to make supply runs."
  44. >"Private, I'm gonna need you to accompany her on her next run. I can't have her getting drunk and losing supplies, the Recoilless Rifle Platoon needs them."
  45. "W-wait, surely someone else can handle tha-"
  46. >"Sorry Private, but you're her handler. It's your job."
  47. >On the tip of your tongue is a sarcastic comment about how you'll "handle" her alright, but then you remember that you're talking to a superior.
  48. "I.."
  49. >You sigh
  50. "Yes, sir!" you say, standing at attention
  51. >"Get to it then, soldier. Her next run is in a few hours.
  52. >Great.
  54. "Hey."
  55. >...
  56. "Hey!"
  57. >"Mmmhmmm.." Reckless replies sleepily
  58. "Sober up, jackass, you need to go on a supply run soon."
  59. >Reckless seems fully awake now, staring you down
  60. >"W-what'd you just say to me, Private!? I'll hoof you-"
  61. >You chuckle
  62. "I knew that'd get you awake."
  63. >Her face scrunches up angrily while she adjusts her M1 helmet
  64. >"You're lucky I'm so laid back, Private. Now, what were you saying about a supply run?"
  65. "Warrant Officer McCain told me that the Recoilless Rifle Platoon up north needs some shit, and it's our job to bring it to them."
  66. >"Oh, that's easy- w-wait, *our* job?"
  67. "Yeah, since you're getting drunk so much the Warrant Officer wants me to tag along and give you some *extra* supervision." you say smugly
  68. >If you couldn't get out of this, at least you could make it fun for yourself
  69. >"W-why, that pig! I can handle the supply runs on my own!"
  70. "Apparently not." you observe
  71. >Her eyes narrow
  72. >She looks furious.
  73. >"F-fine!" she spits. "But you better keep quiet, Private!" she says while grabbing her pack
  74. >"I don't wanna hear a word from you!"
  76. "So, having fun carrying all that shit?"
  77. >After visiting the supply camp and loading Reckless's packs, you were on your merry way north towards the Recoilless Rifle Platoon to resupply them
  78. >"I dunno, Private. Are you having fun walking all this way?" she shoots back
  79. >Since Reckless was too small and overloaded to effectively ride, you were stuck walking alongside her with a pack of your own and your M1 rifle slung over your shoulder
  80. >And you had to admit, your feet were getting a little sore after all these miles.
  81. >You tried to think of something to retort with, but really there wasn't much
  82. >And so the two of you just continued walking in relative silence, the only noise being the birds of midday chirping
  83. >It was crazy hearing that alongside the rustling of barbed wire in the wind, but war was war.
  84. >And war never changes.
  85. >After some time, you reach the Recoilless Rifle Platoon camp up on the frontlines uneventfully
  86. >The group seems happy to see Reckless, and asks you how handling her is going (to which you smugly reply "it's going great!", much to Reckless's chagrin)
  87. >You begin unloading the various munitions and food supplies from her pack, and soon enough everything is in it's place
  88. >You and the RRP share a hearty farewell, and you lament that you can't stay on the front lines with them
  89. >"Don't worry!" one of them chuckles. "I'd trade spots with ya anyday, Private!"
  90. >They give you a bottle of Asahi beer to drink on the way back, and with a final goodbye you and Reckless start to return to base
  92. "See?" you say as you walk along the trail. "Having me around isn't that bad."
  93. >"Debatable." Reckless replies
  94. "Oh, c'mon. You're so nice to everyone else, what's so hard about being nice to me?"
  95. >"W-well, you're-"
  96. >It's then that you hear a couple loud *BANG!*s coming from the treeline on your left, and you feel something tearing through your side and your leg
  97. "Gahh!" you shout, spiraling to the ground
  98. >A few other bullets whizz past you and Reckless, who is ducking, but none of them connect
  99. >You quickly grab your carbine and fire a few rounds blindly into the trees
  100. >Either you scared whoever was shooting at you, or you hit them, because after that the shooting ceased
  101. >You're breathing heavily, debating whether to shoot at the treeline a few times more
  102. >The Adrenaline in your system is beginning to wear off, and you can feel a blazingly intense pain in your side
  103. >You put your hand where it hurts, and when you lift it it's covered in blood
  104. "Shit!"
  106. >You feel something nuzzling your rifle arm, and you look up to see Sergeant Reckless
  107. >"Get up, Private! We need to go!" she says, angrily eyeing the treeline. "Now!"
  108. >With great pain and effort you manage to stand up, but you weren't really too stable on your feet
  109. >Reckless notices you falling behind her, and with a quick cry of "Damnit!" she rushed back to help you
  110. >She puts herself under your left arm, and now that she's unloaded you can lean on her without it being too much
  111. >The two of you begin to rush back to the Recoilless Rifle Platoon, but progress is admittedly kinda slow
  112. >Nearby gunshots grow louder and louder as you approach, but you couldn't hope to make it back to base before..
  113. >No, you didn't wanna think about that.
  114. >"C'mon, Anon! C'mon!"
  115. >You reach the clearing where the RRP camp is located, and have full view of the ensuing chaos
  116. >North Korean troops were attacking from the Eastern forest, and the RRP, cought by surprise, were doing everything they could to defend
  117. >Several of them hid behind the makeshift cover of crates and sandbags, firing back with their M1 Carbines and BAR M1918s
  118. >The soldier who gave you a beer earlier lies dead on the ground, among a few others
  119. >You flinch at the sound of an explosion, presumably from a recoilless rifle being fired at the North Korean marauders
  120. >Debris washes over you and Reckless, and bullets whizz overhead
  121. >In response you unholster your M1911 and take a few pot shots at the group of North Koreans, but you doubt you hit anyone.
  122. >The RRP has noticed you and Reckless, and are trying their best to clear a path for you two
  123. >Through some miracle you and Reckless make it into the camp unscathed, although you've lost a lot of blood
  124. >"MEDIC!" she screams. "WE NEED A GOD DAMN MEDIC!"
  125. >Another loud explosion can be heard, followed by a barrage of more gunfire
  126. >A soldier directs her into the paramedic tent, where you're unceremoniously dumped onto a cot inside
  127. >The edges of your sight are darkening, and your vision is getting increasingly tunnel-like
  128. >A combat medic hurriedly switches between you and a multitude of other wounded patients
  129. >"I-is he gonna be alright, Doc?" you can hear Reckless asking worriedly
  130. >You notice the gunfire seems to have stopped now
  131. >Wait, since when did Reckless care if you'd be alright?
  132. >"I dunno Reckless, he just got here! I guess we'll have to wait and see. Why don't you have a seat?"
  133. >And with that, you black out...
  135. >Awake.
  136. >You're awake!
  137. >You throw open your eyelids, only to get an eyeful of Sergeant Reckless standing right over you
  138. >She looks worried, but when you suddenly open up your eyes she screams in surprise and falls backwards onto the ground
  139. >You want to laugh, but you feel too tired to even move.
  140. >"A-Anon! You're awake! And not dead!"
  141. >"Of course he's not dead, Reckless." Doc Mitchell chimes in. "But he did come close."
  142. "W-what?" you mumble as you try to sit up in your cot. "I did?"
  143. >"Eeyup." Doc says. "Unconscious, low body temperatures, pale and clammy skin, the works. But I wouldn't be a Doc if I didn't know how to deal with bloodloss."
  144. >He motions to the IV line connected to your arm
  145. >Oh, so that's what was hurting your forearm.
  146. >You manage to sit up in your cot in a more comfortable position
  147. >Doc Mitchell rummages through his satchel, and throws something onto your lap
  148. >"Here." he says. "Usually this is more formal and there's a lot more fanfare, but I doubt you care."
  149. >You pick the object up with one hand
  150. >It's a Purple Heart, with George Washington on it
  151. >You quickly pin it to your fatigues
  152. >"D-don't scare me like that again, Private!" Reckless says sternly. "And that's an order!"
  153. "Scared?" you manage to chuckle. "I thought you'd be happy if I died!"
  154. >She looks away, somewhat embarrased
  155. >"E-even if you can be an ass sometimes Private, y-you're still a fellow soldier!"
  156. >Doc raises an eyebrow questioningly
  157. >"Uhh, should I give you two some time by yourselves?"
  158. "N-no!" both you and Reckless shout in unison.
  160. "When can I be on my feet again, Doc?" you ask
  161. >"Few days, I'd say. Fortunately the bullets were a clean entry and exit, and didn't hit any vital organs, so as long as you can handle the pain walking is gonna be you should be fine."
  162. >You groan.
  163. >How're you supposed to go on supply runs with a wounded leg?
  164. "You think I could have some meds, Doc? For the way back?"
  165. >"Well.." Doc pauses to think for a moment. "I could give you a little bit of Morphine. But use it in moderation, alright? Last thing you want is to be high on that stuff during a firefight, especially if you don't need to be."
  166. >"For now though, rest. Reckless, do you think you can help me move a few things around camp?"
  167. >She seems reluctant, but she obliges, following Doc and leaving you in the medical tent with the rest of the wounded soldiers
  168. >Well, you think to yourself, it could be worse.
  169. >Just be glad you still have all your limbs, right?
  170. >You lay back down on your cot and try to make yourself comfortable
  171. >These were gonna be a long few days..
  172. >...
  174. >After a few days of boringly sitting at the medical tent and resting, you felt like you were ready to go
  175. >Although Reckless would come in to bring you food and talk for a while on the occasion, you were still bored as hell.
  176. >It's almost lunchtime when Doc Mitchell and Reckless come in to check on you
  177. "So Doc, whaddya think?"
  178. >"I think it's up to you, Private." he says. "If you wanna head back already, go ahead. It might hurt, though. A lot."
  179. "I'm a Marine, Doc." you groan while standing up with Reckless's help.
  180. "I can handle this."
  181. >"You sure?" Reckless pipes up.
  182. "Yes." you say sternly
  183. >"I hate to burden you on your way back, but could you give this to Warrant Officer McCain for me?"
  184. >He hands you a letter. It looks formal.
  185. >"It's a medical report for the battle." he adds
  186. "Of course," you say
  187. >"Oh, and here."
  188. >He reaches into his doctor's satchel and hands you an M3A1 Grease Gun, along with some magazines
  189. >You raise an eyebrow, but you accept the gift
  190. >"Probably be easier to shoot this with one hand instead of your rifle, if you have to lean on Reckless."
  191. "Thanks, Doc."
  192. >After reapplying the bandages on your leg and side, you limp out of the Medical tent with Reckless at your side
  193. >You feel her bumping your side, and you look down at her
  194. >"You forgot this, Private." she says, her voice muffles by the M1 helmet in her mouth
  195. "Oh!" you say as you take it from her. "Thanks, Sarge."
  196. >With your helmet now on your head, you and Sarge make your way back to home base
  198. >The walk back is rather calm so far
  199. >As much as walking can hurt with your wounded leg, your limp doesnt slow you down that much.
  200. >You were hoping you wouldn't need to use Doc's Grease Gun, but you had it loaded and were carrying it in one hand
  201. >Just in case.
  202. >Reckless trotted on a little bit ahead, keeping a watchful eye out
  203. >Your Carbine is strapped to her pack saddle, along with some water and the morphine that Doc gave you
  204. >You really didn't want to use it, but it never hurt having some just in case.
  205. >Suddenly there's movement in the treeline, along with the sound of rustling bushes and leaves
  206. >Reckless freezes, staring at the source of the noise
  207. >You raise your Grease Gun towards the treeline, ready to let loose a string of bullets
  208. >There's some more rustling and shaking among the bushes
  209. >You and Reckless tense up, prepared for whatever's coming
  210. >The rustling increases and become more furious, shaking the whole bush
  211. >This is it..
  212. >Suddenly, something pops right out
  213. >Your finger is about to squeeze the trigger and fire a burst-
  214. >Wait.
  215. >It's just a Korean common pheasant.
  216. >The funny-looking ring-necked landbird stares at you, then at Reckless
  217. >You look over to Reckless yourself, and the moment your eyes meet all the built-up tension flows away
  218. >The two of you fall over laughing, and the Pheasant just walks back into the woods squawking
  219. >After a couple minutes you both stand up again, tears of laughter still in your eyes
  220. >"Can't believe we got so worked up over a bird, Private." Reckless giggles
  221. >War sure did have a funny way of making you paranoid.
  223. "Hey Warrant Officer.."
  224. >McCain stands up from his seat when he sees you walk in to his tent
  225. >"Christ, Private, where have you been? I heard about the skirmish up north and I-"
  226. >He shuts up when he notices the bandages wrapping around your side and leg along with the Purple Heart hastily pinned to your fatigues
  227. >"Oh, no. Private, I'm sorry, I knew they were planning an attack but-"
  228. >You raise a hand to show him that it's fine
  229. "I joined up for a reason, Sir. I'm expecting to get shot."
  230. >He sighs
  231. >"Do you want a break, Private?" he asks. "You've earned it. I can have someone else look after Reckless while you relax-"
  232. >Reckless's eyes widen
  233. >She looks like she's about to say something
  234. >You quickly shake your head
  235. "No, sir. I'm her handler, remember? It's my job, sir."
  236. "Also, sir, I have this report for you. From Doc Mitchell."
  237. >You lay it on his desk
  238. >The Warrant Officer smiles wearily at that
  239. >"You're a good soldier, Private. I hope you know that."
  240. "I try, sir." you say, standing at attention
  241. >"At ease, Private. If you'll excuse me, I have some more reports to write.. Get some rest, Private. And Reckless, I know he's supposed to be watching you, but make sure he doesn't worsen his injuries, alright?"
  242. >The two of you salute the officer before exiting his tent together
  243. >He doesn't really seem happy about writing reports and pushing papers all day long, but can anyone blame him?
  245. >By the time night falls over the camp, you're already asleep in your tent
  246. >For once sleep came easy, despite having no blankets since Reckless ate them all.
  247. >You assumed Sarge was asleep too in her corner of the tent
  248. >Well, you did, until you're awakened by the cold and hear some rummaging by your bags
  249. >The swishing of liquid can be heard, along with the sound of some things falling to the floor
  250. >It's dark however, and you can't really see what's going on
  251. >The only light is the dim illumination coming from the lantern by your bedroll
  252. >It must be pretty late for it to be this dark. What was Reckless doing up?
  253. >You quietly reach over to turn up the gas valve on the lanter, covering the whole inside of the tent with dim light
  254. >Sergeant Reckless has her face buried in your bags, rummaging around
  255. >Her head emerges, and she's holding a.. Morphine Syrette?
  256. "S-sarge?" you whisper. "What the hell are you doing!?"
  257. >She hops slightly in surprise, and turns to look at you
  258. >"O-oh, hi Private, I was just uhh.."
  259. >Her voice is muffled by the syrette still in her mouth
  260. "Sarge! Drop that thing, Jesus!"
  261. >"Look, Private!" Reckless hisses. Her tail swishes with frustration.
  262. >"The last few days have been really stressful, and I-"
  263. "I don't care! Drop that thing!"
  264. >"I'm your Sergeant!"
  265. "And I'm your handler!" you spit back.
  266. "Jesus, Reckless." you say, lowering your tone. "Is there even a real reason to be using that?"
  267. >She looks away
  268. >"Well, n-no, but-"
  269. "Then put it the fuck down! You're a Marine, you're better than this!"
  270. >She spits the Syrette out, and lays down next to your pack with a sigh
  271. >"No, I'm really not. I'm just the drunk pack horse, remember?"
  273. "Yeah, well you're my drunk horse." you say. "And I'm not gonna let you use that shit without an actual reason."
  274. >"Yeah? And what's stopping me, Private?"
  275. "The Warrant Officer."
  276. >She tenses, her eyes widening
  277. >"You wouldn't!"
  278. "I won't this time, but that doesn't mean I woudln't."
  279. >Reckless relaxes a little bit
  280. "But I can't just let this go, Sarge."
  281. >"W-what do you mean?"
  282. "You remember what Doc Mitchell said! I don't want you on this shit unless you really need to be."
  283. >"S-so? What're you gonna do about it?"
  284. >You pause to think for a moment
  285. >You've definitely gotta do something to show her that getting wasted on morphine was an awful idea
  286. "Well, since you thought literally eating all my blankets was a good idea, you're my new replacement blanket. At least until actual replacements show up."
  287. >You can see Reckless blushing in the dim light
  288. >"W-why, I should be flaming you for subordination right now!"
  289. "And I should be reporting this to the Warrant Officer." you shoot back. "But we both know neither of us is gonna do either."
  290. >Her face bunches up angrily, but she still walks up to you and curls up on top of you
  291. >She's actually quite warm compared to just a blanket
  292. >Now this was much better
  293. "G'night, Sarge." you say somewhat smugly
  294. >"Sh-shut up, Private.."
  296. >When you awake, Sarge is still asleep on top of you
  297. >She's curled up sleepily on your chest, her tail instinctively wrapped around you in a sort of hug
  298. >That was probably the best you've slept since deployment
  299. >Certainly something you could get used to.
  300. >Who needs blankets when you can just cuddle with a horse?
  301. >You just lay there for a moment, watching her breathe
  302. >Wait a second
  303. >Shit, what time is it?
  304. >You can't really move to check your watch without waking Reckless
  305. >Uh, should you do something?
  306. >You tentatively poke Reckless in the side
  307. "Psst, Sarge? I think we overslept.."
  308. >You watch her for a little longer but she doesn't appear to be waking up
  309. >You poke her once more, which seems to stir her a bit
  310. >She stretches out lazily on your chest, her ears flicking, and she actually seems just as well rested as you
  311. >That is, until she realizes what (or who) she's sleeping on
  312. >Her eyes crack open widely in shock
  313. >You're met with a strong hoofpunch to the face as she quickly hops off of you
  314. >She's blushing profusely, and ohh boy does she look angry
  315. "Ouch, jeez! Don't worry, I love ya too Sarge."
  316. >"I-I swear Private, if you don't shut up.."
  317. >You stand groggily and grab your helmet, still rubbing your cheek with one hand
  318. "C'mon, let's go see if the Warrant Officer wants us to do anything."
  320. >Warrant Officer McCain sent you out on patrol
  321. >He was still shocked that you wanted to do something already, but given what happened with Reckless last night you felt like you had to keep her occupied
  322. >Patrol at main base is really just a stroll around the camp a few times, and since it isn't on the front lines there's practically no danger
  323. >But at least it was something to do.
  324. >The path around base is empty, with you and Reckless being the only living things in sight
  325. >The only sounds are the hoofbeats of Reckless, your footsteps, and the birds chirping in the early afternoon sun
  326. >But as winter keeps getting closer and closer, it feels like that sun is getting less and less warm
  327. >Winter would be here in a few weeks, which nobody was really looking forward to
  328. >A breeze shakes a nearby tree, prompting a flock of birds to fly out squawking
  329. >You have your Grease Gun slung lazily over your shoulder, and you're limping along with Reckless by your side
  330. >The two of you walk silently, things still a little awkward between you
  331. >Reckless pauses for a second to tip her M1 helmet a little upwards with a hoof, so that it doesn't cover her eyes as much
  332. >Afterwards, she looks up at you
  333. >"You're insufferable."
  334. "What?" you ask, kinda surprised
  335. >"I said you're insufferable, Private."
  336. >You groan and shake your head slightly
  337. "Do you treat everybody this way, Sarge?"
  338. >"No, just you."
  339. "And why is that?"
  340. >"Because you're you, Private."
  341. >You look down at her questioningly as the two of you walk
  342. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
  343. >"Just that." she replies
  344. >You remain in silence for a few seconds
  345. "Is this because of what I did last night? I'll have you know-"
  346. >"Why, Private?"
  347. "Hmm?"
  348. >"What'd you even gain from that? There's gotta be something more than wanting a 'blanket'"
  349. "Well, the 'blanket' is definitely a nice bonus, get used to that by the way-"
  350. >Reckless glares daggers at you as you say that
  351. "But it I also did it because I'm doing my job. I'm still supposed to look after you, whether I'm a lower rank or not."
  352. >She contemplates that for a moment, internally debating whether to accept that
  353. "Plus I talked to the Doc before we left. Horses usually react poorly to Morphine, so I didn't really want you in a bad spot, Sarge."
  354. >"Yep, that settles it. You're insufferable."
  355. "Oh, come on!"
  356. >Well, you guess you can't win EVERY time..
  358. >As the days go by and winter approaches, it gets increasingly colder
  359. >Soon the brisk fall breeze turns into the chilling winds of winter, forcing you to don your M-1951 Overcoat
  360. >It's warm, but it doesn't compare to the living blanket that is Sergeant Reckless
  361. >As the snow begins to layer the ground, you become more and more appreciative of Reckless being your living blanket at nights
  362. >And she in turn is becoming a bit more tolerant of it
  363. >Although she still wakes up blushing every morning, she doesn't complain nearly as much and doesn't hoof you in the face every morning
  364. >You guess being stuck with someone this long just makes you start to accept their shit eventually
  365. >It's been a few weeks since you were wounded
  366. >Your limp is almost non-existent now, but that doesn't do you much good if you get snowed in
  367. >This was gonna be a long winter.
  368. >Every morning, you and Reckless go to the Mess Tent, often talking about how bored you were
  369. >Although occasionally you go out to deliver some things to troops nearby, you're doing nothing for the most part
  370. >It's gotten to the point that you and Reckless just spend a lot of the days drinking and lounging
  371. >The Warrant Officer was even okay with this, or at least turning a blind eye for the most part, since there was nothing to do
  372. >Neither the North Koreans or the Americans really felt like it'd be wise to fight in this cold, and so aside from a few skirmishes the front is quiet
  373. >But it's been a little too quiet lately.
  374. >One early morning while you're in the Mess Tent with Reckless, Warrant Officer McCain walks up to the table you're sitting at
  375. >"Sober up for a day, you two. You need to make a delivery."
  376. >Reckless's ears perk up at the promise of something to do
  377. "Thank God." you say. "Marines weren't made to sit around."
  378. >"That's a very truthful statement, Private." he says, smiling
  379. >"Anyways, I need you to make an urgent delivery to the 4th Signal Construction Company up north. They're trying to run communications and telephone lines near the front, but the snows delaying them. I've also been getting reports that small-time raids are happening at nights, and they want more winter gear so they can keep watch outside longer."
  380. >You and Reckless both salute the Warrant Officer wholeheartedly
  381. "Sir, yes, Sir!"
  383. >"How do I always get stuck carrying this junk? I'm a higher rank than you." Reckless asks as she trots along next to you
  384. >There's a pile of Parkas strapped to her back, and more strapped to her sides over the foodstuffs she's also carrying
  385. >It's funny seeing it all awkwardly balanced on top of her
  386. "Because you're a horse?" you reply, adjusting the shoulder strap of your rifle
  387. >You still had your Grease Gun at your side, but you were in good enough shape to be able to carry your rifle with ease again
  388. >"And?"
  389. "It's your job? You're good at carrying stuff."
  390. >The trail ahead is snowy but not snowy enough to impair your walking speed
  391. >The sound of the snow crunching beneath your boots and the wind slowly howling through the trees fills the air
  392. >"Y'know Private, sometimes I wish I had a different job.."
  393. "Like what?" you ask curiously
  394. >"Something that'd put me on the front lines more often. We're Marines, Private. We should be doing more."
  395. "Yeah, well talk to upper command about that, not me. I'm just a Private, Sarge."
  396. >"You're right, you are. Carry some of this shit, if you would."
  397. "Are you kidding me?"
  398. >"No, I'm ordering you."
  399. "If it'll make you feel better, Sarge." you grumble, unstrapping some parkas from Reckless and slinging them over your shoulder
  400. >"Much better," she says with a little smile
  401. >A few specks of snow landing on your face prompt you to look up
  402. >The sky has been growing cloudier as you've been walking, and it looks like it's starting to snow
  403. "Uh oh."
  404. >Reckless shakes some of the snow off her snout
  405. >"We should speed up, Private." she says as she starts to trot a little faster
  406. "Agreed." you say, matching her pace
  407. >"I'd hate to get caught in a storm."
  409. >Unfortunately, that's exactly where you are.
  410. >Caught in a storm
  411. >Well, the beginnings of one at least
  412. >The snow is falling a bit heavier now, and the wind is picking up
  413. >A slow fog is creeping up behind you and Reckless
  414. >The two of you walk/trot as fast as the wind allows
  415. >You've wrapped a handkerchief from home around your face as a makeshift scarf
  416. >It doesn't do much, but it's better than nothing
  417. >"You woudln't happen to have an extra one of those, would you Private?"
  418. "No, but it doesn't help much anyways Sarge."
  419. >"Great. At least you get to wear one of these dumb parkas I'm lugging around."
  420. "You're a horse, you've got all that fluff. Why would you even need a parka?"
  421. >"You know all this fluff isn't exactly following protocol, right? But either way, a warm parka would be nice."
  422. "I'm not even wearing one." you point out
  423. "But now that you mention it, that's not a bad idea."
  424. >Reckless rolls her eyes as you don one of the parkas you're carrying on top of your overcoat
  425. >It's kinda tight, but it was really warm
  426. >The furred hood even fits (kinda) over your helmet
  427. >"You look ridiculous, Private." Reckless says with a chuckle
  428. "Yeah well, it beats freezing." you respond
  429. >The wind is starting to pick up even more
  430. >The fog behind you is starting to catch up too
  431. >At least you're almost there..
  432. >You think
  434. >It's been some hours since you and Reckless left camp
  435. >The sun is setting slowly
  436. >The fog has finally reached you
  437. >But at least the Telephone poles that the 4th Signal Construction Company had set up were visible since they were so tall
  438. >They served as a guide, directing you and Reckless towards the 4th's camp
  439. >The wind was growing so strong that it nearly knocked you and Reckless over a few times, forcing you to use eachother as support on the occasion
  440. >The two of you were really looking forward to waiting this shit out with the 4th
  441. >At last, you see a mass of dark objects not far away
  442. >Tents!
  443. >They were at the bottom of a hill, surrounded by some trees
  444. "Just a little farther, Sarge!" you shout
  445. >"Hoorah!" she shouts back
  446. >But as you near, you realize somethings off
  447. >There's no lights. At all.
  448. >Everything is just dark
  449. "What the fuck?"
  450. >There should be at lease a few watchmen, but there was nobody in sight
  451. >You and Reckless are inside the radius of the camp now
  452. >There's still not a soul in sight, nor any source of light
  453. "Hello?" you shout. "Anybody here?"
  454. >Where the fuck is everybody?
  455. >All that's visible are the dark outlines of the tent in the fog
  456. >And as if the fog wasn't bad enough, the howling wind carries snow to block your vision even more
  457. >"We brought your parkas!" Reckless shouts. "And food!"
  458. >You step on something that you feel isn't snow
  459. >Looking down, you see that it's a..
  460. >A hand?
  461. >Wide-eyed, you crouch down and brush some snow off aside with your hands
  462. >The parting snow reveals an arm.. then a torso.. and then a head
  463. >Wearing an iconic M1 Steel Pot helmet.
  464. >This was a fucking G.I.!
  465. >His face was cold, lifeless.
  466. >Still contoured with the agonizing signs of pain
  467. >The fear in his eyes is still visible.
  468. "Holy shit!" you whisper, standing up quickly
  470. >Looking closer, you notice various other unmoving lumps in the snow
  471. >The olive-drab color of their uniforms is visible in a few spots, contrasting the white snow
  472. >Dried blood can be seen a few spots too.
  473. >Their guns have either been taken, or buried in the snow
  474. >It's only now that you realize how much disarray the camp is in
  475. >Large wooden boxes are scattered around, some of them spilling wires
  476. >A few decrepit transport vehicles lay half-buried
  477. >Some of the tents are collapsed
  478. >And everybodys dead.
  479. "Sarge..?" you call out tentatively
  480. >"I see it too, Private.." she replies, sitting down next to you
  481. >"Holy fucking shit."
  482. "IS ANYBODY STILL ALIVE?" you call out desperately
  483. >But you already know the answer.
  484. >The 4th Signal Construction Company had been completely wiped out.
  485. >You're shocked when you hear shouting on the hill adjacent to the camp
  486. >Could that be a survivor? Or two?
  487. "HEY!" you shout. "OVER HERE!"
  488. >Wait a minute..
  489. >Those voices weren't shouting in English.
  490. >You see some flashes through the snow-filled air
  491. >Over the howling wind you can hear gunshots, and the sound of bullets impacting the snow around you
  492. >You drop your parkas to quickly lift your rifle and fire a few shots back, but doubt you hit anything
  493. "Oh, for fucks sake!" you shout, grabbing Reckless and pulling her to her feet
  494. >The two of you run under the cover of the fog and snow, the enemies shots whizzing past you
  495. >You don't know how many there are, but you really don't feel like sticking around to find out
  496. >"Where're we going, Private!?" Reckless shouts over the gunshots
  497. "Anywhere but here!" you shout back, ducking as a bullet flies overhead
  499. >You hear a familiar BOOM behind you
  500. >Oh, shit, shit! That's a...
  501. >A large blast in the snow nearby sends you and Reckless flying, snow shooting up from where it landed
  502. >..Recoilless Rifle.
  503. >Your rifle is knocked out of your hands and you land in the snow some feet away with a dull thud
  504. >You can feel the shrapnel burning into your parka
  505. >Your ears are ringing unbearably
  506. >Fuck, fuck, fuck!
  507. >You try your best to stand up quickly but find yourself having trouble
  508. >Eventually you stumble to your feet, still dazed
  509. >You try your best to wipe all the shrapnel off of you
  510. >You try and scan the area, but it's hard with all this fog and snow
  511. >Reckless is nowhere in sight, and neither is your rifle.
  512. >It really doesn't help that you can't hear at all
  513. >You quickly unstrap your Grease Gun from your belt
  514. >After chambering a round, you slowly stumble forward with your gun raised
  515. >It doesn't take long to see the crater in the ground where the shell hit, but Reckless is still nowhere to be found
  516. >You consider shouting out to her but realize that she's probably as deaf as you are right now.
  517. >After some time walking, your hearing slowly starts coming back
  518. >Korean (or maybe Chinese? You aren't sure.) shouting surrounds you
  519. >You need to avoid them.. and find Reckless
  520. >Through a break in the snow flying around you, you think you see her lying in the snow
  521. >Helmet, check. Brown coat, check.. face all scrunched up, check..
  522. >It's her!
  523. >You stumble towards her as quickly as you can
  524. >But as you get closer you realize that another figure is approaching as well
  525. >He's noticed you too, and you can hardly hear him shout "Ibwa yo! Jungji!" as he raises his rifle
  526. >But your Grease Gun is faster.
  527. >Squeezing the trigger, you let loose a slew of bullets
  528. >They slice into his chest and stomach, sending him to his knees clutching his wounds
  529. >Without thinking you fire a second burst, which sends him tumbling backwards into the snow with a pained scream
  531. >Other voices can be heard in the deafening wind, but you can't make out what they were saying
  532. >All you know is that you're vastly outnumbered, and need to get the hell away from here
  533. >As you approach Reckless, you see that most of what she was carrying was blown away either by the explosion or by the wind
  534. >She struggles to get up once she sees you
  535. >There's some shrapnel imbedded into her side and snout with blood running down
  536. >Fuck!
  537. >"Private? Damn it, I can't hear shit!"
  538. >She was probably closer to the blast than you were.
  539. >Another roaring boom is heard from the hill, and there's another explosion way off to the side
  540. >Fortunately it missed by a longshot with the fog and snow covering your position
  541. >You motion to her that you need to go, and you help her up to her hooves
  542. >The two of you sprint as quickly as you can away from the scene
  543. >You were really lucky to have all this cover, or the both of you would be gookfood by now
  544. >You'd rather not think of that scenario
  545. >Instead you opt to run a little faster through the snow
  546. >You and Reckless follow the same trail back that led you to the desolate Signal Construction camp
  547. >The telephone poles are your only guide in this terrible storm
  548. >There's still voices behind you, and the crunching of boots on snow can be heard giving chase
  549. >"We need to get off the road!" Reckless shouts
  550. >In response, various bullets come flying your way, hardly missing the two of you
  551. >Reckless falls down amidst all the chaos, skidding along the snow and leaving spots of blood in her wake
  552. >You turn around and fire the remainder of your magazine backwards towards the voices, prompting some screams
  553. >With your newly bought time you hastily clip your Grease Gun back onto your belt, and run over to Reckless
  554. "C'mon, Sarge!" you say as you put your arms under hers in an attempt to drag her "C'mon, let's go!"
  555. >She grunts as you drag her away from the path and towards the silhouettes of the trees..
  557. >You realize you're probably making some really big tracks in the snow as you drag Reckless into the woods
  558. >You're hoping the snowfall covers them up before anyone notices
  559. >You'd cover the tracks yourself, but there's just no time
  560. >The voices behind you are nearing, and all you can do is hope to get away fast enough
  561. >After a few seconds of slow dragging, you reach the woods
  562. >The dark bark of the trees begins to surround you
  563. >Once your certain you're fairly into the woods, you lay Reckless in the snow
  564. >You lean against a tree, breathing heavily
  565. >Holy shit that was close.
  566. >The voices keep getting more and more distant
  567. >Luckily the trees blocked most of the wind and snowfall, giving you some realative peace and quiet at last
  568. >Wait a minute.
  569. >You look over to Reckless, keeping a close eye on her
  570. >You look for the familiar rise and fall of her sides that implies breathing, but it just wasn't there..
  571. >She isn't fucking breathing! Shit!
  572. >In a panic you dive down next to her, at a loss for what to do
  573. >How the fuck do you give CPR to a horse?
  574. >For lack of anything better to do, you press your mouth against hers in an attempt to give her mouth-to-mouth
  575. >Exhale, move away, inhale, move in, exhale, move away, inhale, move in..
  576. >After a few seconds of this her eyes shoot wide open, looking directly into yours
  577. >She shoves you off of her in shock, the two of you coughing and spluttering
  578. >"Private, y-you idiot!" Reckless shouts, blushing furiously. "I wasn't dead!"
  579. "I-I thought you were! I'm sorry!"
  581. >She sits up, wincing a little bit in pain
  582. >"We need to get this shrapnel out of me."
  583. "Hold on.." you say as you unshoulder your backpack
  584. >After some digging around you emerge with a set of medical pliers
  585. "Usually I use this to pluck my nosehairs, but since this is an emergency.."
  586. >Reckless's eyes widen immensely and her ears flatten, prompting you to laugh
  587. "I'm just kiddin', Sarge. It's part of the first aid kit."
  588. >"N-not the time for jokes Private!" she says angrily, her face scrunching up
  589. >With pliers in hand you get to work
  590. >Slowly but surely you pick out the pieces of shrapnel embedded in her
  591. >"H-hey! Be careful there!" she says as you move to take out the piece of shrapnel that's stuck in her snout. "I don't need you screwing up my face, Private!"
  592. "C'mon Sarge, it's not like it can get any uglier." you say with with a grin
  593. >"Just get it out already!"
  594. >And so after some time you manage to get all of the shrapnel (you think) out of Reckless
  595. >Next you get to work on bandaging her, unceremoniously slapping a bandage onto her snout and wrapping a few around her side
  596. >She doesn't seem too happy that you're the one doing this, refusing to make eye contact with you, but she doesn't really have a choice
  597. >It's not like her hooves can wrap bandages or pick out shrapnel
  598. >Soon enough she's all patched up
  599. >Or, well, as patched up as a Private can get her to be
  600. "There," you say. "All done."
  601. >"Thanks.."
  602. >Night has just about arrived, and the body heat gained from running is beginning to wear off
  603. >You shiver a bit in your parka
  604. >"What now?" Sarge asks
  605. "Hate to break it to ya Sarge, but unless we huddle for warmth we're probably gonna freeze to death."
  606. >"So first you kiss me, and now this?"
  607. "H-hey, I was trying to save your-"
  608. >You're interrupted by a mountain of fluff falling on top of you
  609. >"Just shut up, Private." she sighs. "I'm too tired for this shit."
  610. "Agreed." you say, drifting to sleep in the snow
  612. >You awake to a sleepy yawn from Reckless
  613. >"Y'know, for a sleep outside in the snow that was rather nice."
  614. "You really think so? Maybe for you.." you groan in response
  615. >Your back aches a little bit from sleeping on the hard-packed snow, but since Reckless had you as a mattress you suppose it must've been nice for her.
  616. >"I-it's not like I really enjoyed that anyways!"
  617. "Yeah well 'sleeping out in the cold snow with a bossy horse' wasn't really something I was looking forward to, but it sure beats freezing to death."
  618. >Although you meant it playfully, Reckless actually looks slightly hurt when you say that
  619. >She clambers off of you and trots towards the tree that your backpack is leaning on
  620. >She sticks her nose inside of it and begins to noisily dig around inside
  621. "What're ya looking for, Sarge?"
  622. >She doesn't answer, and after a few more seconds of scrounging around she brings her head out of your bag to look at you
  623. >"We don't have any food, do we Private?"
  624. "Err.. no, I don't think we do. This wasn't supposed to take that long."
  625. >"We should probably hit the road then." she says while she puts on her helmet
  626. >You stand up, brushing the snow off of you
  627. "Yeah." you say as you sling your backpack back over your shoulder
  628. "Let's go."
  630. >After some forest trekking the pair of you emerge onto the path that you were chased on last night
  631. >The blowing wind and snowfall had eliminated almost all signs that a chase had ever happened
  632. >You and Reckless start to walk back towards camp, making crunching sounds with your boots in the snow as you go along
  633. >The morning sun and lack of wind help keep you warm while you walked, but it's still a little chilly
  634. >You walk mostly in silence, staying alert in case of another ambush or enemy soldiers that might still be searching for you
  635. >But after a while it became evident that the enemy seemed to have given up
  636. >It was just one soldeir, his rifle, and his pony after all.
  637. >Actually, you remember that you don't even have your rifle anymore. It's still buried out there in the snow somewhere
  638. >Along with the body of that Korean you shot..
  639. >You've never killed before that, and you aren't sure how to feel
  640. >Maybe you should be proud at having killed an enemy? Remorse for having to take a human life?
  641. >But the reality was that you didn't really feel anything.
  642. >You shake those thoughts out of your head, and instead focus on the march back to base
  643. >Once she's convinced that a gook isn't gonna jump out from behind a tree and gank you two, Reckless grows a bit more talkative
  644. >"You know I owe you for saving me yesterday.. right?"
  645. "Wait, what? You're not serious are you?"
  646. >"I mean, you saved my life Private.."
  647. "And I'd do the same for any other soldier, just like you would."
  648. >"I still feel like I owe you though."
  649. "If you wanna look at things that way, consider this my way of paying you back for saving my life all those weeks ago."
  650. >She looks away to think about that for a moment before looking back up at you
  651. >"C'mooon, there's gotta be something else I could offer you!" she says while subtly rubbing against your leg
  652. >Woah, what?
  653. "Oh? Like what?"
  654. >"Well, I've saved your life. And you've saved mine. I'd say we're pretty close by now.."
  655. >Where is Reckless going with this?
  656. >"And I know this war can get a little lonely sometimes.."
  657. >OH
  658. >Her rubbing against your leg isn't so subtle anymore
  659. >"So I was thinking that, maybe later, we could.. y'know-"
  661. >You know where this is going.
  662. "Woah, I'm not even a horse!"
  663. >She blushes
  664. >"W-well yeah, but who said I wasn't in to anything exotic?~"
  665. "You're my sergeant! Isn't this breaking some kinda rule? Hell, this has to be breaking a million different rules!"
  666. >Suddenly she headbutts your left leg, not enough to hurt but enough to make you lose your balance and fall backwards
  667. >She jumps on top of you, her eyes locking with yours
  668. >"Aren't rules made to be broken?"
  669. >Oh boy
  670. >You feel your brass stiffen up a bit..
  671. "C-can't we focus on getting back to base for now?"
  672. >You really need some time to mull this over
  673. >"F-fine!" she says.
  674. >"Be that way, Private!"
  675. >She hops off of you while blushing furiously, and starts walking along the path without looking back at you
  676. >She's obviously extremely embarassed over this.
  677. >You stand up to a crouch
  678. >You're about to say something, but you hold your tongue
  679. >Getting back to base in one piece is really what you should be focusing on right now
  680. >You rise to your feet and follow her wordlessly
  681. >The two of you side by side silently, neither of you looking at eachother
  682. >Great..
  684. >After some uneventful (and silently awkward) walking on the snowy path, you see something off in the distance
  685. >Looks like.. people
  686. >Shit.
  687. >You grab Reckless and pull her aside behind a large boulder
  688. >"Finally change your mind, Private?~"
  689. "What? N-no!"
  690. >You let out a somewhat frustrated sigh
  691. "Just look over there!"
  692. >Both you and Reckless peek over the rock you're hiding behind
  693. >"O-oh," she says with a blush
  694. >She shakes her head to clear any embarrassment from her mind now that she's seen the potential danger up ahead
  695. "See 'em?"
  696. >"Yeah, they don't look American. Uniform doesn't match up."
  697. "I figured, since we're still pretty far from base. What do you suppose we should do Sarge?"
  698. >She looks away to think for a few moments
  699. >"Well, there's only two of them.."
  700. >"You still have your bayonet?"
  701. "Uhh.."
  702. >After patting yourself down you find it in it's sheathe, strapped to your belt
  703. "Yeah, I still have it."
  704. >"We could ambush them. Stab one then shoot the other."
  705. >As you discuss strategy with Reckless the figures get closer and closer to your hiding spot
  706. "I don't really think shooting is a good plan. Might attract more of them, if they're in the area."
  707. >Reckless swears under her breath
  708. >"Shit, you're right. But you aren't going to take out both of them with a knife before one of them gets a shot off."
  709. "Well.."
  710. >She looks at you with an eyebrow raised
  711. >"I know that face, Private. What're you planning?"
  712. "Do me a favor and take off your barding."
  713. >"W-what?"
  714. "Your helmet too. If you aren't wearing anything that distinctly marks you as a U.S. horse, you could distract 'em."
  715. >"How so?" she asks, puzzled
  716. "I don't know, try being cute or something. You're pretty good at that after all."
  717. >Her face scrunches up
  718. >"D-don't call me cute! I'm your Sergeant!"
  719. >What?
  720. >This horse was really sending some mixed messages.
  721. "Just saying, Sarge."
  723. >After helping Reckless out of her barding and anything else that marked her as a U.S. horse, the two of you lie in wait behind the rock
  724. >You have your bayonet drawn and ready in your right hand
  725. >As the two enemies get closer, you can hear them conversing in what you think is Korean.
  726. >"Igeos-eun kkeumjjighan il-ida." one says
  727. >"Ne. Naneun jaemiissneun il-i il-eonal geos-eul balanda." the other replies
  728. >They're almost to the rock now.
  729. "Go!" you whisper, lightly slapping Reckless in the flank with your free hand
  730. >With a snort she canters forward in front of them
  731. >They both gasp, one of them reaching for his rifle
  732. >"Gidalyeo!" one says. "Geugeos-eun danji mal-ibnida."
  733. >The one reaching for his rifle relaxes, and crouches down slightly so that he's level with Reckless
  734. >"Ibwa yo!" he says while extending a hand out to pet Reckless. "Jal jinaess-eoyo?"
  735. >She reluctantly approaches him, allowing herself to be pet
  736. >"Hurry up!" she mouths towards your hiding place behind the rock
  737. >"Jamkkan, geugeo bungdae ya?"
  738. >Sneaking around the side of the rock, you position yourself to attack the Korean that's still standing up
  739. >With a deep breath, you rush out from behind the rock
  740. >Before he even knows what's going on you jab your bayonet into his neck
  741. >He grabs the knife while spluttering and falling to his knees
  742. >You realize that yanking the knife out of the Korean's throat would take too much time, and instead you move to kick his crouching comrade over
  743. >He falls to the ground with a yelp, and you leap on top of him to pin him to the ground
  744. >"Ani! Jenjang!"
  745. >He fights back but you manage to keep him pinned
  746. >For now.
  747. "Sarge! Do something!"
  748. >With a whinny she rears and brings her front hooves down onto his head as hard as she can
  749. >There's an audible crack as his neck snaps, causing him to stop struggling
  751. >You stand up, breathing heavily
  752. >Shit.
  753. >"I hope you don't get used to me playing the 'cute distraction,' Private." Reckless pipes up
  754. >She shudders
  755. >"That felt.. demeaning."
  756. "Yeah well, it worked, didn't it?"
  757. >"Hmph. I guess so."
  758. >You crouch down next to the soldier that you stabbed
  759. >His dead hand is still clutching the knife embedded in his throat
  760. >Pushing the hand to the side, you grab the knife and yank it out with some effort
  761. >It's bloody, so you clean it on your pants before returning it to it's sheathe
  762. >While you're crouched you also grab the dead man's rifle
  763. >Looks like an Arisaka, probably a Type 99.
  764. "Bolt action, huh?" you say to nobody in particular.
  765. "Well it certainly beats my M3A1 at a distance."
  766. >You sling it over your shoulder and stand up
  767. >Judging by the position of the sun, it's about midday
  768. >You rub your stomach as it growls
  769. >You haven't eaten since early yesterday.
  770. >"Private!" Reckless yells from behind the rock
  771. >"Come help me get my barding back on!"
  772. >With a small sigh you go over and help her back in to her barding
  773. >"Thank you, Private."
  774. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get moving. I'm starting to get hungry here."
  775. >"So am I. But what about those two?" she asks, motioning to the bodies
  776. >Oh, shit
  777. >"Leaving them in the open like this probably isn't a good idea."
  778. "Alright, gimme a hand dragging them behind the rock then."
  779. >With Reckless's help, you drag both of the bodies into a (somewhat) hidden position behind the rock
  780. >"Guess that's the best we're gonna do." she says
  781. "Eeyup. Hope nobody finds them."
  782. >Reckless shakes her head sadly
  783. >"I hate this war, Private."
  784. "I do too, Sarge." you say regretfully
  785. "I do too."
  787. >The rest of the walk back to camp is as uneventful as it is awkward
  788. >Which means that absolutely nothing happened while remaining very awkward.
  789. >You arrive during the late afternoon, when the camp isn't very busy
  790. >At least you got to eat some good grub when you arrived
  791. >Warrant Officer McCain looks relieved to see you two walk into his tent office
  792. >"You're back!" he says
  793. >"Guess you decided to spend the night with the 4th Signal Construction, huh? I don't blame you, that storm got pretty bad.."
  794. >It's then that he notices the bandages on Reckless's snout and side, and you looking down at the ground solemnly with shrapnel-holes in your parka
  795. >"No.. No damn it, what's happened!?"
  796. "I'm sorry to say Sir.. The 4th Signal Construction Company was wiped out."
  797. >He stares at nothing in particular for a few seconds before slamming his hand onto his desk
  798. >"Fuck! Fucking fuck!" He shouts
  799. >"Those were good fucking men! Do you mean to fucking tell me that not a single goddamn one is still living?"
  800. >You shake your head
  801. "By the time we got there, they were all dead.. We got ambushed ourselves looking for survivors Sir."
  802. >He looks like he's about to explode into a tirade again, but instead he slumps in his seat and buries his face in his hands
  803. >After a moment he lowers his hands to expose his eyes, but he's still covering the lower half of his face
  804. >"We just came out of a World War, in which we lost millions of good soldiers.." he laments
  805. >"And now we're losing even more to a war that'll likely be forgotten 10 years from now. I know they don't really cover this damn war back home. We're fighting and dying out here, and we've got nothing to fucking show for it. Nothing! If the best minds in the world had set out to find us the worst possible location in the world to fight this damnable war, the unanimous choice would have been Korea."
  806. >He let's out a heavy sigh
  807. >"I.. I'm sorry Private. Please don't go repeating what I said here and I'll make it up to you. Morale is already somewhat low as it is.."
  808. >"You and Sergeant Reckless should get some R&R. And you know what, you deserve a promotion after all this. Come talk to me tomorrow, Private."
  809. >You and Reckless nod respectfully and walk out of the tent, leaving the Warrant Officer alone once more
  810. >"Jesus.." Reckless says as the two of you walk out
  811. "Yeah.." you say, at a loss for words
  812. >"Come on then. Let's head to the tent. I'm looking forward to not having to sleep outside again, even though it was somewhat comfy."
  813. >You roll your eyes humorlessly
  814. "Easy for you to say, Sarge.."
  816. >You take a step forward up towards the snowy hill.
  817. >It looks like dusk, and the wind is howling just like it was when you were ambushed before
  818. >The fog and blowing snow won't let you see more than a couple feet in front of you
  819. >So you just keep walking up the hill
  820. >Step by step, you inch closer towards the top
  821. >After an eternity you reach it.
  822. >The fog and wind and snow suddenly stop, and it's deathly quiet
  823. >There's a man standing mournfully next to a lone tree atop the hill
  824. >He's facing away from you, but you notice he has several holes in his torso and his uniform is bloodstained
  825. "Hey!" you shout. "Are you alright?"
  826. >He turns to face you
  827. >His skin is deathly pale, and his narrowed eyes lack any spark of life
  828. >Wait..
  829. >The uniform, the holes in his chest..
  830. >"You killed me."
  831. >No..
  832. "I.. I.. W-what-"
  833. >As you struggle to find the right words to stay another man walks up the hill
  834. >He's wearing the same uniform as the soldier by the tree, except instead of holes in his chest he has a knife embedded in his throat
  835. >Blood is running down from his wound.
  836. >"You killed me too, Private."
  837. >"We had family."
  838. >"We had friends."
  839. >"We had comrades."
  840. >As they speak they slowly shuffle towards you.
  841. "No! S-stop! This is war, I had to!"
  842. >"You shouldn't be here Private."
  843. >"I bet you miss home."
  844. >"You could have avoided us, Private."
  845. >They get closer and closer.
  846. >"We didn't need to die."
  847. "No! No, no no no, NO! NOOOO!"
  848. >But it's too late.
  849. >They've already reached you.
  851. >You awake with a gasp
  852. >You're in a cold sweat and breathing heavily
  853. >Holy shit..
  854. >Reckless is fast asleep on top of you as usual
  855. >The first rays of sunshine dimly illuminate the inside of the tent
  856. >You try your best not to wake her with your sudden panic, but she stirs anyways
  857. >"Private?" she asks sleepily
  858. >"Are you okay?"
  859. >...
  860. "Uh.. yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Eeyup."
  861. >"Are you sure? I thought I heard-"
  862. >She's obviously not convinced.
  863. "Y-yeah, never been better Sarge."
  864. >Reckless eyes you suspiciously before standing up to stretch
  865. >"Whatever. I suggest we get moving if you want that promotion, Private."
  866. >Oh right!
  867. >You reminisce on your dream a bit before standing up yourself
  868. >As much as you hate to agree with those figures in your dream, they were right..
  869. >You do miss home.
  870. >A lot.
  871. >Even if you can only remember it partially..
  872. >You shake your head to clear your mind of those thoughts
  873. >This was your home now.
  875. >You and Reckless exit the tent together
  876. >The camp is quiet during the early hours, with a few soldiers congregating at the mess tent for breakfast
  877. >You'd be joining them soon after your promotion
  878. >The sunlight shimmers off the snow covering the camp
  879. >All quiet.
  880. >When you enter the Warrant Officer's tent you find him leaning back on his chair, dead asleep
  881. "Uhh.. Sir? You good?"
  882. >Was that a bottle next to him?
  883. >He awakes with a start
  884. >"W-what? Oh, hey Private."
  885. >He rubs his eyes tiredly
  886. >"I assume you're here for the promotion?"
  887. "Yes sir."
  888. >"Good. Uh, sorry if isn't as formal as you'd like, but I think we can both agree that there isn't much time for that in war."
  889. >He gets up to shake your hand
  890. >"Welcome to the rank of Lance Corporal, Anon. But if you don't mind I think I'll still call you Private." he says with a smirk
  891. >Reckless stifles a laugh
  892. >You fight the urge to kick her, and instead reach out to shake the Warrant Officer's hand
  893. >"Thank you, Sir."
  894. >The two of you shake hands, and McCain resumes his seat at his desk
  895. >"Stay safe, alright Anon? And keep Reckless safe too."
  896. >Reckless rolls her eyes
  897. >She has 'I can keep myself safe.' written all over her
  898. >You hold back a chuckle
  899. "I'll try my best Sir."
  901. >The next few months pass by uneventfully
  902. >You at least make sure to trade the Arisaka rifle you picked up in for the rifle you're familiar with: The M14 Semi-Auto
  903. >But after that, the mixture of repeatedly deflecting Reckless's romantic advances and all the menial tasks of winter all just blend together until you can't keep track of them anymore
  904. >The only thing that really stands out are your dreams
  905. >You keep returning to the snowy mountain, and conversing with the two soldiers you have killed
  906. >Sometimes you'd talk about home.
  907. >Sometimes you'd talk about the war.
  908. >Sometimes you just wouldn't talk at all, simply sitting there in silence with them
  909. >No matter what you did, there was something peaceful about the dreams
  910. >But they always ended abrubtly, and it's beginning to get hard to differentiate the dream from reality
  911. >You're convinced you're going insane.
  912. >But you feel like you'd be better off not telling anyone
  913. >You just hoped that eventually the dreams would end
  914. >Even if they did feel peaceful.
  915. >Soon enough the snow began to melt, and the early signs of spring began to show
  916. >It was getting warmer by the day
  917. >And the dreams were becoming less and less frequent
  918. >And things were going somewhat well in the war too
  919. >Actual peace talks had finally begun
  920. >You might actually be home within a year or so
  921. >If things keep up the way they're going, that is
  922. >Late one spring night you and Reckless are talking in your tent over a game of cards
  924. >"Oh, I just love spring!" she says
  925. "How come?"
  926. >"It reminds me of when I was a foal. Back on this little racetrack.."
  927. >You keep playing in silence for a few seconds
  928. "Would you have stayed there if you had the chance?" you ask
  929. >"Hell no! This is my life now. It's all I have. And even when the going get's tough.. we still have eachother."
  930. "Do you think you'll go back when this is all over?"
  931. >"I.. don't know." she says hesitantly
  932. >"I know there were other horses.. and I had a different name. And there were some other people, but I can't remember much of it now. Only that they were nice. It was nice. But I still don't know if I'll go back.. I hardly know that place anymore."
  933. "Maybe when this is all over I can take you back home with me," you suggest. "To the States."
  934. >"I think I'd like that." Reckless says with a smile
  935. >"I think I'd like that a lot."
  936. >The two of you share a moment before you realize somethings off
  937. "Wait a minute, where are my chips? Sarge, are you eating them again!?"
  938. >"W-what? N-noo, I-"
  939. >"Hey! Are you two awake?"
  940. >Warrant Officer McCain pokes his head into your tent
  941. >There's bags under his eyes, and he looks tired
  942. >Really tired.
  943. >"Something big just came up. The Chinese are trying to gain some leverage; there's just been a big attack on the Nevada Cities Outposts and firefights are still going on. I need you two ready in 10 minutes to bring them some support."
  944. >You both nod and start scrambling to get your gear on
  945. >M1 helmet, check.
  946. >Bayonet, check.
  947. >M14 Semi-automatic Rifle, check.
  948. >M3A1 Grease Gun, check.
  949. >Backpack and ammo, check.
  950. >You're ready.
  952. >After hastily packing ammo and first aid onto Reckless and hastily getting ready yourself, the pair of you leave the base to join the battle
  953. >The Nevada Cities Outposts wasn't terribly far from base
  954. >Located on the front, it's been a suspected area of attack for a while now
  955. >The longer you and Reckless walked, the louder the sounds of the fighting got
  956. >You could hear artillery barrages in the distance and as you got closer to the hills you could hear small arms fire and shouting
  957. "We better hurry up!" you say looking to Reckless
  958. >The two of you reach the site some time after midnight.
  959. >Looking up, you see a bunker engulfed in flames
  960. >There's various firefights happening on the hill as well
  961. >The fires and gunshots are the only things that illuminate the battlefield
  962. >It looks like Outpost Vegas is lost.
  963. >Along with Reno.
  964. >But it seems that at least Carson was still in Marine hands
  965. >"This isn't good." Reckless says, pausing to witness it all
  966. "No, it really isn't." you say. "We should go. The other Marines need these supplies."
  967. >And so you head to Outpost Carson
  968. >The sounds of gunfire are unrelenting as you march
  969. >When you arrive at Outpost Carson you find chaos
  970. >Men are running around everywhere, checking on the wounded, asking for orders, helping wherever they can
  971. >One of them runs up to you looking relieved
  972. >It's a Gunnery Sergeant
  973. >"Oh thank God! Are these the supplies from base camp?"
  974. "Yes, sir. Ammunition and first aid."
  975. >"Perfect! Now that we have this, Lance Corporal, I'm gonna need your help. We're launching a counter-attack with F Company and we need every man we can get."
  976. "Sir, yes Sir!" you shout
  977. >You leave Reckless with the group of soldiers remaining to safeguard Outpost Carson
  978. >As tough as she is, she can't really do much in a firefight
  979. >What with being a horse and all.
  980. >"Hey!" she says before you leave
  981. "Hmm?"
  982. >"Don't get killed."
  984. >"Ready men!?"
  985. >The CO stood in front of you, looking at his soldiers expectantly
  986. >You were joining the lead platoon of the company at Reno Block in their effort to retake Outpost Vegas and Outpost Reno
  987. >Multiple hours of fighting had allowed them to retake the blocking position at least, but not yet the Outposts
  988. >You check your M14
  989. >Loaded and ready.
  990. >The CO nods after a couple seconds
  991. >"Let's GO!"
  992. >You and the other men of the Platoon move up from the blocking position, a dark mass in the night, rustling through the sparse shrubbery of the hillside
  993. >It doesn't take long for the Chinese to respond to the movement with a hail of bullets
  994. >A few men in front of you fall as bullets slice into them
  995. >Some men take potshots towards the enemy-controlled Outposts as they run
  996. >The ones who are armed with automatic weapons try to lay down some suppressive fire
  997. >A man running alongside you falls with a sharp cry as a bullet tears into his torso, his face contorting in pain
  998. >Shit!
  999. >You need to find cover, and fast!
  1000. >But there is none on the incline.
  1001. >Lifting your M14, you fire as you move up in the hopes that it'd make enemy soldiers think twice about poking their heads up to shoot you
  1002. >Just keep running. Just keep running
  1003. >The sound of small arms fire around you is deafening
  1004. >You don't think it'll ever end
  1005. >But over it you can hear explosions beginning to land nearby
  1006. >Mortars!
  1007. >One lands to the right of you, engulfing at least 5 men in flames
  1008. "No!" you shout over their pained screams
  1009. >You jump into a recent crater for cover and quickly reload your M14
  1010. >Poking your head up, you fire a couple rounds before ducking again as enemy fire hits the dirt around you
  1011. >"Fall back!" a voice shouts over the chaos
  1012. >"Fall back!"
  1013. >"Retreat!"
  1015. >No time to waste.
  1016. >Kicking off from the floor of the crater, you rush back towards the blocking position
  1017. >It's a race to reach the somewhat safe position before death can catch up.
  1018. >Just keep running.
  1019. >Don't look back.
  1020. >"Help!" a voice cries from the ground
  1021. >"Help me, please!"
  1022. >The pure fear in his voice is enough to make you look around for where it's coming from
  1023. >Scanning the area as you run, you see the source of the voice
  1024. >It's a wounded Marine lying amongst a couple dead bodies, waving his hand to grab anybody's attention
  1025. >It's hard to see him in the dead of night
  1026. >You probably wouldn't have if he hadn't raised his hand
  1027. >With bullets landing in the dirt at your heels, you sprint towards him to help
  1028. >Once you get closer you can see that theres more than one bullet hole in his chest
  1029. >After slinging your rifle over your shoulder you hook your arms under his armpits and drag him backwards towards safety
  1030. >"Oh thank God! You saved me!"
  1031. "Don't thank me yet!"
  1032. >Other Marines run by you as you drag your comrade back towards safety
  1033. >You mentally tune out the sound of the Marine repeatedly thanking you, choosing to focus on getting you both out of this alive instead
  1034. >Mortar Fire continues to barrage you and the other retreating forces
  1035. >Some are blown to bits by the explosions, while others are more fortunate
  1036. >And there are far too many close calls.
  1037. >The sound of small arms fire hadn't paused once since the charge began
  1038. >You wouldn't last much longer out here
  1039. >And neither would any other soldier
  1040. >After what seems like an eternity of slow retreating and a hailfire of bullets, you finally near the relative safety of the blocking position
  1041. >"Hurry soldier, come on!"
  1042. "Hey!" you shout backwards. "We got wounded over here!"
  1043. >A cluster of soldiers holding first aid and treating other wounded respond by motioning for you to go to them
  1044. >You drag your wounded comrade to them and lay him out flat for them
  1045. >A few kneel down next to him, and you follow suit
  1046. >His breaths are coming short and raggedy
  1047. >And in the soft moonlight, you can see that he's pale.
  1048. >Deathly pale.
  1049. "Stay with me buddy! You're gonna make it through this!"
  1050. >But even as the words left your mouth, you knew.
  1051. >He was already gone.
  1053. >You took part in 2 other offensives that night.
  1054. >All within an hour.
  1055. >They were all as effective as the first one was
  1056. >Which is to say, not at all
  1057. >And each one ended the same way
  1058. >With the attacking Marines being forced back by mortars and small-arms
  1059. >Each time was as horrific as the first
  1060. >But somehow, you made it back.
  1061. >You were throughouly shell-shocked by the end of it all, but at least you were alive
  1062. >It was announced that the third charge would be the last for now, and that casualties were high
  1063. >People were guessing that there were at least one hundred Marines dead.
  1064. >It's almost 3am when you're sent back to Outpost Carson
  1065. >Some soldiers stay to safeguard Reno Block, while others return with you
  1066. >Reckless is happy to see you once you return
  1067. >"You're alive! Err, I m-mean, I knew you'd be fine Anon."
  1068. >Even after your recent awful experience, you can't help but smile at her futile attempt to hide how much she cared about you
  1069. "Eeyup. I'm alright.."
  1070. >Your smile fades.
  1071. "But I can't say the same for a lot of other Marines."
  1072. >Reckless's ears droop
  1073. >"I figured as much.." she says
  1074. >The Gunnery Sergeant from earlier walks up to you two
  1075. >"Get some rest, both of you. We need Reckless ready by dawn as an ammo carrier. We cannot afford to lose here, so we need our boys as well supplied as possible."
  1076. >Better ammo-carrying than futile assaults, you guess
  1077. "Yes, Sir!" you say before sitting down next to Reckless
  1078. >This was gonna be a long day.
  1080. >The sun just barely begins to poke over the horizon, shining a dim light on the hills of the area
  1081. >You're getting Reckless ready for a long day of ammunition hauling
  1082. >You didn't get much sleep in the few hours you had to rest
  1083. >But that was OK.
  1084. >Because you had a feeling that the man you failed to save last night would probably be paying you a visit in your next dream..
  1085. >You try not to think about it
  1086. >Don't think like that.
  1087. >There was nothing you could've done.
  1088. >After strapping various recoilless rifle shells to Reckless, and putting a few of them in your own backpack, you're ready to start things off
  1089. >You're mostly carrying these to the Recoilless Rifle Platoon as they fired down onto the enemy Chinese
  1090. >Each trip takes about 20 minutes, walking up and down the winding trail of the hillside
  1091. >Reckless has the trail memorized after just a few trips
  1092. >Up and down, up and down..
  1093. >The Recoilless Rifle Platoon is grateful for your help in keeping them supplied
  1094. "Kill as many Red Chinese bastards as you can with these." you say during one trip
  1095. >"Consider it done." a member of the gun crew replies with a tired grin
  1097. >And so the cycle went on
  1098. >Until one time, on the trip to deliver more ammo, something catches you by surprise
  1099. >About halfway there you encounter a roadblock
  1100. >A tipped-over tree blocking the trail
  1101. >This certainly wasn't here before.
  1102. >And there's a small crater by where the base of the tree would have been
  1103. "What? When did this happe-"
  1104. >Suddenly over the background noise of far-out small arms fire you hear a barrage of louder bangs
  1105. >And the sound of splinters shooting off the tipped tree as bullets slam in to them
  1106. >Uh oh.
  1107. "Get down!" you shout, vaulting over the tree to take cover
  1108. >Reckless takes a few splinters as she jumps over the fallen tree herself
  1109. >"Shit!" she screams angrily. "What do we do?"
  1110. >Unslinging your rifle, you quickly poke over the tree to fire a few shots at the Chinese ambush
  1111. >You try to see how many there were before ducking back down but there's no way to know for sure
  1112. >All you know is that there's a lot of them.
  1113. >Damn it..
  1114. "Go!" you yell at Reckless
  1115. >"W-what!?"
  1116. "GO! The gun crews need this ammo!"
  1117. >Several more bullets slam into the tree and fly overhead
  1118. >"B-but what about you?" she cries desperately
  1119. "I'll keep them busy, Reckless, just GO!"
  1120. >She looks into your eyes
  1121. >You can see sadness and regret welling up in hers.
  1122. >She closes them before quickly giving you a surprise kiss
  1123. >Before you can say anything she pulls back and takes off along the trail
  1124. >The date is March 27th, 1953.
  1125. >This is the date when Sergeant Reckless became Marine legend by making 51 supply trips in one day
  1126. >But for you, Lance Corporal Anonymous, outcomes are looking very different..
  1128. >With a deep breath, you bring your rifle back up onto the log
  1129. >Time seems to slow down as you take aim at the many Chinese troops moving up to overtake you.
  1130. >Each time you pull the trigger another soldier falls with a pained scream
  1132. >One after the other the advancing soldiers collapse as your bullets strike them
  1133. >Enemy bullets miss you by a hair, or hit the tree you're using as cover
  1134. >But eventually one finds it's mark.
  1135. >You let out a short yelp as one of their rounds digs itself into your left arm
  1136. >The enemy Chinese are angrily shouting to eachother
  1137. >"Shāle tā!"
  1138. >"Yǐjīng dédào tāle!"
  1139. >You can't shoot a rifle with only one hand
  1140. >So you stand and drop your M14 to reach for your Grease Gun
  1141. >After drawing it and taking aim, you let loose a storm of bullets onto the advancing ambushers
  1142. >The RATATAT of your little submachine gun fills your ears, drowning out the cries of your attackers
  1143. >The number of bodies on the trail in front of you grows as you hold down the trigger
  1144. >But all too soon you hear the CLICK! of an empty gun.
  1145. >It doesn't take long after that for two more enemy bullets to find new homes in your chest.
  1146. >The force of the impact sends you back down to one knee with another shout of pain
  1147. >In a final act of desperation you draw your Colt M1911, remembering how it helped you last time you were injured all those weeks ago
  1148. BANG! BANG!
  1149. >You fire off as many aimed rounds as you can while enemy shots slice through you
  1150. BANG! BANG!
  1151. >You fire off a few more, but
  1152. >A man can only take so much.
  1153. >As you loose off your last round a multitude of bullets punch through you
  1154. >You regretfully let out your last breath as you fall over sideways
  1155. >You're dead before you even hit the ground.
  1157. >"S-stupid Lance Corporal!" Reckless mutters to herself as she runs
  1158. >"W-what was he thinking, staying behind like that!?"
  1159. >Suddenly she hears gunfire violently erupt behind her
  1160. >Tears start to well up in her eyes
  1161. >"He'll be fine though, r-right? H-he has to be!"
  1162. >But she already knows the answer to that.
  1163. >...
  1164. >Reckless is forced to take a different supply route coming back down so as to avoid another ambush
  1165. >The rest of her trips are done in a somber manner, but she completes them nonetheless
  1166. >At the end of the day once her work is done, she slips away from the other Marines to return to the felled tree on the trail.
  1167. >She's tired from all the work today
  1168. >But that doesn't stop her from looking for you.
  1169. >As she walks she maintains the little glint of hope that maybe, somehow, she wouldn't find you lying there
  1170. >That maybe you managed to slip away, or escape
  1171. >Or somehow not die.
  1172. >But as she reaches the site and sees your body, that hope diminishes completely.
  1173. >There you lie
  1174. >On the trail in a puddle of blood, with your guns and spent shell casings surrounding gun
  1175. >On the other side of the tree she sees the many bodies of the enemy men you held off, but she doesn't care about those
  1176. >She rushes towards you
  1177. >Sobbing.
  1178. >As she reaches your corpse she collapses on top of you
  1179. >Further soaking your already bloodstained shirt with her tears.
  1180. >"W-why did this have to *sniff* h-happen to you.."
  1181. >The date is March 27th, 1953.
  1182. >The day Lance Corporal Anonymous (You) died.
  1184. >The Korean War would 'end' four months after the Battle for Outpost Vegas.
  1185. >Although technically the war is still ongoing, the fighting stopped on July 27th, 1953.
  1186. >The Korean War is often called the "Forgotten War," and for good reason.
  1187. >As it happened so soon after World War II, and didn't have nearly as much of an impact, few remember the soldiers of the Korean War.
  1188. >The first hot conflict in a long Cold War, the Korean War became more and more overshadowed as the years went on.
  1189. >Sergeant Reckless, after the war, would of course arrive at the United States as a hero and go down in history as the mare we all know and love.
  1190. >A permanent symbol and reminder of the US Marine' role and sacrifice in the Korean War.
  1191. >Warrant Officer Peter McCain would be driven mad after the war by the losses of 'his' troops such as the 4th Signal Construction Company and later the death Lance Corporal Anon so soon after his promotion.
  1192. >He committed suicide by gunshot in his Virginia home 2 years after the end of the war.
  1193. >As for Lance Corporal Anonymous, your story faded into obscurity after the war's end.
  1194. >Although your fellow Marines remembered you fondly, none mourned him more than Sergeant Reckless did.
  1195. >But as those who remembered your name passed on, Lance Corporal Anonymous would simply become just another name on the Memorial Wall.
  1196. >Another victim of the Forgotten War.
  1197. >Another reminder that Freedom Is Not Free.
  1199. Happy ending:
  1200. >A blast of air rushes into your lungs.
  1201. >With a gasp, you sit up, clutching your chest.
  1202. >Your mind is filled with a blank haze, but you feel something wet with your left hand.
  1203. >Looking down at yourself, it all suddenly comes back to you.
  1204. >Your 1911 still stays in your other hand, slide locked back and covered in blood.
  1205. >"A-Anonymous!"
  1206. >The familiar voice rings in your ears, and you're tackled onto your back by an even more familiar face.
  1207. >Noticing the lack of bitter cold and snow around, you look to your sides.
  1208. "Sarge? I... where are we?"
  1209. >A taller figure looms over you, practically making you jump out of your skin.
  1210. >It's a big white horse, with a... horn and wings.
  1211. >The fuck?
  1212. >"Do not be alarmed, Sir Anonymous. You are in the land of Equestria, and you are safe."
  1213. >You spring back up again, clutching your pistol and holding Reckless close.
  1214. "Safe? Where are the damn chinks? Where the hell are we?!"
  1215. >Sarge gives you a soft, reassuring smile.
  1216. >With your heart pounding in your chest, her look does well to help calm you.
  1217. >That's when you notice she doesn't even have any of her gear on.
  1218. >Tears start to well in her eyes, and her smile grows.
  1219. >"Don't worry, Anon... we really are safe."
  1220. >She wraps her hooves around your neck and holds on, pressing against your body like you're going to disappear at any moment.
  1221. >The big horse just looks down on you with a smile.
  1222. "So who are you? How did I get here?"
  1223. >"I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of this land. You are currently a guest at my castle, and you are here..."
  1224. >She nods over at Reckless.
  1225. >"At her request."
  1226. >Sarge pulls away, eyes brimming with tears and nose running.
  1227. >"Never leave me again. S-stupid Private..."
  1228. >She gives you a kiss on the lips, then goes back to hugging you, sobbing on your shoulder.
  1229. >Despite the blood literally on your hands, you can't feel any pain in your chest.
  1230. >You still have questions.
  1231. >But for now, Reckless is with you.
  1232. >And that's all you need to make sense of things.

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