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By Guest
Created: 2022-07-04 18:55:45
Expiry: Never

  1. wavs/00_27_19_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing_Noisy_This guy's too silly, He's way too uptight..wav|This guy's too silly, He's way too uptight.
  2. wavs/00_27_31_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__He's much too flashy..wav|He's much too flashy.
  3. wavs/00_27_56_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing_Noisy_I really feel that at this rate We'll never find the perfect date..wav|I really feel that at this rate We'll never find the perfect date.
  4. wavs/00_40_51_Apple Bloom_Anxious Singing_Noisy_Hiding from a bully, we know it isn't right..wav|Hiding from a bully, we know it isn't right.
  5. wavs/00_40_54_Apple Bloom_Anxious Singing_Noisy_But the Cutie Mark Crusaders we aren't lookin' for a fight..wav|But the Cutie Mark Crusaders we aren't lookin' for a fight.
  6. wavs/00_41_05_Apple Bloom_Anxious Singing__Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead..wav|Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead.
  7. wavs/01_10_18_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing_Noisy_Friends all around come to join and see, As we sing out across the #land#..wav|Friends all around come to join and see, As we sing out across the #land#.
  8. wavs/01_55_08_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing_Noisy_We've been searchin' for our cutie marks, For a while now, Tryin' to find out how we fit #in#..wav|We've been searchin' for our cutie marks, For a while now, Tryin' to find out how we fit #in#.
  9. wavs/01_55_16_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing_Noisy_So many ways we've tried before, But we keep on tryin' more..wav|So many ways we've tried before, But we keep on tryin' more.
  10. wavs/02_02_08_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__For it is more than just a mark, It's a place for us to start..wav|For it is more than just a mark, It's a place for us to start.
  11. wavs/02_24_51_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__I never imagined myself out on my own..wav|I never imagined myself out on my own.
  12. wavs/02_24_57_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__Tryin' to find out what's next for #me#..wav|Tryin' to find out what's next for #me#.
  13. wavs/02_25_03_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always been my #home#..wav|The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always been my #home#.
  14. wavs/02_25_09_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__Maybe now there's more that I could #be#..wav|Maybe now there's more that I could #be#.
  15. wavs/02_25_14_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__I guess as #time# #goes# #by#..wav|I guess as #time# #goes# #by#.
  16. wavs/02_25_21_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing_Noisy_Everypony has to go out on their #own#..wav|Everypony has to go out on their #own#.
  17. wavs/02_25_27_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing_Noisy_And maybe some #day# I'll #have# to #try#..wav|And maybe some #day# I'll #have# to #try#.
  18. wavs/02_25_47_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__We used to say that we'd be, always side by side..wav|We used to say that we'd be, always side by side.
  19. wavs/02_25_53_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__Maybe things are changin' and this could mean goodbye..wav|Maybe things are changin' and this could mean goodbye.
  20. wavs/02_25_59_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__I always thought our friendship was all I'd ever need..wav|I always thought our friendship was all I'd ever need.
  21. wavs/02_26_05_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__We've always been crusadin', what else is there for #me#_.wav|We've always been crusadin', what else is there for #me#?
  22. wavs/02_26_11_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__I guess as #time# #goes# #by#..wav|I guess as #time# #goes# #by#.
  23. wavs/02_26_17_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing_Noisy_Everypony has to go out on their own..wav|Everypony has to go out on their own.
  24. wavs/02_26_23_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__And maybe some #day# I'll #have# to #try#..wav|And maybe some #day# I'll #have# to #try#.
  25. wavs/02_26_29_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__Somethin' new that's just for me, A little somethin' that could be..wav|Somethin' new that's just for me, A little somethin' that could be.
  26. wavs/02_26_36_Apple Bloom_Sad Singing__Just my own and I won't feel so left #behind#..wav|Just my own and I won't feel so left #behind#.
  27. wavs/02_39_26_Apple Bloom_Annoyed Singing__Guess I don't really care, Since we're clearly gonna lose it..wav|Guess I don't really care, Since we're clearly gonna lose it.
  28. wavs/02_42_27_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__And until you find your place in life You're never gonna quit..wav|And until you find your place in life You're never gonna quit.
  29. wavs/03_38_37_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__Your heart is in two places you can only live in one..wav|Your heart is in two places you can only live in one.
  30. wavs/03_38_41_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__You're torn between the hilltops and the #tide#..wav|You're torn between the hilltops and the #tide#.
  31. wavs/04_31_04_Apple Bloom_Happy Singing__We know how it all works, even what we ain't #tried#..wav|We know how it all works, even what we ain't #tried#.

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