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Heat Wave

By Grey
Created: 2022-07-19 15:23:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >The crazy story of how Vinyl Scratch was introduced to her British friend's flatmate in the middle of Summer.
  2. >19 July 2022, The U.K.
  3. >"It's a fockin' scorcher today!" Octavia Melody gripes into the phone, hair tangled in her twirling fingers.
  4. >Octavia Melody saw this day in the forecast but decided not to prepare.
  5. >Very unwise move.
  6. >She lays the remote down on the table next to her TV license, lying on the couch with as much graceful beauty as she can muster in these trying times.
  7. >With glistening sweat on her face and cleavage, she dons much less than she usually does
  8. >Only a slightly unbuttoned dress shirt, knee socks, and her panties; the knee socks don't stay on for very long.
  9. >"Roight then, that sun up there bettuh fock off soon 'fore I 'ave a goddamn aneurysm." She checks the clock to find that she still has several hours of this torture left.
  10. >Tries rolling to her other side, tries flipping the pillow to the cooler side.
  11. >She can't believe how long it takes for new ice cubes to form every time she enters the kitchen and presses the button.
  12. >There is no such thing as quickly enough.
  13. >Luckily, the concert she had today was cancelled due to the extreme heatwave.
  14. >["I told you you should've gotten that air conditioning license sooner!"] Vinyl tells her on the other line.
  15. >"What other days am I going to need the damn thing besides now? It'd be a waste of money."
  16. >She flips through the channels on the TV, hating everything on due to having no comfort in her flat's sweltering living room.
  17. >"I'll tell ye one thing, sure 'm glad my flatmates aren't 'ere to look at me tits." Octavia hears Vinyl laugh on the other end. "It's true, Vinyl. They stare all th' time. Shame they're missing out."
  18. >["Oh I'm sure they just couldn't help it."]
  19. >Octavia wipes some sweat off of her brow, pointing the desk fan towards her busty chest under her thin damp top.
  20. >Causing her erect nipples to poke through more.
  21. >"Can't blame 'im." She undoes another button to free more of her sweaty cleavage. "I wear suits and dress shirts out of concerts for a reason."
  22. >["Is it annoying?"] Asks Vinyl.
  23. >"'Aving huge tits? Focking hell, you don't know the half of it, Vinyl! They always mush right into me cello as I'm troying to play if I don't put on a proper bra." Tavi tugs the sides of her panties up her hips as she stands up. "I need some more wa'uh."
  24. >Tugs her panties further up again as she walks so they don't fall, though her bouncing ass cheeks are too sticky with sweat to really allow it anyway.
  25. >Her messy hair falls in long damp ropes in front of her as she leans over to fill up her cup from the sink.
  26. >She has to pull away one strand that got caught in her lips.
  27. >She listens to Vinyl talk on the other line.
  28. >["You should show your tits more in concert anyway, works for me whenever I'm DJing a party. Gets more attention and'll probably fill more seats next time."]
  29. >Octavia raises her arm downing the tiny bit of water, getting her clingy top to drag up her midriff slightly.
  30. >She imagines what she would look like to anyone standing in the room with her as she imagines everything Vinyl is telling her.
  31. >Eyeing a peek at her bellybutton, trying to see if her top is thin enough to display her erect nipples' slightly darker areolae.
  32. >She trots around the kitchen in raw sex appeal, almost proud of herself if it weren't for this sweltering heat making her so irritable.
  33. >"I appreciate the compliment, but if I showed me tits more whenever I play, wouldn't that mean no'un cares as much about my playing anymore?"
  34. >["You could say that I guess. Do you care if they focus on you more than that?"]
  35. >"I suppose they won't, cause everyone's always bored either way when it's not a rave like the things you do. A bit stupid, innit?"
  36. >Octavia stretches her arms up again, now intentionally boasting her tummy to imaginary roommates.
  37. >["Could be fun, Tavi."]
  38. >"I suppose. But for whom am I really playing if I just go and 'ave my tits out all night? They won't care how good I got, they'll just go home and wank their fack'n knobs to the thought of me."
  39. >Octavia continues to teasingly argue with Vinyl over the phone about dressing lewdly in concert since this heat forced her to wear so little today.
  40. >It's very unlike her to wear so little, what with how the weather around here usually is and the formal settings she always finds herself in.
  41. >Being so out of her element is causing her mind to explore new preferences.
  42. >Though she'd probably feel more open minded about it if this heat would just let up already so she can think for more than half a minute at a time.
  43. >The air is thick with invisible fire, and the streets show a tiny bit of it flickering up from the pavement.
  44. >"So this is what Australia is like in the summer, innit?" Mutters an agitated Octavia. "How about you, Vinyl? Is it at least decent where you are?"
  45. >["Tavi, Arizona's like this most of the year. It's great."]
  46. >"Easy for you to say! I fackin' hate it! It's insufferable. Feels like a goddamn fever everywhere! The breeze almost burns if I open the window! My shirts sticking to me so much I'll need my flatmates' help peeling it off if it gets any worse. Maybe they really are going to see me tits after'all."
  47. >Vinyl laughs. ["I'd say you'll get used to it, but you folks over there aren't gonna get this again after August or something for another year."]
  48. >"And I can't wait for that waiting period to start."
  49. >["If it helps, I'm barely wearing anything either."]
  50. >Octavia makes a face. "That's all the time, Vinyl."
  51. >["Yeah but it's comfy. Small tank top with no bra and panties. Don't have to worry about freezing my ass off cause it's hot here too. Though guys stare anyway cause my nips are still kinda pointy."
  52. >Octavia frantically flips through more channels on the TV, red in the face and ready to just throw a fucking bucket of water at the sun to see if that works.
  53. >"I don't mean to brag but you don't know what it's like dealing with 'aving tits almost the size of your own head."
  54. >["I guess you're not wrong. I guess you probably don't enjoy guys staring as much as I do."]
  55. >"Well uh..." Hesitates Octavia. "Perhaps not as MUCH as you do."
  56. >Vinyl chortles on the other line. ["Something you wanna admit, Tavi?"]
  57. >"Oh come now, Vinyl. It's not like you didn't already know. I just want to, you know, have more moderation to it." She says this right as she undoes another button on her shirt.
  58. >The new looseness of her top allows Octavia to use it to fan herself with it, letting the gusts of air rush over her briefly exposed nipples every time she tugs her open shirt forward.
  59. >She and Vinyl continue to talk about being sexy while dressed in very little clothing.
  60. >Octavia constantly has to keep going back to the kitchen in order to keep herself hydrated then go back to the living room to sit in front of the fan and find something tolerable on TV that isn't the news showing other people in the U.K. suffering just like she is.
  61. >So many people are outside and spraying one another with hoses and stuff to keep cool.
  62. >If Octavia wasn't as well endowed as she is and had less self-respect, she'd be right out there with them being totally fine with an impromptu wet t-shirt contest.
  63. >Hell, if she only had less self-respect but kept her bustiness, she'd win that contest anyway.
  64. >But nope, she stays inside where no one can see her, because it'd be too uncharacteristic of her to just show herself off on the street like this.
  65. >Yet doing it alone in her apartment and talking with her friend doing the same thing carries some level of excitement to it.
  66. >So much excitement that Octavia eventually whips out a bottle of scotch.
  67. >Might as well, for the spirit.
  68. >"Fuck it. Wanna get drunk?" She says to Vinyl over the phone as she unbuttons her shirt all the way down to one final button at the bottom.
  69. >["I'm a couple steps ahead of you there, Tavi."] Vinyl goes on to reveal she was sipping beers before she even called her British friend to check in on her and make sure she wasn't melting during this heatwave that's been plastered all over the news.
  70. >Octavia loosens up her demeanor some more after a few swigs of scotch.
  71. >She lies on her back on the couch, running her hands along her sleek, glistening skin as drunkenness muffles much of her discomfort with the heat.
  72. >Bites her lip while gently squeezing her own boobs, playing with her own panties, reaching her arms out the window while making herself visible to everyone outside.
  73. >"How the absolute fffFUCK is erryone doin today?!" Octavia calls out in a slurring holler.
  74. >She had a conversation with someone else not over the phone.
  75. >Octavia suddenly find herself outside in that wet t-shirt contest she previously imagined, except the sides of her top fell off her shoulders and down her arms.
  76. >The sky finally turns colors.
  77. >"Bet ye waited years on end to see these tits, haven't ya?" Tavi greets you at the door as you return, deep red in the face.
  78. >It's already been a long hot day, and now this?
  79. >You start to question her, seeing that she's obviously been drinking.
  80. >A lot.
  81. >"I know you wank your cock when you hear I'm in the shower." She smiles widely.
  82. >Took you a second, but you freeze when you notice that your bottomless flatmate Octavia Melody is wearing her button-down dress shirt completely open in front... and absolutely nothing else.
  83. >Her curvy, sweaty body stands mostly naked before you except the damp open dress shirt.
  84. >She lets it fall open more so her nipples slip out in front of you; has to tug it to the side due to the heat making everything so sticky.
  85. >The clammy surface of her skin shines with sweat, and her bare breasts sway back and forth as she leans side to side in drunkenness.
  86. >Her smooth bare pussy has no panties to hide it from you, clamped together between Tavi's glistening upper thighs.
  87. >And even in such little clothing, Tavi is almost melting in this extreme summer heat, more than you are.
  88. >Can't conjure anything to say.
  89. >Don't need to.
  90. >Octavia grabs you and pulls you inside, not even closing the door.
  91. >Even though you're just her flatmate, she starts guiding your hands all over her hot slippery body.
  92. >You struggle with her a little as she gets you interested in the feel of her soft abdomen, then even softer tits that are extremely warm to the touch and jiggle every time Tavi stumbles.
  93. >She's just waiting for you to get hard in your pants, feeling for your inevitable erection.
  94. >It felt so undeserving to kiss Octavia on the lips, but her lips collide with yours and immediately put you into a trance with the taste of her.
  95. >The taste of all she's been drinking.
  96. >With your hands on her bare wide hips, you help escort Octavia to her bed, or yours, didn't keep track of which one you went to.
  97. >Octavia in her drunken lust continues sloppily kissing you, grabbing your hard shaft as soon as it's out and begins stroking it.
  98. >Doesn't bother turning the second desk fan your way.
  99. >Octavia pounces her hot sweaty nudity on top of you with the sides of her open top fallen off her shoulders, down her arms and scrunched at her elbows.
  100. >Too much effort would be needed to pull it off of her forearms.
  101. >She welcomingly encourages you to enter her, begging for penetration fight before you oblige.
  102. >The shirt becomes heavily wrinkled in the hopping and grabbing of Octavia making her body heat skyrocket with your cock penetrating her.
  103. >Her pussy clamps your shaft tightly, and you let her work herself up and down on you with her huge tits squishing against you with several suppressed bounces with each of her thirsty humping movements.
  104. >The room heats up like an oven, and your clothes get dark and wet with Octavia's pristine sweat from sex in the heat.
  105. >"Cam onnn! You call that a shag?" Grunts Octavia with a lip bite.
  106. >Buck your hips upwards to satisfy her.
  107. >You swear whatever she drank must have been so powerful that it contagiously gotten you drunk as well, because the very instant you feel yourself begin to ejaculate, everything starts to melt together as though this heat really is as hot as it feels.
  108. >You pretty much might as well have blacked out, because it's nighttime by the time you come to.
  109. >Octavia's sitting at the foot of the bed, likely with a hangover.
  110. >"I suppose I have some explaining to do." She says to you.
  111. "I was about to say the same thing."
  112. >The two of you figure that you might as well take a cold shower together since you kind of already had sex anyway.
  113. >It was an awkward encounter hat was mostly just you agreeing to Octavia deciding this in her still partial drunkenness with her don't-give-a-fuck logic in the midst of her hangover starting up.
  114. >Awkwardly bump into eachother in the shower until she verbally allows you to masturbate to her if you want.
  115. >After showering, the two of you dry off and put on clean clothes that aren't soaked in sweat.
  116. >Octavia still dresses completely bottomless, this time in a zip-down top while holding the sides of her head in response to it aching.
  117. >"You will tell no one about this, alroight?"
  118. >Decide not to tell her about when you watched her frolic around in public with her tits out.
  119. >Neither of you have any idea where her panties have gone.
  120. >The air is still kind of hot, so Octavia sits there with you with her top zipped most of the way down to air herself out as she calls her friend Vinyl again.
  121. >You yourself kept your own mouth shut, but Tavi told Vinyl about her sexual encounter with you by accident anyway as you hold her comforting her.
  122. >"Ah, fuck." Octavia curses after realizing she spilled the beans.
  123. >["Oh my fucking god."] Vinyl begins to crack up on the other end. ["You had sex with your roommate?!!"]
  124. "Uh... hi..." You sheepishly say into the phone.
  125. >"Fack off!" Octavia pouts and slaps you away.
  126. >Vinyl laughs even harder, half-congratulating Octavia and half-mocking her.
  127. >"It's naught funny!" Octavia keeps repeating, still laughing along with it anyway.
  128. >Well that was a delightful surprise today.
  129. >And that's the crazy story of how Vinyl Scratch was introduced to her British friend's flatmate in the middle of Summer.

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Venus's Mercy

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