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[Cancelled] Retail Anon and poor Floorb

By Norlf
Created: 2022-07-19 21:58:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Note : That's the first green I wrote, it's incomplete and with terrible English. You've been warned, don't waste any more of your time.
  3. >Be Anon
  4. >Going back home from work, exhausted and fucking pissed
  5. >Your shift where suposed to end at 20, but that last customer made it to quarter past
  6. >Fucker
  7. >You'd think working retail wouldn't have been that bad in this world, but retail...
  8. >retail never change.
  9. >You finally made it to your appartment, ruffling in your pockets for your keys.
  10. >Climbing up the second floor, you open the door, step inside and close it behind you.
  11. >You directly head to the kitchen, where the fridge is, where the BEER is.
  12. >You bend a little to not bang you head in the doorframe and- HOLLY SHIT SOMEONE IS IN YOUR KITCHEN !
  13. "HAAAA !"
  14. >"HAAAA !"
  15. "HAAAA !"
  17. "HAAa... oh it's you Floor... You scared the shit out of me, I forgot you lived here !"
  18. >For real, you moved in a month ago, and you saw her only a couple of times.
  19. >"Real funny asshole."
  20. >You flip her the bird before opening the fridge. You crack open a beer and take a long swig before turning back to Floor Bored.
  21. "Anyway, why are you out of your lair ?"
  22. >She gesture to the moonga on the table before her. "Ponynet is down."
  23. "Why are you reading here ? You don't have a light in your room ?"
  24. >"Hu, no. It broke some times ago, didn't bother." she answer before returning her gaze to the book.
  25. "Whatcha reading ?" you ask, taking a sip of your beer as you approach her.
  26. >As you lean down to take a look at the moonga though, you instinctively reel back as a strong, musky scent hit your nose.
  27. >Holly shit when did this mare took a bath for the last time ?
  28. >"What ?"
  29. "N- Nothing..." you stutter, before tilting your drink toward the book. "So ?"
  30. >She tell you some generic Neighpanese name as she slide the book toward you.
  31. >Two giant robot-stalion fight in a partially destroyed city, using their enormous horsecock as swords.
  32. "It's a shame i'm not gay, the art is good."
  33. >Floor rise an eyebrow at you. "Weirdo."
  36. >You just stare back, raising you hand to drink.
  37. >It don't last this long, but enough for you to take a look at this face you aven't seen this much in the past.
  38. >Her black mane, disheveled and greasy, hide a part of her face, the fur of which being as dirty.
  39. >Large bags underline her bloodshot eyes, this horse could use some extra sleep.
  40. >A beeping sound is heard from another room, drawing the attention of both of you.
  41. "What's that ?"
  42. >"Net's back !" Floor exclaim as she jump off her chair, forgetting the moonga to head straight to her room.
  43. >You barely have the time to call her name before she disapear again.
  44. "Hey Floor, wait !"
  45. >Reluctantly, she stop and turn to you with an anoyed look.
  46. >You take a quick look at her clothing, a dark grey hoody two size too large hide her frame, but she's also wearing what look like...
  47. >... panties ?
  48. "I- I'm going out to grab something to eat, wanna come ?"
  49. >She seems to tense at that, and look at you with uncertainty.
  50. >"Hu... no thanks, I ate already !" she say before doing a 180 and rushing in the allway.
  51. >Yup, panties.
  52. >You're a bit sadden, having to go outside by yourself, but it's not like you're not used to it. Ponies don't hang out a lot with you.
  53. >You empty your already warm beer, and head outside.
  55. >Be Floor Bored.
  56. >You hear the front door open then close as Anon go to eat.
  57. >You SO wanted to go with him !
  58. >But sadly you did ate already... this morning.
  59. >Can't spend this much in food everyday.
  60. >To distract yourself from your lonelyness and your empty stomach, you sit in front of your computer and launch your favorite vidya.
  61. >The screen turn black for a second, then the main title show up :
  62. >Dark Age of Discord
  63. >Followed by :
  64. >Account time expired
  65. "BUCK !"
  67. -----
  69. >You quickly check your bank account
  70. >A few clics, a security check and...
  71. >33.31 bits
  72. >Monthly tugboat is comming in in seven day.
  73. >Okay, time for some maths.
  74. >If you resubscribe for a month, feed only on noodles once a day, no chips and only one- no, two bottles of Oat'a-cola...
  75. >Yeah, you'll manage until next week.
  76. >Still, eating only noodles and snacks wasn't doing you any good. You should consider eating more nutritive stuff.
  77. >Like pizzas.
  78. >Celestia, you miss pizza so much ! If only you havn't spent so much bits in this !
  79. >You gaze shift toward it, throning proudly next to your computer screen.
  80. >It had cost you halp your meagre income, but it was worth it.
  81. >Y-Yeah, totally.
  82. >You reach a hoove toward the dildo, its texture so much alike flesh it only lacked the warmth.
  83. >This model was based on the shape of a human's dick, mimicing every feature of a real one - if you were to believe the online reviews.
  84. >You were a bit uncertain about the size, though, you're sure human's dick wouldn't be so massive.
  85. >But again, given the realism of the thing...
  86. >Does Anon's... ?
  87. >Slumping a bit in your chair, you props your wide-sprayed legs on the edge of your desk, for stability.
  88. >Your fur is already damp from your arousal, and your breath is short and shallow.
  89. >Quivering, you grabe the fake [spoiler]Anon's[/spoiler] dick and place it before your entrance, pushing asside your panties with the other hoof.
  90. >You take a deep breath as you start rubing the tip against your folds, eliciting a shiver down your spine.
  91. >You play a bit like this, teasing yourself until the heat in your hips start to be too much.
  92. >Pushing on the toy, you let it slip inside.
  93. >You moan in pleasure, and start doing ins and outs, doing your best to stay in control of your breahting.
  94. >The dick slide between your folds without resistance, engulfed in marejuice.
  95. >You grab it with both hooves now, thoughts of Anon's body invade your mind :
  98. >His imposing frame pining you down, the human is deaf to your cries of protestation as he took whatever he desire from you.
  99. >You're raping yourself at this point, the toy's a blur between your legs.
  100. >Flashes of white fill your vision each time it slams against the depth of your marehood.
  101. >You start to feel it, it's coming, slow. Too slow.
  102. >You bring a single hoof to your snout and take a good snif.
  103. >That does it. The perfume of your own juices is enough to send you over the edge.
  104. >You lost control of your body as pleasure take the reins, your mind goind blank.
  105. >Gushes of fluids are expulsed from your nethers, waterfalling from your chair to the floor.
  106. >It takes you some time to recolect, staying limp in your drenched chair, gaze lost into nothingness.
  107. >As your breath goes down to a calmer level, the only sounds that fill the room is the soft humming of your computer, as well as the ocasional 'plic' of the droplets of marecum dripping down the floor.
  108. >Eventually you grab a nearby towel and take out the dildo, producing an audible "shlurp".
  109. >You dry it toughfully, and set it back at its place on your desk.
  110. >You then proceed to wipe the most off of yourself, sitting up from your chair.
  111. >Letting the towel drop down to let it soak the floor, you put an other cloth on your chair before sitting back on it.
  112. >Taking a look at your groin, you swear as you realise you ripped your panties.
  113. "Hope he won't mind..." you mutter to yourself.
  114. >Your hears swivel as the front door crack open, Anon back from his trip to the food-truck.
  116. -----
  118. >Anon is back.
  119. >So you are Anon again.
  120. >Food was good, and it was pleasant outside, if a bit chilly though.
  121. >You go to your room, barely taking a glance toward Floors' to notice a blue-ish light creeping beneath her door.
  122. >Of course her computer was running, the real question was to know if she was up or asleep on her chair again.
  123. >You turn on the light and take a look at your own room.
  124. >On the right is your bed, on the left your PC.
  125. >It's time to choose Anon, be wize.
  126. >Wize ?
  127. >Computer it is, then.
  128. >You turn it on and make you confortable in your chair.
  129. >Once the screen show your desktop you open PRC to see who's still up.
  130. >It's not that late, but in the middle of the week most ponies tuck in early.
  131. >Yep, only two logged-in in your main chat group.
  132. >You toss a little "Hi" anyway, and switch to another room.
  133. >This one is the private one you share with Floor.
  134. >You two have talk way much more here than in real life.
  135. >You think about that for a moment, before starting to type :
  136. >[Anonymous]:Hey
  137. >You wait a few seconds, asking yourself whether or not you should go grab another beer.
  138. >The answer is obviously yes, but taking the time to ask yourself this question makes you feel less like an alcoholic.
  139. >[HotStud_32U]:What ?
  140. >[Anonymous]:rofl, what's this nick ?
  141. >[HotStud_32U]:shit, I was messing with a horny kid this afternoon
  142. >[Flobe]:Here
  143. >[Anonymous]:much better. but ain't 32 a bit old to attract fillies ?
  144. >[Flobe]:That's not the age Anon <3
  145. >[Anonymous]:WHATEVER
  148. >[Anonymous]:You should have come with me
  149. >[Flobe]:told you I ate already
  150. >[Anonymous]:Well then tomorow you come with me, you're warned
  151. >The answer as yet to come, so you just get up and go grab a drink. When you return, she still hasn't write back.
  152. >[Anonymous]:Well ? They got some mean grilled-cheese sandwiches
  153. >[Flobe]:Yeah, I don't know. I've got enough food here, why go outside ?
  154. >Let's be honest.
  155. >[Anonymous]:To spend more time together ?
  156. >Fuck, that sounded like you where hitting on her !
  157. >Damage control, act quick !
  158. >[Anonymous]:well, I mean we talk a lot but only via PRC. we could hang out and do stuff, like friends usually do ?
  159. >Hopefully it will do.
  160. >[Flobe]:Buck-off normie !
  161. >It did, sector is clear, no casualty, congratulation soldier.
  162. >You still have to convice her to come, but you know what to say.
  163. >[Anonymous]:Come on, I'll pay for you.
  164. >This. Who say no to free food ? That's right, fucking no-one.
  165. >...
  166. >Then why this bitch is taking so long to say yes !? Oh, finally she's typing.
  167. >[Flobe]:Ok, but I'll take a complete menu with extra fries.
  168. >[Anonymous]:Whatever suit you, fat mare.
  169. >It will cost you but you don't care, you need company.
  170. >D-Did you just bought a friend with food ?
  171. >God that's sad.
  172. >Anyway, you ignore the insult she just sent and change subject.
  173. >[Anonymous]:So, what do you do tonight ? Still playing to this lame mmo ?
  174. >[Flobe]:I'm not expecting a Battleland player to understand the thrill of DAoD.
  175. >[Anonymous]:Nerd
  176. >[Flobe]:Casual
  179. >[Anonymous]:I tell you what ; I'll consider playing DAoD if you come and try BL2.
  180. >It wasn't the first time you and her had this argument, but you were more and more willing to actually try this game.
  181. >[Flobe]:And why would I want you to play DAoD ?
  182. >[Flobe]:It will take you weeks if not months to go through leveling, and then I will have to help you gear up, teach you the mechanics and whatnot...
  183. >[Flobe]:You're just going to be a burden, no thanks.
  184. >[Anonymous]:I can play healer, I used to be one back on Astral Wars.
  185. >"Oh my Celestia !"
  186. >You heard her yell from her room. You know for a fact that almost no-one wanted to play healer in those games. It was un-rewarding when you did your job well, and it was always your fault if something went wrong.
  187. >Exactly like your job at the store, when you thought about it.
  188. >Well you must be some kind of masochist, because that was the sole role you liked to play in games.
  189. >Even in Battleland you always stick to the medic class, and not only because it was absolutely OP.
  190. >Anyway, Floor is talking to you.
  191. >[Flobe]:I don't have enough bits to buy any games for now, but if you come and play healer on DAoD I'll play with you to your colt's game next month, I promise !
  192. >[Flobe]:Deal ?
  193. >Well, looks like you roommate became your new gamesbuddy.
  194. >[Anonymous]:Deal.
  196. ------
  198. >You are Anon Ymous.
  199. >"Anon !"
  200. >Yep, that's it.
  201. >"Anon !?"
  202. >This is you name.
  203. >"Hey Anon !"
  204. >Now this is getting anoying. You lift your head from the desk you were totally not sleeping on and groan.
  205. "Whaaaaat ?"
  206. >A pale blue and yellow unicorn is looking at you with a concerned look.
  207. >"Tell me you're not sleeping at work ?"
  208. >You frown and wave a hand toward the large metal door somewhere on your left.
  209. "No Lemon, I survey the deck for the delivery."
  210. >"But it's almost noon Anon, we don't expect any more delivery..."
  211. >You ruffle on the desk to fond the mornings' schedule, then hand it for the mare to see, taping a finger on the sole unchecked entry of the list.
  212. "This ass hasn't come yet !"
  213. >"Yeah, but you could... I don't know, store stuff ?"
  214. >You shake your head no.
  215. "The bell is broken, I have to stay here, otherwise I won't be able to hear him know at the door."
  216. >She look at you a few seconds before shruging.
  217. >"Make sense. Anyway, as I was saying it's almost noon, don't you have to go ?"
  218. "What for the door ?"
  219. >You don't really like your job, but it doesn't mean you won't do it right. If the delivery is here in five minutes, someone has to be there to recieve it.
  220. >"I'll take it, don't worry." she say, trotting next to you to take your place.
  221. "Thanks, you're the best !"
  222. >"Go on, see you tomorow."
  223. "I'm on break tomorow."
  224. >"Really ? Then who's working whit me..."
  225. >She rummage through the papers on the desk as you walk your way out.
  226. >As you pass the door, you hear her yell :
  227. >"Oh come on ! Not her !"
  230. >You exit the store after changing clothes in the staff room.
  231. >From here it's a short ten minutes trip to your appartment.
  232. >You pull your keys out, open the halls' door, climb up to the second floor, enter home.
  233. >Now you got your whole afternoon ahead of you., and you're feeling it like : piss, beer, gaming.
  234. >You could eat something also, but you're too lazy right now to cook or to go back outside. You still have a bag of nuts in your room, if Floor didn't raid it during your absence.
  235. >You know she did it, more than once.
  236. >Well first things first.
  237. >You go to the toilets, and unzip your pants.
  238. >It is at this moment, during thoses awkward seconds of silence where you just stood there with your junk in hand, waiting for the stream to start, that you hear it.
  239. >Moaning.
  240. >The toilets are right next to Floors' room, and the walls aren't so thick.
  241. >Being carefull of your aiming, you lean a bit toward the wall and press you ear against it.
  242. >There is little to no doubt, the mare is at it.
  243. >You can aer all her moans and quiet littles cries of pleasure as she play with herself.
  244. >You know you shouldn't listen to her, you don't even really think of her that way.
  245. >But com on, you're still a guy.
  246. >A much pent-up guy at that.
  247. >This is so hot...
  248. >Looking down, you supress a yell as you realise your now almost erect pride has sent piss all other the floor. [spoiler]pun intended[/spoiler]
  250. -----
  252. >Silently cursing yourself, you clean the mess you made before heading to the kitchen.
  253. >You try to forget what just happend, but to no avail.
  254. >The lusty sounds of Floor are playing over and over in your head, making your pants tight.
  255. >Realy it sounded like she was having fun.
  256. >Maybe she wouldn't mind if you offered her your help ?
  257. >No, fuck you Anon.
  258. >You open the fridge and grab a drink.
  259. >Only one left, you'll have to restock soon.
  260. >You feel the coolness of the can in your hand, opposed to the burning sensation in your lower area.
  261. >You pull on your pants and shove the cold beer in it. You wince at first bit it doo the trick, your arousal quickly fade.
  262. >Now cooled down, you go to your room, drink back in hand, and lazilly let yourself slump in your chair.
  263. >The day pass uneventfully, you watch videos on ponytube while downloading DAoD.
  264. >It's nearly time to eat, and the download is nearly complete. You'll even be able to create your character tonight.
  265. >Time to warn Floor.
  266. >[Anonymous]:Hey, you ready to go ?
  267. >[Flobe]:yeahz, juts a minut
  268. >Weird.
  269. >[Anonymous]:Hu, ok. By the way, I've dl your game, you're ok to play with me later ?
  270. >The only response you got is a loud thud comming from her room.
  271. >...
  272. >[Anonymous]:Floor ?
  273. >No answer.
  274. "Floor ?"
  275. >Ok it's worrying.
  276. >You get up and rush to her room.
  277. >You knok at the door, calling for her.
  278. >No answer.
  279. >You hesitate for a second, you never entered her room, and you don't really feel at ease doing it.
  280. >But this could be an emergency.
  281. "Floor I'm coming in !"
  282. >You open the door, and a ray of light pierce through the obscurity.
  285. >Your roommate is laying on the floor, next to her tipped-over chair.
  286. "Floor !"
  287. >You take a step in and immediatly back.
  288. >The smell.
  289. >OH GOD THE SMELL !
  290. >It is so strong and thick it make you gag.
  291. >You pull your shirt over your nose and brave the horrid stench.
  292. >Approaching Floor, you kneel next to her and place you hand on her neck.
  293. >She's not dead, cool. Now better lay her somewhere better than the hard floor.
  294. >Taking a look around, you try to locate the bed.
  295. >But the only source of luminosity being her computers' screens, with the brightness set to the minimum, you're not able to distinguish much.
  296. >Eventually your eyes acustom to the darkness, and after a few seconds you see the bed.
  297. >The shit's so littered in clothes, cans, diverse boxes and other unrecognizable objects it is clear she did not sleep on that.
  298. >Well, maybe not.
  299. >You guess it will be better to carry her to your own room then.
  300. >You bent down and wrap your arms around her, readying yourself.
  301. >You take a deep breath and lift the pony...
  302. >Okay, so once at work the forklift broke, and you had to lift Lemon to help her reach the upper shelves. Your coworker was far from being a fatty, but it had still been quite a workout.
  303. >Here, Floor wasn't weighting much more than a dog, like a Labrador or something this size.
  304. >Whit care you gently pat her chest, and even beneath the fabric of her hoodie you can feel her ribs.
  305. >All the moving seem to wake Floor. She looks up at you weakly, a worried expression on her face.
  306. >"D-Don't touch me. Let me down !"
  307. "Shut up bitch, I'm helping you."
  310. >Be Floor Bored.
  311. >You were quietly browsing when you felt a bit light-headed. Then you were in Anons' embrace.
  312. >And he just called you his bitch.
  313. >You would be so turned on right now if you weren't feeling so weak.
  314. >Guess that's what you got for not eating in so long.
  315. >Wait, where are you going ?
  316. >Hey, this is Anons' room, he-he laying you on his bed !?
  317. >Oh hay, it's happening !
  318. >You roomate has finally lost it and is going to take advantage of your weakened state to rape you !
  319. "Anon, please..."
  320. >He is looming over you, staring right in your eyes?
  321. >He lift one of his hand and place it atop your forehead... and do nothing more.
  322. >...
  323. >Come on bucking monkey, that's not how you fuck a mare !
  324. >You knew you should have share more of your clop folder with him !
  325. >But no, when he asked you for good stuff you just chickened out and kept the more kinky stuff to yourself.
  326. >"Ok, you don't have any fever. How do you feel ?" He say, taking off his hand from you.
  327. >It takes you a few seconds to understand what he is talking about.
  328. >Floor, you dumb horny mare, he's not trying to rape you, he's just concerned about your health !
  329. "Yeah, I'm ok. I just felt a bit dizzy for a second, but it's fine now, I'm fine."
  330. >You try to sit up but a push from Anons' hand keep you in place.
  331. >"You sure ?" he insist. "Don't want you to fall again, you're lucky you didn't hit your head too bad."
  332. >You swat his hand with a hoof, frowning at him.
  333. "I told you I'm fine !"
  334. >It was nice of him to show he cared, but you didn't like the tone he used.
  335. >You weren't a filly anymore.
  337. -----
  341. -----
  343. >You are Anon, finally standing in front of the best foodtruck in town.
  344. >Which also happen to be the nearest.
  345. >Floor is still on your back, her head resting on your shoulder to take a better look at the menu.
  346. >She had freaked out when you lifted her at home, and nearly cried when you walked down the stairs, but eventually she stopped being so scared once she realized you weren't going to drop her.
  347. >She was still a bit nervous, and never loosen the grip on you.
  348. >You could have think she was actually hugging you, but you knew better.
  349. >She was your friend already, no need to hope for more.
  350. >Sane ponies didn't like human too much, only weirdos were interested.
  351. >Like this time when you found this online dildo store advertising its first human-shaped model, the users on the forum were going crazy over it.
  352. >You had very mixed feelings about that.
  353. >Those thought are pushed aside though when your turn to order come.
  354. >"What is it for you ?" ask the unicorn cook, eying you and Floor with a faint look of perplexity.
  355. "A Twilight's special for me, and a beer. Whaddya want, Floor ?"
  356. >After a few last seconds of reflexion, your living backpack whispered to you her order, as if she was afraid to talk directly to the other pony, you supposed.
  357. >Anyway, you start repeating after her.
  358. "A double hayburger, a corn-dog, cola, a large fries, and one huge fat co- Floor !"
  359. >You try to shoot her a glare, but she hide behind your head, giggling.
  360. >"Is that all ?" ask the cook, already getting to work.
  361. "Yeah."
  362. >By the time you pulled out a bill and slapped it on the counter, the unicorn had finished preparing your order.
  363. >This fucker with his magic is like the living dream of every fast food manager.
  364. >You let him keep the change, grab the bag he hands you and wish him goodbye before walking away.
  365. >"Where are we going Anon ?" Floor ask from her perchoir.
  366. "Not far. There's a bench where I usually sit"
  367. >It is located in what looks like a small park.
  368. >Three benches, surrounded by half a dozen of trees and accessible by a narrow path.
  369. >The place was pretty quiet, and with the sun slowly descending, a kind of warm feeling emanated from it, even with the chill air of autumn.
  370. >"Wow Anon, this place is pretty."
  371. "I know, right ?" you say as you gently bend for her to reconnect with the ground.
  372. >"It remind me a lot of Tempestbreeze's park."
  373. "Tempestbreeze ?"
  374. >"Yeah, it's a city in DAoD, I'll show you."
  375. >You shuckle, sitting on a bench, mindful of letting enough space for your friend to take place beside you.
  376. "Okay, let's eat. What do you want first ?"
  377. >"Fries !" she exclaim enthusiastically.
  378. >You hand her her food and smile a you see her instantly stuffing her mouth with Prench fries.
  379. >You grab your own sandwich and start eating more slowly.
  380. >You both enjoy your meal in silence, until Floor ask you for her burger.
  381. >"Thanks." she quickly mutter as you hand her the food.
  382. "So, tell me, is it good ?"
  383. >Already having biten in her burger, she takes the time to swallow before answering you.
  384. >"Yeah, it's great !"

Ponyville's Sexologist

by Norlf

[Cancelled] Retail Anon and poor Floorb

by Norlf

Other /SPG/ greens I wrote (list)

by Norlf