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Shallow vs Tall

By wingedanon
Created: 2022-07-23 14:10:01
Updated: 2022-07-24 18:25:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Moondancer, studying magic is your game.
  2. >It is also the only game you got.
  3. >Not even the best in the world.
  4. >However, this fact is not why you are miffed at this moment.
  5. >You don’t like Twilight’s new friend she sent to your group.
  6. >Doesn’t help your friends are doing a terrible job defending you.
  7. >Lemon Bucking Heart is currently doing a fantastic draft pony job.
  8. >”I’m sure the entire reason you didn’t find her is because she was hiding from the invading force.”
  9. >”She just said she wasn’t even aware I took over Canterlot! My troops told me the home was a derelict place not fit for anyone.”
  10. >May Luna freeze your teats, this mare won’t stop laughing at you.
  11. >The whole bar can hear her; the bar across town!
  12. >Lanky, eggplant coat, scar ridden tough mare; Tempest Edgy Like Her Broken Horn Shadow.
  13. >No way that is her real name.
  14. “How is this different from the other times? Mares please, this isn’t new.”
  15. >Tempest sputters for a moment as she tries to control her gruff guffaw.
  16. >”Hold on, hold on. Again? This happened before. Sweet virgin stallion, explain! I have to hear this.”
  17. >Time to sing like a choir of school fillies; Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Heart helpfully help.
  18. ”Nightmare Moon was a long night for this night owl; Discord’s chaos might as well have thrown the towel. Changelings on the hunt for love buzzed her house, giant cockatrees turn ponies to stone when her muzzle isn’t a book louse. Tirek drained all magic and had no desire to overcome her natural nerd musk, Storm King brought the army that kept the neet mare in till dusk.”
  19. >Shadow is laughing, her sides look like they could fall off at any moment and fly away to Cloudsdale.
  21. >”Never in all of my travels did I ever think I could meet someone like you. Pinkie Pie couldn’t make me laugh this hard. You are something else! Did you actually make that song?”
  22. >Her cheeks were moist, and yours were burning.
  23. >Interesting how she talks though, you only heard Anon say ‘someone’ in a conservation.
  24. “Minuette was inspired.”
  25. >Shadow’s sputters out an ‘oh really’ between her giggle fits.
  26. >Minuette calmly stirs her drink, she’s not looking at Shadow.
  27. >Is she looking at you with a flirty look?
  28. >No wait, the other one; peeved.
  29. >By Celestia’s horny heat, you need to get laid.
  30. >”I dunno. After the last couple of invasions, while her friends were being held in stocks, hoping their only friend who wasn’t captured would come save them. Why am I a little upset?”
  31. >”Aw, Minty. Do you need another one of my special lemon jumpers? Turn that frown upside down.”
  32. >Lemon Heart shakes some of her favorite potions in her magic while the bartender rolls her eyes and gives her apple wine.
  33. >That pony loves playing with flasks too much, and Minuette needs to get off her high whorse.
  34. “Don’t give me muzzle, Miss Why Don’t You Go Fuck A Breezie.”
  35. >Feels like staying home would have been the saner option, not your fault what happens passed your notice.
  36. >A gagged cough erupts as Tempest fails to drink her glass.
  37. >”Great, I just burned my nose. You know I thought ponies were pretty soft, but this group of friends is just as lovingly vitriolic as any bandits in the wild badlands.”
  38. >Twinkleshine glomps your back and messes with your already rat nest of a mane.
  39. >”Home mare here really brought some spice to this group when we convinced her to give us a chance again.”
  41. “If Lyra and Twilight were here then we would complete the herd of madness. No ball-bras were safe from plundering.”
  42. >School will always be the fondest memories you hold, wingless Twilight was still a reality then.
  43. >”So where did screwing a breezie come from?”
  44. >Slowly you head tilt your gaze towards Minuette with gritted teeth.
  45. >She shrugs as she downs whatever concoction created from Lemon’s alcohol potion.
  46. >”You said it, you roll in that manure.”
  47. >Buck, you did.
  48. >Big drunk mouth with no sword to hilt made for loose lips.
  49. “Well might as well get this out of the way, I’m shallow. Really shallow. Fit one of these shot glasses inside and it will be poking out.”
  50. >The bartender from the other side of the room gives you the dirtiest look.
  51. “Chill out, just an example.”
  52. >”Huh.”
  53. >Snap back to Tempest who actually looks somewhat serious.
  54. >”That’s actually something I’m personally familiar with.”
  55. >With that confession, you feel the other two mares glomp on your poor back making a perfect pony pyramid pile.
  56. >”Makes sense, you are on the lean side. Like you’re on stilts, and mostly made of muscle. Kind of like not growing past adolescence, just growing with it. You know--. ”
  57. >Lemon is on a tangent again, thankfully Twinkle shoves her half-pint into her muzzle.
  58. >”What my lubricated friend is saying--.”
  59. >”I’m always willing and ready.”
  60. >”Not that kind of lubricated! Tempest, you have that body type commonly associated with your issue.”
  61. >Twinkle rubs the top of your head, something that should be enduring.
  62. >”Flabby flanks here got the short end of the genetic tube.”
  63. >Ha, funny on multiple layers.
  64. >Wait no, that isn’t funny at all.
  65. “There is only one kind of weight pressing on my back and it isn’t you frisky fillies!”
  67. >You attempt to buck and heave your friends off of you, but all you really manage to do is make them slide off your withers.
  68. >Lemon Heart ‘wees’ her way back to her bar stool, as usual she can’t keep her muzzle shut.
  69. >”We’ve spent many nights here helping her.”
  70. “I don’t need help. I can get laid just fine.”
  71. >An empty mug slams down on the bench, almost making everypony jump.
  72. >”Wait, wait, wait, hold on now. We just got done talking about how you lack the social, neigh, basic self awareness to know when your home city is being invaded. You get laid.”
  73. >Tempest Shadow looms over you as she pokes your soft barrel.
  74. >”You.”
  75. “It happens.”
  76. >The poking will stop when morale improves.
  77. >Those eyes bore into you, time to mare up and meet them.
  78. “Smirk all you want, but I can get tail.”
  79. >”Your doughy body looks like you’d flinch if you stub the thickest part of your hoof.”
  80. >Slap her hoof away, only to miss as she bops your attempt.
  81. “When was the last time you were with a stallion?”
  82. >A shrug answers you.
  83. >”Ponies were not very common outside Equestria. Lot of options with other species without having to deal with an entitled stallion.”
  84. >Minuette pulls you back as she waves a hoof.
  85. >”Oh, oh, who has the biggest?”
  86. >It is interesting to see her scarred coat twist as her tight muscles flex.
  87. >”Dragons.”
  88. >Boo!
  89. >”Boo!”
  90. “Boo!”
  91. >The herd starts to throw harmless fizzles at Tempest.
  92. ”Magical assistance is required and if you’re doing that; a dragon is the worst possible option. I, uh, studied it once for knowledge for my friends. Terrible stamina, and lazy.”
  93. >Tempest sticks her tongue out at you.
  94. >”You asked for the biggest.”
  96. >”Other races can be fun to roll in the hay. Thankfully, they tend to be on the smaller side.”
  97. >Lemon pipes up with more words of wisdom.
  98. >”Well between all of us, Moondancer is probably the one that is more willing to fling outside ponies. She can’t get enough of Anonymous.”
  99. “You got that wrong, Anon is addicted to me.”
  100. >Minuette points an accusatory unhemmed fetlock, buck mare groom yourself.
  101. >Oh right, they just got done with an invasion.
  102. >”Don’t give us that! Last time we were together you were bragging about the teat valley rut technique you pulled on him.”
  103. >”Also, I’m pretty sure he is the only dude you buck now.”
  104. >Wow, all of your sisters are braying your saddle.
  105. >Some things never change.
  106. >”Who’s Anon? Why is he named nameless?”
  107. >Right, the new filly doesn’t know about him.
  108. “He’s a human, it was done for his protection. The few humans who show up throughout history have to change their names because magic alters them. Onomancy is an interesting study.”
  109. >”Can you imagine if his surname gave him an even bigger dick? You would be in the hospital with Twilight apologizing over and over.”
  110. >Twinkle continues on allowing you to drink your trough.
  111. >“So Twilight thought she was doing our mare here a solid. A human is a type of ape, actually should be in the same family as your minions.”
  112. >Tempest ‘ahs’ in understanding.
  113. >”Right, I get it now. My troops aren’t exactly well endowed. So I’m guessing this Anon was bigger than expected.”
  114. >”If you can believe this bone head, she had the audacity to complain about it.”
  115. >Thanks Twinkle.
  116. >”He’s also standing out in the street waving around a sword.”
  117. >You spit-take all over Minuette.
  118. >She glares as she slowly dabs her muzzle.
  120. >Sure enough, Anon is waltzing down the street in shining armor.
  121. >The very same armor and sword he uses for larping with you in one on one O&O sessions.
  122. >”He looks a little upset.”
  123. >Tempest squints her eyes, her ear placement shows just how interested she is.
  124. >”Is that a cork on the tip of his sword?
  125. >That scowl in his face only breaks when spots you through the window.
  126. >Dear celestial bodies, he’s coming.
  127. >Ha, he’s coming.
  128. >”Moondancer! Good to see ya, and your posse of mates. Hello ladies.”
  129. >Confused drunk hellos greet him.
  130. “Anon, not that I’m not happy to see you, but why are you wearing that?”
  131. >”Also the sword. Wait a moment.”
  132. >Lemon Heart’s horn lights up as a wayward tag is straightened out on the armor’s kilt.
  133. >“HMD. Heroic Mare Dungeons. That’s the buckstarter you wasted bits on, Moondancer.”
  134. >Dear Sol Invictus, he’s wearing the LARP equipment.
  135. >Wearing the Paladin’s Sun Armor with his short sword.
  136. >”Oh yeah, Moondancer got me into pony D&D and got me this bitchn’ setup.”
  137. >Want to melt into your glass right now as your mares slowly turn towards you.
  138. >”So tell me, Anon.”
  139. >Minuette starts without breaking eye contact with you.
  140. >”You probably get hot and sweaty in that armor.”
  141. >Without missing a beat, unlike his singing, he answers.
  142. >”Sure do. She helps me get out of it.”
  143. >Tempest Shadow is laughing again.
  144. >”You came all this way to fight an army in a roleplaying dress.”
  145. >Anon puts his sword down on the bar table and sits between you and the purple edge-queen.
  146. >”Well the plan was to defeat a few minions, save some ponies, and start an uprising to save the day.”
  147. >You can feel Minuette stare a hole through your skull.
  149. >”So the cork?”
  150. >Anon smiles at Tempest’s question.
  151. >”Makes the weapon ‘safe’ when on, and ready when taken off. See on. Off. On. Off.”
  152. “Corkus Pocus spell. Mostly useful for family herds with unicorn foals.”
  153. >You’ve seen some families put a tennis ball on their foal’s horn.
  154. >For everypony’s safety you put the cork on Lemon Heart’s horn.
  155. >Tempest has a glimmer in her eye as she looks between Anon and you.
  156. >”So you two huh. I was told about your first time together. Given the context and how much you complain, I figured it was a one time thing.”
  157. >Smacking the side of your flank, you counter.
  158. “My problem was that all of my brief rolls in the hay were a bunch of whiny stallions that wanted a hallway. It isn’t how deep you are, but how you work it.”
  159. >”I can work it better than you.”
  160. >Oh buck, she’s calling you out.
  161. >Anon raises his hands, you think it is a showing of being non-threatening.
  162. >”Ladies, please. This isn’t a competition. Or is it? Honestly, horse society is really strange. Either way, I’m sure both of your scabbards are just fine. Not something I had ever expected to say about pussy.”
  163. >It isn’t a cat, you weird alien.
  164. >”Oh, I don’t know about that.”
  165. >Tempest’s tone begets a sinister undertone as she slides away from the table.
  166. >She saunters towards the door, swaying her muscles with absolute authority.
  167. >”Anon. You wanted to save the kingdom right from the invading army? Guess what? That was all me. Took over the kingdom and captured all the princesses. I’m the real bucking deal.”
  168. >He shrugs.
  169. >”Neat, but I already know the day has been saved.”
  170. >”True, but how about we have a wizard’s duel, you two against me.”
  171. 7/18
  173. >Oh buck, she’s really calling you out.
  174. >”You wanted to be heroes right, want to test your mettle against Tempest Shadow?”
  175. >”Actually-”
  176. >Minuette pushes up her fake pair of glasses.
  177. >”It was just Anon. Moondancer wasn’t planning on saving the day at all.”
  178. “Mare! Get your cooler chilled. I didn’t know there was an invading army outside my house. Fine, I’ll do it!”
  179. >A hand plants itself in your fluffy chest.
  180. >Anon doesn’t seem as interested in the process as you thought.
  181. >”Hold your pony rump, Moonie. All right, why should we do this? What’s in it for us?”
  182. >Tempest snorts heavily, her ears have been pointed straight at you two.
  183. >”Honestly, I thought you would have picked up on my body language. I would like to roll in the hay. It has been too long. I win, I decide what we do. You win, it is your show. Up to you.”
  184. >Unf, that’s hot.
  185. >Her scars though, she’s been in a lot of fights.
  186. >”With your scars, guessing you’ve lost a lot of fights.”
  187. >Bucking flaming book princess, Anon.
  188. >How do you read the room so wrong?
  189. >Tempest, for her part, raises an eyebrow.
  190. >Anon looks down at you.
  191. >”Well my grand sorcerer, what do you want?”
  192. >Do not call me by my RP name in front of your friends.
  193. “I want to kick her down a peg. Don’t think I want to peg her, but we’ll come to that when it happens.”
  194. >Anon plucks the cork off Lemon Heart’s horn and puts it on his sword.
  195. >”Please hold this for me ladies, I’m not going to be using this.”
  196. >Twinkle Shine grabs it as the herd follows behind you.
  197. >Your opponent has the biggest scariest grin on her muzzle.
  198. >This was a terrible idea.
  200. >Drunk, in a duel, surrounded by a spectating herd.
  201. >Twilight Sparkle has been a terrible influence on you.
  202. >For the honor of having a threesome with the mare that kicked everypony's flanks a few days earlier.
  203. >Now going after yours and Anon’s.
  204. >Maybe you shouldn’t have left your house.
  205. >Aw, buck.
  206. >You got a colt involved in a fight, mom is going to kick your sorry rump once this out regardless of the outcome.
  207. >”All right filly and colt, I won’t be holding back. Just like how I took your princesses, I will be using all of my tools.”
  208. >Tempest looks serious, excited, and probably aroused.
  209. >That manic grin is sometimes seen on Anon.
  210. >”What’s the plan? If what she’s saying is true, she's probably pretty tough.”
  211. >Analyzing her, kind of freaky how she is mirroring your expression.
  212. “Good news, we don’t have to worry about spells from her. Bad news, she probably compensates for it with tools and quick takedowns.”
  213. >Anon rolls his shoulders as he rolls up his sleeves.
  214. >”So like my ranger character. I bet she knows how to deal with someone bigger than her. I’ll try to take most of the punishment, you get your spell to win.”
  215. >A throat clears the air in the road.
  216. >Lemon Heart in a referee outfit sits on her high seat.
  217. >”As within my Celestial given right I will be overseeing this randy brawl. Standard wizard duels, nothing that leaves the zone. If one taps out it is over. Let’s start this spectacle.”
  218. >An untimely belch from you makes you lose track of Purple Nipple in an instant.
  219. >Good job you.
  220. “Wait, what? Where?”
  221. >Anon is already moving in front of you, some blur streaks towards you and he catches it.
  223. >”Geez Moondancer, are you trying to get pegged by her? Hot, hot, oh this is hot.”
  224. >A magic item pulses in his fingers, quickly you grab it to analyze.
  225. >Tempest lands on the ground, she must have jumped and thrown it.
  226. >Transmutation, eye of cockatrices is in the components.
  227. >Petrification spell, area of effect if cracked or reacts to strong magic.
  228. >Nasty item.
  229. >”You’re big, but just like a minotaur you’re all top heavy.”
  230. >A plum blur goes low at Anon and strikes with martial force.
  231. >A loud smack proves she is not afraid to hit a colt, her shocked look proves she might have underestimated Anon.
  232. >”Do I look like I skipped leg day?”
  233. >Those foal chasing thighs tighten as Anon rears back and hoofball punts Shadow.
  234. >She blocks, but gets sent flying cursing all the way.
  235. >Taking the opportunity, you throw her petrifying orb right back at her.
  236. >Horn aims and fires a magic bolt right at it.
  237. >Tempest skids across the ground, tracking her orb, her horn glows.
  238. >An explosion lifts you off your hooves, dust obscures your vision.
  239. >This isn’t good, don’t lose your cool.
  240. >Your ears twitch, you can hear her hooves near you.
  241. >Can also hear her smirk.
  242. >With all the athletic prowess of a fat dragon, you jump to the side as a pair of hooves land where you were.
  243. >Too close, a quick quiet teleport winks you out of her danger zone.
  244. >”So you can move when your wobbly legs need to.”
  245. >”Don’t ignore me!”
  246. >Anon is already on top of her, a quick defensive jab tests her defense.
  247. >Tempest is nimble on her hooves and quickly ducks out of the way.
  248. >You watch this dance, and wait.
  249. >That grin on her face, the sweat dripping on Anon’s face.
  251. >Salty sweet sweat that you can smell.
  252. “Anon! Throw your haymaker!”
  253. >Rearing back with a powerful slow punch, you’re glad he trusts you to just do as you say.
  254. >Like a good stallion.
  255. >Tempest doesn’t look impressed.
  256. >Most likely preparing a deadly counter she twists for a roundhouse.
  257. >A powerful crack rails across her gut when you blink Anon right behind Shadow.
  258. >The herd spectating the event gasp as the former conqueror is sent tumbling.
  259. >Right towards you.
  260. >A mighty marely squeak comes from your powerful lungs as you duck out of the way.
  261. >Your mane is whipped aside as her body rolls over you.
  262. >Quickly move back next to Anon as he shakes his hand.
  263. “You hurt?”
  264. >He shrugs as he pops his weird joints.
  265. >”Stings a bit. She has some tight muscles. Still, clever idea.”
  266. >A cough from your opponent keeps you on track.
  267. >”Buck, I think my ribs are going to remind me about this for a month. With moves like that, if you could have stopped me. Would have never seen it coming.”
  268. >Her legs are still strong as she steadies herself.
  269. “I’d imagine having an army would've made it less simple as you say.”
  270. >Popping her shoulders, Tempest rolls them as she carefully stalks at a safe distance.
  271. >”Twilight’s friends had to sneak their way past my soldiers. So the danger was there.”
  272. >Anon pats your withers, two fingers, followed by an index, then ending with a thumb scratch.
  273. >Cute thought using the thieves cant, Minotaur race are way too good.
  274. “While I appreciate the thought, I can’t replicate my O&O athletic moves.”
  275. >”Could you just turn her into a frog?”
  276. >That suggestion makes Tempest pause.
  277. >”Wait, can you do that?”
  278. >Tempest should know the rules.
  280. >Oh wait, she’s probably a magic school drop out if she doesn’t have a working horn.
  281. “Well sure, but an ingredient of that is making a contract with a frog. Have you ever tried to get a frog to sign a binding contract? It isn’t worth it. Then you have to buy a tank, feed it, take it for walks.”
  282. >A look crosses Anon’s face.
  283. >One of temptation.
  284. >”So could you turn into a human if we made a contract?
  285. >Libido of this stallion needs to be reigned in.
  286. “First of all, I would have to know your real name and I know Celestia protects humans like her foals. So that isn’t going to fly.”
  287. >”I’m glad you agree with our princess as you bring Mr. Anonymous into a wizard’s duel.”
  288. “I guess.”
  289. >You look back at the royal guard standing next to you.
  290. >Huh, when did she get here?
  291. >Her and an entire posse of royal guards.
  292. >”An illegal duel as Ms. Tempest isn’t registered and Mr. Anonymous can’t participate without Princess Celestia’s royal approval.”
  293. >A couple of blinks from you telegraphs your slow thoughts as you connect the dots.
  294. >She sniffs the air.
  295. >”A drunk duel as well.”
  296. >Twinkle Shine is faster on her hooves as she screams.
  297. >”Cheese it!”
  298. >Her signature spell goes off, twinkles that shine.
  299. >Redundant, yes, but she’s proud of it.
  300. >Panicky, star-dazed ponies scream as guards yell out confusing orders.
  301. >Grab Anon’s hand with your mouth, you need to cast as little magic as possible so the guards can’t trace you as soon as they’re not dazed.
  302. >Anon’s other hand reaches around and wraps around your barrel.
  303. >”Tell me where to go.”
  304. “I’ll bring you to my home. I got Introvert’s Boring Hovel spell built into it, they won’t bother looking.”
  306. >Anon’s powerful legs carry you both to your home.
  307. >Breathing hard as the adrenaline winds down between the two of you.
  308. >”I should come around more often, just like Ponyville things are never quiet around here.”
  309. >His laugh is a deep rumble as he holds you tight.
  310. “That was so dumb of me. I need to get a gift for my friends as an apology.”
  311. >After he puts you down, you try to clean off your current mess of a project so he can have room to walk around.
  312. “So it might take a few hours until we can sneak back out, did you want to play games, read a book-”
  313. >A knock on the door makes your coat stand on end, Anon straightens up.
  314. “Or we could visit the detention center.”
  315. >Time to face the music, maybe Twilight can bail you out.
  316. >Nepotism don’t fail me now.
  317. >Award winning smile paints your muzzle.
  318. >The disheveled door creaks open as Tempest Shadow stands on your doorstep with a sword in her possession.
  319. >”I think you forgot this.”
  320. >Holy hay bells, she followed you.
  321. “How did you get around my spell?”
  322. >Anon takes back his sword as Shadow slides into your home.
  323. >”It wasn’t easy, I can see why my troops missed you. I saw Anon come in and I still almost walked away.”
  324. “Yeah, you have to be very deliberate to break the spell.”
  325. >”Hey thanks for getting my little prop.”
  326. >He carefully checks the cork before putting the sword in your umbrella holder.
  327. >”So I don’t think we can do your wizard’s duel idea given that the moment I go out in public Celestia is going to be doting and scolding me.”
  328. >”Then we don’t have much time.”
  329. >You tilt your head in confusion.
  331. >”The duel might have been a bust, but I’m still ready for a good roll in the cot with a colt.”
  332. >Now your mind races with the possibilities of cleaning your bedroom.
  333. “I’m so down for a threesome, but this is my home and I want my revenge for you laughing at me.”
  334. >Anon is already chuckling as he walks towards your couch.
  335. “You get the dick ride of your life, I’ll be sitting on his face. Every time he moves his hips I will be there watching you squirm.”
  336. >Shadow raises her eyebrow as she looks down at you.
  337. >”You have a cruel streak, I like that.”
  338. >A quick tilt of your head and you see Anon is already disrobing.
  339. “Well see if you like it after a few thrusts, tough mare.”
  340. >Shed your sweater, don’t really want to have to wash it.
  341. >Humans must have weak noses to get over how much stank they can rile up during sex.
  342. >Tempest chews her jaw as she inspects the goods.
  343. >”I hope you grow. Not exactly living up to your hype.”
  344. >You take Tempest in your hooves, and kiss her.
  345. >Tongue goes deep into her mouth, she opens her eyes (ha) wide for a brief moment before she fights back.
  346. >Still giving your tongue a good scrubbing, she pushes you back into Anon until you are on top of him.
  347. >She’s strong, but you are one horny nerd.
  348. >As soon as you're in position, you sit on Anon’s big face.
  349. >Wide hips obscure the human’s face as you release from Tempest’s kiss.
  350. “If you doubt his size, suck it up till it chokes you.”
  351. >Shadow swallows your saliva gift from your prance kiss.
  352. >”Sometimes I can enjoy a squishy partner, if you have the stamina to keep up.”
  354. >Tempest Shadow test licks Anon’s stallion until she pops it into her mouth.
  355. >A sly grin crawls across your muzzle as you watch Tempest’s expression slowly change.
  356. >Haughty, confident, pleased, bigger than expected, surprised, it won’t stop, might be a problem, and finally worried that she might have bitten off more than she can chew.
  357. >It slips out of her mouth, the wobble boops her muzzle.
  358. “Small dick right?”
  359. >”Fuck this will hurt in all the right places.”
  360. “Oh yeah it will. Now sit on it.”
  361. >Looking over Tempest’s body, she is tall, but very thin.
  362. >Like her adolescent years ended later than a normal pony, but didn’t fill out.
  363. >Might be able to look Princess Luna in the eyes.
  364. >Can see the bruise on her barrel where Anon had punched her.
  365. >She hovers over Anon’s spear, Tempest is looking at you straight on as she lowers.
  366. >The moment when her marehood is split apart is obvious with her shudder.
  367. >More and more of Anon is inside Tempest until it stops.
  368. “Guess you were right, you are pretty shallow. Given what is outside, about my length too.”
  369. >”How can something so soft be so hard? I really needed this. Human dick is good.”
  370. >A twitch from your spine reminds you that Anon hasn’t been passive underneath you.
  371. >Fingers clasp around your rockn’ pony hips.
  372. >Good work human.
  373. >The other unicorn starts to bounce on his dick, a seal is formed with each plunge.
  374. >Anon mumbles something under you, but you can guess he approves.
  375. >Shadow starts to grind his penis with each dip, like she wants to amplify the effect.
  376. >All the scars, the broken horn, now her womb getting destroyed.
  377. “You enjoy the pain.”
  378. >”I have taken many tumbles, and grew to appreciate it.”
  380. >She takes your panting muzzle into her hooves as she brings you close.
  381. >”It validates me, I overcome the pain.”
  382. >Her eyes, a beautiful madness hides behind them.
  383. >Time to make this lewd.
  384. “Still can’t go past the physical barrier. Want to make this really fun?”
  385. >Tempest’s breath hitches again as Anon’s dick bounces off her cervix.
  386. “Got this spell I haven’t used for our sex time, wanna give it a test run?”
  387. >She steadies herself on you for a moment.
  388. >”Just don’t do something stupid. I can still punt you through the roof.”
  389. >Emphasis on the madness, still a crazy mare you let into your home.
  390. >Anon doesn’t seem to mind as he sucks clit.
  391. “Right, so this is a safety spell put on young pegasi when they’re trying to fly. I modified it to make it more potent. Basically makes your body like rubber wh–.”
  392. >Shadow kisses you quickly.
  393. >”Just shut it and do it nerd.”
  394. >Fine, fine.
  395. >Your horn glows as you cast Impact Protection.
  396. >Tempest blinks, and waits.
  397. >”So, now what?”
  398. >Brace her shoulders with your hooves.
  399. “Time to make a budge.”
  400. >A grunt from you warns her as you push down.
  401. >Her lubrication adds in your effort, a mound forms on Tempest’s lower belly.
  402. >Twitching and gasping is your reward from your partner.
  403. >Anon’s grip on you tightens as he physically lifts you up.
  404. >”Holy shit what did you just do? I’ve never felt that before!”
  405. >Shadow’s hooves grab your shoulders and slaps you back down on Anon’s face.
  406. >”You, you, oh my, you are something else. How are you Twilight’s friend? Does she also know these spells?”
  407. >There is an orgasm building up from Anon’s work.
  408. >You suspect Tempest had one when you dropped her on him.
  409. >Nothing like a satisfied customer.
  411. “Of course Twilight knows these spells. Her knowledge is second to none. Didn’t you find that out when you fought her?”
  412. >Shadow raises and lowers at a slower pace than when she first started.
  413. >Guess when you can rearrange your insides, it takes some time to get use to.
  414. >”Not really. She didn’t really cast nearly as many as you did.”
  415. >Her face scrunches as she is flipping through her memories.
  416. >”Actually most ponies didn’t cast any, oof that felt good, spells at me. If Twilight had done any kind of teleporting I don’t think I could've stopped her.”
  417. >You can feel Anon mumble under you.
  418. >Think he says,
  419. >”Enough slow talk.”
  420. >Anon’s hands leave your hips and grab Tempest.
  421. >He pushes up and you slid right into her.
  422. >Tempest’s breath hitches as he takes control.
  423. >Dick pokes right into your belly button as it bulges out of Tempest Shadow.
  424. >It must have been the right move, she starts to howl with approval like an earth pony bronco show.
  425. >What a show this is.
  426. “Go, go, go! Imprint that dick in her!”
  427. >Powerful legs wrap around you like a desperate hug.
  428. >The same limbs that could toss monsters.
  429. >And they’re holding on to you for dear life.
  430. >For a moment, you are now looking down at her.
  431. “Welcome to my life mare! This dick will cool any heat and I am the princess of it.”
  432. >Tempest Shadow’s mewling is in time when the dick pokes through.
  433. >Her horn is crackling now, her magical orgasm is about to hit her hard.
  434. >You recall the earlier fight when she cast her only spell.
  435. >The explosive one.
  436. >Oh buck.
  437. >Before you can warn about the magical discharge, Tempest grabs you by the muzzle and kisses you deeply and frantically.
  439. >Your squealing must have been mistaken for joyous praise as your unicorn partner holds your kiss tight.
  440. >The horn glows as her bliss is realized.
  441. >Unicorns are notorious for orgasim two different ways.
  442. >Both can make a mess, yours do.
  443. >Squeezing your eyes shut, an explosion erupts.
  444. >When you come to, you smell cotton candy and taste soda fizz.
  445. >Also fire.
  446. >Something in your house might be on fire.
  447. >Way to get your fizzle jizz everywhere Tempest.
  448. >Huh, her jizz doesn’t taste like a storm, you knew her name was fake.
  449. “Ouch, is everypony alive? I think there is a new hole in my wall.”
  450. >Coughing from some rubble, Anon drags himself up.
  451. >Tempest is lying on the couch, her imprint on it looks permanent.
  452. >”What was that? I’ve never done that before! I taste an awful surgery drink.”
  453. “Did you not have a magic orgasm before? Well congrats, we popped a new cherry for you. I would be upset with your mess, but that was on me and my drunk brain. Can you move?”
  454. >A weak limb tries to raise up, but falls short.
  455. >”Nope. I think I’ll just crash here for a moment.”
  456. >Your eyes track Anon’s swaying member as he walks past you.
  457. “And you?”
  458. >He waves you off as he seems to be looking at the new mess.
  459. >Anon freezes as he looks up, he motions you to come closer at the new hole in your wall.
  460. >The hole that leads out into the front yard.
  461. >You see the royal guards on the street looking right at you both.
  462. >Sucking your lips in, you magically bring a sheet to Anon to cover his decency.
  463. “I’m in a lot of trouble, aren’t I.”
  464. >The guard mare from earlier scrunches her nose.

Anon Artemis

by wingedanon

AnonBravo Ruins the Setting

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Shallow Mare

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by wingedanon

Shallow vs Tall

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