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Two Weird Dreams I Had

By Guest
Created: 2022-07-26 21:08:34
Expiry: Never

  1. These will be the first ever greentexts I have ever made. Sorry if its trash, my storytelling skills suck.
  2. For the first story, I made it more elaborate because I felt like it could actually make a decent and somewhat-coherent story. For the second one I just typed it out as I remembered it.
  3. ------------------------------------
  4. Dream 1
  6. Be Applejack.
  7. Be trapped in Nether Fortress lookin jail thing .
  8. Twiggle and Ponk next to you.
  9. They cant talk cuz magic spell.
  10. but you can
  11. Discord is wooing you to confess your love to him.
  12. wat in tarnation.mp4
  13. "No! Shut your pie hole you- you snake thang!"
  14. "Uh uh uhhhh. What's the magic word?"
  15. Gettin_pissed_off.jpg
  16. Withers n shiz start spawning.
  17. They be making a lot of noise.
  18. It's getting to you.
  19. "C'mon AJ. I know you do."
  20. "NO!"
  21. Wither skulls start comin for you
  22. "FINE. FINE. FINE!"
  23. "I LOVE YOU!"
  24. You can sense Twi and Pink cringing really hard.
  25. *Snap*
  26. Now the four of you are in an eerily empty flat plain of grass.
  27. Nothin but the slight whistle of the wind.
  28. "Thanks Ajayyyyyy..."
  29. "Ugh! Get away from us you disgustin vermin!"
  30. *Snap*
  31. And he's gone
  32. "And stay gone!"
  33. _______________
  35. Be King Pig
  36. Eatin a bunch of pies and candy like the fatso you are.
  37. The bird eggs can wait.
  38. Stupid color birds
  39. Anyway
  40. Pinkie wish she was me
  41. lol, lmao even, lmfao must I add, rofl I dare say
  42. *Poof*
  43. "You called for me?"
  44. Dragon-animal-blend thing is here.
  45. "Yuh yuh."
  46. "How the thing go?
  47. "Very swell I must say."
  48. "Yuh yuh."
  49. "I wan play trick on the color horses."
  50. "What might that be your majesty?"
  51. "Orange horse. Spam the orange horse with apple pile. Poison apple"
  52. "Right away your fatness."
  53. *Snap*
  55. -------------------------------------
  56. Be Apple of the Jacks
  57. "Now how are we gonna get home!?"
  58. Twig and Pnk slep right now
  59. "Girls?"
  60. "Wake up now yall! Now's not the time for restin."
  61. You shake both of them.
  62. You've startled them, they almost kicked you.
  63. "huh um wha..."
  64. Twilight shakes her head and gets up.
  65. "Where are we?"
  66. Pinkie jumps up, zips around, then stops right in front of you.
  67. "STEEL CAKES!"
  68. You slap Pinkie's muzzle slightly.
  69. "Pinkie, get a grip!"
  70. Pinkie shakes her head a million miles a second.
  71. "Okie!"
  72. "Applejack?" Says Twi with uncertainty, "You know the plains like the back of your hoof. Do you know which way is home? Or... where we even are?"
  73. After a few seconds of looking in every direction, the ground starts shaking.
  74. "OoOoOoooOhhhHh shAAkkYyyyYY" Pinkie's bouncing like crazy
  75. "Woah! WOAH!" Twilight balances herself with her wings just before falling.
  76. You're used to this, so no worries
  77. The ground seems to be rising.
  78. It is actually
  79. After a few confusing minutes...
  80. "OOOOHHHH look! We're above everything! I feel so tall!" Pinkie says without a worry in the world.
  81. "How in Appleloosa-"
  82. "Girls! It looks like we're on a hiiiilllllll!!!! Last one down is a mean dragon!"
  83. Just before Pinkie rolls off like Sonic, Twilight grabs her tail with magic.
  84. "NO PINKIE, we don't know what kind of situation we're in. We need to stick together if we want to survive this."
  85. Twilight lets go.
  86. Pinkie takes a few steps back, sits down, and pouts.
  87. Out literally nowhere, a whole planet's worth of apples are dumped on you three.
  88. After almost drowning in the onslaught of apples, you and the other two have found your way to the top.
  89. wat_in_tarnation_2_electric_boogalo.mp4
  90. After looking around for a few seconds...
  91. "What in-"
  92. "Helloooo Applejack~"
  93. "Discord!" You say with strong tone of anger and cringe.
  94. "YOU-"
  95. Discord puts a talon-finger to your muzzle.
  96. "Before you say another word..."
  97. Discord gives you a peck on the muzzle
  98. Your cheeks turn redder than cherries out of utter embarrassment and cringe.
  99. "I HATE YOU!" You say out reflex
  100. You now realize you said one of Equestria's most looked down upon words, "hate."
  101. Doesn't matter, you hate him anyways.
  102. You look to your two pony friends for assistance.
  103. Twilight has submerged to the depths of the apple pile, you can see her horn peeking out
  104. Pinkie is stifling a hearty laugh whilst holding a camera
  105. Where did she even get that?
  107. "Sheesh AJ. Embarrassed much?" She giggles maniacally while chewing on some of the apples.
  108. She takes a swallow, face turning green shortly after.
  109. "Ohhhhhmmm... that doesn't settle well..."
  110. "Um Pinkie? You feelin alright?"
  111. "I'll be fine..."
  112. Ponk passes out.
  113. "Pinkie!"
  114. Just before you dive into the apple abyss, Discord grabs a hold of you.
  115. "L-Let me go!"
  116. You struggle to no avail.
  117. Discord suddenly lets you go.
  118. You flop into the apple pile.
  119. As you do, an apple finds its way into your mouth.
  120. The taste of even the skin stops you in your tracks.
  121. "Sho good..." You say as you chew carefree, forgetting the consequences Pinkie suffered.
  122. Pinkie suffered...
  123. OH, you have a job to do.
  124. You swallow the apple, even the core, thinking about just how much you can savor the flavor of the red and yellow ocean around you.
  125. After swimming around for around 15 seconds, you happen to bump into an unconscious Twilight.
  126. Wrapping a foreleg around her barrel, you swim to the top of the apple ocean.
  127. You lay Twi down on top of the apples.
  128. You dive down to search for the party pony.
  129. After what feels like an eternity, you swim to the top to be relived by the sight of your pink and purple friends alive and.. sorta well.
  130. You swim to them.
  131. "Twi, Pinkie Pie, are you alright?"
  132. "No... I think the apples have something in them..." Twilight says, almost vomiting.
  133. You turn a 180 to see Discord sleeping on some floating chair.
  134. "DISCORD!"
  135. Discord falls out of his chair and into the apple void, only to appear on the chair a second later.
  136. "Oh! Hey AJ... How are things going?"
  137. "What did you do to my friends!?"
  138. "Well I wouldn't say it was particularly my fault. Look at their lush green faces."
  139. As you turn to look at them, you hear snap.
  140. Now you feel like you're going to throw up.
  141. "Discor- ugh... Discord!-"
  142. "You shouldn't have eaten the apple my sweet APPLE Jack."
  143. Shortly after that sentence, you faint.
  146. And then I woke up. The End.
  148. ---------------------------------------
  150. Dream 2
  152. Be Anon
  153. In your house, its the evening
  154. In the living room
  155. You have a bunch of stuff in a backpack you have to give to the mafia
  156. Stan Lee is in on it
  157. Twilight is giving you a bag of diamonds
  158. "But remember, switch them out ok? If this goes wrong, I won't have anyone to read books with!"
  159. You put the bag in your pocket
  160. You head out the door with Stan Lee
  161. By the street to your left, you see a bunch of guys with guns and black masks on
  162. You give Stan the bag and the backpack
  163. He teleports to the gun guys
  164. They seem to be exchanging a conversation
  165. Out of nowhere, gunshots ring in the air
  166. You hear Twilight screaming your name in agony
  167. You forgot to switch the diamonds, dumb mf
  169. End

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