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marble green

By Guest
Created: 2022-07-30 10:30:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >Marble woke up one day in her room at the Family Rock Farm.
  2. >It was quiet, unlike her usual of being woken up last due to her sleeping in, Marble seems to have woken up early on her own today.
  3. >Checking the room out, the window had sunlight beaming in, it looked to about the time of sunrise.
  4. >Usually, she'd help in small ways, as it was the only thing she knew how to do at the age she was at.
  5. >Her sisters seemed to have life together: Limestone took pride in looking after the farm for Mom and Pop in their old age, Pinkie has her parties and baking, and Maud went off to study rocks at college, and even has a spouse now, Mud Briar, whom is just like Maud.
  6. >Marble, on the other hand, didn't know what she wanted, and not being a filly anymore, Marble couldn't help but feel inadequate due to the rising tensions of what would happen if she never measure up to anything, or even found a special talent or even a husband. Big Mac certainly wasn't going to be it, as he married whatsherface, don't even remember her name, thought Marble.
  7. >Marble wondered what was going to happen to her, she was so afraid of her own shadow, and didn't know what to think of her future, she thought she was plenty worth it, but it seemed as if the world was slowly moving on without her.
  8. >Looking through the window, She didn't see LImestone outside picking at rocks as she always did first thing, or tending to the gem machine.
  9. >This put off Marble even more, If Limestone's not working, there must be something wrong.
  10. >Marble decided to check it out, putting aside her dread for the sake of concern regarding her sister.
  11. >When downstairs, she looks into each of the rooms, noticing nobody was home, not even mom and Dad.
  12. >"oh, that's right..." Marble muttered, forgetting until just now that her parents were on vacation for the next few months, on that trip to the other side of equestria they always talked about, the Rock City, was it?
  13. >Marble decided to look for Limestone, since she was here by herself.
  14. >Checking the fields, the barn, and the gemstone machine, Marble didn't spot Limestone anywhere, which was unlike her, she always worked hard for the farm, every morning except on the weekends, without fail.
  15. >But here we are, Thought Marble, nowhere to be found.
  16. >Marble decided to go back to her room and lay down, deciding to see when limestone would come home.
  17. >As she walked back, she heard something
  18. wrestling in the bushes over by the fence
  19. >Marble inched her way over to the house, not sure what to make of these mysterious noises.
  20. >She reached the doorknob, then something popped out of the bushes, which had Marble Screeching in fear!
  21. >Lo and behold, it wasn't Limestone playing a prank, it was somepony she had neve seen before.
  22. >A tall, Brown Stallion Earth Pony, with a lighter brown main, he looked to be a bit older than Marble, and he seemed as surprised at marble's screech as marble was at the sudden jump.
  23. (TBC)
  24. >Marble was paralyzed, unable of how to react to such a strong, silent Stallion whom seemed to tower over Marble. She didn't know whether to fear or revere this very mysterious horse.
  25. >He stepped forward, and spoke: "Are you Ms. Marble Pie?"
  26. >Marble was a bit unnerved he knew her name, Not to be impolite, she responded with a "Mmhmm."
  27. >"I see. Marble, I didn't mean to scare you just a second ago. Do you recognize me?"
  28. >Marble, hearing his voice a bit more, thought about who this might be for a few moments, then thinking back to when she was just a filly, to a time when a similar Stallion visited the farm so many years ago, the one whom father let work for him for a time.
  29. >It was Jasper Shine...
  30. >"Mmmhmm!"
  31. >"So you do remember. This is good, I was concerned, you were too young to remember."
  32. >Fully realizing who this was, Marble, jumped for Joy, Hugging Jasper with great warmth and affection.
  33. >Marble had thought Jasper would never come back again, after all of those special times he laughed and told stories with figurines he would make out of rocks to perform with for Marble and other PIes when they were younger, they all loved Jasper, they considered him family, but Marble admired him the most, and learned and grew close to him as he stayed at the farm that one year, and made so many wonderful memories.
  34. >Marble used to dream of marrying Jasper every night when she was of age, she was not of age to marry yet at the time, but Jasper nonetheless thought of Marble as a kind sweetheart, whom was always caring and thoughtful of others. Marble was the sweetest to Jasper, and seeing him again as a full grown Mare, filled her with feelings of both nostalgia and love
  35. >"Marble, It's so good to see you. I wanted to come see you. My independent business took off, and the Shine family is now one of richest rock farm communities there are. I wanted to come to you, because I know your parents are older and your sister carries the weight of the farm alone."
  36. >He paused, looking over his shoulder, with Limestone revealing herself.
  37. >"Marble, it's good you're up. Jasper has already spoken with Mom and Dad, and that's half the reason why they've gone on vacation, they're going for good."
  38. >Marble was shocked: "MMMM?!"
  39. >"It's okay Marble, it's gonna be okay, the farm's still ours, we're just joining Jasper's family. He's introduced me to his brother, Sapphire Shine, and he's a REAL man, he shines like a gem, especially his mane!"
  40. >Limestone delighted at the idea of being married and relaxing from farm life which she had silently felt she wanted a quieter, more peaceful life with less work than she was hoisted taking care of the whole farm herself. She looked the happiest she'd seen in a long time, and that had Marble smiling with glee. Jasper had done it again, helping everyone as he always did with so little back then.
  41. >To think he's come this far, yet still thinks of others so fondly.
  42. (TBC2)
  43. >My parents, my sisters, the farm, they're all taken care of. This is wonderful
  44. >Jasper, smiled, knowing there was just one last person left to take care of, the one he cared about most of all, when deciding to incorporate the farm as part of his family company
  45. >"Marble, come live with me. I'll take care of you, and we'll always be together, forever. We'll pick up where we left off, and we'll have a blast catching up. We'll be married, and we'll all be one big family, I'll give you many children whom will carry our name together. What say you, Marble, you are not required to come with me, but I shall accept you."
  46. >Marble did not hesitate with her answer.
  47. >Mmmhmm!"
  48. >Jasper, delighted by Marble's acceptance, hugged her tightly, Marble returning the hug all the same.
  49. >A few months later, Marble and Limestone had their marriages one after the other, deciding to have two cakes at the wedding, and share it, as Marble and Limestone had both worked and waited patiently for the day they'd find handsome stallions to run off with together.
  50. >And everybody lived happily ever after.
  51. >The End.

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