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Sunset and DILF Anon

By MemeMasterAssBlaster
Created: 2022-07-30 20:12:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Copied directly from a writefriend thread
  3. >"Did you become my friend just so you could get closer to my dad?!"
  4. >"Wallflower, I literally didn't even know you before we became friends, let alone about your dad. And if I did ever know about him before, you probably erased my memory of him."
  5. >"... Oh yeah, I guess you're right."
  6. >"Your dad being smoking hot and totally my type is a nice bonus, though."
  7. >"Sunset, ew! That's so gross!"
  8. >"Hey, I'm just being honest. That's an important part of being friends, you know? Speaking of honesty between friends, I'm about due for a haircut, so I need to know if Anon likes long or short hair."
  9. >"Argh!"
  10. >"Articulate, Wallflower, I don't speak disgruntled teen."
  11. >"You're the worst... And I'm pretty sure he likes shoulder length hair."
  12. >"Got it, thanks. When I'm your new mom, I'll definitely raise your allowance for that."
  13. >"... You better take me to Pony Land, too, so I can see all those magic flowers you were talking about."
  14. >"I mean, taking you with us on our honeymoon would be kinda weird, but I guess we can leave you with Twilight while we visit Neighagara Falls."
  15. "Hey girls! Hope you're having fun! I brought you some snacks!"
  16. >"Mmm, you're the only snack I want..."
  17. "Hm? What was that, Sunset?"
  18. >"I asked what you brought us."
  19. "Mini cupcakes."
  20. >"I'd rather have a beefcake."
  21. >"Oh my god, Sunset, stop it..."
  23. >"Thanks again for letting me stay for dinner, Anon. It looks amazing."
  24. "Why, thank you, Sunset. I'm glad my daughter's found herself such a polite friend. You don't have to flatter me, though, I know I'm not a five-star chef."
  25. >"Still better than what I normally have, so I'm thankful."
  26. "Ha, better not let your parents hear that. I'm sure you're mom would be jealous."
  27. >"..."
  28. >"Um, Dad, Sunset doesn't, ah..."
  29. "Ah crap, you're mom isn't in the picture, is she? I'm so sorry."
  30. >"Hey, it's fine. I've been living on my own for years, now. I'm used to it."
  31. "Living on your- Sunset, are you an orphan?!"
  32. >"Ah, yes? But like I said, it's no big deal. I've got a nice apartment, a job, two jobs even, if you count some freelance work I do online. It's not like I'm out on the street."
  33. "... From now on, you come over every night, you hear me, Sunny? I'll make sure you get a homecooked meal every night."
  34. >"Wow, that's... that's so kind of you, Anon."
  35. "It's the least I can do."
  36. >"I can't wait until I can enjoy your cooking for every meal."
  37. "Heh, planning on moving in, are we?"
  38. >"Something like that..."
  39. "Well... maybe..."
  40. >"Dad, if you let Sunset move in with us, we will definitely be putting a lock on your bedroom door."
  41. "Well, that's an odd thing to say, Wally. What do you mean?"
  42. >"Yeah, it is weird, like, do you really think I don't know how to pick locks?"
  44. >Augh, how can you two be fine with this? I feel like I'm melting."
  45. >"I told you, gardening isn't for slouches."
  46. "That's right. Wally and I are old hands at this. We've been planting our own garden together since she was still in diapers."
  47. >"Dad!"
  48. "Don't be embarrassed, sweetie. You were adorable! The spade looked more like a shovel in your tiny hands, but you always had this determined look on your face to help papa."
  49. >"Aww, that does sound cute."
  50. "Doesn't it? I'll have to dig out the photo albums and show you pictures."
  51. >"Dad, please, just don't. I'll die of embarrassment."
  52. >"Come on, Wallflower. Don't be like that. You should be happy that your super amazing dad cares enough about you to keep albums. It means he cherishes all the memories the two of you have made together."
  53. "Exactly. You're my precious little flower, and I feel blessed to have been able to watch you grow and blossom every day."
  54. >"The sap... I'm choking in it."
  55. >"Don't worry, Anon, she'll appreciate it when she's more mature, I'm sure. I know I would if someone cared enough about me to keep a photo album..."
  56. "Sunset, that's.... You know what, you two stay right here, I'm going to go get my camera."
  57. >"Anon?"
  58. "Sunset, you're an amazing girl, and you've been such a good friend to my daughter that, well, I practically think of you as part of the family already. That's why I'm going to start a new photo album starting today. One with all of us together."
  59. >"Anon that's... Thank you."
  60. "It's no problem. I'd be honored to consider you family, anyway. Now I'll be right back."
  61. >"Wow... My dad's really taken a liking to you."
  62. >"I know... You know what that means, right?"
  63. >"Sunset, I swear if you make it weird, I'll-"
  64. >"It's only a matter of time before he pops the question and I'll be your new mom for real."
  65. >"Why must you taint everything with your horny!"
  66. >"It's not horny. It's love... with a side of horny. Prrt! Hey! Don't throw dirt at me! I said stop it!"
  67. >"Not until you stop perving on my dad!"
  68. >"Never! You're going to be so grounded for this once I've married your dad!"
  70. >"You know he's thirty-six, right?"
  71. >"Hm?"
  72. >"My dad's thirty-six years old. Don't you think that's, I don't know, kinda weird?"
  73. >Sunset looks up from her history textbook, the only subject she really has to study for in preparation for their final exams, and says, "Why would it be?"
  74. >Wallflower looks up from her math textbook to raise a skeptical brow.
  75. >"Um, because you're eighteen. He's like twice as old as you."
  76. >"No, he's ten years older than me," Sunset says as she re-reads a few dates, trying to commit them to memory.
  77. >Give her a test on Equestrian history, even after all these years, and she'd easily be able to pass, but human's are such comparatively chaotic creatures that just the last couple centuries can fill books that would cover five times that amount of time back home.
  78. >Wallflower opens her mouth to accuse her of lying, then stops herself as she remembers that magic is a thing she has to take into consideration these days.
  79. >"How?"
  80. >"Well, when I came through the portal from Equestria, I was twenty-two, but for some reason, my human body was a teenager. So I just picked an age to start telling people that they believed, and that was fourteen. Then a truancy officer caught me one day and said I needed to go to school, and so I ended up enrolled in my freshman year."
  81. >She says this all so matter-of-factly that Wallflower can only blink and respond with, "Huh."
  82. >Sunset goes back to her book, but doesn't finish more than a paragraph before Wallflower's outburst of, "But you dated Flash Sentry two years ago!"
  83. >"Yeah, and?"
  84. >"He was only sixteen and you were apparently twenty-four by then! That's messed up!"
  85. >Sunset rolls her eyes.
  86. >"It was hardly serious. The most I ever did was kiss him a couple times to keep up appearances, and that wasn't even with tongue. Besides, it's not like I was dating him because I'm some sort of perv-"
  87. >"You are definitely some sort of perv-"
  88. >"- Some sort of child predator, then. I only dated him because he was the most popular boy in school at the time and it helped my position within the social hierarchy of Canterlot High."
  89. >Wallflower looks confused as she says, "I... don't know if that makes it any better or worse. Still, back to the original topic-"
  90. >"-Studying so that I can pass with my 4.0 intact and you won't have to repeat your senior year?"
  91. >"No, Ms. Smartypants, the topic of my dad still being ten years older than you."
  92. >Sunset shrugs.
  93. >"What can I say? I like older men over boys. They're more mature and know what they want, plus they tend not to fumble around in the bedroom, sticking their penis in every hole but the right one. I swear, it amazes me more teenage boys don't die via electrocution every year."
  94. >Wallflower snorts in surprise before breaking into giggles, earning a smile from Sunset.
  95. >"You're such a weirdo," Wallflower manages as she regains her composure and shakes her head. "Fine, so you don't think Dad's age is an issue, but what about what he thinks?"
  97. >"Ten years really isn't that big a gap, you know?" Sunset says with a pout.
  98. >Wallflower holds up a finger and counters, "But eighteen is, which is how old he thinks you are. Seriously, Sunset, you're about to be fresh out of high school, and even if Dad is okay with dating someone he thinks is so much younger than he is, which I don't think he does, he might be worried about what other people think."
  99. >"Screw what other people think," Sunset immediately snaps, but then looks pensive, "But you do have a point about Anon thinking I'm only eighteen."
  100. >Wallflower nods, satisfied.
  101. >"Exactly, so you should totally stop trying to marry my dad."
  102. >"What? No way!! I just need to explain to him the situation with my age," Sunset says, looking at her friend like she's crazy, who in turn just blinks owlishly.
  103. >Sunset stands suddenly, determination clear in her expression as she declares, "As a matter of fact, I'll do that right now!"
  104. >"Wait, what?! You can't do that!"
  105. >"Of course I can. It's not like I'm in some stupid story where the characters keep secrets pointlessly until it causes a huge misunderstanding."
  106. >"But aren't you supposed to keep magic a secret or something?"
  107. >"Wallflower, the girls and I have posted videos of us ponying up on the internet, and we do that stuff in public, anyway. It's not a secret."
  108. >"Oh yeah..."
  109. >"Anon! Hey Anon! I need to tell you something! You know about all the crazy magic stuff that happens around school, right? Well the thing is-"
  110. >"Hey! Wait for me!"
  112. >Anon's gaze switches between the two girls as he digests the story he's just been told.
  113. "So... you're actually a twenty-six year old alien from a different reality who got turned into a kid when you passed over through a portal."
  114. >"Pretty much, yeah," Sunset answers, scratching the back of her head. "I know it's out there, but-"
  115. >"Nah, it actually explains those videos I saw of you and your band mates turning into Kemonomimi girls."
  116. >Sunset's eyes light up at that as she asks, "You watch our videos?"
  117. "Yeah, I mean, besides the fact that it's actual magic, you girls play pretty well."
  118. >Sunset has to bite her lip to prevent herself from squealing as Wallflower just stares at her dad incredulously.
  119. >"Really, Dad, you're just going to accept all this so easily? You're not even acting surprised!"
  120. >He shrugs.
  121. "The Rainbooms were the talk of the town for a while, so this stuff isn't really news to me."
  122. He frowns as he continues, "Though her being an adult is news, and raises a very serious question."
  123. >Sunset is immediately on edge as she meets Anon's intense gaze and gulps.
  124. >"And that is?"
  125. "What are you're intentions with my daughter? I know she's a big girl, and can make her own decisions, but if you're taking advantage of her just because she's young..."
  126. >He trails off as Sunset merely tilts her head and Wallflower goes wide-eyed.
  127. >"My intentions? Um, I guess just be friends. You don't think I'm going to drag her into a money making scheme or something, do you?"
  129. >"D-dad! Did you seriously think Sunset was-?"
  130. >Before she can finish, she buries her face in her hands, and after a few seconds of starring Sunset's own eyes go wide and she waves her hands out in front of her.
  131. >"Wow! I'm totally not trying to date Wallflower or whatever! I don't swing that way!"
  132. >Anon leans back, looking skeptical for a few seconds before heaving a sigh and nodding.
  133. "Alright, I believe you. I guess I figured you were taken with my little flower or something. I mean, she's amazing, but I know others are too stupid to see that a lot of the time. Then you come along, and, no offense, but the two of you don't have a lot in common on the surface, so I guess I just assumed you were attracted to her looks at first, and got to know her later."
  134. >"Dad..." Wallflower whines behind her hands.
  135. "What? It's a reasonable assumption," Anon defends. "After all, you inherited my side of the family's good looks."
  136. >He sits a little straighter as he adds, "She's the spitting image of her grandmother, you know? And she was a model."
  137. >"Really?" Sunset asks, intrigued.
  138. "Mhm. She was the highest paid leg and shoewear model for years before she retired after having me. We in the Mous family have always had great legs and glutes."
  139. >"Oh, I definitely noticed that," Sunset says under her breath, remembering when she stayed the night one time and caught a glimpse of the man doing squats in his room the next morning.
  140. >The sight woke her up more than a pot of coffee ever could.
  141. Anon doesn't hear this as he shakes his head and asks, "Still, now I'm really curious. Honestly, I try not to pry, even when I thought maybe you two were dating, or heading that way, but now I'm wondering just how a secret adult alien rocker girl ended up friends with my daughter."
  142. >Wallflower goes rigid as Sunset realizes Anon doesn't know about the memory stone.
  143. >"It was- I- She," Wallflower tries as she drops her hands to fiddle beneath the table. "We met when I tried to- to-"
  144. >"-Save the school from this kid who got her hands of some Equestrian magic," Sunset interrupts. "See, there was this girl who found a thing called the memory stone that let her erase other's memories at will."
  145. >The fiery haired girl places a hand on the other's shoulder as she smiles proudly.
  146. >"They used it all over the school, and we were all none the wiser because she'd just erase our memories of getting suspicious if anyone saw anything. All of us except Wallflower here."
  147. >She chuckles, ignoring Wallflower's shocked gaze and Anon's interest as he leans in to listen to the story.
  148. >"Her habit of fading into the background at school turned out to be a blessing in disguise when she's the only one the memory wiper failed to notice getting suspicious of the whole school randomly getting amnesia. That's when she came to me and explained all the weird stuff she was noticing, isn't that right, Wallflower?"
  149. >The girl in question blinks a few times, but upon noticing her father's eyes on her, nods rapidly.
  151. >"Ah, yeah! And I went to Sunset because she and her friends are usually the ones to deal with all the weird stuff that happens around school."
  152. >"Which is honestly the main reason I even took her seriously. After all the craziness at that school, I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. And, well, the rest is history. We worked together, found the culprit, and convinced her to turn over the stone to be destroyed."
  153. "... Really? It was that easy?" Anon asks, getting Sunset to shrug.
  154. >"There was a bit more to it than that, but for the most part, yeah. Things worked out in the end, and that's all that really matters. And afterwards, Wallflower and I stayed friends."
  155. "Huh... Why didn't you tell me any of this, Wally?"
  156. >"Um, I just, ya know, didn't want to worry you or anything," she mumbles, rubbing her arm as she stares down at the table. "You remember when you learned about the Dazzlings."
  157. "And I was talking about having you transfer to another school for your safety," Anon finishes as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "Listen, I know I got a little riled up over that, but I don't want you to be keeping things like this from me just because you're afraid of how I'll react. I want to be informed about what's happening in your life, especially the weird stuff."
  158. >He lowers his hand and gives her a tired smile.
  159. >"I understand you don't want to change schools, especially now that you have a friend, so I want you to know that's off the table, alright? It's your senior year anyway, so no more secrets like this, okay?"
  160. >Wallflower looks away once more and nods, not trusting herself to speak in case the guilt drives her to confess.
  161. >Sunset throws an arm around her shoulder and pulls her to her side.
  162. >"Don't you worry, Anon, I'll keep a close eye on Wallflower here to make sure she stays out of danger. She's practically like a daughter to me, after all."
  163. Anon chuckles and says, "Don't you mean sister?"
  164. >"Nope," Sunset answers easily, getting Anon to laugh a little louder.
  165. "Right, well, I'm glad my little girl has found such a caring and protective friend regardless," Anon says as he stands up. "Anyway, while this has all been very interesting, I was just about to start dinner, and you girls have studying to do. Are you still staying for dinner, Sunset?"
  166. >"Of course! You think I'll miss a chance to enjoy your delicious cooking?"
  167. "Such a flatterer," Anon responds as he goes over to the fridge to start pulling out ingredients. "You just want me to make my four cheese macaroni again, don't you?"
  168. >"I'd eat anything made by you," Sunset responds cheerily. "But, if you're taking requests..."
  169. >Anon shakes his head and gets out a sauce pan to begin making the roux.
  170. >"Just go study, the two of you, I'll call when the mac and cheese is done."
  171. >Sunset nearly squeals as she grabs Wallflower's hand and drags her to her feet. "Yes! Thanks, babe! And don't you worry, I'll make sure our little Wally here not only passes, but aces her exams! You've got my word!"
  173. >Anon merely shakes his head as the two girls rush from the room and back to Wallflower's.
  174. >That Sunset sure is a strange girl, or would that be woman, considering her age?
  175. >Regardless, he's glad that Wallflower has found herself such a loyal friend to help her through life, and-
  176. "Wait, did she call me babe?"
  178. >"Um, thanks for, you know, covering for me with Dad."
  179. >"Hey, I've got your back."
  180. >"Yeah..."
  181. >"Everything alright?"
  182. >"It's just... I'm like a daughter to you? Really?"
  183. >"What? You kind of are. Besides, it's not like moms can't be friends with their kids."
  184. >"You better not expect me to call you mom... Ever."
  185. >"That's fine. Anon calling me Mommy will be enough."
  186. >"You're thirstier than a cactus, you know that?"
  187. >"Well, I am in the middle of an over five year dry spell, so can you blame me?"
  188. >"You're not a virgin?"
  189. >"I'm twenty-six, remember?"
  190. >"But who'd you sleep with? You said you only ever kissed Flash."
  191. >"Oh, it was this stallion from back home. A guard name Ivory Tower, and let me tell you, he lived up to the name."
  192. >"Alright! Enough! I do not want to hear you talking about horse dicks."
  193. >"Pony dicks, you mean."
  194. >"I don't care! I don't want to hear about sex with animals!"
  195. >"Hey! I resent that! Ponies are not animals!"
  196. >Whatever, let's just study."
  197. >"Fine, I did tell Anon I'd make sure you ace your exams. Let me just get some papers."
  198. >"For what?"
  199. >"I'm going to write up some practice math tests and you're going to go through them so I can see where you need work."
  200. >"But don't you need to study, too?"
  201. >"I gave your dad my word, and I stand by that. Let's get you ready for those exams."
  202. >"I... thank you."
  203. >"Don't thank me yet. We've got a lot of long nights ahead of us."
  204. >"Right. Lets do this and make Dad proud!"
  205. >"Exactly, plus it'll show him how good of a mom I can be if he ever thinks about having more kids."
  206. >"And the moment's ruined."
  207. >"Oh hush. I'm sure you'd love being a big sister, anyway."
  208. >"Just... just write up those practice tests, already, you weirdo."
  210. >The next morning, Anon is awake early, brewing an extra strong pot of coffee.
  211. >He'll need it to get through the day after the poor sleep he got the night prior.
  212. >He tried to act casually during dinner, but he couldn't help but flick glances to the fiery-haired girl gleefully devouring a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
  213. >As always, she complimented his cooking at every opportunity, and he tried his best to accept those compliments with the same gratitude and cheer as he normally would, not wanting to let on that anything had changed.
  214. >He'd have preferred to get her alone to discuss what's on his mind, but the two girls really were studying hard all night, and he didn't want to interrupt, especially with how determined Wallflower seemed to be to ace her exams.
  215. >Still, he spent all night going over his interactions with his daughter's best friend, looking at them in a new light, and felt more and more convinced that his hunch might be right.
  217. >As if summoned by his thoughts, Sunset enters the kitchen, rubbing at her eyes before jolting at the sight of him.
  218. >"Oh, I didn't think you'd be up so early," she says, looking to the wall clock above the fridge to see that it's six in the morning. "Did you get called into work or something?"
  219. >Anon flashes a tired smile.
  220. "Nah, just was having trouble with sleep. What about you, though? Thought high schoolers preferred sleeping in on the weekend. Plus you were up all night studying."
  221. >She shrugs.
  222. >"Early bird gets the most breadcrumbs and all that. Guess it's just a habit from back when I was still studying under Princess Celestia. When your teacher literally raises the sun every morning, you tend to rise with it, ya know?"
  223. "Can't say that I do. Also, back up a bit. Princess Celestia? Raising the sun?"
  224. >She blushes and shrugs.
  225. >"What can I say? Things were different back home."
  226. "Sure sounds like it," Anon agrees, getting up from the kitchen table when he hears the coffee maker start percolating air.
  227. Going over and switching it off, he pours the dark liquid into his awaiting mug and calls over his shoulder, "You want a cup?"
  228. >"Sure. You have cream and sugar?"
  229. "There's milk in the fridge and sugar on the table. I'm sure Wallflower wouldn't mind if you have some of her coffee creamer, either."
  230. >He grabs the bottle in question and silently wonders once again how his daughter could drink this stuff.
  231. >"What kind is it?" Sunset asks as she moves to the cupboards to grab herself a cup.
  232. "Peanut butter cup."
  233. >"Um, no thanks. It's too early to be drinking candy," the girl says with a grimace. "Sugar and milk will do."
  234. >Anon nods and grabs the milk out for her to splash into her cup along with three tablespoons of sugar.
  235. >He opts for two spoonfuls and no dairy, sipping at his cup while it's still hot enough to nearly burn his lips.
  236. Sunset does the same, sitting with her legs crossed and holding her own mug in two hands as she sips daintily at it.
  237. >After having the girl on his mind all night, it's hard not to stare at her now, especially in the different light shined on her by his speculation of her feelings towards him.
  238. >She's a somewhat shapely girl, he has to admit, with hips that flair out just so, a narrow waist, and perky C-cup breasts if he iss to guess.
  239. >Her skin is smooth and unblemished, and even now in the early morning, despite clearly not having taken a shower yet or put on makeup, she has a natural beauty about her as her two-toned hair falls around in messy waves.
  240. >The stinging of his lip pulls him back to the moment as he realizes he pauses with the cup to his mouth.
  241. >Setting it down with a slight cough, he tries to cover his guilt for eying her like that with a question.
  242. "So how's the studying going? Making progress?"
  243. >She smiles brightly.
  244. >"I think so. Wallflower did much better on the last practice test compared to the first, and that was even with her wanting to pass out by the end. She'll definitely be ready by Friday."
  246. "Good," Anon says with a nod. "That's good. I'm glad you're helping her."
  247. >"Of course I am. She's a friend, so I'm happy to help, plus if it makes you happy..."
  248. >Anon looks up to see her fluttering her eyelids at him, and feels his cheeks burn a little.
  249. "Right... Um, Sunset, I don't know how to say this, but I've been thinking."
  250. >She sits a little straighter, as if expecting something.
  251. >"Yes?" she prompts with a hint of excitement.
  252. >Anon bites the inside of his cheek, trying to think of how to word his question, but eventually decides to just bite the bullet and ask, "Do you have feelings for me? Romantic ones?"
  253. >She blinks.
  254. >"Oh... I thought you were going to ask me out on a date for a second," she says in disappointment. "And the answer is yes."
  255. "... Crap."
  256. >"Ouch," she responds, forcing a smile. "You know most guys would be thrilled to find out a pretty girl likes them like that."
  257. "Yeah, well, things are a bit different when the girl in question is young enough to be their daughter," he responds as he rubs at his eyes.
  258. >She frowns.
  259. >"Oh, I didn't realize you were such a hit with the ladies when you were ten years old. "I'm twenty six, remember?"
  260. "And I'm sure everyone who gives me dirty looks, thinking I'm a pervert will just believe that when I tell them," he snarks.
  261. >She frowns and looks away, placing her cup down on the table.
  262. >"This isn't going how I hoped it would," she mumbles.
  263. "And how was that? You become friends with my daughter to get closer to me, then we fall in love and live happily ever after?" Anon asks with a raised eyebrow, getting her to throw her arms up.
  264. >"No! I already explained that to Wallflower! I didn't become friends with her just to get in your pants. I didn't even know you until the first day I came over here to hang out."
  265. "Wait, Wallflower knows you have a crush on me?" Anon asks. "And she's okay with it?"
  266. >Sunset crosses her arms with a pout, but nods.
  267. >"She knows, and It's not a crush. As much as I hated her at the time, Celestia forced me to spend enough time around Princess Cadence, hoping we'd friends, for me to know what love is. She could never shut up about the topic, so I'm practically an expert through osmosis alone."
  268. >She huffs a sigh and continues, bringing a hand to her chest, fingers splayed, "Philia, the love of friends, like I feel when I'm around my band or Wallflower, is here all throughout my chest, like a warm glow that makes me feel like I belong."
  269. >Her fingers come together and press over her heart.
  270. >"Eros, passionate, romantic love, however, is here in my heart. It's like a bonfire that heats me up, and thinking about you fans the flames."
  271. >Anon is left blushing as her own cheeks heat.
  272. Trying to find something to say, he ends up grumbling, "No butterflies in your stomach? I thought that was part of it, too."
  273. >She smirks and answers, "No, that's more a limerence thing. It hits hard, fades fast, and can cause divorce since people tend to mistake it for true love to early."
  275. "Bringing up divorce while confession your love? Bold tactic," Anon says with a small smile, getting her to chuckle.
  276. >"Hey, I'm just trying to be as honest as possible about my feelings, and want t make clear that I'm not suffering from that kind of craziness. I got over that phase six months ago."
  277. "What exactly is the difference between limer-whatever and... eros, I think you called it?"
  278. >Eros is real love, but lets you still think like a rational person. Limerence turns you into obsessive stalker with bipolar disorder who sniffs your crushes underwear."
  279. "That's not a confession, is it?"
  280. >"No, just an example... but I did take a pair of socks out of the garbage that you threw away and wore them around my apartment... What? Like I said, I'm trying to be honest here, and I threw them away once I realized I was being creepy."
  281. >Anon stares a couple seconds more, causing the girl to squirm in her seat, clearly embarrassed, until letting out a long sigh.
  282. "At least you admit it was weird," he says, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, let's say I accept that your feelings for me are genuine, what am I supposed to do with that?"
  283. >"Take me out on a date and get to know me better?" she suggests hopefully.
  284. "We'd be dealing with a lot of scrutiny. You know that, right?" he asks. "People will think I'm either your dad, a creep, or that you're a gold digger."
  285. >"So?" she counters with a pout. "My records say I'm eighteen, so they can't do anything but talk."
  286. "Yes, but talk can still ruin a reputation, which can lead to all sorts of trouble still. I might lose my job, for instance."
  287. >She opens her mouth to protest, but he cuts her off.
  288. "I have a daughter I need to support and think about, too. I can't risk this hurting her. Even if I don't lose my job, I don't want her being bullied because her dad is dating her classmate."
  289. >"We can keep it a secret, then!" she argues with a hint of desperation. "It's not like movie theaters and restaurants are a prerequisite for dating, after all."
  290. Anon opens his mouth, but can't find a proper counter argument, instead groaning, "Sunset-"
  291. >"Anon, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you don't have any feelings for me," Sunset demands, eyes hard, catching him by surprise.
  292. "What? Of course I have feelings for you. Over the last year, you've practically become family to me and Wallflower," he explains.
  293. >For a second, he's about to say she's like a daughter to him, but after some more recent, shameful thoughts while in bed last night, he can't bring himself to say as much without feeling dirty.
  294. Instead, he settles for, "And you've become a close friend to me, personally."
  295. >"The strongest relationships are born out of friendships, and any married couple that's been together for a long time will tell you that they're like best friends to each other."
  296. "And trying to make more out of a friendship can also end up ruining it," Anon says bitterly, thinking of Wallflower's mother and shaking his head.
  298. And if things do sour between us, I don't want to be the reason Wallflower loses one of her only friends."
  299. >"That would never happen," Sunset says with steel in her voice. "No matter how things turn out between us, I won't abandon Wallflower."
  300. "What if she wants to cut ties with you, though?" Anon asks, genuinely curious.
  301. >Sunset smirks.
  302. >"She can try, but Pinkie's taught me a thing or two about persistence and friendship after she got the cranky janitor to actually smile. Wallflower won't get rid of me that easily."
  303. "Heh, well that's a relief, at least," Anon says, leaning back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling. "And how's that persistence going to go with dating me?"
  304. >"About the same. As you seem so keen to hyper-focus on, this body's still young. I've got plenty of time to change your mind."
  305. >Anon chuckles.
  306. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that."
  307. >She pouts, then stands suddenly to walk around the table.
  308. >Standing in front of him, she holds out a hand silently, and with a raised brow, he takes it, only to be hauled to his feet by the surprisingly strong girl.
  309. >"Anonymous, I love you. I'm sure of it, and I think deep down, you know you can grow to love me just as much. The embers are already there," she begins, holding his hand in both of hers as she brings it to her chest.
  310. >He almost jerks away as she places his fingers towards the center of her chest, just above her right breast.
  311. >"This heart is yours, even if you're too afraid to claim it. I know you're worried, and your head is getting in the way, but know that no matter how long it takes you to realize none of that matters, it will still be waiting for you."
  312. "Sunset, I-"
  313. >She steps closer so that she's practically craning her head back to stare up at him and he's bending his neck to meet her gaze, which allows her to simply rise up on her toes and place a gentle, chaste kiss on his lips with closed eyes.
  314. >His breath catches as he feels the feather soft caress of her lips against his for a few seconds before she settles back on her heels and opens her eyes once more to smile.
  315. >His stomach does a few more flips and his heart rate spikes as he swallows dryly.
  316. >He should demand to know what she was thinking, or reprimand her, but no words come, and she smiles wider after a moment.
  317. >"See?" she says in a near whisper, pressing her hand flat against his chest to feel it thrumming beneath her palm. "Your heart knows what it wants. It's only a matter of time before your head figures it out too. The question is, how long are you gonna make me wait, huh, big guy?"
  318. "... Four years," he mumbles, getting her to look at him questioningly, prompting him to clarify. "You plan on going to college, so around the time you should be earning your bachelor's degree, if you still... feel this way about me, I'll give us a chance. A serious one."
  319. >She narrows her eyes, trying to parse whether he's being honest or just trying too get her to drop the subject in hopes that she would give up by then.
  321. >Seemingly finding what she's looking for, she smiles and nods.
  322. >"Four years, huh? I give it three, but sure, we'll do things your way for now."
  323. >Just then, Sunset turns her head to the kitchen entrance expectantly.
  324. Anon looks over, seeing only empty air, and asks, "What are you looking at?"
  325. >"Nothing, it's just I kind of figured I'd look over and see Wallflower staring at us in shock, or maybe gagging because of the kiss."
  326. "But she sleeps in on the weekend. Why would she be awake at six in the morning?"
  327. >Sunset shrugs as she steps back.
  328. >"Don't know. Just seemed like the moment was primed for it."
  329. >She shakes her head and smiles back at him, hands going behind her back as she rocks on her heels.
  330. >"I knew I could get you to agree to give us a chance."
  331. "In four years," Anon reminds, getting her to grin.
  332. >"Right four, probably three years. I Still count that as a win."
  333. >Anon can't help but smirk and shake his head, hand on his hips.
  334. >This girl is like the polar opposite of his daughter in some ways.
  335. >So sure of herself and what she wants.
  336. >It also unsettles him a bit, as he's always had a thing for strong-willed woman.
  337. As if you compensate for the thought, he smooths his expression and reiterates, "Four years. Then we'll see."
  338. >"Yes we will," she says with a challenging glint in her eyes.
  339. >She would end up being wrong with her estimate, with Anon giving into the willful girl's advances in only two years.
  340. >Something she'd remind him about constantly after their first night together.
  341. >The love of his life can be a real pain, sometimes, no matter how cute and sexy she can be.
  343. >Three years later, Sunset is back for Spring Break, dicing vegetables at the kitchen counter while Anon braises beef on the stove top, preparing it for the slow cooker that they would be making Wallflower's favorite stew in.
  344. >Sunset arrived before the other girl, the two going to separate colleges and making separate trips, so she of course offered to help her boyfriend make dinner while they waited.
  345. >Wallflower had gone to a public college to get her basic credits before transferring to a private college later to save some money.
  346. >Sunset, on the other hand, managed to get into a fairly prestigious university with a full ride due to her grades and extra curricular activities in the form of her band and being in the gardening club with Wallflower.
  347. >It probably didn't hurt that she was internet famous as a magical girl, alongside her dorm mate, Twilight.
  348. >Even with going to different schools, though, Sunset and Wallflower were in near constant contact, and Sunset was very up to date with the going-ons of the girl's life.
  349. >All except for one detail which Wallflower has been strangely secretive about, and which she and Anon both are eagerly anticipating discovering the truth of as soon as the girl arrives.
  350. >Just who is Wallflower's girlfriend, who Anon has already agreed to allow stay with them for the duration of Spring Break if only so that he can finally meet her.
  352. >He's pulled from his musings when he hears a car pull up and the motor cut off, but he's too preoccupied with dumping the meat in the slow cooker to go over to the window.
  353. >the front door open and closes, and the familiar voice of his daughter calls out, "Dad! I'm home!"
  354. "We're in the kitchen, sweetie!" he shouts back. "Sunset's already here and helping be make dinner!"
  355. >"Great! That means I can introduce you both to my girlfriend! Come on, Shimmy! This is gonna be great!"
  356. >"You're way too into this, you know that? Like, I still find it hard to believe myself..."
  357. >"Hey, after what these two have put me through, I deserve this."
  358. >"It makes it sound like you're only dating me because you want to mess with your dad, though."
  359. >"Oh hush, you know that isn't true. That's just a bonus."
  360. >Anon half listens to the conversation as he dries his hands and Sunset dumps the vegetables into the slow cooker before moving to stand beside him.
  361. >Her brow is furrowed as she tries to place the strangely familiar voice, but quickly switches her expression to friendly when Wallflower comes around the corner, one hand still out of sight.
  362. >"Wally! I'm so happy to see you! You're father and I have been waiting all day!" she says as she brings Anon into a side hug.
  363. >Her smile grows wider as Wallflower frowns at the pair.
  364. >Even though she's come to terms with the two of them dating, Sunset still takes joy in teasing the other girl about it.
  365. >Unlike how she usually responds, however, Wallflower quickly smiles again and says, "I'm sure you were, but I bet you weren't as excited as I've been to introduce you both to my super awesome, smart, talented, and cute girlfriend! Come on, Shimmy, say hi to my Dad and Sunset!"
  366. >The girl steps out, and Sunset's smile freezes as her body goes rigid against Anon's.
  367. >For his part, Anon blinks a few times, and manages to say, "Oh... Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you?"
  368. >The girl doesn't look at him, her slightly widened, very familiar teal eyes on Sunset instead as she brushes a red and yellow bang behind her ear.
  369. >Her hair is only shoulder length, and her skin a little darker, presumably from being out in the sun more than the ever-studios Sunset.
  370. >She's wearing a warn-leather jacket, torn jeans, and fingerless riding gloves also, as opposed to a purple blouse and orange skirt.
  371. >She looks Sunset up and down, then finally says, "Damn, she really is me. I kinda still thought you were pulling my leg, babe."
  372. >"Nope, that's Sunset Shimmer, my best friend dating my dad who loves to tease me constantly over it."
  373. >"That is pretty messed up."
  374. >"I know, right?"
  375. >"I can't blame her, though. I mean, dang, I can see where you got those sexy-ass legs and ass from."
  376. >"Excuse me?"
  377. >"What? Your dad's got cake."
  378. >"Shimmy!"
  379. >"Hey, don't worry, I still like yours more! Like, seriously, what was that other me thinking, going after him when you were right in front of her?"
  380. >"You always give the nicest weird compliments, you know?"
  381. >"Just being honest."
  383. >"Anon, am I really seeing this right?" Sunset asks in a stage whisper. "Is Wallflower really dating this world's version of me?"
  384. "Looks like it," he says tiredly, growing numb to the strangeness that is his life.
  385. >"Huh... Well, I guess my good taste in romantic partners at least transcends universes. That has to count for something, right?"
  386. "Whatever you need to tell yourself," Anon responds.
  387. >Wallflower suddenly stops nuzzling her girlfriend's neck as the pair whisper cutely into each other's ears, instead sniffing the air.
  388. >"Wait, is that stew I smell?" she asks, eagerness entering her voice.
  389. >Anon nods.
  390. "Yep. I figured I'd make your favorite for your first night home," he says, getting the girl to cheer and throw herself into him for a hug, which he returns tightly.
  391. >"You're the best, Dad!" she says, her arms around his neck.
  392. "I have to be if I want to deserve the best daughter."
  393. >Shimmer moves closer to stand next to Sunset as they watch the pair, both with warm smiles.
  394. >"Ain't that cute," Shimmer says, hands in her pocket. "I'm glad Wallflower has such a loving parent."
  395. >"Yeah," Sunset agrees. "Are you an orphan, too, by the way? I've always been curious about that when I thought about this world's version of me. Figured I could ask to find out who my parents are if you aren't."
  396. >"Sorry, foster home gal until I was eighteen."
  397. >"Darn. Well, at least you've found Wallflower. Now you can be part of our family."
  398. >"Yeah? And if you marry the big guy over there, will that make you my mother-in-law? 'Cause that'd be pretty weird, not gonna lie."
  399. >"Only if you plan on marrying Wallflower, which it sounds like you might be," Sunset teases, causing her other self to blush and look away, earning a giggle from the mentally older girl.
  400. >She really is cute, isn't she?
  401. >How did Anon hold out for two years against that face?
  402. >Speaking of the man, he's placing his daughter down, so Sunset asks, "Hey, do you think we can have four cheese macaroni for tomorrow's dinner? I have a feeling this one here will love it."
  403. >Anon looks between the two girls and chuckles.
  404. "Sure. Who am I to deny the girls in my life their favorite foods?"
  405. >"That's right," Wallflower says cheekily. "We've been eating nothing but cafeteria food for months, so you better be ready to pull out all the stops. Especially after I've told Shimmy how great of a cook you are."
  406. "I certainly wouldn't want to make you sound like a liar. How about it? Any requests?"
  407. >The question is directed at the shorter-haired Sunset, who rubs the back of her head as a blush covers her nose.
  408. >"I don't want to intrude, or whatever, but if you're offering, can we have cherry pie for dessert one of these days? I love cherry pie."
  409. >Anon nods in agreement, and a tentative smile pulls at the girl's lips.
  410. >Anon's life, and even his family, it seems, is definitely odd, but he doesn't think he'd want to change it for anything.
  412. And done.
  413. A short cute green that I hoped you all enjoyed.

Sir Anon and Celestia: The First Crusade

by MemeMasterAssBlaster

Anon and Wallflower in the trenches (INCOMPLETE)

by MemeMasterAssBlaster

Anon goes to war (UNFINISHED)

by MemeMasterAssBlaster

CMC, Caped Crusaders of Ponyville

by MemeMasterAssBlaster


by MemeMasterAssBlaster