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The Night
By SharingIsCaringCreated: 2022-08-02 00:40:25
Updated: 2022-10-15 00:46:21
Expiry: Never
>You look at the Clock
>Dammit it's 4:02 am again
>You sweared last night that you're gonna go to bed earlier today
>But nighttime is just so peaceful, you can't let those quite hours waste away sleeping
>Regardless, you decide to call it a night and go to bed
>You shut down your Computer, brush your teeth, and take a look out the window into the night sky
>The cloudless sky is absolutely magnificent, again
>Stars twinkle in the distance, the Moon shines bright and lights up the wheat fields behind your house
>You love this view, and it's not the first time that you fall in Trance and just keep staring into the Distance
"Thank you Luna", you whisper quietly.
>You know she's not real, but the thought that she's out there somewhere, doing all of this, comforts you
>Sometimes you realise how stupid this is, but who cares, right?
>But tonight was different, those fields never looked so bright at this time, even on a full moon
>And the way the Stars twinkled, was almost surreal
>The Orion Constellation, blinking from top to bottom, in regular time intervals
>As if they are pointing somewhere
>You look back at your desk, focusing on the half finished Joint from earlier
"Maybe that one was one too much, if I start believing the Stars are somehow trying to communicate to me", you think to yourself
>But it wasn't your first Joint, and you never saw something like this
>Your view goes back to the clock
>Well this has to be a sign
>You take a final peek outside, moon still shining, stars still blinking
>You get up, grab the Joint and a lighter, and go outside
>It's surprisingly warm, but thanks to the light wind not uncomfortable in any way
>The air is crisp and refreshing
>Paired with the clear Sky it's just... Beautiful
>You look around until you find the Orion constellation again
>There it is, still blinking regularly, "pointing" into the fields
>You like walking alongside them anyway, so you light up your unfinished business from earlier and get going
>Immediately your head feels lighter, and the sky...
>You stop for a moment, gazing at the Stars
>Apart from the periodically blinking Stars, it looks like they're dancing with each other
>You chuckle as you catch yourself thinking about it being Luna's work again
>Continuing your walk you see a faint purple glow over the fields, right under Orions Belt
"What in the...?"
>The moon still lights up the area pretty well, but you'd be lying if you said that you weren't at least a bit scared
>But your curiosity is piqued, and you walk towards that mysterious glow.
>It seems to be "breathing", getting stronger and weaker over time, sometimes vanishing for a moment before reappearing right afterwards
>Once you're close to the source, you get slower, trying to observe what's causing it
>You can't quite make out what it is exactly because the wheats are covering it, but something appears to be laying on the ground, and somehow emitting this purple glow
>Now, a bit more scared, you carefully walk towards it, trying to make as little noise as possible
>You quickly look up, the Orion constellation stopped blinking, and has now joined the dance of the other twinkling stars
>Has it fulfilled it's mission?
>Just one or two more steps and you would solve the mystery
"T- This can't be real.."
>You stare in disbelief
>A small purple pony, laying in the fields, a purple glow coming from it's horn, and wings laying flat on the ground
"Twilight...?" you whisper
>Just as you said that the purple light immediately gets stronger, and her ear twitches, but her eyes stay closed
>You don't know what to do, of course you knew Twilight from My Little Pony, you loved that show, [spoiler] and especially her [/spoiler] but is this really happening now?
>Is this really Twilight in front of you?
>And how should you handle the situation right now? Should you wake her up? How did she even get here? Is she injured?
>Thinking about that last part sends a shiver down your spine
>You can't just stay there and do nothing
"Hey, are you alright?" You say in a quite, comforting voice, awaiting her reaction
>Her ear twitches again, but her glowing horn doesn't react in any way
>Before you can say something else her eyes slowly open
>She looks scared at first, almost shocked, but after looking at you for a few seconds she calms down rather quickly
"I- It worked?" you hear her say
>You don't know if you can believe anything anymore, she can talk?
"What worked?" you ask back
"My Portal spell, it worked!" she celebrates
>You take a moment to process all that
>A real life Alicorn, laying in a wheat field behind your House
>Shown to you by the Stars
>And she can talk and says something about portal spells?
>No this can't be real
>But there she is, right in front of you
>Still celebrating her success by dancing around in a circle
>Man she looks adorkable right now
>But you're kinda thrown off by how she's not scared of you at all, you're at least 3 times bigger than her, and judging by how surprised she is that her spell worked, she could've never seen a human before
"When you say It worked, do you mean you intended to come here?"
>She stops dancing and looks at you
"Well, umm.. y- yes?"
>Thanks to the bright moon you can see her cheeks getting a bit red
>That just makes you even more confused
"But why, how?"
"That's um.. kind of a long story to be honest"
>Seeing how this answer doesn't satisfy you, she goes on
"Well, it was Cadence's idea at first, one day she invited me into the Crystal Empire to "talk about something". That something turned out to be..." she cut off and looked at the ground
"Turned out to be what?" you ask her
>She looks up again, you can see a small tear rolling down her cheek
"Turned out to be how alone I am-"
"What?! I thought you had so many friends in Equestria?"
"Yes exactly, friends.. but I never found my special Somepony" she answered
"Every Heart's and Hoofs day I see all my friends and everypony else with their loved ones, and every time I'm all alone.." now she almost starts crying
>It breaks your heart to hear how alone she was, that apparently nopony was interested in her, and how sad that made her
>You always knew her as the introverted egg head, but you always assumed she was happy to be alone with all her books
>If only you could let her know how much you loved her, but you couldn't just say that, how weird would that be to say to someone you just met and didn't know really existed until now
"So Cadence invited me to talk about it, and to show me something." She continued
"She said that she knows how miserable I am, even tho I never show it, how could a Princess be miserable anyway, but she said that she also knew that there was someone out there, who really loves me, from the bottom of his heart, even though I never met him."
>You suddenly feel butterflies in your stomach
>Is she talking about you?
>Twilight looks at the ground
"But there was one problem, this special someone came from another dimension, and until now, nopony invented a portal spell into another dimension. So it would be up to me to find out how to do it." She's still looking at the ground, cheeks red, and kicking dirt around with her hoof
"It took me a while to open up a portal, and at first I could only see through it. That gave me time to observe y-" She quickly looks at you but quickly recovers her view to the ground, "observe this special someone. Only after many tries and alterations of the spell, it seems I've finally got it working"
>Oh god, she's really talking about you
"Twilight, are you hinting at..." She looks up to you, eyes full of hope and reflecting stars
>Come on Anon, she couldn't be more obvious
>Fuck it
>You lean towards her, stretch out your arm and caress her cheek with your hand
>She presses against your hand, a deep smile appearing on her beautiful face
"Seems like you finally found your special someone" you say
"I think I did", she answers, coming closer to you and nuzzling your nose
>You give her a quick kiss, after wich you lay on the ground, holding her in your arms
>As a shooting star appears in the night sky, you wish that this moment will never come to an end.
by SharingIsCaring
by SharingIsCaring