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Lunas Dream

By SharingIsCaring
Created: 2022-10-04 01:06:11
Updated: 2022-10-15 00:45:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're sitting in a grass field
  2. >The surroundings are quite calming and peaceful
  3. >It's night, but not as dark as you're used to
  4. >The bright Moon illuminates the area quite well
  5. >The flowers that reflect the Moonlight add some nice color to the green grass around you
  6. >There are a few Hills and some Mountains, far in the distance
  7. >Despite the bright Moon, the stars are still very Visible, shooting Stars appear quite often
  8. >It's just.. beautiful
  9. >You take a deep breath and lay down, gazing into the Sky
  10. >Strangely you can't see the Constellations, wich gave you a suspicion, but you decided to not give too much thought into it
  11. >You close your eyes and take another deep breath, taking in the fresh nightly air
  12. >"Are thou enjoying the scenery?"
  13. >You open your eyes and see a Tall dark blue Pony standing right beside you
  14. "Luna, I didn't notice you, Yes, I enjoy it quite well, thank you"
  15. >This confirmed your suspicion that you were in a Dream
  16. >It wasn't that uncommon for you to dream of Ponies, or being in Equestria in general, although most of the Time you dreamt about a special Pony
  17. >A very special Pony to you
  18. >Twilight Sparkle
  19. >You fell in Love with her quite a while ago, and since then your dreams would more and more often take place in this Magical land, mostly being with her
  20. >Sometimes you would just sit together in her Library and read books together
  21. >Other times you would go on great Adventures, but no matter what you did, you always enjoyed her presence
  22. >"We are very pleased that you like it, care to join us on a walk?"
  23. >Wondering where this Dream would take you, you agreed
  24. >You got up and followed her, walking through the fields
  25. >The two of you walked for a few minutes without a word being spoken
  26. >Just as you were about to say something, she stopped for a moment and looked at the Moon
  27. >"Anon, we have to ask you something, now, it's important to us that you answer honestly"
  28. "What is it Luna?" you asked
  29. >"We've noticed that you dream about this place quite often" she began
  30. >"At first it was nothing unusual, Humans seem to dream of this place from time to time"
  31. >"But you were different, somehow" she continued
  32. >"You come here frequently, wich doesn't happen that much with others"
  33. >"But there was one other thing we've noticed as we watched you"
  34. >she what now
  35. >"It has come to our attention that you seem to have developed feelings for one of our Princesses"
  36. >Your blood froze and your heart dropped into your stomach
  37. "wha.. I mean.. how did you..." was all you could get out
  38. >"Anon, are these feelings genuine, or did we misinterpret you?" she asked
  39. >You took some time to process what she just said
  40. >You realised that your dreams were likely real, that you somehow really entered this dimension when you were asleep
  41. >That Luna watched your dreams
  42. >Wich would mean, she saw all the times you were with Twilight
  43. >All the times you said the words "I Love You" to Twilight
  44. >As you just stood there, thinking about all that, Luna turned to you
  45. >"hm?" she asked again
  46. "I... I think so."
  47. "I mean, I like her, a lot, but I never knew.."
  48. "I never thought of this as more than just a dream"
  49. >"But if you knew all of this was real, that Twilight was real and just like you know her from your dreams, would you still feel the same way about her?"
  50. >Again, you took a few moments to organise your thoughts
  51. "Yes. Yes I would. I Love her so much. She's the reason I want to better myself, She's the reason I try new things and got into reading again. She's what makes me feel better when I'm down. She's the light of my world, and the Love of my life."
  52. >A tear rolled down your cheek as you let these feeling flow through you and saying them out loud, for the first time ever, a few tears followed.
  53. >Luna put a hoof on your shoulder
  54. >"Anon, we are thankful for your honesty"
  55. >You wiped the tears from your eyes
  56. >"You see, Twilight Sparkle is a very fragile Pony" Luna explained
  57. >"She has her friends and they make her happy, but she's still very lonely"
  58. >"She got rejected often and after a while stopped trying completely"
  59. >"Since then my Sister and I were concerned for her, so, after we noticed your feelings for her, we shared your dreams"
  60. >That last part confused you
  61. "What do you mean by sharing our dreams?"
  62. >Luna thought for a few seconds on how to word it correctly
  63. >"It means, You and Twilight were in the same dream, so even though it was "just a dream", the Twilight in your dream was the real Twilight, and the same thing goes for you in her dreams
  64. >You understood now, but one thing still didn't really make sense to you
  65. "But how could she dream of me, does she even know what I am?"
  66. >Luna explained further
  67. >"No she doesn't, or at least she didn't"
  68. >"My sister and I knew it would be risky to put such a strange and unknown creature in her dream"
  69. >As she realised what she just said she quickly apologised
  70. >"I.. I'm so sorry for putting it that way, please forgive us, but it's true, to us you are quite strange.."
  71. >You chuckled
  72. "It's okay Luna, I know what you mean" you said
  73. >"Anyways, we knew it would be risky, but you are the first being to have such strong feelings for her, so we wanted to test how you would both react meeting each other" she continued
  74. >"Try to recall the first few dreams you had of her"
  75. >You tried to remember your first dream after falling in love with her, but it was quite difficult given the way dreams and memory work together
  76. [spoiler] jimmy neutron brain.jpg [/spoiler]
  77. >Suddenly you remembered it, your first encounter with Twilight
  79. >You just woke up in the middle of nowhere
  80. >As you looked around you saw Twilight, standing in the distance
  81. >Her horn was glowing and was holding up some sort of a shield to protect her
  82. >from you?
  83. >"Who are you!? What are you?!" she shouted
  84. >She didn't let you explain tho, as soon as you stood up and tried to tell her you had no idea how you got here, a bright flash emerged from her horn and everything turned black for you
  85. >Then you woke up
  87. >You turn to Luna
  88. "She zapped me out of the dream" you said
  89. >"Exactly, she needed time to get used to you. It took around a week until you had your first real conversation with her"
  90. [spoiler] flashback harp.mp3 [/spoiler]
  92. >You were sitting on a couch, holding a book
  93. >"What are you reading?" the cute voice of the lavender book horse asked you
  94. "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone." you answered
  95. >"That's great, I love her books!" she squeeked
  96. >"Did I tell you this was the same book that I got Rainbow Dash, that made her like reading again?"
  97. "No, I didn't know that, but it's the first time reading in a long time for me too."
  98. >Twilight looked shocked at you
  99. >"You mean, you don't read at least 2 books a day? That's ridiculous, every expert recommends that!"
  100. "As far as I remember that goes for brushing your teeth, not reading books" you jokingly said back to her
  101. "Who are those experts, anyway?"
  102. >"Um, well, Me and.."
  103. "And..?"
  104. >"Just me, but I'm such a good Expert in this matter that I count for 2!" she said proudly
  105. "Well if your Majesty insists, I will try to read more books", you answered, bowing in front of her
  106. >She rolled her eyes at you, and her horn began to glow
  107. >A few books, covered in a magenta aura, were pulled out of the shelf and landed on the table right in front of you
  108. >""Your Majesty" insists that you finish those books by next week, and I will know if you read them all, there will be a Test." she stated with a smile
  109. "Then I better get started right away" you said, grabbing the first one from the pile
  111. >The Memory fades and you're with Luna again
  112. "But why?"
  113. "Why are you sharing our Dreams, and why are you telling me about it?"
  114. >"We want you to be happy" she answered
  115. >"Well, mostly Twilight, but since you're the key to her happiness we care about you too"
  116. "Wait, so does that mean..."
  117. "You saw all of our dreams, right?
  118. >"That is correct" she confirmed
  119. "And every conversation I had was with the real Twilight?
  120. >She nodded
  121. "So, when I told her that I Love Her, and she said it back.."
  122. [spoiler] flashback harp_2.wav [/spoiler]
  124. >You and Twilight were out camping
  125. >She wanted to take you on an adventure, but after you told her you don't have much experiences with big adventures and the dangers that come with them, she suggested to start with a simple hike, to wich you agreed
  126. >After an exhausting hike, well exhausting for you at least, you arrived at a beautiful place
  127. >You could see Ponyville from above from the Mountain you climbed up
  128. >Twilight started putting up the tent, while you gathered some wood for a small campfire
  129. >With her magic Twilight started the fire and you both sat down next to each other
  130. "Thank you Twilight, for bringing me up here." you said after a while
  131. >"No need to thank me, Anon, I'm glad you like it."
  132. >You saw her blushing
  133. >"This is probably my favourite place, I come here from time to time, when all the Princess duties get too much for me."
  134. "It's a lovely place, but I'm also thankful for all the other things you did for me."
  135. "I never had such a great friend, and you really showed me what friendship could mean."
  136. >Her cheeks just kept getting more red
  137. "You also got me into reading again, I wouldn't have done it without you."
  138. >A smile appeared on her face
  139. >"I'm glad I could help you with that, but I'm also grateful for you."
  140. >"I never had someone who showed that much interest in my hobbies... or me.."
  141. >"It's great sharing those things with somepony, and I'm glad it's you."
  142. >She leaned onto you and you put an arm around her, stroking her wings, to wich she let out a small moan
  143. "Twilight.. I.. I Love You.."
  144. >She looked up to you with her big sparkling eyes, fell into a hug and..
  145. >"I Love You too, Anon."
  146. >You stayed in that hug for a while, continuing to caress her wings.
  148. >"Twilight was telling the truth" Luna said
  149. >"That's the reason we brought you here, we knew that all of Twilights interactions with you were genuine, but we needed to confirm that the same goes for you."
  150. >With that she extended her wings and disappeared into the night sky
  151. >At the same time you heard hoof steps from behind you coming closer
  152. >Before you could turn around this special Pony hugged you from behind
  153. >You took a deep breath and smelled...
  154. >Lavender.

The Night

by SharingIsCaring

Lunas Dream

by SharingIsCaring